Current Research & Community Projects For more information, visit

Current Research & Community Projects
For more information, visit
Project Title
Activa Y Sana
Bone, Estrogen, Strength
Training (BEST) Study
Bone Builders and Bone
Builders PA**
A CHAPS project…
The purpose of this pilot study is to develop and test the impact of a trans-community
approach to the prevention of weight-gain in a predominantly Mexican-American population.
The target population is at-risk and overweight 3rd and 4th grade children from three
Sunnyside elementary schools.
The BEST study is a randomized controlled intervention trial designed to test the longitudinal
effects of calcium supplementation and exercise on bone mineral density in postmenopausal
The Bone Builders program trains volunteers to educate women and older men on changing
their dietary and exercise habits to reduce the risks of osteoporosis.
Community Outreach
Contact Information
Dr. Scott Going
Vanessa Stanford
Sharon Hoelscher Day
This project, funded by USA Track & Field, provides ongoing educational support and
assessment of dietary practices, body composition, and biochemical markers of nutrition
status to elite combined events athletes to help promote optimal health and sport
The purpose of this research study is to evaluate the effect of variable doses of vegetables to
modify oxidative stress and inflammation in overweight post-menopausal females
Dr. Jackie Maurer Abbot
The Extension Food and Nutrition Education Program (EFNEP) provides individuals, families,
and communities with the knowledge and skills that empower them to make informed choices
about food and other lifestyle issues to support their health and economic/social well-being.
Dr. Scottie Misner
This is a multi-center study comparing three weight loss approaches in overweight females to
determine the efficacy of commercially available weight loss programs for adult women.
Dr. Cyndi Thomson
The Food Stamp Nutrition Education Program (FSNEP) shapes food consumption of
individuals and families in a positive way with the goals of health promotion/disease
Dr. Scottie Misner
The goal of this Extension program is to create innovative ways to promote healthy nutrition
and physical activity behaviors in children. The Healthy Active Kids working group awarded 6
mini-grants to Arizona counties in Spring 2006 for implementation.
Sharon Hoelscher Day
Healthy Weight 4 Life online features a 16-week online course based on the Healthy Weight
4 Life clinical weight loss trial in peri-menopausal women
Dr. Tim Lohman
Exercise and Bone Development of Young Girls, or "Jump In," is designed to prospectively
assess the effects of weight-bearing exercise on strength and bone macro-architectural
structure (mass, density, thickness and shape) in pre-pubertal and pubertal girls after one
and two years of intervention.
This study was designed to provide Phase I/II preliminary evidence for the effects of low fat
vs. low carbohydrate eating plans on weight, body composition and biomarkers of
insulin/insulin resistance in overweight, breast cancer survivors.
Dr. Scott Going
The Small Steps to Health and Wealth (SSHW) program teaches participants 25 behavior
change strategies that can be simultaneously applied to improve health and increase wealth,
and track their progress over time.
Linda Block
Evelyn Whitmer
Sports Fitness Nutrition
The Special Action group for a Healthier Community (SAG) has formed in the communities of
Douglas, AZ and Sierra Vista, AZ and has been instrumental in disseminating health
information and heightening awareness of disease prevention throughout the communities.
Current focus is on changing the school environment.
Sports Fitness Nutrition Education offers research-based sports nutrition information through
workshops, conferences, and clinics to help health and fitness professionals use nutrition to
maximize exercise performance and promote optimal health.
STEPS To a Healthier
STEPS focused on reducing the burden of diabetes, overweight and obesity and asthma in
Arizona border populations by addressing 3 risk factors – poor dietary intake, physical
inactivity and tobacco use.
Evelyn Whitmer
Walk Across Arizona**
A CHAPS project…
Walk Across Arizona increases physical activity levels throughout communities in Arizona by
developing and maintaining community-based walking clubs.
Linda Block
Combined Events
Development Project
Efficacy of vegetables to
reduce oxidative stress
and inflammation
Extension Food and
Nutrition Education
Food, Attitudes and
Food Stamp Nutrition
Education Program**
Healthy Active Kids**
Healthy Weight 4 Life
Online Weight Loss
Jump In
Optimizing Diet for
Weight Loss in Breast
Cancer Survivors
Small Steps to Health &
Special Action Group for
a Healthier Community**
Dr. Cyndi Thomson
Dr. Cyndi Thomson
Melanie Hingle
**denotes Cooperative Extension-led projects
CHAPS (Community Health Advancement Partnerships) is a collaboration between Cooperative Extension and the UA College of Public Health