2150.45-2151.1 Page 1 of 2 FOREST SERVICE MANUAL JUNEAU, ALASKA TITLE 2100 - ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT R-10 Supplement No. 2100-91-1 Effective December 23, 1991 POSTING NOTICE. Supplements to this title are numbered consecutively. Check the last transmittal received for this title to see that the above supplement number is in sequence. If not, order intervening supplements at once on form FS-1100-6. Do not post this supplement until the missing one(s) is received and posted. After posting retain this transmittal until the next supplement to this title is receied. Place it at the front of the title. Page Code Superseded New (Number of Sheets) 2150.45-2151.1 0 2 Digest: 2150.45 - Revised to specify the designation of the pesticide specialist on athe forest and district levels. 2151.04 - Redelegates responsibility of specific pesticide uses to Forest Supervisors. 2151.1 - Revised to specify responsibility of pesticide-use specialist. /s/Michael A. Barton MICHAEL A. BARTON Regional Forester R-10 SUPPLEMENT 2100-91-1 EFFECTIVE 12/23/91 2150.45-2151.1 Page 2 of 2 TITLE 2100 - ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT 2150.45 - Forest Supervisors and District Rangers. The Forest Supervisor shall designate the Forest's Silviculturist (or the individual responsible for implementing the Forest's silviculture program) as the Forest's Pesticide Specialist. District Rangers shall designate the District's Silviculturist (or individual responsible for implementing the District's silviculture program) as the District's Pesticide Specialist. The designated pesticide specialist's position shall include the specialist's pesticide-use management and coordination responsibilities. 2151.04 - Responsibility 2151.04a - Regional Foresters, Forest Supervisors, and District Rangers. Forest Supervisors that have a Forest Pesticide Specialist trained and certified under either the U.S. Department of Agriculture or State of Alaska, Department of Environmental Conservation, Certification Plan have the redelegated authority to review and approve pesticide users. This delegation covers all uses except those listed in FSM 2151.04a. The specialist's certification in specific planned use categories may limit the Forest Supervisor's authority. The District level shall comply to the same constraints if authority is redelegated. 2151.1 - Documentation of Approval. The Pesticide-use Specialist at the Forest and District levels shall review all Pesticide-use Proposal forms (FS 2100-2). The FS-2100-2 must have two signatures. The District's designated Pesticide Specialist shall sign (initial) first; the Forest's certified Pesticide Specialist shall sign second. The Forest's Pesticide Specialist must sign and date in the approved block. These certifications must occur before the responsible official signs the NEPA decision for the total project. EXCEPTION: If the District Pesticide Specialist has written delegation as approving official, only one signature is required. Review shall ensure the following: 1. Completeness of FS-2100-2 as required on reverse of form. 2. Correct pesticide label uses and rates. 3. Safety precautions to be taken. 4. Training of applicators. 5. Monitoring of use.