J. For. 112(5):484 – 493 http://dx.doi.org/10.5849/jof.13– 092 PRACTICE OF FORESTRY silviculture Silviculture of the Colorado Front Range Landscape Restoration Initiative Jeffrey L. Underhill, Yvette Dickinson, Alex Rudney, and Jim Thinnes We discuss innovative silvicultural practices and implementation methods through 3 years of fuels reduction and restoration treatments for the Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Project, Colorado Front Range Landscape Restoration Initiative (Front Range Project). The Pike National Forest is implementing large-scale landscape restoration projects to address the departure of montane forests from historical conditions and increased susceptibility to uncharacteristic high-severity wildfire. Restoration on approximately 1,600 acres is implemented annually through stewardship contracting. Treatments are shifting from traditional fuels reduction treatments to restoration treatments designed to achieve heterogeneous conditions at a variety of scales. Future treatment areas will include more upper montane mixed-forest types as we transition out of the lower montane ponderosa pine forest. Silvicultural practices include variable tree spacing, variable densities, and openings. Treatments are implemented via designation by prescription (DxP), tree marking, and a combination of both methods. We also discuss the status of monitoring protocols, both established and under development. Keywords: variable spacing, variable density, openings, designation by prescription, heterogenity T he Southern Rocky Mountains meet the Great Plains at Colorado’s Front Range. The Front Range includes an urban corridor from Fort Collins to Denver to Colorado Springs where millions of people live, work, and play. The area’s lower montane forests are dominated by ponderosa pine (Pinus ponderosa) and Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii), historically largely influenced by a mixed-severity fire regime (Huckaby et al. 2001, Kaufmann et al. 2001, 2006). The current landscape is similar to other portions of the western United States where fire suppression and past management have resulted in a departure from historical conditions and an in- creased susceptibility to uncharacteristic high-intensity wildfire, insects, and disease (Fitzgerald 2005, Hood and Miller 2007, Collins et al. 2011). In recent years, large wildfires in this wildland-urban interface have claimed several lives, destroyed more than 1,100 homes (National Interagency Coordination Center 2012, 2013), damaged critical watersheds, and created undesirable forest conditions. The destructive fire season of 2002 highlighted a need for a more proactive and large-scale response to the growing wildfire threat, resulting in the establishment of the Front Range Roundtable in 20031 (Front Range Fuels Treatment Partnership Round- table 2006). The partnership includes federal, state, and local agencies, utility providers, conservation groups, private business representatives, and other stakeholders committed to reducing wildfire hazards through sustained fuel treatments. These diverse stakeholders identified restoration as a means to achieve shared goals and objectives. The Front Range Roundtable developed and proposed the Colorado Front Range Landscape Restoration Initiative (Front Range Project) under the Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Program (CFLRP) (Public Law 111-11). The Front Range Project, which includes portions of the Arapaho, Roosevelt, and Pike National Forests, was selected for funding under the CFLRP in 2010. The CFLRP uses federal funding to encourage collaborative, sciencebased ecosystem restoration of priority forest landscapes. CFLRP Projects focus on reducing uncharacteristic wildfire, improving fish and wildlife habitat, improving water quality and watershed function, controlling invasive species, and utilizing woody biomass and small diameter trees. Collaboration is a key component of planning, implementation, and monitoring outcomes. We discuss the challenges of the Front Range Project and the innovative silvicultural techniques employed to resolve these chal- Received November 25, 2013; accepted July 22, 2014; published online August 21, 2014. Affiliations: Jeffrey L. Underhill (junderhill@fs.fed.us), USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Region, Golden, CO. Yvette Dickinson (yldickin@mtu.edu), Michigan Tech University, School of Forest Resources and Environmental Science. Alex Rudney (arudney@fs.fed.us), USDA Forest Service, Pike and San Isabel National Forests. Jim Thinnes, USDA Forest Service, Rocky Mountain Region, retired. Acknowledgments: We thank Katherine Mattor and Torsten Lund Snee, Forest and Rangeland Stewardship Department, Colorado State University. 484 Journal of Forestry • September 2014 lenges by focusing on projects implemented in the Woodland Park area of the Pike National Forest (Figure 1). Specifically, the Front Range Project aims to create conditions characteristic of pre-European settlement conditions with increased forest heterogeneity across scales from the substand (⬍1 acre) to the landscape level (ⱖ10,000 acres). This includes the creation of heterogeneous stand structures that contain individual trees, clumps of trees, and interspatial openings and varied stand densities across the landscape with large openings, ranging from 5 to 40 acres. We also explore the implications of using tree marking systems, designation by prescription (DxP), and combinations of these methods to create the desired conditions. Current Conditions Existing vegetation on the treatment areas on the Pike National Forest is commonly grouped into three cover types: ponderosa pine dominated, dry mixed conifer, and moist mixed conifer. The distribution of these cover types across the landscape is correlated with elevation, aspect, and proximity to riparian areas. Although the project area ranges from 8,000 to 9,500 ft in elevation, the lower elevations tend to be more ponderosa pine dominated, with increasing amounts of Douglas-fir, blue spruce (Picea pungens), and Engelmann spruce (Picea engelmannii) at higher elevations. Aspen (Populus tremuloides) is present in all forest types. Fire, drought, bark beetles, western spruce budworm (Choristoneura occidentalis), and pathogens such as mistletoe (Arceuthobium spp.) also play important roles in determining stand structure in these forest types (Swetnam and Lynch 1993). The majority of the forest vegetation in the project area is classified as intermediate, closed-canopy structure. Generally, the productivity of the Woodland Park treatment areas is relatively low due to dry conditions. The area receives just 15–24 in. of precipitation per year, typically from rain during the summer monsoons in July and August and winter snows. Other factors include a short growing season of just 70 –125 days and well drained soils derived from granite with low available water capacity (⬍1 in.). Fire suppression and past management activities within the project area have resulted in overly dense conditions for the ponderosa pine-dominated and dry mixed-conifer types and an increased risk for active crown fires (Veblen et al. 2000). Ponderosa Pine-Dominated Type The ponderosa pine-dominated forest type occupies the lowest elevations within the project area. Generally, this type exhibits a mosaic of structural stages with pockets of regeneration, shrubs, grass, and openings mixed with forested areas of variable density. Uneven-aged stand structures dominate with nearly pure ponderosa pine on the south and west aspects and higher amounts of Douglas-fir on north-facing slopes. Limber pine (Pinus flexilis) occurs in groups and as scattered individuals. Aspen is also present in small groups and as scattered individuals on the moister areas of ponderosa pinedominated sites. Ponderosa pine and aspen will regenerate after fire, whereas Douglas-fir regeneration occurs both quickly after fires and in between fires. Ponderosa pine regeneration may be sporadic because average precipitation from March to July in the Colorado Front Range is often insufficient to establish ponderosa pine seedlings (Shepperd and Battaglia 2002). The forest structure is greatly influenced by the pattern of fire on a landscape scale (Huckaby et al. 2001). Historic disturbance regimes for this type include surface, mixed, and stand replacement fires (Hunter et al. 2007). Pretreatment densities typically range from 80 to 120 ft2/acre of live conifer basal area (Table 1; Figure 2). The species composition of the lower and mid canopy has shifted to Douglas-fir. Crown closure and fuel loading have increased, and fuel composition has become increasingly litter composed compared with previous grassy understories (Huckaby et al. 2001). Dry Mixed-Conifer Type Douglas-fir, ponderosa pine, limber pine, and aspen dominate the dry mixed- conifer type (Evans et al. 2011). Blue spruce, Engelmann spruce, and lodgepole pine (Pinus contorta) are also present. The composition and structure of the overstory vary based on the temperature and moisture relationships of the site, although uneven-aged stand structures still dominate. Pretreatment densities typically range from 90 to 120 ft2/acre (Figure 3). Because of the lack of disturbance, understory Douglas-fir and spruce have increased and ponderosa pine, aspen, and limber pine have diminished since European settlement (Evans et al. 2011). Aspen is present as scattered understory individuals. In general, fire regimes have moved from mixed severity under historical conditions to stand replacement crown fire under current conditions. Succession after a replacement fire will depend on the predisturbance species composition. Some ponderosa pine and Douglas-fir are likely to survive and provide a seed source for regenerating stands. In some cases, fire effects may be so severe that conifer seed sources may be absent, and natural conifer regeneration may be delayed for decades or longer. Aspen, if present before a disturbance, will quickly regenerate and expand. Moist Mixed-Conifer Type The moist mixed-conifer type occurs in riparian and moist low-lying areas and on north aspects with other types at higher elevations. Douglas-fir and Engelmann spruce are often dominant in canopies with aspen present in most stands. Ponderosa pine is present in the moist mixed-conifer type but at much lower densities than is typical of the dry mixed-conifer type. Where ponderosa pine is found, it often occurs in small groups or isolated pockets, usually in open areas and Management and Policy Implications Increasing forest heterogeneity, with an emphasis on structure and pattern at all scales (⬍1 acre– ⱖ10,000 acres), is a common objective of recent collaborative forest restoration projects throughout the western United States. Traditional silvicultural treatments intended to increase tree vigor or reduce hazardous fuels have often reduced heterogeneity. Implementing new restoration treatments using conventional prescription and implementation methods presents challenges. The Colorado Front Range Landscape Restoration Initiative (Front Range Project) has taken an adaptive management approach to these challenges, through monitoring treatment outcomes and iteratively modifying the silviculture prescriptions and implementation methods based on the outcomes to improve treatment effectiveness. The most heterogeneous conditions thus far have been achieved through prescriptions that explicitly include variable residual densities and opening creation through the combined use of designation by prescription (DxP) and tree marking. We describe the challenges faced by the Front Range Project and the lessons learned. Journal of Forestry • September 2014 485 Figure 1. Restoration area, Colorado Front Range Landscape Restoration Initiative (Front Range Project). the edges of meadows. Older stands exhibit high densities, typically 180 ft2/acre or greater with understories of spruce and Douglas-fir and an abundance of dead and downed material. Ponderosa pine regeneration is uncommon, and aspen regeneration tends to be suppressed. Limber and lodgepole pine tend to be very minor species, occurring as isolated individuals. Infrequent fire during dry periods is the primary disturbance agent, although insects and disease also play major roles. Generally, moist mixed-conifer types are less departed from the historical fire regimes because presettle486 Journal of Forestry • September 2014 ment stand-replacing crown fires were common (Romme et al. 2009). Restoration Goals The Colorado Front Range does not have extensive models of historic stand structures similar to those available in other regions. The Front Range Roundtable is currently reconstructing historic stand structures to help guide site-specific desired stand conditions for restoration treatments. In the absence of site-specific desired conditions, the general goal includes increasing forest heterogeneity across all scales (plot, stand, watershed, and land- scape). Treatment prescriptions and implementation methods focus on creating conditions characteristic of a mixed-severity disturbance regime by reducing canopy closure, favoring shade-intolerant species, increasing spacing variability with a mixture of individual trees, clumps of trees, and interspatial openings, creating persistent openings, and enhancing the mosaic of successional stages by creating higher levels of early and late seral structure. The Front Range roundtable has strived to identify the goals, scale, pattern, and location criteria for creating openings. Traditional metrics such as minimum stocking levels were not considered. The Front Range Roundtable desired to create persistent openings located where conditions are less favorable to the establishment of conifer species. Other treatments would establish a new cohort of desired species including aspen, ponderosa pine, and limber pine. These canopy openings are essential for increasing forest heterogeneity at the stand scale and greater and are more consistent with fuel loads and distributions that would be expected with a mixed-severity fire regime (Kaufmann et al. 2001). Treatments in the Woodland Park area (Figure 1) before the Front Range Project emphasized fuels reduction objectives such as the removal of ladder fuels and the reduction of canopy bulk density and crown continuity (approximately 9,000 acres, 2004 – 2009). The majority of these treatments were implemented in ponderosa pine-dominated stands. Thinning from below to a residual density of 40 – 60 ft2/acre was the standard silvicultural prescription for these treatments. Treatments that included the creation of openings were limited. Often small clearcuts (⬍1 acre) were located to sanitize mistletoe infections and to stimulate aspen sprouting. Although these treatments were considered successful by US Department of Agriculture (USDA) Forest Service managers in meeting fuels reduction goals, the Front Range Roundtable was concerned about the low level of spatial and structural variability. Silvicultural Prescriptions and Implementation Methods Since the establishment of the Front Range Roundtable, fuels reduction silvicultural prescriptions have become more complex with the incorporation of CFLRP restoration goals. The primary silvicultural practices that are currently be- Table 1. Summary of pre- and posttreatment forest inventory data including the number of plots, live and live conifer basal areas, live conifer canopy cover, and proportion of live ponderosa pine basal area. 1 Project 2 Method Timing of data No. of plots Live BA Live conifer BA Live conifer BA range . . . . . . . . . . (ft2/ac) . . . . . . . . . . Phantom Creek 1 (DMC ⫽ 78%, PP ⫽ 7%, MMC ⫽ 6%) Phantom Creek 2 (DMC ⫽ 48%, PP ⫽ 41%) Mech Mech Man Phantom Creek 3 (PP ⫽ 56%, DMC ⫽ 23%, MMC ⫽ 5%) Ryan Quinlan (PP ⫽ 61%, DMC ⫽ 36%) Mech Phantom Creek 4 (PP ⫽ 50%, DMC ⫽ 30%, MMC ⫽ 7%) Long John (PP ⫽ 61%, DMC ⫽ 35%) Man Catamount 1 (PP ⫽ 32%, DMC ⫽ 20%, MMC ⫽ 12%) Mech Mech Mech Man Messenger Gulch 2 (PP ⫽ 75%, DMC ⫽ 20%) Mech Man Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Pre Post Conifer canopy cover (%) Proportion of ponderosa pine BA (%) . . . . . . . . . (%) . . . . . . . . . 62 46 63 15 15 36 36 . 40 28 28 35 35 33 31 13 13 . 21 47 96.4 56 89.8 78.5 84.1 56.4 . 41.7 93.3 73.3 123.5 55 110.3 54.1 94.5 61.3 . 42.2 42 88.9 52.1 89.7 76.4 80.6 52.9 . 39.6 88.4 69.7 121.3 53.5 98.9 49.1 80 45.4 . 42.2 25–72 60–136 32–107 75–107 53–107 64–88 37–64 . 10–68 60–135 60–110 80–158 52–110 45–130 27–130 20–100 45–60 . 37–46 17.7 37.2 23.7 41.2 32.2 35.6 24.5 . 19.2 35.1 27.6 46.4 20.6 35.3 19.8 29.2 16.8 . 19.2 52.5 59.5 65.8 52.8 66.5 47 53.8 . 64.5 63 62.1 63.3 74.4 55.6 56.3 59.6 58.7 . 91.1 22 63.4 62.7 53–80 28.5 80.2 Pre, pretreatment; post, posttreatment, BA, basal area. 1 Projects are listed in chronological order by contract award year. The percentage of project area by major forest types shown in parentheses: PP, ponderosa pine; DMC, dry mixed conifer; MMC, moist mixed conifer. 2 Method: Mech, mechanical ground based logging; Man, manual chain saw work or mastication. Figure 2. Pretreatment (left) and posttreatment (right) comparison, ponderosa pine-dominated site, Long John project. The posttreatment photo was taken approximately 10 months after implementation. ing developed to increase heterogeneity are as follows: variable tree spacing intended to create tree clumps and interspatial openings in a thinning matrix; variable density thinning by forest type; and creation of openings of 1–5 acres. The transition to more variable tree spacing has also included a shift from thinning from below to thinning throughout crown classes (free thinning). Since 2009, fuels reduction projects and CFLRP treatments have been implemented through a 10-year Integrated Resource Service Contract. This contract provides USDA Forest Service managers with a range of treatment options including commercial ground-based logging with the removal of a range of products (Table 2) and other treatments2 such as manual chain saw treatments and mastication. The average project size to date is approximately 500 acres with mechanized logging typically occurring on 70 – 80% of the treatment footprint. Standard layout practices include the delineation of large treatment units, often ⬎100 acres, composed of multiple stands and different forest types. Variable Tree Spacing Projects with variable tree spacing that have been implemented recently have foJournal of Forestry • September 2014 487 Figure 3. Pretreatment (left) and posttreatment (right) comparison, dry mixed-conifer site, Phantom Creek 2 project. The posttreatment photo was taken approximately 1 year after implementation. Table 2. Wood products created from the biomass removed from the Pike National Forest, 2010 –2013. Percent of total material sold Products created Product value 2011 2012 Wood shreds (for postfire restoration) Dimensional lumber Mulch Pallets and crates Compost Wood chips Bark fines (landscaping) Firewood Soil fertilizer/biochar Total Low High Medium Medium Medium Low Low Low Low 0 2 23 38 14 21 0 1 1 100 23 4 36 16 10 0 8 3 0 100 cused on retaining small clumps ranging from 2–3 trees, with larger clumps of up to 10 trees or more. The goal here has been a limited version of clump retention consistent with the goals of the individuals, clumps, and openings (ICO) method (Larson and Churchill 2012, Churchill et al. 2013a, 2013b). The ICO method is a prescription development approach that focuses on structure and pattern in terms of individual trees, clumps, and openings. Small clumps have typically been designated for retention with additional individual trees to meet an average density range (for example, a treatment unit average of 40 – 60 ft2/acre). However, unlike the ICO method, specific targets such as the proportion of trees in specific clump sizes have not been determined. To date, few pretreatment stands have contained clumps with large stem counts (ⱖ20 stems/clump) of ponderosa pine with tight spacing and interlocking crowns3; thus, posttreatment variable 488 Journal of Forestry • September 2014 spacing has been somewhat limited. Messenger Gulch 2 (Figure 4) has been the exception. Clumps are designated based on the closest tree spacing present when the designation of leave clumps with interlocking crowns is not an option. USDA Forest Service managers have experimented with a variety of methods for implementing variable spacing for the Front Range Project (Table 3). Tree selection was implemented in the past via DxP. DxP allows the contractor to select trees to be cut or retained using outcome-based metrics such as residual density ranges and distances for small openings (⬍1 acre), and additional instruction is conveyed through qualitative criteria such as species preferences, spacing, tree form, and insect and disease levels. This method does not incorporate any cut or leave tree designation in the field unless demonstration areas are provided. It is the equivalent of providing a marking guide to a contractor via contract specifications. DxP has typically worked well with low-complexity prescriptions composed of one or two residual density ranges, silvicultural methods such as thinning from below, no openings, and more homogeneous tree spacing characteristic of traditional fuels treatments. This method appears to be less effective as prescription complexity has increased, and prescriptions have started incorporating three or more residual density ranges, large openings, and variable tree spacing. Leave tree marking has been used to retain clumps in thinning treatments (select units in Long John and Messenger Gulch 2). Both leave tree and cut tree methods have been used to create demonstration areas for operators and Forest Service marking crews. Demonstration areas have ranged in size from 2 to 16 acres. When demonstration areas are designated for a project, the remaining treatment area is then implemented via DxP (Phantom Creek 1, Unit 2, Phantom Creek 2 and 3, and Long John). These methods are applied to the mechanized treatment areas only. Manual and mastication treatments are less complex and are still implemented via DxP. The standard prescription for manual and mastication treatments is thin from below in the small size classes only (⬍10 in. dbh) because of contract limitations.4 Variable Residual Density and Forest Type Another factor that has contributed to increased prescription complexity is greater forest type variation in restoration project areas. Early treatments for the Front Range Project focused on ponderosa pine-domi- Figure 4. Residual individual trees, variable spacing (left) and residual group (right), Messenger Gulch 2 project. Photos were taken approximately 2 months after implementation. Table 3. Description of projects implemented on the Pike National Forest under the Front Range CFLRP, including the project size, implementation year, and prescription details. Project1 Year2 Method3 Acres Prescription density Phantom Creek 1 Phantom Creek 2 10 11 Phantom Creek 3 Ryan Quinlan Phantom Creek 4 Long John 11 11 12 12 Mech Mech Man Mech Mech Man, Mast Mech 597 761 110 656 356 507 304 40–60 40–80 60–80 40–80 0–80 40–80 40–60 Catamount 1 12 Messenger Gulch 2 13 Mech Man Mech Man 226 125 263 162 0–120 40–80 40–60 30–50 Openings X X Tree designation DxP with leave tree marking sample mark (2 acres) DxP DxP DxP Cut tree marking (saw), DxP (nonsaw) DxP Leave tree marking, sample mark on 32 acres for marking crews DxP, cut tree marking (openings) DxP Leave tree marking DxP 1 Projects are listed in chronological order by contract award year. Year: contract award year. Method: Mech, mechanical ground-based logging; Man, manual chain saw work or mastication (Mast). 2 3 nated areas. Recent activity is located in the transition zone between the lower and upper montane ecological zones (8,500 –9,500 ft). In response to higher forest type variation within project areas, prescriptions and marking guides have specified different target densities (live conifer basal area) by type such as 40 – 60 ft2/acre in ponderosa pine-dominated stands, 60 – 80 ft2/acre in dry mixed-conifer stands, 80 –100 ft2/acre in moist mixed-conifer stands, and 0 – 40 ft2/acre within and adjacent to aspen stands. These aspen stands have a wider range of specified target densities because of the high level of variability that results from the removal of conifers both within and adjacent to these stands. Legacy trees (⬎200 years old) and conifers that would be operationally challenging to remove are retained with aspen. Opening Creation Until recently USDA Forest Service managers on the Pike National Forest have not had the ability to incorporate large Journal of Forestry • September 2014 489 Figure 5. Pretreatment (left) and posttreatment (right) (NAIP) comparison, aerial imagery analysis, Catamount 1 project (mechanized). Openings were created via cut tree marking. These groups (up to 5 acres) were located to remove Douglas-fir and spruce, stimulate aspen regeneration, and regenerate ponderosa pine. Posttreatment photos were taken approximately 1 year after implementation. openings into prescriptions because preexisting forest policies limited low residual densities. In 2012, the Forest began incorporating patch cuts up to 5 acres in size at a scale of 20 –25% of the overall treatment footprint for the Catamount 1 project (Figure 5). These openings were designated with cut tree marking. Openings were located in dry mixed-conifer types to encourage ponderosa pine regeneration, stimulate aspen sprouting, and reduce the density of Douglas-fir. DxP was not considered an appropriate implementation method for this type of treatment because of the difficulty of conveying clear instructions to the operator regarding opening location criteria, size, shape, and pattern. General Prescription Marking Guidelines Most prescriptions specify wide density ranges at the plot level such as 10 –100 ft2/acre to increase posttreatment heterogeneity. Compliance with this guideline can be easily assessed by marking crews, sale administrators, and operators with quick point sampling with a prism (sighting 490 Journal of Forestry • September 2014 angle). In addition, small patch cuts are frequently installed around the perimeter of aspen clones. The size of these cuts is often based on distance criteria such as the 1 1/2–2 times the average height of dominant conifers on site (75–120 ft). Furthermore, legacy trees (⬎200 years old) are also retained throughout treatment areas as much as is feasible. This guideline is implemented via ocular assessment of the tree’s morphological characteristics such as bark texture and color, branch diameters, and crown shape (Huckaby et al. 2003a, 2003b). The identification of these legacy trees has worked well with ponderosa pine but is more difficult to apply to other species such as Douglas-fir and spruce. Monitoring Methods The CFLRP requires multiparty monitoring of restoration activities. Given the uncertainties regarding treatment outcomes, this monitoring informs the collaborative of progress and provides opportunities to improve treatments over time. Specifically, the Front Range Roundtable monitors both the ecological and socioeconomic outcomes of the Front Range CFLRP with the assistance of the Colorado Forest Restoration Institute (CFRI).5 In addition to this collaborative monitoring, USDA Forest Service personnel also monitor active treatments and collect data to ensure that all contractual obligations are met. The Front Range Roundtable has found the writing of the monitoring plan challenging, and the plan itself is still evolving. Part of this challenge has been reaching consensus on the specific desired future conditions of these forests. Although there is consensus regarding the desirable trends for treatment, the collaborative is still developing the specific evaluation criteria. Meanwhile, monitoring is underway, following an initial monitoring plan (Clements and Brown 2011). Under the current monitoring plan, treatments will be successful if they achieve the following trends: (1) decreased basal area and trees per acre; (2) increased quadratic mean diameter; (3) increased ratio of ponderosa pine to other conifers; (4) increased ratios Figure 6. Pretreatment (left; NAIP) and posttreatment (right; other USDA Forest Service imagery) comparison, aerial imagery analysis, Ryan Quinlan project. Posttreatment photos were taken approximately 6 months after implementation. of old trees (⬎200 years) to transitional trees (150 –200 years) to younger trees (⬍150 years); (5) decreased litter and duff depths; (6) decreased or similar coarse woody debris; and (7) reduced crown fire potential at 90% weather as modeled in a fire behavior model. Forest inventory data are collected by contractors using the USDA Forest Service Common Stand Exam (CSE) protocol analyzed by CFRI, and results are reported to the Front Range Roundtable. Pretreatment, posttreatment, and 5–10 years posttreatment tree density, regeneration densities, basal area, species composition, average tree size, and surface fuels are measured in permanent plots. Permanent photo points have also been established at each plot, documenting any visual changes. The Front Range Roundtable is also developing methods to monitor within-stand forest heterogeneity, landscape-scale forest heterogeneity, wildlife values, and understory plant communities, including the abundance of invasive species. Regarding heterogeneity, the current monitoring protocol provides comprehensive forest stand information; however, it does not directly describe changes to the spatial distribution of trees within stands nor the distribution of forest stands across the landscape. The Front Range Roundtable is currently testing methods for monitoring the within-stand distribution of trees by identifying patches of forest canopy in National Aerial Imagery Program (NAIP) photographs using multispectral image analysis (Figures 5 and 6). The size and spatial distribution of these canopy patches are then compared pre- and posttreatment using FRAGSTATS (McGarigal et al. 2012). Similarly, methods are being developed for monitoring the distribution of forest canopies within HUC-12 watersheds using LANDSAT data. CFRI is monitoring the economic contribution of restoration activities and the utilization of harvested wood products annually. CFRI is also monitoring the level of collaboration, communication, and group learning periodically through interviews with Front Range Roundtable members. Project Results To date pre- and posttreatment CSE data has been collected and assessed for trends in three areas: basal area and trees per acre; quadratic mean diameter; and ratio of ponderosa pine to other conifers. These results are discussed in the context of desirable trends only. Preliminary results for withinstand and project scale forest heterogeneity are also available. Generally, the treatments have successfully reduced the amount of overstory vegetation and broken up the continuity of the canopy as desired. Consistent with the desired trends, all the treatments reduced the live basal area by 42% on average (Table 1). In Phantom Creek, basal area decreased by an average 32% (28 ft2/acre), trees per acre decreased by 46% (79 trees/acre, trees ⱖ5.0 in. dbh), and the mean tree diameter (qua- dratic mean diameter) increased from 9.9 to 11 in. dbh (Young et al. 2013). The treatments also increased the prevalence of ponderosa pine, as measured by the mean proportion of ponderosa pine basal area, by 7.9%. Although this increase was consistent with desired trends, it was lower than anticipated. A greater increase in ponderosa pine may not have been possible without more intense regeneration treatments, such as clearcutting, seed tree, shelterwood, and selection methods, located to remove Douglas-fir and spruce and stimulate the regeneration of ponderosa pine. This is a long-term scenario requiring recurring stand treatments and decades of stand development. Broadcast burning is under consideration for follow-up treatments to maintain desired conditions. Monitoring canopy cover and heterogeneity using aerial imagery confirmed that, consistent with the desired trends, conifer canopy cover decreased by 14.2%, and the average size of a contiguous patch of canopy declined from 6,098 to 435 ft2 (Phantom Creek 1 and Ryan Quinlan) (Table 4). The percentage of the treatment area occupied by the single largest patch (largest patch index) also decreased from 27.5 to 1.0% as desired. In addition, the Euclidean distance between patches increased by 2.2 ft on average. The treatments also increased the range of distances between the nearest neighboring canopy patches by 21.9 ft (Table 4). This increased distance between canopy patches and increased range in interpatch distances reflects the creation of heterogeneous canJournal of Forestry • September 2014 491 Table 4. Summary of pretreatment and posttreatment aerial imagery analysis. Timing of data Project Phantom Creek 1 Ryan Quinlan Phantom Creek 2 Phantom Creek 3 Phantom Creek 4 Pre Post Pre Post Pre Pre Pre Average canopy patch size Range of patch size . . . . . . . . . . . (%) . . . . . . . . . . . 9,583 6.4 ⫻ 106 435 1.8 ⫻ 105 871 6.4 ⫻ 104 435 7,840 6,969 3.2 ⫻ 106 1,472 7.9 ⫻ 105 10,890 2.9 ⫻ 106 Largest patch index (%) 45.6 1.6 3.0 0.5 29.9 2.7 56.2 Euclidean distance to nearest neighbor Range of Euclidean distance to nearest neighbor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (ft) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16.7 21.5 17.4 33.0 18.0 28.2 21.2 67.6 17.2 28.2 16.7 44.3 16.7 19.7 Pre, pretreatment; post, posttreatment. opy gaps as desired. However, counter to the desired trends, the range of canopy patch sizes declined by 2.6 ⫻ 106 ft2, indicating that treatments created a more homogeneous distribution of canopy patches with the breakup of large contiguous canopy patches into many similar-sized small canopy patches. As expected, the manual treatments retained higher than average residual basal areas due to the contractual limitations for upper treatment diameters (Phantom Creek 2, Phantom Creek 4, and Catamount 1). Phantom Creek 2 appears to have been the only manual treatment to date that resulted in a measurable increase in ponderosa pine in the residual stand. The implementation of variable density prescriptions for the mechanized treatments in mixed-species projects (Phantom Creek 2 and Catamount 1) resulted in a greater range of residual densities (32–107 and 27–130 ft2/acre, respectively) than projects dominated by a single forest type that were treated to a single target range such as Messenger Gulch 2 (37– 46 ft2/acre) (Table 1). Incorporating larger openings (up to 5 acres) into these variable density prescriptions, as was done with Catamount 1, may have resulted in the highest level of posttreatment structural variability to date. These projects were also more complex and more challenging to implement. A socioeconomic analysis conducted by the Front Range Roundtable estimated that restoration activities contributed approximately $1,245,116 (2010 US dollars) in labor income6 and $764,509 (2010 US dollars) in value-added7 (i.e., gross domestic product [GDP]) contributions to the local economy in 2012 (K. Mattor and T. Lund Snee, Colorado State University, pers. comm., Nov. 22, 2013). In addition, a total of 26 full- and part-time jobs were created. 492 Journal of Forestry • September 2014 Between 2010 and 2013, a variety of wood products were produced from the material removed from the Pike National Forest, including dimensional lumber, posts and poles, and landscaping materials (K. Mattor and T. Lund Snee, Colorado State University, pers. comm., Nov. 22, 2013). In 2012, a large portion (23%) of the material removed from the forest was used to produce wood shreds for postfire rehabilitation efforts (K. Mattor and T. Lund Snee, Colorado State University, pers. comm., Nov. 22, 2013) (Table 2). Interviews with Front Range Roundtable members identified high levels of trust and a strong commitment to work together, which was attributed to open and frequent communication among the partners. Although some collaborative members raised concerns regarding the uncertain roles, responsibilities, and processes, they were largely optimistic about the CFLRP and the opportunity to work collaboratively. Since these interviews, collaborative leaders have worked hard to clarify the roles and responsibilities of members in the Front Range Project and collaborative processes. Conclusions and Future Directions The silvicultural practices of the Front Range Project are becoming increasingly complex as we transition from thinning from below fuels reduction treatments to restoration treatments that create a much wider range of residual densities. Future silvicultural practices are likely to resemble a free selection system (Graham et al. 2007) that integrates elements from both even-aged and uneven-aged silviculture to create and maintain forests that are heterogeneous in both composition and structure. Prescriptions that incorporate variable tree spacing with small interspatial openings, variable residual densities, and a wide range of openings (from 1 acre up to 40 acres) are expected to increase forest heterogeneity at a variety of scales. The trend of increasing forest type variability within project areas is expected to continue as future project areas are designated at higher elevations. Project areas will also include a higher percentage of steeper terrain and greater aspect variation than earlier projects. Future variable residual density prescriptions are expected to be applied not only by forest type but also within the same forest type at the stand level, resulting in even greater project and landscape forest heterogeneity. We are currently experimenting with bxdifferent implementation methods. Ultimately, we hope to return to implementation by DxP for the majority of the treatments because DxP is more efficient; however, this will require highly skilled operators. Furthermore, a larger set of demonstration areas implemented via tree marking, and the development of a photo series field guide will help facilitate the transition back to DxP. Finally, opening creation will continue to be challenging. A higher level of openings (25– 40% of the treatment footprint) is currently under consideration by the Front Range Roundtable. This will further increase forest heterogeneity at the project and landscape scales (ⱖ100 acres). Future openings are expected to continue to be designated with a marking method, either tree selection or via treatment unit boundary delineation, because of the complexity inherent in describing and implementing this prescription component. Endnotes 1. For more information on the Front Ridge Roundtable, see www.frontrangeroundtable. org. 2. No product utilization occurs. All treated material is processed by hand piling, lop and scatter, or chipping. 3. Tree clumps with interlocking crowns are desirable as nesting and feeding trees for Abert’s squirrels (Sciurus aberti). 4. Upper diameter limits for manual work and mastication for the Integrated Resource Service Contract are 9.9 in. dbh for ponderosa pine, 8.9 in. dbh for Douglas-fir and spruce spp., and 6.9 in. dbh for lodgepole pine. These limits were based solely on utilization specifications. 5. For more information on CFRI, see www. coloradoforestrestoration.org. 6. These contributions to the local economy were stimulated by the contractors’ operation expenditures as well as labor income. Labor income includes all forms of employment income (wages, benefits, and proprietor income). 7. The value-added contributions consist of (1) employee compensation—wages and salaries plus benefits paid by local industries; (2) proprietor income—income from self-employment; (3) other property income— corporate income, rental income, interest, and corporate transfer payments; and (4) indirect business taxes—sales, excise, fees, licenses, and other taxes paid, including nonincome based payments to the government. Literature Cited COLLINS, B.M., R.G. EVERETT, AND S.L. STEPHENS. 2011. Impacts of fire exclusion and recent managed fire on forest structure in old growth Sierra Nevada mixed-conifer forests. Ecosphere 2(4):art51. CHURCHILL, D.J., M.C. DALHGREEN, A.J. LARSON, AND J.F. FRANKLIN. 2013a. 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