R-1 SUPPLEMENT 6100-90-1
EFFECTIVE 10/24/90
6103 - POLICY. Following are the Personnel Management delegations to Staff Directors and
Forest Supervisors. The Deputy Regional Forester is delegated full Regional authority as Acting
Regional Forester. The Regional Personnel Officer is delegated full Regional authorities.
1. Skills must be maintained and used. If out of position or out of delegation use for a
substantial period, employee will have detail to RO Personnel Management for updating
and trial performance under Personnel Management Group Leaders. The length of the
detail can vary from a few days to several weeks depending on the skills of the employee.
2. Those presently in Personnel Management positions with delegations will have their
work evaluated through audits, program evaluations, and workflow. Where weaknesses
are noted, suggestions form the Regional Personnel Office will be made for improvement.
3. The authorities delegated to a Unit will be maintained with commensurate skills at the
delegated level or withdrawn.
4. For all RIF and disciplinary actions taken under Forest authority, excluding letters of
caution or admonishment, a complete case file well be furnished to the Regional Office for
review and post audit when the action is effected.
5. During brief absences of the Employment officer, the Administrative Officer is
delegated authority to sign routine employment actions.
6104.1 - Line Officers. Personnel management authorities, responsibilities,and guides are
delegated to Deputy Regional Forester, and Forest Supervisors in the following manner:
These delegations of authority are to Units that have professional personnel staff in
grades GS-9 and above. Professional personnel management staff does not refer to the
Administrative Officer. Review basic FSM 6104.1, Exhibit 1, when using these delegations.
Delegations involving employment, classification, labor-management relations,and
discipline must be requested by the appropriate line officer, be in writing, and receive prior
approval of the Regional Personnel Officer. (See exhibits 2, 3, and 5 for employment,
classification, discipline, and labor-management relations).
Standards to determine qualifications and provide skills for those desiring delegated
personnel authorities follow:
The following developmental experiences are needed for those employees not previously
delegated authorities:
1. Limited Employment Authority - (Use exhibit 2)
a. Be in a GS-9 or higher position.
b. Have a minimum of 6 months of documented experience--covering all areas of
specialized staffing work as outlined in Office of Personnel Management (OPM) Handbook
c. Have knowledge and understanding of employment laws, rules, and regulations
d. Have a depth of understanding and breadth of perspective
regarding practical management problems.
e. Have completed OPM's "Basic Staffing and Placement" course.
In addition, those candidates who come from outside Region 1 at or near the operational level
will complete a detail (generally 3-5 days) in the Regional Office (RO) to orient them to Region
1 policies and procedures and assure understanding of appropriate rules and regulations prior to
assuming delegated employment authority. If deficiencies are noted, they must be corrected
before authority will be delegated.
Personnel Management trainees at the National Forest (NF) level who have not had an
assignment in RO Personnel Management will be expected to have several training details in RO
Personnel Management as a part of their ongoing training program as a prerequisite to delegated
employment authority.
The Forest Supervisor must certify that the candidate meets the criteria by completing the
appropriate form (use exhibit 2) for limited or temporary employment authority and submitting it
to the Regional Personnel Officer for approval before authority may be delegated.
Before Forest Supervisors may delegate temporary employment authority to SO personnel at
grades below GS-9, those individuals must have the following knowledge, skills, and abilities:
1. Knowledge of employment authority--what it is, what it means, what the individual's
specific responsibilities are and what the consequences are if the authority is improperly used.
2. Knowledge of the equal opportunity program and the individual's specific equal
employment opportunity responsibilities; e.g., knowledge of Forest and District goals, target
recruitment, etc.
3. General knowledge of the rules and regulations pertaining to the competitive service.
4. Knowledge of and ability to use appropriate employment manuals and handbooks; e.g.,
MODE Manual, Temporary Employment Handbook, etc.
5. Knowledge of the temporary employment program, specifically:
a. Knowledge of the differences between the Excepted and the Competitive
Limited Services and the ability to determine (1) when they should be used and (2) the
appropriate rules and regulations to follow when using them: i.e., recruitment procedures,
qualification determination, rating process, certificate preparation, selection procedures, etc.
b. Knowledge of noncompetitive rehire eligibility
c. Knowledge of and ability to properly use the Student Summer Employment
d. Knowledge of OPM'S Summer Employment Examination process.
e. Knowledge of and ability to properly complete applicable appointment
f. Ability to properly determine highest previous rate, service computation dates,
and earned leave.
g. Ability to make appropriate suitability determinations.
h. Ability to properly terminate employees.
i. Knowledge of Official Personnel Folder filing procedures.
j. Ability to properly keep and dispose of records.
The Forest Supervisor must certify that through demonstrated performance, the candidate is
prepared to exercise employment authority in those areas indicated above. The certification will
be forwarded to the Regional Personnel Officer and must include supporting documentation;
e.g., review of candidate's experience and training, detail supervisor recommendation, and
summary of activities and accomplishments. The certification and request to delegate authority
will be in letter form and will include an approval block for the Regional Personnel Officer. (Use
exhibit 2)
Labor Management Relations Authority (Exhibit 4)
Labor Management Relations Authority (LMR) is delegated to formally represent the Forest in
discussion, consultation, negotiation, etc., with employee organizations.
Delegations involving LMR must be requested by the appropriate line officer, be in writing, and
receive prior approval of the Regional Personnel Officer. (See Exhibit 4)
The following basis for qualification must be met:
(1) Must be in a GS-9 or higher position.
(2) Attend a course or courses which provide orientation to LMR and knowledge of
negotiation techniques.
(3) Have observed or participated in at least one Federal negotiation session.
(4) Detail with the RO LMR specialist.
Delegations of adverse actions authority will vary among Forests because of differences in
workload, experience, and training. All Forests will continue to have authority to administer
letters of reprimand through GS-13 and all wage grade and full disciplinary authority for
temporaries, term and probationary employees, GS-13 and below plus all wage grade.
Delegations of major adverse action authority will be considered where there is a record of
continuing case work that justifies the expense of maintenance of skills. This delegation will
also include action as the Agency Representative during third party hearings before MSPB and
Both major and minor authority must be requested using the form listed in Exhibit 5.
Discussion with the Regional ER/LMR Group Leader is expected for each case prior to
decision in order to provide for penalty consistence.
Following is criteria for applying for disciplinary authority.
(1) Must be a GS-9 or higher.
(2) Must have employment authority.
(3) Must have attended the basic OPM adverse action course or equivalent.
(4) Must have a minimum of 1 year of documented personnel experience in
working adverse action cases and handling grievances.
Classification Authority
Classification Delegation of Authority is delegated to Units that have professional personnel staff
in grade positions in GS-9 or above.
Delegations involving classification must be requested by the appropriate line officer, be in
writing, and receive prior approval of the Regional Personnel Officer. (See Exhibit 3)
The following criteria must be met by personnel desiring delegated authority:
(1) Basic OPM Classification training.
(2) Have a detail to RO Classification for training experience.