Fall 2011- Syllabus Microprocessors Laboratory ECE330L ECE 330L - Syllabus Instructor: Arlen Planting Office Hours: Mon/Wed 1:00-3:00pm, Tues/Thurs 3:00-5:00, or by appointment Lab Assistant: Vikram Patel Office: ET 227 Phone: 426-4826 Email: clarenceplanting@boisestate.edu Course Description: Lab work on microprocessor using a macroassembler and a hardware experimentation kit. Coreq: ECE 330. Lab Meeting Times: Tuesday / Thursday 6:00 PM to 8:00 PM, ET 312 (instructor and/or lab assistant will be available in the lab at these times only, or by appointment) Required text: ECE 330 Microprocessors Course Reference. Additional laboratory instructions are provided on course/laboratory webpage. Course/Lab Webpage: http://coen.boisestate.edu/aplanting/ece330fall2011/ Laboratory Objectives: After taking this laboratory, the students should be able to: • Design and build the functions described by given specifications, using assembly or C programming languages in Nios II processor • Understand the features of a processor • Interface to different devices (serial and parallel) • Employ the instruction set simulator to verify functions of the source code Schedule: Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Topic Introduction Lab 0: Getting Started Lab 1: Memory Lab 2: PIO Devices Lab 3: Assembly Subroutines Nios II Introduction Lab 4 TBD Lab 5 TBD Lab 6 TBD Week 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 Topic Lab 7: Seven segment display Lab 8a: Exceptions 1 Lab 8b: Exceptions 2 Project: Software PWM Thanksgiving Final Project Final Project Final Project Final: Tues, December 13, 6:00-8:00 pm Grading: For labs, check-off will be 70% of grade and lab report will be 30%. (All team members must be present for check-off. Absent or late team member will receive a zero for that lab.) Labs must be checked off before 8:00 p.m. Thursday of week due. For projects, check-off will be 60% of grade and report will be 40%. Lab Reports and Lab Quizzes: Lab Reports are a collaborative effort between you and your lab partner. All lab reports are to be submitted by midnight on Friday the week of the lab check off. All lab quizzes are an individual effort, to gauge your understanding of lab concepts. Labs and Projects: In addition to the labs (with well-defined steps), there will be lab projects that offer more opportunity for problem-solving and creative approaches. See the course/laboratory website for project descriptions. The final project will not be completely defined. We will go through a few negotiation sessions. You get to ask all the questions you want. Boise State University Electrical and Computer Engineering Department Page 1