FSH 6509.11k - SERVICE-WIDE FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK 8/89 R1 SUPPLEMENT 12 70.3 - Policy 70.3.a - These instructions cover TI-990 PAMARS data entry program for reporting obligations. Region 1 units will use these instructions in lieu of outdated instrcutions in section 62 of this handbook. At some point in the future the Washington Office plans to issue a specific handbook for all PAMARS data entry which will then supersede the use of this handbook for the purpose of describing data transmission of PAMARS activities. The following Table of Contents can be used to locate procedures needed to transmit obligations. TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I. System Startup Procedures. ...........................................................................70.3--2 II. General Information .......................................................................................70.3--3 III. Data Entry - Obligations ................................................................................70.3--5 IV. Transmitting File to FCCC ............................................................................70.3--8 V. TI Utility Programs ........................................................................................70.3--8 1. Initializing a Data Disk ....................................................................70.3--9 2. Listing of Names on a Data Disk .....................................................70.3--9 3. Deletion of Files on a Data Disk ......................................................70.3--10 4. Editing a Data Disk ..........................................................................70.3--10 5. Print File ...........................................................................................70.3--11 VI. National Gathering Schedule .........................................................................70.3--11 I. SYSTEM STARTUP PROCEDURE 1. Turn all three machines ON-video, diskette, and printer. If the machines are ON, turn the video screed OFF and then ON. 2. Insert the PAMARS System Disk into disk drive DS01 (left side). 3. Insert an initialized data disk into disk drive DS02 (right side). Your data will be place on this disk. NOTE: In order to place data on TI-990 disk, it MUST be initialized! If it has not been, see "V.1. Initializing a Data Disk" before you go any further. SERVICE-WIDE FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK 8/89 R1 SUPPLEMENT 12 NOTE: The TAB/SKIP key (orange key below RETURN key) must be depressed after each user response. All user response fields are underlined. 4. STARTUP Wait untiL SYSTEM READY appears on the screen then: depress F9 (Command mode) depress "S" key twice This will clear the machine. Although it is not mandatory, it is suggested as a precautionary measure. Wait unitl SYSTEM STARTUP OF? _ appears and respond with Y. Wait unitl SYSTEM READY appears, depress F9 and then F1 enter XPMRM into NAME depress SKIP twice The PAMARS Data Entry menu (see example) will appear on the screen and you are requested to select one of these programs. Each program on the menu has a description, plus a number. Select the data type you are working with and enter the number when ENTER CHOICE appears on screen. PAMARS DATA ENTRY MENU ENTER ONE OF THE FOLLOWING: 1 = COLLECTIONS 2 = COLLECTION ADJ 3 = OBLIGATIONS (MGMT CODE) 4 = OBLIGATIONS (LONG CODE) 5 = ACCOUNTS REC 6 = UNDEP. CASH 7 = TRANSMISSION OF DATA 8 = PRINT FILE/COPY FILE 9 = EDITOR 10 = FILE MAINT UTILITY 11 = VOL MAINT UTILITY 12 = PRINT FILE(line number) 13 = TO TERMINATE SESSION ENTER CHOICE FSH 6509.11k - SERVICE-WIDE FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK 8/89 R1 SUPPLEMENT 12 SERVICE-WIDE FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK 8/89 R1 SUPPLEMENT 12 II. - GENERAL INFORMATION 1. The TAB/SKIP key must be depressed after each user response. 2. The TAB/SKIP key is depressed to terminate a field not entirely filled. 3. the TAB/SKIP is depressed to leave a field blank. 4. If you make an error entering a character, use CHAR key to position to incorrect character and reenter. 5. If you make a field error, use FIELD key to position to beginning of field and reenter. 6. Do not enter decimal points in amount fields. 7. Leading zeros are not entered into numeric fields unless otherwise stated, but trailing zeros must be entered. For example, you have number 4801 to enter a 6-digit numeric field. It can be entered any of three ways. a. 4801 and then TAB/SKIP key b. 2 blanks and then 4801 c. 004801 All will be stored as 004801. 8. The program assigns a file on the user disk from a name you are asked to supply. Each of the data entry programs generate the necessary FCCC Job Control statements and store them on this file along with your data. The screens are as follows: ENTER SIX SHAR FILE NAME------ (See Note) REGION CODE-UNIT CODE-RUN-IDENT------ Suggest Rrrxxx where rr-region, xxx= type data ACCT-NUMBER 12 digit FCCC account number---------OK? - Y accepts, N allows you to reenter if you look it over and discover an error. The Region and Unit codes are stored in each record. Proceed to applicable data entry procedure. Note: After you enter six character file-name as requested, print it on the printer (depress PRINT key) so you can refer to it when you are ready to transmit this file to FCCC. !!! VERY IMPORTANT - DATA FILE AT FCCC !!! FSH 6509.11k - SERVICE-WIDE FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK 8/89 R1 SUPPLEMENT 12 Each unit has a file PAMARS-Ryy*UNN-DATA yy = region number nn = unit number with 3 elements: UnnCASH UnnACCT UnnOBLIG Where data will reside. This file and its elements are currently active at FCCC. Each month FCCC will clear these elements by the 10th working day. If a unit saves thier data for a longer period of time it then becomes the units responsibility to insure elements are cleared before next process month or new data will be added to saved existing data. Questions or problems concerning this file/elements will be directed to Regional Office Administration/Fiscal Computer Spec. New or enhanced versions of TI-990 data entry packages are received by the Regions in one of two ways. a. Washington Office puts up a new version of the package at FCCC in R1-LIB. Each Forest brings back the new link elements from FCCC onto their TI-990, and goes through a link process, to create an executable data entry package (NOTE: This is up to a 2-hour job). b. Washington Office mails a new version of the package to each Regional Office. The Regional Office produces 13 copies of this Disk. The Regional Office mails each Forest a copy of the new version. Each Forest mails in a blank diskette to replace the one the Regional Office mailed out. (NOTE: Where practical, Region 1 will use option b). III. - DATA ENTRY-OBLIGATIONS 1. Management Code If you have selected this program from the PAMARS menu continue otherwise see "I. System startup." and "II. General Information." This is a file of other obligations by management code NFC does not have at monthend. It is processed once a month and due dates data must be at FCCC are furnished by the Regional Office for each month via conference message. SERVICE-WIDE FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK 8/89 R1 SUPPLEMENT 12 The data is transmitted by FCCC to NFC for inclusion in the monthly reporting cycle. See Exhibit 1 for a record layout of obligated data. The following screen will appear after you have entered data required for job control statements: MONTH--Date data is entered YEAR-Last digit of current year 0 thru 9 OBLIGATIONS (MGMT CODE) DOCUMENT INDENT-------VENDOR NAME-----------TRANSACTIONMGMT CODE-----PRIOR YR CODE BUDGET OBJECT ---AMOUNT ---------ENTER '-' SIGN IF CREDIT OK? - (Y/N) Document Ident Vendor Name Transaction Mgmt Code Prior Yr Code Budget Object Amount Optional (A/N) Optional (A/N) Must be 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, or 9 (Section 71.13a) Must be greater than zero Alpha code if prior yr otherwise SKIP Must be 200, 210, 220, 230, 240, or 1100 through 5300 Must have If you wish to duplicate a field from last entry, hold down SHIFT key and depress TAB key. ADDITIONAL OBLIGATIONS (MGMT CODE) OK? (Y/N) If you enter Y, mgmt code screen appears again. If you enter N, the following screen appears: OBLIGATIONS (MGMT CODE) DATA ENTRY COMPLETE Totals are listed at end by prior yr code and grand totals. A listing of your file is printed when you transmit to FCCC. The program returns to menu and you may select another program or terminate session. FSH 6509.11k - SERVICE-WIDE FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK 8/89 R1 SUPPLEMENT 12 2. Appropriation Code (Long Code) If you have selected this program from menu continue, otherwise see "I. System Startup Procedure" and "II. General Information." This is a file of other obligations by long codes that NFC does not have at month's end. Data is transmitted by FCCC to NFC for inclusion in monthly reporting cycle. The following screen will appear after you have entered data required for Job Control Statements: MONTH-YEAR- Date data is entered Last digit current of year 0 thru 9 OBLIGATIONS (MGMT CODE) DOCUMENT INDENT ---------VENDOR NAME -------------TRANSACTION APPROPRIATION ---STATE CODE -ACTIVITY/ACCT ----FUNCTION ----SUB UNIT PROJECT CODE -------BUDGET OBJECT ---AMOUNT -------ENTER '_' SIGN IF CREDIT OK? (Y/N) Document Indent Vendor Name Transaction Appropriation State Code Activity/Acct. Function Sub Unit Project Code Budget Object Amount Optional (A/N) Optional (A/N) Must be 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, or 9 (Section 71.13a) Must be valid appropriation Optional - numeric Optional - numeric Optional - numeric Optional - numeric Optional - numeric Must be 200, 210, 220, 230, 240, or 1100 through 5300 Must have OK? (Y/N) If you want to duplicate a field from last entry, hold down SHIFT key and depress TAB key. SERVICE-WIDE FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK 8/89 R1 SUPPLEMENT 12 ADDITIONAL OBLIGATIONS (LONG CODE) OK? (Y/N) If you enter Y, mgmt code screen apears again. If you enter N, the following screen appears: OBLIGATIONS 'LONG CODE' DATA ENTRY COMPLETE Totals are listed at end by prior yr code and grand totals. A listing of your file is printed when you transmit to FCCC. The program returns to menu and you may select another program or terminate session. 3. Obligation Adjustment When your obligation data is processed at FCCC, data is edited and rejects, if any, are listed. The good data is stored in a file which you assigned prior to processing any monthly data, name PARMARS-Ryy*Unn-Data. It is stored in an element name UnnOBLIG. Errors rejected must be reentered using this same TI-990 data entry. Do not use FCCC Editor to correct errors and do not transmit original file again or you will have them in FCCC file twice. After you have corrected and reentered and transmitted rejects to FCCC, your file ate FCCC will be updated wit these records. The file at FCCC will update no matter how many data files you find it necessary to transmit. If you have a file of Oblig-long code, when you transmit those to FCCC, they will be stored in same file as your mgmt code obligations. See "IV. Transmitting Your File to FCCC" for transmitting multiple files established for obligations. 4. Accounting Register. The following runstream will produce an accounting register printout of obligations that have passed edit at FCCC. Use of the runstream is limited to time between your monthly submissoin of obligations to FCCC and 10th of the month. Once FCCC transmits obligations to NFC and is assured they are accepted, FCCC cleans out unit work files, which is usually about the 10th. Site ID = Your Site XX = Forest Number @RUN, L RUNID,ACCT,PAMARS-RO1,5,300 @SYM PRINT$,,SiteID @ASG,A, UXX-DATA. @ASG,T TEMP., F40/0/TRK/1000 @DATA,I TEMP. @END @ED,U TEMP. ADD UXX-DATA.UXXOBLG FSH 6509.11k - SERVICE-WIDE FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK 8/89 R1 SUPPLEMENT 12 Exit @ADD PAMARS-R01*FOR-OBL-QQ. @FIN IV. TRANSMITTING FILE TO FCCC 1. Load Communications disk in disk drive 1. 2. Load Data disk in disk drive 2. 3. Follow Communications package instructions. 4. Transmit applicable PAMARS file to FCCC for processing. If you have more than one TI-990 data file to transmit to FCCC, you can do it one of two ways: 1. Transmit each file in a separate session, waiting until each is processed before transmitting next one. 2. Change RUN statement in all but first file of your data files entering sequence option after priority code. When transmitting, be sure file without the "S" option is transmitted first, and all others follow in the same session (see Exhibit 2). V. TI UTILITIES 1. General Instructions/Information For all TI utilities explained in this section (unless noted otherwise), the following is assumed: 1. All machines are on. 2. The PAMARS Disk is in disk drive 1 and TPL System is loaded. 3. Your Data Disk is in disk drive 2. 4. The machine is cleared. For detailed information on any TI Utilities referenced TPL System User's Guide for DS990 Model 1 (Version 3.1). Utility Volume Initialization File Creation Copy File Print File File Deletion Editor List Volume Catalog V.1. - Initializing a Data Disk User's Guide Section 5.2.1 5.3.2 5.4.2 5.4.4 5.3.3 6.2 5.2.5 SERVICE-WIDE FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK 8/89 R1 SUPPLEMENT 12 All blank disks must be initialized before PAMARS Data Entry Programs can use them. FSH 6509.11k - SERVICE-WIDE FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK 8/89 R1 SUPPLEMENT 12 Assuming you have followed "I. System Startup Procedure", continue with the following: 1. Execute program VM. 2. Select IV from the VOLUME MAINTENANCE UTILITY menu. 3. Enter the following: DISK NAME Enter DS02 VOLUME NAME You may chose any 1 to 4 character name as the name of your volume. Suggest you use DATA. NUMBER OF CATALOG ENTRIES This is an OPTIONAL field. The default is 160 entries if you (SKIP). Suggest you enter 25. INTERLEAVING FACTOR (SKIP) OK Enter Y if the above responses are correct, otherwise, (SKIP) to reenter your responses. The initialization process takes about 5 minutes. When UTILITY COMPLETE appears in the lower right hand corner, continue with STEP 4. 4. (SKIP) 5. Enter TE V.2. - Listing of Names of Files on a Data Disk If you want to list the table of contents of your Data Disk do the following: 1. Execute program VM. 2. Select LC from the VOLUME MAINTENANCE UTILITY menu. 3. Enter the following: INPUT PATHNAME LISTING PATHNAME OK Enter DS02. Enter LP01. Enter Y if your responses are correct, otherwise (SKIP) to reenter your responses. When the UTILITY COMPLETE appears in the lower right hand corner, continue with Step 4. 4. (SKIP) 5. Enter TE. SERVICE-WIDE FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK 8/89 R1 SUPPLEMENT 12 FSH 6509.11k - SERVICE-WIDE FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK 8/89 R1 SUPPLEMENT 12 V.3. - Deletion of Files on a Data Disk If you backup any of your PAMARS data files, it will be necessary to delete backup files when they are no longer needed. 1. Execute program FM. 2. Select DF from FILE MAINTENANCE UTILITY menu. 3. Enter the following: FILE PATHNAME Enter name of file you want deleted. DS02.(name) OK Enter Y if the above response is correct otherwise (SKIP) to reenter your response. 4. (SKIP) 5. Enter TE. V.4. - Editing a Data File It is strongly suggested you do not edit any PAMARS data file. However, if necessary to edit data files, continue with the fillowing: 1. Execute program ED. 2. Enter the following: INPUT PATHNAMEEnter name of file to edit. DS02.file name SUPPRESS LINE NUMBERS Enter Y. This is an absolute must otherwise you will lose positions 76 thru 80 on each record in data file. OK Enter Y if responses are correct otherwise (SKIP) to reenter responses. V.5. - Print File To print PAMARS data files, continue with the following: 1. Execute program FC. 2. Select PF from FILE COPY/PRINT UTILITY menu. SERVICE-WIDE FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK 8/89 R1 SUPPLEMENT 12 3. Enter the following: INPUT FILE PATHNAME Enter name of file to print. DS01.filename PRINTER NAME Enter LP01. ANSI FORMAT (SKIP) OK Enter Y if above responses are correct, otherwise (SKIP) to reenter responses. The print process may take several minutes depending on size of data file. When UTILITY COMPLETE appears in lower right hand corner, continue with Step 4. 4. (SKIP) 5. Enter TE. VI. - National Gathering Schedule Reference Service-wide Finance and Accounting Handbook 6509.11k, Chap. 61.12, for a current data transmission schedule (from FCCC to NFC) of obligation data. Exhibits 1 and 2 may be viewed in the directives. 71.1 - Obligation Reporting Obligations with invalid management codes on the unit submitted obligation report will not appear in PAMARS records. Units receive notification of rejected obligations between the 10th and 15th via an electronic transmission from NFC, via FCCC, entitled as an Obligation Error Listing. 71.15a - Equipment Use Tearsheets. Obligations created by NFC with invalid management codes will not appear in PAMARS records. Units will receive notification of rejected equipment use obligations on the Obligation Error Listing described in 71.1 of the Supplement. 71.15b - Fixed Ownership Rate (FOR). The FOR monthly payment schedule will not accept invalid management codes for payment. Unit will be notified of rejected FOR payments around the 20th each month via an electronic transmission from NFC, via FCCC, entitled as an Obligation Error Listing. 71.16 - U.S. Government Transportation Requests (GTR's) and U.S. Government Bills of Lading (GBL's). The monthly report described in parent text is electronically transmitted by NFC, via FCCC, the first Tuesday or Wednesday following the first weekend after the 17th of each month. FSH 6509.11k - SERVICE-WIDE FINANCE AND ACCOUNTING HANDBOOK 8/89 R1 SUPPLEMENT 12 71.17 - GSA Motor Pool. The monthly report described in parent text is transmitted by NFC, via FCCC, the first Tuesday or Wednesday following the first weekend after the 17th of each month. 71.3 - Intra and Iner-Regional Transfer of Expenditures Fire Orders (Optional Form 100 or SF-259A) may be used in lieu of FS-6500-46, Authorization for In-Service Expenditures (see R-1 Supplement to FSM 5122.03). A copy of the "Fire Order" should be sent to the Budget and Finance Officers of both the performing and the receiving units who will treat the "Fire Order" the same as any other In-Service Expenditure Authorization. 72.53 - Administrative Costs. The Region 1 administrative cost rate for follow up billings has been established at $25. The rate includes the cost of preparing the followup bill, writing, and typing the followup letter, reviewing the action by a supervisor and mailing the bill. This rate is also comparable to the rates used in Regions 2 and 6. The purpose of administrative costs is to charge debtors for the additional costs of followup action on delinquent accounts or debts. They should be assessed whenever a separate followup billing is generated for the purposes of collecting delinquent debts. Do not assess them if no followup billing is generated. The debtor should be assessed administrative costs for each followup billing. For example, if two followup billings were necessary to collect a debt, then $25 should be assessed on each billing for a total of $50. For systems that generate bills on a monthly basis (such as TSA), no separate followup billings are necessary. Hence, no administrative costs should be assessed in these situations. Note, this applies only to administrative costs and any interest should be assessed through the TSA System as provided for in the Timber Sale Contract.