Doc_Name Page 1 of 6 FOREST SERVICE HANDBOOK TONTO NATIONAL FOREST PHOENIX, AZ FSH 6509.17 CHAPTER 10 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOOUNTING HANDBOOK Supplement No.: 2 Effective Date: September 1, 1992 Duration: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. Approved: JAMES L. KIMBALL Forest Supervisor Date Approved: 09/01/92 Posting Instructions: Supplements are numbered consecutively by Handbook number and calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this supplement. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. New Document 6 Pages Superseded Document(s) (Supplement Number and Effective Date) 3 Pages Digest: Update schedule for contracts 3T and 6T TNF SUPPLEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: 09/01/92 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. Doc_Name Page 2 of 6 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK 04 - RESPONSIBILITY 5. Supervisors Office. The Forest Supervisor through the appropriate staff officer is responsible for designating the locations on the Forest that have the responsibility for preparing and keeping a log of the Batch Control Records, form FS-6500-160. Batch Transmittal Records, form FS6500-161, is for Supervisors Office (S.O.) TSA Coordinator use only. Locations and Responsibility for Batch Control Records DISTRICT Cave Creek Globe Mesa Payson Pleasant Valley Tonto Basin Supervisors Ofc. FSH 6509.17, Chapter 10 X- Will use FS-6500-160 Batch Control Record FS-2400-44 *FS-2400-4 *FS-2400-3 PERSONAL USE GREEN PERMITS CONTRACTS X X N/A X X N/A X X N/A X X X X X X X X N/A N/A N/A X FS-2400-6T CONTRACTS N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A X *Operate within guideline set forth on delegations, per FSM 2400, Tonto Supplement No. 44, effective 08/01/92. Also, reference FSM 6530 for Collections. The Batch Control Record, FS-6500-160, must be completed before TSA data entry forms (FS6500-170 through FS-6500-191, FS-6500-195 through FS-6500-197, and FS-6500-200 through FS-6500-201) are submitted from one location/individual to another location/individual for data entry. The record must be prepared when TSA forms are prepared (accumulated) for submission to the S.S. TSA Coordinator. When Batch Control Record has been completely processed at the S.O., the Districts will receive the final completed record for their files. The District files will consist of a Batch control Record Log (Exhibit 1), of which a control sheet of numbers will be provided for each District, and Batch Control Record, FS-6500-160. The Districts will maintain a 6-month history of batch control records. FS-2400-3 AND 2400-6T - STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT 7 SYNOPSIS (FSH 6509.17.06,--52.11 Synopsis and 52.12 Statements) To attain proper accountability the schedule (Exhibit 2 & 2a) is for processing documents. In order for the various clauses of the contract to be processed correctly through the ATSA system, initial input must be correct. The Validation of data is not limited to checking for clericcal errors. Reviewers must be familiar enough with individual contracts to be able to pass judgment on the correctness of a transaction itself (i.e., volume, type, value, etc.). Statement of Account-3T Contracts TNF SUPPLEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: 09/01/92 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. Doc_Name Page 3 of 6 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK 1) Print 3 copies of monthend Statement of Accounts. AUTOMATED TIMBER SALES ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK 2) All copies reviewed by Timber Clerk and initialed & dated. 3) Mail 1st and 2nd copy to District Sale Administrator's; 3rd copy retained in S.O. until return of copy from District. 4) District Sale Administrator's review and date & initial. District mails one copy to S.O. and retains one copy for contract folder. 5) S.O. receives completed copy of Statement and destroys unsigned copy. The STAMP used: AUDITED:_____________ REVIEWED:____________ CONTRACTING OFFICER:____________ AUDITED - Individual (S.O. -Timber Resource Specialist) performing verfication shall date and initial. Check marks will be used to inicate verified. REVIEWED - District Sale Administrator veridies, and initials & dates. Check marks will be used to indicate verified. CONTRACTING OFFICER - Responsible for financial activity affecting the timber sale contract. TNF SUPPLEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: 09/01/92 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. Doc_Name Page 4 of 6 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK AUTOMATED TIMBER SALES ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK EXHIBIT 1 BATCH CONTROL RECORD LOG DISTRICT _____________________ *BATCH Month 06 Number 01 Date Submitted mm/dd/yy FISCAL YEAR ______ Submitting Individual A.Batch DISTRIBUTION OF FS-6500-160: Original - Prepared by District and sent to Supervisors Office (S.O.) Copy - Retained by District until orginal returned by S.O. *Each District will have a Control Sheet S.O. Data Entry Date mm/dd/y TNF SUPPLEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: 09/01/92 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. Doc_Name Page 5 of 6 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK AUTOMATED TIMBER SALES ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK EXHIBIT 2 The reporting month does not close until the next month by the 10th. SCHEDULE FOR FS-2400-44 AND FS-2400-4 ACTIVITY R.D. S.O. DUE DATE 1. Each month complete TSA forms & submit X By 28th package to S.O. Package consist of Bill for Collection, permits/contracts, TSA forms, Batch Control Record. 2. Review of TSA forms. Resolve edit errors (with District when necessary). X By 8th 3. Data entered in D.G. Submit Batch Control Record to District. Complete Batch Transmittal Record. X By 9th 4. Final edit run and closure of TSA data. X 10th SCHEDULE FOR CONTRACTS FS-2400-3 ACTIVITY R.D. S.O. DUE DATE 1. Complete and submit Contract, TSA forms, X 3 Days after AWARD Bill for Collections, Batch Control Record. (month in which bids received) 2. Review of TSA forms. Resolve edit errors with District. Data entered in D.G. Submit X By 8th Batch Control Record to District. Complete Batch Transmittal Rec. TNF SUPPLEMENT EFFECTIVE DATE: 09/01/92 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. Doc_Name Page 6 of 6 FSH 6509.17 – AUTOMATED TIMBER SALE ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK 3. Final edit run and closure of TSA data. Stmt. of Accts. & Synopsis sent to District Sale Administrator's. 4. Audit/Review performed on closed TSA Stmt. of Accts./Synopsis by Sale Administrators. X X 5. Contracting Officer reviews and approves TSA Statement of Accts. and Synopsis. X By 10th By 20th (includes mailing time) 28th (includes mailing time) AUTOMATED TIMBER SALES ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK EXHIBIT 2a SCHECULE FOR CONTRACTS FS-2400-6T ACTIVITY R.D. S.O. DUE DATE 1. Complete and submit X 3 Days after AWARD Contract, TSA Forms, Bill for (month in which bids Collections, Batch Control received) Record. 2. Review of TSA forms. Resolve edit errors with District. Data entered in D.G. Submit Batch Control Record to District. Complete Batch Transmittal Rec. 3. Final edit run and closure of TSA data. Stmt. of Accts. & Synopsis sent to District Sale Administrator's 4. Contracting Officer reviews and approves TSA Statement of Accts. and Synopsis. 5. Audit/Review performed on closed TSA Stmt. of Accts/Synopsis by Sale Administrators. X X By 8th X By 10th X 12th (does not include time unavailable By 25th (includes mailing time)