6160 Page 1 of 6 FOREST SERVICE MANUAL NORTHERN REGION (REGION 1) MISSOULA, MT FSM 6100 – PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 6160 – ATTENDANCE AND LEAVE Supplement No.: 6100-2003-1 Effective Date: March 21, 2003 Duration: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. Approved: KATHLEEN A. MCALLISTER FOR BRADLEY E. POWELL Regional Forester Date Approved: 03/12/2003 Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by title and calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last supplement to this title was 6100-91-1 to chapter 70. New Document 6100-2002-2 6 Pages Superseded Document(s) by Issuance Number and Effective Date R1 Supp 321 (03/01/90) 1 Page Digest: 6160.4 – This is a technical supplement that converts the format and style of the Region 1 supplement to this Forest Service Manual (FSM) chapter to the new FSM template using the agency’s current corporate word processing software. Some minor typographical errors have been corrected. 6161 – Establishes R-1 direction on children and infants in the workplace. R1 SUPPLEMENT 6100-2003-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 3/21/2003 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 6160 Page 2 of 6 FSM 6100 – PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 6160 – ATTENDANCE AND LEAVE 6160.4 - Responsibility 6160.41 - Regional Foresters, Station Directors, and Area Director 1. Regional Office. The Regional Forester will determine the Alternate Work Schedules available to Regional Office employees. 2. National Forests. Forest Supervisors will determine the Alternate Work Schedules available to their respective employees. 6161 - ADMINISTERING WORK SCHEDULES. 1. Children In The Workplace. Children of employees are allowed in office or other workplace on an infrequent or temporary basis provided: a. It does not interfere with Forest Service business. b. The child's safety, health, and security is assured. The following alternatives are also available when consistent with job assignments and performance requirements: a. Flexible work schedules used to the maximum extent possible. b. Part-time tours and job sharing. c. Work-at-home. Conditions, including tour of duty and proposed duration, must be in writing and agreed to by the supervisor and Staff Director or Forest Supervisor. Older children may be in the workplace in emergencies such as cancellation of regular child care or school, until other arrangements can be made. 2. Infants in the Workplace. Employee must submit a written request for authorization to bring an infant to work. Exhibit 01 is a sample request to be completed by the employee with supervisor input. The request should include proposed conditions and must be submitted to first-line supervisor for review and concurrence. Regional Office Staff Director or Forest Supervisor must approve the request. Authority to approve requests may be delegated to District Rangers. All employees must be given equal consideration. Approving official must return approved authorization or written denial with specific reasons for denying to employee within ten workdays after submission. R1 SUPPLEMENT 6100-2003-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 3/21/2003 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 6160 Page 3 of 6 FSM 6100 – PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 6160 – ATTENDANCE AND LEAVE Employee and supervisor should review authorization 2 weeks after beginning date of authorization and twice more during course of agreement. Co-workers impacted by the infant being in workplace should also have an opportunity to comment. Authorization may be terminated if problems cannot be resolved. Approving official must terminate authorization. Employee may appeal to the next higher level. Give employee a minimum 1-week notice of the termination unless the problem is so severe that immediate action is necessary. Send a copy of each authorization approved in the RO to Human Rights and Services Staff. Forests should maintain a central authorization file. Minimum requirements for request are: a. Duration of Authorization. b. Description of Physical Setting. Where the child will be cared for; location for nursing, when applicable; what equipment will be brought into the workplace for the child by the employee; what arrangements will be made or special equipment furnished by the Forest Service (IBM hookup, phone or desk arrangements, and so forth). c. Safety. Complete an analysis of the employee's job, work area, and equipment using Job Hazard Analysis Form FS-6700-7, and take action to eliminate identified hazards. The analysis must consider air quality, toxins in the area, emergency evacuation plans, disposal of human waste, and so forth. The employee's unit must purchase a container for diapers that meets requirements for disposal of human waste. d. Doctor's statement. A statement from the child's doctor identifying any special needs and how they must be accommodated, or that no special needs exist. e. Nonassumption of Liability Clause. The Forest Service does not assume liability for accidental injury of children in the workplace. The employee must take full and complete responsibility for the health, safety, and security of the child. Employee waives all claims to Forest Service liability. Employee is fully responsible for damage and destruction to Forest Service property from a child at the worksite. f. Disruption. Describe plans for minimizing disruption of co-workers. Employee must take action to avoid disturbing other employees in work area (such as closing office door, temporarily moving to another work space, or leaving workplace). Employee must use appropriate leave or credit time if it becomes necessary for the employee to leave the workplace before completing scheduled tour of duty. Discourage other employees from visiting the infant during work hours in order to minimize disruptions to the parent as well as to nearby co-workers. g. Recording Time. Employee and supervisor are accountable for accuracy of time and attendance reporting. Employee must exclude from time reported as work any time over 5 minutes spent attending to child. R1 SUPPLEMENT 6100-2003-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 3/21/2003 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 6160 Page 4 of 6 FSM 6100 – PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 6160 – ATTENDANCE AND LEAVE h. Transportation. Employee must use personal vehicle when required for official duties if transporting child and be reimbursed at the allowable rate. Supervisor must preapprove each trip. (FSH 6509.33, ch. 301, reg. 301-2.(3) Use of Gov Vehicles.) i. Additional Concerns, if applicable. j. Termination Clause. R1 SUPPLEMENT 6100-2003-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 3/21/2003 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 6160 Page 5 of 6 FSM 6100 – PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 6160 – ATTENDANCE AND LEAVE 6161 - Exhibit 01 Infant in the Workplace Authorization Request This is a request to bring (name of child) to work at (location). The purpose of this request is to establish conditions that will create an environment that allows an infant to be with a parent, facilitates the parent's accomplishment of performance elements and minimizes disruption of the work place. All co-workers will be informed of this authorization and asked to convey any concerns that may arise to (immediate supervisor). In case of office disruption or co-worker conflict due to childcare activities, other arrangements may be necessary, as agreed to by all parties. 1. Duration of Authorization This authorization remains in effect for the period ________________ through _____________. This authorization will be reviewed after the first 2 weeks and at least twice thereafter. Employee is responsible for having alternate day care in place when the authorization ends. 2. Description of Physical Setting/Location of Care 3. Safety 4. Nonassumption of Liability 5. Office Disruptions or Coworker Conflicts 6. Recording of Time While Engaged in Child Care Activities 7. Transportation 8. Additional Items of Concern 9. Termination Clause Employee has the right to terminate this arrangement at any time. Management has the right to terminate the authorization if employee performance becomes unacceptable or if personnel R1 SUPPLEMENT 6100-2003-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 3/21/2003 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 6160 Page 6 of 6 FSM 6100 – PERSONNEL MANAGEMENT CHAPTER 6160 – ATTENDANCE AND LEAVE managemental needs are not being met (for example, complaints and/or disruptions to coworkers). Employee will be given a minimum of 1-week notice if management terminates this authorization unless the problem is so severe that immediate action must be taken. The decision to terminate will be made by the approving Director or Line Officer, with appeal rights to the next higher organizational level. _______________________________________ Requesting Employee ___________________________ Date Request Approved ______________ Request Denied ________________ (see attached reasons) _______________________________________ Supervisor ___________________________ Date _______________________________________ Director or Line Officer ___________________________ Date