1580 Page 1 of 3 FOREST SERVICE MANUAL BOISE, IDAHO FSM 1500 - EXTERNAL RELATIONS CHAPTER 80 - GRANTS, COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS AND OTHER AGREEMENTS Supplement No.: r4_boise_1500-99-1 Effective Date: February 8, 1999 Duration: Effective until superseded or removed Approved: DAVID D. RITTENHOUSE Date Approved: 02/08/1999 Forest Supervisor Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by Manual number and calendar year. Post by document name. Remove entire document and replace with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page of this document. New Document(s): 1580 3 Pages Superseded Document(s): None Digest: 1580.42 Outlines responsibilities of Grants and Agreements Coordinators and Grants and Agreements Project Managers to administer grant and agreement instruments. 1580.5 Defines Grants and Agreements Coordinator and Grants and Agreements Project Manager positions. BOISE NF SUPPLEMENT 1500-1999-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/08/1999 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 1580 Page 2 of 3 FSM 1500 - EXTERNAL RELATIONS CHAPTER 80 - GRANTS, COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS, AND OTHER AGREEMENTS 1580.42 - Responsibility and Internal Controls. 2. The Forest Grants and Agreements Coordinator shall ensure that a Grants and Agreements Project Manager is designated in writing for each instrument upon signature. Designation as a Grants and Agreements Project Manager is an operations assignment that has no effect on responsibilities and relationships to supervisors in such matters as hours of work, use of vehicles and equipment, clerical assistance, and so forth. Under the Grants and Agreements Coordinator, the Grants and Agreements Project Manager administers the instrument within authority and limitations specified in the instrument. The Grants and Agreements Project Manager shall: a. Furnish the Grants and Agreements Coordinator a draft copy of the proposal for review, advice, and approval before signature by Forest Supervisor. b. Ensure Grants and Agreements Coordinator receives original signed instrument and that fiscal receives a copy for obligation or collection purposes. c. Furnish copies of pre- and postaward correspondence to Grants and Agreements Coordinator for inclusion in official file. d. Initiate and coordinate written modifications with Grants and Agreements Coordinator before incurrence of additional costs or expiration date of instrument or any other legitimate changes. Grants and Agreements Coordinator shall approve all modifications before signature by Forest Supervisor. Work with Grants and Agreements Coordinator to ensure fiscal receives a copy when a change in funding occurs. e. Prepare and submit all required financial and progress reports to cooperators with copies to Grants and Agreements Coordinator. Ensure required cooperator’s reports are received. f. Ensure financial and/or operating plans are revised, reviewed, and approved by Grants and Agreements Coordinator, and signed by line officer prior to start date. g. In accordance with FSM 1580.42, item 5, approve payments in collaboration with Grants and Agreements Coordinator. Invoices submitted to the Grants and Agreements Coordinator must include the following information: (1) Tax Indentification Number or Social Security Number of cooperator requesting payment. (2) Management code with proper fiscal year identifier and budget object code. BOISE NF SUPPLEMENT 1500-1999-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/08/1999 DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed 1580 Page 3 of 3 FSM 1500 - EXTERNAL RELATIONS CHAPTER 80 - GRANTS, COOPERATIVE AGREEMENTS, AND OTHER AGREEMENTS (3) Grants and Agreements Project Manager’s complete signature and date confirming work is completed. h. Review the instrument annually, or in accordance with the instrument. This includes periodic review of transaction registers for concurrence with fiscal’s balance. Advise the Grants and Agreements Coordinator of any problems. i. Within 90 days following the expiration of an instrument, review all terms and conditions to ensure that: (1) All aspects of the instrument have been adhered to. (2) All monies have been expended or deobligated. (3) There are no pending claims. (4) Property has been disposed of properly. (5) All required reports have been received or submitted to cooperators. (6) The instrument is closed by the Grants and Agreements Coordinator. 1580.5 - Definitions Grants and Agreements Coordinator. Employee responsible for reviewing and approving grants, cooperative agreements, and other agreements before signature by Forest Supervisor. Assigns identification number, administers the instruments, approves payments, and maintains official file for instruments. Grants and Agreements Project Manager. Employee responsible for initiating project proposal, administering the project, and ensuring work is accomplished in accordance with the terms of the instruments. Works with the Grants and Agreements Coordinator to close out instruments when they expire.