2400, Zero Code Page 1 of 5 FOREST SERVICE MANUAL BEDFORD, IN FSM 2400 – TIMBER MANAGEMENT CHAPTER ZERO CODE Supplement No.: R9 Hoosier 2400-2001-2 Effective Date: June 19, 2001 Duration: Effective until superseded or removed Approved: KENNETH G. DAY Forest Supervisor Date Approved: 06/19/01 Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by Title and calendar year. Post by document name. Remove entire document and replace with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page of this document. New Document(s): R9 Hoosier 2400-2001-2 5 Pages Superseded Document(s): 2400-1999-1 5 Pages (Last supplement was R9 Hoosier 2400-2001-1.) Digest: Insert digest information here Updates designation of authority for permitting timber use. HOF SUPPLEMENT 2400-2001-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: 06/19/01 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 2400, Zero Code Page 2 of 5 FSM 2400 – TIMBER MANAGEMENT CHAPTER ZERO CODE 2404.12 - Designation of Authority for Permitting Timber Use: Contracting Officers for timber use as provided for in the Contract Disputes Act of 1978 for the Hoosier National Forest are: 1. Forest Supervisor, Hoosier NF 2. Rex Mann, Daniel Boone NF 1/ 3. Lanier Payne, Alternate CO, Daniel Boone NF All timber sales that exceed the authorization of District Rangers will be signed by one of these individuals as Contracting Officer. They are delegated full timber use authority. They have Contracting Officer responsibilities, as outlined in FSH 2409.15, Ch 04.1, and are the only individuals that may sign documents as Contracting Officer. Responsibilities for contract actions for sales sold by the Forest Supervisor's office remain with the Forest Supervisor. District Rangers are delegated authority to permit timber use as shown in Hoosier Supplement 2400-2001-2, Page 5 of 5. They will sign all sale contracts, permits, and other contract documents, such as modification, as District Ranger. District Ranger responsibilities for contracts sold under their authority include: 1. Determination of the highest qualified bidder. 2. Determination of financial responsibility of new timber purchasers. Financial ability of operators who have previously completed sales should be determined if there is any reason to question their ability to complete the contract. 3. Advertisement and award of the contract in accordance with 36 CFR 223. 4. Designation of the sale adminstrator. 5. Decision on requests to cut and remove minor amounts of species or products not included in the contract. 6. Approval of third party agreements. 1/ Will function as the principle Contracting Officer for the Hoosier National Forest. HOF SUPPLEMENT 2400-2001-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: 06/19/01 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 2400, Zero Code Page 3 of 5 FSM 2400 – TIMBER MANAGEMENT CHAPTER ZERO CODE 7. Decision on contract term extensions, adjustments, modifications, and closure when requested by the purchaser for those contracts sold under District Ranger authority. 8. Transfer of purchaser credit. District Rangers are designated as Forest Service Representatives (F.S.R.). The F.S.R. is responsible under the contract to give and receive notice regarding performance, to take action, and to be readily available to the sale area. Under the Contracting Officer, this person heads up the District team which administers the contract, and has the additional responsibility of describing the authority and limitations of the sale administrator and advising the purchaser in writing of this action. The F.S.R. has authority to accept work and to delegate this authority in writing. When required, the C.O. appoints the Engineering Representative (ER), who may appoint a Construction Inspector (CI). The ER is responsible for obtaining contract compliance in engineering matters, including documentation of changes relating to specified roads. Specific responsibilities of the ER and CI are defined in their letters of delegation from the CO and ER, respectively. An Assigned Engineer, when required, is appointed by the C.O. to participate in the final acceptance inspection for specified road construction. (FSM 2451.61 and FSM 7721.33) District Staff, if delegated the authority, will sign timber sale contracts, permits, and related correspondence "For" the District Ranger. They will not be signed by an "Acting" unless the individual has received delegated sale authority for that size sale and has been designated "Acting" under R9-FSM 1238. Contracts that exceed the delegated responsibility of an Acting District Ranger must be signed by a Contracting Officer. A timber sale contract file will be maintained at the Daniel Boone NF S.O. for each timber sale. Timber sale documents will be submitted to the S.O. according to the following schedule: HOF SUPPLEMENT 2400-2001-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: 06/19/01 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 2400, Zero Code Page 4 of 5 FSM 2400 – TIMBER MANAGEMENT CHAPTER ZERO CODE A. At advertisement: Bid packet including- Advertising order with copy of advertisement (provide proof copy from newspaper as soon as available so that prompt payment may be processed) Prospectus Sale Area Map ADP Volume Summary Volume Summary Computation Sheet Transaction Evidence Appraisal Worksheets B. Within three (3) work days after bid opening: Copies of all bid forms (FS 2400-14) Appraisal Summary (2400-17) KV Plan Copy of Timber Sale Contract (with exception of page 1) Copy of Award Letter (or name and address of successful bidder if turnback road) C. As soon as available: Conformed copy of Page 1 of Contract SF-25 Performance Bond, Letter of Credit, or Check for Cash Bond R-9 2400-15 to report sell D. As appropriate: Payment Unit Release/Cut/Acceptance R-9 2400-15 to report cut HOF SUPPLEMENT 2400-2001-2 EFFECTIVE DATE: 06/19/01 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 2400, Zero Code Page 5 of 5 FSM 2400 – TIMBER MANAGEMENT CHAPTER ZERO CODE Non-routine correspondence such as contract extensions, modifications, suspensions, developing problems, or changes in operating schedules. SCHEDULE SHOWING DELEGATED AUTHORITY FOR PERMITTING TIMBER USE Type of Sale Misc. Commercial Forest Sales Products Authority 36CFR 223.1 Volume/ Value Jim Denoncour Bob Aynes Steve Harriss Norm Herzog Jim Hutchison Tom Krueger Randy Lutz Cid Morgan Ron Overshiner Betty Rennie Maggie Schuetter Tom Thake $10,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 $5,000 223.1 $ Value 500 50 50 50 50 500 50 500 50 50 50 500 Admin. Use 223.2 Volume MBF 20 Free Use 223.8 Other Branches of Federal Gov’t. Free Use 223.11 $ Value 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 Volume MBF 20 The sale of seized material (36 CFR 223.3) requires specific authorization from the Regional Forester.