The CNY BRC – Central New York's New Bio-incubator and Business...

The CNY BRC – Central New York's New Bio-incubator and Business Accelerator
Dr. Steven Goodman, Vice President for Research, SUNY Upstate Medical University
I will discuss the vision and mission of the CNY BRC followed by a description of the benefits offered to
its client members and details concerning the facility lab and office module floor plans. I will then move to
a description of how the CNY BRC will accelerate businesses. This will include a discussion of the role of
the CNY BRC Director and the specific perks offered exclusively to CNY BRC members. We will finish
with how to apply to become a client member and how the applications will be reviewed. The purpose of
this presentation is to explain the unique opportunities offered to start up and anchor clients of the new
Steven R. Goodman, Ph.D. is vice president for research and dean of the College of Graduate Studies at
Upstate Medical University. Dr. Goodman also serves as professor in the departments of Biochemistry
and Molecular Biology and Pediatrics.
Dr. Goodman arrived from the University of Texas at Dallas where he served as the C.L. and Amelia A.
Lundell Professor of Life Sciences, professor and head of the Department of Molecular and Cell Biology,
director of the Institute of Biomedical Sciences and Technology, and director of the Sickle Cell Disease
Research Center. Dr. Goodman was also an adjunct professor in the Department of Cell Biology at UT
Southwestern Medical Center.
Prior to his positions in Dallas, Dr. Goodman was chair of the Department of Cell Biology and
Neuroscience and director of the NIH Comprehensive Sickle Cell Center at the University of South
Alabama College of Medicine in Mobile.
Steve is respected worldwide for his three decades of research into the structure and function of cell
structures called membrane skeletons. His related research into sickle cell disease led to breakthrough
discoveries into the molecular definitions of irreversibly sickled cells and is paving the way for
personalized medicine for this inherited blood disorder affecting mostly African Americans. Together with
colleagues at UT Southwestern Medical Center, Dr. Goodman helped bring the first NIH Sickle Cell
Center to Texas.
Since coming to Upstate Medical University, Steve has led the efforts to create the Strategic Plan for
Strengthening Research, the Research Implementation Plan, the Principles of Research Space Allocation
and three Research Core Facilities Analysis documents. His efforts in leading the Research enterprise at
Upstate have led to a 28% increase in annual research expenditures over the past two fiscal years. Steve
also co-Chairs the Board for the new CNY BRC Bio-incubator. In Graduate Education, Steve has led the
graduate faculty in creating a new cutting edge core curriculum. His new approach in recruiting of
Graduate Students has led to an incoming class in the Fall 2011 with the highest GPA and GRE scores in
the history of Upstate’s College of Graduate Studies. Steve also led the creation of the new Post Doctoral
Affairs Office.
Steve is the executive director of the SUNY REACH Collaboration that ties together researchers at the
four SUNY Academic Health Centers and the College of Optometry. He is also the Executive Director of
the International Institute of Biomedical Sciences and Technology which is similar to SUNY REACH in
purpose but links global institutions in a research partnership.
Dr. Goodman serves on multiple editorial boards and is currently editor-in-chief of Experimental Biology
and Medicine. The third edition of Dr. Goodman’s textbook, Medical Cell Biology was published in 2008.