US Forest Service Forest Management - Reports - Sold and Harvest TIMBER HARVESTED ON THE NATIONAL FORESTS Under Sales and Land Exchanges by Regions and Fiscal Years \1 Issued October 31, 2005 In Thousand Cubic Feet (MCF) and Thousand Board Feet (MBF) FY 2005 FOURTH QUARTER - JULY 1, 2005 to SEPTEMBER 30, 2005 Region Volume (MCF) Volume (MBF) Value ($) \3 $/MCF $/MBF 1 15,401 78,125 $8,467,325 $549.78 $108.38 2 10,330 49,034 $3,951,923 $382.57 $80.60 3 5,022 27,801 $337,201 $67.15 $12.13 4 4,258 22,811 $1,564,006 $367.29 $68.56 5 25,179 125,912 $8,826,800 $350.56 $70.10 6 26,595 138,384 $17,419,825 $655.01 $125.88 8 22,899 119,721 $13,129,165 $573.34 $109.66 9 15,131 93,383 $14,097,084 $931.66 $150.96 10 1,642 7,791 $46,153 $28.11 $5.92 TOTAL 126,458 662,961 $67,839,483 $536.46 $102.33 PREVIOUS FISCAL YEARS' FOURTH QUARTERS - JULY 1st to SEPTEMBER 30th Fiscal Year Volume (MCF) \2 Volume (MBF) Value($) \3 $/MCF $/MBF 2004 124,851 655,190 $69,872,632 $559.65 $106.64 2003 106,400 540,286 $46,568,758 $437.68 $86.19 2002 120,179 601,176 $58,019,657 $482.78 $96.51 2001 115,448 601,985 $49,682,888 $430.35 $82.53 2000 143,830 719,152 $82,016,763 $570.23 $114.05 FY 2005 CUMULATIVE - OCTOBER 1, 2004 to SEPTEMBER 30, 2005 Region Volume (MCF) Volume (MBF) Value ($) \3 $/MCF $/MBF 1 48,922 243,981 $28,785,107 $588.39 $117.98 2 31,015 150,092 $15,598,521 $502.93 $103.93 3 15,679 87,989 $1,021,873 $65.17 $11.61 4 11,624 63,005 $3,791,152 $326.14 $60.17 5 58,573 284,901 $19,207,737 $327.93 $67.42 6 92,452 489,642 $56,903,549 $615.49 $116.21 8 66,712 350,708 $40,220,259 $602.90 $114.68 9 61,183 377,636 $58,035,613 $948.56 $153.68 10 10,494 49,658 $578,912 $55.17 $11.66 TOTAL 396,654 2,097,611 $224,142,724 $565.08 $106.86 PREVIOUS FISCAL YEARS' CUMULATIVE TO DATE - OCTOBER 1st to SEPT. 30th Fiscal Year Volume (MCF) \2 Volume (MBF) Value($) \3 $/MCF $/MBF 2004 384,952 2,031,607 $217,534,158 $565.09 $107.07 2003 353,733 1,817,751 $157,323,242 $444.75 $86.55 2002 340,299 1,727,556 $164,050,835 $482.08 $94.96 2001 353,016 1,938,198 $177,633,842 $503.19 $91.65 2000 508,486 2,542,427 $302,933,984 $595.76 $119.15 Regional data in the quarterly tables, volume and value columns, may not add to totals due to rounding. file:///M|/wwwroot/forestmanagement/reports/sold-harvest/portal/2005q4harv.shtml[5/3/2011 4:57:57 PM] US Forest Service Forest Management - Reports - Sold and Harvest 1/ Sawtimber and other roundwood products (not including nonconvertible products). 2/ Prior to FY 2001, MCF was converted from MBF using the ratio of 5 board feet per cubic foot. 3/ Value, $/MCF, and $/MBF do not include road costs. file:///M|/wwwroot/forestmanagement/reports/sold-harvest/portal/2005q4harv.shtml[5/3/2011 4:57:57 PM]