Low-current Noise Measurement Techniques F.R. Leon, A.F. Hebard University of Florida, Gainesville, FL (August 4, 1999) ABSTRACT The noise of a resistive sample is a measurable physical property. The noise signature can depend on such variables as the materials used in preparing a sample and the method used to prepare it. A versatile experimental technique is needed to measure these noise signatures, one which can be applied to any form of resistive structure. In addition, many samples with unique physical properties, such as tunnel junctions, are destroyed by large currents. We require a method which is sensitive enough to measure noise at low currents. Such a technique is explained here. WHAT IS NOISE? Although the term can be used to describe anything that obscures a desired signal, noise can be divided into two main types: interference and random noise. Interference occurs when an undesired signal obscures a desired one, a good example being 60Hz interference occurring from proximity to power lines. Random noise arises from physical sources, such as from thermal fluctuations. It is often associated with resistance and is expressed in terms of voltage fluctuations across, or current fluctuations in parallel with, resistors. There are two main characteristics of a noise source. The first is its frequency distribution. The second is the physical phenomena which is producing it. NOISE UNITS AND NOISE ARITHMETIC Noise is commonly measured in units of energy per frequency, much like the measurement of electro2 /Hz. The variable magnetic radiation. For a circuit element, this quantity is often expressed in units of Vrms for noise voltage is “E,” which distinguishes it from “V,” the variable for signal and power voltage. In addition, noise adds in quadrature. If there are two independent noise sources A and B, then the total noise energy created by them is 2 2 2 = EA + EB . Etot 1 SOURCES OF NOISE Random noise arises from many physical processes, some of which are understood and some which are not. Johnson, or “thermal,” noise is the most common form of explained noise and is seen in all resistors, regardless of their composition. It is given by 2 Erms = 4kB T R ∆f 2 is the noise power, ∆f is the frequency bandwidth, kB is Boltzmann’s constant, T is the where Erms temperature and R is the resistance value. Johnson noise sets a lower limit on the noise of a resistor, since it is independent of the current through the resistor. This noise is due to the fluctuations inherent in any mechanism of energy loss. Viscous friction in a liquid is another example, as it is associated with the random Brownian motion of the particles. Shot noise is another well-understood form of noise, and arises from the discrete charge of the electron. It is often explained as “rain on a tin roof” since its relative magnitude decreases with increasing current. It is given by: 2 Erms = 2qRVdc . ∆f Where q is the charge of the electron, Vdc is the constant voltage across the resistor and R is the resistance value. Unexplained random noise sources not only lack a physical explanation; they also differ in two major ways from Johnson noise and Shot noise. First, unexplained sources tend to be ohmic, meaning 2 , E 2 ∝ Idc although the proportionality constant is not equal to the resistance R of the device and might not be linear with R. Second, they have an inverse dependence on frequency E2 ∝ 1 fα where α is a number greater than 1. For off-the-shelf metal film resistors, α ≈ 1, while α ≈ 2 for carboncomposite resistors. This type of noise has equal power per decade of frequency and is often referred to as “pink” noise. WHY MEASURE NOISE? The conversion of electrical energy to heat causes noise. For resistors of different compositions, this process occurs in physically different ways. Each dissipative process is accompanied by characteristic fluctuations 2 which can be measured with a spectrum analyzer. This yields a “noise signature” much like the spectral emission lines of an atom or molecule. The tunnel junction is a resistive structure with interesting physical properties. A tunnel junction consists of two conducting thin films with a thin layer of insulating dielectric in between. Placing an electrical potential across the conducting films causes electrons to tunnel through the dielectric. If impurities are introduced into the dielectric, the tunneling rate can be affected, either positively or negatively, thereby affecting the resistance. In addition, impurities affect the noise signature by introducing peaks and valleys into an otherwise smooth curve. By studying the noise spectra of samples, insight can be gained into the different mechanisms by which electrons travel through the substance. DC NOISE MEASUREMENT CIRCUITS A C R I D B FIG. 1. Simple DC noise measurement In the most basic configuration, the noise of a resistor or any conducting device can be measured using the four-terminal circuit shown in Figure 1. A DC current I is fed through the resistor R from lead A to lead B. A voltage is measured across leads C and D. The measured voltage will fluctuate due to the noise of the resistor. The resistance itself will therefore appear to change. The power spectrum (energy per frequency) of these fluctuations can be determined by putting the signal through a spectrum analyzer, which takes the Fourier transform of the fluctuations. Although in theory this is the most direct method of measuring the noise of a device, in practice this configuration has a number of drawbacks. Luckily, however, each of these can be solved through modifications. The first problem with the four-terminal circuit is the fact that the noise voltage E will be miniscule compared to the constant Vdc = Idc R which is seen across the resistor. The voltage across the resistor is given by 3 Vtot = p (Idc R)2 + E 2 . If the frequency spectrum is taken of Vtot , the inputs of the spectrum analyzer will be overloaded by the constant voltage and unable to detect the tiny variations in the noise voltage. What is needed is a way to subtract the DC voltage from the signal before we amplify and Fourier transform it. The balanced bridge circuit in Figure 2 accomplishes the task quite nicely. The RB ’s are ballast resistors that provide a stable current source through the samples, denoted by RS . Vin t RB ... ......... ..... .. ........... ..... . .... ... ......... ..... .. ........... ..... . .... RB RV ... ........ ..... .. ........... ..... .. . ... ... ........ ..... .. ........... ..... .. . ... RV .. ......... ...... .. .......... ..... .. ... .. ......... ...... .. .......... ..... .. ... VA RS t t t VB RS FIG. 2. Balanced bridge circuit By adhering to the relationship RB = 10RS , we can ensure that the noise of the ballast resistors will be negligible compared to the noise of the samples. A stable, DC voltage is applied to Vin . Once the variable resistors are adjusted so that the average voltage across the bridge, VA − VB , is zero, we can measure the differential noise voltage VAB : VAB = VA − VB = 4 √ 2E. NOISE MEASUREMENT USING AN AC LOCK-IN TECHNIQUE Lock-In Amplifier Bridge Circuit Vin Reference t Out Demodulated RB .. ......... ...... .. .......... ..... .. ... .. ......... ...... .. .......... ..... .. ... RB RV ... ......... ...... .. . . ......... ..... .. ... ... ......... ...... .. . . ......... ..... .. ... RV .. ........ ...... ... . . ......... ..... .. .... .. ........ ...... ... . . ......... ..... .. .... Noise Out VA Differential VB Input RS t t t RS FIG. 3. AC Bridge Circuit The DC bridge circuit, though an improvement over a simple four-terminal measurement, still has a serious drawback. Even the best differential amplifiers are significantly noisier at DC than they are at AC frequencies, at which they are almost noiseless. To avoid the noise from DC amplification, we use an alternating Vin to drive the bridge circuit and a lock-in to detect and demodulate the noise. The differential amplifier we use to measure VAB will then be run at its optimum low-noise frequency. The circuit is pictured in Figure 3, and it operates much like an AM radio. A steady constant-amplitude, constant-frequency sine wave is provided by the lock-in as a reference and fed into the bridge at Vin . The samples represented as resistors RS , create noise which modulates the amplitude of the incoming sine wave. The lock-in amplifier demodulates this noise by multiplying VAB by the reference channel and outputting a slowly-varying voltage which can then be analyzed. The lock-in is necessary because it singles out the in-phase component of the signal, thereby eliminating any capacitive effects of the samples being analyzed. The AC bridge circuit is sensitive enough to measure noise at µA current levels. The data presented below were taken with a maximum current of 300µA. A tunnel junction breaks down at a maximum current of 50µA and therefore requires an order of magnitude more sensitivity. Through improved shielding and data averaging, this sensitivity can be achieved. 5 POWER SPECTRUM ANALYSIS OF NOISE DATA Once the demodulated noise is obtained from the output of the lock-in, it must be Fourier-transformed to determine its frequency distribution. The spectrum analysis of noise is a fine art, particularly so for low currents, in which case the 1/f flicker noise disappears into the thermal background after only a few Hertz. A time-domain signal that does not start and stop at the same value over the sampling period will have a discontinuity if it is copied and placed end-to-end. Fourier transforming such a discontinuous function will erroneously leak amplitude into all of the frequency bins. Before data can be transformed, it must be windowed, and an appropriate windowing function must be chosen. By first multiplying the time-domain signal by a smooth function which goes to zero at its endpoints, this amplitude leakage can be avoided. There are various windowing functions to choose from. The Hanning window is very common and is normally the best to choose for noise measurements since it has the lowest noise floor, with moderate amplitude accuracy and frequency selectivity. It is given by: i ωi = 1 − cos 2π N However, since 1/f noise has a sharp peak at zero Hertz, the Hanning window is not the best since it will not accurately measure the amplitude of the peak. The Flat-top window function, i i i i + 1.29 cos 4π − 0.388 cos 6π + 0.028 cos 8π ωi = 1 − 1.93 cos 2π N N N N is the best to use when amplitude accuracy is needed. The Flat-top is particularly suited to data whose frequency distribution is rough and it is therefore ideal for 1/f noise analysis. Frequency resolution and amplitude accuracy cannot both be obtained simultaneously. Other window functions, such as the BMH window, offer a balance between the two and provide a large dynamic range. Since the amplitude of 1/f noise is largest at low frequencies, the most interesting data occurs at just a few Hertz. Unfortunately, the lower the frequency, the longer it takes to acquire data. A reasonable frequency to probe to is 31.25 mHz, requiring a time record of 32 seconds. In addition, noise tends to be noisy. The Fourier transform of a single time trace will not give an accurate noise curve. Many traces must be acquired and averaged in order to yield a smooth curve. 10 averaged traces give a reasonably smooth noise curve. 6 DATA AND RESULTS 0.0001 ’carb.dat’ using 1:2 ’carb.dat’ using 1:(0.9*$3*$1**(-1.5)) 1e-05 1e-06 1 FIG. 4. Carbon-Composite Resistor Noise Figure 4 is a plot of the noise of a 1kΩ carbon-composite resistor up to a frequency of 1 Hz in units of 2 of power versus Hertz of frequency. The data is shown with logarithmic scales for both the x and y 4pVrms axes so that the values for α and β in the following relationship can be easily determined: y=β 1 xα On logarithmic scales, α is the negative slope of the straight line fit, and β is the y-axis offset. The solid line is the data for a current of 300µA. The dotted line is the thermal background scaled by the above equation. For a carbon-composite resistor, α = 1.5 and β = 0.9 gives a decent fit. Figure 5 gives a comparable plot for a 1kΩ metal-film resistor. For this type of resistor, α = 0.8 and β = 1.1 provide decent overlap. These plots are actually averages of Fourier transforms for 10 time traces. By averaging traces, the data can be smoothed considerably. Ideally, the solid and dotted plots would be overlapping straight lines. 7 0.0001 ’metal.dat’ using 1:2 ’metal.dat’ using 1:(1.1*$3*$1**(-0.8)) 1e-05 1e-06 1 FIG. 5. Metal-Film Resistor Noise 8