HARFORD COMMUNITY COLLEGE CURRICULUM PLANNING SHEET 2015-2016 ELECTRONEURODIAGNOSTIC TECHNOLOGY ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCES DEGREE - Required Courses Req’d Credit HCC Credit NAME _______________________________ Trans. Credit Mil./Test Credit Remaining Requirements/ Comments AHS 101 3 *AHS 149 4 **AHS 152 11 **AHS 153 11 BIO 203 (GL) 4 BIO 204 (GL) 4 CIS 102 (GI) 3 CMST 105 (GI)(D) 3 ELEC 105 4 ENG 101 (GE) 3 PSY 101 (GB) 3 ARTS/HUMANITIES ELEC (GH) 3 MATH ELEC(GM) 3 PHYS ED ELEC 1 TOTAL 60 TOTAL CREDITS REMAINING FOR DEGREE: SEE REVERSE SIDE FOR CATALOG PROGRAM INFORMATION AND SPECIFIC COURSE REQUIREMENTS. Prepared by Date: It is the student’s responsibility to APPLY FOR GRADUATION (degree or certificate) by the published deadlines: March 1 for May graduation; June 1 for August graduation; and October 1 for December graduation. NOTE: Students interested in this program should contact the Dean of Nursing & Allied Health Professions Student must have permission from the Dean for Nursing & Allied Health Professions or the Instructor to register for AHS 149, AHS 152, & AHS 153 ASSOCIATE OF APPLIED SCIENCES DEGREE ELECTRONEURODIAGNOSTIC TECHNOLOGY Award: Associate of Applied Sciences Degree No. of credits required: 60 For more information: Contact Laura Cianelli Preston, Dean of Nursing and Allied Health Professions, 443-412-2438, lpreston@harford.edu; or Advising, Career, and Transfer Services, 443-412-2301 PROGRAM DESCRIPTION Graduates of the Electroneurodiagnostic Technology program are qualified to perform all aspects of electroencephalography testing and other related neurophysiological diagnostic procedures in hospitals or physicians' offices and in specialized areas such as the intensive care unit and the operating room. Electroencephalograph (EEG) technicians operate specialized equipment which measures and records the electrical activity of the brain as a series of irregular lines on a continuous sheet of graph paper. The EEG tracings are used by physicians to evaluate brain disorders, such as epilepsy and tumors. EEGs are also used to assess damage and recovery after head injuries, cerebrovascular strokes and to detect certain conditions. 2015 - 2016 DEGREE REQUIREMENTS Recommended Course Sequence First Semester AHS 101 Medical Terminology and Ethics BIO 203 Anatomy and Physiology I ELEC 105 Introduction to Electronics ENG 101 English Composition Physical Education Elective Semester Total Second Semester AHS 149 Introduction to Electroneurodiagnostics * BIO 204 Anatomy and Physiology II CIS 102 Introduction to Information Sciences CMST 105 Interpersonal Communication Mathematics Elective Semester Total The program includes General Education courses, technical training and clinical experience in local health care facilities. The student will need to be able to work with patients in a number of clinical situations. After completion of the program and the required work experience, graduates are eligible for examination by the American Board of Registration for EEG Technologists to earn the designation of R.EEG T. Third Semester NOTE: It is important for students to contact Dean of Nursing and Allied Health Professions, Laura Cianelli Preston, lpreston@harford.edu, in writing, as soon as they declare Electroneurodiagnostic Technology as their major. Clinical space for this program is limited. Students are generally admitted to clinical courses based on notification to the Dean and courses completed toward the degree. AHS 153 Electroencephalographic Practicum II ** Arts/Humanities Elective PROGRAM GOALS Upon completion of the Associate of Applied Sciences Degree in Electroneurodiagnostic Technology the graduate will have the knowledge, skills and abilities to: 1. Communicate effectively with patients, family and other health care personnel. 2. Accurately apply recording electrodes and use EEG/EP techniques as indicated by each patient's specific needs. 3. Document the clinical condition and relevant health history of the patient. 4. Demonstrate the optimal utilization of the equipment maintaining personal and patient electrical safety. 5. Recognize the EEG/EP activity displayed and identify and correct artifacts and instrument faults. 6. Prepare recordings for future storage, with documentation of specific recording conditions. 7. Prepare a descriptive report of recorded activity for the physician. EMPLOYMENT INFORMATION Employment of electroneurodiagnostic technologists is expected to continue to grow. Recent advances in clinical neuropathy have expanded the use of the EEG and have contributed to the increased demand for qualified technologists. Job placement services are available throughout the United States through the American Society of EEG Technologists. AHS 152 PSY 101 Credits 3 4 4 3 1 15 Credits 4 4 3 3 3 17 Credits Electroencephalographic Practicum I ** General Psychology 11 3 Semester Total 14 Fourth Semester Semester Total Credits 11 3 14 * Students need permission from the Dean to register for this course. This course requires the student to spend 6 hours/week in a clinical setting. ** Students need permission from the Dean of Nursing and Allied Health Professions to register for these courses. These courses require the student to spend 24 hours/week in a clinical setting. Students must contact the Dean as soon as possible to ensure placement in the Practicum. Note: The following codes identify courses which satisfy the General Education Degree Requirements: Behavioral/Social Science English Composition Arts/Humanities Interdisciplinary and Emerging Issues Biological/Physical Laboratory Science Mathematics Biological/Physical Science