id_6209.14_20 Page 1 of 5 FOREST SERVICE HANDBOOK PACIFIC SOUTHWEST RESEARCH STATION (PSW) ALBANY, CA FSH 6209.14 – MAIL MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – INCOMING MAIL OPERATIONS Interim Directive No.: ID_PSW-6209.14-2006-1 Effective Date: January 3, 2006. Duration: This interim directive expires on 04/30/2007. Approved: JAMES R. SEDELL Station Director Date Approved: 12/20/2005 Posting Instructions: Interim directives are numbered consecutively by Handbook number and calendar year. Post by document at the end of the chapter. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. This is the first PSW interim directive to FSH 6209.14. New Document id_6209.14_20 Superseded Document(s) by Issuance Number and Effective Date none 5 Pages Digest: 24.2 - Routing. The following mail routing changes were made from PSW_6209.14-2003-01. Removed mail clerk and added Mailroom account manager. Removed Research Secretary responsibility for reply-due letters. Removed printing and filing incoming letters into central files. Added an "Informational Staff" column in Exhibit 01 to indicate copies of mail. Each file code has only one "Responsible Staff." Removed IMT staff mail. Added Information Resource Management, Continuing Government Activity. Removed ORPA. Added OPS and RPA. Removed RIS. Added COMM. Changed mail routed to RFL. Directives folder created for directives issued. PSW INTERIM DIRECTIVE PSWS_6209.14-2006-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: January 3, 2006 DURATION: This interim directive expires on 04/30/2007. id_6209.14_20 Page 2 of 5 FSH 6209.14 – MAIL MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – INCOMING MAIL OPERATIONS 24 - INCOMING MAIL 24.2 - Routing The following mailing guide (Exhibit 01) is to be used to route all electronic incoming documents received in the Mailroom account. The Mailroom account manager routes those items received without a file code according to the subject. Incoming letters are not filed except as noted below. One staff is responsible for PSW action for each incoming letter; that staff is the one responsible for the file code listed. Others need to coordinate with that staff before initiating PSW action. Letters received with more than one file code must be distributed to each staff responsible for one of the codes. Letters received with routing codes are distributed as copies to those responsible for those codes. Those who are listed as receiving copies need to coordinate with the staff responsible for further action. All letters with a REPLY DUE date are filed in the Reply Due folder for distribution. Using the file code and the subject, responsibility is assigned for PSW response. Letters with an optional reply due will be routed the same as those letters without a reply due. Incoming Forest Service correspondence is not record material (FSH 6209.11). Since incoming letters are sometimes used to prepare a response, these letters may be filed outside the Mailroom account in the unit directories. Exhibit 01 is the routing guide for the Pacific Southwest Research Station. Exhibit 02 lists PSW organizational mail unit abbreviations. PSW INTERIM DIRECTIVE PSWS_6209.14-2006-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: January 3, 2006 DURATION: This interim directive expires on 04/30/2007. id_6209.14_20 Page 3 of 5 FSH 6209.14 – MAIL MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – INCOMING MAIL OPERATIONS 24.2 - Exhibit 01 Pacific Southwest Research Station Routing Code Guide All letters addressed to the Station Director must be placed in the cc: Director mail folder. File Code 1010-1020 1100-1130 1200-1310 1320 1330-1340 1340-3 1350 1360 Brief Title Laws, Regulations, Mission Directives Organization through Business Tech Transfer Mgt Strategies, Improvement Patents Committees Meetings Responsible Staff Director RPA OPS Information Staff OPS, RPA, RFL Directives Director, RPA, RFL RPA OPS RPA OPS Staff responsible for subject. FAS OPS BFM Director COMM COMM Director, RPA, RFL Director, OPS, Research RPA Director, Research, OPS, RPA OPS, RPA RPA, RFL OPS, RPA OPS, RPA, COMM Director, OPS, RPA, Research Director, OPS Director, OPS, BFM 1370-1380 1390 1400-1470 1500 1510-1520 Forms Reports Information Mgt Controls External Relations Legislative, Public Services 1530-1540 1550-1570 RPA RPA 1580 1590 1600-1660 1670-1680 1690 1700-1790 1800-1870 1900-1990 Inter-Intra Dept International - State Local Agencies - Appeals Grants Agreements Emergency Operations Information Services Library - History Internal Communications Civil Rights Human Resource Program Planning 2060-2080 2100-2140 2150 2160-2170 2200-2880 3000-3900 Ecosystem Environmental Mgt Pesticide Hazard Material - Energy Range through Minerals State & Private Forestry Research OPS Safety Safety Research RPA BFM Safety COMM Library COMM EEO HR RPA OPS, RPA Director, OPS, FAS, RFL OPS, RPA, Library, RFL OPS, RPA OPS, RFL Director, OPS, RPA, HR Director, OPS, RFL Director, OPS, Research, BFM Director, OPS, RPA RPA, Research FAS, all lab folders OPS, FAS RPA Director, OPS PSW INTERIM DIRECTIVE PSWS_6209.14-2006-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: January 3, 2006 DURATION: This interim directive expires on 04/30/2007. id_6209.14_20 Page 4 of 5 FSH 6209.14 – MAIL MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – INCOMING MAIL OPERATIONS 24.2 - Exhibit 01 (continued) File Code 4000 Brief Title Research Responsible Staff Director 4060 4060-3 4070 4080 Research Facilities Research Natural Areas Research Program Research Admin FAS RPA Director Director 4100-4910 Research Director 5100-5170 5180 5190 5300-5490 5500-5590 5700-5720 6100-6190 6130 Fire Management Fire Reports Fire Management Law Enforcement - Lands Land Title Aviation Management Personnel Management Vacancies, Announcements, Summaries Office Management FOIA Privacy Act Procurement - Property Finance - Accounting Systems Management Safety - Health Engineering - Buildings Public Health Water Storage - Electrical Transportation Research Fire Reports folder Research OPS Research Research HR Outreach and Vacancies folder OPS RPA HR FAS BFM IRM, CGA Safety FAS FAS FAS 6200-6270 6270-1 6270-2 6300-6460 6500-6580 6600-6640 6700-6770 7100-7320 7400-7490 7500-7740 Information Staff OPS, RPA, Research, IPIF, SNRC RPA, OPS, RFL Director, OPS, Research OPS, RPA, Research OPS, RPA, Research, BFM, RFL OPS, RPA, Research, IPIF, SNRC, RFL RPA, RFL RPA, RFL RPA, Safety OPS, RPA Safety OPS, RFL All Lab folders RFL OPS, RFL OPS, RPA, RFL OPS, RFL OPS, FAS, RFL RFL, Safety OPS, HR, RFL OPS, RFL OPS, HR, Safety, RFL OPS, RFL PSW INTERIM DIRECTIVE PSWS_6209.14-2006-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: January 3, 2006 DURATION: This interim directive expires on 04/30/2007. id_6209.14_20 Page 5 of 5 FSH 6209.14 – MAIL MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – INCOMING MAIL OPERATIONS 24.2 - Exhibit 02 Pacific Southwest Research Organizational Mail Units Abbreviation Staff Headquarters: BFM COMM DEP Director EEO FAS HR IRM, CGA Library OPS Research RPA Safety Statistics Budget and Financial Management Group Director of Communications Deputy Station Director Station Director Equal Employment Opportunity Facilities and Administrative Services Group Human Resources Group Information Resource Management, Continuing Government Activity Library Services Assistant Director, Operations Assistant Director, Research Assistant Director, Research Planning and Applications Health and Safety Officer Environmental Statistics Unit Labs: Albany/Davis IFG IPIF Redding RFL RSL SNRC RWU-4502, RWU-4952 Institute of Forest Genetics, Placerville and Davis Institute of Pacific Islands Forestry, Hawaii Silviculture Laboratory, Redding Forest Fire Laboratory, Riverside Redwood Sciences Laboratory, Arcata Sierra Nevada Research Center, Davis and Fresno Other mailroom folders: News and Notices Chief's Letters Fire Reports Outreach and Vacancies Reply Due Directives