1830 Page 1 of 5 FOREST SERVICE MANUAL NORTHERN REGION (REGION 1) MISSOULA, MT FSM 1800 – HUMAN RESOURCE PROGRAM CHAPTER 1830 – VOLUNTEERS PROGRAM Supplement No.: 1800-2003-1 Effective Date: February 28, 2003 Duration: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. Approved: LYNN ROBERTS FOR BRADLEY E. POWELL Regional Forester Date Approved: 02/21/2003 Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by title and calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last supplement to this title was R-1 Supplement 10 to FSM 1830. New Document 1800-2003-1 5 Pages Superseded Document(s) by Issuance Number and Effective Date Supplement 10 (12/83) 3 Pages Digest: Converts the format and style of the Region 1 Supplement to this Forest Service Manual (FSM) title to the new FSM template using the agency’s current corporate word processing software. Minor typographical and technical errors are corrected. 1830.43 - Corrects code from 1830.42 to 1830.43. Adds delegation to Deputy Regional Foresters to recruit volunteer applicants, negotiate and approve agreements. 1832.2 – Corrects code from 1830.3 to 1830.2 1832.3 – Corrects staff name from Personnel Management to Human Resources. R1 SUPPLEMENT 1800-2003-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/28/2003 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 1830 Page 2 of 5 FSM 1800 – HUMAN RESOURCE PROGRAM CHAPTER 1830 – VOLUNTEERS PROGRAM 1832 - ENROLLMENT 1832.12 - Volunteers from Foreign Countries Foreign volunteers should be advised and it should be noted on the Form FS-1800-7, Agreement for Individual Voluntary Services, that Workmen's Compensation claims are decided by the government on a case-by-case basis and the fact that a volunteer is not a U.S. citizen may result in his/her claim being denied. 1832.3 - Sponsored Volunteers The Touch America Project (TAP) is an example of a sponsored special program to include the underrepresented youth population in the volunteer program. To qualify as a TAP project, a project must: 1. utilize volunteers aged 14-17 years old, 2. be sponsored by an entity outside of the Forest Service, 3. involve the private sector as a supplier of resources (example: volunteers, funds, recruitment, transportation, subsistence, lodging, supervision), 4. be performed on National Forest lands or facilities. Aside from these special requirements, TAP projects are handled in the same manner as any other volunteer project. Brochures, decals, pins and other identifying items unique to TAP are available on request from RO-Human Resources/Human Resource Programs. 1833.1 - Volunteer Agreements Additional information pertinent to the Agreement form FS-1800-7 must be provided either on the Agreement Form or on attached sheets. For example, include (1) information on materials or supplies to be furnished by the Forest Service; (2) if, how, and/or where lodging will be provided; (3) if the volunteer will need a uniform; (4) required travel under Federal Travel Regulations; (5) equipment that the volunteer will furnish to perform the job; (6) identification of what costs will be reimbursed and by what method; (7) property items checked out to the volunteer such as Government Drivers License; and (8) other pertinent information. If a volunteer furnishes equipment needed to perform the job (such as a camera), this must be noted on the Agreement. This allows possible compensation through the claims precedure if the R1 SUPPLEMENT 1800-2003-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/28/2003 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 1830 Page 3 of 5 FSM 1800 – HUMAN RESOURCE PROGRAM CHAPTER 1830 – VOLUNTEERS PROGRAM equipment is lost or destroyed on the job. The Act of January 31, 1981, (16 U.S.C. 502) authorizes compensation in case of loss (see FSM 6573.) To allow for compensation or reimbursement under an Agreement for Sponsored Services, Form FS-1800-8, individual volunteers must be identified by name. When group members change from project to project under the same agreement, names should be updated. A volunteer project must be terminated at its conclusion by signing the "Termination of Agreement" statement of form FS-1800-7 and 8. 1833.11 - Description of Volunteer Duties Volunteers who meet firefighting qualifications (see FSH 5109.16) may be converted to casual firefighters by either of the following: 1. Termination of current Volunteer Agreement and sign Form FS-6500-59, Fire Time Report, or Optional Form 288, Emergency Firefighter Time Report, as a casual firefighter. At the conclusion of firefighting duties, the volunteer may sign a new Volunteer Agreement Form. 2. Inclusion of a statement on the Volunteer Agreement form that the volunteer may be used as a casual Firefighter and that during those periods the provisions of the Volunteer Agreement do not apply. When using this method, the Volunteer Agreement form does not need termination if the volunteer is signed up on a Fire Time Report. 1833.4 - Uniforms, Costumes, Identification Volunteer vests are property items and must be returned by volunteers when their tour of duty is over. Volunteers have the option of wearing the volunteer patch on civilian clothes. However, the patch must not be worn in a degrading or derogatory manner. 1833.5 - Incidental Expenses The intent of the Volunteers in the National Forest Act is to reimburse volunteers for the added out-of-pocket costs incurred as a result of performing volunteer service, not to provide a profit and/or stipend to the volunteer. Reimbursement of these expenses is not required. If a Forest Service official determines it is not reasonable and/or economically feasible for a volunteer to return home on off-work days, the volunteer may be reimbursed for expenses incurred for lodging and subsistence at his/her official station during those days. This should be documented in the Agreement for Individual Voluntary Services, Form FS-1800-7. R1 SUPPLEMENT 1800-2003-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/28/2003 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 1830 Page 4 of 5 FSM 1800 – HUMAN RESOURCE PROGRAM CHAPTER 1830 – VOLUNTEERS PROGRAM Locally incurred volunteer expenses may be reimbursed within the following guidelines. Administrative judgment and availability of supporting funds in the benefiting function will determine reimburse amounts. 1. Reimbursement of actual costs incurred for the use of local common carrier transportation, subject to the "prudent traveler" concept. 2. Reimbursement at the current rate for authorized mileage of a privately owned auto plus actual costs of toll and parking fees. 3. Reimbursement of actual meal costs incurred while performing Forest Service work not to exceed a daily maximum of $18.00. 4. Reimbursement of actual and necessary miscellaneous expenses enumerated in FSH 6509.33, Agriculture Travel Regulations, Departmental Manual, Part 1:1-1.3n, (5)(b), incurred in performing Forest Service work, but not to exceed a daily maximum rate of $5.00. 5. Reimbursement for lodging, and if justifiable, provisions for quarters. Reimbursement for lodging near a volunteer's regular residence should be very rare. If the person's main reason for being in the lodging is to perform the volunteer service, then it may be reimbursed. Total reimbursement for lodging, meals, and miscellaneous expenses may not exceed the amount paid a traveler to the area under applicable per diem or actual subsistence rates. A fixed rate method may be used in lieu of the actual expense method - see FSH 6509.33, 11.3n(6). The above locally incurred expenses apply only when a volunteer is not in travel status away from the official station. Process locally incurred expenses on Form SF-1164, Claim for Reimbursement for Expenditures on Official Business, approved by the volunteer's supervisor. Imprest Fund, limited to $250, or a certified Form Ad-757, Miscellanous Payment System, can make payment requests. SF-1164 becomes the Imprest Fund subvoucher necessary to backup the cashier's expenditures. A special Travel Authorization, form AD-202, is required for all volunteers in travel status. Forest Supervisors are delegated authority to issue special travel authorization. Form AD-616, Travel Voucher, is used to claim reimbursement under Federal Travel Regulations. Volunteers may not be given cash awards. R1 SUPPLEMENT 1800-2003-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/28/2003 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 1830 Page 5 of 5 FSM 1800 – HUMAN RESOURCE PROGRAM CHAPTER 1830 – VOLUNTEERS PROGRAM Volunteers can be utilized on Job Corps Centers only after a Center submits a letter of intent and obtains approval of such from the Regional Office of the Department of Labor. 1830.43 – Regional Foresters, Station Directors and Area Director The Regional Forester hereby redelegates authority to Forest Supervisors and Regional Staff Directors to recruit volunteer applicants, negotiate agreements with individuals or cooperating agencies, approve such agreements as will properly carry out the intent of the Volunteer Act, and expend available funds. Such authority may be redelegated to District Rangers.