TITLE 1900 - PLANNING R-1 SUPPLEMENT 9 EFFECTIVE 01/15/91 CHAPTER 1930 - PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT AND BUDGETING 1930.44 - Regional Forester, Station Director and the Area Director Programs. Regional policy is to provide centralized program management for recreation and trail capital investment (CI) projects estimated to cost in excess of $5,000 and for those Watchable Wildlife projects that require associated road, trail or recreation CI funding. The Regional Forester shall reserve and allocate funds for these projects to Forests based on Forest and Regional priority, and availability of funds. Recreation and trail projects less than $5,000 shall be combined with other similar small projects into project packages of $5,000 or more, or can be programmed and budgeted from Forest funds. The overall objective of the CI program is to accomplish those projects recommended by Forest Supervisors that enable the Region to effectively and efficiently accomplish Regional goals and Forest Plan objectives. 1. 2. Regional Recreation CI Program Objectives are: a. Reconstruct and modernize facilities to meet safety, sanitation and accessibility standards, and to meet projected recreation visitor needs for enjoyment of the National Forests. b. Mitigate unacceptable resource damage. c. Expand existing recreation developments to meet increased demand. d. Construct new recreation developments to meet visitor needs consistent with management objectives. Regional Trail CI Program Objectives are: a. Reconstruct and relocate trails to: (1) Eliminate hazards to users. (2) Mitigate unacceptable resource damage. (3) Re-establish unusable trails needed to accomplish management objectives. 3. b. Acquire right-of-way for access to National Forest System lands. c. Construct new trails to meet visitor needs consistent with management objectives. d. Construct or reconstruct trails for convenience of users. Regional Watchable Wildlife CI Program Objectives are: a. Provide access to identified watchable wildlife sites by: (1) Constructing or reconstructing trails, roads and parking areas to meet site management objectives, and R-1 SUPPLEMENT 9 EFFECTIVE 01/15/91 (2) To the extent possible, facilitate access for those with physical limitations. b. Expand existing recreation developments to meet increased demand for wildlife viewing opportunities. c. Increase coordination of watchable wildlife projects with recreation. 4. Program Development and Coordination. Forest Supervisors shall identify CI projects needed to meet Regional Objectives and implement Forest Plans following the process in R-1's "Our Approach to Forest Plan Implementation." Note projects suitable for "Challenge Cost-Share" partnership funding and follow the same analysis process as for all other projects. Insure coordination of project proposals with other affected administrative units or agencies. 5. Project Submission to CI Program. Forest Supervisors shall maintain a Recreation, Trails and Watchable Wildlife Capital Investment Project Checklist (see FSH 1901.13 R-1 Supp. No. 16, Exhibit 1) for all CI projects and submit projects to the Regional Forester for funding. Concurrent with the annual update of Forest program and budget information, Forest Supervisors shall update CI computer data files for projects already in the system, indicating projects that are proposed for funding the current year, and adding new projects proposed for the next five years. Forest Supervisors shall insure that projects to be funded from more than one CI program are fully coordinated to insure appropriate timing of all phases. 6. Priority Analysis and Ranking. The Directors of Recreation, Wilderness and Lands (RnWL) and Wildlife and Fish (W/F) shall coordinate an annual review of project proposals with other Regional Office Directors. Based on the review and following guidelines in this section and related FSH sections, the Directors of RnWL and W/F shall prepare prioritized lists of projects recommended for: (1) funding in the current year for each program by Regional priority, and (2) funding for project preparation (preconstruction engineering, survey and design) for outyear projects, for approval by the Regional Forester and integration into out-year program proposals by the Director of PP&B. 7. Project Funding. The Regional Forester shall advise Forest Supervisors in the final budget advice of the funding status of projects for the current fiscal year, provide funds for preparation of out-year projects and indicate the tentative ranking of Recreation projects for construction funding the next 2 fiscal years and of Trail and Watchable Wildlife projects for the next year. When a force account project is approved for funding, construction funds are allocated in the final advice. When a contract project is approved, funds are authorized but held in the RO pending award of the contract. Supervisors shall insure that amounts requested for project construction include program management, construction engineering and contract administration costs during the year(s) of construction. R-1 SUPPLEMENT 9 EFFECTIVE 01/15/91 8. Project Monitoring, Evaluation and Maintenance. Forest Supervisors shall develop monitoring, evaluation and maintenance plans for projects and insure that monitoring requirements are met. (See "Our Approach to Forest Plan Implementation.") R-1 SUPPLEMENT 9 EFFECTIVE 01/15/91