The DATIM interface DATIM 4.0 Quick Start Guide

DATIM 4.0 Quick Start Guide
The DATIM interface
The DATIM 4.0 interface
contains the basic elements
described here.
Quick links to the main areas
in DATIM are provided here.
Need help?
Click here to view
help content.
Minimize the header
Click here to hide the
ribbon and header.
Enter the DATIM URL in
the Internet Explorer
address bar to launch
the application.
Navigation menu
The links available in this contextual
menu depend on your user role, login
status, and the area of DATIM you are
working in. For example, if you select
analysis tasks, a submenu of specific
ATIM tasks will become available.
User Survey
Click the Evaluate This
System link to
complete a customer
satisfaction survey.
When the Login form opens, click the Register now link to
create your user profile. Once registered, simply click login
and enter your user name and password.
Disclaimers / Privacy Policy
Click these links to read the web
app’s disclaimers and privacy policy.
Last Modified
Look here to see how
recently the application
was modified.
Login and/or Register
To login or register as a DATIM user, click login to get
Print page
Click here to print the
Connection status
Look here to confirm
the server connection.
DATIM 4.0 Quick Start Guide
Executing DATIM in Internet Explorer1
1 To get started, execute the DATIM application in your web browser.
To get started with
DATIM, enter
atim/#/Home in the
Internet Explorer
address bar.
2 If you’re having trouble launching DATIM, try these steps:
If you receive a notice to
install Microsoft Silverlight,
verify that it is already
installed (version 5.0 or
higher) by visiting the
Silverlight site.
Installing Silverlight
To install Microsoft Silverlight, click the Click
now to install button on the install notice.
I don’t have Silverlight…
I have Silverlight…
Internet Explorer is the preferred web browser for DATIM.
Disabling ActiveX Filtering in Internet Explorer (IE) 11 or
To disable ActiveX Filtering, follow these steps:
1. From the IE toolbar, select the Tools icon to expand
the list of options.
2. Select Safety from the available options.
3. Find ActiveX Filtering in the list. If a check mark
appears next to it then ActiveX filtering is enabled.
4. To disable, click on the ActiveX Filtering option to
remove the check mark.
5. Re-launch DATIM in the IE web browser.
DATIM 4.0 Quick Start Guide
Registering as a user
As a registered user, you have access to ATIM, DTIM, and SIT. You are able to run standard
analysis reports and create custom ATIM reports. You can work with SIT with access to fuzzed
coordinates only. To use actual plot locations or to add variables to the database using the
DATIM Compilation System (DCS) you must be an administrative user. If you believe you should
be promoted to an administrative user role, send us an email at
When the Login form opens, click the Register now link to create your user
Log in
To register as a DATIM user, begin by clicking login
at the top of the screen.
Create Your User Profile
Fill out the information in the Register window to create your user
Once registered, you can simply click login and enter your user name
and password.
DATIM 4.0 Quick Start Guide
Getting started with DTIM
The Design Tool for Inventory and Monitoring (DTIM) is
an incomplete prototype that simulates initial features
being developed and the overall design of the tool. It is
included in the DATIM 4.0 package to elicit feedback
from users early in the development process. This
prototype includes the steps necessary for designing a
monitoring plan. The steps used to design an inventory
plan will be added to upcoming versions of the tool.
DTIM Project Creation Wizard
The DTIM Project Creation Wizard will open in a new
browser window.
Accessing DTIM
Click DTIM in the ribbon or design
tasks in the navigation menu to open
the Design Tasks page.
‘Click here to navigate to DTIM’ link
Click on the link to navigate to the
DTIM project creation wizard.
DATIM 4.0 Quick Start Guide
The DTIM Project Creation Wizard
The DTIM 4.0 prototype uses a project creation wizard to guide you through these first three inventory and monitoring planning steps: selecting
objectives, selecting questions, and selecting metrics. DTIM offers base modules with predetermined sets of selectable objectives, questions, and
metrics designed to meet specific needs or directives.
DTIM Navigation Menu
You are presented with a
menu of six numbered
clickable steps to guide you
through the process of
designing a basic
monitoring plan.
Click on the Save
link to save your
progress in DTIM.
Project Manager
Click on the Project Manager link
to access saved projects for
loading or deletion.
Start Wizard
Click this button to start the DTIM
Project Creation Wizard. Once
you start the wizard, Next and
Previous buttons will appear
here. Use these to navigate the
wizard step-by-step.
DATIM 4.0 Quick Start Guide
Getting started with ATIM
The Analysis Tool for Inventory and Monitoring (ATIM)
provides Forests and Regions of the USDA Forest
Service with a nationally consistent tool for analyzing
resource inventory and monitoring data. ATIM is used
to derive estimates of current conditions for attributes
associated with vegetation to meet information needs
on Forests and surrounding landscapes.
Accessing ATIM
Click ATIM in the ribbon or
analysis tasks in the navigation
menu to open the Analysis Tasks
Opening an analysis
When the Open Analysis page opens, select an analysis
for the population of interest by clicking on it so that it is
highlighted in blue. Click the Open Analysis button at the
bottom of the page to open the Analysis Properties page.
Open analysis task
The open analysis task becomes
available in the navigation menu
after accessing ATIM. Click this
task to begin your work.
After opening an analysis, the Analysis
Properties page will open to display basic
information about the analysis. This page
will include metadata related to the analysis,
the DATIM subsets included, and any
variables created by SIT intersections and
saved to the analysis.
DATIM 4.0 Quick Start Guide
Running a standard report
Standard reports are report templates using common queries. They are
available to all users to run against compatible ATIM analyses.
Running a standard report in ATIM
After opening an analysis, the run
reports task will appear in the
DATIM navigation menu. Click it to
The Run Reports page
When the Run Reports page opens, click the arrow next to the Standard Reports option to expand the list of
available standard reports. Select one or more reports of interest and then click the Run button at the bottom of
the page to run them.
DATIM 4.0 Quick Start Guide
Creating an analysis report
If none of the available standard reports meet your specific reporting needs,
you can create your own custom analysis report, run it against the open
analysis, and view the report results.
Creating a new ATIM analysis report
After opening an analysis, the create analysis report
task will appear in the DATIM navigation menu. This
task will allow you to design a new analysis report
and save it to the analysis.
There are eight main steps taken when creating an
analysis report:
• Step 1: Open an analysis and select the create
analysis report task.
• Step 2: If desired, copy an existing analysis report
to use as a template for the new report.
• Step 3: Name and describe the report.
• Step 4: Select the report content.
• Step 5: Select the dataset filters.
• Step 6: Select run options.
• Step 7: Run the report and view the output.
• Step 8: Save the analysis report.
The Create Analysis Report Page opens
Here you will complete steps 2 through 8. In the image below, the Report Content tabbed
form is active.
Click the create analysis report task to continue.
The purpose of the Create Analysis Report
task is to generate estimates and associated
sampling errors, variances, and confidence
The following page will detail the different areas of the form that you can use to accomplish
these steps.
DATIM 4.0 Quick Start Guide
A closer look at the Create
Analysis Report page
Toggle Buttons
Use the toggle buttons to scroll
through the list of existing reports to
find one to use as a template.
Report Command Buttons
Create New – enables you to create your report from
Create Copy – create a copy of an existing report.
Rename* – rename an existing report.
Delete* – delete the selected report.
*Rename and Delete buttons can only be used if you have the
appropriate permissions.
Title and Description
Use these fields to enter a
unique title and description
for your report.
Create Analysis Report tabs
Report Content
• Specify the content of your report, including the
attribute you want to calculate estimates for (the
“estimate attribute”) and how you want your report
broken down.
Dataset Filters
• Specify how you want to subset the data contained in
the analysis. (Filters are useful because the analysis on
which your report will be based may contain much more
data than you are actually interested in for reporting
Run Options
• Preview the default sampling method and the method
on which the estimates are based. (Defaults are based
on the DATIM datasets included in the open analysis.)
• Select the sampling error percent, confidence interval,
and confidence level.
• Select types of rows that you want hidden in the report,
such as sub-totals and empty rows.
• Enter a custom title and notes. custom title and notes.
Current Report Design
This area displays selections
you have made while creating
your analysis report.
Run Report
Once all of your selections have
been made, click this button to
generate your analysis report.
The Report Results page will
Save to Analysis
Click this button to save your report to
the ATIM analysis on which it is based.
DATIM 4.0 Quick Start Guide
Getting started with SIT in CITRIX
The Spatial Intersection Tool (SIT) was developed to
provide a geospatial interface for users to access
natural resource inventory datasets and intersect
plot-based data with geospatial layers via ArcMap
in ArcGIS Desktop.
Accessing SIT
To begin working with SIT, click SIT in the ribbon
or spatial intersection tool in the navigation
‘Click here to navigate to the SIT
Add-in download page’ link
Click on this link to navigate to
the Spatial Intersection Tool
Add-in page.
Spatial Intersection Tool Addin
The Spatial Intersection Tool Add-in page will open in a
new browser window. This page gives instructions on
where to save the Add-in file in the CITRIX Home
Directory or in your desktop home directory.
If saving the SIT Add-in to your desktop
home directory, a link to SIT Add-in file can
also be found here.
DATIM 4.0 Quick Start Guide
Getting started with SIT in CITRIX (continued)
To use SIT in Citrix:
1. Launch ArcMap in Citrix from a NRM blade.
2. From the ArcMap standard toolbar, select Customize and then Add-In
Browse to the folder:
Click OK when finished.
From the Add-In Manager dialog, click the Options tab.
From the same dialog, click on the Add Folder button.
DATIM 4.0 Quick Start Guide
Using SIT and ArcMap on the desktop
Installing the SIT ArcMap Add-in to your desktop
1. Select the Click here to download the SIT Addin File (3.77MB) link located at the bottom of the Spatial Intersection Tool Addin Instruction page.
A file download dialog pops up, prompting you to open or save the download file. Click on the Save button. The file will be saved to your Downloads folder on your local
Click the Open folder button in the download dialog. This will open the downloads folder where the SIT addin file is located.
To use SIT and ArcMap on your desktop, cut and paste the addin file in your downloads to the following location:
C:\Users\<USER NAME>\My Documents\ArcGIS\Addins\DesktopXX.XX
Note: XX.XX is the version of ArcGIS on your machine.
DATIM 4.0 Quick Start Guide
Adding the SIT add-in to the ArcMap toolbar
Customize Mode
To begin, click Customize in the ArcMap
standard toolbar. Select the Customize
Mode option.
Customize Dialog
When the Customize dialog opens, click
on the Commands tab. From the
Categories list, select DATIM. Drag the
SIT tool from the Commands list onto
an existing toolbar. When finished, click
the Close button.
DATIM 4.0 Quick Start Guide
Creating a SIT Point Layer
Creating a SIT Intersection using ArcMap
Begin by selecting the SIT tool in ArcMap.
The DATIM Login window will pop up. Select the PROD server
to connect to and provide your DATIM login information.
SIT will open to the New Intersection page. Click the Select
Task tab to make it active and then click the Create Point
Layer (Fuzzed Coordinates) button.
Opening the Create Point Layer tab
Choose a data set from the Select Data Set list. Also choose a
feature dataset to match the layer’s projection from the Select
Feature Dataset to match projection list.
After you select the dataset and feature dataset, click the Create
Point Layer (Fuzzed Coordinates) button.
When you click the Create Point Layer (Fuzzed Coordinates) button, SIT creates the Point Layer shape file using the fuzzed
coordinates in the national database. Fuzzed coordinates are used to maintain the security of the actual plot locations.
DATIM 4.0 Quick Start Guide
Creating a SIT Intersection
Creating a SIT Intersection using ArcMap
Select the SIT tool in ArcMap.
The DATIM Login window will pop up. Select the PROD server
to connect to and provide your DATIM login information.
The SIT application will open. From the Select Task tab, click
the Setup Intersection button.
Opening the Intersection tab
Click the Intersection tab to enter a name and description for
the intersection you would like to create. Use the subsequent
tabs in SIT to complete the specs required for your
intersection. When finished, click the Run Intersect button.
The following are SIT tabs you can use to create an intersection:
• Geographic Area (not available) – used to select a region or forest for your geographic
• Data Sets – used to select datasets and filter CNs, and to generate POP tables.
• Feature Datasets – used to select the polygon layer to intersect.
• Attributes – used to select the polygon attribute to transfer the plot data to.
DATIM 4.0 Quick Start Guide
Getting started with DCS
The DATIM Compilation System (DCS) was developed to
augment and enhance existing DATIM datasets with the
additional metrics necessary to conduct analyses and
generate reports.
Accessing DCS
Login to DATIM and then click DCS in the ribbon
or compilation modules in the navigation
DCS is only available to Administrative Users. For
detailed instructions on how to use DCS, please visit the
RIG-DATIM website and download the User Guide.
Basic Compilation page
The Basic Compilation page will open with the Run
Compilation tab active. Continue to the next page to
learn more about the Run Compilation tab.
Running a Basic Compilation
Select Basic Compilation in the DATIM
navigation menu. Alternatively, click the Run
the basic compilation module link on the
DATIM Compilation Modules page.
The Basic Compilation module utilizes FVS with or
without the use of an uploaded KCP (keyword
component) file. This module loads and compiles
basic data into DATIM datasets. You can create a
DATIM analysis with one or more datasets to do
analysis work.
DATIM 4.0 Quick Start Guide
Overview of the DCS ‘Run Compilation’ tab
Using DCS allows administrative users to convert selected DATIM datasets to
a format that can be read by the Forest Vegetation Simulator (FVS), and then
run FVS to obtain computed variables. The augmented dataset is then loaded
back into the DATIM data mart for use by ATIM, DTIM, and SIT users.
Discussed here is the ‘Run Compilation’ tab.
Loading ETL Projects
Retrieve ETL Projects for the
Region of interest by clicking the
Load ETL button.
Region selection
Use the Region dropdown list to
select the FS Region with the
forest inventory data you are
interested in.
FVS Variants
Once an ETL Project is selected,
this box will become populated
with FVS variants associated with
the ETL project you selected.
Select data type to run in FVS
The user has the option of
running only National Forest data
in FVS or to compile all forest and
non-forest data plots in the ETL
Project of interest, regardless of
ETL Project selection
A list of ETL projects available for
selection will be displayed in this
area after you have clicked the
Load ETL button.
Clear Form
To start a new compilation, click
the Clear Form button to erase all
selections made and any text
Initial Conditions
Use this area to set up the
parameters for running a
Default vs Custom FVS Settings
If you are interested in running FVS using the default KCP files that
exist in DCS, select the Use Default Settings for FVS. Alternatively,
select Use Custom Settings for FVS to upload custom KCP files and
scripts you would like FVS to run.
Click the Run FVS button when
you have finished making the
selections for your basic
compilation project.
Display Results
Once FVS has finished running, you
can display your results in the View
Results tab by clicking the Display
Results button.
Project Description and Project
Enter a description for your
project in the Project
Description area. The Project
Name field will automatically
populate with the selected ETL
Project name.
DATIM 4.0 Quick Start Guide
Overview of the DCS ‘View Results’ tab
The View Results tabbed form displays the FVS results obtained after selecting the ETL
Project of interest and the variants you would like to run the compiler on, and any
default or customized settings. This form also allows you to view errors logged while
running FVS.
View FVS Errors
Click here to view any errors
logged while running FVS.
Email FVS Results
Click here to e-mail a WinZip file of the
report results to yourself and others.
View FVS Results
Your FVS results will
be displayed here.
Commits Results to DATIM
Once you are satisfied with
the results, click here to
commit them to the DATIM
datamart for use by the
other DATIM tools.
DATIM 4.0 Quick Start Guide
Overview of the DCS ‘MetaData’ tab
The MetaData tabbed form enables you to view project and attribute
metadata related to the ETL Project.
Load Attributes
Click this button to populate
the attribute list and Project
MetaData table.
Update MetaData
If attribute metadata or
project metadata are
changed, click this button to
save your changes.
Print Metadata
Click this button to print your
generated metadata report.
Generate Report
Click this checkbox to create a
printable report based on the
updated values.