Novel Energy Systems for Distributed and Mobile Power Genera;on William E. Lear University of Florida Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Gainesville, FL UF Energy & Gas Dynamics Laboratory May 23, 2011 Univ. Stellenbosch Outline Semi-closed cycle description Use in distributed generation System benefits and challenges Analytical and experimental results Discussion and Conclusions DMFC introduction and system description May 23, 2011 Advanced architecture Application focus Status and challenges Univ. Stellenbosch What Do We Want from a Power System? Efficiency, compactness, low cost… We really want a “best friend” Helps you be comfortable Doesn’t intrude on your space Anticipates your needs Is there when the chips are down Doesn’t ask for money May 23, 2011 Univ. Stellenbosch How Does Current System Do? Comfort from major appliances Need electricity from grid, gas from pipe, water from pipe Disruptions unless all distribution systems work - vulnerable Intrudes on our space a little Emissions Transmission lines Geopolitics (non-renewable fuels) Local maintenance Anticipates needs well - except transmission lines Displays character flaws when chips are down Hurricanes Homeland security Sneaky expensive May 23, 2011 Univ. Stellenbosch Disaster Infrastructure? May 23, 2011 Univ. Stellenbosch May 23, 2011 Univ. Stellenbosch Distributed Energy Smaller engines installed near loads CCHP - local cooling, heating, power Efficiency not bad Include cooling (how?) Local transmission, robustness, process heat/cooling Disadvantages: Cost, space, noise (esp. Diesel), maintenance…don’t run continuously May 23, 2011 Univ. Stellenbosch Waste Heat Cooling Potential How cold can State 2 be? Ideal gas, reversible process, isobaric, zero work 1st & 2nd Laws, Gibbs eqn: Q& = m& (h2 ' h1 ) Q& ( m& ( s2 ' s1 ) To 1 2 Q& To & T2 # s2 ' s1 = C p ln$$ !! % T1 " May 23, 2011 HX + ? Univ. Stellenbosch Result: ' T2 $ ln%% "" T1 # T1 & = T2 To !1 T1 Cooling Potential Results VARS Cooling Potential VARS Cooling Potential, ISO 1.2 100 50 0.8 T2/T1 0.6 T2/To 0.4 0.2 Exit T, F Normalized Exit T 1 0 -50 -100 -150 -200 -250 -300 Exit T, F -350 -400 0 0 1 2 3 4 0 1000 Inlet T, F Inlet/Ambient T Ratio May 23, 2011 500 Univ. Stellenbosch 1500 Gas Turbine Recuperation Low pressure ratio Typically small engines Centrifugal compressor, but not necessarily p 4 T Flat efficiency curve Desire high combustor inlet T T ds = δQ High T gives small ds High p ratio unnecessary May 23, 2011 Univ. Stellenbosch p 3 5 2 6 1 s Power, Water Extraction and Refrigeration (PoWER) System 9.3 1w VARS CGC HGC Refrigeration 9.2 4w 10 Water Harvesting 3w Y PCW AIR 14 15 3.1 1 MAI 2w 9.1 WGC ReV PCW REC 2 Turbocharger 6 12 FUEL C 13 4 LPT LPC AIR 3 HPC HPT 5 18 Power Microturbine Block May 23, 2011 11 7 ExV Univ. Stellenbosch 8 9 HPRTE Advantages • • • • • • Increased efficiency/high part-load efficiency • “Inlet” temperature low Increased specific power and compactness Ultra-low emissions Low intake filtration, exhaust handling Small lapse rate with temperature Water extraction (mostly with VARS) • Load leveling • Emergency drinking water • Ice • Couple to steam gasification May 23, 2011 Univ. Stellenbosch System Benefits of PoWER Distributed Energy • Complete local service • Power, refrigeration, fresh water, heat • Normal mode: • • • • • Emergency mode: • • • • AC load, use water for peaking Design for max efficiency or AC/power blend Controlled by utility to follow loads Efficiency & emissions warrant high usage Local loads met, decreasing widespread impact Switch to icemaking Compactness, decreased siting requirements Life-cycle costs competitive May 23, 2011 Univ. Stellenbosch Flameless Combustion Multiple Definitions in literature Implementation Absence of broadband luminosity Reaction zone uniformity Low heating value fuel Dilute fuel with products (cooled) Dilute oxidizer stream Advantages Low emissions Fuel flexibility May 23, 2011 Univ. Stellenbosch Flameless Combustion O2 Conventional Flamelet O2 Spray Combustion Flameless Uniform Rxn May 23, 2011 Univ. Stellenbosch Fuel Flexibility/Emissions Flameless combustion regime • Low luminosity (neglegible soot) • Flame uniformity Flame chemistry • Damkohler number order unity • Oxidation reaction distributed • Limited pyrolysis due to oxidation radicals May 23, 2011 Univ. Stellenbosch High Recirculation Combustion Facility PoWER System (…Continued) Semi-Closed Cycle Engines and Flameless Combustion More Uniform Combustor Conditions Flatter Efficiency Profiles Fuel Flexibility Lower Flame Temperatures Lower NOx Emissions Lower Flame Luminosities Suitable for distributed energy systems May 23, 2011 Univ. Stellenbosch Part-Power Efficiency 9 8 T2 10 1 C1 3.1 2 3.2 C2 4 5 T1 cm 6 7 R 5r 4r Evaporator IC1 2.9 Water Harvesting 3 •Design-point efficiency comparable to or better than conventional recuperated engine 2r Ambient Cooling 6r 1r Generator •Throttling to part-power via turbo wastegate or variable geometry •Leaves core engine at design point over most of power band May 23, 2011 Univ. Stellenbosch 3.0 2r 3r •Issues include sensitivity to intercooler effectiveness and pressure drop Generator 2.9 1r 6r Condenser Expansion Valve Regulating Valve 4r Pump 7r 8r Evaporator Absorber 5r 3.2 3.1 Cooling Loads Ambient Cooling Life-Cycle Costs Our studies (MS thesis) show cost advantage over conventional microturbine for distributed generation Boost of 4:1 increases power density of high temperature components by an order of magnitude Additional components (turbo, HX) relatively inexpensive Part-load efficiency advantage reduces fuel costs Result: Several percent cost savings typical May 23, 2011 Univ. Stellenbosch Demonstration Plant May 23, 2011 Univ. Stellenbosch PoWER Demonstrator May 23, 2011 Univ. Stellenbosch Potential Applications Stationary vs Transportation Military vs Civilian Combined Cycle vs Simple Cycle Focus: stationary, small, distributed generation, multi-fuel, dual-use May 23, 2011 Univ. Stellenbosch