2409.18,53.3 Page 1 of 27 FSH 2409.18 - TIMBER SALE PREPARATION HANDBOOK

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R-1 SUPPLEMENT NO. 2409.18-95-3
EFFECTIVE 01/29/96
53.3 - Timber Sale Contract, Form FS-2400-6(T).
1.- Utilization Standards, (A(T)2, B(T)2.2). The following minimum Utilization
Standards shall be used in A(T)2 in all sales with sawlogs subject to per MBF pricing and with
pulp logs, cedar product logs and roundwood subject to per 100 cubic feet (CCF) pricing.
A(T)2 - Volume Estimate & Utilization Standards,
Applicable to B(T)2.1, B(T)2.4, & B(T)6.4
| Minimum Tree |
Minimum Piece
| Specifications |
| Estimated | Include One |
| Diameter | Net
| Quantity | Minimum Piece |
| Inside | Scale
Species and Product
| and Unit |
| Bark at | in % of
| of Measure | Breast High | Length | Small End | Gross
| (MBF) | (dbh) Inches | Feet | Inches | Scale
SAWLOGS (Live & Dead) 1/ |
All species except
| 8.0 |
| 33 1/3
Lodgepole pine
SAWLOGS (Live) 1/
Lodgepole pine
| 8.0 |
| 33 1/3
Lodgepole pine 2/
| 16.0 |
| 33 1/3
All species except
| 12.0 |
| 50%
redcedar pulpable
Western redcedar
As defined in C(T)6.804
As defined in C(T)6.414
Small Tree and
Top Volume
As defined in C(T)6.417
1/ Use C(T)6.802 - SCALING (SAWLOGS LIVE AND DEAD) in contract.
LOGS in contract (Show dead LP as an exception in scaled sales where dead LP will be gross scaled.)
4/ Use C(T)6.804 - SCALING CEDAR PRODUCTS in contract.
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5/ Use C(T)6.414 - SMALL ROUNDWOOD in contract. Include C(T)4.225# - ADVANCED
PAYMENT as companion provision.
6/ Use C(T)6.417 - ROUNDWOOD in contract. Include C(T)4.225# as companion provision.
Minimum piece specifications will not be varied unless approved by the Regional Forester. If
local market conditions do not utilize material required by the minimum utilization
specifications, Forests may request approval from the Regional Forester for an exception to the
standard or standards.
The species and products as classified in the preceding table shall be included in sales, as
appropriate. The corresponding special provisions C(T)6.801, C(T)6.802, C(T)6.804,
C(T)6.808, C(T)6.814, C(T)6.414, C(T)6.417 and C(T)4.225# shall be included in contracts, as
a. Sawlogs (Live and Dead). Live and dead sawlogs will be combined for all species
except lodgepole pine and will be listed under this heading. Lodgepole pine may also be
combined and sold under this heading on individual sales where dead lodgepole pine
makes up less than 1 percent of the sale volume or less than 5 percent of the lodgepole
volume. Forests, where lodgepole pine is not a major species and a significant number
of sales would meet this criteria, may elect to combine live and dead lodgepole pine on
all sales. In this case live and dead lodgepole pine would be combined for appraisal
purposes like all other species in the group.
Utilization standards will be the same for live sawlogs and dead sawlogs under this
For timber inventory record purposes, and for sale program accountability reporting, all
timber will be further classified as chargeable or nonchargeable.
There shall be required removal and utilization of all live and dead sawlog volume. This
material is chargeable to Allowable Sale Quantity (ASQ).
Species shall be grouped for appraisal and for payment under A(T)5 as described in FSH
2409.22, Chapter 20. Total sale value or weighted average per unit of measure are
acceptable bidding methods. Weighted average bidding must be used for all sales where
volume is determined after award. When Forests elect bidding by species group on tree
measurement sales, those groups which comprise less than 25 percent of the total sale
volume shall be sold at fixed rates, not subject to bidding. When bidding is by total sale
value all volume in all categories will be increased proportionately by the bid premium.
b. Sawlogs (Live) and Sawlogs (Dead). Only lodgepole pine will be listed under these
two categories. The dead timber of a stand or sale offering must be determined and
classified as to sawlog, cull, or pulp in advance of a sale for contracting, valuation, and
timber inventory record purposes. When these categories are used the dead component
should be recorded separately in the cruise from the live component. When lodgepole
pine is listed under these categories the live and dead will be appraised separately. All
species may be grouped in AT5 on tree measurement sales for payment purposes.
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c. Pulp Logs. Pulp logs consist of material of all species except cedar that do not meet
sawlog specifications, but meet the specifications stated in A(T)2 for pulp logs.
Lodgepole will be excluded from the pulp category for scaled sales that contain dead
lodgepole sawlog groups in A2.
Required removal of pulp logs shall be provided for in sawlog sales in areas where there
is an established market. Normally, the market for pulp logs is variable. While no
longer the recommended procedure, pulp may be included in C(T)2.11 or C(T)2.11#
(Option 1) when it is desired to make the inclusion of pulp subject to agreement. When
doing this describe the material under the heading "TIMBER SUBJECT TO
AGREEMENT UNDER C(T)2.11#" in A(T)2 and price it in A(T)5b. If a market
develops during the life of a sale, written agreement can be reached to remove all pulp
logs on the sale or a portion of the sale cut over. There is no credit for sell volume when
pulp is included in this manner.
The recommended method for including pulp is to list it in A(T)2 under the heading
"PULPLOGS", showing the estimated volume, and including it under the same heading
in A(T)5b, showing the price. If optional removal is desired, include C(T)2.21# and
C(T)4.225#. If it is desired to require mandatory removal do not include these two
provisions. Whether or not the contract provides for optional or mandatory removal the
purchaser is required to pay for the material and sell credit is given.
The cruise program can handle the pulp component of individual trees, including dead
lodgepole pine.
An offered sale of only pulp logs will, of course, have required removal.
Special provision C(T)6.801, C6.812, or C(T)6.814 shall be used in the contract to
describe and define pulp logs and shall be included in all contracts when pulp logs are
included for either required or optional removal.
Pulp logs shall be sold at flat rates. Bidding will be on the same basis as sawlogs.
When forests elect bidding by species group on tree measurement sales, pulp will be sold
at fixed rates when it comprises less than 25 percent of the sale volume. If it comprises
more than 25 percent of the sale volume it will be open to bidding. When weighted
average bidding is used, which is required on scaled sales and is optional on tree
measurement sales, the rate for pulp will be adjusted after bidding in the same manner as
the sawlogs.
d. Small Sawlogs. This material consists of trees and tops of a smaller size than is
required to met the minimum utilization specifications for sawlogs in A(T)2 of the
contract as defined in C(T)6.414#.
This material will be sold at the fixed rate for small sawlogs in FSH 2409.22, Chapter 80,
with no charges for deposits. Road maintenance will not be charged if the material is
removed with other contract volume. If removed in a separate operation, commensurate
share road maintenance will be charged.
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Removal of this material will be at the option of the purchaser.
e. Roundwood. This material consists of trees and tops of a smaller size than is
required to met the minimum utilization specifications for sawlogs in A(T)2 of the
contract as defined in C(T)6.417.
Roundwood will be sold at the fixed rate as stated in FSH 2409.22, Chapter 80, with no
charges for deposits. Road maintenance will not be charged if the material is removed
with other contract volume. If removed in separate operation, commensurate share road
maintenance will be charged.
This material will be mandatory removal with optional decking by agreement, use
C(T)6.417. This provision should only be used when the preharvest conditions for
inclusion of roundwood in sawlog sales is met (FSH 2409.18, Chapter 80).
f. Cedar Products Logs. Required removal of cedar product logs shall be provided for in
sawlog sales in areas where there is an established market. Where there is a question
about the market, removal subject to agreement shall be provided through the use of
C(T)2.11# with the material described in A(T)2 and priced in A(T)5b. Special provision
C(T)6.804 will be used in the contract to describe and define cedar product logs.
An estimate of the volume of cedar product logs shall be made and shown in the contract
where there is required removal. When material is shown as being subject to agreement
under C(T)2.11 the volume is always shown as unestimated.
Cedar product logs shall be sold at flat rates. Bidding will be on the same basis as
described above for pulp, depending on whether bidding is by total sale value or by
species groups.
2. Stump Heights, A(T)8, B(T)6.412. The normal maximum stump height for all
species is 12 inches. Lower maximum stump heights should be established when practical, as in
sales of second growth timber, intermediate cuts, and in small diameter stands on slopes less than
50 percent. In doing so, judge the stand and site conditions to be harvested and not just the
individual species within a stand. If highly impractical felling and log handling problems with
large mature, swell-butted western redcedar are anticipated, stump heights for the cedar may be
increased to a maximum of 20 inches.
Stump heights shown in A(T)8 should be selected with the objective of obtaining maximum,
reasonable utilization of the timber.
3. Specified Roads, A(T)9, B(T)5.2. When completing the "Survey Class" for each
specified road project listed in A(T)9 where purchaser has survey responsibility, show the
Survey Precision Class as well as the Survey Type or Class.
When completing the "Design Class", change heading to "Service Level" and fill in level as
stated in FSH 7709.56, Chapter 4. (Example: Service Level A, B, C, or D).
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Surfacing applied during construction of new specified roads, or in the reconstruction of existing
roads, may need dust palliative treatment to avoid excessive loss of such surfacing during
hauling, and to abate dust. When needed, it shall be considered a construction item and applied
under Specification 412 - DUST PALLIATIVE TREATMENT. Normally, only the initial
application, which may be applied in more than one pass, is warranted as a construction item.
a. Estimated Cost, A(T)10, B(T)5.24. The Schedule of Items, A(T)10 and the
applicable purchaser credit limit provisions were designed to apply to fixed investments;
such as, construction, reconstruction, or betterment of a road project segment.
The initial surface treatment or dust palliative applied under Sections 412 and 702 of the
Standard and Supplemental Specifications, as a road construction item, shall be shown in
the Schedule of Items and shall receive purchaser credit when the work is performed.
Subsequent surface or dust palliative treatments are a part of normal or routine
maintenance under C(T)5.4# - ROAD MAINTENANCE or C(T)5.441# - DUST
ABATEMENT TREATMENT and shall not receive purchaser credit when performed.
Estimated costs for such maintenance treatments shall be included in the road
maintenance appraisal allowance (FSH 2409.22, Chapter 20).
b. Deficit Sales. If sale deficits are to be offset by contributed cash or materials, a
preliminary contract will be prepared and be available during the advertising period.
This will be the final contract, if no bid premium is experienced, or if the purchaser does
not elect Forest Service construction. The Schedule of Items will show purchaser credit
to be earned and C(T)5.201# - COOPERATIVE CONSTRUCTION will show the
contributions, including cash.
(1) A(T)9. Complete as normal, showing the total job to do.
(2) Schedule of Items. The sample contract will be completed to show the total
purchaser credit associated with the engineers estimate and the anticipated contribution at
the advertised rates. The SAMPLE CONTRACT NOTICE - CONTRIBUTION - will be
included in the sample contract and will be placed immediately preceding the Schedule of
Items for sale packages with contributed funding (see 53.3 - Exhibit 01 in a separate
document). Samples of A(T)9, A(T)10, Schedule of Items and C(T)5.201#, before and
after bidding, are provided for information in 53.3 - Exhibits 02 through 06 in separate
(3) C(T)5.201# - COOPERATIVE CONSTRUCTION. C(T)5.201# may be used to
describe the contribution. "May" is used because if the contribution is only in materials,
such as culverts, there is no need for any special provision except making the proper
entry in the Schedule of Items. However, to make any contribution clear, C(T)5.201#
should list both cash and material contributions. C(T)5.201# and the instructions with it
are directed to cooperative supplementation, but can readily be used for contributions.
In completing C(T)5.201# include the statement "that for a phase or item of described
work, any cash contribution will be paid only after the work as been completed and
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If a bid premium is experienced, several changes will be made in the contract before it is
presented to the purchaser for execution.
First, C(T)5.201# will be revised to eliminate contributions in an amount equal to the bid
premium. Where contributions are in the form of materials, the reduction will be in a
logical useable unit, reasonably close to the exact dollar amount. The Schedule of Items
will also be revised to add the value of the work reduced in the revision of C(T)5.201#.
The change or addition will show up in both the appropriate construction phase items and
the purchaser credit limit. The net result of these adjustments will be that the purchaser
credit limit will be raised in an amount equal to, or approximately equal to, the bid
premium. See examples in 53.3 Exhibits 02 through 06 in separate documents.
Note that the degree, amount of deficit, or the amount of effective purchaser credit that
may be available during the sale has no effect on this bid premium adjustment to
purchaser credit. In other words, the contribution will be reduced by the total bid
premium value even though the bid increase has not resulted in raising the profit level to
50 percent of normal.
When the applicable item of work had been completed and approved, the cash
contributions are processed separately from purchaser credit and only after earned
purchaser credit is established. There is no "holdback" on payment of contributed funds.
The procedures for payment of the contribution are to be handled through the regular
timber sale accounting process upon completion of each phase of construction listed in
C(T)5.201#. No partial payment or credit is allowed for uncompleted phases of
construction included in contributions.
In the event a small business purchaser elects to have Forest Service construct the roads,
he agrees to pay the total estimated cost and receives no contributed funds.
(4) C(T)5.251 - VARIATION IN QUANTITIES. The only culvert installations to be
adjusted under C(T)5.251 will be those shown on the drawings, which must be
lengthened or shortened to fit actual field conditions.
The following shall be considered as a design change under C(T)5.254 - DESIGN
(a) All culverts for installation, in addition to those shown on the drawings.
(b) Installation shown on the drawing which are to be deleted.
(c) Installation having changes in types or diameter from that shown on the drawings
Note that C(T)5.251 makes B(T)5.251 inapplicable and C(T)5.254 makes B(T)5.252 and
B(T)5.254 inapplicable. This makes a portion of A(T)11 and A(T)12 inapplicable.
Continue to use the portion of A(T)11 pertaining to rock source.
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C(T)5.121 and C(T)5.122 should not be in the schedule of items for construction, but
should instead be shown only in Table A-10. The statement "C(T)5.121 - Deposits for
Reconstruction Engineering Services" or "C(T)5.122 - Deposits for Actual
Reconstruction" would be shown with the total dollar amount given under the Other,
Total, and Purchaser Credit Limit columns. The reference to the Schedule of Items for
the road construction estimate should be changed to "For Project Segments and for
Applicable Purchaser Credit Limits for Specified Road Construction, see Schedule of
Items." Reference 53.3 - Exhibit 06 in a separate document.
4. Fire Prevention and Control, AT15, A18, B(T)7.2. The following procedure shall be
used to determine the purchaser's cost of fire suppression responsibility in Section AT15,
2400-6T contracts (or Section A18 of 2400-6 contracts), and the supporting calculation shall be
documented in the Timber Sale Appraisal Report. The normal number of persons required for
operation of the sale, including the mill crew, if the normal method of operating the sale would
include the mill crew as a part of the operating force, would be multiplied by the semi-skilled
firefighter wage rate per 12-hour shift. The maximum contractual daily liability of the
Purchaser for each non-negligent fire will be the value of a normal crew for a sale of that size,
multiplied by the number of days normally required to control and mop up such fires to a point
of safety. The number of days normally required for this are as follows:
Westside Zone
Northern Rocky Zone
5 days
3 days
For calculation purposes, use most current AD-3 rate (reference Forest Business
Management Handbook, 5109.34).
AT14 of the 2400-6T contract (and A17 of the 2400-6 contract) require the distance in
road miles within which the purchaser must transport persons and equipment to take
immediate, independent, initial fire suppression, or reinforcement action for any fire on
the sale area. Generally, mileage for Initial Fire Suppression will not exceed 10 miles
and Fire Suppression Reinforcement will not exceed 50 miles.
Fire Precautionary Period to be stated in AT13 of the 2400-6T contract (or A16 of the
2400-6 contract) shall be the period of time proclaimed by individual States.
5. Operating Season, AT17, A 20, B(T)6.31. The dates for the normal operating season
entered in AT17 and A20 should be selected to encompass the period when the sale area is
expected to be normally accessible for logging and hauling. The dates should be based on the
individual sale characteristics.
6. Division CT - Regional Special Provisions. These provisions have continuing
application within the Region. The Regional Forester develops, approves, and distributes
Regional special provisions. Each provision is dated (month and year) following the title to
indicate when that provision was approved for use in the Region.
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Regional special provisions provide contractual language needed to obtain environmental
protection and to meet management objectives.
a. Conduct of Logging, C(T)6.4#. C(T)6.4# shall be used in all contracts. This
provision is the vehicle by which the land management objectives, silvicultural
prescriptions, and concerns for each sale are translated into prescribed harvesting
methods and procedures necessary to meet the objectives. The prescribed methods must
be reasonable, practicable, and will be the least costly methods that meet the objectives
and constraints.
When preparing scaled, load count, or weight measured contracts, change the word
"Payment Unit" to "Subdivision."
Requirements included in contracts shall be only those necessary to manage and protect
the resource, and must be addressed in the Environmental Assessment. Limit the
number of items listed to as few as necessary. There shall be no deviation in the
following wording, without advance approval by the Regional Forester.
(1) All Payment Units (any method of skidding or yarding).
(a) To assure timely completion of units:
Purchaser shall be allowed to operate in not more than
any time.
cutting units at
(b) In situations where it is necessary to restrict operations to a single Payment Unit:
Purchaser's Operations in a Payment Unit shall be completed and accepted
prior to entry into the next Payment Unit.
(c) When it is necessary to control the order in which Payment Units are logged, use
either or both statements as needed:
The sequence of logging Payment Units shall be
(List Payment Unit numbers, dates, and so forth). Operations on each Payment
Unit shall be completed and accepted prior to entry into the next Payment Unit.
(d) When whole tree skidding or yarding is required:
In cutting unit(s)
, whole trees shall be (skidded) (yarded) to landings.
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(2) Felling and Bucking.
To restrict residual stand damage:
Trees shall be felled, insofar as safety permits, to angle in the direction of
Purchaser and Forest Service will agree on felling lead at the time of approval of
tractor roads/skyline corridors.
Purchaser shall stage log by felling and skidding included timber in two or more
separate operations.
A stage logging schedule will be agreed to in writing between the Purchaser and
the Forest Service prior to the start of operations.
(3) All Tractor Units.
(a) When it is necessary to protect soil, leave trees, or regeneration in tractor units:
Tractor skid roads will be located, approved, (and constructed) in advance of
(b) To reduce ground disturbance:
Logs shall be tractor skidded with the leading end free of the ground.
(4) Tractor Skidding in Partial Cuts.
(a) To protect residual stand; restrict tractors from traversing entire area:
Tractors shall be restricted to approved skid roads.
(b) To restrict damage to residual stand:
The maximum overall width of tractors shall be less than
Tractor skid roads shall be no less than
feet apart, except where
(c) To restrict residual stand damage with designated skid roads; the number of rub trees
needed will be determined on the ground and agreed to by Forest Service:
Trees designated for cutting and/or logs will be left as rub trees along tractor
skid roads/skyline corridors as needed to protect young growth and leave
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(d) To reduce residual stand damage where excessive downed material is present in
partial cut units:
Bucking of windfalls and down material across skid road location is required
in advance of construction.
(5) Tractor Skidding on Sensitive Soils (partial cuts and clearcuts).
(a) To protect small regeneration in tractor units:
Tractor skidding is allowed only over
inches of settled snow or frozen
(b) To protect sensitive soils in tractor units:
Prior to skidding operations, any snow on the approved skid road locations
shall be removed or compacted to allow soil to freeze to a minimum depth of
___ inches. Once the soil is frozen, skidding can commence and continue as
long as the soil remains frozen to a minimum depth of ___ inches.
(6) All Cable Units.
When rigging must be slung on residual trees:
When rigging is attached to residual trees, tree plates or similar protective
devices shall be used and removed when rigging is removed.
(7) All Skyline Units.
(a) For all skyline yarding systems:
Except for lateral yarding, logs shall be yarded with the leading end free of
the ground.
(b) To minimize damage to residual trees in skyline units:
The skyline logging system shall provide for lateral yarding distance up to
feet. The carriage must maintain a fixed position on the skyline while lateral
yarding. During the lateral yarding phase, logs shall be yarded along a path
which minimizes damage to residual trees.
(c) To minimize damage to residual trees in partial cut skyline units:
Skyline corridors shall be located on the ground and approved in advance of
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(d) To minimize visual impact and damage to the residual stand in all skyline partial cuts:
Where topography will permit, skyline corridors shall be spaced not less
feet apart nor more than
feet apart at the point of widest
divergence within the cutting unit.
(e) In special situations where visual quality or other conditions require specific corridor
The location of all skyline corridors shall be approved by Forest Service in
advance of felling trees in corridors or the adjacent timber.
(f) To prevent excessive corridor width in all skyline partial cuts:
Skyline corridors shall have only those trees cut that are necessary to allow
the safe free passage of the carriage and turn of logs. Width of skyline
corridors shall be kept to a practicable minimum consistent with the related
silvicultural prescription.
(g) To maintain intermediate support trees when future entries are planned and adequate
trees are unavailable:
Notwithstanding other designations for cutting, all trees used to support
multispan jacks shall be left uncut.
(h) Use in skyline units where known inadequate deflection exists over most of the unit
or in specific locations such as ledges, rock outcrops, or similar localized ground
undulations. This should not be used for blanket protection for unknown occasional
blind leads:
When setting where it is not possible to suspend the leading end of the log
during inhaul, an intermediate support will be required. The support must
be sufficient to suspend the leading end of the turn as the carriage traverses
the skyline.
(8) Swings.
(a) When a skyline swing is required:
A skyline swing is required. The skyline system used must be capable of
keeping the leading end of the logs suspended above the ground during
inhaul except for a distance of ___ feet from the tail tree. The location of the
swing corridor must be located on the ground and approved in advance of
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(b) On all sales where tractor swing is required:
A tractor swing is required. The tractor must be capable of keeping the
leading end of the log suspended above the ground. The location of the
swing tractor road must be located on the ground and approved in advance
of use.
(9) Special Treatment Areas.
In special situations, such as campgrounds, archeological sites, or where constructed skid
roads or trails are prohibited, and where equipment would damage or disturb the area:
No skidding or yarding equipment is allowed to operate within the area.
Merchantable products shall be winched from outside the area.
Unmerchantable material meeting specifications in C(T)6.7 shall be removed
and deposited at least
feet outside the special treatment zone.
b. Slash Disposal, (BT(B)6.7). Purchaser slash disposal and treatment requirements
will be described in the Slash Treatment Plan and shown on the Hazard Reduction and
Site Preparation Map (reference C(T)6.7). The plan should be specific as to size and
type of material to be treated, whether it includes only debris created by the sale, or all
debris, including existing material on the ground.
Consideration should be given to piling material suitable for firewood separately from
material which is to be burned.
Except for handpiling of slash, or for some other special reason, the size requirements for
treatment should not be less than the 3-inch diameter and 3-foot length used for specified
road clearing. If purchaser burning is required, insert C(T)6.711 in the contract.
In Montana, purchaser disposal of logging slash or clearing debris by burning must
comply with requirements established by the Montana Department of Health and
Environmental Sciences, Air Quality Bureau. During the period of September 1 through
November 30, there are restrictions on open burning based on forecasted ventilation
conditions. From December 1 through February 28, open burning is prohibited with
some allowable exceptions.
All requirements are contained in the Annual Air Quality Permit issued each year to the
Forest Service. The conditions of this permit must be complied with by anyone acting
on behalf of the agency.
Activities in Idaho that have the potential to impact Montana airsheds shall follow the
same air quality management practices as those being followed in Montana.
Contracting Officers shall ensure that the burning restrictions described above are
included in the written permit issued to purchasers under CT(C)6.711.
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The following shall be used as a guide for writing various purchaser requirements.
These treatments may be varied to meet land management objectives.
(1)Required in All Contracts.
(a) Unless otherwise agreed in writing, Purchaser shall perform the following work
described below and as shown on the Hazard Reduction and Site Preparation Map.
(b) Forest Service and Purchaser shall jointly develop a schedule for completion of slash
treatment on the various portions of the sale area.
(2)Hand Fireline, Units.
Firelines shall be constructed by hand around the perimeter or portions of
the perimeter as designated on the Hazard Reduction and Site Preparation
Map. A fuelbreak shall be cleared of all vegetative debris larger than
inch large end diameter and
feet long for a minimum width of
All vegetative material removed from the fuelbreak shall be scattered within the
unit and not windrowed or otherwise concentrated adjacent to the fuelbreak.
Large fuels, such as chunks of logs, shall be placed in line laying up and down the
slope so they will not roll down the slope during burning operations. On the
exterior edge of the fuelbreak a fireline will be constructed so that a continuous
mineral soil line not less than
feet in width shall be cleared to completely
expose mineral soil. All material removed in construction of the fireline shall be
placed outside of the fireline and scattered so concentrations next to the fireline
do not exist.
Optional Inclusion #1
Firelines installed along the bottom of a unit on slopes over 35 percent will be
"V" shaped, at least 12 inches deep, with dirt thrown over the duff and
debris just outside the mineral soil line. (An illustration may be included
with these specifications to show the purchaser proper construction of the
"V" trenches).
Optional Inclusion #2
Any rotten logs or stumps laying outside of the unit and within
feet of the
mineral soil fireline shall be covered with dirt. Any fuels outside of the mineral
soil fireline which extend over it and within
feet of the ground shall be
removed and scattered within the cutting unit away from the fuelbreak.
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(3) Machine Fireline, Units.
Firelines shall be constructed by machine around the perimeter, portions of
the perimeter of the cutting units or at locations as shown on the Hazard
Reduction and Site Preparation Map. A fuelbreak shall be cleared of all
vegetative debris larger than
inch large end diameter and
feet long
for a minimum width of
feet. All vegetative material removed from the
fuelbreak shall be scattered within the unit and not windrowed or otherwise
concentrated adjacent to the fuelbreak. On the exterior edge of the fuelbreak a
fireline will be constructed so that a continuous mineral soil line not less than
feet and not greater than
feet shall be cleared completely to expose mineral
soil. Slash will not be buried or covered with dirt during the construction of the
fireline. The total width of the fireline and fuelbreak will not exceed
Optional Inclusion #1
The mineral soil line shall not be any deeper than to expose mineral soil. All
material removed in the construction of the fireline shall be placed outside of
the fireline and scattered so concentrations next to the fireline do not exist.
(4) Fuelbreak, Units.
Fuelbreaks shall be constructed by (machine) (hand) around the perimeter,
portions of the perimeter or at locations as shown on the Hazard Reduction
and Site Preparation Map. The fuelbreak shall be cleared of all vegetative
debris larger than
inch large end diameter and
feet long for a
minimum width of
feet. Large fuels, such as chunks of logs, shall be placed
in line up and down the slope so they will not roll down the slope during burning
operations. All vegetative material removed from the fuelbreak shall be scattered
within the unit and not windrowed or otherwise concentrated adjacent to the
(5) Handpile, Units.
Purchaser shall handpile all logging slash within the cutting units as shown
on the Hazard Reduction and Site Preparation Map. Slash to be piled shall
include all material from
inch diameter up to and including
inches in
diameter at the large end, having a minimum length of
feet. Piles shall have
a minimum height of
feet. Piles shall be located at least
feet away
from any residual green tree. If conditions make it impractical to locate piles so
that damage to residual green trees can be avoided, an area designated by the
Forest Service will be cleared and used as a piling area. No piles are to be made
in system roads, streams or within the channel bottom above any culvert intake.
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Piles shall be constructed reasonably compact and free of soil to facilitate
burning. Piles shall also be constructed with enough fine material (less than 1/4
inch in diameter), such as twigs and needles to easily ignite and burn the pile.
All piles should have a good base to prevent the pile from toppling. Piles will
not be made on downed logs or stumps.
Optional Inclusion #1
The purchaser is required to handpile
acres to the following
specifications. The actual acres to be piled will be designated after logging is
completed. Stakes will be placed to show where the piling is to be done and the
debris within a 25 foot radius of each stake must be piled.
stakes are equal
to one acre.
stakes will be set out to fulfill the
acre requirement.
Optional Inclusion #2
Any piles on slopes greater than 40 percent shall be staked to prevent pile
Optional Inclusion #3
Upon approval by the Forest Service, windrow handpiles not more than
feet in length, may be substituted for individual piles.
(6) Landing Cleanup, Units.
A landing is considered a place where any logs or products are gathered for
loading. Logs not meeting utilization standards accumulated at landings
shall be (decked) or (returned to the cutting unit) as agreed to in writing by
the Forest Service. All slash accumulated at landings shall be piled, unless it
is agreed in writing that slash can be thrown back into an area that is
planned to be broadcast burned.
Piles shall be reasonably compact and free of soil to facilitate burning. Piles will
not be less than
feet in height. Piles shall be of a size and location which
will not impair road use or result in damage to residual timber. Piles shall be
located at least
feet from residual timber. Piles shall not be more than
feet long.
Optional Inclusion #1
Landing debris along temporary roads within the cutting units may be piled
in conjunction with temporary road construction slash. Landing piles shall
be placed along the lower side of the road.
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Optional Inclusion #2
All objects which extend more than
feet in any direction from the
windrow or pile profile will be cut off and returned to the windrow or pile.
Optional Inclusion #3
The piling of landings will be done by a grapple-type machine.
(7) Dozer Pile, Units.
Purchaser shall dozer pile all slash meeting the following specifications in
cutting units or portions of cutting units as shown on the Hazard Reduction
and Site Preparation Map. Piles shall be reasonably compact, free of soil
and of such a size to facilitate burning. Piles will have a minimum height of
feet and shall be placed at least
feet in from the outside perimeter of the
cutting unit boundary. Piles shall be located at least twice their diameter from
residual timber provided damage will not occur during burning operations.
The treatment shall be uniform throughout the area. The objective will be to
disturb as little of the duff layer as possible and to leave
scattered pieces per
acre exceeding
inches in diameter and
feet in length. In areas above
the road cut slopes, no piling will be done within 10 feet of the upper back slope.
Optional Inclusion #1
All objects which extend more than
feet in any direction from the
windrow or pile profile will be cut off and returned to the windrow or pile. The
dozer piling machine will not be operated within
feet of a stream channel or
live stream and
feet from any residual green tree. Windrows will have a
break 20 feet wide very
feet of windrow length.
Optional Inclusion #2
Piling will be accomplished with a machine, of such size, that will cause
minimal damage to the residual timber and with an acceptable brush piling
blade. If unacceptable damage occurs to the residual timber during piling
operations the Forest Service may elect to require the Purchaser to use a
smaller machine or use a different operator. The piling blade on the
machine will be a type that will obtain the optimum results as per the above
specifications. If unacceptable results occur as a result of the type of blade
used then the Forest Service can require the Purchaser to use a different
brush piling blade that will accomplish the objectives or require using a
different operator. (An illustration may be included with these
specifications to show acceptable dozer blade requirements).
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(8) Slashing, Units.
Purchaser shall fell all live and dead (coniferous and/or deciduous)
vegetation not meeting utilization standards and over
feet in height,
unless otherwise designated to be left standing. Stump height shall not exceed
inches from ground surface as measured on the uphill side. Trees shall be
completely severed from the stump.
Optional Inclusion #1
Material to be slashed within
feet of the boundary of a unit shall be felled
toward the center of the unit. Any material which falls outside of the unit shall
be returned to a minimum of
feet inside of the boundary. All roads within
these units shall be kept free of slashed material. Slashed vegetation shall be
felled along the contour as much as possible for water runoff soil movement
Optional Inclusion #2
No slashing will occur within
feet of any (live stream)(stream channel)
within the cutting unit boundary as designated on the Hazard Reduction and Site
Preparation Map.
Optional Inclusion #3
Trees over
feet or more in height after being pulled over in the felling or
yarding/skidding operation shall be severed from the stump.
(9) Perimeter Slashing, Units.
Purchaser shall fell all live and dead (coniferous and/or deciduous)
vegetation within
feet around the inside perimeter of the cutting unit
boundary, as shown on the Hazard Reduction and Site Preparation Map, that do
not meet utilization standards and are over
feet in height unless otherwise
designated to be left standing. Material within
feet of the boundary of a
unit shall be felled toward the center of the unit. Any slashed material which
falls outside the unit shall be returned to a minimum of
feet inside of the
boundary. All system roads within these units shall be kept free of slashed
material. Stump height shall not exceed
inches from ground surface as
measured on the uphill side. Trees shall be completely severed from the stump.
Optional Inclusion #1
Trees over
feet or more in height which are pulled over in the felling or
yarding/skidding operation shall be severed from the stump.
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Optional Inclusion #2
No slashing will occur within
feet of any (live stream)(stream channel)
within the cutting unit boundary as designated on the Hazard Reduction and Site
Preparation Map.
(10) Lopping, Units.
Prior to skidding operations, Purchaser shall cut all exposed limbs from
Included Timber. Such limbing shall be done to a top diameter of
inches diameter inside bark, at which point the top will be
cut from the remainder of the stem. Limbs shall be severed from the remaining
top and all limbs cut from the top and boles will not extend over
feet in
height above the ground.
(11) Clean System Roads, Units.
Purchaser shall dispose of all logging slash
inch large end diameter and
feet in length which is created within the clearing limits of system roads. Slash
shall be piled for later burning within the right-of-way clearing unless an alternate
method of slash disposal is agreed to in writing. Piles shall be reasonably
compact and free of soil to facilitate burning. Piles shall be of a size and location
which will not impair road use. Piles shall be a minimum of twice their diameter
from any residual timber.
(Piles can be made by machine or hand. Portions of the specifications for
machine or hand piles can be used as needed under this specification).
Fell Damaged Residual, Units.
Purchaser shall fell all species over
feet in height not meeting minimum
diameter specifications for Included Timber that are damaged beyond recovery by
the Purchaser's Operations. Such trees shall be limbed to a stem diameter of
inches, at which point the top shall be cut from the remainder
of the stem. These stems shall be bucked into lengths shorter than
(13) Yard Tops, Units:
Purchaser shall leave the tops of felled trees attached to the top log and yard
them to landings (within the entire cutting unit) (within a strip
feet in
width) as shown on the Hazard Reduction and Site Preparation Map.
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(14) Limb and Top Removal, Units.
Purchaser shall leave tops and limbs of felled trees attached to Included
Timber and yard them to landings (within the entire cutting unit) (within a
feet in width) as shown on the Hazard Reduction and Site Preparation
Tops and limbs which are lost on the way to the landing site due to normal felling,
skidding and/or yarding operations are not required to be yarded.
(15) Yarding Unutilized Material, Units.
Purchaser shall yard (from the entire cutting unit) (within a strip
feet in
width) as shown on the Hazard Reduction and Site Preparation Map to landings or
other locations agreed to in writing and deck all unutilized material
inches or
larger in large end diameter and
feet or more in length.
(16) Slash Throwback, Units.
Purchaser shall move all logging slash created by Purchaser's Operations
that is outside of the unit boundary
inch or larger in large end diameter,
feet or more in length to locations at least
feet within the
boundaries of such units.
(17) Purchaser Pile and Burn, Units.
Purchaser shall pile and burn all logging slash. This slash shall be piled and
burned where it will not damage residual timber. All burning will be done
under an approved burning permit.
percent of the material piled shall be
consumed by the burning.
(18) Leave Tree Protection, Units.
Purchaser shall remove all logging slash created by Purchaser's Operations
from around the base of all designated leave trees for a distance of
on the sides,
feet above and
feet below the bole of the leave trees.
The fuel break shall be cleared of all vegetative material larger than
in diameter on the large end and
feet long or longer in length. Large fuels,
such as chunks of logs, will be placed in line up and down the slope so they will
not roll down slope during burning operations. The slash will not be piled or
windrowed but scattered so as not to concentrate the slash around the perimeter of
the fuel break.
(19) Leave Tops, Units.
All Included Timber shall have tops and limbs cut from the stems prior to
skidding. These tops and limbs shall be left in the cutting units where the
timber is felled.
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(20) Buck, Units.
Purchaser shall buck all pieces not meeting utilization standards and over
inches in diameter into lengths not to exceed
feet in length.
(21) Chip, Units.
Logging slash that can be chipped up to
inches in diameter shall be
processed though a chipping machine. Chips shall be scattered to a loose depth
not to exceed
inches within the cutting unit (outside of the cutting unit).
Chips will not be piled.
(22) Pile Covering, Units.
Purchaser shall cover all piles with waterproof material. A minimum of(
square feet of each pile) (
percent of the surface area) shall be covered. This
covering shall be placed over the center of the pile. Pieces of branch wood shall
be placed on top of the covering to secure it. The material used to cover the piles
will not violate the State of Idaho and Montana rules for control of open burning.
Such things as plastics, tar paper, asphalt material, and so forth, do not meet the
open burning rules.
(This specification may be kept separate or placed within any one of the piling
specifications as needed.)
(23) Machine (Grapple) Slash Piling, Units.
Purchaser shall machine pile all slash meeting the following specifications in
cutting units or portions of cutting units as shown on the Hazard Reduction
and Site Preparation Map. Piles shall be compact, free of soil and of
sufficient size to facilitate burning. Piles will be a minimum height of
feet and shall be placed no closer than
feet from the outside perimeter of
the unit, system roads, wet areas, or other areas designated on the ground by the
Forest Service. No pile or windrow shall be closer than
feet from any
standing reserve trees. All material extending more than
feet beyond the
outside perimeter of the pile shall be trimmed off and returned to the pile.
Purchaser will leave a minimum of
pieces and a maximum of
woody material over
inches in diameter on the large end and
feet in length scattered over each acre.
pieces of
All piled material shall be placed parallel in the piles as much as practicable.
Windrows will be permitted on steep slopes and can be placed perpendicular to
the slope. Windrows will have a break 20 feet wide every
feet of the
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The crawler-type excavator shall be equipped with a grapple or a bucket with a
thumb, or a combination of both. The machine must be capable of reaching 20
feet either side of the machine and be able to pile slash at least 15 feet in height.
The grapple or bucket must be capable of grasping slash 2 inches to 30 inches in
diameter. The excavator must be capable of operating on 45 percent side slopes.
Optional Inclusion #1
A minimum of 20 percent and a maximum of 30 percent of the workable
ground surface uniformly distributed over the unit shall be scarified to bare
mineral soil.
Optional Inclusion #2
Piling and scarification activities shall occur only when soil moisture content
is 45 percent or less.
(24) Scatter, Units.
Logging slash shall be scattered away from and without unnecessary damage
to residual trees. All scattered logs shall be limbed, placed away from trees
and positioned so they will not roll. Other logging slash shall be scattered to
reduce slash concentrations with slash being generally left within
inches of
the ground and not in piles.
(25) Remove, Units.
Logging slash shall be moved or hauled to locations shown on the Hazard
Reduction and Site Preparation Map and designated on the ground where it
shall be piled for disposal.
(26) Move Heavy Fuels, Units.
As a preparatory measure to facilitate broadcast burning of slash, Purchaser
shall move all unutilized products, logs, and down trees
inches or larger in
large end diameter to locations at least
feet within the exterior boundaries
of the cutting unit.
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53.3 - Exhibit 01
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53.3 - Exhibit 02
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53.3 - Exhibit 03
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53.3 - Exhibit 04
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53.3 - Exhibit 05
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53.3 - Exhibit 06