6109.13_10 Page 1 of 56 FOREST SERVICE HANDBOOK NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS (WO) WASHINGTON, DC FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Amendment No.: 6109.13-2007-1 Effective Date: January 4, 2007 Duration: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. Approved: IRVING THOMAS Associate Deputy Chief Date Approved: 12/26/2006 Posting Instructions: Amendments are numbered consecutively by Handbook number and calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this amendment. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last amendment to this Handbook was 6109.13-2006-1 to 6109.13_20. New Document 6109.13_10 56 Pages Superseded Document(s) by Issuance Number and Effective Date 6109.13_10 (Amendment 6109.13-2005-1, 08/31/2005) 34 Pages Digest: 10 – Revises chapter in its entirety and provides for an agency performance appraisal system, designates covered and excluded employees, and describes objectives, responsibilities, definitions, and ongoing evaluation of the program. WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 2 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Table of Contents 10.1 - Authority........................................................................................................................... 5 10.2 - Objectives ......................................................................................................................... 5 10.3 - Policy ................................................................................................................................ 6 10.31 - Labor Relations Considerations.................................................................................. 6 10.32 - Employees Covered by Performance Management Program ..................................... 6 10.33 - Exclusions from Performance Management Program ................................................ 6 10.33a - Senior Executive Service .......................................................................................... 6 10.33b - Employees with Excepted Service Appointments .................................................... 6 10.33c - Employees with Appointments Limited to 1 Year or Less or Serving on Intermittent Tours of Duty .......................................................................................... 7 10.4 - Responsibility ................................................................................................................... 7 10.41 - Washington Office, Director of Human Capital Management (HCM) ...................... 7 10.42 - Albuquerque Service Center (ASC), Human Capital Management (HCM) Staff Director ....................................................................................................................... 7 10.43 - Rating Official ............................................................................................................ 8 10.44 - Reviewing Official...................................................................................................... 9 10.5 - Definitions ........................................................................................................................ 9 10.6 - Agency Evaluation of the Performance Management Program ..................................... 14 11 - GENERAL PROVISIONS OF THE PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM ...... 15 11.02 - Objectives ................................................................................................................. 15 11.1 - Performance Appraisal Records ..................................................................................... 15 11.11 - Types of Records ...................................................................................................... 15 11.12 - Distribution and Maintenance................................................................................... 15 11.13 - Availability ............................................................................................................... 16 11.14 - Retention ................................................................................................................... 16 12 - ORIENTATION AND TRAINING ........................................................................... 17 13 - PERFORMANCE PLANS ...................................................................................... 17 13.1 - Establishment of Performance Plans .............................................................................. 18 13.11 - Employee Participation in Establishing Performance Plans ..................................... 19 13.12 - Use of Mandatory Generic Elements ........................................................................ 19 13.13 - Performance Standards ............................................................................................. 20 13.13a - Generic Performance Standards .............................................................................. 20 13.13b - Supplemental Standards ......................................................................................... 21 13.13c - Absolute Standards ................................................................................................. 21 13.14 - Developing Performance Measures .......................................................................... 21 13.2 - Exhibits for Performance Appraisals and Plans ............................................................. 22 13.21 - Non-supervisory Positions ........................................................................................ 23 13.21a - Form AD-435, Performance Appraisal ................................................................... 23 13.21b - Form AD-435A, Performance Plan, Progress Review and Appraisal Worksheet; Element 1 - Mission Results ..................................................................................... 24 WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 3 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 13.21c - Form AD-435B, Performance Plan, Progress Review and Appraisal Worksheet (Continuation Sheet); Element 2 - Managing Work Assignments ........................... 25 13.21d - Form AD-435B, Performance Plan, Progress Review and Appraisal Worksheet (Continuation Sheet); Element 3 - Teamwork and Partnerships............................... 26 13.22 - Supervisory Positions ............................................................................................... 27 13.22a - Form AD-435, Performance Appraisal ................................................................... 27 13.22b - Form AD-435A, Performance Plan, Progress Review and Appraisal Worksheet; Element 1 - Mission Results ..................................................................................... 28 13.22c - Form AD-435B, Performance Plan, Progress Review and Appraisal Worksheet (Continuation Sheet); Element 2 – Leadership/Management ................................... 29 13.22d - Form AD-435B, Performance Plan, Progress Review and Appraisal Worksheet (Continuation Sheet); Element 3 – Civil Rights ....................................................... 30 13.22e - Form AD-435B, Performance Plan, Progress Review and Appraisal Worksheet (Continuation Sheet); Element 4 – Safety................................................................. 31 13.22f - Form AD-435B, Performance Plan, Progress Review and Appraisal Worksheet (Continuation Sheet); Element 5 – Teamwork and Partnerships .............................. 32 14 - MONITORING PERFORMANCE DURING APPRAISAL PERIOD ....................... 33 14.1 - Progress Reviews............................................................................................................ 33 15 - APPRAISING PERFORMANCE ............................................................................ 33 15.1 – Appraisal Period ............................................................................................................ 33 15.2 - Criteria for Extending the Appraisal Period ................................................................... 33 15.3 – Summary Rating and Rating of Record ......................................................................... 34 15.4 - Element Ratings.............................................................................................................. 35 15.5 - Advisory Ratings ............................................................................................................ 45 15.6 – Determining the Summary Rating ................................................................................. 46 15.7 - Review and Approval of Ratings ................................................................................... 48 15.8 - Employee Signature upon Receipt of Rating ................................................................. 48 15.9 - Employee Response to Ratings ...................................................................................... 49 15.10 - Submission of Completed Ratings ........................................................................... 49 16 – PERFORMANCE BONUS AWARDS ................................................................... 49 17 - DEVELOPING EMPLOYEE’S PERFORMANCE .................................................. 49 18 - DEALING WITH UNACCEPTABLE PERFORMANCE ......................................... 50 18.1 - Opportunity to Improve Performance ............................................................................ 51 18.2 - Contents of Performance Improvement Plans ................................................................ 51 18.3 - Determining Appropriate Action after Completion of the Performance Improvement Period (PIP)................................................................................................................... 52 18.4 - Notice of Proposed Action ............................................................................................. 53 18.5 - Medical Conditions Affecting Performance ................................................................... 53 19 - RELATIONSHIP OF PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL TO OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS ........................................................................................................... 53 19.1 - Within-grade Increase .................................................................................................... 53 19.11 – Denial of Within-grade Increase .............................................................................. 54 WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 4 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 19.12 - Role of Albuquerque Service Center (ASC), Human Capital Management (HCM) Staff ........................................................................................................................... 54 19.2 - Reduction in Force ......................................................................................................... 54 19.3 - Promotion ....................................................................................................................... 56 19.4 - Probationary Period ........................................................................................................ 56 WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 5 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM The performance management program is the integrated process by which the Forest Service involves its employees in improving overall effectiveness in the accomplishment of the agency’s mission and strategic goals. Performance management consists of: performance planning, performance monitoring, employee development, evaluating employee performance, and performance bonus awards. 10.1 - Authority 1. Title 5, United States Code, Part III, Subpart C - Employee Performance, Chapter 43 - Performance Appraisal, Subchapter I - General Provisions, section 4302 provides for the establishment of agency performance appraisal systems. 2. Title 5, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 430 - Performance Management (5 CFR part 430), provides for the performance appraisal of Federal employees. The Forest Service appraisal program fits the pattern summary level described as pattern H in 5 CFR 430.208(d), Summary levels, paragraph (1). 3. The USDA Performance Management System approved by the Office of Personnel Management (OPM) on September 10, 1986, established the framework within which the Forest Service can develop performance management programs for non-Senior Executive Service (SES) employees. 10.2 - Objectives The objectives of the performance management program are to: 1. Improve overall effectiveness in the accomplishment of the agency’s mission and strategic goals by involving employees in the development of performance measures. 2. Achieve an appraisal system that focuses on results and differentiates levels of performance, and recognizes employees who exceed expectations. 3. Promote accountability by focusing on results, service, quality, and customer satisfaction. 4. Align individual performance elements and standards with organizational goals and the agency’s strategic plan. 5. Continually enhance program effectiveness by monitoring and evaluating the program. WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 6 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 10.3 - Policy 10.31 - Labor Relations Considerations The direction in this chapter contains items which have been negotiated between Forest Service and National Federation of Federal Employees (NFFE) Forest Service Council (FSC). It must not be altered or supplemented below the National level by units covered by NFFE. National level changes must not be made without notice and without bargaining between the parties, as appropriate. 10.32 - Employees Covered by Performance Management Program Coverage under this program is based on an employee’s type of appointment, per Title 5, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 430 – Performance Management, Subpart B - Performance Appraisal for General Schedule, Prevailing Rate, and Certain Other Employees (5 CFR part 430, subpart B). See the following for the list of employees that are covered: 1. All competitive service employees, whether temporary or permanent, that are expected to meet the minimum appraisal period (90 days). This includes temporary 1039’s. 2. Excepted Service Presidential Management Fellows (PMFs) and Student Career Experience Program (SCEP) employees who are expected to be on the rolls for 90 days or more. 10.33 - Exclusions from Performance Management Program 10.33a - Senior Executive Service Senior Executive Service (SES) employees are excluded from the performance management program provisions of this chapter, in accordance with Title 5, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 430 - Performance Management, Subpart C - Managing Senior Executive Performance (5 CFR part 430, subpart C). 10.33b - Employees with Excepted Service Appointments Employees with excepted service appointments are excluded from the performance management program, with the exception of Student Career Experience Program (SCEP) students and Presidential Management Fellows (PMF’s). WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 7 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 10.33c - Employees with Appointments Limited to 1 Year or Less or Serving on Intermittent Tours of Duty Employees with the following types of appointments limited to 1 year or less, or serving on intermittent tours of duty under the following authorities are excluded from the provisions of FSH 6109.12, chapter 60: 1. 5 CFR 213.3102(k), when occupied by employees to whom no compensation is paid. 2. 5 CFR 213.3102(l), when occupied by scientific, professional, or technical experts for consultation purposes. 3. 5 CFR 213.3102(o), when occupied by faculty members. 4. 5 CFR 213.3202(a), when occupied by students under the Student Temporary Employment Program (STEP). 10.4 - Responsibility 10.41 - Washington Office, Director of Human Capital Management (HCM) The Washington Office, Director of Human Capital Management (HCM), is responsible for: 1. Maintaining liaison with the Office of Personnel Management and the Department of Agriculture on regulatory and policy matters related to performance management; 2. Evaluating the effectiveness of the Servicewide performance management program, including the extent to which the responsibilities in this chapter are met, as well as the extent to which the results of a performance appraisal are used as the basis for other personnel actions; and 3. Providing overall leadership and technical assistance concerning the Servicewide performance management program and the performance appraisal process. 10.42 - Albuquerque Service Center (ASC), Human Capital Management (HCM) Staff Director The Albuquerque Service Center (ASC), Human Capital Management (HCM) Staff Director is responsible for: 1. Providing technical and operational support and advice to rating officials to help them administer the performance management program in a manner consistent with the provisions in this chapter and applicable laws and regulations. WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 8 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 2. Arranging for necessary training and/or orientation in performance management program coverage, use of elements and standards, establishment of measures, and other procedures and techniques for effectively managing performance. 3. Ensuring that performance appraisal documents are maintained in the servicing HCM Staff in accordance with the requirements in Title 5, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 293 Personnel Records and Part 297 - Privacy Procedures for Personnel Records (FSM 6270, FSH 6209.11, section 41, and section 11.14 of this handbook). 4. Ensuring that provisions of applicable collective bargaining agreements related to performance management and performance appraisals are met. 5. Notifying the National Finance Center (NFC): a. When to withhold an employee’s within-grade increase (WGI). b. When the WGI is to be processed and its effective date after a WGI has been denied (sec. 19.11). 10.43 - Rating Official The rating official is responsible for ensuring that: 1. All phases of performance management are administered in a fair and objective manner consistent with direction in this chapter and applicable laws, regulations, policies, collective bargaining agreements, and in conformance with applicable timeframes, including: a. Developing a performance plan within the required timeframes. b. Monitoring and appraising employee performance. c. Developing employee performance. d. Rewarding performance. e. Dealing with unacceptable performance. 2. Each employee is involved in the development and establishment of the employee’s performance plan. 3. Critical elements are aligned with agency goals(s) and objectives 4. Performance measures and expected results are included in the employee’s written performance plan for all elements. WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 9 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 5. The meaning of the elements, standards, and measures are clearly explained to employees. 6. Each employee is given timely constructive feedback regarding performance. 7. Employees receive at least one formal progress review, in addition to any informal progress reviews, during the rating period. 8. Employees are given the opportunity to improve performance and to increase their capacity to perform through such methods as formal training, on-the-job training, details, and work process improvement. 9. Employee recognition and awards are used equitably as tools to recognize both individual performance and contributions to group, team, or unit efforts where appropriate. 10. The required second level reviews are obtained from the Reviewing Official. 11. Notify the ASC HCM Staff Director prior to finalizing an employee’s rating of record when the employee will be rated less than fully successful. 12. Ensure performance records are maintained and distributed in a confidential manner (sec. 11.12). 10.44 - Reviewing Official The reviewing official is responsible for: 1. Ensuring performance plans are consistent with prescribed policies and procedure in this chapter, including reviewing and signing Form AD-435A, Performance Plan, Progress Review and Appraisal Worksheet, Box 5, at the time performance plans are established. 2. Consulting with, and resolving disputes between the rating official and the employee, regarding the establishment of performance plans consistent with section 13.1. 3. Conducting the required second level review before the rating official discusses the final summary rating with the employee and signing Form AD-435, Performance Appraisal in Box 20. 10.5 - Definitions Absolute Standard. A performance standard that allows no margin of error and used in limited circumstances. WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 10 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Advisory Rating. A documented rating which covers a portion of the appraisal period in situations where an employee is detailed or temporarily promoted to different duties and responsibilities and/or works under the supervision of a different rating official. Appraisal. (5 CFR 430.203). The process under which performance is reviewed and evaluated. Appraisal Period. (5 CFR 430.203). The established period of time for which performance will be reviewed and a rating of record will be prepared. The appraisal period for the Forest Service is an annual period from October 1 through September 30. Appraisal System. (Subpart B of 5 CFR Part 430, 5 CFR 430.203). A framework of policies and parameters established by an agency as defined by 5 U.S.C. 4301 (1) for the administration of performance appraisal programs under subchapter I of chapter 43 of Title 5, United States Code, and this subpart. Critical Element. (5 CFR 430.203 and 432.103). A work assignment or responsibility of such importance that unacceptable performance on the element would result in a determination that an employee’s overall performance is unacceptable. Decision Table. A matrix used for deriving a summary rating from appraisal of individual elements as referenced on Form AD-435, Performance Appraisal, Section 16 B, Decision Table. Days. Calendar days for all references in this chapter. Element Rating. A rating assigned to an employee’s performance in one performance element, as measured against the performance standards established for that element. Elements are individually evaluated as: a. Exceeds Fully Successful. Performance exceeds the performance standards established for the meets fully successful level. WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 11 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM b. Meets Fully Successful. Performance meets the performance standards established for the fully successful level. c. Does Not Meet Fully Successful. Performance falls below the performance standards established at the meets fully successful level. Employees. Those individuals covered by the provisions of this chapter. See this chapter for direction on employees covered under and excluded from performance management provisions. Employees covered by non-supervisory performance plans. Employees who do not meet the definition of “Supervisor” (sec. 10.5). This includes program and/or project managers at any grade level who do not supervise. Management Official. (5 U.S.C. 7103(a)). An individual employed by the agency in a position for which the duties and responsibilities require or authorize the individual to formulate, determine, or influence the policies of the agency. Minimum Appraisal Period. (5 CFR 430.207). . . . A minimum period of performance that must be completed before a performance rating may be prepared. The Forest Service’s minimum appraisal period, under an established performance plan, under the same rating official, is 90 days. Non-critical Element. (5 CFR 430.203). A dimension or aspect of individual, team, or organizational performance, exclusive of a critical element, that is used in assigning a summary level. Such elements may include, but are not limited to, objectives, goals, program plans, work plans, and other means of expressing expected performance. Opportunity Period. (5 CFR 432.103). A reasonable chance for an employee whose performance has been determined to be unacceptable in one or more critical elements to demonstrate acceptable performance in the critical element(s) at issue. WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 12 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Performance. (5 CFR 430.203). Accomplishment of work assignments or responsibilities. Performance Bonus Award. In accordance with the USDA recognition guide, a “performance bonus award” is monetary recognition given to an employee for consistently performing well throughout the appraisal period. Consistently performing well can be demonstrated in many ways, such as: regularly contributing high work output; consistently completing work products of high quality; providing exceptionally prompt and courteous service to customers, clients, and coworkers. Performance Improvement Plan (PIP). The written plan, which includes an opportunity to improve, provided to employees whose performance in one or more critical elements has been determined to be unacceptable. Performance Measure. A specific statement that quantifies or qualifies the desired result or behavior described in a performance standard. Performance Plan. (5 CFR 430.203). All of the written, or otherwise recorded, performance elements that set forth expected performance. A plan must include all critical and non-critical elements and their performance standards. Performance Standard. (5 CFR 430.203). The management-approved expression of the performance threshold(s), requirement(s), or expectation(s) that must be met to be appraised at a particular level of performance. A performance standard may include but is not limited to quality, quantity, timeliness, and manner of performance. Performance Rating. (5 CFR 430.203). The written, or otherwise recorded, appraisal of performance compared to the performance standard(s) for each critical and noncritical element on which there has been an opportunity to perform for the minimum period. A performance rating may include the assignment of a summary level within a pattern (as specified in Sec. 430.208 (d)). WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 13 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Progress Review. (5 CFR 430.203). Communicating with the employee about performance compared to the performance standards for critical and non-critical elements. Quality Step Increase (QSI). An extra within-grade increase for outstanding performance. Rating of Record. (5 CFR 430.203). The performance rating prepared at the end of an appraisal period for performance of agency-assigned duties over the entire period and the assignment of a summary level. Rating Official. The individual who has direct knowledge of the employee’s work performance and the authority to appraise the performance of the employee; typically the employee’s immediate supervisor. Rating Period. A specific timeframe, within the annual appraisal period, set for an employee’s performance appraisal under special circumstances, such as transfers and performance on details, and so forth, when a shorter appraisal period is necessary (such as for an advisory rating). Reviewing Official. Normally the employee’s second-level supervisor, who reviews and approves performance plans, training, performance appraisals, and performance improvement plans. Reduction in Grade. (5 CFR 432.103). The involuntary assignment of an employee to a position at a lower classification or job grading level. Removal. (5 CFR 432.103). The involuntary separation of an employee from employment with an agency. Second level review. A required review of a performance plan, rating, award recommendation, or performance improvement plan by someone at a higher level in the organization than the individual making recommendation. Summary Rating. The written rating of overall performance based on the individual element ratings. WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 14 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Summary Rating Levels. (Sec. 15.6). a. Outstanding. All elements rated are as “Exceeds Fully Successful.” b. Superior. The majority of elements are rated as “Exceeds Fully Successful” and no element is rated as “Does Not Meet Fully Successful.” c. Fully Successful. All elements are rated at least “Fully Successful” and a majority of the elements are not rated as “Exceeds Fully Successful.” d. Marginal. A noncritical element is rated as “Does Not Meet Fully Successful” and no critical elements are rated as “Does Not Meet Fully Successful.” e. Unacceptable Performance. One or more critical elements are rated as “Does Not Meet Fully Successful.” Supervisor. (5 U.S.C. 7103(a) (10)). An individual employed by the agency having authority, in the interest of the agency, to hire, direct, assign, promote, reward, transfer, furlough, layoff, recall, suspend, discipline, or remove employees; to adjust their grievances or to effectively recommend such action, if the exercise of the authority is not merely routine or clerical in nature but requires the consistent exercise of independent judgment. Supplemental standard. A standard that is added to an element in an employee’s performance plan when generic standards do not address a significant component of an employee’s work assignments and responsibilities. Work Plans. The composite of documents that identify the work assignments of the unit and individual employee. Also, known as “Program of Work.” 10.6 - Agency Evaluation of the Performance Management Program The Forest Service will conduct ongoing evaluations of the performance management program in order to identify continuous improvement opportunities and to make timely adjustments in overall policy and guidance. Review of overall organizational results, employee satisfaction, and consistency with mission objectives will promote the continued enhancement of a performance program supportive of critical organization results. The Union will be notified of any such review of the national program and be provided the results of the review. WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 15 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 11 - GENERAL PROVISIONS OF THE PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL SYSTEM 11.02 - Objectives The objectives of the performance appraisal system are to: 1. Implement and maintain an appraisal system that is fair and credible and distinguishes levels of performance. 2. Align employee performance expectations with agency goals and objectives. 3. Achieve continuous, two-way communication between managers and employees regarding organizational, unit, and individual performance objectives and accomplishments. 4. Identify specific, clear and understandable measures, and expected results for all employees. 11.1 - Performance Appraisal Records 11.11 - Types of Records Official performance appraisal records consist of: 1. Form AD-435, Performance Appraisal, 2. Form AD-435A, Performance Plan, Progress Review and Appraisal Worksheet, 3. Form AD-435B, Performance Plan, Progress Review and Appraisal Worksheet (Continuation Sheet), 4. Any employee self-evaluation or documentation submitted (sec. 15.3), and 5. Any employee response to the summary rating, if submitted (sec. 15.9). 11.12 - Distribution and Maintenance Rating officials shall treat performance records as confidential records in their maintenance and distribution. 1. Distribution. The rating official distributes official performance records as soon as possible after completion of the ratings, as follows: a. Provide a copy of the completed appraisal, and worksheets (forms AD-435, AD435A, and AD-435B) and the supporting documentation to the employee. WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 16 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM b. Provide a copy of the completed appraisal, and worksheets (forms AD-435, AD435A, and AD-435B) and the supporting documentation to the ASC HCM Staff for processing and maintenance. 2. Maintenance. All performance records are maintained in accordance with requirements in: a. Title 5, Code of Federal Regulations, section 293.404(a)(1)(i) and (ii) - Personnel Records (5 CFR 293.404(a)(1)(i) and (ii) ). b. Title 5, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 297 - Privacy Act Procedures for Personnel Records. 3. Advisory Rating. For a definition of the term, advisory rating, see section 10.5. All advisory ratings shall be sent to, and maintained by, the rating official responsible for assigning the rating of record. The rating official maintains advisory ratings along with all performance records consistent with this section. 4. Automated Personnel and Payroll Systems. a. Automated Personnel and Payroll System at NFC. The servicing Albuquerque Service Center (ASC) Human Capital Management (HCM) Staff enters ratings of records into the National Finance Center (NFC) automated personnel and payroll system. The official dates for the rating period will be the dates listed on form AD435, Block 7. b. EmpowHR Automated Personnel Performance Management System. [RESERVED] 11.13 - Availability Performance appraisal records are covered by the Privacy Act of 1974, 5 U.S.C. 522a (Public Law 93-579). The staff of Albuquerque Service Center (ASC) Human Capital Management (HCM) provides access to an employee's performance appraisal document to the employee; the employee’s representative designated in writing, or other authorized officials having need for these documents. Rating officials refer all requests for performance appraisal documents to the servicing ASC HCM Staff. 11.14 - Retention Retain completed performance ratings documents for 4 years in accordance with 5 CFR 293.404(a)(1)(i) and (ii). WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 17 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 12 - ORIENTATION AND TRAINING 1. Forest Service orientation programs for new employees shall address both the rating official’s and employee’s responsibilities for performance management including development and use of performance plans, how agency goals and objectives relate to individual performance (sec. 13), performance appraisal (sec. 15), performance bonus awards (sec. 16), and development of performance (sec. 17). 2. All new supervisors shall receive training in performance management within the first year of their assignment. 3. All employees shall receive training on performance management and implementation of the direction in this chapter. 13 - PERFORMANCE PLANS A performance plan includes performance elements and standards, and the measures developed jointly by the rating official and employee. Pre-populated forms (Form AD-435, Performance Appraisal, Form AD-435A, Performance Plan, Progress Review and Appraisal Worksheet, and Form AD-435B, Performance Plan, Progress Review and Appraisal Worksheet (Continuation Sheet), with mandatory generic elements and standards, are displayed in section 13.2, exhibit 01. 1. Performance plans must be developed for all “covered employees” in accordance with the direction in this chapter and as described in the performance elements and standards. 2. A written performance plan must be provided to each covered employee within 30 days of: a. Beginning of an appraisal period. b. Appointment. c. Reassignment. d. Promotion. e. Detail of 90 days or more. f. Temporary promotion of 90 days or more. g. A substantial change in the major duties of the position occurs. 3. Forms. WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 18 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM a. The form to record progress reviews and the summary rating is Form AD-435, Performance Appraisal (sec. 13.21a and 13.22b). b. The forms used to record element ratings are Form AD-435A, Performance Plan, Progress Review and Appraisal Worksheet (sec. 13.21b and 13.22b) or Form AD435B, Performance Plan, Progress Review and Appraisal Worksheet (Continuation Sheet) (sec. 13.21, 13.21c-d, and 13.22c-f). c. Retain copies of performance plan-related forms. Copies of both form AD-435 and forms AD-435A or AD-435B shall be provided to the employee. The rating official must retain the original documents, including those submitted by the employee. 13.1 - Establishment of Performance Plans When establishing performance plans, rating officials shall: 1. Discuss and communicate performance expectations and measures with the employee and establish the performance plan 2. Involve each employee in the development of the employee’s performance plan to clarify expectations and measurements (sec. 13.11). 3. Clarify the meaning of the elements, standards and measures, as they pertain to the position and reference unit work plans and other pertinent documents. 4. Ensure the critical elements in the written performance plan align with agency or unit goals. 5. Ensure all standards in the written performance plan include performance measures and expected results. 6. Ensure each employee understands how standards and measures will be evaluated in determining the element rating, including any particular emphasis items 7. Notify the employee of any changes to the standards or measures during the rating period. 8. Document all performance plan discussions, including any necessary written clarification of the standards or measures on Form AD-435A, Performance Appraisal (sec. 13.21a and 13.22b), Form AD-435A, Performance Plan, Progress Review and Appraisal Worksheet (sec. 13.21b and 13.22b) or Form AD-435B, Performance Plan, Progress Review and Appraisal Worksheet (Continuation Sheet) (sec. 13.21, 13.21d, and 13.22c-f). WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 19 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 9. Do not rate exclusive representational work (Union duties). Employees are only to be rated on agency assigned work. 13.11 - Employee Participation in Establishing Performance Plans Communication between the rating official and the employee is essential in establishing meaningful performance plans. Through participation, employees develop a better understanding of what is required of them and how their accomplishments contribute to the agency’s goals and objectives. Establishing the performance plan with employee participation may be accomplished by several methods. For example: 1. Employees who occupy similar positions prepare performance plan(s) for the rating official’s approval. 2. Employee and rating official discuss and develop the performance plan together. 3. Employee comments on the draft performance plan prepared by the rating official and the rating official and employee discuss the draft. Regardless of the method chosen to establish the plan, the rating official and the employee discuss the final performance plan. If the employee and rating official cannot reach agreement regarding the establishment of the performance plan, including expectations and measures, the employee may raise concerns to the reviewing official. However, final authority for establishing the performance plan rests with management. During the rating period an employee may request a change to performance measures based on mitigating factors beyond the employee’s control. 13.12 - Use of Mandatory Generic Elements The elements for performance plans under this chapter shall be limited to the generic elements set out in this chapter. The description and use of these generic elements are as follows: 1. Non-supervisory Positions. (Sec. 13.21b – 13.21d). a. Element 1- Mission Results. This element is mandatory for all non-supervisory employees and shall be a critical element in all performance plans. b. Element 2 - Managing Work Assignments. This element is mandatory for all nonsupervisory employees and shall be a critical element in all performance plans. WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 20 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM c. Element 3 - Teamwork and Partnerships. This element is mandatory for all nonsupervisory employees and shall be a non-critical element in all performance plans. 2. Supervisory Positions. (Sec. 13.22b – 13.22f). a. Element 1 - Mission Results. This element is mandatory for all supervisory employees and shall be a critical element in all performance plans. b. Element 2 - Leadership/Management. This element is mandatory for all supervisory employees and shall be a critical element in all performance plans. c. Element 3 - Civil Rights. This element is mandatory for all supervisory employees and shall be a critical element in all performance plans. d. Element 4 - Safety. This element is mandatory for all supervisory employees and shall be a critical element in all performance plans. e. Element 5 - Teamwork and Partnerships. This element is mandatory for all supervisory employees and shall be a non-critical element in all performance plans. 13.13 - Performance Standards To the maximum extent feasible, all performance standards (generic or supplemental) and the application of those standards to the individual’s work shall permit the evaluation of job performance on the basis of objective criteria related to the job. Performance standards are to be consistent with the duties contained in a properly classified position description. Rating officials will clarify generic and supplemental standards by reference to specific measures, unit work plans, and other pertinent documents that will be considered in evaluating performance. Rating officials will also communicate to employees the process the rating official will use in determining if standards have been met. 13.13a - Generic Performance Standards The standards for performance plans under this chapter shall be limited to the generic standards set out in this chapter. The exhibits in sections 13.21b - 13.21d and 13.22b - 13.22f identify generic performance standards for each element in the performance plan. The generic standards for each element will be used without modification, but must be clarified in terms of measures and expectations. In addition to the generic standards, specific performance measures for quality, quantity, costeffectiveness and timeliness are to be included in each non-supervisory and supervisory employee performance plan. WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 21 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 13.13b - Supplemental Standards Supplemental standards may only be added to an element in an employee’s performance plan when the generic standards do not address a significant component of the employee’s responsibilities, consistent with the employee’s position description. A significant component may include special assignments or unique project work. In developing supplemental standards, rating officials shall obtain employee input. 13.13c - Absolute Standards Rating officials are to use an absolute standard (a standard that allows for no margin of error), in only very limited circumstances, such as where failure to perform under a critical element could result in loss of life, injury, breach of national security, or great monetary loss. 13.14 - Developing Performance Measures The development of performance measures is the process in which the rating official and the employee clarify generic standards and develop meaningful measures, specific to the employee’s work assignments, in order to evaluate the employee’s performance. In developing performance measures, the rating official should ensure “absolute standards” are not erroneously or unnecessarily created. For a definition of the term, performance measure, see section 10.5. The framework for developing measures should follow and adhere to the “SMART” principles as described below: Specific Measurable Attainable Relevant and reasonable Time-bound 1. Specific and objective. The performance measure should be clearly defined, be free from ambiguities, bias, personal feelings or opinions, and contain finite measures that specify the line between satisfactory work and less-than-satisfactory work. 2. Measurable. There are many ways to measure the outcome of an objective, such as: a. Quality. (Customer satisfaction, consistency, effectiveness, and accuracy.) b. Quantity. (Amount processed and amount produced.) WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 22 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM c. Timeliness. (Deadlines met, and milestones achieved.) d. Cost-effectiveness. (Measurement of cost in relation to quality, quantity, and timeliness). e. Manner of performance. (Efficiently, safely, using initiative, customer interaction, problem solving, participation and teamwork.) 3. Attainable. To be attainable, measures must be fair and equitable and it must be known by the rating official that the employee has the knowledge to accomplish the objective. In addition, the authority, approval, time, budget, staff, and resources must be available for the employee to accomplish the objective. 4. Relevant and reasonable. Objectives will only be relevant when they are tied to the goals and objectives of the agency, whether it is the strategic plan or the individual work unit. Objectives must be reasonable for an employee to achieve during the specified time frame or rating period. Measures must be nondiscriminatory by being consistently applied to all personnel in the same or similar position or grade with the same line of authority. Although the standards may be the same for similar positions, the measures should reflect the grade level of the employee. 5. Time bound. The importance of including a due date or deadline is important and cannot be over emphasized. Deadlines create a sense of urgency and create a good frame of reference for measurement. Objectives without deadlines are just “good ideas” or “promises.” Deadlines must be realistic and should be agreed upon by the employee and the rating official. However, if agreement cannot be reached, the rating official makes the final decision. 13.2 - Exhibits for Performance Appraisals and Plans Forms AD-435, AD-435A, and AD-435B containing the generic performance elements and standards are set forth in sections 13.21a through 13.21d for non-supervisory positions and in sections 13.22a through 13.22f for supervisory positions. These generic performance elements and standards must be used in developing individual employee performance plans. WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 23 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 13.21 - Non-supervisory Positions 13.21a - Form AD-435, Performance Appraisal 13.21a - Exhibit 01 Form AD-435, Performance Appraisal WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 24 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 13.21b - Form AD-435A, Performance Plan, Progress Review and Appraisal Worksheet; Element 1 - Mission Results 13.21b - Exhibit 01 Form AD-435A, Performance Plan, Progress Review and Appraisal Worksheet; Element 1 - Mission Results WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 25 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 13.21c - Form AD-435B, Performance Plan, Progress Review and Appraisal Worksheet (Continuation Sheet); Element 2 - Managing Work Assignments 13.21c - Exhibit 01 Form AD-435B, Performance Plan, Progress Review and Appraisal Worksheet (Continuation Sheet); Element 2 - Managing Work Assignments WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 26 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 13.21d - Form AD-435B, Performance Plan, Progress Review and Appraisal Worksheet (Continuation Sheet); Element 3 - Teamwork and Partnerships 13.21d - Exhibit 01 Form AD-435B, Performance Plan, Progress Review and Appraisal Worksheet (Continuation Sheet); Element 3 - Teamwork and Partnerships WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 27 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 13.22 - Supervisory Positions 13.22a - Form AD-435, Performance Appraisal 13.22a - Exhibit 01 Form AD-435, Performance Appraisal WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 28 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 13.22b - Form AD-435A, Performance Plan, Progress Review and Appraisal Worksheet; Element 1 - Mission Results 13.22b - Exhibit 01 Form AD-435A, Performance Plan, Progress Review and Appraisal Worksheet; Element 1 - Mission Results WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 29 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 13.22c - Form AD-435B, Performance Plan, Progress Review and Appraisal Worksheet (Continuation Sheet); Element 2 – Leadership/Management 13.22c – Exhibit 01 Form AD-435B, Performance Plan, Progress Review and Appraisal Worksheet (Continuation Sheet); Element 2 – Leadership/Management WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 30 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 13.22d - Form AD-435B, Performance Plan, Progress Review and Appraisal Worksheet (Continuation Sheet); Element 3 – Civil Rights 13.22d – Exhibit 01 Form AD-435B, Performance Plan, Progress Review and Appraisal Worksheet (Continuation Sheet); Element 3 – Civil Rights WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 31 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 13.22e - Form AD-435B, Performance Plan, Progress Review and Appraisal Worksheet (Continuation Sheet); Element 4 – Safety 13.22e – Exhibit 01 Form AD-435B, Performance Plan, Progress Review and Appraisal Worksheet (Continuation Sheet); Element 4 – Safety WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 32 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 13.22f - Form AD-435B, Performance Plan, Progress Review and Appraisal Worksheet (Continuation Sheet); Element 5 – Teamwork and Partnerships 13.22f – Exhibit 01 Form AD-435B, Performance Plan, Progress Review and Appraisal Worksheet (Continuation Sheet); Element 5 – Teamwork and Partnerships WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 33 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 14 - MONITORING PERFORMANCE DURING APPRAISAL PERIOD 14.1 - Progress Reviews 1. Informal Progress Reviews. Informal monitoring and discussions of performance are part of the day-to-day responsibility of a supervisor (rating official). Informal progress reviews between the rating official and the employee should be held frequently, but are particularly appropriate when any or all of the following occur: a. A noteworthy accomplishment. b. Any indication of a performance problem. c. Any significant change in the nature of importance of a performance standard necessitating a clarifying explanation or supplementary instructions to an employee. d. A conclusion of a major project or assignment, when the employee’s performance can be recalled easily. 2. Formal Progress Reviews. Rating officials shall conduct at least one formal progress review with each employee, normally near the midpoint of the appraisal period. This review must be documented at the bottom of Form AD-435A, Performance Plan, Progress Review and Appraisal Worksheet. If any review indicates unacceptable performance, the rating official will take appropriate action. 15 - APPRAISING PERFORMANCE 15.1 – Appraisal Period The annual appraisal period in the Forest Service is on a fiscal year basis (October 1 through September 30). Unless a situation meets the criteria for extending the appraisal period as described in section 15.2, annual ratings of record must be completed and forwarded to the ASC HCM Staff no later than 30 days after the appraisal period ends. In order to balance workload, however, summary ratings may be assigned up to 30 days in advance of the end of the appraisal period. 15.2 - Criteria for Extending the Appraisal Period 1. Employees who have not been in the same position under the same rating official with established performance plans for 90 days shall have the appraisal period extended until the 90day minimum appraisal period is met. Rating officials shall advise employees in advance of any extended appraisal period. WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 34 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 2. For employees working under a performance improvement plan (PIP) at the end of the appraisal period, the rating official must delay the employee’s summary rating and extend the appraisal period until completion of the opportunity period. The rating official shall notify the employee in writing of the extension of the appraisal period and indicate that the current performance plan shall remain in effect until the end of the opportunity period. See Section 18, Dealing with Unacceptable Performance. 15.3 – Summary Rating and Rating of Record Summary ratings are normally conducted at the end of the annual appraisal period, unless the period has been extended based. For a definition of the terms, summary rating and rating of record, see section 10.5. When preparing a summary rating, rating officials shall: 1. Meet with the employee to review and discuss the employee’s accomplishments. 2. Consider any input, feedback, or documentation the employee submits regarding accomplishments during the appraisal period. 3. Only consider performance during the appraisal period. 4. Consider performance occurring in other positions in which the employee had established elements and standards and received an advisory rating. 5. Obtain the Reviewing Official’s second-level review and signature on Form AD-435 – Performance Plan, Progress Review and Appraisal Worksheet, Box 5, prior to advising the employee of the summary rating determination. 6. Discuss the final rating determination with the employee in person, or in unusual circumstances, by telephone. 7. The final rating of record must be documented on the AD-435 and written justification for the rating will be provided upon the request of the employee. In rare instances, when the rating official is unable to prepare a timely summary rating due to the rating official’s unexpected absence, the reviewing official or designee shall consult with the rating official (if practical) to prepare the summary rating and meet with the employee to conduct the appraisal. For rating officials who supervise employees in a virtual office setting, who are not collocated with their immediate supervisor, or who are otherwise unable to meet face-to-face with the employee must, as a minimum, discuss the rating with the employee orally. In such cases, documentation, distribution, and maintenance (sec. 11.12) requirements must still be met. WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 35 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 15.4 - Element Ratings Element ratings are based on how well the employee meets the standards under the element. The element ratings are then used to calculate the employee’s summary rating. The three types of element ratings are: (1) Exceeds Fully Successful; (2) Meets Fully Successful; and (3) Does Not Meet Fully Successful. Union officials who also perform Agency assigned work will be expected to perform that work at the Fully Successful level. The supervisor will describe this level in their performance standards and elements. The performance expectations will be adjusted for official time used to perform representational work from the performance of the agency assigned work, taking into consideration any impact on productivity and/or timeliness due to the performance of representational work. In determining element ratings, a rating official shall: 1. Review notes from the formal progress review, along with any other informal performance progress reviews or other performance related discussions that may have taken place during the course of the appraisal period. 2. Provide employees with the opportunity, and encourage them, to provide feedback or documentation regarding their performance. The feedback and documentation can be in any form, including the employee using the AD-435 forms to document a self-assessment or be a narrative of accomplishments. Discuss with the employee, any feedback, prior to determining the element and summary ratings. 3. Consider knowledge of the employee's performance throughout the appraisal period, including personal observation, direct knowledge, any agreed upon performance indicators and measures, and any advisory ratings. 4. Consider mitigating factors beyond the employee’s control which may be workrelated and/or documented non-work related factors in accordance with applicable bargaining agreements. 5. Consider obtaining feedback voluntarily given by coworkers, customers/clients, and team leaders/members pertaining to applicable performance standards of their employees. 6. Supervisors should consider obtaining feedback from a supervisory employee’s subordinates in appraising the supervisory employee’s performance in Element 2 Leadership/Management (sec. 13.32c). 7. Consider individual contributions to team performance addressed in the teamwork and partnerships element (element number 3 for non-supervisory employees (sec. 13.21d, ex. 01) and element number 5 for supervisory employees (sec. 13.22f, ex. 01)). WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 36 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 8. Added weight given to any particular standard(s) must be communicated and documented in the performance plan. Determinations made after the initial establishment of elements and standards must include the date any changes were made with the employee. 9. Rate each performance element, based on the employee meeting the standards, at one of the following levels: a. “Exceeds Fully Successful.” Performance exceeds the performance standards established for the meets fully successful level. b. “Meets Fully Successful.” Performance meets the performance standards established for the fully successful level. c. “Does Not Meet Fully Successful.” Performance falls below the performance standards established at the meets fully successful level. 10. Obtain the required second level review from the Reviewing Official before advising an employee of the final element and summary ratings. WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 37 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 15.4 – Exhibit 01 Performance Levels Non-supervisory employees: Element 1. Mission/Results (Non-Supervisory - Mandatory/Critical) Work Description: Demonstrates a commitment and personal responsibility to strive for excellence in the accomplishment of work assignments that are aligned with, and ultimately contribute, to the achievement of the agency’s mission and goals. Follows Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights policies and regulations in the performance of duties. 1. Level for “Fully Successful” performance: a. Contributes to achieving agency goals and objectives using all available resources; prioritizes and balances work as necessary. b. Performs duties in a manner consistent with Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights policies. c. Makes recommendations and develops solutions that demonstrate positive approaches to complete work assignments. d. Routinely informs supervisor of problems and challenges that arise. e. Implements programs and projects as assigned within established time lines; adapts to changing priorities. f. Ensures that reported information is adequate, reliable, verifiable, and useful. g. Demonstrates support in accomplishing individual and/or team assignments based on the unit's assigned targets and performance measures and commitments. 2. Level for “Exceeds Fully Successful” performance: Employee achieved results beyond what was expected at the fully successful level and identifies initiatives to enhance program delivery. WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 38 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 15.4 – Exhibit 01--Continued Performance Levels Element 2. Managing Work Assignments (Non-Supervisory - Mandatory/Critical) Work Description: Implements assigned program of work in a manner that accomplishes the organization’s mission using available resources to perform work while practicing workplace safety and ensuring workplace security. 1. Level for “Fully Successful” performance: Applies knowledge and skills to independently perform assignments, prioritizes work effectively, and seeks guidance as appropriate. Routinely accomplishes program goals in a timely manner and in compliance with applicable guidance. Properly follows workplace safety and security procedures, including approved job hazard analysis. 2. Level for “Exceeds Fully Successful” performance: Employee achieved results beyond what was expected at the fully successful level while exceeding the standard for quality, quantity, and timeliness. WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 39 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 15.4 – Exhibit 01--Continued Performance Levels Element 3. Teamwork and Partnerships (Non-Supervisory - Mandatory/Non-critical) Work Description: Develops and maintains effective working relationships with internal and/or external cooperators that foster a positive atmosphere of cooperation, trust, creativity, and group unity. 1. Level for “Fully Successful” performance: Demonstrates collaboration and flexibility to build effective partnerships. Contributes to team’s success. Develops networks, builds alliances and collaborates across boundaries. Uses interpersonal skills and seeks to facilitate “win-win” situations. Treats everyone fairly and professionally; demonstrates respect for individual differences and promotes these values within the work unit. Seeks opportunities to share knowledge and skills with others. Handles disagreements effectively, and seeks resolution to resolve them in a positive and constructive manner. 2. Level for “Exceeds Fully Successful” performance: Takes the initiative to make extra contributions to the team and/or partners. Recognizes when others need assistance, and provides support to advance mutual goals and/or applies creative and innovative solutions. WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 40 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 15.4 – Exhibit 01--Continued Performance Levels Supervisory employees: Element 1. Mission Results (Supervisory - Mandatory/Critical) Work Description: Demonstrates a commitment and personal responsibility to strive for excellence in the accomplishment of work assignments that are aligned with, and ultimately contribute to the achievement of, the agency’s mission and goals. 1. Level for “Fully Successful performance: a. Demonstrates support for agency strategic goals and initiatives. b. Optimizes the use of all available resources and develops solutions in support of agency goals and objectives. c. Manages financial resources effectively to support program or policy implementation. d. Establishes schedules and deadlines for completion of programs and projects; shifting priorities as needed. e. Ensures that reported information is adequate, reliable, verifiable, and useful. f. Demonstrates support in accomplishing individual and/or team assignments based on the unit's assigned target and performance measures and commitments as coordinated between the supervisor and employee. 2. Level for “Exceeds Fully Successful” performance: Employee exceeds expected results through effective and efficient approaches to completing assigned tasks that are aligned with the Agency’s strategic goals and objectives; achieved substantial cost savings or efficiencies and/or met targets or milestones well ahead of schedule. WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 41 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 15.4 – Exhibit 01--Continued Performance Levels Element 2. Leadership/Management (Supervisory - Mandatory/Critical) Work Description: Leads organizational changes to improve results. Effectively and efficiently manages the workforce; uses sound judgment and rationale in making decisions and problem solving. 1. Level for “Fully Successful” performance: a. Seeks out and capitalizes on opportunities to help the organization accomplish its mission and objectives. b. Communicates organizational goals for the work unit into concrete objectives, plans, priorities, and assignments. c. Administers performance management responsibilities effectively including timely completion of performance plans and ratings. d. Aligns employee performance plans to agency organizational goals and identified measures; establishes and communicates performance expectations and objectives in partnership with each employee. e. Models and fosters a high standard of performance for the workforce. f. Manages the workforce and resources effectively and efficiently in an effort to achieve performance goals. 2. Level for “Exceeds Fully Successful” performance: Employee achieved results beyond what was expected at the fully successful level; achieved substantial cost savings or efficiencies and/or met targets or milestones well ahead of schedule, meeting or exceeding planned budget and time schedules. WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 42 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 15.4 – Exhibit 01--Continued Performance Levels Element 3. Civil Rights (Supervisory - Mandatory/Critical) Work Description: Performs duties in a non-discriminatory manner which consistently demonstrates fairness, cooperation, and respect toward others and is in compliance with Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights policies. 1. Level for “Fully Successful” performance: a. Performs duties in a non-discriminatory manner which consistently demonstrates fairness, cooperation, and respect toward employees, office visitors, and the public. b. Demonstrates compliance with Equal Opportunity and Civil Rights policies with the goal of working to employ and develop a diverse workforce and achieve a model workplace. 2. Level for “Exceeds Fully Successful” performance: Employee achieved results beyond what was expected at the fully successful level while creating a diverse workforce that reflects the civilian labor force; a work environment supportive of diversity, information sharing, ideas, talents; and appropriate use of resolution management. WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 43 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 15.4 – Exhibit 01--Continued Performance Levels Element 4. Safety (Supervisory - Mandatory/Critical) Work Description: Demonstrates a commitment to the agency’s safety goals and objectives. 1. Level for “Fully Successful” performance: a. Complies with all applicable safety and health standards, rules and regulations. b. Ensures that employees are instructed and trained in safe practices and methods of job performance. c. Develops, reviews, updates, and approves Job Hazard Analyses (JHAs) for work unit. d. Takes appropriate action to correct unsafe and unhealthy working conditions. e. Demonstrates safety leadership by personal involvement, provision of resources (staffing, training, equipment, and so forth), communicates safety expectations, and recognizes proactive safety accomplishments. f. Ensures a plan is in process to ensure approval of work plans requiring identification and allocation of the resources necessary to ensure a safe work environment, employee protection needs, and safe work practices. g. Monitors the implementation and effectiveness of safety practices; investigates incidents involving injury or potential of injury to determine contributing factors to identify and implement corrective actions. h. In addition, the following standard is applicable for Forest Supervisors and District Rangers with fire program management responsibilities. Fire Management: For those units, organizations, and/or individuals, for which the employee is responsible, employee will ensure compliance with fire management safe operating practices, including consistent adherence to the Standard Fire Orders and mitigation of the Watch-Out Situations. 2. Level for “Exceeds Fully Successful” performance: Employee achieved results beyond what was expected at the fully successful level, while making significant contributions to/and improving workplace safety. WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 44 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 15.4 – Exhibit 01--Continued Performance Levels Element 5. Teamwork and Partnerships (Supervisory - Mandatory/Non-critical) Work Description: Develops and maintains effective working relationships with internal and external cooperators that foster a positive workplace atmosphere of cooperation, trust, creativity, and group unity. 1. Level for “Fully Successful” performance: a. Contributes to achieving work unit goals by demonstrating collaboration and flexibility, builds effective internal and external partnerships. b. Develops networks, builds alliances and finds common ground with a widening rate of stakeholders. c. Effectively uses interpersonal skills when working with others and seeks to facilitate “win-win” situations. d. Treats everyone fairly and professionally; demonstrates respect for individual differences and promotes these values. e. Seeks opportunities to exchange knowledge and skills with others, both internally and externally. f. Contributes to a positive team atmosphere of cooperation and trust while encouraging creative thinking and innovation. g. Manages and resolves conflict and disagreements in a positive and constructive manner. 2. Level for “Exceeds Fully Successful” performance: Takes initiative to make extra contributions to cross-organizational efforts and collaborates across boundaries. Regularly works with others to develop new insights, creative designs and/or energetically implements new and/or innovative cutting edge programs/processes. Recognizes when others need assistance and provides supports to advance mutual goals. Champions respect for value of individual differences and foster a climate that substantially strengthens the team’s capabilities. Actively works to ensure continuous learning and exchange of knowledge and skills throughout the organization and with external partners. WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 45 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 15.5 - Advisory Ratings An advisory rating is a documented rating which covers a portion of the annual appraisal period in situations where an employee is detailed or temporarily promoted to different duties and responsibilities and/or works under the supervision of a different rating official. Advisory ratings will be considered by the rating official when preparing the annual summary rating. 1. Advisory ratings will be documented on form AD-435 and shall be completed for: a. Employees who are under a performance plan covering details or temporary promotions of 90 days or more. b. Employees who have served 90 days or more under a performance plan and change position during the appraisal period. c. Employees who have served 90 days or more under a performance plan and whose rating official leaves their position during the appraisal period. 2. The rating official shall: a. Document advisory ratings on Form AD-435B, Performance Plan, Progress Review and Appraisal Worksheet; b. Submit the advisory rating to the reviewing official for concurrence; and c. Provide a copy of the rating to the new rating official and to the employee. 3. An advisory rating shall become the final annual rating of record only when all of the following apply: a. The employee has operated under established elements and standards at least 90 days; b. The advisory rating covers 6 months or more of the annual appraisal period; c. The advisory rating is completed with less than 90 days remaining in the annual appraisal period; and d. The advisory rating is the only rating received during the annual appraisal period. WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 46 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 15.6 – Determining the Summary Rating After the elements ratings have been determined, the rating official must determine the summary rating. Using Form AD-435A, Performance Plan, Progress Review and Appraisal Worksheet (sec. 13.21a and 13.22a), and Form AD-435B, Performance Plan, Progress Review and Appraisal Worksheet (Continuation Sheet) (sec. 13.21b and 13.22b) the rating official rates each performance element against the established standards. After the rating official determines the appropriate element rating, the appropriate box in section 4 on each worksheet form (forms AD-435A and AD-435B) must be marked. The element rating information is then transferred to Form AD-435, Performance Appraisal where the final summary rating is calculated using the instructions and formula on Form AD-435, Box 16B – Decision table. A score of 2 is entered for each critical element rating and a score of 1 is entered for the noncritical element in the appropriate column (15-B, 15-C, or 15-D). Each column is then totaled in Boxes 15-E, 15-F, and 15-G. Following the decision table in Box 16-B on Form AD-435, the rating official calculates the employee’s numeric score to the appropriate summary rating as listed on Form AD-435, Box 16A. Prior to discussing any rating with the employee, the rating official must obtain the reviewing official’s concurrence on Form AD-435, Box 20. After obtaining the required second-level review, the rating official advises the employee of the element and summary ratings, obtains the employee’s signature on Form AD-435, Box 18 and provides the employee with a copy. The rating official forwards copies of all performance documents to the servicing ASC HCM Staff, while retaining the copies of all performance documents in the supervisory file as appropriate. WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 47 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 15.6 – Exhibit 01 Determining Summary Rating Level Using the instructions on Form AD-435, Performance Appraisal (sec. 13.21a and 13.22a), convert the element ratings into one of the following summary rating levels: POSSIBLE SUMMARY RATING LEVELS Rating Level 1 Unacceptable Rating Level 1 Description of Rating Level If any critical element is rated at the “Does Not Meet Fully Successful” level (Column 15D), the summary rating level is “Unacceptable.” When performance is unacceptable, the supervisor should afford the employee a reasonable opportunity to demonstrate acceptable performance consistent with 5 CFR 432.104. 2 Marginal Rating Level 2 All critical elements are rated at least at the “Meets Fully Successful” level (Column 15C) and any non-critical is rated as “Does Not Meet” (Column 15G). Marginal performance may be evidenced by the need for close supervisory review, discussion, and correction of work products. This does not require the issuance or establishment of a “performance improvement plan” (PIP), but an employee must be provided an opportunity to improve. 3 Fully Successful Rating Level 3 All critical elements are rated at least at the “Meets Fully Successful” (Column 15C) level and having a total number that falls between the calculations for “Marginal” and “Superior” on AD-435 Performance Appraisal. (See Decision Table in Box 16-B.) Fully Successful performance is of good quality. This may be evidenced by a fully successful employee producing the expected quantity and/or quality of work and meeting deadlines or schedules for completion of work. WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 48 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 4 Superior Rating Level 4 All elements are rated at least at the “Meets Fully Successful” level and there is a higher number entered in Column 15E “Exceeds” than is entered in Column 15F “Meets.” Supervisor performance is unusually good or of excellent quality. This may be evidenced by a superior employee producing a very high quality and/or quantity of work ahead of established schedules or deadlines and with less than normal supervision. 5 Outstanding Rating Level 5 If all performance elements are rated at the “Exceeds Fully Successful” level (Column 15B) the summary rating level is “Outstanding.” Outstanding performance is rare and of very high quality. This may be evidenced by an outstanding employee producing an exceptional quality of work significantly ahead of established schedules or deadlines and with very little or no supervision. 15.7 - Review and Approval of Ratings The rating official must review, discuss, and obtain prior approval of the reviewing official (sec. 10.34) prior to discussing any rating with the employee. 15.8 - Employee Signature upon Receipt of Rating Rating officials shall request that the employee sign Form AD-435, Performance Appraisal, and Form AD-435A, Performance Plan, Progress Review and Appraisal, after discussion of the employee’s performance and after receiving concurrence from the reviewing official. The employee's signature on Form AD-435, Performance Appraisal, indicates only that the employee has seen the element ratings and the summary rating and was provided the opportunity to discuss them. A performance rating is valid and becomes a rating of record when it has been documented and discussed with the employee, even when the employee refuses to sign the form. If the employee elects to not sign the form, the rating official shall note the employee's declination in the employee certification Block 18 of Form AD-435, Performance Appraisal. WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 49 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 15.9 - Employee Response to Ratings If an employee disagrees with the rating official’s element or summary rating determinations, the employee may follow established grievance procedures through the negotiated or administrative grievance procedures, as applicable. 15.10 - Submission of Completed Ratings Rating officials shall send completed forms AD-435 to the ASC HCM Staff. The ASC HCM will maintain performance records in compliance with the provisions of this chapter and in accordance with the records management requirements (5 CFR parts 293 and 297). 16 – PERFORMANCE BONUS AWARDS There are two types of performance bonus awards: quality step increase (QSI) or lump sum cash award. For the definitions of performance bonus award, see section 10.5. 1. Summary Level 5 (Outstanding). Employees rated at Level 5 (Outstanding) are eligible for: a. QSI or b. Lump sum cash award. 2. Summary Level 4 (Superior). Employees rated at Level 4 (Superior) are eligible for a lump sum cash award. For all other types of awards, see FSH 6109.13, Chapter 30 - Performance, Training, and Awards Handbook. 17 - DEVELOPING EMPLOYEE’S PERFORMANCE Developing an employee’s performance is generally considered by rating officials, and jointly discussed, during performance meetings. Rating officials may authorize training to improve an employee’s performance in the employee’s present position, as well as development for future positions and skill needs of the Agency. The rating official and employee shall jointly develop an Individual Development Plan (IDP), including: 1. Using the performance appraisal and feedback process to identify areas where training may be appropriate to meet or surpass performance standards, to develop new skills needed for career progression, or to utilize new technology. WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 50 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 2. Assessing current job requirements and performance to identify any competency gaps and evaluate the effectiveness of previous training. 3. Identifying the sequence of training needed to accommodate this development based on specific development needs unique to the employee. Direction regarding employee development can be found in FSH 6109.13, chapter 20. 18 - DEALING WITH UNACCEPTABLE PERFORMANCE Rating officials are responsible for addressing any performance level below fully satisfactory. If at any time the rating official deems an employee's performance to be below fully satisfactory in any element the rating official shall promptly initiate corrective action. In instances where an employee does not meet the fully successful level in any critical element formal corrective action must be taken. The rating official should seek assistance from the servicing ASC HCM staff before initiating any formal action based on unacceptable performance. The rating official must first determine the reason for the deficient performance. If the deficient performance is related to misconduct that is having a negative effect on the employee’s performance, rating officials shall consider appropriate action to correct the employee, in accordance with the USDA Guide for Disciplinary Penalties (DPM Chapter 751, Appendix A). If the rating official determines the deficient performance is not the result of misconduct, the rating official should first counsel the employee regarding the deficient performance. Rating officials should review the current performance plan with the employee to ensure that it is accurate and expectations have clearly been communicated to the employee. It is incumbent upon the rating official to explain to the employee how the employee’s performance is deficient and which critical element, result, or primary outcome is affected. Rating officials may need to provide follow-up counseling and additional training to assist the employee. Rating officials should maintain examples of deficient performance and document all counseling sessions. If the employee does not correct deficient performance after counseling (including a referral to Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and additional training, and the rating official determines that the employee’s performance has fallen to an unacceptable level in any critical element, a rating official shall follow the procedures in section 18.1 to deal with the unacceptable performance. In addition to this section, also see Title 5, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 432 - Performance Based Reduction In Grade and Removal Actions, and applicable bargaining agreements, for further direction on dealing with unacceptable performance. WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 51 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 18.1 - Opportunity to Improve Performance When an employee's performance is determined to be at the unacceptable level for any critical element, the rating official must obtain concurrence from the reviewing official and seek assistance from the servicing ASC HCM Staff before initiating any formal action based on unacceptable performance. In addition, if the rating official’s determination occurs at or near the end of the annual appraisal period, the rating official also must seek assistance from the ASC HCM prior to providing the employee a summary rating and prior to extending the employee’s appraisal period. With the assistance of ASC HCM Staff, the rating official shall develop a written performance improvement plan (PIP) to present to the employee. The PIP will provide the employee with at least 60 days to improve performance. In situations where the PIP period extends beyond the ending date of the annual appraisal period, the appraisal period shall be extended to accommodate the PIP. The letter placing an employee on a PIP should advise the employee of any extension in the appraisal period and the delay of the summary rating/rating of record. 18.2 - Contents of Performance Improvement Plans Although the contents of performance improvement plans (PIPs) are unique to the employee and the individual circumstances being addressed, the following information must be included in all PIPs: 1. Identifying Information. The employee's name, title, series, grade, and organizational location. 2. Length of Opportunity Period. The length of the initial opportunity period must be at least 60 calendar days. In determining a reasonable period of time for an employee to demonstrate successful performance, consider the complexities of the employee's duties, length of experience in the position, prior performance record, training, and any other relevant factors. If after the initial opportunity period, the rating official concludes that additional time is required to assess the employee's performance progress, the initial period of time may be extended. The rating official will communicate the extension to the employee in writing prior to the end of the PIP 3. Elements and Deficiencies. The element(s) and performance standard(s) for which the employee's performance is at the unacceptable performance level and a description of the exact nature of the deficiencies. WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 52 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 4. Actions Required To Improve. Advice and/or guidance on what the employee must do to improve to the successful performance level. Expectations may be clarified at this time. However, additional duties or standards may not be added to the employee's performance plan during a PIP. 5. Management Assistance. A statement regarding how the rating official will assist the employee correct the performance deficiencies. Assistance may include, but is not limited to: counseling, closer supervision, special resources, training, more frequent performance reviews, memoranda written to the employee explaining on-going errors and how to correct them, assistance with organizing workload, and samples of acceptable work products. In providing assistance, it is important that the rating official not assume part of the employee's responsibilities or assign them to another employee. Such removal of duties and responsibilities during the opportunity period does not enable the employee to demonstrate the ability to perform the entire job successfully. 6. Potential Consequences of Failure. A statement that failure to improve performance to the successful performance level in any critical element (that is, the level of performance required for retention in the position) may result in reassignment, a reduction in grade, or separation of the employee from the Agency. 7. Employee Assistance Referral. A referral to the Employee Assistance Program (EAP) (FSM 6143). However, an employee cannot be compelled to seek EAP assistance. 18.3 - Determining Appropriate Action after Completion of the Performance Improvement Period (PIP) Within 14 days of the end of the opportunity period (or shorter period if required by applicable bargaining agreement) the rating official will normally notify the employee, in writing, whether the employee’s performance has improved to the fully successful level. Rating officials should complete summary ratings within 30 days after the employee completes the opportunity period, and ensure that the information on Form AD-435, Performance Appraisal corresponds with the opportunity period. When an employee’s performance has improved to the successful level, the employee is retained in the position. The employee is responsible for maintaining performance at the fully successful level in the critical element for which the opportunity period was afforded for 1 year following the issuance of the PIP. If, during the 1-year period, the employee's performance again becomes unacceptable in the critical element, for which the opportunity period was afforded; the employee may be reassigned, demoted to a lower grade, or removed without any additional opportunity to improve. WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 53 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM When an employee’s performance has not improved to the successful level by the end of the improvement period, the rating official shall discuss with the ASC HCM staff the adequacy of the performance documentation that demonstrates the employee's performance has not improved to the successful level. If sufficient evidence supports a performance-based action (Title 5, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 432 - Performance Based Reduction In Grade and Removal Actions), the rating official, with the concurrence of the reviewing official, will initiate a reassignment, reduction in grade or removal from the Forest Service based on unacceptable performance. A decision to propose a reduction in grade or removal may not be made until the improvement period is completed. 18.4 - Notice of Proposed Action In proposing an adverse action (reassignment, reduction in grade or removal) based on unacceptable performance, the rating official shall provide the employee with a 30-day advance notice of proposed action which identifies both specific examples of the unacceptable performance by the employee on which the proposed action is based, and the critical element(s) of the employee's position involved in each example of unacceptable performance, and language required by applicable collective bargaining agreements. Also, see Title 5, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 432 - Performance Based Reduction In Grade and Removal Actions, for procedures to use in proposing adverse and performance-based actions. 18.5 - Medical Conditions Affecting Performance If at any time during the appraisal period an employee asserts that a medical condition contributes to unacceptable performance, the rating official is responsible for informing the employee of the requirement to provide timely and acceptable medical documentation from a medical care provider/professional for management's consideration. It is the employee’s responsibility to provide the medical documentation to support their assertion. 19 - RELATIONSHIP OF PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL TO OTHER PERSONNEL ACTIONS 19.1 - Within-grade Increase To receive a within-grade increase (WGI), an employee must meet the requirements listed in Title 5, Code of Federal Regulations, Part 531 - Pay Under The General Schedule (5 CFR part 531) and have a current summary rating of fully successful or above. When the rating of record is fully successful or above, and the rating official determines that the employee continues to perform at an acceptable level of competence, no further action is required (5 CFR part 531). A WGI will automatically be processed by the National Finance Center (NFC). WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 54 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 19.11 – Denial of Within-grade Increase When an employee’s performance is not at an acceptable level of competence (marginal or unacceptable), at the time the employee is due to receive a within-grade increase (WGI), the rating official shall deny the WGI until the employee’s performance is brought to the fully successful level (5 CFR 531.409e). In denying the WGI, the rating official shall notify the employee, in writing, of negative determination at least 30 days before the WGI is due. The notice shall include: 1. The reasons for the negative determination; 2. A minimum of 60 days to demonstrate sustained performance at an acceptable level of competence; 3. The respects in which the employee must improve performance in order to be granted the WGI; 4. What actions the supervisor will take in assisting the employee; and The employee’s right to request reconsideration of the negative determination and grievance rights, as appropriate. If after the period to improve, the rating official determines that the employee has demonstrated sustained performance at an acceptable level of competence, the rating official will prepare a more current rating of record. The WGI will be granted effective the beginning of the next pay period following the determination. 19.12 - Role of Albuquerque Service Center (ASC), Human Capital Management (HCM) Staff In all cases of less than fully successful summary ratings, rating officials shall seek assistance from the Albuquerque Service Center (ASC) Human Capital Management (HCM) Staff. If the employee's most recent rating of record is marginal or if the employee has been placed on a PIP to improve unacceptable performance, the ASC HCM Staff shall notify the National Finance Center (NFC) not to process the within-grade increase (WGI). A WGI will not be processed until there is a new rating of record reflecting a successful performance level. 19.2 - Reduction in Force Entitlement to additional service credit and to assignment rights for reduction in force (RIF) purposes is based on performance. An employee would receive extra RIF service credit for performance based upon the average of the employee’s last 3 annual performance ratings of WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 55 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM record received during the 4-year period prior to the date the agency issues RIF notices. The 4year period is the earlier of the date the agency issues RIF notices, or the date the agency freezes ratings before issuing RIF notices. An employee is given additional service credit based on the mathematical average (rounded in the case of a fraction to the next whole number) of the value of the employee's last 3 annual ratings. If an employee received more than 3 annual ratings during the 4-year period, the 3 most recent annual ratings are used. If an employee received fewer than 3 annual ratings during the 4year period, the actual ratings received are averaged and rounded up to a whole number. If an employee has received no ratings of record, the employee is given performance credit based on the most frequently assigned performance rating in the employee’s agency or organization. 1. Formula for assigning performance credit. When all employees in a competitive area have ratings earned under the same type of performance rating pattern, then the standard formula for assigning performance credit is: a. 20 Additional years for an "Outstanding" rating; b. 16 Additional years for an "Exceeds Fully Successful" rating; or c. 12 Additional years for a "Fully Successful" rating. For example, an employee with 2 years of Federal service has 1 annual rating of "Outstanding" (20) and 1 of "Exceeds Fully Successful" (16); the employee would receive an additional RIF service credit based upon the 2 actual ratings, or 20+16=36, divided by 2 = 18 years of RIF credit for performance. 2. Rating of Record. A rating of record shall not be assigned for the sole purpose of affecting an employee's Reduction in Force (RIF) standing. If a RIF becomes necessary, scheduled ratings of record may be postponed beyond the established cutoff date up to 30 days preceding the issuance of specific RIF notices, if all of the following conditions are met: a. The Director, Human Capital Management concurs in a statement that the RIF cannot be postponed for specific, related reasons; b. The scheduled rating dates for employees in the competitive area are such that it will not be possible to process all ratings before the date that specific RIF notices are prepared; and c. There are persuasive reasons why ratings cannot be processed prior to the scheduled rating date and before the date-specific notices are prepared. WO AMENDMENT 6109.13-2007-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 01/04/2007 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 6109.13_10 Page 56 of 56 FSH 6109.13 – PERFORMANCE, TRAINING, AND AWARDS HANDBOOK CHAPTER 10 – PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM 19.3 - Promotion 1. Career Promotion. To receive a career promotion, an employee must have a current rating of record of Fully Successful or above. 2. Merit Promotion. The Forest Service Merit Promotion Plan (FSH 6109.12, sec. 23) requires that candidates be appraised based on the knowledge, skills, and abilities required of the position to be filled rather than on performance in the candidate's present position. 19.4 - Probationary Period 1. New Employee Probationary Period. For an employee who is given a new career or career conditional appointment, the first year of service is a probationary period when the appointment meets conditions specified in Title 5, Code of Federal Regulations, Section 315.801 - Probationary period (5 CFR 315.801). New employees must be observed and appraised during their probationary periods to determine whether they can perform their duties acceptably, have qualities needed to become successful career employees, and should be retained in the Federal service. The rating official shall seek advice and assistance from the ASC HCM prior to removing an employee during the probationary period. Probationary employees may be terminated for unsatisfactory performance in accordance with 5 CFR 315.804, Termination of probationers for unsatisfactory performance or conduct. 2. Supervisory/Managerial Probationary Period. Employees who are newly appointed to supervisory and managerial positions must satisfactorily complete a probationary period before the initial appointment becomes final. The performance of newly appointed supervisors must be monitored to determine whether or not the employee can perform successfully, particularly in Element 2 – Leadership/Management (sec. 13.22c, ex. 01). A supervisor who does not successfully complete the probationary period shall be returned to a nonsupervisory position equivalent to the one in which the employee served prior to appointment as a supervisor (5 CFR 315.907 - Failure to complete the probationary period, and the Forest Service Merit Promotion Plan (FSH 6109.12, sec. 22)).