Wallowa-Whitman Supplement 7709.58-98-1 Effective 04/15/91 11-14 Page 1 of 14 FOREST SERVICE HANDBOOK BAKER CITY, OREGON FSH 7709.58 – MAINTENANCE OF FOREST ROADS Wallowa-Whitman Supplement No. 7709.58-98-1 Effective January 15, 1998 POSTING NOTICE. Supplements to this handbook are numbered consecutively. Check the last transmittal received for this title to see that the above supplement number is in sequence. If not, order intervening supplement(s) at once on Form 1100-6. Do not post this supplement until the missing one(s) is received and posted. Post by document name. Remove the entire document and replace with this supplement. After posting retain this transmittal until the next supplement to this title is received. Place it at the front of the title. The last Forest supplement issued was FSH 7709.59 to Document 961. Document Name 11-14 No. of Sheets Superseded 13 Digest: Adds listing of mandatory cooperative maintenance roads (non-paved). /s/Karyn L. Wood KARYN L. WOOD Forest Supervisor New 14 Wallowa-Whitman Supplement 7709.58-98-1 Effective 01/15/98 11-14 Page 2 of 14 CHAPTER 10 – MAINTENANCE OF FOREST ROADS 13.4 – Commensurate Sharing 1. Maintenance of Roads for Joint Commercial and Recreation use (C5.42). a. Nontraffic. Generated (NTG) Maintenance. Logging traffic counts will be generated from sale volumes. Recreation and Forest administrative vehicle traffic counts will be based on estimates from experience or direct counts when a lack of confidence exists. Traffic count estimates will be documented during the appraisal process. The Recreation Use Period (RUP) on the Wallowa-Whitman Forest is generally from June 1 to October 15. b. Traffic-Generated (TG) Maintenance. (1) Forest Service Share Determination. Determine Forest Service maintenance responsibility by the traffic generated maintenance activities that are historically required on the Maintenance Level II, III, IV, and V roads due to recreation and administrative use, e.g.: Road #0000: 2 bladings per year Road #1000: 1 blading every 2 years Each Zone will establish the Forest Service maintenance responsibility for its Joint Use roads. (2) Purchaser Share Determination. Determination of the number of bladings required of the purchaser or permittee may be based on the following table or local experience. Surface type Lanes MMBF per Surface Blading Non-Water Water Dust Abated Dust Abated Native/Crushed Rock 1 2-3 MMBF 0.75-1MMBF 4. Performance of Road Maintenance. a. Responsibilities for non-RSR maintenance on aggregate surfaced roads. The Forest Service will only accept responsibility for road maintenance work on aggregate surfaced roads by the collection of maintenance deposits on roads listed in Exhibit A except as otherwise approved by the Forest Engineer. The Wallowa-Whitman will generally do slough and slide removal, brushing, logging out, and culvert cleaning to accomplish its maintenance share. Wallowa-Whitman Supplement 7709.58-98-1 Effective 01/15/98 11-14 Page 3 of 14 b. Responsibilties for Road Surface Replace Maintenance on Aggregate Surfaced Roads. There is no listing of roads where collections will be made for RSR. If the following criteria are met, RSR should be collected: The road must be surfaced with a maintainable depth of crushed rock. The road must be classified as an arterial or collector. The road must not be listed for spot surface rock replacement in timber sale provisions C5.42 or C5.43. If these criteria are met, RSR will be collected from all commercial users. Other circumstances will result in replacing the surfacing by reconstruction or maintenance rocking activities. c. All asphalt surfaced roads will require co-op maintenance collections for both RSR and non-RSR maintenance. d. Co-op Collections for Road Use Permits. On road use permits, the permittee must must supply haul records for use with billing adjustments. e. Co-op Collection Rates. (1) Base Rate – The majority of commercial traffic will involve timber haul, so rates are expressed on a $/MBF/MI BASIS. For merchantable timber sold on an acres, area, or cubic volume basis, compute road surface replacement and maintenance on a per thousand per mile basis and convert to other measurements units. For other types of haul (such as rock haul), a rate will need to be determined on the specific activity. Asphalt Rate: $0.80/Mbf-mile (includes RSR & non-RSR maintenance) Aggregate Road Surface Replacement Rate: $0.79/Mbf-mile Aggregate non-RSR maintenance Rate: $0.48/Mbf-mile Reduced rock replacement deposits may be considered during the appraisal stage for sales requiring winter logging as the only permitted period of haul and hauling on an ice or snow floor is anticipated. Any other reduction in rock replacement deposits will not be permitted without a written analysis by the Zone Engineer that has been approved by the District Ranger. A copy of the written analysis will be forwarded to the staff officer responsible for Engineering activities. Based on 18 kip single axle equivalent factors for log trucks, about 18% of the surface maintenance/RSR cost is due to the empty truck, and the remaining 82% is due to the loaded truck. If one way haul is to be used in a certain situation, use these percentages to reduce collection rates on the routes to be used, unless better information is available. (2) Overhead – Increase the base rate to cover indirect expenses as the Washington, Regional, Supervisor’s, and District offices. The current overhead rates can be found in a Wallowa-Whitman Supplement to FSH 1909.13 (CWFS-other). One rate is for SO/RO/WO overhead, and another rate is for District overhead. Wallowa-Whitman Supplement 7709.58-98-1 Effective 01/15/98 11-14 Page 4 of 14 (3) Documentation – when co-op collection deposits will be required for a sale, Exhibit B, Titled “Backup Data for C5.411 – Road Maintenance Deposit Schedule,” is required to be a part of the appraisal. This form provides information needed for the distribution of the collected money. This form is also useful when collecting deposits for road use permits. Exhibit B give an example of how to complete the calculations for filling out this form. (4) Dust Abatement Policy – Dust abatement is not shared by the Forest Service unless maintenance standards and recreation use requires dust abatement without commercial use. Forest Commercial users shall abate road dust caused by their operations when one or more of the following conditions exist: a. Where dust is a safety hazard due to reduced visibility. b. Where dust adversely affects the environment or creates unacceptable resource impacts adjacent to the road. This includes streams, lakes, and developed recreation sites. c. Where lack of dust abatement would accelerate road surface deterioration to an unacceptable level. Environmental studies and knowledge of the chemical content of the palliative to be used must indicate that prudent controls will likely result in acceptable environmental risks. All applications should be accomplished under the following guidelines: None of the dust palliative materials should be dumped into or allowed to flow into streams or bodies of water. If necessary to restrict all palliatives to the traveled way of the road, a small berm Should be temporarily made (removed after palliative is placed) on either shoulder or Prevent the material, in its liquid state, from running off the road during the application. No dust palliative material should be applied when it is raining or when there is a threat of rain within the next 24 hours. Pollution of any stream or drainage by any dust palliative material will not be permitted. Wallowa-Whitman Supplement 7709.58-98-1 Effective 01/15/98 11-14 Page 5 of 14 EXHIBIT A LISTING OF MANDATORY COOP MAINTENANCE ROADS (ML3, NON-PAVED) ROAD NUMBER 3035 3021 3040 4600 4600780 4620 4625 4650 4665 4670 4680 4690 3930 3935 3955 8270 8210 8250 4240 6600 MILES 0.5 16.0 7.9 39.2 1.0 5.3 10.4 5.2 8.4 9.7 5.4 5.7 15.4 7.2 5.8 10.3 10.8 1.5 23.0 10.6 Wallowa-Whitman Supplement 7709.58-98-1 Effective 01/15/98 11-14 Page 6 of 14 EXHIBIT B BACKUP DATA FOR C5.411 – ROAD MAINTENANCE DEPOSIT SCHEDULE (1/96) 1/3 SALE NAME__________________PREPARED BY__________________DATE_____________ NOTE: DISTRICT AND SO/RO/WO OVERHEAD RATES ARE FOUND IN A W-W SUPPLEMENT TO FSH 1909.13. DISTRICT OVERHEAD RATE W-W SO/RO/WO OVERHEAD RATE=__% FOR CWFS-OTHER (FSH1909.13) OTHER FOREST SO/RO/WO/DISTRICT (UMATILLA) OVERHEAD RATE =__% Conversion Factor, MBF to CUBIC = F1 = _______ CCF/MBF (from TEA appraisal Input sheet for the whole sale) Conversion Factor, CUBIC to MBF = F2 =________MBF/CCF Conversion Factor, MBF to TON COLLECTION AREA TITLE = F3 =________TON/MBF (from appraiser) ROAD MAINTENACE COLLECTIONS CWFS RD. MAINT. $/MBF MGMT CODE W/O DISTRICT OVERHEAD CWFS RD. MAINT. $/MBF W/DIST OH SUBTOTAL WITHOUT RO/SO/WO OVERHEAD SO/RO/WO OVERHEAD, MGMT CODE = 531121 W-W SUBTOTAL WITH SO/RO/WO OVERHEAD COLLECTION FOR ANOTHER FOREST, ROAD #: ROAD #: ROAD #: TOTAL FOR OTHER FOREST WITHOUT OVERHEAD OVERHEAD FOR OTHER FOREST OTHER FOREST SUBTOTAL, MGMT CODE=531014 TOTAL ROAD MAINTENANCE COLLECTIONS, $/MBF ($/MBF)/ F1 TOTAL ROAD MAINTENANCE COLLECTIONS, $/CCF ($MBF)/ F2 TOTAL ROAD MAINTENANCE COLLECTIONS, $/TON $/MBF $/CCF $/TON Wallowa-Whitman Supplement 7709.58-98-1 Effective 01/15/98 11-14 Page 7 of 14 EXHIBIT B (continued) BACKUP DATA FOR C5.411 – ROAD MAINTENANCE DEPOSIT SCHEDULE (1/96) 2/3 RSR COLLECTIONS COLLECTION AREA TITLE MGMT CODE RSR $/MBF W/O DIST OVERHEAD SUBTOTAL WITHOUT SO/RO/WO OVERHEAD SO/RO/WO OVERHEAD, MGMT CODE = 531121 W-W SUBTOTAL WITH SO/RO/WO OVERHEAD COLLECTION FOR ANOTHER FOREST, ROAD #: ROAD #: ROAD #: TOTAL FOR OTHER FOREST WITHOUT OVERHEAD OVERHEAD FOR OTHER FOREST OTHER FOREST SUBTOTAL, MGMT CODE = 531014 TOTAL RSR COLLECTIONS, $/MBF ($/MBF)/ F1 TOTAL RSR COLELCTIONS, $/CCF ($/MBF)/ F3 TOTAL RSR COLLECTIONS, $/TON RSR $/MBF W/DIST OVERHEAD $/MBF $/CCF $/TON Wallowa-Whitman Supplement 7709.58-98-1 Effective 01/15/98 11-14 Page 8 of 14 EXHIBIT B (continued) BACKUP DATA FOR C5.411 – ROAD MAINTENANCE DEPOSIT SCHEDULE (1/96) 3/3 ROAD CLOSURE COLLECTIONS COLLECTION AREA TITLE MGMT CODE RSR $/MBF W/O DIST OVERHEAD SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL WITHOUT SO/RO/WO OVERHEAD SO/RO/WO OVERHEAD, MGMT CODE = 531121 TOTAL WITH SO/RO/WO OVERHEAD, $/MBF ($/MBF)/ F1 TOTAL WITH SO/RO/WO OVERHEAD, $/CCF ($/MBF)/ F3 TOTAL WITH SO/RO/WO OVERHEAD, $/TON RSR $/MBF W/DIST OVERHEAD $/MBF $/CCF $/TON Wallowa-Whitman Supplement 7709.58-98-1 Effective 01/15/98 11-14 Page 9of 14 EXHIBIT C: EXAMPLE OF CALCULATIONS TO COMPLETE THE ROAD MTC DEPOSIT SCHEDULE BACKGROUND INFORMATION Assume there is split haul because some products go to different mills. VOLUME: Total sale volume = 3.0 MMBF Some of it is cubic (CCF), and some of it is board foot volume (MBF). Conversion Factor, MBF to CUBIC = F1 = 2.253 CCF/MBF (Will vary – from TEA appraisal input sheet for the whole sale) Conversion Factor, CUBIC to MBF = F2 – 0.444 MBF/CCF VOLUME TO PILOT ROCK: 800 MBF 3830 CCF x 0.444 = 1700 MBF Total volume to La Grande = 2 MMBF HAUL ROUTE: 1.0 MMBF goes to Pilot Rock via 5160 (4 miles), 51 on La Grande District ( 6 Miles), 51 on Baker District (4 miles, and 52 on Umatilla (33 miles) 2.00 MMBF goes to La Grande via 5160 (5 miles) and 51 (5 miles) WALLOWA-WHITMAN COOP RATES (FROM FSH 7709.58): Collection for paved roads = $0.78/MBF-MILE RSR for aggregate roads - $0.79/MBF-MILE SO/RO/WO overhead = 45% (FSH 1909.13) District overhead varies by district (FSH 1909.13) UMATILLA COOP RATES FOR 52 ROAD: Traffic generated maintenance = $0.19/MBF-MILE Slide removal = $0.06/MBF-MILE Total non-RSR maintenance = $0.25/MBF-MILE RSR = $0.38/MBF-MILE Overhead rate = 30% Note: Check with the Umatilla for current rates. Wallowa-Whitman Supplement 7709.58-98-1 Effective 01/15/98 11-14 Page10 of 14 EXHIBIT C (continued) CALCULATIONS: TO PILOT ROCK: RM GR 51 LAG: 6 MILES X $0.78/MBF-MILE X 1000 MBF = $4680 RM BP BAKER : 4 MILES X $0.78/MBF-MILE X 1000 MBF = $3120 RSR GR GRND RONDE: 5160 ROAD: 4 MILES X $0.79/MBF-MILE X 1000 MBF = $3160 RM UMATILLA: 33 MILES X $0.24/MBF-MILE X 1000 = $8250 RSR UMATILLA: 33 MILES X $0.38/MBF-MILE X 1000 MBF = $12,540 TO LAGRANDE: RM GR 51 LAG: 5 MILES X $0.78/MBF-MILE X 2000 MBF = $7800 RSR GR GRND RONDE: 5160 ROAD: 5 MILES X $0.79/MBF-MILE X 2000 MBF = $7900 ROAD CLOSURE COSTS: USE $4000 SUMMARY FOR TOTAL SALE VOLUME: NOTE: These rates do not include overhead. RM BR 51 LAD = $(4680 + 7800)/3000 MBF = $4.16/MBF RM PB BAKER = $3120/3000 MBF = $1.04/MBF RSR GR GRND RONDE = $(3160 + 7900)/3000 MBF = $3.69/MBF RM UMATILLA = $8250/3000 MBF = $2.75/MBF RSR UMATILLA = $12,540/3000 MBF = $4.18/MBF GR RD CLOSURE = $4000/3000 MBF = $1.33/MBF Next, this information can be plugged into the backup data form. To do this, you will need a current list of CWFS accounts such as the one on the following page. If you are unsure of whether or not you have a current list, contact Budget and Finance in the Supervisor’s Office. Since this sale does not include any volume that will be scaled by the ton, the collection rates do not need to be converted into a $/ton format. Wallowa-Whitman Supplement 7709.58-98-1 Effective 01/15/98 11-14 Page 11 of 14 EXHIBIT C (continued) CWFS ACCOUNTS AS OF 8/14/95 Note: This is an example only. This list will be periodically updated. A copy of the current list can be obtained from Budget and Finance. COLL. AREA ACCT ROADS MGT CODES TITLE NO OTHER INCLUDED ROAD MTNC AND PAVED ROAD RSR 410000 BP RD CLOUSRE 400 10 RDCLBP BPEZ 415173 RM BP BAKER 400 11 RDBABP 51,52,73 411600 RM BP RD 16 400 12 RD16BP 16 420000 423900 423930 424240 424600 428200 WM RD CLOSURE RM WAL MT LP WH RM WAL MT LP WA RM WM HAT POINT RM WM WELLAMOTKIN RM WM E WAV VAL 400 20 400 21 400 22 400 23 400 24 400 25 RDCLWM RD39WM RD39WM RD42WM RD46WM RD82WM WMEZ 39 WHITMAN 39,3930 WALLOWA 4240 46,4620,4625 8260,8270 460000 460006 464300 465100 466277 GR RD CLOSURE GR FIREWOOD RM GR LADD CANY RM GR 51 LAG RM GR RD 62 77 400 60 400 61 400 62 400 63 400 64 RDCLGR FIREWD RD43GR RD51GR RD62GR GREZ FIREWOOD 43,4305 51 62, 77 ROAD SURFACE ROCK REPLACEMENT 711600 RSR BP RD 16 700 10 715173 RSR BP BAKER 700 11 717000 RSR BP PINE 700 12 RD16BP RDBABP RD70BP UNITY DISTRICT BAKER DISTRICT PINE DISTRICT 723900 723930 724600 724240 728270 45 764300 765100 766200 762100 763100 RS WAL MT LP WH RS WAL MT LP WA RS WELLAMOTKIN RS WM HAT POINT RSR WM RD 8270 700 20 700 21 700 22 700 23 700 24 RD39WM RD39WM RD46WM RD42WM RD82WM WHITMAN PT NRA WAL PART 39 SYS 46 ROAD SYS 4240 8270 RSR GR RD 4300 RSR GR GRND RONDE RSR GR EAST LAG RSR GR 21 AREA RSR GR 31 AREA 700 60 700 61 700 62 700 63 700 64 RD43GR RD51GR RDELGR RD21GR RD31GR 43 ROAD SYS 51 ROAD SYS EAST LAG SYS 21 SYS MT EMILY AREA 121 31 OVHEAD ALL OVERHEAD 140 00 140 01 RMUMA RSRUMA ALL UMA RM ALL UMA RSR OVERHEAD WAW 531121 SO/RO/WO OHD UMATILLA 531014 RM UMATILLA 531114 RSR UMATILLA Wallowa-Whitman Supplement 7709.58-98-1 Effective 01/15/98 11-14 Page 12 of 14 EXHIBIT C (continued) BACKUP DATA FOR C5.411 – ROAD MAINTENANCE DEPOSIT SCHEDULE C (1/96) 1/3 SALE NAME EXAMPLE PREPARED BY SMOKE E BEAR DATE 1/1/2000 NOTE: DISTRICT AND SO/RO/WO OVERHEAD RATES ARE FOUND IN A W-W SUPPLEMENT TO FSH 1909.13 DISTRICT LA GRANDE BAKER OVERHEAD RATE W-W SO/RO/WO OVERHEAD RATE = 45% 10 FOR CWFS-OTHER (FSH 1909.13) 0 OTHER FOREST SO/RO/WO/DISTRICT (UMATILLA) OVERHEAD RATE = 30% Conversion Factor, MBF to CUBIC = F1 = 2.253 CCF/MBF (from TEA appraisal input sheet for the whole sale) Conversion Factor, CUBIC to MBF = F2 = 0.444 MBF/CCF Conversion Factor, MBF to TON = F3 = _____TON/MBF (from appraiser) ROAD MAINTENANCE COLLECTIONS COLLECTION AREA TITLE RM GR 51 LAG RM BP BAKER MGMT CODE 465100 415173 CWFS RD. MAINT. $/MBF W/O DISTRICT OVERHEAD 4.16 1.04 CWFS RD. MAINT. $/MBF W/DIST OH 4.58 1.04 SUBTOTAL WITHOUT RO/SO/WO OVERHEAD SO/RO/WO OVERHEAD, MGMT CODE = 531121 W-W SUBTOTAL WITH SO/RO/WO OVERHEAD COLLECTION FOR ANOTHER FOREST, ROAD #: 52 ROAD #: ROAD #: TOTAL FOR OTHER FOREST WITHOUT OVERHEAD OVERHEAD FOR OTHER FOREST OTHER FOREST SUBTOTAL, MGMT CODE=531014 TOTAL ROAD MAINTENANCE COLLECTIONS, $/MBF ($/MBF)/ F1 TOTAL ROAD MAINTENANCE COLLECTIONS, $/CCF ($MBF)/ F2 TOTAL ROAD MAINTENANCE COLLECTIONS, $/TON 5.62 2.53 8.15 2.75 2.75 0.83 3.58 11.73 $/MBF 5.21 $/CCF - $/TON Wallowa-Whitman Supplement 7709.58-98-1 Effective 01/15/98 11-14 Page 13 of 14 EXHIBIT C (continued) BACKUP DATA FOR C5.411 – ROAD MAINTENANCE DEPOSIT SCHEDULE (1/96) 2/3 RSR COLLECTIONS COLLECTION AREA TITLE RST GR GRND RONDE MGMT CODE 765100 RSR $/MBF W/O DIST OVERHEAD 3.69 SUBTOTAL WITHOUT SO/RO/WO OVERHEAD SO/RO/WO OVERHEAD, MGMT CODE = 531121 W-W SUBTOTAL WITH SO/RO/WO OVERHEAD COLLECTION FOR ANOTHER FOREST, ROAD #: 52 ROAD #: ROAD #: TOTAL FOR OTHER FOREST WITHOUT OVERHEAD OVERHEAD FOR OTHER FOREST OTHER FOREST SUBTOTAL, MGMT CODE = 531014 TOTAL RSR COLLECTIONS, $/MBF ($/MBF)/ F1 TOTAL RSR COLELCTIONS, $/CCF ($/MBF)/ F3 TOTAL RSR COLLECTIONS, $/TON RSR $/MBF W/DIST OVERHEAD 4.06 4.06 1.83 5.89 4.18 4.18 1.25 5.43 11.32 $/MBF 5.03 $/CCF $/TON Wallowa-Whitman Supplement 7709.58-98-1 Effective 01/15/98 11-14 Page 14 of 14 EXHIBIT C (continued) BACKUP DATA FOR C5.411 – ROAD MAINTENANCE DEPOSIT SCHEDULE (1/96) 3/3 ROAD CLOSURE COLLECTIONS COLLECTION AREA TITLE GR RD CLOSURE MGMT CODE 460000 RSR $/MBF W/O DIST OVERHEAD 1.33 SUBTOTAL SUBTOTAL WITHOUT SO/RO/WO OVERHEAD SO/RO/WO OVERHEAD, MGMT CODE = 531121 TOTAL WITH SO/RO/WO OVERHEAD, $/MBF ($/MBF)/ F1 TOTAL WITH SO/RO/WO OVERHEAD, $/CCF ($/MBF)/ F3 TOTAL WITH SO/RO/WO OVERHEAD, $/TON RSR $/MBF W/DIST OVERHEAD 1.47 1.47 0.66 2.13 0.95 $/MBF $/CCF $/TON