3-D flow around an obstacle in narrow channel via Digital holographic PTV by Shin-ichi Satake (1) , Tomoaki Kunugi (2) , Kazuho Sato (3) and Tomoyoshi Ito (4) Department of Applied Electronics, Tokyo University of Science 2641 Yamazaki, Noda, Chiba, 278-8510, Japan (1) E-Mail: satake@te.noda.tus.ac.jp Department of Nuclear Engineering, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyoto University, Yoshida, Sakyo, Kyoto 606-8501, Japan (2) E-Mail:kunugi@nucleng.kyoto-u.ac.jp Toyota Industries Corp., 2-1 Toyoda cyou, Kariya, Aichi 448-8671, Japan (3) E-Mail: kazuho.sato@mail.toyota-shokki.co.jp Department of Medical System Engineering, Chiba University 1-33 Yayoi, Inage-ku, Chiba 263-8522, Japan (4) E-Mail: itot@faculty.chiba-u.jp ABSTRACT Digital holographic particle tracking velocimetry (PTV) is developed by single high-speed camera and single double pulsed laser with high frequency pulses. This system can directly capture 1000 hologram fringe images for 1 second through a camera computer memory. The 3-D particle location is made of the reconstruction by using a computer hologram algorithm in PC cluster. This system can successfully be applied to instantaneous 3-D velocity measurement in the water flow with a square or a circular cylinder obstacle, and can obtain an average of 170 instantaneous velocity vectors. 1 1. INTRODUCTION Holographic particle image velocimetry has been adopted using photographic film (Barnhart et al. (1994), Meng and Hussain (1995), Sheng et al.(2003)).This system has high quality flow information and recording of an instantaneous 3-D velocity field illuminated by one beam line. These characteristics are a big advantage over other Particle Image Velocimetry method. However the technique takes up most of the reconstruction process time, and it is difficult to capture the time evolution of a particle image by a single frame recording of instantaneous particles dispersed in a flow field. On the other hand, digital holographic techniques easily capture the time evolution of particles by digital camera. But they are only used for in-line holograms (Schnars and Juptner(1994), Murata and Yasuda (2000)) due to the limitation of digital camera resolutions, and require high-speed computer performance to reconstruct particle location by a computer hologram algorithm. Furthermore, the computational cost is increased if it is used for reconstruction of particles by a high-speed camera owing to the increase in the fringe image frame. However, the particle field of the highspeed reconstruction has recently been successful using the Fast Fourier Transform technique with Fresnel diffraction equation for the computer hologram calculation (Schnars and Juptner(1994), Murata and Yasuda (2000)). However, the result by the FFT method (Murata and Yasuda (2000)) was only used for the evaluation of reconstruction of steady particles. Therefore, we developed a complete digital holographic PTV system without photographic film, and the 3D velocity vectors in our system can be taken by one high speed digital camera ( Satake et al. (2004)). Furthermore, the 3D vectors obtained have time evolutions with the repetition time of 1 KHz; that is, high speed measurements in fluids can be obtained. The present system is applied to measure instantaneous 3-D velocity vectors by tracking tracer particles in a water flow field with a square or a circular cylinder. 2. EXPERIMENTAL METHOD and PROCEDURES 2.1 Optical setup Figure 1 shows the optical setup. The optical system consists of a single high-speed camera, a single laser, one filter, one beam expander, and attenuator. Nd:YLF laser (Photonic Industries DS20-527, λ =527 nm) is used as a light source, which gives a pair of laser pulses at a repetition rate of 1kHz. The hologram fringe images are captured through a highresolution digital CCD camera (Visionresearch, Phanton V5.0) without a lens, which has a resolution of 1024 x 1024 (16 µm / pixel). The camera and the laser are synchronized by a pulse generator unit. This system with straight light line and without mirror is different from previous our one ( Satake et al. (2004)). The outline of a test section is shown in Fig. 2. The flow system is the channel flow enclosed with the two 2mm glass plates, and has a channel width of 4mm. The working fluid travels through the two holes on the bottom plate. The obstacle is made of brass, 4 mm3 is size. The working fluid is water, which is maintained at 33 degrees Celsius, and the supplied particle is a 50-micron nylon spherical particle (ρ t/ρ f=1.05). The water is driven by pump, and a fixed speed is maintained by using the valve. The measurement period is 1 second, and flow velocity is 15.3 mm/sec. The Reynolds number based on the length of square and the bulk velocity is approximately 89. The reconstruction of particles from the fringe images in x-y directions is done by FFT technique with Fresnel diffraction equation (Schnars and Juptner(1994), Murata and Yasuda (2000)). The FFT technique was used for the following transform procedures: h( x , y , z ; g (ξ ,η )) = ∞ ∞ 1 ∫ ∫ g (ξ ,η ) jλ z e j (2π / λ ){( z + (( ξ− x) 2+ (η−y ) 2) / 2z } dξ dη −∞−∞ ∞ ∞ =∫ ∫ g (ξ ,η ) g F (x − ξ , y − η )dξ dη (1) −∞−∞ •@ =ℑ [ℑ( g )ℑ(g F )]. -1 2 The calculation of 3D particle reconstruction was carried out from a reproduction in 200 divided sections in z-direction for a channel width of 4mm. Calculation of the particle locations in this direction is done by looking for the local minimum points in the gradation image of the reconstructed particles. For example, in fig. 3 (a), the profiles of particle brightness is right for the center on particle’s fringe. On the other hand, the brightness in fig 3(b) is not good for hyperboloid of revolution of one sheet except for the centre of the particle’s fringe. Our search program can distinguish both cases and can only detect right particle brightness. The 3-D tracking of the reconstructed particle positions is used for two frames in the time evolution. Since the pulse interval was short, time interval of the particle tracking is sufficient. These procedures for the reconstruction and particle tracking with 1000 fringe images required calculations of 200 x 1000 times for FFT, few hours using PC cluster constructed for five personal computers. In this research, 1500 particles per frame were reconstructed, and an average of 170 instantaneous velocity vectors was obtained. Laser Attenuator Beam Filter Flow Channel Camera y Expander z Rail Fig. 1. Optical setup 2 mm 4 mm 2 mm 7.5 mm 4.0 mm φ 4.8 mm 4.0 mm 35.0 mm 63.0 mm 18.5 mm 18.5 mm Y 7.5 mm X X Glass plate Spacer Glass plate Z 9.5 mm Out flow In flow Fig. 2. Test section in flow channel 3 9.5 mm Particle’s fringe Particle Z X Y Fig. 3. Particle search to the z-direction: (a) Right particle, (b) unsearched particle 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The mean velocity profile without an obstacle is shown in Fig. 4. The laminar flow was obtained by our system to check the accuracy of measurement. The velocity profile was in good agreement with laminar theory. The error of the velocity is less than 5%. The picture of the fringe image is shown in Fig. 5. The square black shadow in the image is an obstacle, which is 4mm for one-side of square. The fringe image is moving downward from the top to the bottom. Many fringes appear and are clearly captured in each frame. Moreover, it is considered that the stationary fringe is sticking to the glass side. The picture of the reconstructed image is shown in Fig. 6, where the reconstructions of particles by the computer hologram algorithm are 30.42 mm from the CCD surface for a square obstacle. The reproduced particles were observed from between 28.42 and 32.42 mm from this surface. It is clear that the reproduced particles are moving right hand side from the left hand side. Moreover, an inverse flow is clearly captured around the obstacle. The stationary fringe images in Fig. 5, on the other hand, are the stationary particles, and are removed from each image as a grand picture when the particles are tracked. Figure 6 (a) (b) show their reconstruction. The particles number 1558 for square obstacle and 2021 for circular cylinder; most of them are uniformly distributed. The instantaneous velocity vectors obtained are only shown in Fig. 8 (a) (b), although we photographed the time evolution of these vectors for 1 second (not shown). It can be seen that the flow is from the upstream to the lower stream around the obstacle, and that the inverse flow occurs around the obstacle, which is the stagnation point. The instantaneous velocity vectors on the images do not drastically change because the flow speed is relatively slow. The average of 170 instantaneous velocity vectors was obtained from the 1558 particles reconstructed. 4 Fig.4. (a) Mean velocity profile without an obstacle for laminar flow (b) x x y y 5 Fig. 5. Fringe images of particles around an obstacle: (a) a square, (b) a circular cylinder x x y y Fig. 6. Reconstruction of particles in x-y plane: (a) a square at 30.42 mm, (b) a circular cylinder at 29.72 mm Fig. 7. Reconstruction of particle: (a) a square, (b) a circular cylinder 6 Fig. 8. Three-dimensional velocity vectors around an obstacle: (a) a square, (b) a circular cylinder 7 4. SUMMARY In conclusion, a digital holographic particle tracking velocimetry system is successfully applied to a 3-D transient flow around an obstacle in a narrow channel with a single high-speed camera and a high frequency double pulsed laser. The average of 170 instantaneous velocity vectors is obtained by reconstruction and tracking with the time of evolution of recorded fringes images. In the near future, we will apply this technique to a turbulent flow using a faster algorithm of particle reconstruction with a special-purpose computer system composed of large-scale FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) chips. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The authors appreciated Mr Kazunori. Maruya at Rayture system Co., Ltd for laser set-up, and Mr Masayuki Itakura at Seika Corporation for high speed camera, Keizo Okamoto at KGT for visualization supports. The authors would express their appreciation to Mr. Keisuke Yamamoto and Hiroyuki Kanamori (Graduate students at Tokyo University of Science) for their help in preparing computation and visualization. REFERENCES 1. D. H. Barnhart, R. J. Adrian, and G. C. Papen, “ Phase-conjugate holographic system for high-resolution particle-image velocimetry”, Applied Opt. 33, (1994) 7159. 2. H. Meng, F. Hussain,” In-line recording and off-axis viewing technique for holographic particle velocimetry,” Applied Optics 34, (1995)1827. 3. J. Sheng, E. Malkiel, J. Katz,”, Single Beam Two-Views Holographic Particle Image Velocimetry”, Applied Optics 42, ( 2003) 235. 4. Schnars, W. Juptner,” Direct recording of holograms by a CCD target and numerical reconstruction,” Appl. Opt. 33, (1994)179. 5. S. Murata, N. Yasuda, “Potential of digital holography in particle measurement,” Opt. Laser Tech., 32 (2000),567-574 6. Satake, S., Kunugi, T., Sato, K., Ito T.,” Digital Holographic Particle Tracking Velocimetry for 3-D Transient Flow around an Obstacle in a Narrow Channel,” Optical Review, Vol. 11, No. 3, 2004, pp L162 – L164. 8