Spring 2012 Faculty Needs Assessment on Technology The goal of this year’s needs assessment survey is to allow faculty a voice in CITR’s upcoming technology programming. The survey should take approximately 20 minutes to complete. Once completed, the results of the survey will be made available through the CITR website. Thank you for participating! GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Campus Affiliation 138 (92.0%) Macomb 2. Gender 68 (47.2%) Male 3. 12 (8.0%) Quad Cities 76 (52.8%) Female Your Age Range 25 (17.1%) 24 to 35 24 (16.4%) 56 to 65 42 (28.8%) 36 to 45 4 (2.7%) 66 to 75 51 (34.9%) 46 to 55 4. You Are 132 (90.4%) Full-time Faculty 14 (9.6%) Part-time Faculty 5. 6. Your Faculty Status 33 (22.4%) Instructor 33 (22.4%) Associate Professor 37 (25.2%) Assistant Professor 44 (29.9%) Professor Your College Affiliation 59 (40.4%) Arts and Sciences 19 (13.0%) Fine Arts and Communication 28 (19.2%) Business and Technology 0 (0.0%) University Libraries 40 (27.4%) Education and Human Services 7. 8. Years at WIU 44 (29.9%) 1-3 30 (20.4%) 4-6 21 (14.3%) 7-9 52 (35.4%) 10+ Tenure Status 73 (50.0%) Tenured 32 (21.9%) Non-Tenure Track 38 (26.0%) Tenure-Track 9. In the last three years, have you taught a fully-online course at Western Illinois University? 49 (33.3%) Yes 10. 3 (2.1%) Prefer Not to Answer 98 (66.7%) No What operating system(s) do you use on a regular basis? Please check all that apply. 53 (35.3%) Macintosh 73 (48.7%) Windows XP Other, please specify. 0 (0.0%) Online Tools 83 (55.3%) Windows 7 11. Please rate your use of the following tools used to enhance your teaching: I use and am I don't know what comfortable. I do this is not need help I don't want to use I want to use, but I need help I use but need new ideas Blogs (i.e. e-jounaling, or blogging) 23 (15.8%) 11 (7.5%) 25 (17.1%) 85 (58.2%) 2 (1.4%) Electronic Portfolios 25 (17.6%) 7 (4.9%) 11 (7.7%) 71 (50.0%) 28 (19.7%) 7 (5.1%) 8 (5.8%) 36 (26.1%) 85 (61.6%) 2 (1.4%) Online Lectures with Audio 53 (37.6%) 13 (9.2%) 9 (6.4%) 65 (46.1%) 1 (0.7%) Online Lectures with Streaming Audio/Video 61 (43.0%) 5 (3.5%) 9 (6.3%) 64 (45.1%) 3 (2.1%) Podcasting 52 (36.6%) 11 (7.7%) 9 (6.3%) 61 (43.0%) 9 (6.3%) Creating Online Surveys 41 (28.9%) 14 (9.9%) 42 (29.6%) 43 (30.3%) 2 (1.4%) Social Networking (Facebook, Myspace, Twitter) 14 (9.7%) 13 (9.0%) 42 (29.2%) 75 (52.1%) 0 (0.0%) Wikis 32 (22.4%) 17 (11.9%) 17 (11.9%) 59 (41.3%) 18 (12.6%) Using Web 2.0 Tools (i.e. Google Docs, Sites) 38 (26.8%) 21 (14.8%) 30 (21.1%) 40 (28.2%) 13 (9.2%) Creating and Using Online Rubrics 47 (32.9%) 11 (7.7%) 35 (24.5%) 37 (25.9%) 13 (9.1%) Performing Effective Internet Searches 11 (7.9%) 17 (12.1%) 92 (65.7%) 20 (14.3%) 0 (0.0%) Conducting Literature Searches Using Library Databases 12 (8.3%) 23 (16.0%) 83 (57.6%) 26 (18.1%) 0 (0.0%) Development of Content for Mobile Devices (PDA's, Cell Phones) 40 (32.0%) 8 (6.4%) 12 (9.6%) 57 (45.6%) 8 (6.4%) Instant Messaging Please list any other online tool you utlize not listed here: 8 (100.0%) The Electronic Classroom 12. Please rate your use of the following hardware used to enhance your teaching: I use and am I don't know what comfortable. I do this is not need help I don't want to use I want to use, but I need help I use but need new ideas Classroom Response Systems (i.e. Clickers) 40 (27.2%) 4 (2.7%) 19 (12.9%) 78 (53.1%) 6 (4.1%) Document Camera (i.e. Elmo) 15 (10.3%) 7 (4.8%) 84 (57.9%) 34 (23.4%) 5 (3.4%) Electronic Whiteboards (Smartboards) 48 (33.3%) 10 (6.9%) 35 (24.3%) 44 (30.6%) 7 (4.9%) CODEC (Distance Education Technology) 29 (21.6%) 7 (5.2%) 26 (19.4%) 60 (44.8%) 12 (9.0%) Please list any other electronic classroom tool you utilize not listed here: 8 (100.0%) Course Management Tools 13. Please rate the following to indicate your level of use of the following learning management tools to enhance your teaching: I use and am I don't know what comfortable. I do this is not need help I don't want to use I want to use, but I need help I use but need new ideas Western Online Grade book 20 (13.8%) 15 (10.3%) 83 (57.2%) 27 (18.6%) 0 (0.0%) Submitting Assignments Electronically (i.e. Digital Dropbox) 36 (25.2%) 11 (7.7%) 70 (49.0%) 25 (17.5%) 1 (0.7%) Sharing/Distributing Electronic Documents 31 (21.8%) 13 (9.2%) 73 (51.4%) 24 (16.9%) 1 (0.7%) Discussion Boards 25 (17.2%) 20 (13.8%) 68 (46.9%) 32 (22.1%) 0 (0.0%) Course Calendar 26 (18.6%) 12 (8.6%) 72 (51.4%) 27 (19.3%) 3 (2.1%) Submitting Assignments for Plagiarism Checking (i.e. Turnitin) 66 (45.5%) 11 (7.6%) 35 (24.1%) 33 (22.8%) 0 (0.0%) Using Groups in Western Online 39 (28.3%) 12 (8.7%) 38 (27.5%) 41 (29.7%) 8 (5.8%) Please list any other course management tool you utilize not listed here: 0 (0.0%) Research Tools 14. 15. Please rate the following to indicate your level of use of the following tools to enhance your research: I use and am I don't know what comfortable. I do this is not need help I don't want to use I want to use, but I need help I use but need new ideas Statistical Analysis Software (i.e. SPSS, SAS) 32 (21.6%) 22 (14.9%) 46 (31.1%) 37 (25.0%) 11 (7.4%) Qualitative Software (i.e. Nvivo/Nudist) 45 (30.6%) 8 (5.4%) 9 (6.1%) 53 (36.1%) 32 (21.8%) Surveying Software (i.e. Snap, Survey Monkey) 46 (31.3%) 16 (10.9%) 32 (21.8%) 44 (29.9%) 9 (6.1%) What additional research tools would you like to see offered at Western Illinois University? 29 (100.0%) Desktop Applications 16. 17. Please rate the following to indicate your level of use of the following tools to enhance your teaching: I use and am I don't know what comfortable. I do this is not need help I don't want to use I want to use, but I need help I use but need new ideas Creating/Maintaining a Classroom Web Site (i.e. Dreamweaver) 48 (33.8%) 13 (9.2%) 29 (20.4%) 46 (32.4%) 6 (4.2%) Using Spreadsheets (i.e. Microsoft Excel) 19 (12.9%) 23 (15.6%) 88 (59.9%) 17 (11.6%) 0 (0.0%) Using Databases (i.e. Microsoft Access) 32 (22.5%) 14 (9.9%) 43 (30.3%) 47 (33.1%) 6 (4.2%) Creating PDF's (i.e. Adobe Acrobat) 19 (13.0%) 23 (15.8%) 88 (60.3%) 16 (11.0%) 0 (0.0%) Performing Image Editing (i.e. Adobe Photoshop) 44 (30.8%) 15 (10.5%) 49 (34.3%) 31 (21.7%) 4 (2.8%) Using Authoring or Multimedia Software (i.e. Adobe Flash, Director) 50 (35.5%) 5 (3.5%) 24 (17.0%) 47 (33.3%) 15 (10.6%) Capturing Audio 52 (36.1%) 17 (11.8%) 26 (18.1%) 40 (27.8%) 9 (6.3%) Capturing Video 52 (36.9%) 18 (12.8%) 28 (19.9%) 36 (25.5%) 7 (5.0%) Building Presentations (i.e. Microsoft PowerPoint) 12 (8.2%) 23 (15.8%) 99 (67.8%) 11 (7.5%) 1 (0.7%) Advanced Input/Output (Scanners, Digital Cameras) 31 (21.5%) 21 (14.6%) 70 (48.6%) 22 (15.3%) 0 (0.0%) Macintosh Operating System Techniques 24 (17.4%) 15 (10.9%) 39 (28.3%) 57 (41.3%) 3 (2.2%) Windows Operating System Techniques 13 (9.2%) 16 (11.3%) 68 (48.2%) 42 (29.8%) 2 (1.4%) Please list any additional software you have purchased on your own or through your department for the teaching and/or administration of your course. Examples could include gradebook software or discipline specific research tools. 15 (100.0%) General Satisfaction of Technology Support 18. 19. Please rate the following based on how you believe your technology needs have been met: Poor / Low Average Good Very Good / High Support for developing online course content 17 (13.1%) 47 (36.2%) 47 (36.2%) 19 (14.6%) Support for developing traditional (face-toface) course content 21 (15.7%) 56 (41.8%) 46 (34.3%) 11 (8.2%) Training Needs 12 (8.5%) 55 (39.0%) 55 (39.0%) 19 (13.5%) Technical Support 15 (10.9%) 37 (26.8%) 55 (39.9%) 31 (22.5%) Did you receive a computer as a result of the computer replacement program? 31 (21.8%) Yes 20. 111 (78.2%) No Please rate your satisfaction on the following items: How satisfied are you with the computer currently supplied by your department 21. Not Satisfied Somewhat Satisfied Satisfied/Neutral Very Satisfied Extremely Satisfied 28 (18.9%) 33 (22.3%) 33 (22.3%) 32 (21.6%) 22 (14.9%) What do you believe could be done to improve technology support at WIU? 56 (100.0%) Learning Management System 22. In order to help planning for the new learning managment system Desire2Learn, please select the features you feel you would utilize the most in your online or hybrid classes. You may select up to ten (10). 71 (52.6%) Course Calendar 12 (8.9%) Learning Goals 94 (69.6%) Assignment Dropbox 71 (52.6%) Discussion Boards 8 (5.9%) Electronic Journaling 15 (11.1%) Blogging 15 (11.1%) Wikis (Collaborative document sharing and building) 1 (0.7%) Glossary 107 (79.3%) Gradebook 37 (27.4%) Course Statistics and Tracking 71 (52.6%) Online Assessments 11 (8.1%) Chat 38 (28.1%) Internal Email 79 (58.5%) Announcements 13 (9.6%) Content Search Tool 67 (49.6%) Syllabus Tool 15 (11.1%) Integrated Live Conferencing 45 (33.3%) Selective Release (Release of content based on date or member criteria) 15 (11.1%) Electronic Portfolio 26 (19.3%) Mobile Phone Integration and Access 48 (35.6%) Learning/Content Modules 2 (1.5%) SCORM Compliance 24 (17.8%) Create and Utilize Groups 5 (3.7%) Track and Handle Regrade Requests 40 (29.6%) Allow Teaching Assistant (TA) Access 22 (16.3%) Customization of Navigation, Font, Colors and Layout 72 (53.3%) Plagarism Checking 7 (5.2%) External Database Integration 39 (28.9%) Method of Distributing Audio/Video 11 (8.1%) Integration with Publisher Content 30 (22.2%) Easy Transition to a New System