MSE 308 Thermodynamics of Materials Dept. of Materials Science & Engineering

MSE 308
Thermodynamics of Materials
Dept. of Materials Science & Engineering
Spring 2005/Bill Knowlton
Extra Credit 4
In class, I handed out Chapter 0 of A Mathematica Companion for Differential
Equations. Using the computers in MEC 408 (or your own software package of
Mathematica), use Mathematica to do the following exercises:
1. Chapter 0.3.1 – Exercise 7
2. Chapter 0.3.1 – Redo the examples
3. Chapter 0.3.1 – Exercise 1 and 2
The exercises must be in a Mathematica Notebook using a Style Sheet and several
different Styles. In the style sheet:
o Note your affiliation (name, class, assignment) using a specific Style
Make sure you document your Notebook
Turn in the Notebook
Email the Notebook to me
Worth 5 points towards Problem Set 8.
MSE 308 Extra Credit 4.doc