Solar Hydrogen Stellenbosch University, September 2nd, 2010 Dr. Christian Sattler DLR – German Aerospace Center - Solar Research e-mail: Slide 1 Stellenbosch University > 2 Sept. 2010 Overview Introduction of DLR Energy Solar Hydrogen From Fossil Recourses Thermochemical Cycles HYDROSOL, HYDROSOL 2, HYDRSOOL 3-D Summary and Outlook Slide 2 Stellenbosch University > 2 Sept. 2010 DLR German Aerospace Center Research Institution Space Agency Project Management Agency Slide 3 Stellenbosch University > 2 Sept. 2010 Research Areas Aeronautics Space Transport Energy Space Agency Project Management Agency Slide 4 Stellenbosch University > 2 Sept. 2010 Locations and employees 6500 employees across 29 research institutes and facilities at 13 sites. Offices in Brussels, Paris, Washington, and Almería (plus permanent Delegation on the Plataforma Solar de Almería) Hamburg Bremen Neustrelitz Trauen Berlin Braunschweig Dortmund Goettingen Koeln Bonn Lampoldshausen Stuttgart Oberpfaffenhofen Weilheim Slide 5 Stellenbosch University > 2 Sept. 2010 Energy Slide 6 Stellenbosch University > 2 Sept. 2010 DLR Energy Research Area DLR Energy Research concentrates on: CO2 avoidance through efficiency and renewable energies synergies within the DLR major research specific themes that are relevant to the energy economy Second largest research centre in Germany for non-nuclear energy Approx. 400 employees Slide 7 Stellenbosch University > 2 Sept. 2010 Energy Research Program Themes Efficient and environmentally compatible fossil-fuel power stations (turbo machines, combustion chambers, heat exchangers) Solar thermal power plant technology, solar materials conversion Thermal and chemical energy storage High and low temperature fuel cells Systems analysis and technology assessment Slide 8 Stellenbosch University > 2 Sept. 2010 Efficient energy conversion Renewable energies Systems analysis and technology assessment Portfolio of Competences – Energy Fuel cells Power plant technology Concentrating solar systems Materials Combustion Manufacturing techniques Turbo-machines Heat management Gas turbine systems Heat exchangers Hybrid power plants Solar gas turbines Fuel cells with alternative fuels Solar gas turbines Heat storage Gas turbines with alternative fuels Solar hydrogen production Solar power plants Solar process heat Simulation/modelling Slide 9 Stellenbosch University > 2 Sept. 2010 Solar Hydrogen Slide 10 Stellenbosch University > 2 Sept. 2010 Vision Producing hydrogen for mass markets means implementing as efficient processes as possible to convert available energy sources like renewables or nuclear into the chemical energy vector. (De Beni G. 1970; Marchetti 1973; Winter 2000) Hydrogen should be produced from water to reduce dependencies on fossil fuels To reduces environmental impact Slide 11 Stellenbosch University > 2 Sept. 2010 Technical and Economic Efficiency Technical: In which process is the most energy stored in the hydrogen Is the process technical feasible? Are there any knock-out criteria? Economic: Is the product (hydrogen) cost competitive? Are there any other economic reasons that make the process not competitive? Slide 12 Stellenbosch University > 2 Sept. 2010 Hydrogen Production Today Steam Methane Reforming Thermal efficiency 78% 1 kg H2 by means of SMR yields to 9.42 kg of CO2 The production cost of hydrogen is estimated at 0.04 €/kWh (1.33 €/kg) Coal Gasification The Lurgi Process (Fixed-Bed) 500 – 1000 °C The Winkler Process (Fluidized-Bed) 800 - 1100 °C The Koppers-Totzek/Texaco Process (Entrained-Bed) 1040 – 1540 °C Thermal efficiency 58 - 63% 23 kg CO2 / kg H2 Hydrogen costs from coal gasification are 1.21 to 1.79 €/kg H2(coal price not reported) Partial Oxidation 1300 - 1500 °C 1.45 – 1.67 €/kg Slide 13 Stellenbosch University > 2 Sept. 2010 Solar Thermal Processes for Hydrogen Production Today: Industrial-scale Cheap Not renewable Future: Renewable Expensive Slide 14 Stellenbosch University > 2 Sept. 2010 Production-, Storage- and Infrastructure topics of the European Hydrogen and Fuel Cell JTI Slide 15 Stellenbosch University > 2 Sept. 2010 Solar Hydrogen from Hybrid Fossil Processes Slide 16 Stellenbosch University > 2 Sept. 2010 Carbon Based Transition Processes Starting from applied technologies Reduced risk compared to water splitting technologies Solar Reforming of Natural Gas Development by a number of groups since at least 25 years Cost are estimated to 1.4 €/kg H2 Solar Gasification and Reforming of Petcoke Development by ETH Zurich, CIEMAT, and PDVSA Cost are estimated to about 2.1 €/kg H2 SOLZINC – Carbothermal reduction of ZnO Pilot reactor successfully tested Zinc is produced not hydrogen! Solar Cracking of Methane No CO2 emission but C, C might be a product too challenging reactor design: solids and high temperatures Slide 17 Stellenbosch University > 2 Sept. 2010 Solar Steam Methane Reforming – Technologies decoupled/allothermal indirect (tube reactor) Integrated, direct, volumetric Quelle: DLR Reformer heated externally (700 to 850°C) Optional heat storage ( up to 24/7) E.g. DLR Project ASTERIX Irradiated reformer tubes (up to 850°C), temperature gradient Catalytic active direct irradiated absorber Approx. 70 % Reformer- Development: CSIRO, Australia and in Japan; Research in Germany and Israel Australian solar gas plant in preparation Approx. 90 % Reformer- High solar flux, works only by direct solar radiation DLR coordinated projects: SCR, Solasys, Solref; Research in Israel, Japan Slide 18 Stellenbosch University > 2 Sept. 2010 Direct heated volumetric receiver: SOLASYS, SOLREF (EU FP4, FP6) Pressurised solar receiver, Developed by DLR Tested at the Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel Power coupled into the process gas: 220 kWth and 400 kWth Reforming temperature: between 765°C and 1000°C Pressure: SOLASYS 9 bar, SOLREF 15 bar Methane Conversion: max. 78 % (= theor. balance) DLR (D), WIS (IL), ETH (CH), Johnson Matthey (UK), APTL (GR), HYGEAR (NL), SHAP (I) Slide 19 Stellenbosch University > 2 Sept. 2010 Assessment of relevant H2 pathways until 2020 including NG Solar-SMR for comparison issues NG NG Grid Electricity Wind SMR SolarSMR electrolysis electrolysis 8* 12* €/GJ €/GJ 31 €/GJ 50-67 €/GJ 25-33 €/GJ Positive impact on security of energy supply modest modest high high high high Positive impact on GHG emission reduction neutral modest modest - high negative -neutral high high H2 production cost Biomass *assuming a NG price of 4€/GJ; NG Solar-SMR: expected costs for large scale, solar-only Slide 20 Stellenbosch University > 2 Sept. 2010 Project Perspectives The consortium forces the realisation of the a prototype reforming plant Link with Australian CSIRO by an ongoing IPHE project Funding was assured in October 2009 Development phase of the joint project SOLREF receiver will run on a second tower at the CSIRO Solar Centre in Newcastle, NSW Slide 21 Stellenbosch University > 2 Sept. 2010 Thermochemical Cycles Slide 22 Stellenbosch University > 2 Sept. 2010 Thermochemical Water Splitting 2500 °C H H O 100 °C 0 °C - 273 °C Slide 23 Stellenbosch University > 2 Sept. 2010 PROBLEMS! Hydrogen + Oxygen = explosive gas! Dangerous Separation? 2500 °C Materials Special ceramics – difficult to handle, expensive 2500 °C Temperature How could such high temperatures be achieved? Efficiency? Slide 24 Stellenbosch University > 2 Sept. 2010 Sollution H2 + O2 2500 °C H2 O2 850 °C 1250 °C Are the problems solved now? •Still high temperatures H2O •Materials H2O •Chemical reactions •Efficiency Slide 25 Stellenbosch University > 2 Sept. 2010 Thermochemical Cycle Firstly developed in the oil crises of the 1970s Use of nuclear energy to produce an energy carrier Mainly in the USA (General Atamics, Westinghouse), but also in Europe (FZJ, JRC Ispra) and Japan (JAEA) Up to 900 different cycles are known Main groups: Sulphur cycles Volatile metal oxide cycles Non-volatile metal oxie cycles Low temperature cycles In the 1980s and 1990s the interst went down because of lower oil prices Come back in the 2000s Solar thermal more in the focus Studies to identify the most promising cycles (e.g. USA, France) Slide 26 Stellenbosch University > 2 Sept. 2010 Thermochemical vs. Electrochemical? Thermochemical No conversion steps necessary = possibly very high efficiency Electrochemical Conversion steps necessary for power production = lower efficiency No contradiction: use energy forms as efficient as possible Slide 27 Stellenbosch University > 2 Sept. 2010 Promising and well researched Cycles Steps Maximum Temperature LHV Efficiency (°C) (%) Sulphur Cycles Hybrid Sulphur (Westinghouse, ISPRA Mark 11) 2 900 (1150 without catalyst) 43 Sulphur Iodine (General Atomics, ISPRA Mark 16) 3 900 (1150 without catalyst) 38 2 1800 45 1600 42 Volatile Metal Oxide Cycles Zinc/Zinc Oxide Hybrid Cadmium Non-volatile Metal Oxide Cycles Iron Oxide 2 2200 42 Cerium Oxide 2 2000 68 Ferrites 2 1100 – 1800 43 4 530 39 Low-Temperature Cycles Hybrid Copper Chlorine Slide 28 Stellenbosch University > 2 Sept. 2010 Temperature nuclear Reactor Type Temperature (°C) Carnot-Efficiency Boiling Water Reactor 285 47% RBMK (Graphite moderated) 285 47% CANDU Reactor (Heavy Water Reactor) 300 48% Pressurised Water Reactor 320 50% Breeder Reactor, Sodium cooled 550 64% Advanced Gas Cooled Reactor 650 68% (Very) High Temperature Reactor 750+ 71+% Slide 29 Stellenbosch University > 2 Sept. 2010 Temperature – Concentrating Solar Power 3500 °C Paraboloid: Dish 1500 °C 400 °C Solar tower (Central Receiver System) 150 °C 50 °C Parabolic trough Slide 30 Stellenbosch University > 2 Sept. 2010 Annual Efficiency of Solar Power Towers Optical efficiency and thermal annual use efficiency [%] Power Tower 100MWth Optical and thermal efficiency / Receiver-Temperature 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 Receiver-Temperature [°C] 1200 1300 1400 R.Buck, A. Pfahl, DLR, 2007 Slide 31 Stellenbosch University > 2 Sept. 2010 Solar Towers, “Central Receiver Systems” Solar-Two PSA PS10+20 Slide 32 Stellenbosch University > 2 Sept. 2010 Efficiency comparison solar H2 production from water, SANDIA 2008 Process T [°C] Solar plant Solarreceiver + power [MWth] η T/C (HHV) η Optical η Receiver η Annual Efficiency Solar – H2 Elctrolysis (+solarthermal power) NA Actual Solar tower Molten Salt 700 30% 57% 83% 14% High temperature steam electrolysis 850 Future Solar tower Particle 700 45% 57% 76,2% 20% Hybrid Sulphurprocess 850 Future Solar tower Particle 700 51% 57% 76% 22% Hybrid Copper Chlorine-process 600 Future Solar tower Molten Salt 700 49% 57% 83% 23% Nickel Manganese Ferrit Process 1800 Future Solar dish Rotating Disc <1 52% 77% 62% 25% G.J. Kolb, R.B. Diver SAND 2008-1900 Slide 33 Stellenbosch University > 2 Sept. 2010 Water based processes Long term necessary for the de-carbonised H2 society Benchmark: Renewable electricity + electrolysis Challenging technologies Metal/Metal oxide thermo-chemical Cycles Zn/ZnO (3,58 – 4,12 €/kg) Mixed Iron Oxides (Ferrites) Already shown in the HYDROSOL project Cost based on the small scale experiments are 7 €/kg Calculated improvements will lead to 3,5 €/kg Sulphur Cycle Family Developed for use with nuclear heat Hybrid Sulfur (ISPRA Mark 11) Cost calculation 0,8 €/kg H2 nuclear Sulphur-Iodine Process (ISPRA Mark 16) Cost calculation 1,17 – 1,66 €/kg nuclear, 4,53 €/kg solar Slide 34 Stellenbosch University > 2 Sept. 2010 HYDROSOL, HYDROSOL 2, HYDROSOL 3D Slide 35 Stellenbosch University > 2 Sept. 2010 Thermochemical Cycle using Mixed Iron Oxides Process Operation 1. Step: Water Splitting H2O + MOred MOox + H2 H2O MO MO H2 red O ox 2 800 – 1200 °C 2. Step: Regeneration MOox MOred + ½ O2 O2red MO MO ox 1200°C Net reaction: H2O H2 + ½ O2 Redox materials used in the HYDROSOL-2 project: ZnFeO, NiZnFeO Slide 36 Stellenbosch University > 2 Sept. 2010 Reactor for continuous hydrogen production: Reactor with two modules 15 kW two-chamber system Two different alternating processes: • Production: 800°C, water steam, nitrogen, exothermic Regeneration: 1200°C, nitrogen, endothermic Transient steps like • Switching between half cycle • Start-up / Shutdown Closed system: quartz window Four-way-valve 1200° 800° C H O2+N2 • H2+N2 O 1200° 800° C Slide 37 Stellenbosch University > 2 Sept. 2010 HYDROSOL II Pilot Reactor in Operation Slide 38 Stellenbosch University > 2 Sept. 2010 Experiments – Process Control Software: Set parameter Solar Power Process-Flow-Sheet Regeneration N2 N2 H2O Production Slide 39 Stellenbosch University > 2 Sept. 2010 Experiments – Process Control Software: Flux Measurement at test operation FluxMaxboth Modules= 115kW/m2 Slide 40 Stellenbosch University > 2 Sept. 2010 Results: Thermal cycling Slide 41 Stellenbosch University > 2 Sept. 2010 16:54:56:40 16:45:13:87 16:34:38:90 16:23:59:71 16:13:29:14 16:02:50:15 15:52:11:10 15:41:34:09 15:30:54:76 15:20:15:14 15:09:48:46 14:59:09:28 14:48:38:73 14:38:43:34 14:28:13:50 14:17:45:50 14:07:44:28 13:57:08:35 13:46:39:26 13:36:25:34 13:25:49:78 13:15:38:89 13:05:27:85 12:55:09:93 12:45:16:01 12:35:25:87 12:25:34:45 12:15:39:75 12:05:54:21 11:56:01:18 11:46:05:43 11:36:48:32 11:27:39:00 11:18:29:71 11:09:20:68 11:00:11:62 10:51:02:50 10:41:52:96 10:32:44:07 10:23:35:20 10:14:25:00 c(H2) [%] Hydrogen production of 4th day of experimental series 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Stellenbosch University > 2 Sept. 2010 Slide 42 Summary and Outlook • Technologies like solar steam reforming should be short term technologies to introduce solar technology into the chemical industry • Thermochemical cycles will provide renewable hydrogen with very high efficiency compared to other renewable technologies • The HYDROSOL reactor concept was scaled up in HYDROSOL 2 from the solar furnace to a 100 kW pilot plant on the tower of the PSA • Topic of the ongoing HYDROSOL 3-D project is the design of a MW test plant • Also sulfur cycles should be scaled-up since the development is already on a very advanced level and the temperature level is lower than of other TCCs Slide 43 Stellenbosch University > 2 Sept. 2010 Acknowledgement The Projects HYDROSOL, HYDROSOL II; HYTHEC, HYCYCLES, Hi2H2, INNOHYP-CA, SOLHYCARB und SOLREF are co-funded by the European Commission HYDROSOL 3-D is co-funded by the European Joint Technology Initative on Hydrogen and Fuel Cells HYDROSOL was awarded Eco Tech Award Expo 2005, Tokyo IPHE Technical Achievement Award 2006 Descartes Research Price 2006 Slide 44 Stellenbosch University > 2 Sept. 2010 Thank you very much for your attention! Slide 45 Stellenbosch University > 2 Sept. 2010