5109.34-2015-1_transmittal Page 1 of 3 FOREST SERVICE HANDBOOK INTERMOUNTAIN REGION (REGION 4) OGDEN, UT FSH 5109.34 - INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK (PMS 902) (GREAT BASIN COORDINATING GROUP SUPPLEMENT) Supplement No.: 5109.34-2015-1 Effective Date: June 15, 2015 Duration: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. Approved: NORA B. RASURE Regional Forester Date Approved: June 5, 2015 Posting Instructions: The last supplement to this Handbook was 5109.34-2014-1. 2 Pages New Document 5109.34-2015-1_transmittal (Click on link for updated chapters: Great Basin Coordination Center) Chapter 10-Personnel Hazard Pay Justifications Chapter 20-Acquisition Chapter 30-Property Management Chapter 40-Incident Business Management Coordination Chapter 50-Interagency Cooperative Relations Nevada Business License Notification Chapter 80-Cost Management (Supplement: GB Cost Calculator) Great Basin Operating Guidelines Superseded Document(s) by Issuance Number and Effective Date 5109.34-2014-1_transmittal (6/9/2014) Ch 10-Personnel Hazard Pay Justifications Ch 20-Acquisition Ch 30-Property Management Ch 40-Incident Business Management Coordination Ch 50-Interagency Cooperative Relations Nevada Business License Notification Ch 80-Cost Accounting and Reporting Great Basin Operating Guidelines 6 Pages 1 Page 35 Pages 9 Pages 3 Pages 49 Pages 1 Page 5 Pages 40 Pages 2 Pages 4 Pages 1 Page 27 Pages 6 Pages 9 Pages 28 Pages 1 Page GB Cost Calculator available electronically 5 Pages R4 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2015-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 6/15/2015 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34-2015-1_transmittal Page 2 of 3 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK Digest: 5109.34 - The Great Basin Coordinating Group 2015 Supplements have been incorporated into the Forest Service Directive System as FSH 5109.34 for ease of distribution and supplementation. Chapter 10 – Personnel Replaces version issued April 3, 2014 Clarifies that casuals will be provided transportation under the Great Basin Rental Car program. Adds direction for lend/lease policy. Adds direction on Travel Cost Comparison and Federal Travel Regulations. Provides a link to the Great Basin Cost Comparison worksheet. Clarifies resources working away from their duty station must have an OF-288 and/or OF289 completed by the host agency. Chapter 20 – Acquisition Replaces version issued April 3, 2014. Provides information on the Great Basin Lend Lease Program. Clarified how to obtain a copy of the national contracts. Provided contacts for making recommended changes to VIPR agreements. Provided language on contractor equipment replacement. Removed language on local competitive agreements. Inserted form for ordering ATV/UTVs. Added language to assist with the development of land use agreements. Removed language on RSVP and STR programs. Added language on Reasonable accommodations. Chapter 30 – Property Management Re-issues the 2013 Supplement information with the following addition: Defines accountable, durable and consumable property. Added information on contracted equipment. Included language on Incident Summary and Loss Use Reports Chapter 40 - Incident Business Management Coordination Adds language regarding the Great Basin Buying Team Evaluation form. Adds a copy of the form as Exhibit 1. Adds language regarding the Great Basin Finance Evaluation form. Adds a copy of the form as Exhibit 2. Adds language delineating there is a National Interagency Buying Team Guide and there is a Great Basin Rocky Mountain Buying Team Guide. R4 SUPPLEMENT 5109.34-2015-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 6/15/2015 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 5109.34-2015-1_transmittal Page 3 of 3 FSH 5109.34 – INTERAGENCY INCIDENT BUSINESS MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK Chapter 50 – Interagency Cooperative Relations Idaho updated Emergency Medical Resources Plan. Nevada updated business license requirements for payments purposes for vendors working for the State of Nevada. Utah updated contact information. Chapter 80 - Cost Accounting and Reporting – Provides Great Basin Cost Calculator Re-issues 2014 supplement direction with the following additions: Great Basin utilization of e-ISuite beginning in 2015. e-ISuite single point billing direction. Updates Exhibit 1 with 2015 rates.