2409.18,51-53 Page 1 of 21 FOREST SERVICE HANDBOOK EASTERN REGION (REGION 9) MILWAUKEE, WI FSH 2409.18 – TIMBER SALE PREPARATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 50 – FINAL PACKAGE PREPARATION, REVIEW, APPRAISAL AND OFFERING – GATE 4 Supplement No.: 2409.18-2010-1 Effective Date: June 16, 2010 Duration: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. Approved: LOGAN LEE Deputy Regional Forester Date Approved: 06/16/2010 Posting Instructions: Supplements to this Handbook are numbered consecutively by handbook and calendar year. Post by document name at the end of each chapter. Retain this transmittal as the first page of this document. New Document 2409.18, 53-2010-1 Superseded Document(s) (Supplement Number and Effective Date) None 29 Pages Digest: This amendment removes references to obsolete timber sale contract forms and contract provisions, and makes minor editorial changes. Other substantive changes are as follows: 53 – Provides Timber Information Manager direction for Region 9 53.4 – Creates Exhibits 1-24 to provide instruction for completion of Contract Forms R9 SUPPLEMENT 2409.18-2010-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 04XX/2010 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.18,53 Page 2 of 21 FSH 2409.18 – TIMBER SALE PREPARATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 50 – FINAL PACKAGE PREPARATION, REVIEW, APPRAISAL AND OFFERING – GATE 4 51 - ACTIVITIES AT GATE 4 Prior to advertisement, forward all proposed sales exceeding Forest Supervisor's authority to the Regional Forester for approval and certification that the sale meets the criteria of 36 CFR 223.30. Include the following documents: 1. Gates 1 – 4 Certification Reports. 2. Cruise tally sheets and NATCRS reports. 3. Timber Sale Report and Appraisal. 4. Road management objectives, design criteria, Schedule of Items and Drawings. 5. R.O.W. and road use agreements if applicable. 6. SAI Plan and/or SSF Plan as applicable. 7. Sample Timber Sale Contract. 8. Sale Area Map. 9. Sample Prospectus. 10. Sample Advertisement. 11. Sample Bid Form. 12. NEPA documents and Implementation documents. 13. Cruise Plan. 53 - TIMBER SALE CONTRACT The standard method of commercial timber sale in Region 9 is by presale measurement with CCF as the unit of measure. 53.3 - Timber Sale Contract Form FS-2400-6 This contract form requires prior approval of the Regional Forester before use on sales in the Eastern Region. R9 SUPPLEMENT 2409.18-2010-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 04XX/2010 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.18,53 Page 3 of 21 FSH 2409.18 – TIMBER SALE PREPARATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 50 – FINAL PACKAGE PREPARATION, REVIEW, APPRAISAL AND OFFERING – GATE 4 53.4 - Timber Sale Contract, Form FS 2400-6T 1. Division AT. The Timber Information Manager System (TIM) completes this Division. The following instructions are provided to assist in preparation of the contract pages in TIM: a. AT1 - Location and Area. The acres entered in this table are gross Sale Area acres, not cut acres. Enter in TIM at Gate 4 (ADVR 114). Inserted by TIM in the contract. The legal description should include items such as the compartment(s), County and State where the sale is located and the Township, Range, Meridian, and Section. Enter in TIM at Gate 3 (PREP 101). This will be inserted by TIM in the contract. 53.4 - Exhibit 01 is an example of a completed AT1 table. 53.4 – Exhibit 01 Example Of Completed AT1 Section The following conditions apply to the indicated portions of Division BT – Standard Provisions issued June 2006. AT1 – Location and Area, applicable to BT1.1 This Sale Area of 2,345 acres more or less is located in: Compartments 53 and 71, and located in Baker County, Ohio, T4N, R7E, Section 23. b. AT2 - Volume Estimate and Utilization Standards. An example of a completed AT2 table is shown in 53.4 - Exhibit 02. Instructions for completion of AT2 are in 53.4 – Exhibit 03. The minimum tree and piece specifications for species and products for Region 9 are shown in 53.4-Exhibit 04. Descriptions of Minimum Specifications are: (1) Minimum Tree. The term "minimum tree", as used in this Section, means the tree of smallest DBH and merchantable height, containing 1 minimum piece that is required to be felled under the terms of the contract. (2) Minimum Piece. The term "minimum piece", as used in this Section, means the piece of smallest length, diameter (small end), and percent net scale that is subject to required removal provisions of the contract. R9 SUPPLEMENT 2409.18-2010-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 04XX/2010 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.18,53 Page 4 of 21 FSH 2409.18 – TIMBER SALE PREPARATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 50 – FINAL PACKAGE PREPARATION, REVIEW, APPRAISAL AND OFFERING – GATE 4 The Forest Supervisor may approve different specifications for use by supplementing this Section or for individual sale(s) by letter. This authority shall not be re-delegated below Forest Supervisor. In any case, the minimum tree specifications must be within the range of approved applicable volume tables. 53.4 – Exhibit 02 Example Of Completed AT2 table AT2 – Volume Estimate and Utilization Standards, applicable to BT2.1, BT2.2, BT2.4, and BT6.4 Minimum Specifications Merchantable Tree Piece Required to be Removed Diameter Diameter Breast Number Inside High of Bark at Net Scale (d.b.h.) Minimum Length Small End in % of Estimated Unit of Pieces Gross Species Product Quantity Measure (inches) per Tree (feet) (inches) Scale White Pine Sawtimber 500 CCF 9.6 1.5 8 6.3 30 White Oak Sawtimber 200 CCF 12.0 1.5 8 8.0 30 Other Hardwoods Sawtimber 100 CCF 12.0 1.5 8 8.0 50 Pine Posts 800 CCF 5.0 1 8 3.8 99 Hardwood Pulpwood 50 CCF 6.0 1 8 3.5 Pine Topwood 100 CCF NA 10 3.5 Hardwood Topwood 70 CCF NA 10 3.5 Timber Subject to Agreement under CT2.11# Hickory Sawtimber 25 CCF 12.0 1.5 8 8.0 50 Total Quantity 1,845 R9 SUPPLEMENT 2409.18-2010-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 04XX/2010 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.18,53 Page 5 of 21 FSH 2409.18 – TIMBER SALE PREPARATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 50 – FINAL PACKAGE PREPARATION, REVIEW, APPRAISAL AND OFFERING – GATE 4 53.4 – Exhibit 03 Instructions For Completion Of AT2 Section Column Name Species Product Estimated Quantity Unit of Measure Diameter Breast High (d.b.h.) (inches) Number of Minimum Pieces per Tree Length (feet) Diameter Inside Bark at Small End (inches) Net Scale in % of Gross Scale or Net Merchantability Factor Instructions for each Column This is the Appraisal group used by the Regional Appraisal System, which is linked to the Contract Species for TIM. Species is entered in TIM at Gate 3 on the Assign Contract Species screen, form PREP 105 and inserted by TIM into the contract. Product name for the species group (for example: sawtimber) is read into TIM at Gate 3 when importing cruise files or directly entered on the Volume-Direct Entry screen, form PREP 103 and inserted by TIM in the contract. This is the volume of the associated species and product group. Estimated Quantity is entered in TIM at Gate 3 on the Volume-Direct Entry screen, form PREP 103, or read when importing the cruise files and inserted by TIM in the contract. Enter convertible product’s (sawtimber, pulpwood, and posts) volumes in CCF. Tons may be used when weight scaling (FS-2400-6 or FS-2400-3S contracts) is used with Regional Forester approval. Unit of Measure for the species group (for example CCF, MBF, Tons, etc). Default UOM is CCF. UOM may be changed in TIM at Gate 3 on the Create Timber Sale screen, form PREP 101 and is inserted by TIM in the contract. For tree measurement sales the applicable unit of measure for contracts in Region 9 is CCF . When weight scaling is done the applicable unit of measure is Tons. This is the minimum diameter at breast height (dbh) of the trees to be cut. The Regional defaults for minimum length are specified in Exhibit 04. The Forest Supervisor may approve different specifications by supplementing this Section. Default dbh is entered in the Site Configuration for TIM. DBH may be changed in TIM at Gate 4 on the Contract Preparation Information screen, form ADVR 114 and inserted by TIM in the contract. This is the minimum number of pieces each tree must contain to be cut. Each piece must meet the minimum specifications for length and diameter inside bark at small end. Default minimum number of pieces is entered in the Site Configuration for TIM. Minimum number of pieces may be changed in TIM at Gate 4 on the Contract Preparation Information screen, form ADVR 114 and inserted by TIM into the contract. This is the minimum length of a merchantable piece. The Regional defaults for minimum length are specified in Exhibit 04. The Forest Supervisor may approve different specifications by supplementing this Section. Default length is entered in the Site Configuration for TIM. Length may be changed in TIM at Gate 4 on the Contract Preparation Information screen, form ADVR 114 and inserted by TIM in the contract. This is the minimum diameter inside bark at the small end (dib) of a merchantable piece. The Regional defaults for minimum dib are specified in Exhibit 04. The Forest Supervisor may approve different specifications by supplementing this Section. Default dib is entered in the Site Configuration for TIM. DIB may be changed in TIM at Gate 4 on the Contract Preparation Information screen, form ADVR 114 and inserted by TIM in the contract. Use Net Scale in % of Gross Scale in Region 9. Default percent is entered in the Site Configuration for TIM. The percent may be changed in TIM at Gate 4 on the Contract Preparation Information screen, form ADVR 114. The Regional defaults for minimum net scale are specified in Exhibit 04. The Forest Supervisor may approve different specifications by supplementing this Section. R9 SUPPLEMENT 2409.18-2010-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 04XX/2010 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.18,53 Page 6 of 21 FSH 2409.18 – TIMBER SALE PREPARATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 50 – FINAL PACKAGE PREPARATION, REVIEW, APPRAISAL AND OFFERING – GATE 4 53.4 – Exhibit 04 Default Regional Merchantability Specifications AT2 – Volume Estimate and Utilization Standards, applicable to BT2.1, BT2.2, BT2.4, and BT6.4 Species Hardwoods Conifers All Minimum Specifications Merchantable Tree Piece Required to be Removed Diameter Diameter Breast Number Inside High of Bark at Net Scale (d.b.h.) Minimum Length Small End in % of Estimated Unit of Pieces Gross Product Quantity Measure (inches) per Tree (feet) (inches) Scale Sawtimber CCF 11.0 1.0 8 9.6 40 Sawtimber CCF 9.0 1.0 8 7.6 40 All products CCF 5.0 1.0 8 4.0 other than sawtimber c. AT3 - Timber Designations. Instructions for completion of AT3 are in 53.4 – Exhibit 05. 53.4 - Exhibit 06 is an example of a completed AT3 table. Incompletely Measured Payment Units, BT2.36, shall not be used in Region 9 unless the Regional Forester approves otherwise in writing for specific sale offerings. 53.4 - Exhibit 05 Instructions For Completion Of AT3 Section Column Name Clearcutting Units (BT2.31) Specified Road Clearing (BT2.32) Overstory Removal Units (BT2.33) Understory Removal Units (BT2.34) Individual Trees (BT2.35) Incompletely Measured Payment Units (BT2.36) Instructions for each Column Enter the number of payment units that are contractually designated as clearcuts and the sum of their acres. Enter the number of payment units that are contractually designated as specified road clearing and the sum of their acres. Enter the number of payment units that are contractually designated as Overstory Removal, and the sum of their acres. Enter the number of payment units that are contractually designated as Understory Removal and the sum of their acres. Enter the sum of the payment unit acres that are contractually designated as individual trees, including CT2.351# thru CT2.358#. Enter the number of payment units that are contractually designated as Incompletely Measured and the sum of their acres. Requires prior approval by the Regional Forester for individual sale offerings. R9 SUPPLEMENT 2409.18-2010-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 04XX/2010 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.18,53 Page 7 of 21 FSH 2409.18 – TIMBER SALE PREPARATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 50 – FINAL PACKAGE PREPARATION, REVIEW, APPRAISAL AND OFFERING – GATE 4 53.4 - Exhibit 06 Example Of Completed Sections AT3 And AT4 AT3 – Timber Designations, applicable to BT2.3; acres are approximate: Number Acres Clearcutting Units (BT2.31) 3 145 Specified Road Clearing (BT2.32) 1 3 Overstory Removal Units (BT2.33) Understory Removal Units (BT2.34) Individual Trees (BT2.35) 359 Incompletely Measured Payment Units (BT2.36) d. AT4 - Timber Payment Rates. Species, products and unit of measure must be consistent with Table AT2. (1) AT4a - For Species and Products to be Paid for at Rates Escalated under BT3.2. Escalation is not used in Region 9 except for sales approved by the Regional Forester with a sale period of 7 years or more. (2) AT45b - For Species and Products to be Paid for at Flat Rates, BT3.1. Species, Product and Unit of Measure must be consistent with Table AT2. Instructions for completion of AT4b are in 53.4 – Exhibit 07. 53.4 - Exhibit 08 is an example of a completed AT4b table. 53.4 - Exhibit 07 Instructions For Completion Of AT4b Column Name Species Product Unit of Measure Instructions for each Column Refer to AT2. Refer to AT2. Refer to AT2. This is the Base Rate after adjustments for Essential KV and Timber Property Value. Enter into the Regional Appraisal System, which is linked to the Display/Enter Appraisal Results for TIM, or manually Base $ enter in TIM on the Display/Enter Appraisal Results screen, form ADVR 109. Ii is inserted by TIM into the contract. This is the Advertised Rate after adjustments to Base Rates. Calculated by the Regional Appraisal Advertised $ System, which is linked to the Display/Enter Appraisal Results for TIM, or manually enter in TIM on the Display/Enter Appraisal Results screen, form ADVR 109. It is inserted by TIM in the contract. Difference between the Bid Rate and the Advertised Rate. Calculated by TIM and inserted into the Bid Premium $ contract. This is the $ per unit of measure by the bidder. Enter in TIM at Gate 5 Bid/Report of Timber Sale Bid (Flat) $ screen, form BID 101. It is inserted by TIM in the contract. This is the slash disposal to be performed by the Forest Service and paid for by the Purchaser through Required Deposits cooperative deposits. Enter into Gate 4 Brush Disposal Plan screen (ADVR113) the number of units for Slash Disposal $ (i.e. Acres) and the cost per unit. TIM will determine the cost per unit of measure and insert into the contract. R9 SUPPLEMENT 2409.18-2010-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 04XX/2010 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.18,53 Page 8 of 21 FSH 2409.18 – TIMBER SALE PREPARATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 50 – FINAL PACKAGE PREPARATION, REVIEW, APPRAISAL AND OFFERING – GATE 4 53.4 - Exhibit 08 Example of A Completed AT4b Table AT4b – For Species and Products to be Paid for at Flat Rates Rates per Unit of Measure Species Red Pine White Oak Other Hard Pine Pine Hardwood Hardwood Hickory Product Sawtimber Sawtimber Sawtimber Pulpwood Topwood Pulpwood Topwood Sawtimber Unit of Measure CCF CCF CCF CCF CCF CCF CCF CCF Base $ 22.00 22.00 22.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 Advertised $ 110.00 150.00 75.00 25.00 25.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 Bid Premium $ 15.00 20.00 5.00 5.00 5.00 1.00 1.00 0.00 Bid (Flat) $ 125.00 170.00 80.00 30.00 30.00 6.00 6.00 5.00 Required Deposits Slash Disposal $ 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 2.30 For purposes of convenience in collection and bookkeeping, Bid Rates stated in AT5 include payment of deposits for sale area betterment required pursuant to 16 USC 576b. Such deposits are not included as Required Deposits defined hereunder. f. AT4c - Schedule of Payment Units. Species, products and unit of measure must be consistent with Table AT2. If more than one page is necessary to list all Payment Units, TIM will number the page 4a, 4b, 4c, etc. Instructions for completion of AT4c are in 53.4 – Exhibit 09. 53.4 - Exhibit 10 is an example of a completed AT4c table (only the flat rate portion is displayed). R9 SUPPLEMENT 2409.18-2010-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 04XX/2010 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.18,53 Page 9 of 21 FSH 2409.18 – TIMBER SALE PREPARATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 50 – FINAL PACKAGE PREPARATION, REVIEW, APPRAISAL AND OFFERING – GATE 4 53.4 - Exhibit 09 Instructions For Completion Of AT4c Section Column Name Payment Unit Number Approximate Acres Species Product Quantity Unit of Measure Total Flat Rate Payment Total Required Deposits for Slash Disposal Instructions for each Column There are two ways Payment Units Numbers can be created: 1) Brought forward from the Prep 104 form which is accessed from the Prep 103, Volume Direct Entry screen, or 2) If cruise files are imported into Prep 109, Load National Cruise Data screen, the cutting units are created automatically. Initial Payment Unit numbers are defaulted to the cutting unit numbers. TIM will enter into the contract. Use 2 digit format (01, 02, 03, etc). Entered in TIM at Gate 3 on the Cutting Unit Description screen, form PREP 104 as “Cruise Acres”. It is inserted by TIM in the contract. See AT2. See AT2. This is the volume of the associated species and product group. Enter to TIM at Gate 3 on the Volume-Direct Entry screen, form PREP 103; or Prep 109 screen if cruise files are imported. It is inserted by TIM in the contract. Enter volumes in CCF for convertible products (sawtimber, Pulpwood, and posts). See AT2. Calculated by TIM based on species, product, and quantity in the payment unit at the bid rates. Inserted by TIM in the contract. Enter the number of units (i.e. Acres) and the cost per unit into Gate 4 Brush Disposal Plan screen (ADVR113). TIM will determine the cost for each payment unit and insert into the contract. R9 SUPPLEMENT 2409.18-2010-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 04XX/2010 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.18,53 Page 10 of 21 FSH 2409.18 – TIMBER SALE PREPARATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 50 – FINAL PACKAGE PREPARATION, REVIEW, APPRAISAL AND OFFERING – GATE 4 53.4 - Exhibit 10 Example Of Completed AT4c Section AT4c – Schedule of Payment Units To be Paid for at Flat Rates under AT5b Payment Unit Approx. Number Acres 1 35 2 45 3 25 4 3 Species Product Yellow Pine Sawtimber White Oak Sawtimber Pine Pulpwood Hardwood Pulpwood Pine Topwood Hardwood Topwood Total PU Quantity and Value Yellow Pine Sawtimber White Oak Sawtimber Other Hardwoods Sawtimber Pine Pulpwood Hardwood Pulpwood Pine Topwood Hardwood Topwood Total PU Quantity and Value White Oak Sawtimber Other Hardwoods Sawtimber Hickory Sawtimber Hardwood Pulpwood Hardwood Topwood Total PU Quantity and Value Yellow Pine Sawtimber White Oak Sawtimber Other Hardwoods Sawtimber Pine Pulpwood Hardwood Pulpwood Pine Topwood Hardwood Topwood Total PU Quantity and Value Unit of Quantity Measure 175 50 300 15 40 20 600 300 110 50 485 20 50 40 1,090 37 35 25 8 8 113 10 2 5 5 2 5 2 52 CCF CCF CCF CCF CCF CCF CCF CCF CCF CCF CCF CCF CCF CCF CCF CCF CCF CCF CCF CCF CCF CCF CCF CCF CCF CCF CCF CCF CCF Total Flat Rate Payment $ 21875.00 8500.00 9000.00 90.00 1200.00 120.00 $40,785.00 39375.00 18700.00 4800.00 14550.00 150.00 1650.00 240.00 $79,465.00 6290.00 2800.00 125.00 48.00 48.00 $9,311.00 1250.00 510.00 400.00 450.00 12.00 150.00 12.00 $2,784.00 Total Required Deposits for Slash Disposal $ 402.50 115.00 690.00 34.50 92.00 46.00 690.00 253.00 115.00 1115.50 46.00 115.00 9200 85.10 80.50 57.50 18.40 18.40 23.00 4.60 11.50 11.50 4.60 11.50 4.60 g. AT5 - Indices used in Quarterly Adjustments. This is not applicable to Region 9 except for sales approved by the Regional Forester with a sale period of 7 years or more and payment escalation procedures are used. TIM will enter "Not Applicable". h. AT6 - Stump Heights. Species and product must be consistent with Table AT2. R9 SUPPLEMENT 2409.18-2010-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 04XX/2010 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.18,53 Page 11 of 21 FSH 2409.18 – TIMBER SALE PREPARATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 50 – FINAL PACKAGE PREPARATION, REVIEW, APPRAISAL AND OFFERING – GATE 4 Default maximum stump heights are entered in the Site Configuration for TIM. These values may be modified in TIM at GATE 4 on the Contract Preparation Information screen, form ADVR114. Exhibit 11 is an example of a completed AT6 table. 53.4 - Exhibit 11 Example Of Completed AT6 Table AT6 – High Stumps, applicable to BT6.412 Species Product Maximum Stump Height (inches) Yellow Pine White Oak Other Hardwoods Pine Hardwood Sawtimber Sawtimber Sawtimber Pulpwood Pulpwood 12 14 14 6 8 i. AT7 - Specified Roads. Coordinate with Engineering for completion of this table. Enter data into TIM at GATE 4 on the Engineering - Identify Specified Facilities screen, form ADVR102. The default Name and Date of Governing Road Specifications is entered to TIM at Site configuration. The entry may be changed in TIM on the Engineering - Identify Specified Facilities screen, form ADVR 102. The cost figures will be used in the Regional Appraisal System. Instructions for completion of AT7 are in 53.4 – Exhibit 12. Exhibit 13 is an example of a completed AT7 table. 53.4 - Exhibit 12 Instructions For Completion Of AT7 Column Name Project Road Number Project Road Name Design Class Approximate Length (miles/kilometers) Instructions for each Column Enter the road number in TIM on form ADVR 102. Enter the road name in TIM on form ADVR 102. Enter the design class in TIM on form ADVR 102. Calculated by TIM from information entered for each specified road segment on the Engineering - Identify Specified Facilities screen, form ADVR 102. Sheet numbers of each segment in the Engineering Road Specifications attached Sheet Numbers and Approval to the timber sale contract and the approval date of the specified facilities plan. Date Enter in TIM on the Eng - Identify Specified Facilities screen, form ADVR 102. Performance Responsibility for Identify whether the Forest Service or Purchaser is responsible. Enter in TIM on Survey the Engineering – Identify Specified Facilities screen, form ADVR 102. Performance Responsibility for Identify whether the Forest Service or Purchaser is responsible. Enter in TIM on Design the Engineering – Identify Specified Facilities screen, form ADVR 102. Performance Responsibility for Identify whether the Forest Service or Purchaser is responsible. Enter in TIM on Constructions Staking the Engineering – Identify Specified Facilities screen, form ADVR 102. R9 SUPPLEMENT 2409.18-2010-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 04XX/2010 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.18,53 Page 12 of 21 FSH 2409.18 – TIMBER SALE PREPARATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 50 – FINAL PACKAGE PREPARATION, REVIEW, APPRAISAL AND OFFERING – GATE 4 53.4 - Exhibit 13 Example Of Completed AT7 Table AT7 – Specified Roads, applicable to BT5.2 Name and Date of Governing Road Specifications: "Forest Service Standard Specifications for Construction of Roads & Bridges on Federal Highway Projects (FP-96), as amended and supplemented (metric). Approx. Project Design Length Road No. Name Class (mi./km.) FDR 250-D OP Spur (R) Single Lane–20 mph .85 / 1.4 FDR 225 17 Mile (C) Single Lane–25 mph 1.25 / 2.1 Sheet Numbers and Approval Date 1-4, 10/15/2002 5-8, 10/15/2002 Performance Responsibility Const. Survey Design Staking 1/ FS FS FS BC FS FS FS BC 1/ Indicate timing, i.e., before clearing (BC) or after clearing (AC). Applicable to BT5.212. When the small business road option is elected, revise AT7 to show no specified road construction or reconstruction. When the purchaser elects for the Forest Service to construct those specified roads being built to a higher standard than needed for the sale, revise AT7 to show the remaining amount of required specified road construction or reconstruction to be built by the purchaser. j. AT8 – Forest Service Engineering Completion Schedule. Coordinate with Engineering in completion of this table. Enter the completion date into TIM at GATE 4 on the Reconstruction Deposits and Cost Share Road Credits screen, form ADVR106. Instructions for completion of AT8 are in 53.4 – Exhibit 14. Exhibit 15 is an example of a completed AT8 table. 53.4 - Exhibit 14 Instructions For Completion Of AT8 Column Name Road Number and Road Name Type of Work Completion Date Instructions for each Column Use Road Numbers and Road Names from AT7 where the Forest Service is responsible for all are part of the engineering work. Valid entries are Survey, Design, or Staking. Enter only the work that the Forest Service is responsible for. This date is entered into CT 5.13#. All roads may have the same completion date or may have different completion dates. R9 SUPPLEMENT 2409.18-2010-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 04XX/2010 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.18,53 Page 13 of 21 FSH 2409.18 – TIMBER SALE PREPARATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 50 – FINAL PACKAGE PREPARATION, REVIEW, APPRAISAL AND OFFERING – GATE 4 53.4 - Exhibit 15 Example Of Completed AT8 AT8 – Forest Service Engineering Completion Schedule, applicable to BT5.21 Road No. Road Name Type of Work FDR 250-D Ocean Pond Spur Survey, Design, Construction Staking FDR 225 17 Mile Survey, Design, Construction Staking Completion Date 10/15/2002 10/15/2002 k. AT9 - Fire Precautionary Period. The Fire Precautionary Period shall normally be January 1 to December 31. Forests must supplement this section of the Handbook to include their Fire Precautionary Period if different than January 1 to December 31. The default Fire Precautionary Period is entered in TIM at Site configuration. The entry may be changed in TIM at GATE 4 on the Contract Preparation Information screen, form ADVR114. Exhibit 16 is an example of a completed AT9 table. 53.4 - Exhibit 16 Example Of Completed AT9 AT9 – Fire Precautionary Period, applicable to BT7.2 January 1 to December 31 , inclusive l. AT10 - Purchaser Responsibility to Furnish Crews and Equipment. In the first block enter 25 miles and in the second block enter sufficient miles to cover the distance from the Sale Area to a mill at the appraisal point. The actual entry should be rounded up to the next even 5 miles. The distance should not be lower than 25 miles nor greater than 100 miles. The default mileage is entered to TIM at Site configuration. The entry may be changed in TIM ate GATE 4 on the Contract Preparation Information Screen, form ADVR114. Exhibit 17 is an example of a completed AT10 table. 53.4 - Exhibit 17 Example Of Completed AT10 AT10 – Purchaser Responsibility to Furnish Crews and Equipment for: Initial Fire Suppression, applicable to BT7.3 Within 25 road miles Fire Suppression Reinforcement, applicable to BT7.312 and BT7.313 Within 65 road miles R9 SUPPLEMENT 2409.18-2010-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 04XX/2010 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.18,53 Page 14 of 21 FSH 2409.18 – TIMBER SALE PREPARATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 50 – FINAL PACKAGE PREPARATION, REVIEW, APPRAISAL AND OFFERING – GATE 4 m. AT11 - Purchaser's Obligation per Operation's Fire. Entry should be a minimum of $1,000.00 and rounded up to the nearest $100. Calculate the amount using the rate for semi-skilled (AD-1) firefighters to control and mop up such fires to a point where control lines can reasonably be expected to hold under foreseeable conditions. The default maximum amount is entered in TIM at Site configuration. The entry may be changed in TIM at GATE 4 on the Contract Preparation Information Screen, form ADVR114. Exhibit 18 is an example of a completed AT11 table. 53.4 - Exhibit 18 Example Of Completed AT11 AT11 – Purchaser’s Obligation per Operations Fire, applicable to BT7.41 $ 2,000.00 n. AT12 - Termination Date. The termination date is shown in both the heading of the title page and in AT12. Care should be taken to ensure that these dates are identical. The termination date is the last day that Included Timber may be removed from the Sale Area. The contract period will be established with consideration of the size and type of offering. It should be long enough to minimize the need for contract term extensions. Although volume alone should not be the sole determining criteria, the following guidelines for contract periods may be used on all formally advertised sales to prevent timber deterioration or delays in project or other work activities. These are guides only and can be varied by the Contracting Officer for individual sale offerings for justifiable reasons. Sale Size - CCF 1000 1000-4000 4000-10000 >10000 Normal Operating Season Jan. 1- Dec. 31 March 15- Dec. 15 12 - 18 mos. 12 - 18 mos. 18 - 30 mos. 18 - 36 mos. 24 - 42 mos. 24 - 48 mos. 36 - 48 mos. 36 - 60 mos. Acceptable termination for sales will normally be the last day of a quarter: March 31 June 30 September 30 December 31 R9 SUPPLEMENT 2409.18-2010-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 04XX/2010 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.18,53 Page 15 of 21 FSH 2409.18 – TIMBER SALE PREPARATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 50 – FINAL PACKAGE PREPARATION, REVIEW, APPRAISAL AND OFFERING – GATE 4 Enter data into TIM at GATE 4 in the Prospectus, Bid and Miscellaneous Information Screen, form ADVR115. Exhibit 19 is an example of a completed AT12 table. 53.4 - Exhibit 19 Example Of Completed AT12 AT12 – Termination Date, applicable to BT8.2 December 31, 2011 o. AT13 - Normal Operating Season. It is important that a realistic Normal Operating Season be set so that contract term adjustment is the exception rather than the rule. There may be two Normal Operating Seasons, but these should not overlap. The default Normal Operating Season is entered in TIM at Site configuration. The entry may be changed in TIM at GATE 4 on the Contract Preparation Information Screen, form ADVR114. Exhibit 20 is an example of a completed AT13 table. 53.4 - Exhibit 20 Example Of Completed AT13 AT13 – Normal Operating Season, applicable to BT6.31, BT6.66, BT8.21, and BT9.3 First Period: March 15 to December 15 Second Period: to Inclusive Inclusive p. AT14 - Performance Bond Amount. Enter the Performance Bond amount only after the apparent high bidder is determined. A performance bond is required for sales that equal or exceed $2,000 in advertised value (FSM 2456.14 and FSH 2409.18 § 54.1). Enter data into TIM at GATE 4 in the Prospectus, Bid and Miscellaneous Information Screen, form ADVR115. Exhibit 21 is an example of a completed AT14 table. 53.4 - Exhibit 21 Example Of Completed AT14 AT14 – Performance Bond Amount, applicable to BT9.1 $ 12,000.00 q. AT15 - Downpayment. Enter the Downpayment amount only after the apparent high bidder is determined. The downpayment amount is 10 percent of the advertised value plus 20 percent of the bid premium. If 36 CFR 223.49(c) or (g) applies, the minimum downpayment becomes equivalent to 20 percent of the advertised rate plus 40 percent of the bid premium (double downpayment). Round the downpayment amount up to the next $100. Enter data into TIM at GATE 4 in the Prospectus, Bid and Miscellaneous Information Screen, form ADVR115. Exhibit 22 is an example of a completed AT15 table. R9 SUPPLEMENT 2409.18-2010-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 04XX/2010 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.18,53 Page 16 of 21 FSH 2409.18 – TIMBER SALE PREPARATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 50 – FINAL PACKAGE PREPARATION, REVIEW, APPRAISAL AND OFFERING – GATE 4 53.4 - Exhibit 22 Example Of Completed AT15 AT15 – Downpayment, applicable to BT4.211 Downpayment Amount: $14,900.00 r. AT21 – Periodic Payment Amounts. The periodic payment is included in contracts when the period between award date and termination date is more than one full normal operating season. For sales being advertised without construction of specified roads, the initial payment date is the midpoint between the award date and the termination date. For sales containing construction of specified roads, the initial payment date is the midpoint between the planned road completion date and the termination date. The amount to be entered is the greater of 50 percent of the bid premium value or 35 percent of the total contract value at bid date, exclusive of required deposits, rounded up to the next $100. Include the additional periodic payment determination date and payment amount for sales exceeding two full normal operating seasons, or enter NA under those columns if less than two normal operating seasons. The additional periodic payment amount is 75 percent of the total contract value at bid date, exclusive of required deposits, rounded up to the next $100. The due date is the midpoint of the last normal operating season, or 12 months from the initial payment determination date, whichever date occurs first. Refer to FSH 2409.15 § 42.31g for additional information on periodic payments. TIM will calculate the periodic payments and will enter the amount and date into the final contract at GATE 5. Exhibit 23 is an example of a completed AT16 table. 53.4 - Exhibit 23 Example Of Completed AT18 AT16 – Periodic Payment Amount, applicable to BT4.213 Periodic Payment Determination Date Initial Payment: October 15, 2010 $ Additional Payment: October 15, 2011 $ Amount 46,400.00 98,000.00 s. AT17 – Market-Related Contract Term Addition Producer Price Index. Include the Market-Related Contract Term Addition Producer Price Index in all contracts exceeding 1 year in length, unless the timber is subject to rapid deterioration. Select the appropriate index based on the species and product that represents at least onehalf of the advertised volume. The default Market-Related Contract Term Addition R9 SUPPLEMENT 2409.18-2010-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 04XX/2010 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.18,53 Page 17 of 21 FSH 2409.18 – TIMBER SALE PREPARATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 50 – FINAL PACKAGE PREPARATION, REVIEW, APPRAISAL AND OFFERING – GATE 4 Producer Price Index is entered to TIM at Site configuration. The entry may be changed in TIM at GATE 4 on the Contract Preparation Information screen, form ADVR114. Exhibit 24 is an example of a completed AT17 table. 53.4 - Exhibit 24 Example Of Completed AT17 AT17 – Market-Related Contract Term Addition Producer Price Index, applicable to BT8.212 Index Name: Softwood Lumber Index Number: 0811 t. AT18 – Inapplicable Standard Provisions. The Instructions for Special Provisions indicate Standard Provisions that are inapplicable. List only those that are to be made inapplicable according to instructions with Special Provisions. TIM will complete this table from information entered in TIM Provisions by either the WO or Regional Office. The following is a list of inapplicable Standard Provisions for all sales: BT4.211 - Downpayment The following is a list of inapplicable Standard Provisions for sales when Forest Service constructs Specified Roads (Turnback): BT2.32 – Construction Clearing BT5.2 - Specified Roads BT6.222 - Protection of Property BT6.312 - Plan of Operation for Road Construction BT6.361 - Acceptance of Specified Roads u. AT19 – List of Special Provisions. List all Special Provisions in this table that are applicable to this sale. TIM will complete this table from information entered in the Select Provisions screen, form ADVR 110. When a qualified small business elects the Forest Service to construct Specified Roads, the following changes must be made after bid date and before award to add these special provisions: CT2.32 – Construction Clearing. CT4.12# - Amount Payable For Timber. CT8.41 – Limitation of Performance by Other than Purchaser. When a purchaser elects the Forest Service to constructs Specified Roads that are to a higher standard than necessary to log the sale, the following additions must be made after bid date and before award: CT2.32 – Construction Clearing. CT4.12# - Amount Payable For Timber. R9 SUPPLEMENT 2409.18-2010-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 04XX/2010 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.18,53 Page 18 of 21 FSH 2409.18 – TIMBER SALE PREPARATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 50 – FINAL PACKAGE PREPARATION, REVIEW, APPRAISAL AND OFFERING – GATE 4 If more than one page is necessary to list all Special Provisions, number as page 7a, 7b, etc. TIM will automatically include “Mandatory” and “Conditionally Mandatory” Special Provisions. Select “Optional” Special Provisions in GATE 4 on the Select Provision screen, form ADVR 110. 53.43 - Division CT Only Special Provisions that have been approved by the Regional Forester or the Washington Office are approved for use. Forest Supervisors may request approval of additional Special Provisions to meet individual sale requirements. Refer to Index of Special Provisions located on the R9 Renewable Resources website (http://fsweb.r9.fs.fed.us/departments/rr/forest/timber/) for Special Provisions approved for use in Region 9. The WO Index and Special Provisions may be found at http://fsweb.wo.fs.fed.us/frs/fm/timbersales/index.shtml. Refer to the instructions with each provision and FSH 2409.15 for use and interpretation of each provision. Select applicable Special Provisions in GATE 4 on the Select Provision screen, form ADVR 110. 53.44 - Other Contract Documents 1. Sale Area Map. The Sale Area Map is a legal document and a part of the Timber Sale Contract. The map shall be complete, accurate, and readily understandable by the designated representatives of Purchaser and Forest Service. If the map is in color, it should not contain any symbols that cannot be easily identified when reproduced in black & white. The map shall show all applicable items listed in Section BT1.1 and as required by Special Provision. Refer to 53.44 - Exhibit 01 of the parent text for a sample map legend. Failure to show any of the required items may invalidate the Contract Provisions for that item. The map should be tailored to the individual sale and should show applicable symbols only. Refer to 53.44 – Exhibit 02 of the parent text and this Regional supplement for approved symbols. Be sure the contract references are current. If the Payment Unit becomes cluttered with map symbols, consider using a table or list on the map. The sale area map may consist of one or more sheets. Title each sheet “Sale Area Map” and number the sheets consecutively; for example, “Sheet 1 of 1” or “Sheet 1 of 2” and so forth. Identify the Sale Name, Ranger District, and National Forest under or near this heading. Include the scale, landlines, legal subdivisions, and north arrow to orient the map. Date each sheet and have the drafter initial it. Refer to 53.44 - Exhibit 01 for a sample map heading. Do not show the location of proposed Temporary Roads on the Sale Area Map, unless they are to remain open. Do not show method of cut, acres, or color of paint on the Sale Area Map. Temporary roads, method of cut, acres and paint color are appropriate to show on the work map. R9 SUPPLEMENT 2409.18-2010-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 04XX/2010 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.18,53 Page 19 of 21 FSH 2409.18 – TIMBER SALE PREPARATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 50 – FINAL PACKAGE PREPARATION, REVIEW, APPRAISAL AND OFFERING – GATE 4 Work maps prepared during sale planning and preparation may be provided as additional information at the pre-operations meeting. They shall not be included as part of the Sale Area Map. Supplemental maps needed to show Specified Roads or other contract requirements will be part of the Timber Sale Contract Sale Area Map. When Forest Service constructs Specified Roads, add to the map legend "When Forest Service performs construction, delete the word 'Specified' from transportation facilities". Revisions of the Sale Area Map items listed in BT1.1, including subdivisions of Payment Units, shall be by formal modification. Do not make informal corrections. Each revision of the Sale Area Map shall be clearly identified as a revision, dated and initialed. 53.44 - Exhibit 01 Sample Sale Area Map Heading SALE AREA MAP Ocean Pond Timber Sale Ironton Ranger District Smokey Bear National Forest T4N, R7E, Sections 23, 24, 28 Scale: 1 inch = 2.64 miles 10/15/2008 jch Sheet 1 of 1 R9 SUPPLEMENT 2409.18-2010-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 04XX/2010 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.18,53 Page 20 of 21 FSH 2409.18 – TIMBER SALE PREPARATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 50 – FINAL PACKAGE PREPARATION, REVIEW, APPRAISAL AND OFFERING – GATE 4 53.44 - Exhibit 02 Standard Sale Area Map Symbols In addition to the parent text, standard sale area map symbols are as follows: Title shown in legend Symbol FS-2400-6T PA FS-2400-3(T,P) FS-2400-4 FS-2400-1 & 8 Protected Areas, CT2.301# Protected Areas, CT2.301# LTM Leave Tree Marking, BT2.35, CT2.36# Leave Tree Marking, BT2.35, CT2.36# CTM Cut Tree Marking, CT2.35# Cut Tree Marking, CT2.35# Cutting Unit Boundary, GC9 Not Applicable GSD Group Selection Designatiion, CT2357# Group Selection Designatiion, CT2357# Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Cutting Unit Boundary, GC9 Not Applicable Not Applicable DxRWS Designation by Row Width Soacing, CT2358# Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable EEEEE Acquired Right-ofway Easement, CT5.11# Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable SYR Skidding and Yarding Requirements, CT6.42# Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable SY Skyline Yarding Specified, BT6.42, CT6.425# Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable SL Skyline Yarding Specified, BT6.42, CT6.425# Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable SR Skidding and Yarding Requirements, CT6.42# Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable SW Skidding and Yarding Requirements, CT6.42# Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable R9 SUPPLEMENT 2409.18-2010-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 04XX/2010 DURATION: This supplement is effective until superseded or removed. 2409.18,53 Page 21 of 21 FSH 2409.18 – TIMBER SALE PREPARATION HANDBOOK CHAPTER 50 – FINAL PACKAGE PREPARATION, REVIEW, APPRAISAL AND OFFERING – GATE 4 SM SDZ Skyline Yarding Specified, BT6.42, CT6.425# Slash Disposal Treatment, CT6.7# Not Applicable Slash Disposal Treatment, CT6.7# SSSSS Not Applicable Not Applicable +-+-+-+-+ Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Not Applicable Slash Treatment Zone, A# Not Applicable Boundary of Skidding/Yarding Requirement, 04# Not Applicable 53.5 - Forest Products Removal Permit and Cash Receipt, Form FS-Permit 2400-1 53.52 - Completion of Permit Use of the Timber Information Manager System is mandatory in Region 9. Use TIM to issue permits; the issue of hard copy permits should only be used when the computer system is not operating. 53.6 - Forest Products Free Use Permit, Permit Form FS-2400-8 53.62 - Completion of Permit Use of the Timber Information Manager System is mandatory in Region 9. Use TIM to issue permits; the issue of hard copy permits should only be used when the computer system is not operating.