HST/WFC3 Flux Calibration Ladder: Vega SPACE TELESCOPE SCIENCE INSTITUTE Susana E. Deustua,, Ralph Bohlin, Nor Pirzkal & John MaKenty. Space Telescope Science Institute (United States) Operated for NASA by AURA Vega Infrared Spectra! Introduction! G141 ibtw01 ! ! ! Vega is the quintessential absolute flux calibrator in Astronomy, and, ! one of only a few stars calibrated against an SI-traceable blackbody. The ! majority of experiments made measurements the visible (see Megessier Vega: coadded spectra G141 ! 8•10 1995 for a detailed discussion) with uncertainties on the order of a few ! percent. Equivalent measurements made in the infrared, from the 6•10 ! ground, yielded much larger uncertainties (e.g. Blackwell and 4•10 Figure 3. Visit 01; slow scan, -1st order spectra in collaborators), due in large part to atmospheric effects. Hence, G141 coadded at each scan position, after dark Figure 1. Positions on the detector of the spectral scans. Grism orders accurate measurements made above the atmosphere should reduce the 2•10 right to left are +2nd, +1st, 0th, -1st and -2nd. Left: 0th, -1st, -2nd. subtraction, flatfielding, dispersion correction and from rectification. Note the 10% variation in the counts Slivers of the +1st on the right edge, and -3rd on the left edge are visible. uncertainties! rates at wavelengths longer than 1.2 microns (left Center: +1st, 0th, -1st and -2nd orders. Right: +2nd, +1st, 0th and -1st 0 1.0 visible. 1.2 The1.4 1.6 and1.8 side of the plot). This is likely due to flat field orders are 0th, +1st +2nd orders are saturated! ! Wavelength (microns) variations.! STIS spectral observations of Vega between 3000 angstroms and 1 Vega: coadded spectra G141 Vega: coadded spectra G102 8•10 6•10 micron were made by Bohlin and Gilliland (2004, AJ, 127, 3508 ) in the traditional stare mode. By exploiting the fact that in the STIS CCD 6•10 4•10 saturated charge in one pixel spills over to neighboring pixels, thereby 4•10 conserving flux, they were able to obtain high signal to noise spectra of 2•10 2•10 this fundamental flux standard. ! ! 0 0 1.0 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 At wavelengths longer than 1 micron Vega’s spectral energy Wavelength (microns) Wavelength (microns) distribution is obtained by extrapolating from the current UVIS data via coadded spectra G102 Figure 2 Coadded unfluxed spectra of Vega Vega: at each scan rate for the -1st orders 6•10 models. To fill in the crucial gap between 0.9 and 1.7 microns, we of the G141 (top) and G102 (bottom) WFC3 IR grisms. Wavelength scale is in microns, negative numbers indicate negative order. Solid lines are the slow scan started a program to acquire grism spectroscopy of Vega in the near Figure 4. Comparison of GD71 and Vega rates; dashed lines are the fast scans. Top: Paschen β is the dip at -1.28 4•10 spectra showing the wavelength calibration of microns, and the series of features between 1.6 and 1.7 microns are Br 13,12, infrared using the two Wide Field Camera 3 (WFC3) infrared grisms, in the -1st order is comparable to the +1st order 11. Bottom: Pa γ is just visible at 1.09 microns, and Pa δ at 1.05 microns.! (inset). scanning mode. In principle we should obtain an absolute flux calibration 2•10 of less than 3%! ! 0 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 Spectra of Vega are obtained with spatial scanning in the -1st and, Wavelength (microns) depending on position on the array, the -2nd order. ! ! st orders Calibration of -1 ! ! Band 1: 1.15 - 1.32 microns Band 2: 1.32- 1.4 microns ! P330E model spectrum ! Cautions! -1st! order calibrations. Because use of the -1st grism orders was not anticipated, these were not as ! calibrated as the +1st and +2nd orders. Therefore, we obtained +1st and -1st spectra of the well ! analog flux standard star P330E to check the flux calibration of the -1st order, and solar ! G141 +1st order observations of the planetary nebula, VY2-2, to check the wavelength calibration.! uncorrected spectrum Band 3: 1.48 - 1.65 microns 1.15 - 1.65 microns, 0th Order ! ! Upstream/Downstream effects. Scans were made along the columns, either parallel to or opposite the scan direction. The effect is different scan lengths, and therfore different per pixel on source exposure times during one image. The WFC3/IR detector is readout using non destructive reads. DN/sec for V-ALF-LYR 6•108 Flux (electrons/sec) 8 2•108 8 0 -1.8 8 -1.6 -1.4 -1.2 -1.0 Wavelength (microns) -0.8 -0.6 wfc_coadd 2-Jan-2013 23:14:48.00 8 8 8 8 Flux (electrons/sec) 8 Flux (electrons/sec) 4•108 8 8 8 Flux (electrons/sec) 8 8 8 P330E Spectra 8•10-15 6•10-15 1.034 1.031 1000 0.975 1.036 800 1.002 1.025 800 1.008 1.057 2•10-15 600 1.000 1.000 600 1.000 1.000 0 1.0 1.2 1.4 Wavelength (microns) 1.6 400 1.017 1.029 400 1.041 1.033 1.8 200 0 0 1.4 Wavelength (microns) 1.6 0.6 0.4 400 600 X Pixels 0.2 -0.2 1.0 0.988 1.032 1000 0.461 800 0.997 1.044 800 1.249 600 1.000 1.000 600 1.000 400 1.000 1.000 400 0.264 200 1.158 200 G141 -1st order uncorrected spectrum 0 0 0.0 1.2 1.4 Wavelength (microns) 1.6 0.998 -1st order 200 800 1000 400 600 X Pixels 1.001 +1st order 0 0 800 1000 200 400 600 X Pixels 800 1000 1.8 Ratio of -1st to +1st order at Postion 1 for P330E ratio Figure 1. Top panel: P330E model spectrum in the IR extended from STIS spectra. Middle and Bottom panels show coadded WFC3/IR G141 spectra after flat fielding, sky subtraction, and dispersion correction. Flux units are electrons/ second.! Figure 3. Variation in sensitivity in 3 wavelength ranges over the array with respect to the spectra in the middle position. Red points are obtained from the -1st order spectrum, blue points are from the +1st order. These are consistent with the results from Lee et al 2013! Ratio of -1st to +1st order at Postion 2 for P330E 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.02 ratio of spectra 0.01 0.00 0.02 0.01 0.00 residual wrt array average -0.01 -0.01 1.1•104 1.2•104 1.3•104 1.4•104 1.5•104 1.6•104 1.7•104 Wavelength (angstroms) 1.1•104 1.2•104 1.3•104 1.4•104 1.5•104 1.6•104 1.7•104 Wavelength (angstroms) Ratio of -1st to +1st order at Postion 4 for P330E 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.02 ratio ratio Ratio of -1st to +1st order at Postion 3 for P330E 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 -0.01 -0.01 1.1•104 1.2•104 1.3•104 1.4•104 1.5•104 1.6•104 1.7•104 Wavelength (angstroms) 1.1•104 1.2•104 1.3•104 1.4•104 1.5•104 1.6•104 1.7•104 Wavelength (angstroms) 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.00 0.01 0.00 -0.01 -0.01 1.1•104 1.2•104 1.3•104 1.4•104 1.5•104 1.6•104 1.7•104 Wavelength (angstroms) Figure 2. Derived sensitivity functions for the two orders. Black curves are the values at launch.! Average Ratio over all Positions for P330E 0.04 ratio ratio Ratio of -1st to +1st order at Postion 5 for P330E Left Figure: Measured length of a scan (in pixels) during one read when the scan direction and the readout direction are the same (parallel), and when the scan and readout direction are opposite each other.! ! Right Figure: Ratios of measured parallel and opposite scan lengths to expected length if readout time were instantaneous. Best fit lines are forced to include the values at scan rate= 0 arcsec/ second. 200 1000 1.8 0.8 electrons/sec 800 1000 Y Pixels 1.2 Y Pixels 0 1.0 !! ! The measured scan ! length is a function of ! scan rate, the the ! sample time (time ! between reads) and the ! time to readout the ! array. Our spectra were !obtained using the !RAPID sample sequence which has uniform intervals of 2.93 seconds between reads. The time to readout one quadrant is 2.91 seconds. ! 400 600 X Pixels 0 0 1.006 +1st order 0.981 -1st order 40 20 Upstream/Downstream Effect! 200 200 0.995 +1st order ratio electrons/sec 60 1.003 -1st order Y Pixels 4•10 1000 -15 Y Pixels Flux (ergs/s/cm^2/Angstrom) 1•10-14 1.1•104 1.2•104 1.3•104 1.4•104 1.5•104 1.6•104 1.7•104 Wavelength (angstroms) Figure 4. Ratios of the -1st to +1st spectra at! each of 5 positions, with residuals (blue curves) with respect to the average shown in the lower right panel. On average, the throughput of the -1st order is 100 times less sensitive.!