1630 Page 1 of 5 FOREST SERVICE MANUAL NORTHERN REGION (REGION 1) MISSOULA, MT FSM 1600 – INFORMATION SERVICES CHAPTER 1630 – PUBLISHING AND RELATED ACTIVITIES Supplement No.: 1600-2002-1 Effective Date: November 18, 2002 Duration: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. Approved: LYNN ROBERTS FOR BRADLEY E. POWELL Regional Forester Date Approved: 11/12/2002 Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by Title and calendar year. Post by document; remove entire document and replace it with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last supplement to this title was 1600-96-1 to FSM 1670. New Document(s): 1630 5 Pages Superseded Document(s) by Issuance Number and Effective Date 1600-90-1 (10/31/90) 4 Pages Digest: 1630 - Converts the format and style of Region 1 direction to this Forest Service Title (FSM) to the new FSM template using the agency’s current corporate word processing software. Some minor typographical and technical errors have been corrected. 1630.41b – Establishes Region 1 Publications Control Committee responsibilities on an asneeded basis. 1630.42a – Corrects section code from “1630.42” to “1640.42a” and corrects caption from “Regional Foresters, Station Directors, and Area Directors” to “Regional Foresters, Station R1 SUPPLEMENT 1600-2002-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 11/18/2002 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 1630 Page 2 of 5 FSM 1600 – INFORMATION SERVICES CHAPTER 1630 – PUBLISHING AND RELATED ACTIVITES Directors, Area Director and Institute Director” to match parent text. Updates staff name from “Public Affairs” to “Public and Governmental Relations.” 1631.11 - Updates staff name from “Public Affairs” to “Public and Governmental Relations.” Assigns responsibility for printing, binding, and distribution of Region 1 publications. Updates exhibits 01 and 02. R1 SUPPLEMENT 1600-2002-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 11/18/2002 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 1630 Page 3 of 5 FSM 1600 – INFORMATION SERVICES CHAPTER 1630 – PUBLISHING AND RELATED ACTIVITES 1630.42 – Field Units 1630.42a – Regional Foresters, Station Directors, Area Director, and Institute Director 1. The Staff Director, Regional Office Public and Governmental Relations Staff (PGR), is designated as the Publications Control Officer (PCO). 1631.11 – Documents Subject to Formal Publications Review This directive applies to all publications as defined in FSM 1630, and current Government Printing and Binding Regulations as published by the Joint Committee on Printing, Congress of the United States. A Forest or Regional Office Staff Group determines the need for a new publication, revision, or reprint. The proponent of a publication should prepare and submit form R1-FS-1600-6 (R-1 Publication Proposal) to the RO PGR staff for processing, enclosing any pertinent or clarifying information, such as corrected copy in the case of reprints (ex. 01). Artwork, negatives and related materials required for printing by the Government Printing Office (GP) and/or subsequent reprinting will be filed and stored by the originating office or Forest. Form R1-FS-1640-2, Graphic Service Requests, should be used for requesting graphic services from the PGR Staff (ex. 02). 1633.04 – Responsibility 1. The Regional Printing Specialist (RPS), Regional Office PGR Staff, shall coordinate printing and binding for Region 1 to GPO or other sources authorized by the Department or the Joint Committee on Printing. The RPS will advise units and individuals of regulations, laws, and policies regarding printing and photocopying. 3. The originating unit shall coordinate distribution of publications and administrative documents for the Region. The originating unit shall ensure compliance with laws, regulations and policies covering printing and photocopying based on advice from the RPS. R1 SUPPLEMENT 1600-2002-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 11/18/2002 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 1630 Page 4 of 5 FSM 1600 – INFORMATION SERVICES CHAPTER 1630 – PUBLISHING AND RELATED ACTIVITES 1630.42a – Exhibit 01 USDA Forest Service Proposed title: R1-FS-1600-6 (6/91) R-1 PUBLICATION PROPOSAL Hiking-Horse/Pack Saddle - Big Creek Trail System Originating unit: Authors: IPNF - St. Maries RD NA Objective of proposed publication: Gives trail users trail system information and area history, facts and trailuse hints. Need for proposed publication: Provide correct trail use information for hikers and users. Summary of content: 2-sided - System map with difficulty chart and individual trail usage chart. Publication will be: New Cover: Self Separate Paper stock: 20 lb. yellow Revision Casebound Text: Ink color (s): Reprint Other (specify) Cover: Black T ex t: Justification for special requests (cover/paper/ink): 1,000 Total number of copies needed: 3/97 Proposed publication date: Pete Greenup Submitting official: Forest Supervisor/Director Black Cover: Cost estimate: $25.00 1/27/97 Date Publications Committee comments and recommendations: Approved; Publication #R1-97-39 Woodsy Owl Date: 2/3/97 Regional Publications Officer Approving Officer: Smokey Bear for Regional Forester Date: 2/3/97 R1 SUPPLEMENT 1600-2002-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 11/18/2002 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 1630 Page 5 of 5 FSM 1600 – INFORMATION SERVICES CHAPTER 1630 – PUBLISHING AND RELATED ACTIVITES 1630.42a – Exhibit 02 USDA Forest Service R1-FS-1640-2 (2/90) Revised GRAPHIC SERVICES REQUEST PUBLIC AND GOVERNMENTAL RELATIONS NORTHERN REGION Joe Smith Requested by: Powell RD, Clearwater NF 9/1/90 Date Requested: Date Due: Unit or Forest: 10/1/90 Description of work needed: Brochure for Cross-Country Ski Areas (fill this section out as to type of project needed, that is displays, overheads, layout, original, artwork, and so on.) Note: All publications should have a form FS-1600-6 PUBLICATIONS PROPOSAL form approved by the Public Affairs Office. Special work or contents: Photo(s) 12 ea. 35 mm slides (provided – to be printed in publication) Illustration(s) Map(s) 2 illustrations (to be done by PGR) 1 area map Use of Color(s) Full color Other special requirements: Brochure will be 4” x 9” – 4 panels Please submit 2 copies of this form to: Approved by: Forest Supervisor or Staff Director Public and Governmental Relations Audio-Visual Information Group Ext 3097 or 3091 Date: