6209.11_42_5000 Series Page 1 of 26 FOREST SERVICE HANDBOOK NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS (WO) WASHINGTON, DC FSH 6209.11 – RECORDS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 40 – FILE DESIGNATIONS AND DISPOSITION Amendment No.: 6209.11-2016-3 Effective Date: February 4, 2016 Duration: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. Approved: J. LENISE LAGO Deputy Chief for Business Operations Date Approved: 01/27/2016 Posting Instructions: Amendments are numbered consecutively by Handbook number and calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this amendment. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last amendment to this Handbook was 6209.11-2016-2 to 6209.11_42_2000 Series. New Document 6209.11 42 5000 Series 26 Pages Superseded Document(s) by Issuance Number and Effective Date 6209.11_42_5000 Series (Amendment 6209.11-2013-6, 09/18/2013) 28 Pages Digest: 42 - Revises 5000 file code series direction previously issued. Revisions to retention and retention authority categories indicate whether disposition is authorized. WO AMENDMENT 6209.11-2016-3 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2016 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6209.11_42_5000 Series Page 2 of 26 Table of Contents 42 – File Designations and Retention Periods ............................................................ 3 5000 Series File Codes ............................................................................................................ 3 WO AMENDMENT 6209.11-2016-3 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2016 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6209.11_42_5000 Series Page 3 of 26 42 – FILE DESIGNATIONS AND RETENTION PERIODS 5000 - Series File Codes Note: As electronic records management of unstructured data is implemented within the USDA/Forest Service, the Agency must maintain electronic versions of the records according to 36 CFR 1236 for the entire record lifecycle. The Agency must transfer permanent records to the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) in accordance with the applicable NARA standards in place at the time of transfer. FS FILE CODE OFFICIAL RECORD FORMAT HEADING SUB-HEADINGS DESCRIPTION RETENTION RETENTION AUTHORITY 5100 Fire Management General Temporary, 25 years (FY) N1-95-10-10, item 12 Hardcopy 5100 Fire Management Fire Management Inquiries Records pertaining to fire management policies, programs, and administration that are not retained under any other schedule in the 5100 series. Includes broad policies pertaining to the administration of the fire management program. Note: Close file at end of fiscal year and apply retention period. Routine inquiries requesting general information. Temporary, 3 months Temporary, 25 years (see note) Temporary (see note) GRS 14-3 Hardcopy N1-95-10-10, item 13 Hardcopy GRS 1-18a Hardcopy 5100 5100 Fire Management Studies, Administrative Individual Employee Training Records Administrative studies of the fire management program, including but not limited to policies, programs, and administration. Note: Close file at end of study and apply retention period. Records pertaining to fire training completed by permanent and temporary employees. Records include, but are not limited to: Agency copy of course completion records maintained in the BLM Incident Qualifications and Certifications System (IQCS). Fire Position Task Books maintained and used by fire management to document and determine employee incident qualifications (including certifications). Note 1: Unit must maintain a copy of records entered into the BLM IQCS. Note 2: Annually review Agency copy of training records and destroy superceded or obsolete documents. Destroy entire file relating to individual employee one year after employee separation or transfer. Copy of records may be provided to receiving unit of transferring employees as needed. Note 3: Records may include PII. Note 4: Restrict access to records. Note 5: Records are covered by Privacy Act System of Records WO AMENDMENT 6209.11-2016-3 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2016 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. FS FILE CODE HEADING SUB-HEADINGS 5110 Wildfire Prevention General 5110 Wildfire Prevention Plans 5120 Preparedness Dispatching 5120 Preparedness Fire-Danger Rating 5120 Preparedness Fire-Weather Forecasting 6209.11_42_5000 Series Page 4 of 26 DESCRIPTION USDA OP-1. Includes records associated with wildfire prevention, that document cost-efficient reduction of fire suppression expenditures; damages from human-caused fires; resource management objectives; fire management direction; coordination with other Forest Service offices, Federal and State agencies; and procedures and policies associated with the fire management analysis systems and applications. Note 1: Create subject folders by topic. Note 2: Close file at end of fiscal year and apply retention period. Includes records associated with wildfire prevention plans, including the actual plan. Note 1: Arrange in folders by plan. Note 2: Close file at end of fiscal year and apply retention period. Records associated with the implementation of a command decision to move resources from one place to another, includes geographic area and local dispatch operating plans and mobilization guides. Includes documentation (including voice recordings) associated with the following dispatch centers: The National Interagency Coordination Center (NICC): Coordinates and facilitates Interregional, Interagency, and International fire management support and predictive services. Geographic Area Coordination Centers (GACC): Provides interregional fire management support and prescribed fire support to Regions, National Forests, and cooperators identified in Regional or Geographic Area Mobilization Guides. Local dispatch centers: Provides wildland fire and prescribed fire support to national forests, ranger districts, and cooperating agencies. Note: Close file at end of fiscal year and apply retention period. Includes records regarding the National Fire Danger Rating System (NFDRS), fire danger rating operating plan, fire danger rating pocket card for firefighter safety, and similar topics. Note: Close file at end of fiscal year and apply retention period. Includes records pertaining to fire weather forecasting, including (but not limited to) documentation pertaining to (but not maintained in) fire-weather forecasting database systems or applications such as: Remote Automatic Weather Station (RAWS) Weather Information Management System (WIMS) OFFICIAL RECORD FORMAT RETENTION RETENTION AUTHORITY Temporary, 50 years (FY) N1-95-10-10, item 14 Hardcopy Temporary, 50 years (FY) N1-95-10-10, item 15 Hardcopy Temporary, 50 years (FY) N1-95-10-10, item 16 Hardcopy Temporary, 50 years (FY) N1-95-10-10, item 17 Hardcopy PERMANENT (FY) Pending, Retain on site until disposition instructions issued to FSH 6209.11, Chapter 40 Hardcopy WO AMENDMENT 6209.11-2016-3 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2016 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. FS FILE CODE HEADING SUB-HEADINGS 5120 Preparedness General 5120 Preparedness Plans 6209.11_42_5000 Series Page 5 of 26 DESCRIPTION Western Regional Climate Center Also includes records pertaining to fire weather forecasting policies and procedures, such as the National Fire Danger Rating System Weather Station Standards, the Weather Informaiton Management System User’s Guide, and the Weather Station Handbook – An Interagency Guide for Wildland Managers. Note 1: Database systems and applications scheduled separately. Note 2: Close file at end of fiscal year and apply retention period. Note 3: Transfer closed case files to NARA when 15 years old. Note 4: Agency Records Officer authorization via a NARA approved transfer form [ERA Transfer Request (TR)] required prior to transferring permanent records to custody and ownership of NARA. Note 5: As electronic retention of official records is approved for this file code category, pre-accession of electronic records is authorized by mutual consent of both NARA and Forest Service. Note 6: Store closed hardcopy records at FRC until eligible for transfer to NARA custody. Includes records of fire management activities planned and accomplished in advance of wildland fire ignition to ensure safe, efficient, effective management action. Activities include preparedness planning; fire detection; fire management resource dispatching; communication systems; rating of fire danger; fire weather monitoring; wildland fire suppression; planning for wildland fire use; maintaining fire records including tabular and spatial data; fire training course materials, and qualification guidance. Records document oversight of operation and maintenance, as well as coordination with the National Interagency Coordination Center (NICC) at Boise, Idaho. Note 1: Close file at end of fiscal year and apply retention period. Note 2: All records documenting individual employee completion of training are maintained under “5100 – Fire Management – Individual Employee Training Records”. Note 3: The official record copy of training course material developed or sponsored by the Agency (such as that developed by the NWCG or by a regional fire staff) is to be maintained by the originating/sponsoring Forest Service unit or authority. All other Forest Service units using the course materials are not required to maintain a record copy in official files. Includes annually issued written plan and associated documentation that provides for timely recognition of approaching critical fire OFFICIAL RECORD FORMAT RETENTION RETENTION AUTHORITY Temporary, 50 years (FY) N1-95-10-10, item 18 Hardcopy Temporary, 50 years (FY) N1-95-10-9, item 1 Hardcopy WO AMENDMENT 6209.11-2016-3 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2016 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. FS FILE CODE HEADING SUB-HEADINGS 5130 Wildland Fire Suppression Fire Dispatch Logs 5130 Wildland Fire Suppression Fire Organization 5130 Wildland Fire Suppression General 5130 Wildland Fire Suppression Reports 6209.11_42_5000 Series Page 6 of 26 DESCRIPTION situations, priority setting, the deployment of forces, and other actions to respond to fire situations. Note 1: Current, annual – arrange in folders by plan. Note 2: Close file at end of fiscal year and apply retention period. Information recorded in logs (both hardcopy and electronic) of fire starts and dispatch of personnel. Hardcopy logs often located in Forest Service Dispatch Centers. Often these documents are unique, one-of-a-kind records and may consist of loose pages stored in a map-sized ledger from which individual pages can be removed. Note 1: Care should be taken with paper documents showing extreme wear (edge cracking, paper discoloration). If possible, make a copy of the document using standard or map copier. Indicate in writing on document if it is a duplicate/copy of the original. Do not mark on original. Note 2: Hard copy records created prior to adoption of electronic database system(s) are designated for permanent retention. All hardcopy documentation created after adoption of electronic database system(s) are temporary and can be destroyed once it is verified that the data on the hardcopy has been recorded in the electronic system. Note 3: Original hardcopy records 15 years old or older should be transferred to the National Archives and Records Administration. Retain copy on unit for Agency use. Note 4: Agency Records Officer authorization via a NARA approved transfer form [for example, ERA Transfer Request (TR)] required prior to transferring permanent records to custody and ownership of NARA. Note 5: As electronic retention of official records is approved for this file code category, pre-accession of electronic records is authorized by mutual consent of both NARA and Forest Service. Records pertaining to the duties and responsibilities of supervisors, employees, line officers, incident commanders, and other personnel associated with fire suppression activities. Note: Close file at end of fiscal year and apply retention period. Correspondence and other documentation associated with wildland fire suppression. Topics include fire suppression, emergency firefighters, safety, civil rights, structure fires, and strategies. Note: Close file at end of fiscal year and apply retention period. Includes reports, plans, and programs pertaining to fire suppression and organization. File fire incident reports under 5180. Note: Close file at end of fiscal year and apply retention period. RETENTION RETENTION AUTHORITY OFFICIAL RECORD FORMAT PERMANENT (see note) N1-95-10-7, item 1 Hardcopy and Electronic Temporary, 50 years (FY) N1-95-10-10, item 19 Hardcopy Temporary, 50 years (FY) N1-95-10-10, item 20 Hardcopy Temporary, 50 years (FY) N1-95-10-10, item 21 Hardcopy WO AMENDMENT 6209.11-2016-3 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2016 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6209.11_42_5000 Series Page 7 of 26 OFFICIAL RECORD FORMAT FS FILE CODE HEADING SUB-HEADINGS DESCRIPTION RETENTION RETENTION AUTHORITY 5140 Fire Use Appraisal Methods Temporary, 25 years (FY) N1-95-10-10, item 22 Hardcopy 5140 Fire Use General Temporary, 25 years (FY) N1-95-10-10, item 23 Hardcopy 5140 Fire Use Statistical Appraisals Temporary, 25 years (FY) N1-95-10-10, item 24 Hardcopy 5150 Fuel Management Burning Plans Temporary, 25 years (see note) N1-95-10-10, item 25 Hardcopy 5150 Fuel Management General Temporary, 25 years (FY) N1-95-10-10, item 26 Hardcopy 5150 Fuel Management Hazard Reduction Temporary, 25 years (see note) N1-95-10-10, item 27 Hardcopy 5150 Fuel Management Reports Temporary, 25 years (FY) N1-95-10-10, item 28 Hardcopy 5160 Fire Management Equipment and Supplies Fire Management Cooperation General Documentation associated with appraisal methods associated with fire use planning, prescribed fire, fire use in forest land and resource management plans, wildland fire use, and smoke management. Note: Close file at end of fiscal year and apply retention period. Records include general correspondence and records not listed elsewhere in this schedule, pertaining to fire use planning, prescribed fire, fire use in forest land and resource management plans, wildland fire use, and smoke management. Note: Close file at end of fiscal year and apply retention period. Statistical appraisals associated with fire use planning, prescribed fire, fire use in forest land and resource management plans, wildland fire use, and smoke management. Note: Close file at end of fiscal year and apply retention period. Includes burning plans and supporting documentation. Note 1: Organize in folders by unit. Note 2: Close file when administrative use ends and apply retention period. Includes records pertaining to fuel management, the practice of evaluating, planning, and treating wildland fuel to support land and resource management objectives,and methods used for controlling flammability and reducing the resistance to control. Note: Close file at end of fiscal year and apply retention period. Documentation of efforts to replace hazardous fuel with less flammable fuel or fuel that offers less resistance to suppression. Note 1: Organize in folders by area. Note 2: Close file when administrative use ends and apply retention period. Includes annual fuel treatment reports that summarize accomplishments of fuel treatment on National Forest Lands. Note: Close file at end of fiscal year and apply retention period. Fire equipment inspection, maintenance, storage, and financing. Note: Close file at end of fiscal year and apply retention period. Temporary, 25 years (FY) N1-95-10-10, item 29 Hardcopy Temporary, 25 years (see note) N1-95-10-10, item 30 Hardcopy 5170 Agreements Records include documentation of agreements between the Forest Service, other Federal agencies and/or foreign countries regarding fire management cooperation. Note 1: Arrange folders alphabetically by agency association, or individual Note 2: Cooperation with State, local, and private entities is WO AMENDMENT 6209.11-2016-3 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2016 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. FS FILE CODE HEADING SUB-HEADINGS 5170 Fire Management Cooperation General 5180 Fire Reports Fire Package – Incident Administrative Records 5180 Fire Reports Fire Package – Incident History File 6209.11_42_5000 Series Page 8 of 26 DESCRIPTION retained under file code 3170. Note 3: Retention period begins when agreement ends. Fire management correspondence and similar records pertaining cooperation among the Forest Service, other Federal agencies, and foreign countries not covered elsewhere in this schedule. Note: Close file at end of fiscal year and apply retention period. Records documenting the administrative and operational actions taken in the management of the incident, such as daily action plans, internal briefings, status summary reports (except final), inspection checklists, unit logs, worksheets, inventories, T-cards, resource orders, demobilization plans and checkout, cost estimates, agreements, fire behavior messages and forecasts, raw weather data captured elsewhere, safety reports and accident logs, firing plans, individual unit narratives, photos without long-term value, and similar records pertaining to logistics, resources, air operations, safety, and demobilization, which document decisions and activities with near-term importance, claims, payments, and litigation support. Note: Cutoff or close at end of calendar year (CY) in which the incident is terminated. Paper records: Retain on site for 3 years after closing, then transfer to regional FRC. Electronic records: Maintain on site until disposition date. Reference copies: Documents with no further administrative value, including copies maintained by individuals in personal files, personal electronic mail directories, or other personal directories on hard disk or network drives, and copies on shared network drives that are used only to produce the recordkeeping copy: Destroy/delete within 180 days after the recordkeeping copy has been produced, or when administrative use ceases, whichever is longer. Working documents: Copies used for dissemination, revision, or updating, that are maintained in addition to the recordkeeping copy. Destroy/delete when dissemination, revision, updating is completed, or when administrative use ceases. Records documenting significant events, actions taken, lessons learned, and other information with long-term value for managing natural resources on Federal lands, such as: fire narrative and summary reports, final situation analyses, delegation of authority, incident action plans, Fire Behavior Analyst reports, field weather data not captured electronically, news articles and media releases, OFFICIAL RECORD FORMAT RETENTION RETENTION AUTHORITY Temporary, 25 years (FY) N1-95-10-10, item 31 Hardcopy Temporary, 7 years (CY) N1-95-05-02, item 3 Hardcopy PERMANENT (see note) N1-95-05-02, item 2 Hardcopy WO AMENDMENT 6209.11-2016-3 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2016 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. FS FILE CODE 5180 HEADING Fire Reports SUB-HEADINGS Fire Report Packages 6209.11_42_5000 Series Page 9 of 26 DESCRIPTION fire progression and final fire perimeter maps, photos and infrareds necessary to document resource impact and lessons learned. Other records may include those relating to joint operations and/or mutual aid; copies of incident reports and analyses prepared by agencies other than the Incident Management Team or host unit, or other agencies that support management decisions; records documenting significant interactions with communities affected by the incident; and selected reports or notes pertaining to high-level management, entrapment reports and security issues that have not been incorporated into the fire narrative. For incidents involving use of wildland fire for resource management purposes, include Wildland Fire Implementation Plans or equivalents. Note 1: Cutoff or close at end of CY in which the incident is terminated. Note 2: Maintain on the host unit for 3 years after closing or until no longer needed for other business needs or litigation. Note 3: Transfer closed case files to NARA when 20 years old. Note 4: Agency Records Officer authorization via a NARA approved transfer form [such as, ERA Transfer Request (TR)] required prior to transferring permanent records to custody and ownership of NARA. Note 5: As electronic retention of official records is approved for this file code category, pre-accession of electronic records is authorized by mutual consent of both NARA and Forest Service. Note 6: Store closed hardcopy records at FRC until eligible for transfer to NARA custody. Including project fire package, components of the documentation package associated with the management/suppression of wildland fire incidents such as narrative reports, action plans, maps, fire situation analyses, and other records that have long-term value. Note 1: Cutoff or close file at end of CY in which report submitted OR maintain and transfer individual fire reports to NARA with fire package – incident history file (as described in Fire Package – Incident History File). Note 2: Maintain on the host unit for 3 years after closing or until no longer needed for other business needs or litigation. Note 3: Transfer closed case files to NARA when 20 years old. Note 4: Agency Records Officer authorization via a NARA approved transfer form [such as, RA Transfer Request (TR)] required prior to transferring permanent records to custody and ownership of NARA. RETENTION RETENTION AUTHORITY PERMANENT (see note) N1-95-05-02, item 1 OFFICIAL RECORD FORMAT Hardcopy WO AMENDMENT 6209.11-2016-3 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2016 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. FS FILE CODE HEADING SUB-HEADINGS 5190 Management Administrative Fire Analysis 5190 5190 Fire Management Management FFF – Obsolete – Do not use General 5190 Management National Fire Planning 5300 Law Enforcement General 5300 Law Enforcement Registers 5310 Law Enforcement Planning General 6209.11_42_5000 Series Page 10 of 26 DESCRIPTION Note 5: As electronic retention of official records is approved for this file code category, pre-accession of electronic records is authorized by mutual consent of both NARA and Forest Service. Note 6: Store closed hardcopy records at FRC until eligible for transfer to NARA custody. Policies, procedures, and reports regarding fire reviews. Note: Close file when administrative use ends and apply retention period. FFF - Obsolete – Do Not Use. Correspondence and records of a general nature pertaining to administrative fire analysis, National Fire Planning, and FFF standards. Note: Close file at end of fiscal year and apply retention period. Records associated with the planning, evaluation, documentation, and implementation of fire management programs and analysis. Includes development and evaluation documentation of an array of fire management program options at the forest, regional, and national level. Note: Close file when administrative use ends and apply retention period. Includes general correspondence and materials regarding law enforcement that are too broad to be filed under a specific subject heading. Also includes damage appraisal and claims. Note 1: Close file at end of fiscal year and apply retention period. Note 2: File records pertaining to identification cards and trespass cards under 5320-Pocket Credentials. Includes registers or logs used to record names of outside contractors, service personnel, visitors, employees admitted to areas, and reports on automobiles and passengers. Note: Retention period begins after final entry in register. Law Enforcement Plan that identifies problems, trends, workloads at each organizational level, staffing needs that outline how field units will conduct law enforcement program. Note 1: Close file at end of fiscal year. Note 2: Transfer closed file to NARA when 15 years old. Note 3: Agency Records Officer authorization via a NARA approved transfer form [for example, ERA Transfer Request (TR)] required prior to transferring permanent records to custody and ownership of NARA. Note 4: As electronic retention of official records is approved for RETENTION RETENTION AUTHORITY OFFICIAL RECORD FORMAT Temporary, 50 years (see note) OBSOLETE N1-95-10-10, item 32 Hardcopy OBSOLETE Hardcopy Temporary, 50 years (FY) N1-95-10-10, item 33 Hardcopy Temporary, 50 years (see note) N1-95-10-10, item 34 Hardcopy Temporary, 5 years (FY) N1-95-10-9, item 2 Hardcopy Temporary, 2 years (see note) GRS 18-17b Hardcopy PERMANENT (see note) N1-95-10-9, item 3 Hardcopy WO AMENDMENT 6209.11-2016-3 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2016 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. FS FILE CODE HEADING SUB-HEADINGS 5320 Investigation General 5320 Investigation Investigative Cases 5320 Investigation Pocket Credentials 5330 Law Violations Closure Orders 5330 Law Violations General 5340 Reports Case Reports 5340 Reports Reports 6209.11_42_5000 Series Page 11 of 26 DESCRIPTION this file code category, pre-accession of electronic records is authorized by mutual consent of both NARA and Forest Service. Note 5: Store closed hardcopy records at FRC until eligible for transfer to NARA custody. Includes general correspondence and records pertaining to types of investigations, procedures, reporting, reports to OIG, and directions. Note: Close file at end of fiscal year and apply retention period. Investigations related to fraud, abuse and misuse by FS personnel and non-FS personnel. Note 1: Establish case files as needed. Note 2: Retention period begins when case file closed and apply retention period. Includes documentation and records of credential cards for special agents and special officers. Note 1: Establish case files as needed. Note 2: Retention period begins when case file closed. Includes originals of closures/restrictions on roads, trails, and areas on Forest Service lands. Note: Retention period begins when closure order rescinded. Includes correspondence and records related to law violations; including, but not limited to Violation Notices, Warning Notices, and Incident Reports. Information regarding violations shall also be entered and retained in the LEIMARS database. Note 1: Close file at end of fiscal year and apply retention period. Note 2: Retain video recordings of confirmed violations under applicable category, such as 5340 – Reports – Case Reports. Includes case files containing data (including video documentation) that enables reviewing officials and attorneys to access the prospective merits of a case to present in court. Note: Retention period begins when case file closed. Includes records associated with the Law Enforcement Investigations Management Attainment Reporting System (LEIMARS), Cooperative Law Enforcement Activity Reports, and Annual Report. Note 1: Cut off annually. Note 2: Computer input documents should be destroyed when no longer needed for administrative use. Note 3: Computer input documents should be destroyed when no longer needed for administrative use, unless retained as an official record under another file code category. Note 4: Electronic database systems and applications, including RETENTION AUTHORITY OFFICIAL RECORD FORMAT Temporary, 10 years (FY) N1-95-10-9, item 4 Hardcopy Temporary, 10 years (FY) N1-95-10-9, item 5 Hardcopy Temporary, 10 years (FY) N1-95-10-9, item 6 Hardcopy Temporary, 10 years (FY) N1-95-10-8, item 1 Hardcopy Temporary, 10 years (FY) N1-95-10-9, item 7 Hardcopy Temporary, 10 years (FY) N1-95-10-9, item 8 Hardcopy PERMANENT (see note) N1-95-10-9, item 9 Hardcopy RETENTION WO AMENDMENT 6209.11-2016-3 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2016 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. FS FILE CODE HEADING SUB-HEADINGS 5350 Procedures (Law Enforcement) General 5360 Cooperative Law Enforcement Suitability Requirements, Training, and Standards Law Enforcement Equipment General 5400 Landownership General 5400 Landownership Inquiries 5400 Landownership Plans 5410 Appraisals Appraisal - Case 5370 5380 General General 6209.11_42_5000 Series Page 12 of 26 DESCRIPTION database repositories are scheduled separately. Note 5: Agency Records Officer authorization via a NARA approved transfer form [for example, ERA Transfer Request (TR)] required prior to transferring permanent records to custody and ownership of NARA. Note 6: As electronic retention of official records is approved for this file code category, pre-accession of electronic records is authorized by mutual consent of both NARA and Forest Service. Note 7: Store closed hardcopy records at FRC until eligible for transfer to NARA custody. Includes records and reports pertaining to violation prevention and enforcement, including related activities with Federal, State, and local law enforcement agencies. Note: Close file at end of fiscal year and apply retention period. Includes cooperative agreements with State and local authorities. Note: Retention period begins when agreement terminated. Includes policy and procedures, correspondence and memorandums related to levels of training standards for employees with law enforcement duties. Note: Close file at end of fiscal year and apply retention period. Includes correspondence, memorandums, and other records related to policy on law enforcement firearms, chemical agents, selfdefense, defensive equipment, uniforms, vehicles, and specialized equipment. Note: Close file at end of fiscal year and apply retention period. Records concerning landownership too broad to be filed under one of the more specific subjects. Note: Close file at end of fiscal year and apply retention period. Routine acknowledgements and transmittals Land adjustment plans and related correspondence for National Forests, National Grasslands, and Land Utilization Project areas, and right-of-way procurement plans for current and anticipated needs for rights-of-way over non-Federal lands and interests in lands. Note 1: Arrange by type of plan. Note 2: Retention period begins when plan completely revised or superseded by new plan. Case specific documentation of appraisals or valuation-related OFFICIAL RECORD FORMAT RETENTION RETENTION AUTHORITY Temporary, 10 years (FY) N1-95-10-9, item 10 Hardcopy Temporary, 10 years (FY) N1-95-10-9, item 11 Hardcopy Temporary, 20 years (FY) N1-95-10-9, item 12 Hardcopy Temporary, 20 years (FY) N1-95-10-9, item 13 Hardcopy Temporary, 5 years (FY) N1-95-10-10, item 35 Hardcopy Temporary, 3 months Temoprary, 5 years (see note) GRS 14-1 Hardcopy N1-95-10-10, item 36 Hardcopy N1-95-10-8, item 2 Hardcopy Temporary, WO AMENDMENT 6209.11-2016-3 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2016 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. FS FILE CODE HEADING SUB-HEADINGS (Land) Files 5410 Appraisals (Land) General 5420 Purchases and Donations (Land) Donation - Case Files 5420 Purchases and Donations (Land) Purchases and Donations (Land) Purchases and Donations (Land) Donations – Unconsummated Cases General 5420 5420 Purchases Case Files 6209.11_42_5000 Series Page 13 of 26 DESCRIPTION consultation. Files may include request for valuation services; appraiser instructions; report; review report (if any); and other supporting documentation. Note 1: PII - Keep files in secure environment. Paper files should be kept in locked drawers. Restrict access to both paper and electronic files. Note 2: Establish case files as needed. Note 3: Retain on site, do not forward to FRC or NARA. Note 4: If paper records maintained, both hardcopy originals and hardcopy official file copies should have original signatures. Note 5: Appraisal case files are to be maintained by the Regional Appraiser. Note 6: Retention period begins at closure of case. Including correspondence on principles, approaches to value, procedures, controls, and other information relating to valuation real property. Note: Close file at end of fiscal year and apply retention period. Including administrative sites. Includes correspondence, purchase agreements, contracts, land surveys, grants, patents, deeds, deed of trust or mortgage, title insurance policy, abstract of title, certificate of title, Torrens certificate of title, or other such related documents. Arrange files alphabetically by case name. Note 1: Screen for records necessary for permanent title file (5590 – Landownership Status - Land Status Title), apply retention period to records not incorporated into 5590 title file. Note 2: Retain records in office. Retention period begins after title file is created and adminstrative/legal use ceases. Do not transfer to FRC or NARA. Note 3: If paper records maintained, both hardcopy originals and hardcopy official file copies should have original signatures. Includes correspondence, title evidence and related documents. Note: Retain records in office. Retention period begins after adminstrative/legal use ceases. Do not transfer to FRC. Includes correspondence concerning land purchases and donations, not related to specific case. Note: Close file at end of fiscal year and apply retention period. Including Administrative sites. Includes correspondence, survey, appraisal reviews, deeds, condemnation documents where applicable, appeals other title evidence, and related documents. Arrange files alphabetically by case name. Note 1: Screen for records necessary for permanent title file RETENTION RETENTION AUTHORITY OFFICIAL RECORD FORMAT 5 years (see note) Temporary, 5 years (FY) N1-95-10-10, item 37 Hardcopy Temporary, 5 years (see note) N1-95-10-10, item 38 Hardcopy Temorary, 5 years (see note) Temporary, 5 years (FY) N1-95-10-10, item 39 Hardcopy N1-95-10-10, item 40 Hardcopy N1-95-10-10, item 41 Hardcopy Temporary, 5 years (see note) WO AMENDMENT 6209.11-2016-3 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2016 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. FS FILE CODE HEADING SUB-HEADINGS Purchases and Donations (Land) Exchanges (Land) Purchases – Unconsummated Cases Exchanges – Case File 5430 Exchanges (Land) Exchanges – Unconsummated Cases 5430 Exchanges (Land) General 5440 Partial Land Interests, Except Rights-of-Way Partial Land Interests, Except Rights-of-Way General 5420 5430 5440 Partial Land Interests – Case Files 6209.11_42_5000 Series Page 14 of 26 DESCRIPTION (5590 – Landownership Status - Land Status Title), apply retention period to records not incorporated into 5590 title file. Note 2: Retain records in office. Retention period begins after title file is created and adminstrative/legal use ceases. Do not transfer to FRC or NARA. Note 3: If paper records maintained, both hardcopy originals and hardcopy official file copies should have original signatures. Includes correspondence, title evidence, and related documents. Note: Retain records in office. Retention period begins after adminstrative/legal use ceases. Do not transfer to FRC. Including correspondence, letters of negotiation, explanatory notes, exchange agreements, proposals, plans, or contracts, appraisal reviews, appeals, objections and related decisions, land descriptions, field examinations, surveys, certificates of possession, statements of intent, environmental assessments, statements of value and appraisal, statements of disposal, certificates of title or title insurance policy, certifications and proof of publications, and other related documents. Arrange files alphabetically case name. Note 1: Screen for records necessary for permanent title file (5590 – Landownership Status - Land Status Title), apply retention period to records not incorporated into 5590 title file. Note 2: Retain records in office. Retention period begins after title file is created and adminstrative/legal use ceases. Do not transfer to FRC or NARA. Note 3: If paper records maintained, both hardcopy originals and hardcopy official file copies should have original signatures. Includes correspondence documents incidental to land adjustments. Note: Retain records in office. Retention period begins after adminstrative/legal use ceases. Do not transfer to FRC. Includes correspondence concerning land exchanges, not related to specific case. Note: Close file at end of fiscal year and apply retention period. Includes correspondence concerning partial land interest, not related to specific case. Note: Close file at end of fiscal year and apply retention period. Including correspondence, evaluations, appraisal reviews, scenic or conservation easements, mineral deeds, documentation of NEPA compliance, environmental assessments or statements, RETENTION Temporary, 5 years (see note) Temporary, 5 years (see note) RETENTION AUTHORITY OFFICIAL RECORD FORMAT N1-95-10-10, item 42 Hardcopy N1-95-10-10, item 43 Hardcopy Temporary, 5 years (see note) N1-95-10-10, item 44 Hardcopy Temporary, 5 years (FY) N1-95-10-10, item 45 Hardcopy Temporary, 5 years (FY) N1-95-10-10, item 46 Hardcopy Temporary, 5 years (see note) N1-95-10-10, item 47 Hardcopy WO AMENDMENT 6209.11-2016-3 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2016 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. FS FILE CODE HEADING 5440 Partial Land Interests, Except Rights-of-Way 5450 National Forest System Modification SUB-HEADINGS Partial Land Interests – Unconsummated Cases Boundary Modifications – Case Files 6209.11_42_5000 Series Page 15 of 26 DESCRIPTION mortgages, deeds of trust and vendors liens, leases, and related documents. Arrange files alphabetically by name of grantor. Note 1: Screen for records necessary for permanent title file (5590 – Landownership Status - Land Status Title), apply retention period to records not incorporated into 5590 title file. Note 2: Retain records in office. Retention period begins after title file is created and adminstrative/legal use ceases. Do not transfer to FRC or NARA. Note 3: If paper records maintained, both hardcopy originals and hardcopy official file copies should have original signatures.. Includes correspondence, documents incidental to acquisition of partial land interest. Note: Retain records in office. Retention period begins after adminstrative/legal use ceases. Do not transfer to FRC. Consummated and unconsummated case files containing the establishment reports which give background rationale for establishing units which include the public's interest, resources involved, and the intent of management. Establishment documents such as boundary atlas maps, plats, and diagrams Secretarial Orders, Land Orders, Executive Orders, Presidential Proclamations, Acts of Congress which establish a national forest or grasslands; environmental impact statement; wilderness studies and related documents Note 1: Photographing Boundary Map Changes - When boundary changes of large color maps take place, 8 x 10 color positives or 8 x 10 black and white negatives may be made. Offer the original map material to NARA 5-years after the filming is complete. All photographic sets and portions of photographic sets may be distributed to other field units and destroyed when no longer needed. Note 2: Microfiling Boundary Modifications, Land Transfer, or Interchange Records - If desired, a microform may be made of boundary modifications, land transfer or interchange transfer records in accordance with 36 CFR 1230. When the microform is reviewed and found satisfactory follow the disposition instructions for the paper records under 5450-Boundary Modifications and 5450-Land Transfers or Interchange Analyses. Destroy the microform when no longer needed for administrative use. Note 3: Applicable Regional Offices are the office of record. Note 4: Wildland studies previously filed under 5500 are now RETENTION RETENTION AUTHORITY OFFICIAL RECORD FORMAT Temporary, 5 years (see note) N1-95-10-10, item 48 Hardcopy PERMANENT (see note) N1-95-10-9, item 14 Hardcopy WO AMENDMENT 6209.11-2016-3 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2016 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. FS FILE CODE HEADING SUB-HEADINGS 5450 National Forest System Modification General 5450 National Forest System Modification Land Transfers or Interchange Analyses – Case Files 6209.11_42_5000 Series Page 16 of 26 DESCRIPTION filed under 5450; Ownership Adjustments previously filed under 5500 are now filed under 5400-Plans. Note 5: If paper records maintained, both hardcopy originals and hardcopy official file copies should have original signatures. Note 6: Transfer closed file to NARA when 15 years old. Note 7: Agency Records Officer authorization via a NARA approved transfer form [for example, ERA Transfer Request (TR)] required prior to transferring permanent records to custody and ownership of NARA. Note 8: As electronic retention of official records is approved for this file code category, pre-accession of electronic records is authorized by mutual consent of both NARA and Forest Service. Note 9: Store closed hardcopy records at FRC until eligible for transfer to NARA custody. Includes general correspondence on land transfer or Interchange matters; also correspondence on the establishment of National Forest, National Grasslands; modification of boundaries; and procedural aspects. Note: Close file at end of fiscal year and apply retention period. Consummated and unconsummated case files which contain analyses of land transfer or interchange proposals; related correspondence; environmental analyses; related correspondence; environmental analyses, reservoir projects; public domain and National Forest; copies of authorizing documents of transfers or interchanges. Note 1: Photographing Boundary Map Changes - When boundary changes of large color maps take place, 8 x 10 color positives or 8 x 10 black and white negatives may be made. All photographic sets and portions of photographic sets may be distributed to other field units and destroyed when no longer needed. Note 2: Applicable Regional Offices are the office of record. Note 3: Some of the documents in the Lands Transfer or Interchange case file may become part of the permanent title file which is maintained under 5590 – Land Status Title. Screen all 5450-Land Transfer case files for title evidence and file under 5590-Land Status Title. Retain land transfer documents that do not become part of the title file under this file code and subheading. Note 4: If paper records maintained, both hardcopy originals and hardcopy official file copies should have original signatures. OFFICIAL RECORD FORMAT RETENTION RETENTION AUTHORITY Temporary, 5 years (FY) N1-95-10-9, item 15 Hardcopy PERMANENT (see note) N1-95-10-9, item 16 Hardcopy WO AMENDMENT 6209.11-2016-3 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2016 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. FS FILE CODE HEADING SUB-HEADINGS 5450 National Forest System Modification Land Transfers or Interchange Cases 5460 Rights-of-Way Acquisition Construction and Use Agreements, and Supplements 5460 Rights-of-Way Easement Case 6209.11_42_5000 Series Page 17 of 26 DESCRIPTION Note 5: Closed case files: Transfer closed file to NARA when 15 years old. Photographic sets: Offer the original map material to NARA 5-years after the filming is complete. Note 6: Agency Records Officer authorization via a NARA approved transfer form [for example, ERA Transfer Request (TR)] required prior to transferring permanent records to custody and ownership of NARA. Note 7: As electronic retention of official records is approved for this file code category, pre-accession of electronic records is authorized by mutual consent of both NARA and Forest Service. Note 8: Store closed hardcopy records at FRC until eligible for transfer to NARA custody. Includes documentation on land transfer or Interchange matters associated with a specific case file. Note 1: Retention period begins when case closed Note 2: If paper records maintained, both hardcopy originals and hardcopy official file copies should have original signatures. Note 3: Transfer closed cases to NARA when 15 years old. Note 4: Agency Records Officer authorization via a NARA approved transfer form [for example, ERA Transfer Request (TR)] required prior to transferring permanent records to custody and ownership of NARA. Note 5: As electronic retention of official records is approved for this file code category, pre-accession of electronic records is authorized by mutual consent of both NARA and Forest Service. Note 6: Store closed hardcopy records at FRC until eligible for transfer to NARA custody. Case files pertaining to road right-of-way construction and use agreements with other landowners or land administering agencies for joint development and use of roads and road systems. Includes supplements to the agreement, correspondence, and related documents. Arrange case files alphabetically by name of cooperator. Note 1: Regional Office maintains official record. Note 2: Retention period begins when agreement is terminated. Transfer records to FRC 3-years after agreement terminated. Note 3: If paper records maintained, both hardcopy originals and hardcopy official file copies should have original signatures. Permanent easements acquired over private or other lands not RETENTION AUTHORITY OFFICIAL RECORD FORMAT PERMANENT (see note) N1-95-10-7, item 2 Hardcopy Temporary, 25 years (see note) N1-95-10-9, item 17 Hardcopy Temporary, N1-95-10-10, Hardcopy RETENTION WO AMENDMENT 6209.11-2016-3 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2016 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. FS FILE CODE HEADING SUB-HEADINGS Acquisition Files 5460 Rights-of-Way Acquisition General 5460 Rights-of-Way Acquisition Temporary, Rights-of-Way 5460 Rights-of-Way Acquisition Unconsummated Case Files 5470 Reservations and Outstanding Rights General 5470 Reservations and Outstanding Rights Requests, Applications, and Permits 6209.11_42_5000 Series Page 18 of 26 DESCRIPTION administered by Forest Service. Includes correspondence, appraisal reviews and options, if made, certification of cost of right-of-way and improvements, record of payment, and related documents. Arrange files by project name or number and grantor. Note 1: Screen records for documents deemed appropriate for permanent title file as specified under 5590 – Landownership Status - Land Status Title. Retention period for this file code applies to documents that do not become part of the title file. Note 2: Close file when case closed. Note 3: If paper records maintained, both hardcopy originals and hardcopy official file copies should have original signatures. General correspondence concerning the acquisition of right-ofway, not related to a specific case. Note 1: Screen records for documents deemed appropriate for permanent title file as specified under 5590 – Landownership Status - Land Status Title. Retention period for this file code applies to documents that do not become part of the title file. Note 2: Close file at end of fiscal year and apply retention period. Term easements and permits acquired for Temporary, roads over private or other lands not administered by FS. Includes title approval, certification of cost, record of payment, and related documents. Arrange case files by project name or number and grantor. Note 1: Regional and Supervisors’ Offices maintain official records. Transfer to FRC is not authorized. Note 2: Retention period begins when easement or permit expires. Includes correspondence, documents incidental to rights-of-way acquisition. Note: Retain closed case files until local need ceases, then destroy. Transfer to FRC is not authorized. Includes general correspondence related to timber, residency, occupancy, easements, improvements, water, grazing, and other rights or reservations on acquired land. Note: Close file at end of fiscal year and apply retention period. To exercise reserved or outstanding rights. Arrange case files alphabetically by name of owner of right. Note 1: Regional Office maintains official record. Note 2: Retention period begins after expiration or termination of RETENTION RETENTION AUTHORITY OFFICIAL RECORD FORMAT 5 years (see note) item 49 Temporary, 5 years (FY) N1-95-10-10, item 50 Hardcopy Temporary, 5 years (see note) N1-95-10-10, item 51 Hardcopy Temporary, 5 years (see note) N1-95-10-10, item 52 Hardcopy Temporary, 25 years (FY) N1-95-10-10, item 53 Hardcopy Temporary, 25 years (see note) N1-95-10-9, item 18 Hardcopy WO AMENDMENT 6209.11-2016-3 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2016 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. FS FILE CODE HEADING SUB-HEADINGS 5480 Condemnation General 5480 Condemnation Project Case Files 5500 Landownership Title Management General 5510 Title Claims and Encroachment General 5510 Title Claims and Encroachment Title Claims and Encroachment Case Files 6209.11_42_5000 Series Page 19 of 26 DESCRIPTION right. Note 3: If paper records maintained, both hardcopy originals and hardcopy official file copies should have original signatures. Includes general correspondence concerning condemnation actions, not related to a specific case. Note: Close file at end of fiscal year and apply retention period. Includes correspondence, reports, and related documents. Arrange case file alphabetically by case name. Note 1: Screen all records for documents appropriate for permanent title file (5590 – Landownership Status - Land Status Title), retention period applies to documents that do not become part of the title file. Note 2: Apply retention period when case file closed. Note 3: If paper records maintained, both hardcopy originals and hardcopy official file copies should have original signatures. General correspondence too broad to be filed under a specific heading. Note 1: Land Classification records, Boundary Modification records, Land Transfer and Interchanges should be filed under the 5450 series. Note 2: Close file at end of fiscal year and apply retention period. Correspondence concerning title claims and encroachments of lands under the jurisdiction. Note 1: Screen all records for documents appropriate for permanent title file (5590 – Landownership Status - Land Status Title), apply 5510 retention period to records that do not become part of the title file. Note 2: Close file at end of fiscal year and apply retention period. Note 3: If paper records maintained, both hardcopy originals and hardcopy official file copies should have original signatures. Includes correspondence, land use permits, aerial photographs, plats, maps, environmental assessments, permit applications, STA applications, general land office survey plats and notes, court documents, litigation reports, deeds, appraisal reviews, grants, certified letters, affidavits, patent applications, patents, land classification studies and maps, bills of sale, tax assessment records, court decisions or settlements, sale notices, notices of award, and related documents. Arrange files according to the specific subject and, alphabetically by name of claimant, OFFICIAL RECORD FORMAT RETENTION RETENTION AUTHORITY Temporary, 5 years (FY) N1-95-10-10, item 54 Hardcopy Temporary, 5 years (see note) N1-95-10-10, item 55 Hardcopy Temporary, 5 years (FY) N1-95-10-9, item 19 Hardcopy Temporary, 5 years (FY) N1-95-10-10, item 56 Hardcopy Temporary, 5 years (see note) N1-95-10-10, item 57 Hardcopy WO AMENDMENT 6209.11-2016-3 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2016 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. FS FILE CODE HEADING SUB-HEADINGS 5520 Encumbrances Encumbrances 5530 Partial Interest Partial Interest 5540 Use Restrictions Use Restriction 5550 Native American Native American 6209.11_42_5000 Series Page 20 of 26 DESCRIPTION purchaser, or grantee. Note 1: Retain records in office. Retention period begins after title file created and adminstrative/legal need ceases. Transfer to FRC not authorized. Note 2: Screen all records for documents appropriate for permanent retention under 5590 – Landownership Status - Land Status Title. Apply 5510 – Title Claims and Encroachment retention period to records that do not become part of the title file. Note 3: If paper records maintained, both hardcopy originals and hardcopy official file copies should have original signatures. Administration of property interests held by others (encumbrances) on NFS lands that were granted and administered by prior owners or other agencies under several repealed authorities or other existing authorities that vested administration under another agency. Note 1: If paper records maintained, both hardcopy originals and hardcopy official file copies should have original signatures. Note 2: Retention period begins upon termination (if any) of encumbrance. Note 3: Title documents related to disposal or acquisition should become part of the permanent title case file (5590 – Landownership Status - Land Status Title). Records include documentation regarding Forest Service partial interests, including title and other realty informaton. Partial interests include situations where the Forest Service does not have all rights to the land. Example would be situation where the Agency may have surface rights but no subsurface (minerals) rights. Note 1: If paper records maintained, both hardcopy originals and hardcopy official file copies should have original signatures. Note 2: Close file when Agency interest ends and apply retention period. Records include documentation regarding Forest Service use restrictions associated with title and other realty records. Note 1: If paper records maintained, both hardcopy originals and hardcopy official file copies should have original signatures. Note 2: Close file when use restriction ends, apply retention period. Records include documentation regarding Native American claims, including certain treaty rights and aboriginal titles, RETENTION RETENTION AUTHORITY OFFICIAL RECORD FORMAT Temporary, 5 years (see note) N1-95-10-8, item 3 Hardcopy Temporary, 25 years (see note) N1-95-10-8, Item 4 Hardcopy Temporary, 25 years (see note) N1-95-10-8, Item 5 Hardcopy PERMANENT (see note) N1-95-10-8, item 6 Hardcopy WO AMENDMENT 6209.11-2016-3 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2016 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. FS FILE CODE 6209.11_42_5000 Series Page 21 of 26 HEADING SUB-HEADINGS DESCRIPTION Claims Claims 5570 Sales, Grants, Special Acts General 5570 Sales, Grants, Special Acts Sales and Grants Cases 5570 Sales, Grants, Special Acts Unconsummated Cases associated with title and other realty records. Note 1: Retention period begins when case closed Note 2: If paper records maintained, both hardcopy originals and hardcopy official file copies should have original signatures. Note 3: Accounts and supporting documents pertaining to American Indians and Alaska Natives are not authorized for disposal. Such records must be retained indefinitely since they may be needed in litigation involving the Federal Government’s role as trustee of property held by the Federal Government and managed for the benefit of American Indians. These records include those created under the Alaska Native claims Settlement Act of 1971 (Public Law 92-203, 85 Stat. 688). Note 4: Transfer closed records to NARA when 15 years old. Note 5: Agency Records Officer authorization via a NARA approved transfer form [for example, ERA Transfer Request (TR)] required prior to transferring permanent records to custody and ownership of NARA. Note 6: As electronic retention of official records is approved for this file code category, pre-accession of electronic records is authorized by mutual consent of both NARA and Forest Service. Note 7: Store closed hardcopy records at FRC until eligible for transfer to NARA custody. Includes correspondence concerning sales and grants of lands under jurisdiction. Note: Close file at end of fiscal year and apply retention period. Includes correspondence, maps, environmental assessments, deeds, appraisal reviews, grants, certified letters, affidavits, land classification studies and maps, bills of sale, tax assessment records, sale notices, notices of award, appeals, and related documents. Arrange files according to the specific subject and, alphabetically by case name. Note 1: If paper records maintained, both hardcopy originals and hardcopy official file copies should have original signatures. Note 2: Screen for records necessary for permanent title file (5590 – Landownership Status - Land Status Title), apply retnetion period ot records not incorporated into 5590 title file. Note 3: Apply retention period when case file closed. Includes correspondence, documents incidental to sales and grants. Note: Retention period begins when local need ceases. DO NOT transfer to FRC. OFFICIAL RECORD FORMAT RETENTION RETENTION AUTHORITY Temporary, 5 years (FY) N1-95-10-10, item 58 Hardcopy Temporary, 5 years (see note) N1-95-10-10, item 59 Hardcopy Temporary, 5 years (see note) N1-95-10-10, item 60 Hardcopy WO AMENDMENT 6209.11-2016-3 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2016 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. FS FILE CODE HEADING SUB-HEADINGS 5580 Reports and Records Reports and Records 5590 Landownership Status Landownership Status General 5590 Land Status Title 6209.11_42_5000 Series Page 22 of 26 DESCRIPTION Includes annual statistical reports covering National Forest areas, land exchanges, and land donations; rights-of-way reports; land acquisition program and accomplishment reports. Arrange alphabetically by type of report. Note 1: Close file at end of FY. Note 2: If paper records maintained, both hardcopy originals and hardcopy official file copies should have original signatures. Note 3: Transfer closed file to NARA when 15 years old. Note 4: Agency Records Officer authorization via a NARA approved transfer form [for example, ERA Transfer Request (TR)] required prior to transferring permanent records to custody and ownership of NARA. Note 5: As electronic retention of official records is approved for this file code category, pre-accession of electronic records is authorized by mutual consent of both NARA and Forest Service. Note 6: Store closed hardcopy records at FRC until eligible for transfer to NARA custody. Correspondence concerning the status of lands. Note: Close file at end of fiscal year and apply retention period. Contains documents necessary for the protectiion of the United States title and interest in land. The title file includes: (a) title opinions, decisions, reports and title insurance policies; (b) certifications or letters of acceptance; (c) deeds, patents, and other conveyance documents to and from the United States; (d) certificates of possession and of use and consent; (e) option contracts, offer to donate and statement of intent to exchange; (f) letters of case approval; (g) publication notices; (h) vouchers and tax notices; (i) statement of summary estimate of value and value notification to other Government agencies; (j) clearinghouse (A-95) letters; (k) deeds and other documents relative to outstanding rights; also, (l) appraisal review reports; and (m) any other documents deemed essential for protection of the United States title to land or interest in land including, but not limited to, maps, plats, drawings, photographs, letters, OFFICIAL RECORD FORMAT RETENTION RETENTION AUTHORITY PERMANENT (FY) N1-95-10-9, item 20 Hardcopy Temporary, 5 years (FY) PERMANENT (see notes) N1-95-10-10, item 61 N1-95-10-9, item 21 Hardcopy Hardcopy WO AMENDMENT 6209.11-2016-3 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2016 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. FS FILE CODE HEADING SUB-HEADINGS 5700 Aviation Management General 5700 Aviation Management Administration (Aviation) Inquiries Aviation Safety Program General 5710 5720 General 6209.11_42_5000 Series Page 23 of 26 DESCRIPTION memorandums, and other legal documents. Note 1: Arrange alphabetically by grantor. Note 2: Regional Offices maintain permanent records, all other offices are to send records to appropriate Regional Officer. Note 3: If paper records maintained, both hardcopy originals and hardcopy official file copies should have original signatures. Note 4: Vital records Note 5: Title File (1) Title file consists of certain documents from consummated cases in 2730, 5420, 5430, 5440, 5450, 5460, 5480, 5510, 5570, and other file designations containing title evidence. (See FSM 5590) Destroy documents that do not become part of the consummated title file. (2) Transfer original title file to NARA when 15 years old. Note 6: Agency Records Officer authorization via a NARA approved transfer form [for example, ERA Transfer Request (TR)] required prior to transferring permanent records to custody and ownership of NARA. Note 7: As electronic retention of official records is approved for this file code category, pre-accession of electronic records is authorized by mutual consent of both NARA and Forest Service. Note 8: Store closed hardcopy records at FRC until eligible for transfer to NARA custody. Includes general correspondence and records related to general aircraft, policy, and responsibilities. Note: Close file at end of fiscal year and apply retention period. Routine inquiries requesting general information. Includes records pertaining to planning specialized aviation activities and operations, aviation personnel qualifications, equipment and so forth. Note: Close file at end of fiscal year and apply retention period. Includes records pertaining to accident and incident investigation. Note: Close file at end of fiscal year and apply retention period. OFFICIAL RECORD FORMAT RETENTION RETENTION AUTHORITY Temporary, 10 years N1-95-10-9, item 22 Hardcopy Temporary, 3 months Temporary, 10 years (FY) GRS 14-1 Hardcopy N1-95-10-9, item 23 Hardcopy Temporary, 10 years (FY) N1-95-10-9, item 24 Hardcopy WO AMENDMENT 6209.11-2016-3 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2016 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6209.11_42_5000 Series Page 24 of 26 5000 Series – Exhibit 01 Reference - Superseded file coding system FS FILE CODE HEADING SUB-HEADINGS SUPERSEDED FILE CODE [DO NOT USE, REFERENCE ONLY] 5100 5100 5100 5100 5110 5110 5120 5120 5120 5120 5120 5130 5130 5130 5130 5140 5140 5140 5150 5150 5150 5150 5160 5170 5170 5180 5180 5180 5190 5190 5190 5190 5300 5300 5310 Fire Management Fire Management Fire Management Fire Management Wildfire Prevention Wildfire Prevention Preparedness Preparedness Preparedness Preparedness Preparedness Wildland Fire Suppression Wildland Fire Suppression Wildland Fire Suppression Wildland Fire Suppression Fire Use Fire Use Fire Use Fuel Management Fuel Management Fuel Management Fuel Management Fire Management Equipment and Supplies Fire Management Cooperation Fire Management Cooperation Fire Reports Fire Reports Fire Reports Management Fire Management Management Management Law Enforcement Law Enforcement Law Enforcement Planning General Inquiries Studies, Administrative Individual Employee Training Records General Plans Dispatching Fire-Danger Rating Fire-Weather Forecasting General Plans Fire Dispatch Logs Fire Organization General Reports Appraisal Methods General Statistical Appraisals Burning Plans General Hazard Reduction Reports General Agreements General Fire Package – Incident Administrative Records Fire Package – Incident History File Fire Report Packages Administrative Fire Analysis FFF – Obsolete – Do not use General National Fire Planning General Registers General 5100 5100-1 5100-2 5100-3 5110 5110-1 5120-3-1 5120-1 5120-2 5120 5120-3 Not currently scheduled 5130-1 5130 5130-2 5140-1 5140 5140-2 5150-2 5150 5150-1 5150-3 5160 5170-1 5170 5180-2 5180-1 5180 5190-1 5190-2 5190 5190-3 5300 New, not previously used 5310 WO AMENDMENT 6209.11-2016-3 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2016 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6209.11_42_5000 Series Page 25 of 26 SUPERSEDED FILE CODE [DO NOT USE, REFERENCE ONLY] FS FILE CODE HEADING SUB-HEADINGS 5320 Investigation General 5320 5320 5330 5330 Investigation Investigation Law Violations Law Violations Investigative Cases Pocket Credentials Closure Orders General 5340 5340 5350 5360 5370 Case Reports Reports General General General General General Inquiries Plans Appraisal - Case Files General Donation - Case Files Donations – Unconsum-mated Cases General Purchases - Case Files Purchases – Unconsum-mated Cases Exchanges – Case File Exchanges – Unconsum-mated Cases General General 5380 5400 5400-2 5400-3 New, not previously scheduled 5410 5420-2 5420-2-1 5420 5420-3 5420-3-1 5430-2 5430-2-1 5430 5440 Partial Land Interests – Case Files 5440-2 Partial Land Interests – Unconsum-mated Cases 5440-2-1 5450 5450 5450 Reports Reports Procedures (Law Enforcement) Cooperative Law Enforcement Suitability Requirements, Training, and Standards Law Enforcement Equipment Landownership Landownership Landownership Appraisals (Land) Appraisals (Land) Purchases and Donations (Land) Purchases and Donations (Land) Purchases and Donations (Land) Purchases and Donations (Land) Purchases and Donations (Land) Exchanges (Land) Exchanges (Land) Exchanges (Land) Partial Land Interests, Except Rights-ofWay Partial Land Interests, Except Rights-ofWay Partial Land Interests, Except Rights-ofWay National Forest System Modification National Forest System Modification National Forest System Modification 5320, 5320-3 5320-1 5320-2 Not previously scheduled 5320, 5320-1, 5320-2, 5320-3, 5320-4, 5320-5, 5320-6 5340-1 5340 5350 5360 5370 5450-1 5450 5450-2 5450 National Forest System Modification Boundary Modifications – Case Files General Land Transfers or Interchange Analyses – Case Files Land Transfers or Interchange Cases 5380 5400 5400 5400 5410 5410 5420 5420 5420 5420 5420 5430 5430 5430 5440 5440 5440 5450 WO AMENDMENT 6209.11-2016-3 EFFECTIVE DATE: 02/04/2016 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6209.11_42_5000 Series Page 26 of 26 FS FILE CODE HEADING SUB-HEADINGS 5460 Rights-of-Way Acquisition 5460 5460 5460 Rights-of-Way Acquisition Rights-of-Way Acquisition Rights-of-Way Acquisition 5460 Rights-of-Way Acquisition 5470 5470 5480 5480 5500 5510 5510 5520 5530 5540 5550 5570 5570 5570 Reservations and Outstanding Rights Reservations and Outstanding Rights Condemnation Condemnation Landownership Title Management Title Claims and Encroachment Title Claims and Encroachment Encumbrances Partial Interest Use Restrictions Native American Claims Sales, Grants, Special Acts Sales, Grants, Special Acts Sales, Grants, Special Acts 5580 5590 5590 5700 5700 5710 5720 Reports and Records Landownership Status Landownership Status Aviation Management Aviation Management Administration (Aviation) Aviation Safety Program Construction and Use Agreements, and Supplements Easement Case Files General Temporary, Rights-of-Way Unconsummated Case Files General Requests, Applications, and Permits General Project Case Files General General Title Claims and Encroachment Case Files Encumbrances Partial Interest Use Restriction Native American Claims General Sales and Grants Cases Unconsummated Cases Reports and Records General Land Status Title General Inquiries General General SUPERSEDED FILE CODE [DO NOT USE, REFERENCE ONLY] 5460-3 5460-2 5460 5460-4 5460-2-1 5470 5470-2 5480 5480-2 5500 5510 5510-2 5520 5530 5540 5550 5570 5570-1 5570-2 5580 5590 5590-1 5700 5700-1 5710 5720