FSM 1830-2013-1 Page 1 of 5 FOREST SERVICE MANUAL TONGASS NATIONAL FOREST (REGION 10) KETCHIKAN, ALASKA FSM 1800 – SENIOR, YOUTH AND VOLUNTEER PROGRAMS CHAPTER 1830 – VOLUNTEER PROGRAM Supplement No.: R-10 TNF 1830-2013-1 Effective Date: August 27, 2013 Duration: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. Approved: FORREST COLE Forest Supervisor Date Approved: 08/27/2013 Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by title and calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. New Document 1830-2013-1 4 Pages Superseded Document(s) by Issuance Number and Effective Date 1830-2010-1, 04/15/2010 4 Pages Digest: These changes have been made in order to comply with WO amendment 1800-2011-2, dated 2/8/2011. 1830.43 - Changes the form used for volunteer agreements from FS 1800-7 (individual) and 1800-8 (sponsored) to OF-301a Volunteer Services Agreement for Natural Resource Agencies. International volunteers must be approved and processed by WO International Programs before being authorized to volunteer in the United States. 1831 - Removes last sentence (“The Volunteer Program is not intended to supersede the employment of seasonal employees or to take the place of the Government's other hiring process”.) from the paragraph with the intent being to follow national direction already established. R-10 TNF SUPPLEMENT 1830-2013-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 08/27/2013 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. Page 2 of 5 FSM 1800 – SENIOR, YOUTH AND VOLUNTEER PROGRAMS CHAPTER 1830 – VOLUNTEERS PROGRAM 1833.1- Defines “place of residence” as “home” and adds reference to the IRS definition of “home”. States volunteer's actual place of residence, incidental expenses, and termination date for review or expiration date be defined on the Volunteer Agreement and a statement about termination of the Volunteer Agreement be included. Changes the word “paid” to “reimbursed” and “payments” to “reimbursements”. Changes “volunteer service” to “volunteer expenses incurred”. Removes reference to Travel Authorization. Clarifies when and with what documentation Forest policy may be deviated from. 1833.1b & c - Refers to the Volunteer Agreement as form OF-301a and changes the word “work” to “volunteer service”. 1833.ld - Changes the word “work” to “performs duties for.” 1833.5 - Differentiates between commuting and official mileage reimbursement rates. Removes specific field subsistence/per diem rate and replaces with a reference to rate location in the FSH. Changes information regarding “Local” volunteers because they are no longer eligible for a meal reimbursement if they can return to their residence at night. Changes “the work site” to “their duty station”. 1834.1 - Moves direction that the termination statement is to be included in Volunteer Agreements to section 1833.1. 1830.4 - Responsibility 1830.43 - Regional Foresters, Station Directors, and Area Directors Staff Officers, District and Monument Rangers (or their designated Acting) are delegated authority to negotiate and sign Volunteer Services Agreement for Natural Resource Agencies, OF-30la, except where Forest Service family members, Forest Service employees, or international volunteers serve as volunteers. Only the Forest Supervisor or Deputy Forest Supervisor may approve Volunteer Agreements involving immediate Forest Service family members, Forest Service employees, or international volunteers. (International volunteers must also be approved and processed by WO International Programs.) 1831 - RECRUITMENT It is the policy of the Tongass National Forest (Tongass) to recruit volunteers from the local population. Recruitment of non-local volunteers is only authorized after the supply of qualified local candidates has been exhausted. The recruitment of non-local volunteers, at agency cost, should occur only when the skill brought by the non-local volunteers clearly justifies the cost of transportation. R-10 TNF SUPPLEMENT 1830-2013-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 08/27/2013 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. Page 3 of 5 FSM 1800 – SENIOR, YOUTH AND VOLUNTEER PROGRAMS CHAPTER 1830 – VOLUNTEERS PROGRAM 1832 - ENROLLMENT 1832.12- Federal Employee and Family Member Volunteers The participation of a Federal employee in a volunteer activity may not preclude the participation of a qualified applicant from the general public. It is policy of the Tongass to allow the recruitment of family members as volunteers when there are not better qualified candidates from the public. The use of Forest Service family members and relatives as volunteers must clearly be advantageous to the Government, and further, there must be no preferential treatment. The recommending official shall document the recruitment undertaken and the rationale for selection of a family member. This documentation must accompany or be included in the Volunteer Agreement, when it is transmitted to the Forest Supervisor or Deputy Forest Supervisor for approval. The decision of whether a local family member or a local Federal employee is recruited over a non-local volunteer will be the responsibility of the Forest Supervisor or Deputy Forest Supervisor. 1833- AGREEMENTS 1833.1 -Volunteer Agreements The volunteer's actual place of residence (home) needs to be identified on the Volunteer Agreement (OF-301a), as do the incidental expenses the agreement will cover, and the termination date for review or expiration date of the agreement. See FSM 1830, section 1833.5 for the IRS definition of “home”. Volunteer Agreements will also contain the following statement: “The Forest Service can terminate the Volunteer Agreement for failure to comply with camp working/living and safety rules and will not provide return transportation in that case”. Transportation from the non-local volunteer's place of residence to the appropriate destination on the Tongass, and the volunteer's return travel to place of residence upon completion of the Volunteer Agreement, may be reimbursed by the Government if the following criteria are met. a. Local recruiting, including recruiting of local Forest Service family members and employees, must have been attempted without results. This is due to consideration of non-local transportation costs as stated under Section 1831 - Recruitment. b. A Volunteer Agreement is fully executed, with signatures from both the volunteer and the approving official. Reimbursements are not to be made for any volunteer expense incurred or travel that begins prior to both parties executing the Agreement. c. Transportation arrangements are formally documented on the Volunteer Agreement. R-10 TNF SUPPLEMENT 1830-2013-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 08/27/2013 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. Page 4 of 5 FSM 1800 – SENIOR, YOUTH AND VOLUNTEER PROGRAMS CHAPTER 1830 – VOLUNTEERS PROGRAM d. The volunteer agrees to perform duties for a minimum of 60 days for the Government. Deviations from this Forest policy may only be made with documented approval of the approving official. e. Return travel for nonlocal volunteers must occur within 7 days of completion of the Volunteer Agreement or the return ticket will be forfeited. Deviations from this Forest policy may only be made with documented approval of the approving official. 1833.5 - Incidental Expenses The Forest Service will provide government housing for all volunteers except those who maintain a residence at their duty station. All volunteers can receive reimbursement for out-of-pocket commuting costs, though commuting and official mileage are reimbursed at different rates per FSM 1833.5. Food and lodging are provided for volunteers while in government subsistence field locations, in lieu of any reimbursement for meals and incidentals. When not in subsistence field locations, non-local volunteers may receive reimbursement for meals and incidental expenses up to the Forest's established field subsistence/field per diem rate per FSH 6509.33. Local volunteers or those performing duties within commuting distance of their residence (25 miles or less) are no longer eligible for a meal reimbursement if they can return to their residence at night. Per diem paid for non-local volunteer travel to the Tongass is to be reimbursed under the provisions of the Federal Travel Regulations, the same as for regular Forest Service employees, unless a reduced per diem rate has been negotiated in advance of travel. Once at their duty station, any travel by the local or non-local volunteer will require the preparation of an individual Travel Authorization through the current Forest Service travel system. All volunteers who are in travel status may be reimbursed the prevailing per diem rates through the Forest Service travel system. To claim reimbursement for incidental expenses such as local commuting costs, official mileage, meals for non-local volunteers, etc., Form FS-6500-229 (Request for Reimbursement) will be submitted by each volunteer to the appropriate supervisor for authorizing signature and processed per the instructions at the Miscellaneous Payments Section of the Albuquerque Service Center website: http://fsweb.asc.fs.fed.us/bfm/programs/financialoperations/payments/miscellaneous/. Claims for reimbursement will be submitted at biweekly or monthly intervals during the applicable fiscal year. R-10 TNF SUPPLEMENT 1830-2013-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 08/27/2013 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. Page 5 of 5 FSM 1800 – SENIOR, YOUTH AND VOLUNTEER PROGRAMS CHAPTER 1830 – VOLUNTEERS PROGRAM 1834 - PERFORMANCE AND SUPERVISION 1834.1 - Performance The Government may provide return transportation, at any time, for volunteers who’s Agreement has been terminated for the convenience of the Government. The Forest Service can terminate the Volunteer Agreement for failure to comply with camp working/living and safety rules and will not provide return transportation in that case. Safety rules are outlined in the Health and Safety Code Handbook, FSH 6709.11, Chapter 20, section 22.33 - 22.33d, and Chapter 30, section 39.2- 39.22a. Only the Forest Service official who signed the original Agreement has the authority to terminate the Agreement.