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Supplement No.: 1500-2002-1
Effective Date: October 1, 2002
Duration: Effective until superseded or removed
/s/ John M. McGee
Approved: JOHN M. MCGEE
Date Approved: 09-05-2002
Forest Supervisor
Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by Title and calendar year.
Post by document name. Remove entire document and replace with this supplement. Retain this
transmittal as the first page of this document.
New Document(s):
12 Pages
Superseded Document(s):
2 Pages
(Last supplement was 1500-93-1 to
Chapter 80.)
Outlines objectives for establishing a Forest review, coordination, and
approval process regarding cooperative agreements and other
Establishes designated signatory authority to sign cooperative
agreements, memoranda of understanding, and other agreements for
programs under Coronado National Forest jurisdiction.
EFFECTIVE DATE: 10/01/2002
DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed
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FSM 1500 – External Relations
Chapter 1580 – Grants, Cooperative Agreements, and Other Agreements
EFFECTIVE DATE: 10/01/2002
DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed
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FSM 1500 – External Relations
Chapter 1580 – Grants, Cooperative Agreements, and Other Agreements
Establishes responsibilities of the Forest Agreements Specialist and
District Agreements Coordinators in ensuring that cooperative
agreements and other agreements comply with laws, regulations, policies,
and procedures.
A certified Level II Agreements Coordinator must review and approve all
agreements and applications for external funding proposals prior to
execution of the proper instrument by the Signatory Official.
Establishes Line and Staff Officer responsibilities for program
coordination at the Forest and/or District levels.
Establishes Forest Partnership Coordinator responsibilities for Forestwide coordination of all applications and proposals submitted by the
Forest to other agencies, organizations and individuals for funding from
external sources.
Adds responsibilities of Project Managers administering cooperative
agreements and other agreement instruments.
Clarifies position titles.
EFFECTIVE DATE: 10/01/2002
DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed
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FSM 1500 – External Relations
Chapter 1580 – Grants, Cooperative Agreements, and Other Agreements
1580.2 – Objective
The objective of this supplement is to provide clear direction on the development, use, and
administration of cooperative agreements and other agreements to carry out the Forest Service
mission for public benefit in accordance with applicable laws, regulations, and management policy.
Forest direction is intended to establish a Forest review, coordination, and approval process to
address or ensure:
1. Commitments to funding for duration of the instrument are made.
2. Project is recognized in the Annual Program of Work.
3. Target accomplishments are accurately defined and reported.
4. Proper documentation of pre-request/pre-award Staff coordination is made.
5. Individual roles and responsibilities, at Supervisor’s/Ranger District Offices, as it relates
to cooperative agreements and other agreements are understood.
1580.4 – Responsibility
1580.41 – Signatory Officials
It is the responsibility of Signatory Officials to:
1. Ensure the Forest Agreements Specialist has issued a Federal identifier number for the
2. Ensure that the Forest Agreements Specialist has reviewed and approved for signature
each proposed agreement for appropriate instrumentality, legal sufficiency and compliance with
policy, prior to signing the agreement.
1580.41b – Forest Supervisor’s Office
The Administrative Officer as Acting Forest Supervisor is hereby delegated the authority to sign
cooperative agreements, memoranda of understanding and other agreements for programs under
Coronado National Forest jurisdiction.
1580.42 – Responsibility and Internal Controls
EFFECTIVE DATE: 10/01/2002
DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed
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FSM 1500 – External Relations
Chapter 1580 – Grants, Cooperative Agreements, and Other Agreements
Agreements Specialists are responsible for ensuring performance in compliance with laws,
regulations, and Department and agency policies and procedures, for the establishment,
administration, and closeout procedures of cooperative agreements and other agreements. The
Supervisor's Office Grants & Agreements Specialist is designated as the Forest Agreements
Specialist with Level II Certification (FSM 1580 R3 Supplement 1500-2000-1).
All draft instruments and proposals for cooperative agreements, other agreements, and applications
for funding from outside sources shall be forwarded to the Forest Agreements Specialist for final
review and certification prior to Signatory Official’s approval.
1. Forest Agreements Specialist.
The Forest Agreements Specialist provides direction, as necessary, to District Agreements
Coordinators, Line and Staff Officers, the Forest Partnership Coordinator, and Project
Managers to address changing methods and procedures. The Forest Agreements Specialist
serves as the point of contact for incoming or outgoing funds under the appropriate authority
for cooperative agreements and other agreements.
A certified Level II Agreements Specialist must review and certify all instruments prior to
execution by the Signatory Official. The Forest Agreements Specialist shall review all
cooperative agreements, other agreements, Requests For Proposals (RFP), and applications
for external funding, for content, format, required clauses, legal authorities, indirect costs,
apportionment, and shall ensure Staff Officer coordination, prior to approval. Document
review must include the following statement and signature block on the signature page of the
agreement instrument:
The authority and format of this instrument has
been reviewed and approved for signature.
Forest Agreements Specialist
a. General Responsibilities. The Forest Agreements Specialist shall assign a Federal
identifier number to all cooperative and other agreements prior to Signatory Official
approval. The Forest Agreements Specialist must have the training and knowledge of
pre-award, award, administration, and closeout procedures of transactions adequate for
the workload of the unit. Level II Certification shall be obtained in accordance to
Regional Direction.
b. Pre-Award. It is the responsibility of the Agreements Specialist to:
(1) Make final determination of the authority used.
EFFECTIVE DATE: 10/01/2002
DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed
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FSM 1500 – External Relations
Chapter 1580 – Grants, Cooperative Agreements, and Other Agreements
(2) Examine proposals for real or apparent conflict of interest, prohibited source, and
ethics issues. Consult with the designated Unit Ethics Advisor if issues are
unresolved. The Forest Ethics Official is the Personnel Officer.
(3) Initiate and coordinate the approval process for the Signatory Official(s).
Distribute originals and copies of fully executed instruments to appropriate parties.
c. Award.
(1) Establish and maintain the official file that includes all relevant documents related
to the transaction. The file shall include all correspondence, the original official
agreement instrument, payment documents, amendments or modifications, operating
and financial plans, and closeout documentation.
(2) Develop and maintain an automated log of agreement instruments (as part of the
INFRA database) executed at that particular unit. The log must include a Federal
identifier number, assigned by the Forest Agreements Specialist, project description,
parties to the agreement, monetary and in-kind contributions from each party,
execution and expiration dates, modifications, and principal Forest Service project
(3) Establish project job codes.
(4) Data enter project work plan information and prepare allocation letters for Forest
Supervisor signature.
(5) Initiate bills for collection for reimbursement or advance payments.
(6) Deposit reimbursement or advance payments.
d. Administration.
(1) Ensure that upon closeout, all relevant administrative documents reside in an
official file that includes all documents related to the transaction. This file must
include all correspondence, the original official agreement instrument, payment
documents, amendments and modifications, operating and financial plans, and
closeout documentation.
(2) Determine the need for and conduct site visits or meetings, if applicable.
(3) Ensure that payment requests (reimbursement and final requests) are reviewed and
approved by the Project Manager for project performance and the Forest Agreements
EFFECTIVE DATE: 10/01/2002
DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed
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FSM 1500 – External Relations
Chapter 1580 – Grants, Cooperative Agreements, and Other Agreements
Specialists ensures that the payment requirements are met prior to processing
payment vouchers for certification by the Certifying Officer.
(4) Review and approve modifications to the agreement and examine financial plans
for the agreement to ensure the matching requirements have been met.
(5) Determine if corrective action is needed (for example, recommendation for
termination, suspension, financial controls, and so forth).
e. Closeout.
(1) All terms of the agreement have been met in coordination with the Project
(2) All monies have been expended, excess funds de-obligated, and/or excess funding
returned to the program area or have been deposited in miscellaneous receipts.
(3) All reports have been received. Close attention should be given to ensuring
matching contributions and/or prorated shares were properly incurred and have been
billed in accordance with the terms and conditions of the instrument.
2. District Agreements Coordinator.
A District Agreements Coordinator (Level I Certification) is responsible for assisting
program personnel in overall preparation, administration, and closeout procedures of
instruments, and shall coordinate with District staff prior to submission of draft instruments
to the Forest Agreements Specialist.
a. General Responsibilities. The District Agreements Coordinator must have the
training and knowledge of overall preparation, administration, and closeout procedures of
basic agreements. Level I Certification shall be obtained in accordance to Regional
Direction (FSM 1580 R3 Supplement 1500-2000-1).
b. Pre-Award. It is the responsibility of the District Agreements Coordinator to:
(1) Review cooperative agreements and partnership proposals, and, if applicable,
identify the proper agreement instrument. Ensure that appropriations are used for
their designated purpose and within the period available for expenditure. Ensure that
reimbursement is not made for costs incurred by the parties prior to a properly
executed instrument or written pre-approval, except as allowed for under Federal
Assistance (pre-award costs as defined in the OMB Circulars). Work closely with
cooperator and/or partner and clarify regulations, policies, and procedures that are
unclear and/or new to them.
EFFECTIVE DATE: 10/01/2002
DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed
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FSM 1500 – External Relations
Chapter 1580 – Grants, Cooperative Agreements, and Other Agreements
(2) Furnish the Forest Agreements Specialist a draft copy of all proposed cooperative
agreements, and other agreements, a minimum of 14 days prior to proposed project
start date for review, advice, and approval prior to execution of the proper instrument
by the Signatory Official.
(3) Furnish original copies of correspondence to the Forest Agreements Specialist for
inclusion in the official file.
(4) Submit Agreements Worksheet, Financial Plan and Project Work Plan
information as part of all cooperative agreements and other agreements.
c. Award.
(1) Ensure that a Project Manager is designated in writing for each instrument before
package submission to the Forest Agreements Specialist.
(2) Ensure Project Manager receives a copy of the signed instrument and that
originals are forwarded to the Forest Agreements Specialist for obligation or
collection purposes.
(3) Coordinate with the Project Manager and transmit to the Forest Agreements
Specialist all appropriate supporting documentation (invoices, etc.) for collection or
(4) Ensure that official signatures are obtained prior to beginning performance under
the instrument.
d. Administration.
(1) Ensure that payment requests (reimbursement and final requests) are reviewed and
approved by the Project Manager prior to submission to the Forest Agreements
Specialist for processing.
(2) Prepare modifications to the instrument and examine financial reports for the
instrument. Submit proposed modifications and updated Project Work Plans to the
Forest Agreements Specialist for review, acceptance, and approval.
(3) Ensure modifications are fully executed prior to beginning performance under the
(4) Ensure copies of modifications are sent to the Project Manager and other staff as
EFFECTIVE DATE: 10/01/2002
DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed
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FSM 1500 – External Relations
Chapter 1580 – Grants, Cooperative Agreements, and Other Agreements
f. Closeout. Conduct the official closeout of the transactions and send the closeout
letter within 60 days of the expiration date. The closeout process should include a
complete review of all terms and conditions to ensure that:
(1) All relevant administrative documents and closeout reports are submitted to the
Forest Agreements Specialist, along with a draft transmittal letter to the cooperator(s)
for Forest Supervisor signature.
(2) All monies have been expended, excess funds de-obligated, and/or excess funding
returned to the program area or have been deposited in miscellaneous receipts.
(3) All terms of the agreement have been met.
(4) All property has been disposed of properly.
(5) All reports have been submitted.
1580.43 – Program Officials
It is the responsibility of program officials to ensure that performance under the agreement
instrument is properly described in the statement of work and that performance is monitored and
fully accomplished under the instrument as follows:
1. Line and Staff Officers.
Line and Staff Officers have the responsibility to ensure compliance with established Forest
policy and procedures, for all cooperative agreements, and other agreements, within their
program area or area of jurisdiction. Line and Staff Officers will ensure coordination at both
the Forest and District levels has been completed, and all cooperator/partnership projects
have been considered and are included in the Annual Program of Work. Line and Staff
Officers shall review and certify that all grant and agreement proposals and partnership
applications for funding have met all budgetary and NEPA requirements prior to submitting
proposals for Signatory Official’s approval.
2. Forest Partnership Coordinator.
All applications and proposals for funding sources external to the Forest Service to carry out
a purpose authorized by law shall be coordinated through the Forest Partnership Coordinator.
These funding sources may provide for either advance payment of funds or reimbursement of
actual expenses or a combination of the two, under the appropriate authority, to the Forest
EFFECTIVE DATE: 10/01/2002
DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed
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FSM 1500 – External Relations
Chapter 1580 – Grants, Cooperative Agreements, and Other Agreements
The Forest Partnership Coordinator will assist Project Managers in the initial preparation and
finalization of grant application packages; coordinate review and concurrence with
appropriate Line and Staff Officers; serve as the point of contact with partners; work with
Project Managers and Forest Agreements Specialist to ensure that progress reports,
modifications, and final closeout requirements are prepared and submitted to grantors in a
timely manner.
3. Project Managers.
Designation as a Cooperative/Partnership Project Manager is an operations assignment that
has no effect on responsibilities and relationships to supervisors in such matters as hours of
work, use of vehicles and equipment, clerical assistance, and so forth. The Project Manager
administers the instrument within legal authorities and limitations specified in the instrument.
It is the responsibility of Project Managers to ensure that performance under the award is
properly described in the statement of work and that performance is monitored and fully
accomplished under the instrument. The Project Manager is also responsible for the
following functions:
a. Pre-Award.
(1) Evaluates screened agreement instruments from a programmatic standpoint.
(3) Perform initial Supervisor’s Office/District Staff Officer coordination prior to
developing cooperative agreement or other agreement proposals.
(4) Ensure all NEPA requirements are met and final decision has been signed and
approved by the appropriate Line Officer.
(5) Review instruments, narratives describing work to be accomplished, and financial
(6) Furnish the District Agreements Coordinator a draft copy of the agreement
instrument for review, advice, and processing.
(7) Prepare and submit all required financial plans and project work plans to the
District Agreements Coordinator as part of the agreement package for submission to
the Forest Agreements Specialist.
b. Award.
(1) Obtain TIN or SSN # of cooperator(s) requesting advance payments, deposits, or
EFFECTIVE DATE: 10/01/2002
DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed
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FSM 1500 – External Relations
Chapter 1580 – Grants, Cooperative Agreements, and Other Agreements
(2) Obtain original cooperator signature on final version of instrument approved by
the Forest Agreements Specialist.
(3) Ensure that a fully executed instrument is in place prior to commencement of any
c. Administration.
(1) Initiate and coordinate written modifications with District Agreements
Coordinator prior to incurrence of additional costs or expiration date of instrument or
any other legitimate changes. Forest Agreements Specialist shall approve all
modifications prior to signature by Signatory Official.
(2) Initiate request for amendment to expiration date. Ensure signatures by all parties
prior to expiration date stated in the agreement, and prior to additional work being
(3) Prepare and submit all required financial and progress reports to cooperators with
copies to District G&A Coordinator. Ensure required reports are received by the
appropriate personnel.
(4) Ensure that financial and/or operating plans are revised, reviewed and approved
by Forest Agreements Specialist, and signed by the Signatory Official prior to start
(5) Report accurate target accomplishments for MAR report.
(6) Approve payments in collaboration with both the District Agreements
Coordinator and the Forest Agreements Specialist. Sign, date, and confirm
completion of work on invoices and submit to District Agreements Coordinator for
submission to the Forest Agreements Specialist for processing and inclusion in the
project file.
(7) Perform review of instrument in accordance with agreement requirements.
Periodic reviews shall be performed no less than annual and prior to the end of the
fiscal year to ensure obligations are captured and reported to the Forest Agreements
Specialist through the District Agreements Coordinator.
(8) Retain copies of all expenditure records (i.e., invoices, timesheets, purchase
orders, contracts, travel vouchers, etc.) as supporting documentation for reporting and
closeout requirements.
EFFECTIVE DATE: 10/01/2002
DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed
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FSM 1500 – External Relations
Chapter 1580 – Grants, Cooperative Agreements, and Other Agreements
d. Closeout.
(1) Coordinate and assist the District Agreements Coordinator, the Forest Partnership
Coordinator (if applicable), and the Forest Agreements Specialist in closeout
procedures for instruments.
(2) Submit complete project record, correspondence, and all expenditure records to
the Forest Agreements Specialist.
(3) Coordinate with the District Agreements Coordinator, Forest Partnership
Coordinator, and Forest Agreements Specialist for development, review,
recommendation, and approval of agreement proposal packages 14 days prior to
deadline set by potential partner(s).
(4) Submit, through the District Agreements Coordinator, Project Work Plans for
funding awarded to the Forest Service from outside sources to the Forest Agreements
(5) Monitor performance under the instrument and ensure that required financial and
performance reports are completed and submitted to the District Agreements
Coordinator for transmittal to the partner(s) and that copies of these reports are
provided to the Forest Partnership Coordinator and the Forest Agreements Specialist.
(6) Coordinate and assist the District Agreements Coordinator in closeout procedures
and submit complete project record, correspondence, and all expenditure records to
the District Agreements Coordinator for submission to the Forest Agreements
1580.5 – Definitions
As used throughout this Supplement, the following terms shall have these meanings:
District Agreements Coordinator. The Business Management Officer at each unit having
responsibility for coordination of unit grants and agreements, review of draft proposals, coordination
with Forest Agreements Specialist, and assistance to the Project Manager with closeout (financial)
procedures of instruments.
Forest Partnership Coordinator. The employee identified at the Forest Supervisor’s Office as
having responsibility for Forest-wide coordination of applications and proposals for funding
opportunities from outside sources (federal and non-federal).
Forest Agreements Specialist. The employee identified at the Forest Supervisor’s Office as
having responsibility for final review, coordination, and approval of grants, cooperative agreement,
EFFECTIVE DATE: 10/01/2002
DURATION: Effective until superseded or removed
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FSM 1500 – External Relations
Chapter 1580 – Grants, Cooperative Agreements, and Other Agreements
and other agreements for signature by the Forest Supervisor or designated Signatory Official.
Assigns identification number, coordinates with appropriate staff, administers the instruments,
processes payments, and maintains official file for instruments.
Instrument. The document used to accomplish a specific type of work. In situations where
others' activities are supported or stimulated, grants (federal financial assistance) or cooperative
agreements are appropriate. When goods or services are acquired for direct Forest Service benefit,
purchase orders or contracts are appropriate (procurement). Other instruments include, but are not
limited to, permits, memoranda of understanding, collection agreements, interagency agreements,
participating agreements, and challenge cost-share agreements.
Line Officer. The employee identified at each unit as having responsibility for program
execution under their jurisdiction.
Project Manager. The employee identified at each unit as having responsibility for initiation
of project proposals, administration of the projects, and assurance of work is accomplishment in
accordance with the terms and conditions of the instruments. Works with the Forest and Agreements
Specialists to close out instruments as needed or upon termination.
Signatory Official. The signatory official is the Forest Supervisor, or a Forest Service
employee delegated authority by the Forest Supervisor, in writing, to obligate Government funds,
enter into, administer, closeout, and terminate grants, cooperative agreements, and other agreements.
Signatory Officials Authority. Delegated authority for decision-making, resource allocation,
project planning and implementation through the execution of agreement instruments.