Un continuum du lycée à l’université Présentation des projets de recherche 2012>2020 Date 2 CRMD, GREMI et Lycée Pothier Doctorant : Alexane VITAL Lycéens : Benoit-Joseph GINDRE, Alexandre BEAUJOUAN, Justine DUCK, Alan SIGNOR, Dylan POUTEAU, Méline MORISE 3/19 Laboratories • CRMD (Research Center of Divided Matter) works on complex disordered materials at variable scales • GREMI (Research Group in the Energetics of Ionized Media) works on laser & plasma process and their applications 4 4/19 Outline I. Introduction II. Results and discussion 1. Influence of O2 gas flow 2. Influence of temperature III. Conclusion 5/19 I. Introduction Daily usage 6/19 The nanotechnologies Nanometric scale Used for electronic The base element of these devices is the integrated circuit 7/19 The miniaturization It is more profitable to produce at nanometric scale It allows to increase the functionalities For 1 million of transistors • The production cost has radically decreased • Reduce the energy consumption 8/19 Next step : circuit in three dimensions This process consists to pile up several electronic integrated components in a same circuit to be more efficient. The used equipments 9/19 Hood Alcatel 601 E SEM 10/19 II. Results and discussion 11/19 1. Influence of the O2 gas flow Sccm (gas unit): Standard Cubic Centimeters per Minute O2 is used to protect holes walls created by plasma. If O2 gas flow is not good, the created holes will have defaults. α Positive slope α Negative slope Columnar structures 12/19 1. Influence of the O2 gas flow Holes interconnection 13/19 1. Influence of the O2 gas flow α α 14/19 II. Results and discussion 15/19 2. Influence of the temperature At ambient temperature , the probability to have etching default is higher. The temperature of passivation layer SiOxFy is -85°C. Liquid nitrogen is used to cool down the reactor temperature. We test the temperature between -70°C and -130°C. -196°C 16/19 2. Influence of the temperature α + Holes interconnection 17/19 2. Influence of the temperature Roughness on the walls The best result 18/19 III. Conclusion Influence of the O2 gas flow and the temperature The best result: 19/19 Thank You For Your Attention