PII: Acta mater. Vol. 47, No. 5, pp. 1497±1511, 1999 # 1999 Acta Metallurgica Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved Printed in Great Britain S1359-6454(99)00028-2 1359-6454/99 $20.00 + 0.00 ION IMPLANTATION-INDUCED NANOSCALE PARTICLE FORMATION IN Al2O3 AND SiO2 VIA REDUCTION E.M. HUNT1 and J.M. HAMPIKIAN2{ Columbian Chemical Company, Marietta, Georgia, U.S.A. and 2School of Materials Science and Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology, 778 Atlantic Drive, Atlanta, GA 30332-0245, U.S.A. 1 (Received 23 July 1998; accepted in revised form 6 January 1999; accepted 10 January 1999) AbstractÐA novel method for creating nano-dimensional metallic precipitates in oxide materials using the technology of ion implantation is reported. The reduction of single-crystalline alumina to Al and fused silica to Si is induced by ion implantation with ions which are selected in accordance with the laws of thermodynamics. The Al and Si resulting from reduction subsequently cluster and react with other elements to form nano-dimensional precipitates. The implantation of 150 keV Y+ and Ca+ into alumina to a ¯uence of 5 1016 ions/cm2, results in Al particles with an average diameter of 12.5 nm and 8.0 nm, respectively. Alumina implanted with Mg+ at the same ion energy and ¯uence forms MgAl2O4 platelets ranging from 5 to 10 nm in width and between 15 and 40 nm in length. The implantation of silica with 160 keV Zr+ ions to a ¯uence of 1 1017 Zr+/cm2, results in the formation of ZrSi2 particles ranging in size between 1 and 17 nm. Consistent with thermodynamic predictions, control implants of Cr+ and Si+ in alumina and Cr+ in silica do not result in the formation of particles that contain elements originally present in the substrate. # 1999 Acta Metallurgica Inc. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. INTRODUCTION Dielectric materials with nonlinear optical properties have a wide variety of potential applications, including use in opto-electronic systems [1±4]. The desirable properties are the result of a ®ne dispersion of nano-sized particles (less than 10 nm in diameter) which are embedded in the oxide substrate. Nanoparticle formation via ion implantation has been studied extensively in the last decade because ion implantation is ideally suited for the fabrication of planar devices. In this study, the formation of metallic nano-dimensional particles in two dierent oxide systems, alumina (Al2O3) and silica (SiO2), has been achieved through a novel synthesis route, the ion implantation-induced reduction of the host matrix. The appearance of colloidal features in ceramic materials due to ion implantation has been reported by a number of researchers for ion ¯uences ranging between approximately 1 1016 and 1 1017 ions/ cm2 [5±11]. In this type of colloid formation, ion implantation is used to create a supersaturated solution near the surface of the substrate which is followed by precipitation of the implanted ion and the formation of nanocrystals [11]. In alumina, the precipitation of the implanted material is usually induced by holding the samples at an elevated temperature during implantation or by performing a {To whom all correspondence should be addressed. post-implantation annealing treatment. This type of colloid formation in alumina has been reported for implantations of Au [5], Ag [6], Cu [7], Fe [8], Ni [9], Mn [10], Si and Ge [11]. Compound semiconductor crystals can also be formed through this implantation and precipitation process. White et al. [11] have demonstrated the formation of SiGe, GaAs, InAs, GaP, InP, CdS, CdSe and GaN via sequential implantation of stoichiometric, overlapping doses of the elements comprising the compound. The type of particle formation described in this work relies on a dierent mechanism in which the particles formed are comprised (in part or in entirety) of the cation of the host matrix instead of the implanted ion. Previous research has shown that the implantation of 5 1016 Y+/cm2 into alumina at an accelerating energy of 150 keV results in the formation of spherical metallic Al particles with an average diameter of 010 nm [12]. Thermodynamic calculation of the Gibbs free energy of the reduction reaction involving Y and Al2O3 shows that this reaction is possible with a free energy of formation of approximately ÿ230 kJ/ mol at 300 K, as illustrated in Fig. 1. The calculation of the Gibbs free energy of reaction may also be used to predict in what other ion±substrate combinations similar reduction reactions may occur. In this paper, the occurrence of particle formation via ion implantation-induced reduction is presented and explored. 1497 1498 HUNT and HAMPIKIAN: ION IMPLANTATION-INDUCED NANOSCALE PARTICLE FORMATION implanted substrate surface in relation to unimplanted material. Optical spectrometry was used to detect particles in the oxide matrix and TEM, electron energy-loss spectroscopy (PEELS) and energy ®ltered TEM (EFTEM) were used to characterize the particles. 3. RESULTS 3.1. Alumina substrates Fig. 1. Gibbs free energy as a function of temperature. 2. EXPERIMENTAL Single-crystalline R-plane (02 21) Al2O3 substrates which were donated by Sapphikon Inc. as well as high-purity fused silica substrates were used in this study. The alumina substrates were annealed prior to implantation for 80 h at 15008C to ensure surface crystallinity. Ion implantation treatments were carried out in the Surface Modi®cation and Characterization Facility in the Solid State Division of Oak Ridge National Laboratory at a vacuum in the range of 10ÿ4 Pa in an Extrion implantation system which employs the Freeman ion source con®guration. The 1 cm 1 cm 0.07 cm alumina substrates and the 2 cm 2.5 cm 0.1 cm silica substrates were uniformly implanted over a portion of their surface. Beam current densities (in the range of 03 mA) were kept low for the alumina substrates in order to avoid excessive beam heating, while the silica implantations were carried out at much higher beam currents (050 mA) in order to promote diusion during the implantation. A portion of each implanted silica substrate was also post-implantation annealed at 11008C for 1 h in ¯owing Ar + 4% He. Plan-view thin sections for transmission electron microscopy (TEM) were prepared using standard techniques, with ®nal thinning being carried out in a Gatan Precision Ion Polishing System using 4 keV Ar ions incident on the sample surface at approximately 58. The implanted substrates were examined with a variety of techniques in order to fully characterize the resulting morphology. Knoop microhardness measurements over a range of loads were carried out in accordance with the ASTM standard E 38489 in order to determine the crystalline state of the In this paper, it will be demonstrated that equilibrium thermodynamics may be used to predict the end state of ion-implanted materials. Figure 1 presents the Gibbs free energy curves for the reduction reactions of Y, Ca and Mg with Al2O3, showing that the free energy of their reaction is negative over a wide range of temperatures. Thus, these implant ions are thermodynamically capable of reducing the substrate. In the sections below, the experimental results of the implantation of Y+ into Al2O3 are ®rst presented, followed by the results of the Ca+ and Mg+ implantations into Al2O3. 3.1.1. Y+ implantations. Ion implantation of Y into [02 21] Al2O3, to a dose of 5 1016 Y+/cm2, administered at an energy of 150 keV and at ambient temperature, produces an amorphous surface region which is approximately 119 2 6 nm thick as determined by RBS and RBS-C measurements (Fig. 2). Knoop microhardness measurements demonstrate absolute softening of the implanted surface, consistent with the presence of an amorphous phase [12]. This is not an unexpected result for this implantation, as it exceeds the criterion for the critical energy density of amorphization reported by Burnett and Page [13, 14]. TEM examination of and electron diraction data taken from these substrates con®rms the amorphous nature of the near-surface material. TEM examination also reveals the presence of nano-sized crystalline precipitates embedded within the amorphous matrix material. These particles have a face centered cubic (f.c.c.) structure, an experimentally determined lattice parameter of 0.412 2 0.002 nm, and an average particle size of 12.5 2 0.3 nm (see Fig. 3). EDS measurements indicate that the particles are chemically Al-rich and O-poor with respect to the surrounding matrix material. However, the EDS data have fairly low resolution compared to the size scale of the particles being investigated here, prohibiting its use for the ®ne-scale investigation of their chemistry. The crystallographic structure of the particles and the relatively small lattice parameter lead to the conclusion that these particles may be metallic, possibly metallic Al, which is also f.c.c., having a lattice parameter of 0.40497 nm. The identi®cation of the particles present in the 150 keV Y-implanted sample as a form of metallic Al is veri®ed using parallel-detection electron energy-loss spectroscopy (PEELS). The energy-loss HUNT and HAMPIKIAN: ION IMPLANTATION-INDUCED NANOSCALE PARTICLE FORMATION 1499 Fig. 2. Random and aligned RBS spectra for alumina substrates implanted with 5 1016 Y+/cm2 at ambient temperature and at 150 keV. spectra resulting from oxidized Al and metallic Al in the low-loss region (1±40 eV) are suciently dierent to allow dierentiation between the two signals. The low-loss energy spectra from these materials standards, shown in Fig. 4, show that the valence-loss signal characteristic of alumina has a broad feature at approximately 24 eV, while the plasmon-loss characteristic of metallic Al has a relatively sharp peak at 15 eV. The presence of the implanted species must also be considered. As the yttria (Y2O3) standard spectrum in Fig. 4 shows, yttria also has a loss feature at 15 eV as well as a broad feature at 040 eV. The latter feature does not occur in the energy-loss spectra from Al and alumina. In addition to the dierences between the low-loss energy spectra of the materials, PEELS can be performed at a reasonably high resolution by using the smallest spectrometer entrance aperture to physically select the area from which the signal is taken. In the 150 keV Y+-implanted sample, it was possible to isolate columns of matrix material containing individual particles with the aperture, and subsequently to isolate nearby columns of material that did not contain particles, in order to compare Fig. 3. TEM bright ®eld image of 150 keV Y+-implanted alumina showing spherical nano-sized particles embedded in an amorphous matrix. 1500 HUNT and HAMPIKIAN: ION IMPLANTATION-INDUCED NANOSCALE PARTICLE FORMATION the energy-loss signals from material with particle and matrix-loss contributions and material with matrix-loss contributions only. The resulting spectra, seen together in Fig. 5, both show the single scattering energy-loss signal characteristic of alumina at approximately 25 eV. The spectrum from the particle-bearing material shows a sharp loss feature at 15 eV, an energy-loss characteristic of both Al and yttria. Note that the particle-bearing spectrum does not contain the similarly prominent feature at 040 eV, which is also characteristic of yttria. This result shows that the particles contain material that causes incident electrons to lose 15 eV, and that this material is not present in the surrounding material. This result is consistent with the identi®cation of these particles as Al from their electron diraction pattern. This Al was formed by reduction of the substrate, consistent with thermodynamic prediction. Energy ®ltered TEM (EFTEM) was utilized in order to show graphically where the Al resides in each sample [15±18]. Using the PEELS spectra as a guide, three primary energy losses were selected with which to image using a 5 eV energy window: the characteristic energy loss of Al and yttria (15 eV), the characteristic energy loss of oxidized Al (25 eV) and the secondary loss feature characteristic of yttria (40 eV). Presented in Fig. 6 is a series of TEM/EFTEM images from the same area of a 150 keV Y+-implanted sample. Figure 6(a) contains a conventional bright ®eld image; particles which are oriented in a condition of strong diraction with respect to the incident electrons appear dark. When the sample is imaged using 15 eV electrons, the particles imaged appear bright [Fig. 6(b)], indicating that the electrons which pass through those regions of the sample experience an energy loss of 15 eV. When the same area is imaged with 25 eV loss electrons, the matrix appears bright, while the particles are dark [Fig. 6(c)]. Imaging with 40 eV electrons also causes the matrix to appear brighter Fig. 5. High-resolution PEELS from a 150 keV Y+implanted alumina substrate showing that the particlebearing region exhibits a strong energy-loss feature at 015 eV. than the particles [Fig. 6(d)]. These three images [Fig. 6(b)±(d)] demonstrate that the particles are composed of Al and con®rm that they do not contain alumina or yttria. In addition to imaging with the low-loss electrons associated with oxidized and metallic Al, it is also possible to create an elemental map using a series of images formed using core-loss electrons. When the oxygen in the sample is mapped in this manner the resulting image shows dark particles, indicating that they are de®cient in oxygen with respect to the surrounding matrix (Fig. 7). If the same technique is used to map Y using the M3 core-loss excitation, the result is a dim and featureless image (not shown). This result indicates that the implanted Y is not collected into discrete regions of the sample, but rather is dispersed throughout the substrate. The lack of brightness might also be explained by the relatively small amount of Y present compared to the other elements present. The presence of nanoscale particles in the 150 keV Y implantation suggests the possibility of performing optical absorption measurements in order to assist in the identi®cation of particle-bearing material. It is known that nanoscale particles which are suspended in an insulating matrix will result in absorption of incident electromagnetic radiation. According to the Mie theory [19], the amount of incident radiation absorbed will peak at a wavelength which is related to the surface plasmon resonance of the particle material and the dielectric and optical properties of the matrix material as shown in the equation lpeak Fig. 4. Standard Al, alumina and yttria PEELS spectra from the low energy-loss region. 1=2 2pc ÿ 1 2n20 op 1 where op is the plasmon frequency of the bulk metal, c is the speed of light, and n0 is the index of refraction of light in the dielectric medium. HUNT and HAMPIKIAN: ION IMPLANTATION-INDUCED NANOSCALE PARTICLE FORMATION 1501 Fig. 6. Series of EFTEM images taken from a 150 keV Y+-implanted alumina substrate. Image (a) is a bright ®eld image, (b) a 15 eV-loss image, (c) a 25 eV-loss image and (d) a 40 eV-loss image. The arrow indicates the location of Al particles. When dierential absorption measurements were carried out on the 150 keV Y+-implanted material, the resulting absorption peak maximum was located at approximately 240 nm (see Fig. 8). Equation (1) yields a wavelength for maximum absorption due to Al particles embedded in an alumina matrix of lpeak=221 nm, using values of n0=1.76 and op=2.28 1016/s [19]. This value is slightly lower than the measured peak of 240 nm; however, this equation can result in predicted values up to 50 nm lower than the experimentally measured peak positions [20, 21]. 3.1.2. Ca+ and Mg+ implantations. According to the Gibbs free energy calculations presented in Fig. 1, the implantation of Ca+ and Mg+ ions under conditions similar to the Y+ implantation conditions can result in reduction of the substrate, and may therefore also result in the formation of similar Al particles in the matrix. These conditions consist of implantation with a low current density beam of singly charged ions to a ¯uence of 5 1016 ions/cm2 into an alumina substrate held at ambient temperature. The incident ion energy for each of these experiments was chosen so that the 1502 HUNT and HAMPIKIAN: ION IMPLANTATION-INDUCED NANOSCALE PARTICLE FORMATION Fig. 7. Bright ®eld image (a) and oxygen jump ratio image (b) of 150 keV Y+-implanted alumina showing the oxygen de®ciency of the particle region. resulting ion concentration pro®les would approximate those of the previous Y implantations, as predicted by PROFILE [22]. Accelerating energies of 50 and 70 keV were used for two separate Ca+ implantations. When examined with RBS and RBS-C, both implantations resulted in substrates which contain dechanneled regions indicative of a heavily damaged lattice. These damaged regions occur in the area of the spectrum representing the substrate surface and appear qualitatively thinner than similar dechanneled regions resulting from similar Y implantations. To quantify the extent of this damage, Knoop microhardness measurements were carried out and the resulting values demonstrate absolute softening, an indication that the surface is amorphous. Fig. 8. Relative optical absorption spectra from 150 keV Y+-, 70 keV Ca+- and 45 keV Mg+-implanted alumina substrates. Dierential optical absorption measurements carried out on the Ca+-implanted substrates result in an absorption spectrum with a peak at approximately 242 nm for the 70 keV implantation (see Fig. 8). This peak is consistent with the presence of nano-sized particles in the substrate material. Recall that the calculated value of the wavelength at which the maximum absorption due to metallic Al particles embedded in alumina will occur is 0221 nm, and that an experimental peak at 0240 nm is observed from alumina samples containing metallic Al particles. The appearance of an obvious peak in the absorption spectrum for these samples indicates that there are nano-sized particles present in the matrix, and the peak wavelength is consistent with the presence of particles composed of metallic Al. TEM examination of back-thinned, plan-view 50 keV and 70 keV Ca-implanted substrates reveals embedded particles ranging in size from 6 to 10 nm with average sizes of 7.49 2 1.35 nm and 8.76 2 1.23 nm, respectively (see Fig. 9). Electron diraction shows that these particles are f.c.c. with a lattice parameter of 0.411 2 0.002 nm. This agrees well with the lattice parameter determined from the particles present in the Y-implanted alumina (0.412 20.002 nm), and both are close to the lattice parameter of pure Al, 0.40497 nm. These particles are somewhat smaller than previously examined particles, with average sizes 4±5 nm smaller than the Y-induced particles. It can be seen in Fig. 9 that many of the particles in the Ca-implanted substrates also demonstrate a ring-like contrast not previously observed in the Y-induced particles. The contrast could be due to either chemical or diraction contrast mechanisms. It is possible that this HUNT and HAMPIKIAN: ION IMPLANTATION-INDUCED NANOSCALE PARTICLE FORMATION 1503 Fig. 9. Bright ®eld TEM images of (a) 50 keV and (b) 70 keV Ca+-implanted alumina substrates showing spherical Al particles embedded in the amorphous matrix. contrast is a result of compositional variation of Al as a function of particle radius. Unfortunately, the very small (2±4 nm) size scale of the contrast features severely limits the techniques that can be used to examine their origin. PEELS and EFTEM were performed in order to con®rm these conclusions. Figure 10(a)±(c) presents an energy-loss series from the 50 keV Ca+implanted alumina substrate beginning with a bright ®eld image [Fig. 10(a)]. Figure 10(b) shows that electrons interacting with the particle material experience the 15 eV loss which is characteristic of metallic Al. Figure 10(c) shows that electrons interacting with only the surrounding substrate experience the 025 eV loss which is characteristic of alumina. The particle material is also not illuminated by the 035.5 eV loss which is characteristic of calcia (not shown). The previous discussion of the EFTEM results from the Y-implanted alumina indicates that these images are sucient to demonstrate that the material comprising the particles in this sample is Al. The implantation of alumina substrates with Mg+ is also predicted to result in the reduction of the substrate material. The implantation of 35 keV and 45 keV Mg+ results in heavy damage to the substrate surface region as evidenced by dechanneled regions observed in the RBS and RBS-C spectra. The extent of this damage was investigated using Knoop microhardness and the results again demonstrate absolute softening on the surface of the substrates (not shown). A dierential optical absorption spectrum for the 45 keV Mg+-implanted sample is presented in Fig. 8. An absorption peak located at 205 nm suggests that there are nano-sized particles present in the matrix. However, this peak occurs at a wavelength approximately 40 nm lower than the peaks previously seen resulting from the presence of Al particles embedded in an alumina matrix. This discrepancy indicates that the particles causing the absorption are markedly dierent from those present in the Y- and Ca-implanted substrates. Optical absorption measurements of the 35 keV sample reveal similar absorption features. TEM examination of the 35 keV Mg+-implanted substrate reveals crystalline particles present in the amorphous matrix [see Fig. 11(a)]. These particles are identi®ed by the resulting diraction pattern (inset) as MgAl2O4. The diraction pattern results in a calculated lattice spacing of 8.080 2 0.002 nm, matching the 8.083 nm lattice parameter of MgAl2O4 very well. There are faint rings, partial arcs and spots present in this diraction pattern, indicating a variety of particle morphologies and orientations. The rings indicate that there are aluminate particles which are randomly oriented in the plane present in the matrix, in addition to more oriented particles which result in the arcs and spots. The randomly oriented particles are dicult to image by themselves due to the strong contribution from the oriented particles of the same family of planes. When imaged in dark ®eld mode using the {400}, {440} and {444}-type re¯ections, plate-like particles typically 5±10 nm in width and 15±40 nm in length are illuminated [see Fig. 11(b)]. Fine-scale, 1.5 nm Moire fringes are visible in both imaging modes, but are especially evident in the dark ®eld images. These fringes result from the slight misorientation among the plate-like particles which is also responsible for the appearance of arcs in the diraction pattern. EDS con®rms the presence of Mg in the areas containing particles. In addition to the implantations of Ca+ and Mg+, which were thermodynamically predicted to be able to reduce the Al2O3 and possibly form particles containing Al, two implantations were selected for implantation which were not predicted to produce such particles, namely Cr+ and Si+. Figure 1 indicates that the reduction reactions for both Cr and Si with alumina have positive free energies, indicating that substrate reduction and Al particle formation will not occur. Again, both of these implantations were carried out under conditions similar to the conditions for the original Y+ implantations, with incident ion energies tailored to cause the local chemical pro®les to mimic those of the original Y pro®les. The ¯uence for both implantations remained constant at 5 1016 ions/cm2. 1504 HUNT and HAMPIKIAN: ION IMPLANTATION-INDUCED NANOSCALE PARTICLE FORMATION Fig. 10. Series of EFTEM images from a 50 keV Ca+-implanted alumina substrate. Image (a) is a bright ®eld image, (b) a 15 eV-loss image, and (c) a 25 eV-loss image. The arrow indicates the location of Al particles. The implantation of 100 keV Cr+ does not result in an amorphous surface layer as seen by Knoop microhardness measurements (not shown). The formation of a buried amorphous layer, however, would not be unexpected on the basis of Cr+ implantation results reported in the literature [10, 23]. The Knoop microhardness measurements for the 50 keV Si+-implanted substrate do show a small degree of absolute softening, although the magnitude is much smaller than the softening seen in the Y+-implanted substrates. Optical absorption spectra from these substrates show no evidence of a particle-induced absorption maximum in the wavelength range from 200 to 800 nm [Fig. 12(a)]. TEM examination of the Cr+and Si+-implanted substrates con®rms that there are no second-phase particles in these substrates through the lack of both bright ®eld diraction contrast and a second-phase diraction pattern. The lack of a bright amorphous haze in the electron diraction pattern resulting from these substrates supports the conclusion that there is no signi®cant surface amorphization in either substrate, consistent with the hardness measurements. Diraction patterns from these substrates do demonstrate an unusual pattern of extra spots accompanying the matrix spot pattern [Fig. 12(b)]. This pattern is the result of implanted ion damage to the alumina substrate and was also observed in both Zr+- and Si+implanted alumina. 3.2. Silica substrates Reduction by appropriately chosen implanted ions should occur for any oxide material. Silica is another important material in waveguide and integrated optics applications and may also be susceptible to Si particle formation via reduction under appropriate circumstances. Calculations show that Zr is thermodynamically capable of reducing silica (see Fig. 13). The implantation of silica with Si and other ions and subsequent particle formation has been well studied [1, 24±44], although Zr has received little attention as an implant ion from HUNT and HAMPIKIAN: ION IMPLANTATION-INDUCED NANOSCALE PARTICLE FORMATION 1505 Fig. 11. (a) Bright ®eld TEM of a 35 keV Mg+-implanted alumina substrate and (b) dark ®eld TEM of a 35 keV Mg+-implanted alumina substrate showing the oriented MgAl2O4 crystals embedded in the alumina matrix. other researchers investigating nanoparticle formation in silica. The silica implantations were carried out with ambient substrate temperatures, a ¯uence of 5 1016 ions/cm2 and a current density of 50 mA; this current density is at least 40 mA higher than that used in the alumina implantations. The implanted substrates were annealed for 1 h at 11008C in an atmosphere of ¯owing Ar + 4% He. The higher current density and the post-implantation anneal are necessary due to the much lower diusivity of Si+ in silica as compared to Al+ in alumina [44]. In addition to the Zr+ experiment a control implantation was carried out with Cr+, an ion thermodynamically incapable of reducing silica according to free energy calculations (see Fig. 13). The Cr+ implantations were carried out under conditions similar to those outlined for the Zr implantations, including high current density implantation and post-implantation annealing. Dierential optical absorption spectra taken from as-implanted and annealed silica substrates implanted with 5 1016 and 1 1017 160 keV Zr+/ cm2 are shown in Fig. 14. These spectra show that neither of the as-implanted substrates demonstrates an absorption peak indicative of the presence of nanoscale particles. The lower-dose implantation may not form particles large enough to be detected by these measurements owing to their low-wavelength absorption [36]; however the larger-dose implantation should produce sucient free Si to form particles large enough to absorb at the higher wavelengths detected in these measurements. Despite the higher overall absorption which is attributable to the greater amount of implantation damage resulting from the larger-dose implantation, no absorption peak resulting from particle formation is evident. Figure 14 also shows the dierential optical absorption spectra from these samples after postimplantation annealing at 11008C in Ar + 4% He for 60 min. These annealed samples do exhibit an absorption peak indicative of the presence of nanoparticles in the substrate at approximately 260 nm. TEM examination of the large-dose, annealed Zr+-implanted silica reveals the presence of a fairly continuous background of 1±3.5 nm particles interspersed with larger particles ranging in size from 5 to 17 nm (see Fig. 15). The larger particles have an average size of 11 2 3.0 nm. All particles present in this substrate appear to contribute to a polycrystalline diraction pattern that is consistent with their identi®cation as ZrSi2, an orthorhombic Si±Zr alloy. 1506 HUNT and HAMPIKIAN: ION IMPLANTATION-INDUCED NANOSCALE PARTICLE FORMATION Fig. 14. Relative optical absorption spectra from Zr+ asimplanted and annealed silica substrates. Fig. 12. (a) Relative optical absorption spectra from 100 keV Cr+- and 50 keV Si+-implanted alumina substrates showing the absence of absorption features indicative of the presence of nanoparticles. (b) Diraction pattern from the Cr+ implantation, with extra diraction spots arrowed indicating lattice damage. In addition to the Zr+ implantations, which were expected to result in the reduction of the silica substrate, an implantation of Cr+ was carried out as a control experiment. A dierential optical absorption spectrum from the as-implanted substrate seen in Fig. 16 shows that there is no absorption peak indicative of particle formation. The annealed substrate, however, does show an absorption feature at approximately 236 nm. The discontinuities in the spectra at 380 nm and 560 nm are artifacts resulting from the spectrophotometer shutter. TEM examination of the Cr+-implanted and annealed substrates con®rms the presence of particles in the implanted region of the substrate. There is a general background of roughly equiaxed particles which range in size from 3 to 8 nm with an average size of 5 2 1.13 nm (Fig. 17). In addition, there are larger, faceted particles present, possibly at the substrate surface. The polycrystalline diraction pattern resulting from these particles, seen in the inset of Fig. 18, has been identi®ed as that of Cr, consistent with Cr+ implantations forming Cr particles and not reducing SiO2, as expected. 4. DISCUSSION 4.1. Alumina substrates Fig. 13. Gibbs free energy vs temperature for the reduction of silica by various ions. The open literature contains a large body of work regarding ion implantation of a variety of ions into alumina substrates, yet the formation of particles as a result of the reduction of the alumina substrate material has not been previously reported. This is a result of both the fact that most elements are not capable of reducing the alumina substrate, and that experimentally, Al particles are dicult to detect. Al particles in this size range embedded in alumina exhibit very little diraction contrast in conventional TEM and result in a faint diraction pattern that can be partially or entirely masked by the amorphous haze that results from the amorphous layer which concurrently forms at the surface of the substrate [12]. The use of PEELS and HUNT and HAMPIKIAN: ION IMPLANTATION-INDUCED NANOSCALE PARTICLE FORMATION 1507 Fig. 15. TEM of a 1 1017 Zr+/cm2 implanted and annealed silica substrates showing particles which are identi®ed by their electron diraction pattern as being ZrSi2. EFTEM in this work was critical to the identi®cation of the Al particles which formed. Although the formation of particles via ion implantation-induced reduction of an oxide has not been previously reported, electron or neutron irradiation has been shown to result in the formation of metal particles from the cation of a host lattice [45]. However, the energies involved (01 MeV for electrons and 14 MeV for neutrons) [46] suggest that charged and neutral lattice defects are responsible for the formation of the particles. In this research, the incident ion energy is relatively low, on the order of 100 keV, and the operative mechanism is simply reduction, via, for example the chemical formulae of the oxides of the implanted ions, CaO and Y2O3. First, a number of assumptions must be made for simpli®cation; it is assumed that upon reduction of the alumina the implanted ion forms a roughly stoichiometric form of its own oxide (e.g. Y2O3 or CaO); and it is also assumed that the same fraction of implanted ions reacts with the substrate in both cases. For a given ion dose, therefore, a Caimplanted sample will contain less free Al as compared with the free Al contained in an Yimplanted substrate. With less Al available to subsequently grow particles, the resulting particles would therefore be smaller. This is consistent with experimental observations. 2Y Al2 O3 2Al Y2 O3 ; DG ÿ228 kJ=mol 298K 2 The results of the four ion implantations into alumina substrates, summarized in Fig. 18, demonstrate that particle formation via substrate reduction may be understood by examination of the thermodynamic free energies of the implanted element with the substrate material. Implantation of Ca into single-crystalline alumina under the stated conditions results in the amorphization and reduction of the alumina substrate material. The free Al created by the reduction is clustered together in crystalline particles with an average size of 08 nm. The small size of these particles relative to the particles seen in substrates implanted with Y (average size 08 nm) may be partially explained by the examination of Fig. 16. Relative optical absorption spectra from Cr+ asimplanted and annealed silica substrates showing the development of an absorption feature during the annealing process. 1508 HUNT and HAMPIKIAN: ION IMPLANTATION-INDUCED NANOSCALE PARTICLE FORMATION Fig. 17. Bright ®eld TEM of a Cr+-implanted silica substrate and the electron diraction pattern associated with the particles present in the matrix. 4.2. Volume fraction As a ®nal check on the validity of the proposed mechanism, the total experimental volume fraction of Al particles present in the implanted substrates has been calculated (VFED) and compared to the volume fraction of Al that is theoretically possible (VFT), assuming that each incident ion produces reduction of the substrate and that all of that Al is consolidated into particles [47]. It should not be possible for the ratio of these volume fractions (R = VFED/VFT) to exceed unity within the framework of the proposed mechanism. The ratio, R, of the experimental and theoretical volumes of metallic Al may be calculated using particle size measurements from EFTEM images and certain parameters of the ion implantation as determined by PROFILE: 2 b 3 X 4 3 Ni 7 pR 6 6 i1 3 i 7 6 7 6 Rp Area 7 4 5 R VFED ÿ ÿ VFT DoseR = DensityAl ÿ Rp 3 where VFED is the experimentally determined particle volume fraction, Ri is the radius of the ith bin, Ni is the number of particles whose radius lies within the radius range of the ith sorting bin, b is the number of 2 nm bins required to sort particle sizes, Rp is the projected range of implanted ions as determined by PROFILE, VFT is the maximum theoretical particle volume fraction, DoseR is the retained ion dose as determined by PROFILE, DensityAl is the atomic density of f.c.c. Al, and Area is the area measured of the image. The term in the denominator, the maximum theoretical volume fraction of Al, assumes that 100% of the implanted ions react with the substrate to form free Al and that the Al particles formed have the standard lattice parameter. The numerator, the experimentally determined volume fraction, relies on 15 eV energy-®ltered images, used because these images show contrast from all the consolidated metallic Al, not just those particles which may be diracting for a given imaging condition. The following is an example of the volume fraction calculation for the 150 keV, 5 1016 ions/cm2 implantation: ÿ ÿ 3:52 10ÿ23 m3 = 50:2 10ÿ9 m 9:31 10ÿ15 m2 0:075 0:50 R ÿ 0:149 4:51 1020 ions=m2 =6:02 1028 atoms=m3 50:2 10ÿ9 m 4 HUNT and HAMPIKIAN: ION IMPLANTATION-INDUCED NANOSCALE PARTICLE FORMATION 1509 Fig. 18. Summary of ion implantations into alumina. A similar calculation performed for the 50 keV, 5 1016 Ca+/cm2 implantation yields R = 0.31. These calculations show, in both cases, that the ratio does not exceed unity. This indicates that it is possible for the reported doses of implanted ions to produce the amount of free Al required to form the particles imaged in these substrates, which is consistent with the proposed mechanism. In addition, the smaller ratio produced for the Ca implantations is consistent with the smaller expected amount of free Al produced by the implantation of this monoxide-former compared to the Y implantations, as discussed earlier. The formation of MgAl2O4 spinel particles in the Mg-implanted alumina is not an unexpected result when the formation of the spinel, MgAl2O4 is considered thermodynamically (Fig. 1). There are two reaction routes through which spinel particles may be formed. The ®rst involves the reduction of the Al2O3 by the Mg ions and the subsequent reaction of the resulting MgO with the remaining Al2O3 to form MgAl2O4. These separate reactions have free energies of ÿ127.3 kJ/mol and ÿ22.4 kJ/mol, respectively. The second route is a reaction between the Mg and Al2O3 resulting directly in the formation of MgAl2O4 and a small amount of excess Al. This reaction has a free energy of ÿ194.5 kJ/ mol. Either reaction involves reduction of the alumina substrate, consistent with the thermodynamic model. The failure of the Cr+ and Si+ implants to reduce the alumina is also consistent with the thermodynamic model. The examination of the free energies of the reduction reactions predicts this outcome in both cases. This ®nding is consistent with the work of other researchers [10, 23, 48, 49]. A ®nal discussion point involving particle formation via reduction in the alumina substrates concerns the accompanying amorphization which occurs with Al particle formation. For all systems examined in which substrate reduction occurs, the matrix which surrounds the Al particles is amorphous. Conversely, for control samples which do not produce substrate reduction, amorphization is not seen in the particle-bearing region. In this study, the implantation of Y and Ca into alumina has been documented to cause the formation of crystalline Al nanoparticles embedded in an amorphous alumina matrix which also contains the implant ion. However, the implantation of Cr and Si, although imparting radiation damage which is comparable to the Y and Ca implants, does not result in the amorphization of the alumina. Thus, it appears that these processes, the reduction and the amorphization, are linked in some manner; perhaps the reduction process and the subsequent clustering of Al cause the substrate to lose its long-range order. 4.3. Silica substrates The ion implantation of 1 1017 Zr+/cm2 into silica substrates did not result in particle formation in the substrate according to optical absorption measurements. The failure to produce Si particles with these ambient-temperature implantations may be explained by the very low diusivity of Si in 1510 HUNT and HAMPIKIAN: ION IMPLANTATION-INDUCED NANOSCALE PARTICLE FORMATION SiO2. Previous research has shown that temperatures in excess of 900±10008C are required to cause free Si (which is present as a result of ion implantation) in a silica substrate to form particles [35± 37, 44]. Post-implantation annealing treatments at 11008C in Ar + 4% He for 1 h does result in particle formation; however, the particles which form are silicide in nature, i.e. ZrSi2. The ZrSi2 formation may be explained by considering a two-step reaction. First, Zr must reduce silica to form free Si: Zr SiO2 Si ZrO2 : 5 Second, the free Si can then react with free Zr to form ZrSi2: 2Si Zr ZrSi2 : 6 The free energies for these reactions are depicted as a function of temperature in Fig. 13. 5. SUMMARY The experiments presented in this research demonstrate the importance of equilibrium thermodynamics in determining the end state of ionimplanted materials. The implantation experiments with alumina substrates show that the ions for which the free energy of reduction is positive do not result in reduction of the alumina substrate. The prediction of reduction of Al2O3 by Y+, Ca+ and Mg+ are all accurate when the very low-energy MgAl2O4 spinel phase is considered. The control implants of Cr+ and Si+ do not form Al particles in Al2O3, as expected. The results of the experiments with silica substrates also support the proposed reduction mechanism. The very low diusivity of Si+ in silica complicates the particle-formation process, and makes a post-implantation anneal necessary. The Zr implantation, which is expected to result in silica reduction, assuming equilibrium, results in the formation of a Si±Zr alloy only after the postimplantation anneal. The control implantation of Cr+, predicted to cause no substrate reduction, results in the simple precipitation of Cr upon annealing, as expected. Overall, both the alumina and silica substrate implantations support the use of equilibrium thermodynamics to predict the end states resulting from the relaxation of the collision cascade. Finally, this research has demonstrated that a host cation can be forced into a precipitate dierent from the original matrix. AcknowledgementsÐThis work has been supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. DMR9624927. The authors wish to acknowledge the assistance and support rendered by N.D. Evans and D.B. Poker, at the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Technology and the Oak Ridge National Laboratory, respectively. 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