Fuels Planning: Science Synthesis & Integration Forest Structure & Fire Hazard David L. Peterson and Morris Johnson Forest Service – PNW Research Station Pacific Wildland Fire Sciences Lab Objectives • Synthesize & publish scientific knowledge & principles about how modifications of forest structure affect fire hazard & fire behavior. • Develop quantitative guidelines for how silvicultural prescriptions affect fire hazard & fire behavior – guide for representative forest types of the western U.S. Application: Assist the NEPA process, planning, and decision making primarily at the scale of forest stands. Linkage: Provide input for economic and ecological analyses. PRODUCT 1: Fact Sheets Six fact sheets on forest structure and fire hazard • • • • • • Project overview: stand structure and fire Fire hazard concepts Visualizing fuels and stand structure Role of silviculture in fuel treatments Large-scale fuel treatments Principles of fuel management in complex ecosystems PRODUCT 2: PNW General Technical Report PNW-GTR-628 Forest Structure and Fire Hazard in Dry Forests of the Western United States DL Peterson, MC Johnson, JK Agee, TB Jain, D McKenzie, ED Reinhardt • Subjected to anonymous peer review through editor of Natural Resources Journal • Synthesis of existing literature and concepts on forest structure, fuels, and fire hazard • Qualitative and quantitative guidelines for fuel treatments • Intended to provide scientific support for NEPA analysis of fuel treatments PRODUCT 3: Guide to Fuel Treatments in Dry Forests of the Western United States: Assessing Forest Structure and Fire Hazard MC Johnson, DL Peterson, CL Raymond • Analyzes a range of potential fuel and vegetation treatments for dry forest in the western United States • Direct linkage to My Fuel Treatment Planner • Extensive review by fire managers and silviculturists • Quantitative -- Stand attributes, fuel loadings, potential fire behavior • Qualitative -- Pre and post treatment EnVision images Purpose • Testing the scientific basic of silvicultural and surface fuel treatments on modifying fire behavior in dry interior forests through designing and implementing thinning and surface fuel treatments based on the four principles of fire resistance forests: (1) treat surface fuels, (2) raise the height to live crown, (3) decrease crown density, and (4) leave the big trees. Approach Stand exam data from National Forests in FVS ready format 98th and 75th percentile historical fire weather data from Desert Research Institute Build FFE-FVS portfolio for each National Forest Design silvicultural and surface fuel treatments and Regeneration Matrix Determine candidate stands for treatment from each forest Implement and analyze effects of treatments Summarization of Treatment Effects Develop Fuel Treatment Guidebook Study Areas Fuel Treatment Guidebook • Selected Forest Types – Ponderosa Pine – Mixed Conifer – Pinyon-Juniper • Stand Exams • FIA FVS Ready FVS variants Stand Exam Data Sources • Natural Resources Information System (NRIS) Field Sampled Vegetation (FSVeg) Module is an Oracle database – store data from stand examinations, grid-based strategic inventories, permanent re-measured inventory plots • FVS DataBase Extension List Builder • 37,000 stands in FVS ready file format Historical Fire Weather Data Remote Automated Weather Stations (RAWS) • 75th (moderate) and 98th (severe) percentile historical fire weather data from (RAWS) – Temperature, – Wind speeds* – 1,10,100*, 1000* hr fuel moistures – FFE-FVS variant default live and duff fuel moistures Approach Stand exam data from National Forests in FVS ready format 98th and 75th percentile historical fire weather data from Desert Research Institute Build FFE-FVS portfolio for each National Forest Design silvicultural and surface fuel treatments and regeneration matrix Determine candidate stands for treatment from each forest Implement and analyze effects of treatments Model Shortcomings and Recommendations Develop Fuel Treatment Guidebook Principles of fire resistance for dry forests Principle Effect Advantage Concerns Reduce surface fuels Reduces potential flame length Control easier; less torching Surface disturbance less with fire than other techniques Increase height to live crown Requires longer flame length to begin torching Less torching Opens understory; may allow surface wind to increase Decrease crown density Makes tree-totree crown fire less probable Reduces crown fire potential Surface wind may increase and surface fuels may be drier Keep big trees of resistant species Less mortality for same fire intensity Generally restores historic structure Less economical; may keep tree at risk of insect attack Adopted Agee 2002 No action Prescribed Thin from fire only below to 50 tpa, 18 inch dbh limit No action Thin from below to 100 tpa, 18 inch dbh limit Thin from below to 200 tpa, 18 inch dbh limit Pile & burn Thin from below to 300 tpa, 18 inch dbh limit Prescribed fire Regeneration Matrix • Partial Establishment Model • (Region 3, 5, & 6 National Forests) – planting or stump sprouting; user must provide estimates of natural regeneration – residual trees per acre and surface fuel treatment • Full Establishment Model • (Region 1 & 4 National Forests) – calibrated for western Montana, central and northern Idaho, and coastal Alaska Regeneration Matrix Residual Density Surface fuel treatment Region No Action 6 Pile & burn Prescribed fire Region No action 5 Pile & burn Prescribed fire Region No action 3 Pile & burn Prescribed fire 50 tpa 100 tpa 200 tpa 300 tpa 100 50 25 25 150 75 38 38 300 150 75 74 50 25 13 13 75 38 20 20 150 75 40 40 15 8 4 4 23 12 6 6 45 25 12 12 Approach Stand exam data from National Forests in FVS ready format 98th and 75th percentile historical fire weather data from Desert Research Institute Build FFE-FVS portfolio for each National Forest Design silvicultural and surface fuel treatments and regeneration matrix Determine candidate stands for treatment from each forest Implement and analyze effects of treatments Model Shortcomings and Recommendations Develop Fuel Treatment Guidebook Select Candidate Stands • high stem densities and heavy ladder fuels, common due to fire exclusion Select Candidate Stands Modeled in EnVision Analyze Results • Evaluate immediate consequences of thinning treatments and determine which treatments were most effective at reducing fire hazard – Examine change crown fire hazard •Torching and crowning index – Examine change in fire behavior •fire type, flame length, mortality • Project candidate stands 50 years to evaluate silvicultural and surface fuel treatments influence on forest structure and fire behavior over time Analyze Results • Determine which treatments were effective at modifying fire hazard and why? • Evaluate the effects of prescribed fire only and determine if this treatment was effective as a stand alone management strategy for reducing fire hazard • Discuss limitations and shortcomings of modeling approach Preliminary Results 50 TPA 200 TPA 100 TPA 300 TPA Preliminary Results Fire behavior Fire Hazard Treatment Fire type Mortality % TI CI Moderate Severe CBH CBD Moderate Severe No action 0 31 s p 2 0.08 21 75 Prescribed fire only 19 43 s s 10 0.04 7 11 50 TPA 63 53 s s 31 0.06 11 25 100 TPA 22 40 s s 11 0.07 16 26 200 TPA 26 34 s s 11 0.07 19 23 300 TPA 34 31 s s 14 0.05 16 30 Fire Weather conditions % moisture Wind Temp 1-hr 10-hr 100-hr 1000-hr mph (F) 0-0.25” 0.25-1” 1-3” 3” Duff Live Severe 14 81 3 5 8 11 50 100 Moderate 8 61 6 8 11 14 125 150 Acknowledgements • Fire and Environmental Applications Team • Pacific Northwest Research Station • Fire and Aviation Management Staff WO • Acknowledgements • • • • • • • • • • • Brian Ferguson Stephanie A Rebain Chad Keyser Pat Jackson Kama Kennedy Renee Lundberg Bill MacArthur Charles Maxwell Georgi Porter Eric Twombly Leo Yanez