Acta Numerica (2013), pp. 133–288 doi:10.1017/S0962492913000044 c Cambridge University Press, 2013 Printed in the United Kingdom High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way∗† Josef Dick University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia E-mail: Frances Y. Kuo University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia E-mail: Ian H. Sloan University of New South Wales, Sydney, NSW 2052, Australia E-mail: and King Fahd University of Petroleum and Minerals, Dhahran 34463, Saudi Arabia This paper is a contemporary review of QMC (‘quasi-Monte Carlo’) methods, that is, equal-weight rules for the approximate evaluation of high-dimensional integrals over the unit cube [0, 1]s , where s may be large, or even infinite. After a general introduction, the paper surveys recent developments in lattice methods, digital nets, and related themes. Among those recent developments are methods of construction of both lattices and digital nets, to yield QMC rules that have a prescribed rate of convergence for sufficiently smooth functions, and ideally also guaranteed slow growth (or no growth) of the worst-case error as s increases. A crucial role is played by parameters called ‘weights’, since a careful use of the weight parameters is needed to ensure that the worst-case errors in an appropriately weighted function space are bounded, or grow only slowly, as the dimension s increases. Important tools for the analysis are weighted function spaces, reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces, and discrepancy, all of which are discussed with an appropriate level of detail. ∗ † Colour online for monochrome figures available at The URLs cited in this work were correct at the time of going to press, but the publisher and the authors make no undertaking that the citations remain live or are accurate or appropriate. 134 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan CONTENTS 1 Introduction 2 Introducing quasi-Monte Carlo methods 3 Error, discrepancy, and reproducing kernel 4 Weighted spaces and tractability 5 Lattice rules 6 Digital nets and sequences 7 Infinite-dimensional integration 8 Concluding remarks References 134 137 164 177 191 228 263 274 275 1. Introduction Numerical integration in more than one dimension has for a century been a topic that presents many challenges, as witnessed by the classical monograph by Stroud (1971). Among the challenges are those posed by the rich choice of multi-dimensional geometries, whether the cube, ball, sphere, simplex, or something more elaborate. Another challenge is the common occurrence of singularities of the integrand at special points or sub-manifolds of the region. But of all the challenges the one that stands above all others is the difficulty of doing anything effective when the number of integration variables (the ‘dimension’) passes beyond the number of fingers on two hands. Certainly the simple strategy of using a ‘product’ of one-dimensional rules becomes infeasible, since even a mere 10-fold product of say two-point Gauss rules requires 210 points. Yet these days problems arise, and are tackled, in which the number of dimensions is in the hundreds, or even the thousands or tens of thousands. The aim of this survey is to describe and analyse effective methods for numerical integration, with a special emphasis on a high number of dimensions. The price that has to be paid is that we consider only the simplest geometry (namely the unit cube in an arbitrary number s of dimensions), somewhat smooth functions, and only equal-weight integration rules. Thus the task is to approximate the integral f (x) dx, (1.1) Is (f ) = [0,1]s where s is greater than 1 and possibly large, for some integrable function f , by an n-point integration rule of the form 1 f (ti ), Qn,s (f ) = n n−1 i=0 (1.2) High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way 135 thus a rule that uses the prescribed sample points t0 , . . . , tn−1 ∈ [0, 1]s . Of course, we shall have much to say about the choice of these sample points. A rule of this equal-weight form is called a quasi-Monte Carlo (or QMC) rule. The name quasi-Monte Carlo comes from a certain analogy with the Monte Carlo (MC) method: in its simplest form the MC approximation to the integral (1.1) takes exactly the same form as (1.2), but with one crucial difference, that the sample points are chosen randomly (and independently), from a uniform distribution on the cube [0, 1]s . The MC method (Hammersley and Handscomb 1964, Lemieux 2009, Woźniakowski 2013) has some very attractive features, most notably that there exists a probabilistic (root-mean-square) error estimate of the form σ(f ) √ , n where σ 2 (f ) is the variance of f , σ 2 (f ) := Is (f 2 ) − (Is (f ))2 , which is finite whenever f is square-integrable. Moreover, σ(f ) can be estimated by the same MC rule √ used to estimate Is (f ). But for all the virtues of the MC method, its O(1/ n) rate of convergence is often considered to be impossibly slow, especially when f is smooth. For example, one needs four times as many points to reduce the error by a factor of two, or 100 times as many points to reduce the error by an order of magnitude. The QMC methods were born in the 1950s and 1960s from the√ (successful) desire to achieve faster convergence than the MC rate of O(1/ n). In the next sections we shall meet QMC methods that depend on constructing points sets with small ‘discrepancy’. These methods were indeed successful in improving upon the MC convergence rate, achieving a convergence rate of order O((log n)s /n) or better if sufficient smoothness of f is assumed. In particular, we will meet the so-called ‘lattice rules’, which for certain periodic functions (periodic with respect to each component of x) could achieve convergence rates of O((log n)s /n2 ) or faster, and so-called ‘higherorder digital nets’, which could achieve convergence rates of O((log n)2s /n2 ) or faster even for non-periodic functions. In the early days of QMC research, the emphasis was mainly on the rate of convergence as n increases, and less attention was paid to what happens as the dimensionality s increases; those early QMC researchers surely never envisaged QMC methods being applied to integrands in hundreds of dimensions. For lattice methods there was much interest in the 1960s in periodization strategies (for converting non-periodic integrands into periodic ones), which can then achieve fast convergence for appropriate QMC rules, but regrettably those periodization strategies often turn easy highdimensional problems into ones that are impossibly hard. In any case, the 136 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan rate of convergence is only part of the story: the size of the implied constant is also important. In the last two decades there has been great research interest in developing QMC methods and theory that can cope with arbitrarily high dimensions, if the circumstances are right. (Note that we do not say that all high-dimensional problems can be successfully tackled by QMC methods. Rather, the interest is in recognizing and analysing mathematically the particular features that make some high-dimensional problems manageable.) Applications have also played an important role in the development of QMC methods suitable for high-dimensional problems. In financial mathematics, the numerical experiments of Paskov and Traub (1995), which used low-discrepancy QMC methods in 360 dimensions to value parcels of mortgage-backed obligations, were successful to a degree that caused universal surprise. This led to many theoretical developments, as researchers struggled to understand how such high-dimensionality could be handled successfully (for example Caflisch, Morokoff and Owen 1997, Wang and Fang 2003). Option pricing problems have spurred many developments (for example Acworth, Broadie and Glasserman 1998, L’Ecuyer 2004, Giles, Kuo, Sloan and Waterhouse 2008, Wang and Sloan 2011, Griebel, Kuo and Sloan 2013). A challenging class of problems in multivariate statistics led Kuo et al. (2008a) to a new understanding of the importance of proper handling of the transformation process from Rs into [0, 1]s for problems over unbounded regions. The problem of evaluating high-dimensional expected values arising from partial differential equations with random coefficients, typified by the flow of a liquid (oil or water) through a porous material, with the permeability treated as a random field, is the newest driver of innovation (Graham et al. 2011, Kuo, Schwab and Sloan 2012). However, in this survey the focus will be on the theoretical innovations rather than on the applications themselves. The structure of the survey is as follows. In Section 2 we introduce QMC methods, and develop basic definitions and concepts without much theory. In Section 3 we begin to develop key tools (such as reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces) needed for error analysis of QMC methods. In Section 4 we introduce the modern theory of weighted function spaces, in which certain parameters (‘weights’) are introduced to describe the circumstance that some variables (or groups of variables) are more important than others. In Sections 5 and 6 we introduce more sophisticated material on lattice rules and digital nets. Then in Section 7 we introduce a setting which is currently attracting great interest, namely that of numerical integration in an infinite number of dimensions. Finally in Section 8 we give concluding remarks. At the end of each section we provide notes with references to further related material. High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way 137 2. Introducing quasi-Monte Carlo methods 2.1. Multivariate numerical integration Recall from (1.1) that our goal is to approximate a multiple integral over the s-dimensional unit cube [0, 1]s , 1 1 Is (f ) = f (x) dx := ··· f (x1 , . . . , xs ) dx1 · · · dxs , [0,1]s 0 0 where s is large, possibly in the hundreds or thousands. In practice most integrals over bounded or unbounded regions can be transformed into this desired form with a suitable change of variables. The transformation plays an important role as it determines the behaviour of the transformed integrand f . We shall defer the choice and strategy of transformation to be discussed later in Section 2.11. For our analysis in this survey, we will generally assume that f is continuous and has a certain level of smoothness, as will be made precise in the next section. In the classical theory of numerical integration (Davis and Rabinowitz 1984), an integral in one dimension can be approximated by a quadrature rule, as follows: 1 n−1 f (x) dx ≈ wi f (ti ), 0 i=0 where t0 , . . . , tn−1 ∈ [0, 1] are the quadrature n−1 points, and w0 , . . . , wn−1 ∈ R wi = 1. Well-known examples are the quadrature weights satisfying i=0 include the (left) rectangle rule, which uses equally spaced points ti = i/n and equal weights wi = 1/n and has the error f (ξ)/(2n) for some ξ ∈ (0, 1); the trapezoidal rule (which has second-order convergence); Simpson’s rule (with fourth-order convergence); and the Gauss rules (which integrate polynomials of degree 2n − 1 exactly). For integration in s dimensions with s ≥ 2, we have cubature rules (Stroud 1971), n−1 f (x) dx ≈ wi f (ti ), [0,1]s i=0 where t0 , . . . , tn−1 ∈ are the cubature points, ti = (ti,1 , . . . , ti,s ), and n−1 wi = 1. Explicit w0 , . . . , wn−1 ∈ R are the cubature weights satisfying i=0 cubature rules are available in low dimensions (Cools 1997). An obvious way to approximate a high-dimensional integral is to use a product rule, 1 1 m−1 m−1 ··· f (x1 , . . . , xs ) dx1 · · · dxs ≈ ··· ui1 · · · uis f (vi1 , . . . , vis ), [0, 1]s 0 0 i1 =0 is =0 138 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan in effect applying a one-dimensional quadrature rule m−1 i=0 ui f (vi ) to each of the s integrals. The cubature points ti are given by the s-fold product of the quadrature points vi , and the cubature weights wi are the corresponding products of the quadrature weights ui . The total number of points is n = ms , which is enormous when s is large, while (since f could be a function of only one component, such as f (x1 , . . . , xs ) = x21 ) the error is only the sth root of the error of the one-dimensional quadrature rule: for example, the product rectangle rule has error of order O(n−1/s ). As the title suggests, this survey will focus on quasi-Monte Carlo methods for high-dimensional integration. This section is devoted to introducing the basic principles behind these methods. We begin in the next subsection with a brief introduction to the related and widely used classical Monte Carlo method. Another competing technique for high-dimensional integration is based on sparse grid methods (Bungartz and Griebel 2004), but we will not discuss these methods in this survey. 2.2. Monte Carlo method The classical Monte Carlo (MC ) method is an equal-weight cubature rule of the form n−1 1 f (ti ), Qn,s (f ) = n i=0 where t0 , . . . , tn−1 are i.i.d. (independent and identically distributed) uniform random samples from [0, 1]s . Theorem 2.1 (Monte Carlo root-mean-square error). For all squareintegrable functions f , we have σ(f ) E[|Is (f ) − Qn,s (f )|2 ] = √ , n where the expectation is taken with respect to the uniform random samples t0 , . . . , tn−1 , and σ 2 (f ) := Is (f 2 ) − (Is (f ))2 is the variance of f . Although this result is well known, we give a proof since it will serve as a model for later arguments. Proof. We have E[|Qn,s (f ) − Is (f )|2 ] = E[(Qn,s (f ))2 ] − 2 E[Qn,s (f )]Is (f ) + (Is (f ))2 , High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way where E[Qn,s (f )] = = ··· [0,1]s 1 n [0,1]s n−1 i=0 139 n−1 1 f (ti ) dt0 . . . dtn−1 n i=0 f (ti ) dti [0,1]s = Is (f ) and E[(Qn,s (f )) ] = = [0,1]s ··· [0,1]s = [0,1]s = ··· [0,1]s [0,1]s 2 ··· [0,1]s 1 f (ti ) n i=0 n−1 2 dt0 . . . dtn−1 n−1 n−1 1 f (ti )f (tk ) dt0 . . . dtn−1 n2 1 n2 i=0 k=0 n−1 2 i=0 n−1 n−1 1 f (ti ) + 2 f (ti )f (tk ) dt0 . . . dtn−1 n i=0 k=0 k=i n−1 n−1 n−1 1 1 2 f (t ) dt + f (t ) dt f (tk ) dtk i i i i n2 n2 [0,1]s [0,1]s [0,1]s i=0 i=0 k=0 k=i 1 n−1 Is (f 2 ) + (Is (f ))2 . n n Hence = E[|Qn,s (f ) − Is (f )|2 ] = Is (f 2 ) − (Is (f ))2 , n as claimed. Treating Qn,s (f ) as a random variable, we see from the above proof that its mean is E[Qn,s (f )] = Is (f ) (that is to say, the MC method is unbiased), and its variance is Var[Qn,s (f )] = E[|Qn,s (f ) − Is (f )|2 ] = σ 2 (f ) . n By the central limit theorem, if 0 < σ(f ) < ∞ then c 1 σ(f ) 2 =√ lim P |Is (f ) − Qn,s (f )| ≤ c √ e−x /2 dx. n→∞ n 2π −c In other words, we have a ‘probabilistic’ error bound with a convergence rate 140 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan of O(n−1/2 ). The convergence rate is independent of the dimension. Comparing this with, for example, the product rectangle rule whose convergence rate is O(n−1/s ), we see that the MC method has the faster convergence when s ≥ 3 even for smooth functions. Another advantage of the MC method is that it is easy to obtain a practical error estimation. Indeed, an unbiased estimator for Var[Qn,s (f )] is given by n−1 n−1 1 1 2 2 2 (f (ti ) − Qn,s (f )) = f (ti ) − n[Qn,s (f )] . n(n − 1) n(n − 1) i=0 i=0 (2.1) The square root of this quantity provides an estimate for the root-meansquare MC error. Although widely applicable, MC methods suffer from the slow O(n−1/2 ) convergence rate. Variance reduction techniques (e.g., importance sampling, stratified sampling, correlated sampling) can be used to improve the efficiency of MC, but in practice MC methods often remain distressingly slow. Bakhvalov (1959) proved that the O(n−1/2 ) rate of convergence cannot be improved for general square-integrable or continuous functions f . For functions with more smoothness, this slow convergence rate is the main motivation for the switch to quasi-Monte Carlo methods. 2.3. Quasi-Monte Carlo methods Quasi-Monte Carlo (QMC ) methods are equal-weight cubature rules of the form n−1 1 f (ti ), Qn,s (f ) = n i=0 just like MC methods, but now the points t0 , . . . , tn−1 ∈ [0, 1]s are chosen deterministically to be better than random, in the sense that the deterministic nature of QMC leads to guaranteed error bounds, and that the convergence rate may be faster than the MC rate of O(n−1/2 ) for sufficiently smooth functions. There are two types of QMC methods. • The ‘open’ type: this uses the first n points of an infinite sequence. Thus to increase n one only needs to evaluate the integrand at the additional cubature points. • The ‘closed’ type: this uses a finite point set which depends on n. Thus a new value of n means a completely new set of cubature points. (Here and in the following, a point set is understood to be a multiset, that is, we count points according to their multiplicity.) 141 High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way The following definition is needed before we provide examples of QMC methods. Definition 2.2 (radical inverse function). For integers i ≥ 0 and b ≥ 2, we define the radical inverse function φb (i) as follows: if i= ∞ ia ba−1 , where ia ∈ {0, 1, . . . , b − 1}, then φb (i) := a=1 ∞ ia . ba a=1 In other words, if i = (· · · i2 i1 )b denotes the base b representation of i, then φb (i) := (0.i1 i2 · · · )b . Example 2.3 (van der Corput sequence). The van der Corput sequence in base b is the one-dimensional sequence φb (0), φb (1), φb (2), . . . . For example, take b = 2. First we write down the natural numbers 0, 1, 2, . . . in base 2 0, 12 , 102 , 112 , 1002 , 1012 , 1102 , . . . . Then we apply the radical inverse function φ2 to each number, to obtain the sequence 0, 0.12 , 0.012 , 0.112 , 0.0012 , 0.1012 , 0.0112 , . . . , which in decimal form is the sequence 0, 0.5, 0.25, 0.75, 0.125, 0.625, 0.375, . . . . Example 2.4 (Halton sequence). Let p1 , p2 , . . . , ps be the first s prime numbers. The Halton sequence t0 , t1 , . . . in s dimensions is given by ti = φp1 (i), φp2 (i), . . . , φps (i) , i = 0, 1, . . . , that is, the jth components of points in the Halton sequence form the van der Corput sequence in base pj , where pj is the jth prime. The Halton sequence leads to an ‘open’ QMC method. We have explicitly t0 t1 t2 t3 = (0, 0, 0, . . . , 0), = (0.12 , 0.13 , 0.15 , . . . , 0.1ps ), = (0.012 , 0.23 , 0.25 , . . . , 0.2ps ), = (0.112 , 0.013 , 0.35 , . . . , 0.3ps ) .. . The Halton sequence satisfies the error bound |Is (f ) − Qn,s (f )| ≤ Cs (log n)s V (f ), n for all n ≥ 2, 142 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan where Cs depends only on s, and V (f ) is the variation of f in the sense of Hardy and Krause; see for instance Kuipers and Niederreiter (1974, p. 147, Definition 5.2). For now we simply observe that, although the convergence rate appears to beat the MC rate of O(n−1/2 ), the MC rate is independent of s, whereas for fixed s, the function (log n)s /n increases with increasing n for all n < exp(s). Example 2.5 (Hammersley point set). Let p1 , p2 , . . . , ps−1 be the first s − 1 prime numbers. The Hammersley point set {t0 , t1 , . . . , tn−1 } with n points in s dimensions is given by i , φp1 (i), φp2 (i), . . . , φps−1 (i) , i = 0, 1, . . . , n − 1. ti = n The Hammersley point set leads to a ‘closed’ QMC method. We have explicitly t0 = (0, 0, . . . , 0), t1 = n1 , 0.12 , 0.13 , . . . , 0.1ps−1 , t2 = n2 , 0.012 , 0.23 , . . . , 0.2ps−1 .. . tn−1 = n−1 n ,... . The QMC method based on the Hammersley point set satisfies the error bound (log n)s−1 V (f ), for all n ≥ 2, |Is (f ) − Qn,s (f )| ≤ Cs n where Cs depends only on s. Note that there is one less power of log n compared to the error bound for the Halton sequence. Typically the error bounds for QMC methods based on ‘closed’ point sets are better than those based on ‘open’ sequences. Example 2.6 (Kronecker sequence). Let 1, α1 , α2 , . . . , αs ∈ R be linearly independent over Q. The Kronecker sequence t0 , t1 , . . . in s dimensions is given by ti = {iα1 }, {iα2 }, . . . , {iαs } , i = 0, 1, . . . , where the braces indicate that we take the fractional part of a real number, that is, {x} := x − x. (2.2) √ For example, a good choice of parameters is αj = pj where pj is the jth prime number. The error bound for the Kronecker sequence takes the same form as that of the Halton sequence, but with a different multiplying constant, again depending on s. High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way 143 Two main families of QMC methods are currently under investigation: • digital nets (‘closed’) and digital sequences (‘open’), • lattice rules (‘closed’ and ‘open’). We will introduce these two families in the next few subsections. 2.4. Lattice rules A lattice in Rs is a discrete subset of Rs which is closed under addition and subtraction. An integration lattice in Rs is a lattice which contains Zs as a subset. A lattice rule is an equal-weight cubature rule whose cubature points are those points of an integration lattice that lie in the half-open unit cube [0, 1)s . Every lattice point set includes the origin 0. The projection of the lattice points onto each axis gives equally spaced points. In a sense the integral in each dimension is approximated by a rectangle rule (or a trapezoidal rule if the integrand is periodic). Every lattice rule can be written as a multiple sum involving one or more generating vectors. The minimal number of generating vectors required to generate a lattice rule is known as the rank of the rule. Besides rank-one lattice rules involving just one generating vector, there exist lattice rules having rank up to s. Lattice rules were introduced by Korobov (1959). They were originally designed for periodic integrands. Definition 2.7 (rank-one lattice rule). An n-point rank-one lattice rule in s dimensions, also known as the method of good lattice points, is a QMC method with cubature points iz , i = 0, 1, . . . , n − 1, (2.3) ti = n where z ∈ Zs , known as the generating vector, is an s-dimensional integer vector having no factor in common with n, and the braces around the vector indicate, as in (2.2), that we take the fractional part of each component in the vector. Example 2.8 (Fibonacci lattice). Let z = (1, Fk ) and n = Fk+1 , where Fk and Fk+1 are consecutive Fibonacci numbers. Then the resulting twodimensional lattice point set is called a Fibonacci lattice; see Figure 2.1 for two examples. Fibonacci lattices in two dimensions have a certain optimality property, but there is no obvious generalization to higher dimensions that retains the optimality property. Since we are only interested in the fractional part of iz/n, the components of z can be restricted to the set Zn := {0, 1, 2, . . . , n − 1}. 144 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Figure 2.1. The Fibonacci lattices with 5 points and 55 points. The corresponding generating vectors are (1, 3) and (1, 34), respectively. Moreover, since we would prefer that every one-dimensional projection of the lattice rule has n distinct values, the components of z can be further restricted to the set Un := {z ∈ Z : 1 ≤ z ≤ n − 1 and gcd(z, n) = 1}. The number of elements in the set Un is ϕ(n) := |Un |, the Euler totient function. If n = pa11 pa22 · · · pakk is the prime factorization of n, then ϕ(n) = (pa11 − p1a1 −1 )(pa22 − p2a2 −1 ) · · · (pakk − pkak −1 ). Asymptotically, ϕ(n) grows at a rate close to n: 1/ϕ(n) = O((log log n)/n). For simplicity, we often assume that n is prime and thus ϕ(n) = n − 1. This implies that: • there are n − 1 choices for each component of z, • there are (n − 1)s choices for the generating vector z. For large n and s, an exhaustive search to find a generating vector that minimizes some desired error criterion is practically impossible. We now present two approaches for constructing lattice generating vectors in high dimensions. Example 2.9 (Korobov construction). 1 ≤ a ≤ n − 1 and gcd(a, n) = 1, we define Given an integer a satisfying z = z(a) := (1, a, a2 , . . . , as−1 ) mod n. There are (at most) n − 1 choices for the Korobov parameter a, leading to (at most) n − 1 choices for the generating vector z. Thus it is feasible in practice to search through the (at most) n − 1 choices and take the one that minimizes the desired error criterion. High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way 145 Example 2.10 (component-by-component (CBC) construction). Given n, we construct a generating vector z = (z1 , z2 , . . .) as follows. (1) Set z1 = 1. (2) With z1 held fixed, choose z2 from Un to minimize a desired error criterion in 2 dimensions. (3) With z1 , z2 held fixed, choose z3 from Un to minimize a desired error criterion in 3 dimensions. (4) With z1 , z2 , z3 held fixed, choose z4 from Un to minimize a desired error criterion in 4 dimensions. (5) . . . The generating vector obtained by the CBC construction is extensible in s. In Section 5 we will consider two important aspects of the CBC construction: error analysis and computational cost. We will also discuss how to obtain extensible lattice sequences that are extensible in both s and n. 2.5. (t, m, s)-nets and (t, s)-sequences Nets and sequences provide another method for obtaining well-distributed point sets in the unit cube [0, 1)s that are useful for QMC integration. The concept of (t, m, s)-net is based on subdividing the unit cube into intervals and placing points in the cube such that each interval of a certain size and shape contains the ‘correct’ number of points. Definition 2.11 ((t, m, s)-net). Let t ≥ 0, m ≥ 1, s ≥ 1, and b ≥ 2 be integers with t ≤ m. A (t, m, s)-net in base b is a point set P consisting of bm points in [0, 1)s such that every elementary interval of the form s aj aj + 1 (2.4) , bdj bdj j=1 with each dj ≥ 0, 0 ≤ aj < bdj , and d1 + d2 + · · · + ds = m − t, contains exactly bt points of P . An elementary interval (2.4) has volume b−(d1 +d2 +···+ds ) = bt−m , which is precisely the proportion of the points from P that lie in this elementary interval. One would expect such a property to hold if the point set is uniformly distributed. Figure 2.2 provides an illustration of a two-dimensional net with 16 points. Note that any point set consisting of bm points in [0, 1)s is trivially an (m, m, s)-net in base b, indicating that the concept of (t, m, s)-net is only useful when t < m. For fixed b and m, the (t, m, s)-net condition gets stronger as t gets smaller. Hence the aim is to find (t, m, s)-nets in base 146 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Figure 2.2. Illustration of a (0, 4, 2)-net in base 2: every elementary interval of volume 1/16 contains exactly one of the 16 points. A point that lies on the dividing line counts toward the interval above or to the right. b where t is small. A (t, m, s)-net is said to be a strict (t, m, s)-net if it is not a (t − 1, m, s)-net. The ‘t-value’ is often referred to as the quality parameter. It is also not useful to choose the base b too large, noting that in the extreme case in which b = n we have m = 1, so that even when t = 0 the only elementary intervals are the ‘boxes’ of side length 1 and thickness 1/n, in which case even the set of points k(1/n, 1/n, . . . , 1/n) for k = 0, . . . , n − 1 lying on the main diagonal is a (0, m, s)-net. The relevant quantity for fixed n is the strength k = m − t of the (t, m, s)-net. The aim is then to find nets with large strength k. There is an analogous concept for infinite sequences. Definition 2.12 ((t, s)-sequences). Let t ≥ 0 and s ≥ 1 be integers. A (t, s)-sequence in base b is a sequence of points S = (t0 , t1 , . . .) in [0, 1)s such that for any integers m > t and ≥ 0, every block of bm points tbm , . . . , t(+1)bm −1 in the sequence S forms a (t, m, s)-net in base b. The van der Corput sequence in base b is a (0, 1)-sequence in base b. Higher-dimensional examples include the Sobol sequence (Sobol 1967), which is a (t, s)-sequence in base 2, where t is a non-decreasing function of s; the Faure sequence (Faure 1982); the Niederreiter sequence (Niederreiter 1987); and the Niederreiter–Xing sequence (Niederreiter and Xing 1995). High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way 147 More details about these sequences will be given in Section 2.7. These sequences are also commonly referred to as ‘low-discrepancy sequences’ due to their high uniformity. We will explain the term ‘discrepancy’ in Section 3. 2.6. Digital construction scheme We now introduce a method for the construction of (t, m, s)-nets and (t, s)sequences. This method is based on linear algebra over finite fields. Let b be prime and let Zb := {0, 1, . . . , b−1} denote the equivalence classes of integers modulo b. Using addition + and multiplication ∗ of elements in Zb modulo the prime b, we obtain a finite field of order b. In the following we identify the element k in the finite field Zb with the integer 0 ≤ k < b. Let C1 , . . . , Cs be m-by-m matrices with entries in Zb . Then ti,j , the jth component of the ith point in P = {t0 , . . . , tbm −1 }, can be constructed as follows. (1) Write i in its base b representation: i = (im · · · i2 i1 )b = i1 + i2 b + · · · + im bm−1 . (2) Compute y1 i1 y2 i2 .. = Cj .. , . . ym im where all additions and multiplications are done in the finite field Zb , i.e., modulo b. (3) Set y 1 y2 ym + 2 + ··· + m. b b b The resulting point set P = {t0 , . . . , tbm −1 } is called a digital net over Zb and the matrices C1 , . . . , Cs are called the generating matrices of the digital net. The following definition connects (t, m, s)-nets in base b with digital nets. ti,j = (0.y1 y2 · · · ym )b = Definition 2.13 (digital (t, m, s)-net). Let b be prime, t ≥ 0, m ≥ 1, and s ≥ 1 be integers. If a digital net P constructed over Zb is a (t, m, s)-net in base b, then P is called a digital (t, m, s)-net over Zb . The following lemma provides the connection between the generating matrices of a digital net and the (t, m, s)-net property. Lemma 2.14 (t-value for a digital net). A digital net over Zb with generating matrices C1 , . . . , Cs is a digital (t, m, s)-net over Zb if and only if, 148 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan for all d1 , . . . , ds ≥ 0 with d1 + · · · + ds = m − t, the set of vectors c1,1 , c1,2 , . . . , c1,d1 , c2,1 , c2,2 , . . . , c2,d2 , . . . , cs,1 , cs,2 , . . . , cs,ds is linearly independent over Zb , where cj, denotes the th row vector of the matrix Cj . Proof. Let d1 , . . . , ds ≥ 0 such that d1 + · · · + ds = m − t, let s aj aj + 1 J= , bdj bdj j=1 be an elementary interval, and let uj,d uj,1 uj,2 aj + 2 + ··· + d j . = d j b b b bj Thus, for given d1 , . . . , ds , we can uniquely associate the vector u = (u1,1 , . . . , u1,d1 , . . . , us,1 , . . . , us,ds ) to the elementary interval J. Let {t0 , t1 , . . . , tbm −1 } be a digital net with . Let ti = (ti,1 , ti,2 , . . . , ti,s ) with generating matrices C1 , . . . , Cs ∈ Zm×m b −1 −2 −m ti,j = τi,j,1 b + τi,j,2 b + · · · + τi,j,m b . Then ti ∈ J if and only if uj, = τi,j, for 1 ≤ ≤ dj and 1 ≤ j ≤ s. Let Cj = (c j,1 , . . . , cj,m ) , that is, cj, is the th row vector of Cj . Let A = (c 1,1 , . . . , c1,d1 , . . . , cs,1 , . . . , cs,ds ) . Then the number of points of the digital net which lie in J is given by the number of solutions (i1 , . . . , im ) of the equation over Zb : i1 i2 A .. = u. (2.5) . im For each vector u the number of solutions of (2.5) is bm−t if and only if the rows of A are linearly independent. Thus the result follows. Constructions of good generating matrices for digital nets yielding digital (t, m, s)-nets with small t-value will be discussed in Section 2.7. In the following we give a two-dimensional example of digital (0, m, 2)-nets over Zb for arbitrary prime b. Example 2.15. Let b be a prime and let 1 0 ··· ··· 0 1 0 ··· .. . . . .. ... C1 = . . 0 · · · 0 1 0 ··· ··· 0 m ≥ 1 be an integer. Let 0 0 .. ∈ Zm×m . b 0 1 High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way and 0 ··· 0 · · · C2 = ... . . . 0 1 1 0 ··· 0 . .. 0 ··· 0 1 .. . ··· ··· 149 1 0 .. ∈ Zm×m . . b 0 0 Then Lemma 2.14 implies that C1 and C2 are generating matrices of a digital (0, m, 2)-net over Zb . The concept of digital nets can be extended to infinite sequences S = (t0 , t1 , . . .) in [0, 1)s . To do so, we need infinite matrices C1 , . . . , Cs ∈ ZN×N , with Cj = (cj,k, )k,∈N and cj,k, ∈ Zb , such that for every there is a k such that cj,k, = 0 for all k > k . Then ti,j , the jth component of the ith point in the sequence S is constructed in the following way. (1) Write i in its base b representation: i = (· · · i2 i1 )b = i1 + i2 b + · · · . (Note that only finitely many digits ik are different from 0.) (2) Compute y1 i1 y2 i2 = Cj , .. .. . . where all additions and multiplications are done in the finite field Zb . (3) Set y 1 y2 + 2 + ··· . b b The resulting sequence S = (t0 , t1 , . . .) is called a digital sequence over Zb and the matrices C1 , . . . , Cs are called the generating matrices of the digital sequence. The following definition connects (t, s)-sequences in base b with digital sequences. ti,j = (0.y1 y2 · · · )b = Definition 2.16 (digital (t, s)-sequences). Let b be prime, and let t ≥ 0 and s ≥ 1 be integers. If a digital sequence S constructed over Zb is a (t, s)sequence in base b, then S is called a digital (t, s)-sequence over Zb . Constructions of good generating matrices for digital sequences yielding digital (t, s)-sequences with small t-value will be discussed in Section 2.7. In the following we give a one-dimensional example of a (0, 1)-sequence over Zb for arbitrary prime b. Example 2.17. Let b be a prime. Let C ∈ ZbN×N be the matrix with ones along the main diagonal and zeros everywhere else (i.e., the identity 150 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan matrix). Then C generates a digital (0, 1)-sequence over Zb . In fact, C generates the van der Corput sequence in base b. 2.7. Constructions of digital nets and sequences In this subsection we discuss explicit constructions of digital nets and sequences with small t value. In the previous subsection we introduced (digital) (t, m, s)-nets and (digital) (t, s)-sequences and we gave explicit constructions for small dimensions. The first constructions in arbitrary dimensions are due to Sobol (1967) and Faure (1982), before the general concept of (digital) (t, s)-sequence was introduced in Niederreiter (1987). In the following we discuss these explicit constructions in detail. We use the following notation. Let Zb [x] denote the set of polynomials over the finite field Zb . The polynomial p(x) = a0 + a1 x + · · · + am xm with am = 0 is said to have degree deg(p) = m. For p = 0 we set deg(p) = −∞. A polynomial p ∈ Zb [x] is irreducible if it cannot be written as a product of two non-constant polynomials, that is, there are no q, q ∈ Zb [x] such that p(x) = q(x)q (x) with deg(q), deg(q ) > 0. A polynomial p(x) = a0 + a1 x + · · ·+am xm ∈ Zb [x] of degree m ≥ 1 is primitive if and only if am = 1, a0 = 0 and the smallest integer k such that there is a polynomial q ∈ Zb [x] with p(x)q(x) = xk −1 ∈ Zb [x] is k = bm −1. It can be shown that every primitive polynomial is irreducible. Further, if p is primitive, then the polynomial x is a primitive element in Zb [x]/p, that is, {xk mod p : k = 0, 1, . . . , bm − 2} = (Zb [x]/p) \ {0}. Example 2.18 (Sobol sequence). Sobol (1967) was the first to introduce a construction of (t, s)-sequences over Z2 , which are now referred to as Sobol sequences. These are digital sequences over the finite field Z2 . (1) Let p1 , . . . , ps ∈ Z2 [x] be distinct primitive polynomials ordered according to their degree, and let pj (x) = xej + a1,j xej −1 + a2,j xej −2 + · · · + aej −1,j x + 1, for 1 ≤ j ≤ s, where aj,k ∈ Zb . Note that ej denotes the degree of the polynomial pj . (2) Choose odd natural numbers 1 ≤ m1,j , . . . , mej ,j such that mk,j < 2k for 1 ≤ k ≤ ej , and for all k > ej define mk,j recursively by mk,j = 2a1,j mk−1,j ⊕· · ·⊕2ej −1 aej −1,j mk−ej +1,j ⊕2ej mk−ej ,j ⊕mk−ej ,j , where ⊕ is the bit-by-bit exclusive-or operator. (3) The so-called direction numbers are defined by mk,j vk,j := k , for k ≥ 1. 2 High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way 151 (4) Then for i ∈ N0 with dyadic expansion i = i0 + 2i1 + · · · + 2r−1 ir−1 we define ti,j = i0 v1,j ⊕ i1 v2,j ⊕ · · · ⊕ ir−1 vr,j . The Sobol sequence is then the sequence of points t0 , t1 , . . . , where ti = (ti,1 , . . . , ti,s ). Sobol sequences are digital (t, s)-sequences with t= s (ej − 1). j=1 This result holds for all choices of direction numbers, and therefore the direction numbers do not influence the overall quality of Sobol sequences. Note, however, that the t-value for a Sobol net of bm points for different m can be smaller than the t-value of the full sequence, and hence the choice of direction numbers can affect the quality of a Sobol net. Example 2.19 (Faure sequence). Faure (1982) introduced a construction of (0, s)-sequences over prime fields Zb with s ≤ b, which are now called Faure sequences. The generating matrices C1 , . . . , Cs are given by Cj = (P )j−1 (mod b) for 1 ≤ j ≤ s, where P is the Pascal matrix given by 0 0 0 ... 0 1 2 1 1 1 . . . 0 , 12 22 P = 2 . . . 1 2 0 .. .. .. . . . . . . k where we set = 0 for > k. A Faure sequence is a digital (0, s)-sequence. Example 2.20 (Niederreiter sequence). Niederreiter (1987) introduced the general concept of digital (t, s)-sequences, which includes both the Sobol and Faure constructions as special cases. We describe a special case of this sequence in the following. Let Zb = {0, 1, . . . , b − 1} denote the finite field of prime order b with addition and multiplication modulo b. Let Zb [x] denote the set of polynomials with coefficients in Zb . Addition and multiplication of polynomials in Zb is defined by using arithmetic in Zb (i.e., modulo b). This can also be extended to division of polynomials in Zb , which gives rise to the set of formal series Zb ((x−1 )), which are series of the form ∞ =w a x− 152 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan for some integer w and coefficients a ∈ Zb . Note that this set contains the set of polynomials Zb [x]. This set now permits addition, subtraction, multiplication and division (except dividing by 0 of course) of formal series where the coefficients are added, subtracted, multiplied and divided modulo b. Thus Zb ((x−1 )) is a field, which is called the field of formal Laurent series. The construction of the generating matrices is based on arithmetic in this field. (1) Let p1 , p2 , . . . , ps ∈ Zb [x] be distinct monic irreducible polynomials over Zb (monic means that the coefficient of the monomial in pj with the highest degree is 1). Let ej = deg(pj ) for 1 ≤ j ≤ s. The best results are obtained by choosing the degree of the polynomials p1 , p2 , . . . , ps as small as possible. (2) For integers 1 ≤ j ≤ s, u ≥ 1 and 0 ≤ k < ej , consider the expansions ∞ xej −k−1 (j) = a (u, k, )x−−1 pj (x)u (2.6) =0 over the field of formal Laurent series Zb ((x−1 )). (3) Then we define the entries in the matrix Cj = (cj,i, )i,∈N in the following way: cj,i, = a(j) (Q + 1, k, ) ∈ Zb for 1 ≤ j ≤ s, i ≥ 1, ≥ 0, where i − 1 = Qej + k with integers Q = Q(i, j) and k = k(i, j), with k satisfying 0 ≤ k < ej . We briefly describe how to compute the coefficients a(j) (u, k, ) recursively. Let u, j be fixed and let v = a(j) (u, ej − 1, ) for all ≥ 0. Then a(j) (u, k, ) = v+ej −1−k for 0 ≤ k < ej . Let pj (x)u = xuej − buej −1 xuej −1 − · · ·−b0 , where we assume without loss of generality that pj (x) is monic (i.e., the coefficient of xej is 1). Then (2.6) can be written as 1 = (v0 x−1 + v1 x−2 + · · · )(xuej − buej −1 xuej −1 − · · · − b0 ). By comparing coefficients we obtain v0 = · · · = viej −2 = 0, viej −1 = 1 and vuej + = buej −1 vuej +−1 + · · · + b0 v ∈ Zb , for all ≥ 0. The Niederreiter sequence is a digital (t, s)-sequence with t= s (ej − 1). j=1 The Faure sequence can be obtained as a special case of the Niederreiter sequence, which corresponds to the case where the base b is a prime number High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way 153 such that b ≥ s and pj (x) = x − j + 1 for 1 ≤ j ≤ s. The Sobol sequence is obtained by choosing p1 (x) = x and p2 , p3 , . . . , ps as primitive polynomials. This yields a Sobol sequence with a special choice of direction numbers. The Niederreiter sequence can also be generalized, where xej −k−1 is replaced by a polynomial of degree ej − k − 1. The choice of polynomials then corresponds to choosing different direction numbers. This way one can obtain the generating matrices for a Sobol sequence. On the other hand, an algorithm similar to the one introduced above for Sobol sequences can also be obtained for Niederreiter sequences, which yields a fast implementation of Niederreiter sequences. A practical implementation of digital nets and sequences can use a Gray code ordering to improve efficiency. 2.8. Polynomial lattice rule construction In this subsection we discuss polynomial lattice rules, a concept analogous to lattice rules, but based on linear algebra over finite fields; they form a special class of digital nets. Let b be prime, let p be a polynomial of degree m with coefficients in Zb , and let q1 , . . . , qs be polynomials of degree at most m − 1 with coefficients in Zb . Then Cj , the jth generating matrix, can be chosen as follows. (1) Let u1 , u2 , . . . ∈ Zb be such that qj (x) u1 u2 = + 2 + ··· . p(x) x x For given qj (x) and p(x), the values of u1 , u2 , . . . can be obtained by equating coefficients in qj (x) = (u1 /x + u2 /x2 + · · · )p(x), noting that all additions and multiplications are to be done in Zb . (2) Set u1 u2 Cj = u3 .. . u2 u3 . .. . .. u3 . .. . .. . .. ··· . .. . .. . .. um um+1 um+2 · · · um um+1 um+2 . ∈ Zm×m b .. . u2m−1 The digital net with generating matrices C1 , . . . , Cs as defined above is called a polynomial lattice point set, and a QMC rule using a polynomial lattice point set is called a polynomial lattice rule. The polynomial p is referred to as the modulus, and the vector of polynomials (q1 , . . . , qs ) is referred to as the generating vector. There is also a faster method for generating the cubature points of a polynomial lattice rule which does not use the generating matrices. For 154 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan the following we need to introduce some definitions and some notation. As before, let Zb [x] denote the set of polynomials with coefficients in Zb and let Zb ((x−1 )) denote the set of formal Laurent series ∞ a x− , =w where a ∈ Zb . For m ∈ N let υm be the map from Zb ((x−1 )) to the interval [0, 1) defined by ∞ m − = t x t b− . υm =w =max(1,w) We frequently associate a non-negative integer k, with b-adic expansion k = κ0 +κ1 b+· · ·+κa ba , with the polynomial k(x) = κ0 +κ1 x+· · ·+κa xa ∈ Zb [x] and vice versa. Further, for arbitrary k = (k1 , . . . , ks ) ∈ Zb [x]s and q = (q1 , . . . , qs ) ∈ Zb [x]s , we define the ‘inner product’ k·q = s ki qi ∈ Zb [x], i=1 and we write q ≡ 0 (mod p) if p divides q in Zb [x]. With these definitions we can give the following equivalent but simpler form of the construction of P(q, p). Theorem 2.21. Let b be a prime and let m, s ∈ N. For p ∈ Zb [x] with deg(p) = m and q = (q1 , . . . , qs ) ∈ Zb [x]s , the polynomial lattice point set P(q, p) is the point set consisting of the bm points i(x)q1 (x) i(x)qs (x) , . . . , υm ∈ [0, 1)s , t i = υm p(x) p(x) for i ∈ Zb [x] with deg(i) < m. The task of choosing good generating matrices is now replaced by the task of choosing a good generating vector (q1 , . . . , qs ). The total number of 2 possible choices of generating matrices is reduced from bm s to bms . Example 2.22. In this example we show the polynomial lattice rule analogue of Fibonacci lattice rules; they are constructed via the continued fraction expansion of the ratio q2 (x)/p(x). Let b be prime and let m ≥ 1 be an integer. Set q1 (x) = 1. Let p(x) be a polynomial over Zb of degree m and let q2 (x) be the polynomial over Zb defined by 1 q2 (x) = p(x) 1+x+ 1+x+ 1 . 1 1+x+ .. . 155 High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way The corresponding polynomial lattice point set is a digital (0, m, 2)-net over Zb . For instance, let b = 2. Then for m = 2 we obtain q2 (x) 1 = p(x) 1+x+ 1 1+x = 1+x 1+x = , (1 + x)2 + 1 x2 and thus p(x) = x2 and q2 (x) = 1 + x. For m = 3 we obtain 1 q2 (x) = p(x) 1+x+ 1 1 1+x+ 1+x = x2 x2 = , (1 + x)x2 + (1 + x) x3 + x2 + x + 1 and thus p(x) = x3 + x2 + x + 1 and q2 (x) = x2 . 2.9. Randomization and error estimation: shifted lattice rules We recall that the mean-square MC error can be estimated in practice using (2.1). In comparison, a fully deterministic QMC method, although having a faster rate of convergence, is biased and lacks a practical error estimate. ‘Randomized’ QMC methods combine the best of both worlds; their advantages are as follows. • Randomization yields an unbiased estimator. • Randomization provides a practical error estimate. • Randomized QMC methods enjoy faster rates of convergence than the MC method for smooth functions. • Some randomization technique (see ‘scrambling’ below) can further improve the QMC rate of convergence by an additional O(n−1/2 ). Here we discuss the simplest form of randomization called shifting, and we explain how an error estimate can be obtained in practice. We begin with a remark that shifting preserves the lattice structure, and therefore this randomization technique typically goes with lattice rules, to yield so-called shifted lattice rules. Having said that, shifting can be used together with any QMC method to obtain a practical error estimate (however, it need not preserve the original structure of the QMC point set). The idea behind shifting is to move all the points in the same direction by the same amount. If any point falls outside the unit cube then it is ‘wrapped’ back into the cube from the opposite side. More precisely, given a vector ∆ ∈ [0, 1]s , known as the shift, the ∆-shift of the QMC points t0 , . . . , tn−1 yields points {ti + ∆}, i = 0, 1, . . . , n − 1, (2.7) where, as in (2.2), the braces indicate taking the fractional parts. Figure 2.3 illustrates how shifting is done. 156 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • (a) (b) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • (c) Figure 2.3. Applying a (0.1, 0.3)-shift to a 64-point lattice rule in two dimensions: (a) original lattice rule, (b) moving all points by (0.1, 0.3), (c) wrapping the points back inside the unit cube. For a random shift ∆ ∈ [0, 1]s , the shifted QMC points {ti + ∆}, i = 0, 1, . . . , n − 1 are correlated. Therefore we cannot estimate the variance of the shifted QMC rule using the sample variance as in (2.1). Instead, we need to use a number of independent random shifts as follows. (1) We generate q independent random shifts ∆0 , ∆1 , . . . , ∆q−1 from the uniform distribution on [0, 1]s . (0) (1) (2) For a given QMC rule, we form the approximations Qn,s (f ), Qn,s (f ), (q−1) . . . , Qn,s (f ), where 1 f ({ti + ∆k }), n n−1 Q(k) n,s (f ) = k = 0, 1, . . . , q − 1, i=0 is the approximation of the integral using a ∆k -shift of the original QMC rule. (3) We take the average 1 (k) Qn,s (f ) Q̄n,s,q (f ) = q q−1 k=0 as our final approximation to the integral. (4) An unbiased estimate for the mean-square error of Q̄n,s,q (f ) is given by q−1 1 2 (Q(k) n,s (f ) − Q̄n,s,q (f )) . q(q − 1) k=0 Typically we take n in the thousands or more while keeping q small, say around 10–50. To obtain a fair comparison between the MC method and High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way 157 a randomized QMC method (e.g., for the two methods to have the same number of function evaluations), we should take nMC = q · nQMC . Scrambling is a popular but more complicated randomization method. The idea is to randomly and recursively permute the points between elementary intervals so that the digital net structure is preserved. More details will be given in the next subsection. For now we just introduce a related randomization technique called digital shift, which is similar to shifting. We just need to replace (2.7) by ti ⊕ ∆, i = 0, 1, . . . , n − 1, where ⊕ denotes the digit-wise addition operator in base b defined as follows. If x, σ ∈ [0, 1) have base b representations x = (0.x1 x2 · · · )b and σ = (0.σ1 σ2 · · · )b , then y = x ⊕ σ = (0.y1 y2 · · · )b , where yi = (xi + σi ) mod b. The procedure for estimating the error is the same as for shifting. For later use we also define digit-wise subtraction y = xσ = (0.y1 y2 · · ·)b , which is defined by yi = (xi − σi ) mod b. 2.10. Scrambled nets and sequences Randomization methods are designed to introduce randomness into the point sets but at the same time should preferably keep the relevant structure intact. In the case of (t, m, s)-nets this means that the net should still be a (t, m, s)-net after the randomization (with probability 1). This can be achieved by the following algorithm introduced by Owen (1997a). We first introduce Owen’s scrambling algorithm, which is most easily described for some generic point x ∈ [0, 1)s , with x = (x1 , . . . , xs ) and xj = xj,1 b−1 + xj,2 b−2 + · · · . The scrambled point will be denoted by y ∈ [0, 1)s , where y = (y1 , . . . , ys ) and yj = yj,1 b−1 + yj,2 b−2 + · · · . The point y is obtained by applying permutations to each digit of each coordinate of x. The permutation applied to xj, depends on xj,k for 1 ≤ k < . Specifically, yj,1 = πj (xj,1 ), yj,2 = πj,xj,1 (xj,2 ), yj,3 = πj,xj,1 ,xj,2 (xj,3 ), and in general yj,k = πj,xj,1 ,...,xj,k−1 (xj,k ), (2.8) where πj,xj,1 ,...,xj,k−1 is a random permutation of {0, . . . , b − 1}. We assume that permutations with different indices are chosen mutually independent from each other and that each permutation is chosen with the same probability. In this case the scrambled point y is uniformly distributed in [0, 1)s . We show this fact in Section 6. 158 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan We now introduce some convenient notation to describe Owen’s scrambling. For 1 ≤ j ≤ s let Πj = {πj,xj,1 ,...xj,k−1 : k ∈ N, xj,1 , . . . , xj,k−1 ∈ {0, . . . , b − 1}} (where for k = 1 we set πj,xj,1 ,...xj,k−1 = πj ) be a given set of permutations, and let Π = (Π1 , . . . , Πs ). Then, when applying Owen’s scrambling using these permutations to some point x ∈ [0, 1)s , we write y = Π(x), where y is the point obtained by applying Owen’s scrambling to x using the permutations Π1 , . . . , Πs . For x ∈ [0, 1) we drop the subscript j and just write y = Π(x). To scramble a (t, m, s)-net or a (t, s)-sequence, we choose the permutations in Π for each coordinate independently from each other and then apply these permutations to each point of the (t, m, s)-net or (t, s)-sequence as explained above. For instance, for a given (t, m, s)-net t0 , t1 , . . . , tbm −1 , the Owen-scrambled (t, m, s)-net is given by Π(t0 ), Π(t1 ), . . . , Π(tbm −1 ). In practice, the number of permutations one has to choose is large, but there are simplifications of the randomization procedure which greatly reduce this number. This yields a fast scrambling algorithm. More details are given in Section 6. In Section 6 we show that scrambling also yields an unbiased estimate of the integral, that is, n−1 1 f (Π(ti )) = f (x) dx. E n [0,1]s i=0 In the same way as for random (digital) shifts, one can also obtain an unbiased estimate of the mean-square error for scrambling. It is sufficient to choose only one set of random permutations Π. Let Qn1 ,n2 ,s (f ) = n 2 −1 1 f (Π(ti )). n2 − n1 i=n1 Let 1 ≤ m < m. The mean-square error of the cubature rule applied to f can now be estimated by bm −1 1 bm (bm − 1) 2 Qibm−m ,(i+1)bm−m ,s (f ) − Q0,bm ,s (f ) , i=0 where m can be chosen such that, say, bm ≈ 30. High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) 159 Figure 2.4. Owen’s scrambling in base 2: (a) original; (b) swap left and right halves; (c) swap 3rd and 4th vertical quarters; (d) swap 3rd and 4th, 7th and last vertical eighths; (e) swap 3rd and 4th, 7th and 8th, 9th and 10th, 15th and last sixteenths; (f) swap 1st and 2nd horizontal quarters; (g) swap 1st and 2nd, 5th and 6th, 7th and last horizontal eighths; (h) swap 3rd and 4th, 7th and 8th, 9th and 10th, 15th and last horizontal sixteenths. 160 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan 2.11. Transformation to the unit cube In this subsection we discuss some simple strategies for transforming an integral over Rs to an integral over [0, 1]s . We begin with the univariate case. Consider an integral ∞ g(y) φ(y) dy, −∞ where φ : R → R is some univariate probability density function, that is, ∞ φ(y) ≥ 0 for all y ∈ R and −∞ φ(y) dy = 1. Let Φ : R → [0, 1] denote the y cumulative distribution function of φ, that is, Φ(y) := −∞ φ(t) dt, and let Φ−1 : [0, 1] → R denote the inverse of the cumulative distribution function. Then we can use the substitution (or change of variables) x = Φ(y) ⇐⇒ y = Φ−1 (x), to obtain ∞ 1 g(y) φ(y) dy = −∞ −1 g(Φ 1 (x)) dx = 0 f (x) dx, 0 with the transformed integrand defined by f := g ◦ Φ−1 . Note that this is not the only way to obtain a transformed integrand. Indeed, we can divide and multiply the original integrand by any other probability density function φ̃, and then map to [0, 1] using its inverse cumulative distribution function Φ̃−1 : ∞ ∞ g(y) φ(y) g(y) φ(y) dy = φ̃(y) dy φ̃(y) −∞ −∞ 1 1 ∞ −1 g̃(y) φ̃(y) dy = g̃(Φ̃ (x)) dx = f˜(x) dx, = −∞ 0 0 where g̃(y) := g(y) φ(y)/φ̃(y), giving a different transformed integrand f˜ := g̃ ◦ Φ̃−1 . Ideally we would like to choose a density function φ̃ that leads to a ‘nice’ integrand in the unit cube. This is related to the concept of importance sampling for MC methods. The MC approximation for the integral over R is ∞ n−1 1 g(y) φ(y) dy ≈ g(τi ), n −∞ i=0 where the MC points τ0 , . . . , τn−1 are randomly sampled following the distribution of φ. Depending on the choice of φ, there may exist an algorithm to sample from the distribution directly, or it might be necessary to generate random samples from the uniform distribution on [0, 1]and then map 161 High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way them back to R using Φ−1 . The latter approach is consistent with the MC method over [0, 1], ∞ 1 g(y) φ(y) dy = −∞ g(Φ−1 (x)) dx ≈ 0 1 g(Φ−1 (ti )), n n−1 i=0 where t0 , . . . , tn−1 are uniform random samples from [0, 1]. If we use a different density function φ̃ to sample the points from, then we evaluate the points for a different function g̃: ∞ ∞ g(y) φ(y) dy = −∞ −∞ 1 g̃(τi ). n n−1 g̃(y) φ̃(y) dy ≈ i=0 The idea behind importance sampling is to choose a sampling density φ̃ to minimize the variance of the resulting function g̃. This transformation strategy can be generalized to s dimensions as follows. If we have a product of univariate densities, then we can apply the mapping Φ−1 component-wise, y = Φ−1 (x) := (Φ−1 (x1 ), . . . , Φ−1 (xs )), to obtain g(y) Rs s −1 φ(yj ) dy = g(Φ (x)) dx = [0,1]s j=1 f (x) dx. [0,1]s Note that we can always multiply and divide any given integrand by such a product provided that φ(y) > 0 for all y ∈ R: h(y) dy = Rs Rs s h(y) φ(yj ) dy. j=1 φ(yj ) s j=1 Thus, this strategy always works in principle, but the resulting transformed integrand might not be ‘nice’. Many integrals from practical models involve the multivariate normal density. If the multivariate normal density is the dominating part of the entire integrand, then a good strategy is to factorize the covariance matrix Σ, that is, to find an s × s matrix A such that Σ = AAT , (2.9) and then use the substitutions (treating all vectors as column vectors) y = Az followed by z = Φ−1 (x), 162 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan to obtain exp(− 12 y T Σ−1 y) exp(− 1 z T z) dy = g(y) g(Az) 2 dz (2π)s det(Σ) (2π)s Rs Rs s exp(− 12 zj2 ) √ dz = g(Az) 2π Rs j=1 = g(AΦ−1 (x)) dx = f (x) dx. [0,1]s [0,1]s The factorization (2.9) is not unique. Two obvious choices are the Cholesky factorization with lower triangular matrix A, and the principal components factorization, which is given by λ1 η 1 ; · · · ; λs η s , A= where (λj , η j )sj=1 denotes the set of eigenpairs of Σ, with ordered eigenvalues λ1 ≥ λ2 ≥ · · · ≥ λs and unit-length column eigenvectors η 1 , . . . , η s . Other factorizations are possible: for example, in finance applications the covariance matrix arising from the time-discretized Brownian paths can also be factorized using the ‘Brownian bridge’ technique. In general, factorization of Σ in very high dimensions can be very costly, and the problem can be poorly conditioned. In some applications the multivariate normal density is not the dominating part of the entire integrand. In those cases, other transformation steps (such as recentering and rescaling) might be required to capture the main feature of the integrand: see, for example, Kuo et al. (2008a). 2.12. Notes Halton (1960) introduced what is now called the Halton sequence. Discrepancy bounds for Halton sequences where the constant decreases with the dimension have been shown by Atanassov (2004b). Kronecker sequences were studied by Niederreiter (1978). Lattice rules were introduced by Korobov (1959) and have also been discovered by Hlawka (1962). For the early history of QMC point sets and related concepts see Niederreiter (1978), Kuipers and Niederreiter (1974), Niederreiter (1992a) and Sloan and Joe (1994). More recent results are covered by Dick and Pillichshammer (2010). For an efficient implementation of Sobol sequences see Antonov and Saleev (1979) and Bratley and Fox (1988), and for questions concerning the choice of primitive polynomials and direction numbers, see, for example, Joe and Kuo (2008). The implementation of Faure sequences has been discussed in Atanassov (2004a) and Fox (1986). Implementation of the Niederreiter sequence has been discussed in Bratley, Fox and Niederreiter (1992). For digital sequences with improved t-value see Niederreiter and High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way 163 Xing (1995, 1996a, 1996b) and Xing and Niederreiter (1995). For an implementation of such sequences see Pirsic (2002). It has been observed that the quality of QMC point sets usually decreases as the dimension increases. This has led to the suggestion to study ‘mixed’ point sets, that is, the first few coordinates are QMC point sets with the remaining coordinates filled up by, say, random numbers. This fits in with the structure of integrands whose importance is concentrated in the first few coordinates. The idea of combining the advantages of QMC methods and MC methods was first proposed by Spanier, who applied mixed QMC–MC sequences to particle transport problems. Probabilistic discrepancy bounds for such ‘mixed sequences’ have been provided in Ökten (1996), Ökten, Tuffin and Burago (2006), Gnewuch (2009), Gnewuch and Roşca (2009) and Aistleitner and Hofer (2012); in these papers it is assumed that the Monte Carlo components of the points consist of idealized random numbers. There have also been studies of mixed point sets whose remaining coordinates are filled up by deterministic pseudo-random numbers or by the components of other deterministic point sets. Deterministic discrepancy bounds for such point sets can be found in Niederreiter (2009, 2010a, 2010b), Niederreiter and Winterhof (2011), Hofer and Kritzer (2011) and Niederreiter (2012). Further mixed sequences using Halton, Kronecker and digital sequences have been studied by Hofer and Larcher (2010, 2012) and Hofer, Kritzer, Larcher and Pillichshammer (2009). So-called (t, e, s)-sequences have been introduced by Tezuka (2013). This concept captures the dependence on the dimension of digital nets more precisely and leads to improvements of discrepancy bounds in terms of their dependence on the dimension. Digital sequences in which the generating matrices have only a finite number of non-zero elements in each row have been studied, for instance, by Hofer and Pirsic (2011) and Hofer and Niederreiter (2013). The latter paper constructs digital (t, s)-sequences with finite-row generating matrices and asymptotically optimal t-values (in the sense of fixed base and dimension s going to ∞). Such sequences with finite-row generating matrices may be advantageous in implementations. More information on transformations from Rs to the unit cube [0, 1]s , variance reduction techniques, and other information for the practical use of MC and QMC, can be found in Lemieux (2009). The monographs by Devroye (1986) and Hörmann, Leydold and Derflinger (2010) are primarily concerned with transformations. Integration of functions with singularities has been discussed by Owen (2006). Kuo et al. (2008a) considered transformation strategies for applying QMC methods to maximum likelihood integrals from statistics. Kuo, Sloan, Wasilkowski and Waterhouse (2010a) analysed lattice rules for unbounded integrands arising from the transformation. A construction of digital nets constructed in Rs has been studied by Dick (2011b). 164 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan Information relevant to statistical applications can be found in Fang and Wang (1994). Control variates for QMC have been discussed by Hickernell, Lemieux and Owen (2005). QMC methods have been applied to computer graphics by Keller (2006, 2013), to transport problems by Spanier, and to experimental designs by Hickernell (1999). An introduction to lattice rules can be found in Sloan and Joe (1994); see also Niederreiter (1992a, Chapter 5). Dick and Pillichshammer (2010) provide a comprehensive introduction to (digital) (t, m, s)-nets, (digital) (t, s)-sequences and related point sets and sequences. A survey of QMC methods and their randomization strategies is given by Hickernell and Hong (2002). Sparse grids were discovered independently by Smolyak (1963) and Zenger (1991). See also Wasilkowski and Woźniakowski (1995) and the review article by Bungartz and Griebel (2004). 3. Error, discrepancy, and reproducing kernel In this section we present the necessary ingredients for the error analysis of QMC methods. To provide an accessible entry point for readers who are new to QMC, we begin by studying QMC in its simplest setting, namely, equal-weight quadrature rules for integration over the unit interval [0, 1]. We will meet the useful notion of reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces, and meet specific examples of function spaces that have proved useful for designing and analysing QMC methods. All of the spaces we deal with in this and the next section are spaces of non-periodic functions. We follow contemporary practice in referring to such spaces as ‘Sobolev’ spaces, to distinguish them from ‘Korobov’ spaces of periodic functions, to be considered later in Section 5.8. 3.1. Error analysis in one dimension We consider real-valued functions f defined on the interval [0, 1]. As is common in numerical analysis, we require that the functions have some smoothness and that the fundamental theorem of calculus holds, so that 1 1 f (y) dy = f (1) − f (y)1[0,y] (x) dy, (3.1) f (x) = f (1) − x 0 where the indicator function 1[0,y] is defined by 1 if x ∈ [0, y], 1[0,y] (x) = 0 if x ∈ / [0, y]. High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way 165 We consider QMC rules of the form 1 f (ti ), n n−1 Q(f ) = i=0 and study their integration error given by 1 n−1 1 errorn (f ; Q) = f (x) dx − f (ti ). n 0 i=0 Upon substituting (3.1) in the equation above and changing the order of integration, we obtain 1 1 n−1 1 − 1[0,y] (x) dx + 1[0,y] (ti ) f (y) dy, errorn (f ; Q) = n 0 0 i=0 or 1 errorn (f ; Q) = ∆P (y)f (y) dy, (3.2) 0 where P := {t0 , . . . , tn−1 } ⊂ [0, 1] denotes the set of quadrature points, and ∆P (y) is the local discrepancy of the point set P , defined by 1 n−1 1 ∆P (y) := 1[0,y] (ti ) − 1[0,y] (x) dx, y ∈ [0, 1]. (3.3) n 0 i=0 Note that the local discrepancy function ∆P is just the integration error for the indicator function 1[0,y] . Thus from (3.2) the integration error can be viewed as the L2 inner product of the local discrepancy function ∆P and the derivative f of the integrand. Using Hölder’s inequality we obtain from (3.2) 1 1/p 1 1/q p q |∆P (y)| dy |f (y)| dy |errorn (f ; Q)| ≤ 0 0 = ∆P Lp f Lq , 1 1 + = 1, p q (3.4) 1 where gLp = ( 0 |g(y)|p dy)1/p , and we make the usual modification if p = ∞. If p = ∞ and q = 1, this is a special case of Koksma’s inequality (Koksma’s inequality holds when one replaces f L1 with the variation of f ). The quantity ∆P Lp is referred to as the discrepancy of the point set P , and is closely related to the so-called worst-case error, which we shall introduce formally in Section 3.3. Several conclusions can be drawn from this elementary inequality. First, the upper bound (3.4) is best possible: indeed, equality holds if ∆p (y)f (y) ≥ 0 and |f (y)|q is a multiple of |∆P (y)|p . Second, to minimize the integration 166 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan error for all functions for which f Lq < ∞, one should choose quadrature points P for which the discrepancy ∆P Lp is, in some sense, small. Third, it is enough to study the integration error of the indicator functions 1[0,y] for y ∈ [0, 1], since the local discrepancy function ∆P evaluated at y is the integration error of the indicator function 1[0,y] . The above analysis of the integration error rests entirely on the integral representation of the function f given by 1 f (y)1[0,y] (x) dy. (3.5) f (x) = f (1) − 0 For two functions f, g that permit such a representation, we can define an inner product 1 f (y)g (y) dy, (3.6) f, g := f (1)g(1) + 0 and a corresponding norm f = |f (1)|2 1 + |f (y)|2 dy. 0 Then (3.4) holds with p = q = 2 for all functions in the function space H := {f : [0, 1] → R : f is absolutely continuous and f < ∞}. 3.2. Reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces We have seen above that the integration error for functions f ∈ H has the integral representation (3.2) involving the local discrepancy function. This rests in turn on the representation of f given by (3.5). We now express (3.5) in the language of reproducing kernels. The idea is to find a function K : [0, 1] × [0, 1] → R such that f, K(·, x) = f (x) for all f ∈ H and all x ∈ [0, 1]. For this to hold we must have, from (3.6) and (3.5), 1 1 ∂K (x, y) dy = f (1) − f (y) f (y)1[0,y] (x) dy, f (1)K(1, x) + ∂y 0 0 which is clearly satisfied for all f ∈ H if ∂K K(1, x) = 1 and (x, y) = −1[0,y] (x) ∂y This can be achieved by taking K(x, y) = 2 − max(x, y). for all x, y ∈ [0, 1]. (3.7) The function of two variables K(x, y) given by (3.7) is our first example of a reproducing kernel, and H is our first example of a reproducing kernel Hilbert space. High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way 167 We now formally define a reproducing kernel Hilbert space of real-valued functions defined on [0, 1]s . Definition 3.1 (reproducing kernel Hilbert space). The Hilbert space H(K) with inner product ·, ·H is a reproducing kernel Hilbert space (RKHS) with kernel K : [0, 1]s × [0, 1]s → R if: • K(·, x) ∈ H for all x ∈ [0, 1]s , • (the reproducing property) f (x) = f, K(·, x)H for all f ∈ H and all x ∈ [0, 1]s . For a given RKHS there is a uniquely defined reproducing kernel satisfying the above two properties. In fact, every Hilbert space where point evaluation is a bounded linear functional has a reproducing kernel. This follows from the Riesz representation theorem. Reproducing kernels have the additional properties that: • (symmetry) K(x, y) = K(y, x) for all x, y ∈ [0, 1]s , M • (positive semidefiniteness) M i=1 k=1 ai ak K(ti , tk ) ≥ 0 for all M ≥ 1 and all a1 , . . . , aM ∈ R and t1 , . . . , tM ∈ [0, 1]s . Indeed, any function K : [0, 1]s ×[0, 1]s → R which is symmetric and positive semidefinite is a reproducing kernel to which there corresponds a uniquely defined inner product and RKHS. A comprehensive theory on reproducing kernels can be found in Aronszajn (1950). The thing that makes an RKHS so useful in the problem of numerical integration is that, as we shall demonstrate in Section 3.3, there exists a closed-form expression for the worst-case error. That expression for the worst-case error is expressed in terms of the kernel of the RKHS, and so is particularly useful when there exists a simple closed expression for the kernel K. We remark that it is not always easy to find the explicit kernel of an RKHS with a given inner product. The particular example above, where the kernel is not only known but is of very simple piecewise linear form, has played an important part, as we shall see, in the recent development of QMC methods. We shall meet other reproducing kernels in Section 3.4. We now show how to use a reproducing kernel for a space of functions of a single variable as a building block for a multivariate RKHS. First we need the following definition. Definition 3.2 (tensor product Hilbert space). A Hilbert space Hs of functions on [0, 1]s is a tensor product of Hilbert spaces H1,1 , H1,2 , . . . , H1,s of functions on [0, 1], written as Hs = H1,1 ⊗ H1,2 ⊗ · · · ⊗ H1,s , 168 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan if it is the completion of the span of products sj=1 fj (xj ), where fj ∈ H1,j , under the norm in Hs . The Hs norm of the simple product sj=1 fj (xj ) is just the product of the norms fj H1,j . Tensor product spaces provide a popular setting for studying QMC methods, for the very good reason that the reproducing kernel for a tensor product of reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces is just the product of the kernels. Example 3.3 (a key tensor product RKHS). Take each one-dimensional RKHS H1,j to be the space of single-variable absolutely continuous functions with reproducing kernel (3.7). Then the tensor product space Hs is the s-variable RKHS with reproducing kernel Ks (x, y) = s (2 − max(xj , yj )). j=1 The inner product in this space is ∂ |u| ∂ |u| f (xu ; 1) g(xu ; 1) dxu , f, gHs = ∂xu [0,1]|u| ∂xu (3.8) u⊆{1:s} and the norm is f Hs = u⊆{1:s} 1/2 |u| 2 ∂ f (xu ; 1) dxu . [0,1]|u| ∂xu Here {1 : s} is a shorthand notation for {1, 2, . . . , s}, and the sum is over all subsets u ⊆ {1 : s}, including the empty set, while for x ∈ [0, 1]s the symbol xu denotes the set of components xj of x with j ∈ u, and (xu ; 1) indicates that the components of x for j ∈ / u are replaced by 1. The partial derivative ∂ |u| /∂xu denotes the mixed first partial derivative with respect to the components xu . Which functions lie in this space? The answer is all real-valued functions on [0, 1]s that have square-integrable mixed first derivatives and that are expressible in the form f (x) = f, K(·, x)Hs |u| = (−1) u⊆{1:s} [0,1]|u| ∂ |u| f (y u ; 1) 1[0,yu ] (x) dy u , ∂y u x ∈ [0, 1]s . We refer to this space as an anchored Sobolev space with the anchor point 1. 3.3. Worst-case error in an RKHS We have foreshadowed in Section 3.1 that the discrepancy of a point set is closely related to the worst-case error. We now give the formal definition. High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way 169 Definition 3.4 (worst-case error). The worst-case error of a QMC rule Qn,s using the point set P ⊂ [0, 1]s in a normed space H (not necessarily a Hilbert space) is en,s (P ; H) := sup |Is (f ) − Qn,s (f )|, f H ≤1 that is, it is the worst error attained by Qn,s for f in the unit ball of H. The initial error is e0,s (H) := sup |Is (f )|, f H ≤1 which is the error obtained with the QMC rule replaced by zero. Due to linearity, for any function f ∈ H we have |Is (f ) − Qn,s (f )| ≤ en,s (P ; H) f H , which takes the same form as the inequality in (3.4). Later in Section 3.5 we shall see other inequalities of the same form. Worst-case errors are in general hard to compute, except for the case of an RKHS. In every RKHS of functions defined on the unit cube (not just a tensor product space), the following theorem gives a formula for the worst-case error in terms of the reproducing kernel. Theorem 3.5 (formula for the squared worst-case error). [0, 1]s × [0, 1]s → R be a reproducing kernel that satisfies K(x, y) dx dy < ∞. [0,1]s Let K : [0,1]s The squared worst-case error and initial error for a QMC rule in an RKHS Hs (K) with reproducing kernel K satisfy e2n,s (P ; Hs (K)) = [0,1]s + 1 n2 n−1 [0,1]s K(x, y) dx dy − 2 n i=0 n−1 n−1 [0,1]s K(ti , tk ), K(ti , y) dy (3.9) i=0 k=0 and e20,s (Hs (K)) = [0,1]s [0,1]s K(x, y) dx dy. (3.10) Proof. We give here the proof for s = 1. The proof for general s can be easily obtained by replacing the unit interval [0, 1] in the argument below by the unit cube [0, 1]s . 170 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan For an f ∈ H we write the reproducing property f (x) = f, K(·, x)H with successive arguments x = t1 , t2 , · · · and average the results to obtain, for the quadrature sum, n−1 n−1 n−1 1 1 1 f (ti ) = f, K(·, ti )H = f, K(·, ti ) . n n n i=0 i=0 i=0 In a similar way we find 1 1 f (x) dx = f, K(·, x)H dx = f, 0 0 H 1 K(·, x) dx 0 , H provided that integration 1 from 0 to 1 is a bounded linear functional in H, or equivalently that 0 K(·, x) dx ∈ H. In turn this requires !2 ! 1 1 1 ! ! " # ! ! K(·, x) dx = dx dy K(·, x), K(·, y) ! ! H 0 H 0 0 1 1 = 0 K(x, y) dx dy < ∞, 0 which will hold for all the kernels we shall consider. Note that in the last step we used the reproducing property. By subtraction, the integration error is 1 n−1 n−1 1 1 1 f (x) dx − f (ti ) = f, K(·, x) dx − K(·, ti ) = f, ξH , n n 0 0 i=0 where i=0 1 ξ(y) := 1 K(y, ti ), n H n−1 K(x, y) dx − 0 y ∈ [0, 1]. (3.11) i=0 We call the function ξ the representer of the integration error. Thus en,1 (P ; H) = sup |f, ξH | = ξH , f H ≤1 since the supremum is attained by the choice f = ξ/ξ ∈ H. Therefore e2n,1 (P ; H) = ξ, ξH 1 n−1 n−1 1 1 = K(·, x) dx − K(x·, ti ), K(·, x) dx − K(x, ti ) n n 0 0 i=0 i=0 H 1 1 1 n−1 n−1 n−1 2 1 = K(x, y) dx dy − K(x, ti ) dx + 2 K(ti , tk ), n n 0 0 0 1 i=0 i=0 k=0 where we again used the reproducing property of the kernel. 171 High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way For the particular Hilbert space with reproducing kernel K(x, y) = 2 − max(x, y), it is easily seen that 1 0 3 − x2 K(x, y) dy = 2 1 1 and 0 0 4 K(x, y) dx dy = , 3 so that the worst-case error is e2n,1 (P ; H) n−1 n−1 n−1 1 4 2 3 − t2i + 2 = − (2 − max(ti , tk )). 3 n 2 n i=0 i=0 k=0 For future purposes we note that the derivative of the error representer ξ is ξ = ∆P , the local discrepancy function. For the corresponding tensor product RKHS the worst-case error is e2n,s (P ; Hs ) (3.12) s n−1 s n−1 n−1 s 1 4 2 3 − t2i,j + 2 = − 2 − max(ti,j , tk,j ) , 3 n 2 n i=0 j=1 i=0 k=0 j=1 where ti,j denotes the jth component of the ith cubature point ti . This is sometimes called the squared L2 discrepancy of the point set P , for reasons that will soon become clear. It proves to be very useful (and surprisingly easy) to compute the average of the squared worst-case error over all cubature points, 2 ··· e2n,s (t0 , . . . , tn−1 ; Hs (K)) dt0 · · · dtn−1 . En,s (Hs (K)) := [0,1]s [0,1]s We refer to the quantity En,s (K) as the QMC mean of the worst-case error. (Why this is a useful quantity will be explained after the theorem.) Theorem 3.6 (QMC mean). Let K : [0, 1]s × [0, 1]s → R be a reproducing kernel that satisfies K(x, x) dx < ∞. [0,1]s The QMC mean of the worst-case error in a reproducing kernel Hilbert space Hs (K) of functions on [0, 1]s and with kernel K satisfies 1 2 K(x, x) dx − K(x, y) dx dy . (3.13) En,s (Hs (K)) = n [0,1]s [0,1]s [0,1]s 172 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan Proof. Using Theorem 3.5 we have 2 (Hs (K)) En,s ··· = [0,1]s [0,1]s [0,1]s 1 + 2 n n−1 i=0 n−1 [0,1]s K(x, y) dx dy − 2 n i=0 1 K(ti , ti ) + 2 n n−1 n−1 [0,1]s K(ti , y) dy K(ti , tk ) dt0 · · · dtn−1 , i=0 k=0 k=i noting that in the double sum we separated the diagonal and off-diagonal terms as in the proof of Theorem 2.1. The first term inside the parentheses is independent of t0 , . . . , tn−1 , thus these variables can all be integrated out to give the result 1. In the second term, after interchanging the outer integrations and the sum, all variables but ti can be integrated out. The situation is similar for the third term, while for the fourth term all but ti and tk can be integrated out. We are left with n−1 2 = K(x, y) dx dy − K(ti , y) dti dy n s [0,1]s [0,1]s [0,1]s i=0 [0,1] n−1 n−1 n−1 1 1 + 2 K(ti , ti ) dti + 2 K(ti , tk ) dti dtk n n [0,1]s [0,1]s [0,1]s 2 En,s (K) i=0 = [0,1]s [0,1]s K(x, y) dx dy − 2 i=0 k=0 k=i [0,1]s [0,1]s K(x, y) dx dy n−1 K(x, x) dx + K(x, y) dx dy n [0,1]s [0,1]s [0,1]s 1 1 = K(x, x) dx − K(x, y) dx dy. n [0,1]s n [0,1]s [0,1]s 1 + n The importance of Theorem 3.6 is that it gives us an immediate existence result for QMC integration: by applying the principle that there is always at least one choice as good as the average, we conclude that there exists a QMC point set P for which 2 (Hs (K)). e2n,s (P ; Hs (K)) ≤ En,s Thus, provided that both integrals on the right-hand side in Theorem 3.6 are finite (as they are in all the cases we will consider), there exists a QMC point set with worst-case error of order O(n−1/2 ), that is, the same rate of convergence as Monte Carlo. Later we will not be satisfied with this result, for two reasons: first, we want not just the Monte Carlo rate of convergence, High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way 173 but rather a rate of convergence close to O(n−1 ), or even better; second, we want not just existence, but also a method of constructing the points. 3.4. Other univariate reproducing kernels Note that (3.1) can be viewed as a Taylor series with integral remainder, developed at 1. As such it is clear that we could choose an arbitrary anchor point c ∈ [0, 1] instead of 1. Or we can consider function spaces whose members have more than one derivative. Or we can depart from a Taylor series representation of f to obtain other examples of reproducing kernels. All of the following examples can be used as building blocks for multivariate Sobolev spaces. Example 3.7 (anchored reproducing kernel of smoothness α). If the (α − 1)th derivative of f is absolutely continuous for some natural number α, then the Taylor series of a univariate function f anchored at 0 is 1 α−1 f (r) (0) (x − y)α−1 + xr + dy, f (α) (y) f (x) = r! (α − 1)! 0 r=0 where f (r) denotes the rth derivative of f and (x − y)α−1 if x > y, α−1 (x − y)+ = 0 if x ≤ y. For functions f, g permitting such a Taylor series presentation, we can define the inner product 1 α−1 f (r) (0)g (r) (0) + f (α) (y)g (α) (y) dy. f, g = r=0 0 The set of functions whose norm corresponding to this inner product is finite is another RKHS, with kernel given by α−1 xr y r 1 (x − z)α−1 (y − z)α−1 + + + dz. Kα (x, y) = r! r! (α − 1)! (α − 1)! 0 r=0 We call the corresponding RKHS the anchored Sobolev space of smoothness α with anchor 0. Example 3.8 (unanchored reproducing kernel of smoothness α). For a univariate function f belonging to the same smoothness class as in the preceding example, consider the representation given by 1 α Br (x) 1 (r) Bα (|x − y|) (α) α f (y) dy. f (y) dy − (−1) f (x) = r! α! 0 0 r=0 174 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan Here, Br denotes the Bernoulli polynomial of degree r: see Chapter 24 of the Digital Library of Mathematical Functions (2012). In this case the inner product is 1 1 α−1 1 (r) (r) f (y) dy g (y) dy + f (α) (y)g (α) (y) dy, f, g = r=0 0 0 0 and the reproducing kernel is Kα (x, y) = α Br (x) Br (y) r=0 r! r! − (−1)α B2α (|x − y|) . (2α)! The corresponding RKHS is called the unanchored Sobolev space of smoothness α. 3.5. Geometric discrepancy We now return to the local discrepancy function 1 n−1 1 1[0,x] (ti ) − 1[0,x] (y) dy, ∆P (x) = n 0 i=0 which we encountered already in (3.3), and which we also obtained as the derivative ξ of the representer ξ, where ξ is given by (3.11) with K as in (3.7). The local discrepancy function has a geometric interpretation: since n−1 1[0,x] (ti ) i=0 is the number of points of P lying in the interval [0, x], therefore 1 1[0,x] (ti ) n n−1 i=0 is the proportion of points of P lying in the interval [0, x]; and the local discrepancy is the departure of this proportion from the ‘ideal’ proportion, which is the length of the interval. By taking the Lp norm of ∆P we obtain the Lp discrepancy of the point set P , given by 1 1/p p ∆P p := |∆P (x)| dx 0 for 1 ≤ p < ∞, with the obvious modifications for p = ∞. The Lp discrepancy can therefore be understood as a measure for how uniformly the point set P is distributed, that is, it measures the discrepancy between the empirical distribution of the point set P and the uniform distribution. High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way 175 We consider now a generalization to dimensions s > 1. In one dimension, the local discrepancy function can be derived as the derivative of the representer ξ based on the reproducing kernel K(x, s y) = 2 − max(x, y). As before we consider the product kernel Ks (x, y) = j=1 K(xj , yj ). The representer of the error is given by n−1 1 Ks (x, y) dy − Ks (x, ti ) ξ(x) = n [0,1]s i=0 s n−1 s 3 − x2j 1 − = (2 − max(xj , ti,j )). 2 n j=1 i=0 j=1 The mixed first partial derivatives are then given by n−1 ∂ |u| ξ 1 (xu ; 1) = (−1)|u| xj − 1[0u ,xu ] (ti,u ) , ∂xu n j∈u where 1[0u ,xu ] (ti,u ) = i=0 1[0,xj ] (ti,j ). j∈u We define the local discrepancy function ∆P in s dimensions by ∆P (x) := 1 1[0,x] (ti ) − xj . n n−1 s i=0 j=1 Then ∂ |u| ξ (xu ; 1) = (−1)|u|+1 ∆P (xu ; 1). ∂xu Analogously to the one-dimensional case, we can show that n−1 1 ∂ |u| f |u| f (ti ) − f (x) dx = (−1) (xu ; 1)∆P (xu ; 1) dxu , n [0,1]s [0,1]|u| ∂xu u⊆{1:s} i=0 where the u = ∅ term is actually zero since ∆P (1) = 0. This equality is called by different people the Hlawka identity or the Zaremba identity. By applying Hölder’s inequality for integrals and sums, we then obtain the following inequality. Theorem 3.9 (Koksma–Hlawka inequality). We have n−1 1 ≤ ∆P p,p f q,q , f (t ) − f (x) dx i n [0,1]s i=0 (3.14) 176 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan where 1 ≤ p, p , q, q ≤ ∞, p1 + 1q = 1, p1 + q1 = 1, and p /p 1/p p ∆P (xu ; 1) dxu ∆P p,p = u⊆{1:s} and f q,q = u⊆{1:s} [0,1]|u| |u| q q /q 1/q ∂ f (xu ; 1) dxu , [0,1]|u| ∂xu with the obvious modifications if one or more of p, p , q, q are infinite. In the theorem the norm f q,q can obviously be replaced by the corresponding seminorm |f |q,q , defined in exactly the same way but with the u = ∅ term omitted. (This term can be omitted because the QMC rule is exact for constants.) The inequality (3.14) says that the integration error is bounded by the product of the norm f q,q or seminorm |f |q,q of the integrand and the discrepancy ∆P p,p of the cubature points. It is often called a Koksma– Hlawka inequality, especially for the case p = p = ∞. If the integrand is given, and cannot be changed, the inequality motivates the search for cubature points with small discrepancy. It also connects QMC with the field of discrepancy theory, since it shows that point sets with low discrepancy are attractive to use as QMC integration points. The classical Koksma–Hlawka inequality states that n−1 1 ≤ Dn∗ (P )V (f ), f (t ) − f (x) dx (3.15) i n [0,1]s i=0 where Dn∗ (P ) is the star discrepancy Dn∗ (P ) := sup |∆P (x)|, (3.16) x∈[0,1]s and V (f ) is the variation of f in the sense of Hardy and Krause. If f has continuous mixed first partial derivatives, the variation V (f ) coincides with |u| ∂ f dxu . (x ; 1) |f |1,1 = u [0,1]|u| ∂xu ∅=u⊆{1:s} 3.6. Notes The classical reference for reproducing kernels is Aronszajn (1950). See also Thomas-Agnan (1996) and Wahba (1990). In the context of QMC, reproducing kernels were introduced by Hickernell (1996a); see also Hickernell (1998a). For another elementary introduction to RKHSs in the context of QMC integration see Dick and Pillichshammer (2010, Chapter 2). High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way 177 Theorem 3.5 can be found in Hickernell (1998a). Mercer’s theorem implies that each reproducing kernel has an expansion in terms of its eigenfunctions K(x, y) = ∞ λr ψr (x)ψr (y), r=0 where λr > 0 are the eigenvalues and ψr are the eigenfunctions of the integral operator on [0, 1]s with kernel K. For many reproducing kernels considered in QMC theory these eigenfunctions are explicitly known: see Dick, Nuyens and Pillichshammer (2013), Wasilkowski and Woźniakowski (1999) and Werschulz and Woźniakowski (2009). The one-dimensional form of (3.15) is due to Koksma (1942/43) and the higher-dimensional result is due to Hlawka (1961). Geometric discrepancy was studied long before QMC integration. The classical reference to uniform distribution modulo 1 is Weyl (1916). Further monographs dealing with discrepancy theory and various aspects of it are due to Kuipers and Niederreiter (1974), Niederreiter (1992a), Drmota and Tichy (1997), Matoušek (1999), Chazelle (2000) and Dick and Pillichshammer (2010). Novak and Woźniakowski (2009) studied whether general L2 discrepancies (in Euclidean spaces) are related to the worst-case error of multivariate integration on an RKHS. In particular, they provided a concrete formula for the corresponding reproducing kernel for arbitrary L2 discrepancies. Gnewuch (2012a) extended these results to weighted L2 discrepancies and weighted RKHS. Here the underlying domain can be more general as in Novak and Woźniakowski (2009). In particular, Gnewuch (2012a) covers the relation between infinite-dimensional integration on weighted Hilbert spaces and the corresponding weighted (limiting) L2 discrepancies. 4. Weighted spaces and tractability 4.1. Meeting the high-dimensional challenge High-dimensional problems, as noted already in the Introduction, can be very hard. Yet some problems have caused surprise in the opposite direction by turning out to be easier than might have been expected. Especially influential in this respect were certain 360-dimensional calculations carried out in the mid-1990s by Paskov and Traub (1995) at Columbia University. That paper described a problem coming directly from Wall Street, on the valuation of a class of financial derivatives known as mortgage-backed obligations. While the details of the model or the calculation are not important here, broadly the problem was to evaluate a parcel of mortgages held by a bank, where each month borrowers make individual choices as to whether or not to repay the mortgage, and are assumed to make this choice according 178 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan to some probability distribution. And of course the value of a mortgage held by the bank is affected by whether or not the loan is repaid. Because there are 360 months in the 30-year period of the loan, the problem is to evaluate a 360-dimensional expected value. The standard approach to such a problem is to model the process month by month by a Monte Carlo method. Paskov and Traub (1995), in contrast, treated the problem as one of 360-dimensional integration. To the surprise of most observers, they were able to obtain satisfactory results with a QMC method, at much smaller computational cost than with a Monte Carlo method. Following the success of those experiments, the idea began to emerge that perhaps problems such as the one described in the previous paragraph are in some hidden sense not really as difficult as might be expected from their nominal high-dimensionality. In this spirit Caflisch, Morokoff and Owen (1997) defined two notions of ‘effective dimension’ (namely ‘truncation dimension’ and ‘superposition dimension’), with the idea that either or both might be much smaller than the nominal dimension. Sloan and Woźniakowski (1998) sought to build this notion into the mathematics, by introducing function spaces containing ‘weights’. It is fair to say that in some form or another ‘weighted spaces’ have become a standard part of the QMC framework. We will define such spaces formally in the next subsection, but first we describe the underlying idea, and indicate why it has become so popular. Sloan and Woźniakowski speculated that perhaps the reason that QMC calculations such as those in Paskov and Traub (1995) were successful is that some coordinate directions are more important than others, in the sense of being in some way more difficult. Assuming then that the coordinate directions are ordered in order of difficulty, they sought to quantify this decreasing importance by associating with each coordinate direction a positive number γj , where γ1 ≥ γ2 ≥ γ3 · · · > 0. By introducing a function space incorporating these weights, they were able to obtain a rather precise result, namely that the worst-case error (defined already in Definition 3.4) is bounded independently of dimension if and only if ∞ γj < ∞. j=0 This means that a classical choice of weights (with all weights equal) certainly fails to have worst-case errors bounded independently of the dimension. So too, though only marginally, do weights γj = 1/j. On the other hand weights of the form γj = 1/j a lead to uniformly bounded worst-case errors if (and only if) a > 1. High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way 179 The weights described in the preceding paragraph are now called ‘product weights’, for reasons that will soon become clear. Since that time many other forms of weights have been studied (we shall meet ‘general weights’, ‘finiteorder’ weights, ‘order-dependent’ weights, and the most recent addition, ‘POD’ (for ‘product and order-dependent’) weights. The driving motivation for this flowering of possibilities has been the desire to describe in a more precise way the influence of particular combinations of the variables. At the (unrealistic) extreme, the greatest freedom attaches to ‘general weights’, which allow a different weight γu for each of the 2s subsets u ⊆ {1 : s}. For all these choices of weights the question of ‘tractability’ arises: loosely, we ask under what conditions on the weights are the worst-case errors uniformly bounded in dimension; or if they are not bounded, then at worst grow only slowly with dimension. We shall discuss tractability in Section 4.5. 4.2. Weighted reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces: anchored Sobolev spaces In this subsection we first introduce a weighted RKHS in its simplest product form. But we then quickly develop weighted spaces of a more general form. Arguing as in Example 3.3, we build our first weighted s-variable space out of single-variable weighted spaces with simple kernels. Our one-dimensional space H1,γ is almost the same as before (in particular, it is always the space of absolutely continuous functions f defined on [0, 1] whose first derivatives are square-integrable), except that we now associate with the space a weight γ > 0, and in addition we allow the ‘anchor’ value to be any number c ∈ [0, 1], instead of just 1 as before. Our building block is now the one-dimensional kernel K1,γ (x, y) = 1 + γ η(x, y), where min(x, y) − c η(x, y) = c − max(x, y) 0 if x, y > c, if x, y < c, otherwise. (4.1) If c = 1 and γ = 1 it is easily seen that this reduces to the reproducing kernel (3.7). For general c and γ it is easy to verify, using no more than the fundamental theorem of calculus, that K1,γ (x, y) is the reproducing kernel associated with the inner product 1 1 f (x) g (x) dx, f, g1,γ = f (c)g(c) + γ 0 which is a generalization of (3.6). The corresponding norm is 1/2 f 1,γ = f, f 1,γ . 180 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan The s-dimensional tensor product RKHS corresponding to the above onedimensional space is Hs,γ := H1,γ1 ⊗ H1,γ2 ⊗ · · · ⊗ H1,γs , if we allow a different weight γj for each component xj . It has the reproducing kernel s (1 + γj η(xj , yj )). Ks,γ (x, y) = j=1 The identity s (1 + aj ) = j=1 aj = 1 + u⊆{1:s} j∈u aj (4.2) ∅=u⊆{1:s} j∈u can now be used to rewrite the product as a sum over all subsets of {1 : s}, γu η(xj , yj ), (4.3) Ks,γ (x, y) = u⊆{1:s} j∈u where for this product weight case we have γu = γj , j∈u with the convention that the empty product has the value 1. The reason for the ‘product’ tag for these weights now becomes clear: the weight associated with the subset u of the variables is the product of the weights for the individual components. One implication of this is that the scaling of product weights is crucially important. If, for example, all the weights γj are halved then the weights for the subset u = {1, 3} with two elements are reduced by a factor of 4, and those for the subset u = {2, 4, 5} by a factor of 8. Because of the limited flexibility of product weights, other choices of weights have been considered. In principle the formula (4.3) allows a different weight γu to be chosen for each subset u of the variables, but the cost of even one evaluation of the reproducing kernel would then be prohibitive when s is large. This is the general weight case (Dick, Sloan, Wang and Woźniakowski 2006), where we take γ∅ ≡ 1. There is much interest (as well as some unease (Sloan 2007)) in finite-order weights (Sloan, Wang and Woźniakowski 2004, Wasilkowski and Woźniakowski 2004), in which γu = 0 for all |u| greater than some number q ∗ . Order-dependent weights, introduced by Dick et al. (2006), take the form γu = Γ|u| for some non-negative numbers Γ1 , Γ2 , . . . . The most recent addition to the menagerie of weights are the POD weights (i.e., product and order-dependent weights), in which two sequences γ1 , γ2 , . . . and Γ1 , Γ2 , . . . of non-negative High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way numbers are defined, and we take γu = Γ|u| γj . 181 (4.4) j∈u Weights of the POD form were found to arise naturally in a recent study of PDEs with random coefficients (Kuo et al. 2012). For general weights γu the inner product in our anchored space is ∂ |u| ∂ |u| γu−1 f (xu ; c) g(xu ; c) dxu , f, gs,γ = ∂xu [0,1]|u| ∂xu u⊆{1:s} where the notation follows that in (3.8), and the term labelled by u is to be omitted for u = ∅. The worst-case errors for spaces with reproducing kernel of the form (4.3) and η given by (4.1) can be found from (3.9). To make use of that expression one needs the single and double integrals of the kernel. For completeness we give the necessary integrals here, as well as the ‘diagonal’ integral needed for the QMC mean (3.13): Ks,γ (x, y) dy = γu α(xj ) + β , [0,1]s [0,1]s [0,1]s u⊆{1:s} Ks,γ (x, y) dx dy = u⊆{1:s} [0,1]s Ks,γ (x, x) dx = u⊆{1:s} j∈u γu β |u| , (4.5) |u| γu β + 16 , where α(x) := max(x, c) − x2 2 − c2 2 − 1 3 β := c2 − c + 13 . and (4.6) When the weights are of the product form, these three integrals simplify (by using the identity (4.2)) to s 1 + γj α(xj ) + β , s j=1 j=1 1 + γj β , s 1 + γj β + 16 , j=1 respectively. For example, with product weights and c = 1, we have from (3.9) and (3.10) that the worst-case error and initial error are given by s n−1 s γj γj 2 2 2 1+ 1 + (1 − ti,j ) − en,s (P ; H(Ks,γ )) = 3 n 2 j=1 + i=0 j=1 1 n2 n−1 s n−1 1 + γj 1 − max(ti,j , tk,j ) , i=0 k=0 j=1 182 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan which reduces to (3.12) if γj = 1 for all j, and s γj 2 1+ e0,s (H(Ks,γ )) = . 3 j=1 Moreover, we have from (3.13) that the QMC mean satisfies s s γj γj 1 2 1+ 1+ − . En,s (H(Ks,γ )) = n 2 3 j=1 j=1 We remark that it is also possible to use a different anchor value cj for each coordinate direction xj , thus leading to different ηj , αj , βj for each index j. All results can be trivially generalized to that case. 4.3. Unanchored Sobolev spaces The reproducing kernels considered so far in this section have been of the socalled ‘anchored’ variety, in which there is a special number c ∈ [0, 1], called the ‘anchor’, at which the components of x that are not active (i.e., that are not in the active set u) are fixed. However, there are other RKHSs with interesting properties (Sloan and Woźniakowski 2002). In particular, the so-called ‘unanchored’ spaces, in which the inactive variables are integrated over rather than fixed, have some advantages. We give the necessary formulas here; all can be checked by similar arguments to those given previously for the anchored spaces (or see the reference above). In the one-dimensional weighted case the inner product is now (cf. Example 3.8 for α = 1) 1 1 1 1 f (x) dx g(x) dx + f (x) g (x) dx, f, g1,γ = γ 0 0 0 and the corresponding norm is 1/2 f 1,γ = f, f 1,γ . The corresponding reproducing kernel is, as before, K1,γ (x, y) = 1 + γ η(x, y), but now η is given by η(x, y) = 12 B2 (|x − y|) + x − 12 y − 12 , (4.7) where B2 (x) := x2 − x + 16 is the Bernoulli polynomial of degree 2, which has the useful property 1 1 B2 (|x − y|) dy = B2 (y) dy = 0. 0 0 High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way 183 The corresponding kernel for the s-dimensional general weight case is again given by (4.3), but now with η given by (4.7). The inner product for the s-dimensional general weight unanchored space is ∂ |u| −1 γu f (x) dx−u f, gs,γ = [0,1]|u| [0,1]s−|u| ∂xu u⊆{1:s} ∂ |u| g(x) dx−u dxu , × [0,1]s−|u| ∂xu where x−u stands for all the components of the s-dimensional vector x that are not included in xu . The range of choices for the weights is exactly the same as for the anchored case. The worst-case error is again given by (3.9). The necessary single and double integrals of the kernel, along with the diagonal integral needed for the QMC mean, now take the simpler forms Ks,γ (x, y) dy = 1, [0,1]s Ks,γ (x, y) dx dy = 1, [0,1]s [0,1]s |u| Ks,γ (x, x) dx = γu 16 , [0,1]s u⊆{1:s} and in the case of product weights the third integral simplifies to s γj . 1+ 6 j=1 To avoid having to treat the anchored and unanchored spaces separately, we can write η(x, y) from (4.1) and (4.7) in the common form η(x, y) = 12 B2 (|x − y|) + (x − 12 )(y − 12 ) + α(x) + α(y) + β, (4.8) where α(·) and β are defined by (4.6) for the anchored case, and α ≡ 0 and β = 0 for the unanchored case. 4.4. Why weighted spaces are interesting We have defined different kinds of weighted spaces for functions defined on the s-dimensional cube, but we have not so far said why weighted spaces are interesting. The answer is that the worst-case errors in any of our weighted reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces are bounded independently of the dimension s if (and only if ) the weights decay in a suitable way. For product weights, the following result, first obtained by Sloan and Woźniakowski (1998) for the anchored case c = 1, is particularly striking. 184 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan Theorem 4.1. For product weights, and for the weighted anchored or unanchored Sobolev space of Sections 4.2 and 4.3, there exist point sets Pn ⊂ [0, 1]s for n = 1, 2, . . . such that the worst-case error en,s (Pn ; H(Ks,γ )) is bounded independently of s if and only if ∞ γj < ∞. (4.9) j=1 There are two parts to this theorem: one part is an existence result, stating that ‘good’ point sets exist if (4.9) holds, without saying how to find them; and the other part is a negative result, saying that if the assumption (4.9) does not hold then, no matter how the points are chosen, the worstcase error is unbounded as s → ∞. We shall address each result separately in the following two lemmas. Lemma 4.2. For product weights, and for the weighted anchored or unanchored Sobolev space of Sections 4.2 and 4.3, there exist point sets Pn ⊂ [0, 1]s for n = 1, 2, . . . such that the worst-case error en,s (Pn ; H(Kγ,s )) satisfies ∞ s 1 1 γj ≤ √ exp B γj , en,s (Pn ; H(Ks,γ )) ≤ √ exp B n n j=1 j=1 (c2 −c+1/2)/2 for the anchored space with anchor value c ∈ [0, 1], where B = and B = 1/12 for the unanchored space. (In particular, B = 1/4 for the anchor c = 1 and B = 1/8 for the midpoint anchor c = 1/2.) Thus the worst-case error is bounded independently of s, and has the Monte Carlo rate of convergence, if the infinite sum in (4.9) converges. Proof. We give the proof for the anchored space with c = 1. The other cases follow similarly. It follows from the averaging argument (there is always at least one choice as good as the average) that there exists a QMC point set Pn for which the worst-case error is less than or equal to the QMC mean given by (3.13). We produce an upper bound on the latter by omitting the negative term, and then use the third equation in (4.5) to evaluate the integral, obtaining s γj 1 2 2 1+ en,s (Pn ; H(Ks,γ )) ≤ En,s (H(Ks,γ )) ≤ n 2 j=1 s s γj 1 1 1 ≤ exp log 1 + γj , = exp n 2 n 2 j=1 j=1 where in the last step we used the property that log(1 + x) ≤ x for all x > 0. The rest of the claim in the lemma follows immediately. High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way 185 The ‘only if’ part of Theorem 4.1 for the anchored case comes from the following result established by Sloan and Woźniakowski (1998). The argument there is relatively elementary, starting from (3.9) with the off-diagonal terms of the last term dropped (which is justifiable by the non-negativity assumption). Lemma 4.3. If the reproducing kernel Ks of some Hilbert space H(Ks ) is non-negative, then for any point set Pn ⊂ [0, 1]s we have e2n,s (Pn ; H(Ks )) ≥ e20,s (H(Ks ))(1 − n κ2s ), where κs := sup x∈[0,1]s and 1 , Ks (x, x) as s as (x) as (x) := [0,1]s Ks (x, y) dy. Hence en,s (Pn , H(Ks )) ≤ εe0,s (H(Ks )) can happen only if 1 − ε2 . κ2s n≥ This lemma applies to the anchored space of Section 4.2 because the kernel Ks,γ is in this case manifestly positive. The proof of the second part of Theorem 4.1 then follows in this case by showing that κs → 0 if the sum in (4.9) diverges. For the unanchored case a different proof is needed, because the kernel Ks,γ in that case is not necessarily positive. The result for that case is proved in Sloan and Woźniakowski (2002, Theorem 1), but in any case is superseded by the stronger result stated in Theorem 4.5 below. In the case of our original anchored but unweighted Sobolev space discussed in Example 3.3, it can be shown (Sloan and Woźniakowski 1998) that κs ≈ 1.055−s , thus in this case n must be exponentially large to reduce the initial error by some fixed percentage, say 50%. The upper bound on the worst-case error in Lemma 4.2 is independent of s under the condition (4.9), but the apparent rate of convergence in that lemma is just the Monte Carlo rate of O(n−1/2 ). Fortunately, as we shall see in Sections 5 and 6, a convergence rate arbitrarily close to O(n−1 ) can be attained if the (product) weights satisfy the stronger condition ∞ j=1 1/2 γj < ∞. 186 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan 4.5. Tractability of multivariate integration In this subsection we frame the earlier discussion in terms of the valuable notion of tractability. Loosely speaking, the tractability of a problem relates to the question of how quickly the difficulty of a problem increases as the dimension increases. Note that it relates to the difficulty of the problem, not to the cost of any particular algorithm. The standard reference in this area is the recent three-volume work by Novak and Woźniakowski (2008, 2010, 2012). In the present brief discussion we limit ourselves to a very small part of the subject, touching only parts that are relevant to our concerns with multivariate integration over the unit cube. Thus our problem is that of evaluating the s-dimensional integral Is (f ) defined in (1.1). We will assume that f belongs to a Banach space Fs of real-valued functions defined on [0, 1]s . The space Fs could be one of our reproducing kernel spaces Hs , but could also (as in the next subsection) be a non-Hilbert space. The setting is that we are allowed to approximate Is (f ) by any deterministic algorithm An,s (f ) that uses at most n function values of Fs . (In the language of information-based complexity (Traub, Wasilkowski and Woźniakowski 1988), the algorithm is restricted to ‘standard information’.) Thus An,s could be a QMC integration rule, but could also be an integration rule that uses unequal weights, including even negative weights, and An,s is even allowed to be a nonlinear combination of f (t0 ), . . . , f (tn−1 ). For a given s ≥ 1 and a given ε ∈ (0, 1] we define the nth minimal number for this problem by n(ε, s) := min n ≥ 1 : inf sup |Is (f ) − An,s (f )| ≤ ε , An,s f Fs ≤1 where the infimum is over all algorithms An,s that use no more than n function values of f (and no other information about f ). Definition 4.4 (tractability). The integration problem is said to be polynomially tractable if there is some C > 0 and some p, q > 0 and q ≥ 0 such that p 1 sq n(ε, s) ≤ C ε for all s ∈ N and ε ∈ (0, 1]. It is strongly polynomially tractable if this inequality holds with q = 0, that is, if p 1 . n(ε, s) ≤ C ε High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way 187 Many other variants of tractability are defined in the cited works, but these two will suffice for our present purposes. The following theorem mimics Theorem 4.1 in the preceding subsection, but there is an important difference: whereas for the ‘only if’ part of the theorem we previously allowed only QMC integration rules, here all algorithms An,s are allowed, making the statement considerably stronger. Theorem 4.5 (strong polynomial tractability). For product weights, and for the weighted anchored or unanchored Sobolev space of Sections 4.2 and 4.3, the integration problem is strongly polynomially tractable if and only if ∞ γj < ∞. j=1 A necessary and sufficient condition for polynomial tractability is as follows. Theorem 4.6 (polynomial tractability). For product weights, and for the weighted anchored or unanchored Sobolev space of Sections 4.2 and 4.3, the integration problem is polynomially tractable if and only if s j=1 γj < ∞. lim sup s→∞ log(s + 1) The preceding theorem may give the impression that non-trivial weights are needed in order to have (polynomial) tractability, but the remarkable result discussed in the next subsection shows that, while this is true for the Hilbert spaces we have met so far, it is not true for the classical L1 version of the anchored spaces. But the Hilbert spaces retain one great advantage, namely that the worstcase error for a given QMC rule is computable, something that turns out (as we shall see in the next two sections) to be helpful in construction. The star discrepancy (whether weighted or not), on the other hand, is notoriously difficult to compute: see Gnewuch, Srivastav and Winzen (2009). In this subsection we have so far restricted ourselves to product weights. Tractability results for general weights were first considered by Sloan et al. (2004). For example, for general weights γu and the unanchored Sobolev space it is shown that the integration problem is strongly polynomially tractable if |u| γu 16 < ∞, |u|<∞ where now the sum is over all finite subsets of the natural numbers. For other tractability results for general weights and variants of the weights, we refer the reader to Novak and Woźniakowski (2010). 188 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan 4.6. Tractability of star discrepancy A surprising result established in Heinrich, Novak, Wasilkowski and Woźniakowski (2001) is that there exists a point set P in [0, 1]s consisting of n points such that its star discrepancy, given by (3.16), satisfies ( s ∗ , (4.10) Dn (P ) ≤ C n for some constant C > 0 which is independent of n and s. Aistleitner (2011) showed that C can be chosen as 10, for instance. A lower bound by Hinrichs (2004) states that the infimum of Dn∗ (P ) over all point sets P is bounded by s ∗ inf , Dn (P ) ≥ min c0 , c n P ⊂[0,1]s ,|P |=n where the constant c > 0 is independent of s and n and c0 = 1 , 32e2 as stated in Gnewuch and Roşca (2009). In the following we prove a slightly weaker version of (4.10). The proof is based on Hoeffding’s inequality, a special case of which we describe in the following. Let X0 , X1 , . . . , Xn−1 be independent and identically distributed random variables with mean µ and Xi ∈ [−1, 1] almost surely for 0 ≤ i < n. Let 1 Xi . n n−1 X= i=0 Then P(|X − µ| ≥ δ) ≤ 2 e−δ 2 n/2 , for all δ ≥ 0. We need an additional lemma. Lemma 4.7. Let P = {t0 , t1 , . . . , tn−1 } ⊂ [0, 1]s be a point set consisting of n elements. Let δ > 0 and m = s/δ. Let Γm be the equidistant grid on [0, 1]s with mesh size 1/m (and therefore cardinality (m + 1)s ). Then Dn∗ (P ) ≤ max |∆P (x)| + δ. x∈Γm Proof. that Let η > 0. Then there is a vector x∗ = (x∗1 , . . . , x∗s ) ∈ [0, 1]s such Dn∗ (P ) ≤ |∆P (x∗ )| + η. High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way 189 Let y, z ∈ Γm be such that yj ≤ x∗j ≤ zj and zj − yj = m−1 . Then we have s r−1 s r s s s zj − yj = zj yj − zj yj j=1 r=1 j=1 = s r=1 j=r s j=r+1 j=1 zj r−1 j=r+1 yj (zr − yr ) ≤ j=1 j=1 s ≤ δ, m where the empty product is set to 1. Thus we have s j=1 zj − 1 1 1[0,z) (ti ) − δ ≤ x∗j − 1[0,x∗ ) (ti ) n n n−1 s n−1 i=0 j=1 i=0 ≤ s 1 1[0,y) (ti ) + δ, n n−1 yj − j=1 i=0 which implies the result. We are now ready to prove the following slightly weaker version of (4.10), which is Theorem 1 of Heinrich et al. (2001). Theorem 4.8. For every n, s ∈ N there exists a point set P consisting of n points in [0, 1]s , whose star discrepancy satisfies √ ) √ * 2 s n 2 ∗ Dn (P ) ≤ √ + 1 + log 2. s log √ n 4 log 2 Proof. Let t0 , t1 , . . . , tn−1 be independently and uniformly distributed random variables in [0, 1]s . Let P = {t0 , t1 , . . . , tn−1 }. Then for each x ∈ [0, 1]s ∆ti (x) = 1[0,x) (ti ) − x1 · · · xs is a random variable with mean 0 and |∆ti (x)| ≤ 1 for 0 ≤ i < n. Further, we have n−1 1 ∆ti (x). ∆P (x) = n i=0 Thus we can use Hoeffding’s inequality, which implies that + , P Dn∗ (P )) ≤ 2δ ≥P max |∆P (x)| ≤ δ x∈Γm ≥1 − 2(m + 1)s e−δ 2 n/2 . We now choose the parameters such that 1 − 2(m + 1)s e−δ equivalently δ2n < 0. log 2 + s log(m + 1) − 2 2 n/2 > 0, or 190 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan Since m = s/δ, this holds for all δ > δ0 = δ0 (n, s), where δ0 satisfies δ02 = 2n−1 (s log(s/δ0 + 1) + log 2). This implies that 1 ≤ δ0 and therefore δ02 ≤ 2n −1 ( n , 4 log 2 ) √ * s n + 1 + log 2 . s log √ 4 log 2 Thus for any δ > δ0 there exist points t0 , t1 , . . . , tn−1 such that Dn∗ ({t0 , t1 , . . . , tn−1 }) ≤ 2δ. Hence there is a point set P = {t0 , t1 , . . . , tn−1 } such that Dn∗ (P ) ≤ 2δ0 . 4.7. Notes Weighted spaces were first introduced by Sloan and Woźniakowski (1998), and subsequently generalized by Sloan and Woźniakowski (2001, 2002), Dick et al. (2006) and Sloan et al. (2004). A non-technical introduction to the weighted space setting and lattice rules is given in Kuo and Sloan (2005). For the standard reference on tractability see the recent three-volume work by Novak and Woźniakowski (2008, 2010, 2012). The ‘only if’ parts of Theorems 4.5 and 4.6 were proved by Novak and Woźniakowski (2001) for the anchored Sobolev space, and also for the more general class of ‘decomposable’ kernels. For the unanchored Sobolev space the second parts of the theorems were proved by Sloan and Woźniakowski (2002), using results from Hickernell and Woźniakowski (2001) and in turn Hickernell and Woźniakowski (2000). See also Wasilkowski and Woźniakowski (2004). A classic paper on numerical integration and discrepancy is by Hickernell (1998a), who defined discrepancies which include lower-dimensional projections and introduced the reproducing kernel machinery for numerical integration. Sufficient conditions on the weights for which Sobol , Halton, and Niederreiter sequences achieve strong tractability have been studied by Wang (2002, 2003). Tractability of so-called ‘finite-order weights’ has been shown by Sloan et al. (2004). Strong tractability of scrambled digital nets and sequences has been studied by Yue and Hickernell (2005, 2006). Tractability questions for the weighted star discrepancy have been considered by Hinrichs, Pillichshammer and Schmid (2008). A strategy for choosing the weights in finance applications has been considered in Wang and Sloan (2006, 2007). The concepts of ‘effective dimension’, ‘truncation High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way 191 dimension’ and ‘superposition dimension’ have been introduced in Caflisch et al. (1997). The effective dimension of problems arising from financial applications have been studied by Wang and Fang (2003) and Wang and Sloan (2005) in the context of QMC. The equidistant grid Γm used in Lemma 4.7 is a special δ-cover or (essentially) bracketing cover. The notion of bracketing is well established in empirical process theory (see van der Vart and Wellner 2009, for example), and to achieve better results than in Theorem 4.8 one needs better bracketing covers than Γm . In fact, the results from Aistleitner (2011), together with the results on probabilistic discrepancy estimates from Gnewuch and Roşca (2009), Aistleitner and Hofer (2012) and Gnewuch (2009), as well as theoretical arguments from Doerr, Gnewuch and Wahlström (2009) and Doerr, Gnewuch, Kritzer and Pillichshammer (2008) for constructing small discrepancy samples, all rely on the constructive bracketing covers and the induced upper bounds on bracketing numbers from Gnewuch (2008). Aistleitner (2011) and Aistleitner and Hofer (2012) also use Bernstein’s inequality and the technique of dyadic chaining. Attempts have been made to find constructions of point sets whose star discrepancy grows only polynomially with the dimension: see for instance Doerr, Gnewuch and Wahlström (2010) and Doerr et al. (2008). An implementation and numerical experiments have been reported in Doerr et al. (2009). However, the construction cost of these algorithms depends exponentially on the dimension. An essential problem in these algorithms is the estimation of the star discrepancy of a given point set, which is itself intractable as shown by Gnewuch et al. (2009). Algorithms for estimating the star discrepancy have been further investigated by Gnewuch, Wahlström and Winzen (2012). Let n(ε, d) be the smallest number necessary to reduce the d-dimensional L2 discrepancy ∆P 2 by a factor of ε. The exponent of discrepancy is then the smallest number p such that n(ε, d) ≤ Cε−p for all d ≥ 1. It has been shown that 1.0669 ≤ p ≤ 1.41274 for the classical L2 discrepancy, where the lower bound is by Matoušek (1998a) and the upper bound by Wasilkowski and Woźniakowski (2010). 5. Lattice rules In Section 2 we gave a brief introduction to lattice rules. We defined rankone lattice rules and explained how randomly shifted lattice rules can be used for practical error estimation. We also introduced the component-bycomponent (CBC) construction for obtaining good lattice rule generating vectors. Here in this section we provide the theory behind the CBC construction, including error analysis of randomly shifted lattice rules and the fast implementation of the CBC algorithm. We will also discuss extensible 192 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan lattice sequences, which turn lattice rules from ‘closed’ point sets to ‘open’ sequences, making them more flexible for practical applications. For most of this section, we will consider the weighted anchored or unanchored spaces of Section 4, which contain integrands with square-integrable mixed first derivatives. The lattice rules constructed for these function spaces can achieve close to O(n−1 ) convergence rate, with implied constants that can be independent of the dimension s if the weights of the function space satisfy a certain condition. We will also discuss the use of the baker’s transformation to obtain close to O(n−2 ) convergence rate when the integrands have square-integrable mixed second derivatives, again with implied constants that can be independent of s. We will also outline other strategies for obtaining even higher orders of convergence using lattice rules, but now the error bounds known so far have exponential growth in s. 5.1. A brief background on the classical theory of lattice rules Lattice rules were originally designed for periodic functions. It is customary to assume that the integrand f has an absolutely convergent Fourier series (5.1) f-(h) e2πih·x , i2 = −1, f (x) = h∈Zs with Fourier coefficients f-(h) = f (x) e−2πih·x dx, [0,1]s where h · x = h1 x1 + · · · + hs xs denotes the usual vector dot product. It follows from the absolute (and hence uniform) convergence of (5.1) that f is necessarily continuous and also one-periodic with respect to each variable, that is, f (x)|xj =0 = f (x)|xj =1 for all j = 1, . . . , s. Theorem 5.1 (the lattice rule error). Let Qn,s denote a lattice rule (not necessarily rank-one) and let L denote the associated integration lattice. If f has an absolutely convergent Fourier series (5.1), then f-(h), Qn,s (f ) − Is (f ) = h∈L⊥ \{0} where L⊥ := {h ∈ Zs : h · x ∈ Z for all x ∈ L} is the dual lattice associated with L. We will prove this result for rank-one lattice rules (see (2.3)), that is, for QMC rules of the form n−1 1 iz . f Qn,s (f ) = n n i=0 High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way 193 In this case, L⊥ = {h ∈ Zs : h · z ≡ 0 (mod n)}. A proof for general lattice rules is given in Sloan and Joe (1994). Theorem 5.2 (rank-one lattice rule error). Let Qn,s denote a rankone lattice rule with generating vector z. If f has an absolutely convergent Fourier series (5.1), then f-(h). Qn,s (f ) − Is (f ) = h∈Zs \{0} h·z≡0 (mod n) Proof. Using the Fourier series (5.1), we can write kz f (x) dx − n [0,1]s k=0 n−1 1 2πikh·z/n e e2πih·x dx. − f-(h) f-(h) = n s [0,1] s s 1 f Qn,s (f ) − Is (f ) = n n−1 h∈Z h∈Z k=0 The result then follows from the elementary properties 1 if h = 0, 2πih·x e dx = s 0 otherwise, [0,1] and 1 2πikh·z/n e = n n−1 k=0 1 0 if h · z ≡ 0 (mod n), otherwise. (5.2) The property (5.2) is sometimes referred to as the ‘character property’ of lattice rules with respect to the exponential functions. It is one of the key properties we need for the error analysis of lattice rules. In the classical theory of lattice rules, one considers a class Eα (c) of functions whose Fourier coefficients satisfy, for α > 1 and c > 0, |f-(h)| ≤ c , (h1 · · · hs )α with h := max(1, |h|). It follows that |Qn,s (f ) − Is (f )| ≤ c h∈Zs \{0} h·z≡0 (mod n) 1 , (h1 · · · hs )α for f ∈ Eα (c). 194 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan This leads to the definition of a quality measure called Pα , 1 Pα (z, n) := , α > 1, (h1 · · · hs )α s (5.3) h∈Z \{0} h·z≡0 (mod n) and the goal is to choose z so that Pα (z, n) is as small as possible. By using the character property (5.2) (or by recognizing that Pα is the integration error for a function f with Fourier coefficients f-(h) = 1/(h1 · · · hs )α ), one can express Pα as n−1 s e2πikhzj /n 1 1+ (5.4) Pα (z, n) = −1 + n |h|α k=0 j=1 h∈Z\{0} s s e2πikhzj /n 1 n−1 1 = −1 + 1 + 2ζ(α) + 1+ , n n |h|α j=1 where k=1 j=1 ∞ 1 , ζ(x) := hx h∈Z\{0} x > 1, (5.5) h=1 is the Riemann zeta function. For practical computation, α is often taken to be an even integer. This is because the Bernoulli polynomial of degree α, with α an even integer, has the Fourier series α (−1) 2 +1 α! Bα (x) = (2π)α h∈Z\{0} e2πihx , hα for x ∈ [0, 1], so that in this case we can write α e2πikhzj /n kzj (−1) 2 +1 (2π)α B . = α |h|α α! n (5.6) (5.7) h∈Z\{0} This allows Pα in (5.4) to be computed in O(n s) operations. One may therefore use the Korobov construction in Example 2.9 to search for a lattice generating vector z, using the criterion that Pα be as small as possible. It is well known that the rate of decay of the Fourier coefficients of a function is related to the smoothness of the function. For instance, if α > 1 is an integer and all partial derivatives ∂ q1 +···+qs f , ∂xq11 · · · ∂xqss 0 ≤ q1 , . . . , qs ≤ α, exist and are continuous on [0, 1]s , then there exists c > 0 for which f ∈ Eα (c). Thus the class Eα (c) is essentially a class of functions with smoothness determined by α, therefore the parameter α is called the smoothness High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way 195 parameter. It is known that a convergence rate of Pα (z, n) = O(n−α (log n)α s ) can be achieved. There are also other related quality measures for lattice rules (Niederreiter 1992a, Sloan and Joe 1994). We shall not discuss the classical theory further, because in the classical error analysis all error bounds grow exponentially with dimension. In the following, we will carry out error analysis in the weighted function space setting of Section 4. 5.2. Shift-averaged worst-case error In this subsection we discuss a general strategy for the error analysis of randomly shifted QMC rules, as a preparation for our later analysis of randomly shifted lattice rules. For any QMC point set P = {t0 , . . . , tn−1 } and any shift ∆ ∈ [0, 1]s , let P + ∆ = {{ti + ∆} : i = 0, 1, . . . , n − 1} denote the shifted QMC point set, and let Qn,s (∆; f ) denote the corresponding shifted QMC rule. Then, for any integrand f belonging to some normed space H, it follows from the definition of the worst-case error (see Definition 3.4) that |Is (f ) − Qn,s (∆, f )| ≤ en,s (P + ∆; H) f H . We deduce a bound for the root-mean-square error E |Is (f ) − Qn,s (∆, f )|2 ≤ esh n,s (P ; H) f H , where the expectation E is taken over the random shift ∆ which is uniformly distributed over [0, 1]s , and where the quantity esh n,s (P ; H) := [0,1]s e2n,s (P + ∆; H) d∆ (5.8) is referred to as the shift-averaged worst-case error. The shift-averaged worst-case error (5.8) will be used as our quality measure for randomly shifted QMC rules. For any given point set P , the averaging argument guarantees the existence of at least one shift ∆ for which en,s (P + ∆; H) ≤ esh n,s (P ; H). The following theorem gives an explicit formula for the shift-averaged worst-case error when the function space is an RKHS. 196 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan Theorem 5.3 (formula for the shift-averaged worst-case error). The shift-averaged worst-case error (5.8) for a QMC point set P in an RKHS Hs (K) satisfies 2 [esh n,s (P ; Hs (K))] = − where [0,1]s [0,1]s K(x, y) dx dy + n−1 n−1 1 sh K (ti , tk ), n2 i=0 k=0 (5.9) K sh (x, y) := [0,1]s K({x + ∆}, {y + ∆}) d∆ for all x, y ∈ [0, 1]s . (5.10) Proof. Using the definition (5.8) and applying the formula (3.9) for the worst-case error en,s (P + ∆; Hs (K)), we obtain 2 [esh n,s (P ; Hs (K))] n−1 2 = K(x, y) dx dy − K({ti + ∆}, y) d∆ dy n s [0,1]s [0,1]s [0,1]s [0,1] i=0 n−1 n−1 1 + 2 K({ti + ∆}, {tk + ∆}) d∆. n [0,1]s i=0 k=0 With a change of variables x = {ti + ∆}, the double integrals in the second term turn into the double integral in the first term. The result then follows from the definition (5.10). The function K sh defined by (5.10) is actually a reproducing kernel, with the shift-invariant property K sh (x, y) = K sh ({x + ∆}, {y + ∆}) for all x, y, ∆ ∈ [0, 1]s , or equivalently K sh (x, y) = K sh ({x − y}, 0) for all x, y ∈ [0, 1]s . Furthermore, it can be verified that the shift-averaged worst-case error esh n,s (P ; Hs (K)) is precisely the worst-case error of the QMC point set P in the RKHS with K sh as the reproducing kernel, that is, e2n,s (P + ∆; Hs (K)) d∆ = e2n,s (P ; Hs (K sh )). [0,1]s In words, the average over all possible shifts of the squared worst-case error for a shifted QMC rule in a Hilbert space with reproducing kernel K is equal to the squared worst-case error of the original unshifted QMC rule in a Hilbert space with reproducing kernel K sh .This important connection High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way 197 provides a powerful tool for analysing randomly shifted QMC rules, because it is often easier to work with a shift-invariant kernel. We refer to the kernel K sh as the shift-invariant kernel associated with K. Further, we note that for the reproducing kernels we consider below, the reproducing kernel K sh has the same smoothness properties as K. As the smoothness properties of the reproducing kernel determine the convergence rate of the worst-case error, one obtains the same convergence rate of the worst-case error for Hs (K sh ) as for Hs (K). 5.3. Randomly shifted lattice rules in weighted Sobolev spaces We are now ready to analyse randomly shifted lattice rules in the weighted anchored or unanchored Sobolev space of Section 4. First we derive the associated shift-invariant kernel needed for the shift-averaged worst-case error. Lemma 5.4. Let H(Ks,γ ) be the weighted anchored or unanchored Sobolev space of Section 4. The shift-invariant kernel associated with Ks,γ is sh (x, y) = γu (5.11) B2 (|xj − yj |) + β , Ks,γ u⊆{1:s} j∈u where β = c2 − c + 1/3 for the anchored variant with anchor c, and β = 0 for the unanchored variant. Proof. From the definitions (5.10) and (4.3), we have 1 sh (x, y) = γu η({xj + ∆j }, {yj + ∆j }) d∆j , Ks,γ u⊆{1:s} j∈u 0 where the function η can be written in the common form (4.8) for both the anchored and unanchored spaces. Using the symmetry B2 (x) = B2 (1 − x) 1 and 0 α(x) dx = 0, we obtain 1 η({x + ∆}, {y + ∆}) d∆ 0 1 1 = 2 B2 (|x − y|) + {x + ∆} − 12 {y + ∆} − 12 d∆ + β. 0 Therefore it remains to show that 1 {x + ∆} − 12 {y + ∆} − 12 d∆ = 12 B2 (|x − y|). I(x, y) := 0 Since I(x, y) = I(y, x), without loss of generality we assume that x ≤ y. There are three possible arrangements of the values of x + ∆ and y + ∆ 198 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan for x, y, ∆ ∈ [0, 1): x + ∆ ≤ y + ∆ < 1 ⇒ ∆ < 1 − y, x + ∆ < 1 ≤ y + ∆ ⇒ 1 − y ≤ ∆ < 1 − x, 1 ≤ x + ∆ ≤ y + ∆ ⇒ 1 − x ≤ ∆. Thus we have 1−y I(x, y) = 0 x+∆− 1−x 1 2 y+∆− x+∆− + 1−y 1 1 2 1 2 d∆ y + ∆ − 1 − 12 d∆ y + ∆ − 1 − 12 d∆ 1−x 1 1 = 12 |x − y|2 − |x − y| + 16 . = 2 (y − x)2 − 12 (y − x) + 12 + x+∆−1− 1 2 This completes the proof. For simplicity, let sh esh n,s (z) := en,s (P ; H(Ks,γ )) denote the shift-averaged worst-case error for a rank-one lattice rule with point set P and generating vector z in our weighted anchored or unanchored 2 space. The following lemma gives an explicit expression for [esh n,s (z)] . Lemma 5.5 (shift-averaged worst-case error for lattice rules). The shift-averaged worst-case error for a rank-one lattice rule in the weighted anchored or unanchored Sobolev space satisfies n−1 . kz 1 j 2 γu B2 + β − β |u| , (5.12) [esh n,s (z)] = n n ∅=u⊆{1:s} k=0 j∈u where β = c2 − c + 1/3 for the anchored variant with anchor c, and β = 0 for the unanchored variant. For product weights, the expression simplifies to . s s 1 n−1 kzj sh 2 1 + γ j B2 [en,s (z)] = − + β . (5.13) 1 + γj β + n n j=1 k=0 j=1 Proof. Substituting ti = {iz/n} into (5.9) and using (4.5) and (5.11), we obtain n−1 n−1 (i − k)zj . 1 sh 2 |u| +β . B2 γu β + 2 γu [en,s (z)] = − n n u⊆{1:s} i=0 k=0 u⊆{1:s} j∈u As i and k range from 0 to n − 1, the values of (i − k) mod n are just 0, . . . , n − 1 in some order, with each value occurring n times. Thus we can High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way 199 2 reduce the double sum in [esh n,s (z)] to a single sum. Grouping the sum over u and then cancelling the u = ∅ term yields the formula for general weights above. The formula for product weights follows from the identity (4.2). 5.4. Component-by-component construction Recall that the components of the generating vector z can be restricted to the set Un = {z ∈ Z : 1 ≤ z ≤ n − 1 and gcd(z, n) = 1}, whose cardinality is given by the Euler totient function ϕ(n) := |Un | = |{z ∈ Z : 1 ≤ z ≤ n − 1 and gcd(z, n) = 1}|. (5.14) When n is prime ϕ(n) takes its largest value n−1, hence there are altogether up to (n − 1)s possible choices for z, far too many to allow an exhaustive search for the best one. The CBC construction below, already foreshadowed in Example 2.10, provides a feasible way to obtain good lattice generating vectors. The first component z1 is arbitrarily set to 1, since all choices in one dimension lead to the same rectangle rule. Algorithm 5.6 (CBC construction). Given: n, smax , and weights γu . (1) Set z1 = 1. 2 (2) For s = 2, 3, . . . , smax , choose zs in Un to minimize [esh n,s (z1 , . . . , zs )] . With general weights γu , the cost of the CBC algorithm is prohibitively expensive, thus when discussing implementation we will always assume there is some special structure, such as product weights, order-dependent weights, finite-order weights, or POD weights. We will discuss the implementation of CBC in later subsections. In this subsection we focus on error bounds resulting from the CBC construction. The CBC error bounds are proved by induction: under the induction hypothesis that the desired bound holds in s − 1 dimensions, we show by the averaging argument that the algorithm picks a next component zs , for which the bound holds in s dimensions. To illustrate the general argument, we first prove that in the simplest case of product weights and prime n, a generating vector constructed by the CBC algorithm beats the QMC mean (see (3.13) together with (4.5)) s s 1 1 2 1 + γj β + − (Ks,γ ) = (1 + γj β) , En,s n 6 j=1 j=1 which yields a convergence rate of O(n−1/2 ). We will prove a better, if more complicated, result in Theorem 5.8 below. 200 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan Theorem 5.7 (CBC error bound beats QMC mean). Consider the weighted anchored or unanchored Sobolev space with product weights γ1 ≥ γ2 ≥ · · · > 0, and suppose that n is a prime number satisfying γ1 , (5.15) n≥ 6(1 + γ1 β) where β = c2 − c + 1/3 for the anchored variant with anchor c, and β = 0 for the unanchored variant. The generating vector z ∈ Usn constructed by the CBC algorithm, minimizing the squared shift-averaged worst-case error 2 [esh n,s (z)] in the weighted anchored or unanchored Sobolev space in each step, satisfies 2 2 [esh n,s (z)] < En,s (Ks,γ ). (5.16) Proof. For the inductive step we need to show, under the assumption 2 2 sh 2 2 [esh n,s−1 (z1 , . . . , zs−1 )] < En,s−1 (Ks−1,γ ), that [en,s (z)] < En,s (Ks,γ ) when sh 2 zs ∈ Un is chosen to minimize [en,s (z)] . To proceed, we rewrite (5.13) as 2 [esh n,s (z)] s−1 sh 1 γs 2 1 + γj β + = 1 + γs β [en,s−1 (z1 , . . . , zs−1 )] + 6n 6 + γs n n−1 B2 j=1 s−1 .. kzj kzs +β , 1 + γ j B2 n n j=1 k=1 where we separated out the k = 0 term and used B2 (0) = 1/6. Next we average over all possible choices of zs , forming µ(z1 , . . . , zs−1 ) := n−1 1 sh [en,s (z)]2 . n−1 zs =1 Since B2 (x) = (1/2π 2 ) h∈Z\{0} e2πihx /h2 for x ∈ [0, 1], for any integer k from 1 to n − 1 we can write n−1 n−1 2π 2 kzs 1 e2πihkz/n B2 = n−1 n n−1 h2 zs =1 = h∈Z\{0} h≡0 (mod n) = h∈Z\{0} h≡0 (mod n) 1 1 − 2 h n−1 1 1 − h2 n − 1 z=1 h∈Z\{0} h∈Z\{0} h≡0 (mod n) h∈Z\{0} 1 h2 1 − h2 h∈Z\{0} h≡0 (mod n) 1 h2 201 High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way = n n−1 h∈Z\{0} h≡0 (mod n) 1 1 − 2 h n−1 h∈Z\{0} 1 h2 2π 2 2π 2 2π 2 n − = − , 6n2 (n − 1) 6(n − 1) 6n 2 2 where we used ∞ h=1 1/h = π /6. Thus we conclude for any integer 1 ≤ k ≤ n − 1 that n−1 kzs 1 1 =− . (5.17) B2 n−1 n 6n = zs =1 Combining the expressions yields 2 µ(z1 , . . . , zs−1 ) = 1 + γs β [esh n,s−1 (z1 , . . . , zs−1 )] . s−1 n−1 s−1 kzj γs 1 γs − 2 +β . 1 + γj β + 1 + γ j B2 + 6n 6 6n n j=1 k=1 j=1 Rewriting the third expression in terms of e2n,s−1 (z1 , . . . , zs−1 ) collecting similar expressions, we obtain γs 2 [esh µ(z1 , . . . , zs−1 ) = 1 + γs β − n,s−1 (z1 , . . . , zs−1 )] 6n s−1 s−1 γs 1 γs γs + 1 + γj β + − 1 + γj β + 6n 6 6n n j=1 j=1 and then 1 6 . The condition (5.15) ensures that 1 + γs β − γs /(6n) ≥ 0. Applying the induction hypothesis and dropping a negative term, we finally arrive at 2 (K µ(z1 , . . . , zs−1 ) < En,s s,γ ). 2 Since µ(z1 , . . . , zs−1 ) is the average of [esh n,s (z)] over all zs ∈ Un , the 2 choice of zs that minimizes [esh n,s (z)] must satisfy 2 2 [esh n,s (z)] ≤ µ(z1 , . . . , zs−1 ) < En,s (Ks,γ ). To complete the proof by induction we note that the error bound (5.16) is easily satisfied for s = 1: indeed we may adapt (5.17) to obtain n−1 k γ1 1 n − 1 γ1 γ1 γ1 sh 2 = − = 2 ≤ . B2 [en,1 (1)] = n n n 6 6n 6n 6n k=0 This completes the proof. We now show, through a more complicated averaging argument in the induction proof, that the CBC algorithm yields a convergence rate arbitrarily close to O(n−1 ). The result holds for general n (not necessarily prime), 202 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan and holds for the unanchored space with general weights (including product weights), but holds for the anchored space only with product weights. For the anchored space with general non-product weights, the same error bound holds, but a modification to the search criterion in the CBC construction is needed. We therefore state the results for the unanchored and anchored spaces separately. In the following theorems, the choice of zs at each step is independent of the parameter λ, and the error bound holds for all values of λ ∈ (1/2, 1]. The optimal convergence rate close to O(n−1 ) is obtained with λ → 1/2, but note that λ = 1/2 is not permitted because ζ(2λ) → ∞ as λ → 1/2. The implied constant in the big-O bound can be independent of s under an appropriate condition on the weights. For example, in the case of product weights, a sufficient condition to obtain close to O(n−1 ) convergence with 1/2 the implied constant independently of s is ∞ < ∞. j=1 γj Theorem 5.8 (optimal CBC error bound: the unanchored case). The generating vector z ∈ Usn constructed by the CBC algorithm, minimiz2 ing the squared shift-averaged worst-case error [esh n,s (z)] for the weighted unanchored Sobolev space in each step, satisfies |u| 1/λ 2ζ(2λ) 1 2 γuλ , (5.18) [esh n,s (z)] ≤ ϕ(n) (2π 2 )λ ∅=u⊆{1:s} for all λ ∈ (1/2, 1], where ζ(·) is the Riemann zeta function (5.5), and ϕ(n) is the Euler totient function (5.14). Proof. We prove this by induction on s. The base step s = 1 is straightforward to verify for all λ ∈ (1/2, 1]. Assume now that we have chosen the first s − 1 components z1 , . . . , zs−1 and that (5.18) holds with s replaced by s − 1. We separate the terms in (5.12) (remembering that β = 0 for this unanchored space), depending on whether or not the element s is included in the set u, to obtain the recursive expression 2 sh 2 [esh n,s (z1 , . . . , zs−1 , zs )] = [en,s−1 (z1 , . . . , zs−1 )] + θ(zs ), with (suppressing the dependence of θ on z1 , . . . , zs−1 ) n−1 kzj 1 γu B2 θ(zs ) := n n k=0 j∈u s∈u⊆{1:s} n−1 γu e2πikhu ·z u /n 1 = 2 (2π 2 )|u| n j∈u hj |u| s∈u⊆{1:s} k=0 hu ∈(Z\{0}) (5.19) 203 High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way = s∈u⊆{1:s} = s∈u⊆{1:s} γu (2π 2 )|u| γu (2π 2 )|u| hu ∈(Z\{0})|u| hu ·z u ≡0 (mod n) hs ∈Z\{0} 1 2 j∈u hj 1 h2s hu\{s} ∈(Z\{0})|u|−1 hu\{s} ·z u\{s} ≡−hs zs (mod n) 1 2 j∈u\{s} hj , where we made use of the Fourier expansion of B2 and the character property (5.2). If zs∗ denotes the value chosen by the CBC algorithm in dimension s, then (since the minimum is always smaller than or equal to the average) we have for all λ ∈ (0, 1] that [θ(zs∗ )]λ ≤ 1 1 γuλ [θ(zs )]λ ≤ ϕ(n) ϕ(n) (2π 2 )|u|λ zs ∈Un zs ∈Un s∈u⊆{1:s} 1 1 × , 2λ |hs |2λ j∈u\{s} |hj | hs ∈Z\{0} hu\{s} ∈(Z\{0})|u|−1 hu\{s} ·z u\{s} ≡−hs zs (mod n) where we used the inequality (sometimes referred to as Jensen’s inequality) λ ak ≤ aλk , ak ≥ 0, λ ∈ (0, 1]. (5.20) k k Next we separate the terms depending on whether or not hs is a multiple of n, to obtain λ 2ζ(2λ) γ 1 u · [θ(zs∗ )]λ ≤ 2λ n2λ (2π 2 )|u|λ j∈u\{s} |hj | hu\{s} ∈(Z\{0})|u|−1 hu\{s} ·z u\{s} ≡0 (mod n) s∈u⊆{1:s} n−1 γuλ 1 + ϕ(n) (2π 2 )|u|λ zs ∈Un c=1 s∈u⊆{1:s} 1 × |hs |2λ hs ∈Z\{0} hs ≡−czs−1 (mod n) ∈(Z\{0})|u|−1 hu\{s} hu\{s} ·z u\{s} ≡c (mod n) 1 j∈u\{s} |hj | 2λ , where zs−1 denotes the multiplicative inverse of zs in Un , that is, zs zs−1 ≡ 1 (modn). For fixed c satisfying 1 ≤ c ≤ n − 1, we have {czs−1 mod n : zs ∈ Un } = {cz mod n : z ∈ Un }. Let g = gcd(c, n). Then gcd(c/g, n/g) = 1, 204 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan and zs ∈Un hs ∈Z\{0} hs ≡−czs−1 (mod n) = z∈Un m∈Z =g −2λ 1 = |hs |2λ z∈Un hs ∈Z\{0} hs ≡−cz (mod n) 1 |hs |2λ 1 1 −2λ = g |mn − cz|2λ |m(n/g) − (c/g)z|2λ z∈Un m∈Z z∈Un h∈Z\{0} h≡−(c/g)z (mod n/g) n/g−1 1 −2λ ≤ g g |h|2λ a=1 = g 1−2λ · 2ζ(2λ) 1 − (n/g)−2λ ≤ 2ζ(2λ), h∈Z\{0} h≡a (mod n/g) 1 |h|2λ where the last step holds because g ≥ 1 and λ > 1/2. (The condition λ > 1/2 is needed to ensure that ζ(2λ) < ∞.) Hence 2ζ(2λ) γuλ 1 ∗ λ · [θ(zs )] ≤ 2λ n2λ (2π 2 )|u|λ j∈u\{s} |hj | s∈u⊆{1:s} 1 + ϕ(n) 1 ≤ ϕ(n) s∈u⊆{1:s} s∈u⊆{1:s} γuλ · 2ζ(2λ) (2π 2 )|u|λ γuλ 2ζ(2λ) (2π 2 )λ |u| hu\{s} ∈(Z\{0})|u|−1 hu\{s} ·z u\{s} ≡0 (mod n) ∈(Z\{0})|u|−1 hu\{s} hu\{s} ·z u\{s} ≡0 (mod n) 1 j∈u\{s} |hj | 2λ . Now we use (5.19), the induction hypothesis and another use of (5.20) to obtain (5.18). Theorem 5.9 (optimal CBC error bound: the anchored case). A generating vector z ∈ Usn can be constructed by a (modified) CBC algorithm such that the squared shift-averaged worst-case error esh n,s (z) in the weighted anchored Sobolev space with anchor c satisfies |u| 1/λ 2ζ(2λ) 1 2 γuλ + βλ [esh n,s (z)] ≤ ϕ(n) (2π 2 )λ ∅=u⊆{1:s} for all λ ∈ (1/2, 1], where β = c2 − c + 1/3, ζ(·) is the Riemann zeta function (5.5), and ϕ(n) is the Euler totient function (5.14). For product weights, 2 the algorithm minimizes [esh n,s (z)] step by step as usual. For general nonproduct weights, the algorithm minimizes an auxiliary quantity e/2n,s,d (z) High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way depending on s, e/2n,s,d (z) := γ /s,v ∅=v⊆{1:d} 1 B2 n n−1 k=0 j∈v kzj n 205 , (5.21) step by step for each d = 2, 3, . . . , s, with auxiliary weights defined by γu β |u|−|v| , v ⊆ {1 : s}. (5.22) γ /s,v := v⊆u⊆{1:s} Note that the latter algorithm is not extensible in s. Proof. In the previous proof we made use of the Fourier expansion of B2 , which has no constant term. To allow us to use essentially the same argument here, we start from (5.12), adapting the identity (4.2) and swapping the order of sums, to obtain n−1 kzj 1 sh 2 |u|−|v| − γu β B2 γu β |u| [en,s (z)] = n n v⊆u k=0 u⊆{1:s} = n−1 1 n γu β |u|−|v| k=0 v⊆{1:s} v⊆u⊆{1:s} = = 1 n n−1 k=0 v⊆{1:s} ∅=v⊆{1:s} γ /s,v γ /s,v B2 j∈v B2 j∈v 1 n u⊆{1:s} j∈v n−1 kzj n B2 k=0 j∈v kzj n − γu β |u| u⊆{1:s} −γ /s,∅ kzj n , (5.23) where we introduced the auxiliary weights defined in (5.22). This last expression takes the same form as the squared shift-averaged worst-case error in the unanchored space. However, there is a vital difference that the auxiliary weights γ /s,v depend on the dimension s. Consequently, a recursive formula of the form (5.19) does not hold. Case 1. Consider first the case of product weights γu = j∈u γj . It follows from the definition (5.22) that, for s ∈ / v, we have γu β |u|−|v| + γu γs β |u|−|v|+1 = (1 + γs β)/ γs−1,v . γ /s,v = v⊆u⊆{1:s−1} v⊆u⊆{1:s−1} Thus, by separating the terms depending on whether or not the element s is included in the set v, we obtain 2 sh 2 [esh n,s (z)] = (1 + γs β)[en,s−1 (z1 , . . . , zs−1 )] + θ(zs ), 206 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan where θ(zs ) := γ /s,v 1 B2 n n−1 k=0 j∈v s∈v⊆{1:s} kzj n . The induction hypothesis is now 2 [esh n,s−1 (z1 , . . . , zs−1 )] ≤ 1 ϕ(n) λ γ /s−1,v ∅=v⊆{1:s−1} 2ζ(2λ) (2π 2 )λ |v| 1/λ for all λ ∈ (1/2, 1]. For the quantity θ(zs ) we follow the averaging argument in the previous proof, to obtain 1 ≤ ϕ(n) [θ(zs∗ )]λ λ γ /s,v s∈v⊆{1:s} 2ζ(2λ) (2π 2 )λ |v| . Combining the estimates, we obtain 1 2 [esh n,s (z)] ≤ (1 + γs β) ϕ(n) + 1 ϕ(n) λ γ /s−1,v ∅=v⊆{1:s−1} λ γ /s,v s∈v⊆{1:s} 2ζ(2λ) (2π 2 )λ 2ζ(2λ) (2π 2 )λ |v| 1/λ |v| 1/λ . Applying (5.20) then yields 2 [esh n,s (z)] ≤ 1 ϕ(n) λ γ /s,v ∅=v⊆{1:s} 2ζ(2λ) (2π 2 )λ |v| 1/λ . (5.24) Finally we express the result in terms of the original weights. Using (5.22) and (5.20), we have λ γ /s,v ∅=v⊆{1:s} ≤ 2ζ(2λ) (2π 2 )λ |v| γuλ β (|u|−|v|)λ v⊆{1:s} v⊆u⊆{1:s} = u⊆{1:s} γuλ v⊆u β (|u|−|v|)λ 2ζ(2λ) (2π 2 )λ 2ζ(2λ) (2π 2 )λ |v| |v| − − γuλ β |u|λ u⊆{1:s} u⊆{1:s} γuλ β |u|λ High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way = γuλ u⊆{1:s} ≤ 2ζ(2λ) + βλ (2π 2 )λ γuλ ∅=u⊆{1:s} |u| 2ζ(2λ) + βλ (2π 2 )λ − |u| 207 γuλ β |u|λ u⊆{1:s} . (5.25) That the bound holds for s = 1 follows as before, completing the proof for the case of product weights. Remark. For the case of product weights, the use of auxiliary weights is only needed in the proof and has no bearing on the actual CBC construction. It is also possible to prove the result by working directly with the simplified worst-case error expression for product weights (see (5.13)) without introducing auxiliary weights. We have chosen to prove the result this way to provide valuable insights into the more complicated case of general non-product weights. Case 2. Now we consider the case of general non-product weights. Due to 2 the lack of structure in general weights, we are unable to relate [esh n,s (z)] 2 to [esh n,s−1 (z1 , . . . , zs−1 )] in a meaningful way. We therefore switch to a modified CBC construction based on the auxiliary quantity (5.21). Note that the auxiliary weights depend only on the final dimension s and not on the induction index d in (5.21). This allows us to write / d ), e/2n,s,d (z1 , . . . , zd ) = e/2n,s,d−1 (z1 , . . . , zd−1 ) + θ(z where / d ) := θ(z γ /s,v d∈v⊆{1:d} 1 B2 n n−1 k=0 j∈v kzj n . Note that e/2n,s,s (z) = e2n,s (z), but e/2n,s,d (z1 , . . . , zd ) = e2n,d (z1 , . . . , zd ) for d < s. Hence the CBC construction based on the auxiliary quantity is not the same as the original CBC construction. We prove by induction that the CBC construction based on the auxiliary quantity yields, for each d = 1, 2, . . . , s, 1/λ 2ζ(2λ) |v| 1 2 λ γ /s,v e/n,s,d (z1 , . . . , zd ) ≤ ϕ(n) (2π 2 )λ ∅=v⊆{1:d} for all λ ∈ (1/2, 1]. Since the auxiliary weights do not change with the induction index d, the proof is essentially the same as the previous proof for the unanchored space. At the final step d = s we recover the error bound (5.24), which can be expressed in terms of the original weights following (5.25). This completes the proof. 208 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan The following theorem illustrates how we can apply the theory of this section to a given integration problem. Theorem 5.10 (CBC integration error). Suppose that a given integrand f belongs to either our weighted anchored or unanchored Sobolev space. A lattice rule generating vector z ∈ Usn can be constructed by a CBC algorithm such that, for all λ ∈ (1/2, 1], E |Is (f ) − Qn,s (·; f )|2 ≤ 1 ϕ(n) γuλ ∅=u⊆{1:s} 2ζ(2λ) +β λ (2π 2 )λ |u| 1/(2λ) f s,γ , where the expectation is taken with respect to the random shift which is uniformly distributed over [0, 1]s , β = c2 − c + 1/3 for the anchored variant with anchor c and β = 0 for the unanchored variant, ζ(·) is the Riemann zeta function (5.5), and ϕ(n) is the Euler totient function (5.14). We conclude this subsection with the remark that a different analysis can be used for the anchored Sobolev space if, roughly speaking, the auxiliary weights (5.22) are dominated by the original weights, that is, if γu β |u|−|v| ≤ Cγv |u|<∞ v⊆u⊂N for all finite subsets v ⊂ N, where C > 0 is independent of v. A similar result holds if the weights are of the following special POD form: γj , γu = ((|u| + )!)a j∈u where is a non-negative integer and a is a positive real number. We explain the alternative analysis for this case below. Recall that for the anchored space the CBC algorithm must work with auxiliary weights (5.22) which do not preserve the POD structure of the original weights. We can write ((|u| + )!)a γj γ /s,v = v⊆u⊆{1:s} = ((|v| + )!) a j∈u γj j∈v = ((|v| + )!) a j∈v γj v⊆u⊆{1:s} w⊆{1:s}\v (|u| + )! (|v| + )! a γj j∈u\v a (|v| + |w| + )! (|v| + )! j∈w γj . 209 High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way Using the simple inequality p+q p+q (p + q)! p+q = 2p+q , = ≤ k p! q! p k=0 we obtain γ /s,v ≤ ((|v| + )!) a j∈v ≤ ((|v| + )!)a γj a γj |w|! 2|v|+|w|+ w⊆{1:s}\v w⊆{1:s} j∈v where / γ /v := ((|v| + )!)a (2a γj ), and j∈w cs,γ := 2a (|w|!)a w⊆{1:s} j∈v Thus from (5.23) we can write 2 [esh n,s (z)] ≤ cs,γ j∈w / (2a γj ) 2a (|w|!)a (2a γj ) = cs,γ γ /v , ∅=v⊆{1:s} / γ /v 1 B2 n n−1 k=0 j∈v kzj n (2a γj ). j∈w . (5.26) Hence, we can use the expression on the right-hand side of (5.26) (without the factor cs,γ ) as the search criterion for the CBC construction. The benefit / is that the new weights γ /v are also of the POD form, and they do not depend on the dimension s. This means that a fast implementation is possible (see Section 5.6) and that the algorithm is extensible in s. The resulting error bound would be slightly worse (each factor in the product part of the weights 1/2 would be scaled by 2a , and there is an additional factor of cs,γ in the overall error bound in Theorem 5.10), but the convergence rate and the dependence of the implied constant on the dimension s remain the same as before. 5.5. Fast CBC construction for product weights In this subsection we explain how to implement the CBC construction efficiently for product weights. We begin by presenting a naive implementation of Algorithm 5.6 as a pseudocode (Pseudocode 1, overleaf). Then we discuss the techniques to speed up the computation. The reader should keep in mind that the general approach described in this subsection applies to all shift-invariant kernels: we can replace B2 (x) by any generic function whose integral over [0, 1] is 0. Recall that Zn := {z ∈ Z : 0 ≤ z ≤ n − 1}, Un := {z ∈ Zn : gcd(z, n) = 1}, 210 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan Pseudocode 1 (CBC: naive implementation) for s from 1 to smax do for all zs ∈ Un do . s n−1 s kzj 1 1 + γ j B2 +β (1 + γj β) + e2s (zs ) = − n n j=1 k=0 j=1 end for zs = argminz∈Un e2s (z) end for with ϕ(n) := |Un |. In the pseudocode we used the simplified notation 2 e2s (zs ) := [esh n,s (z1 , . . . , zs )] to highlight the fact that zs is the only component to be determined at step s; all previous components z1 , . . . , zs−1 have already been fixed. To simplify the exposition, we included z1 in the search as well, even though all choices in the first dimension are equivalent. The computational cost of this naive implementation is O(n2 s2max ) operations. There are a number of ways to reduce this cost. Firstly, due to the symmetry B2 (x) = B2 (1 − x), we have e2s (zs ) = e2s (n − zs ), thus we only need to search through half of the elements in Un . Secondly, at step s we can write (5.27) e2s (zs ) = (1 + γs β) e2s−1 0 s−1 .5 n−1 kzj kzs γs +β 1 + γ j B2 B2 . + n n n j=1 k=0 23 41 23 4 1 Ωn (zs ,k) ps−1 (k) The n values ps−1 (k) do not depend on zs , and can be stored during the search. This reduces the construction cost to O(n2 smax ) operations, at the expense of O(n) storage. The values of (5.27) for all zs ∈ Un can be expressed as a ϕ(n) × 1 vector e2s = [e2s (zs )]zs ∈Un , which can be computed in terms of a matrix–vector product, with the ϕ(n)× n matrix . kz mod n (5.28) Ωn = [Ωn (z, k)]z∈Un = B2 z∈Un , n k∈Zn k∈Zn High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way Pseudocode 2 (CBC: matrix–vector form) p0 = 1 e20 = 0 for s from 1 to smax do γs Ωn ps−1 e2s = (1 + γs β)e2s−1 + n 2 zs = argminz∈Un es (z) e2s = e2s (zs ) ps = 1 + γs (Ωn (zs , :) + β) .∗ ps−1 end for 211 compute select set update and the n × 1 vector ps−1 = [ps−1 (k)]k∈Zn . This yields our second pseudocode. Here Ωn (zs , :) means taking a particular row of the matrix, while .∗ means element-wise vector multiplication. Also, 1 = (1, . . . , 1) and β = (β, . . . , β) are vectors with the appropriate length. At the update stage, the vector ps−1 can be overwritten by the vector ps . Thus the memory requirement is of order O(n). The trick now is to order the indices z ∈ Un and k ∈ Zn in (5.28) in a clever way in order to allow fast matrix–vector multiplication. Below we explain how this is achieved for the simpler case when n is prime. When n is prime and using the Rader factorization, the matrix Ωn can be reordered such that it has a circulant submatrix C n of size (n − 1) × (n − 1). This is achieved by taking the indices in the order z = gi and k = (g −1 )i for 0 ≤ i, i ≤ n − 2, where g is a primitive root of n (i.e., g is a generator for the cyclic group Un ) and g −1 denotes its multiplicative inverse. We denote this particular g g ordering of Ωn by Ωn . Thus, for n prime, the element Ωn (i, i ) in the g (i + 1)th row and (i + 1)th column of Ωn is given by Ωg n (i, i ) = Ωn (g i , (g −1 )i ) if 0 ≤ i, i ≤ n − 2, 0 if i = n − 1, where g i , (g −1 )i ∈ Un for 0 ≤ i, i ≤ n − 2. A graphical illustration of the effect of reordering the indices is given in Figure 5.1. We present a concrete illustration of the reordering in the next example. J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan (a) 53 1 212 (b) Figure 5.1. (Image by Dirk Nuyens.) The structure of the matrix Ω53 for the fast CBC construction of lattice rules. (a) Original ordering of indices, and (b) after a reordering of indices. Example 5.11. Take n = 11. natural ordering of the indices z 0 1 2 0 2 4 0 3 6 0 4 8 1 0 5 10 Ω11 = B2 11 0 6 1 0 7 3 0 8 5 0 9 7 0 10 9 Then U11 = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10}. The ∈ U11 and k ∈ Z11 gives the 10 × 11 matrix 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 6 8 10 1 3 5 7 9 9 1 4 7 10 2 5 8 1 5 9 2 6 10 3 7 4 9 3 8 2 7 1 6 . 7 2 8 3 9 4 10 5 10 6 2 9 5 1 8 4 2 10 7 4 1 9 6 3 5 3 1 10 8 6 4 2 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 The generator for the group U11 can be taken to be g = 2. The ordering for the z indices is then [g i : 0 ≤ i ≤ 9] = [1, 2, 4, 8, 5, 10, 9, 7, 3, 6]. For the ordering of the indices k = 0 we take the powers of g −1 = 6, [(g −1 )i : 0 ≤ i ≤ 9] = [1, 6, 3, 7, 9, 10, 5, 8, 4, 2], High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way which, leaving aside the index 1, is the reverse order of the reordering, together with a column of zeros for k = 0, gives 1 6 3 7 9 10 5 8 4 2 1 6 3 7 9 10 5 8 4 2 1 6 3 7 9 10 5 8 4 2 1 6 3 7 9 10 1 5 8 4 2 1 6 3 7 9 2 Ω11 = B2 11 10 5 8 4 2 1 6 3 7 9 10 5 8 4 2 1 6 3 7 9 10 5 8 4 2 1 6 3 7 9 10 5 8 4 2 1 6 3 7 9 10 5 8 4 2 23 1 C 11 213 z indices. This the matrix 2 0 4 0 8 0 5 0 10 0 , 9 0 7 0 3 0 6 0 1 0 4 where the 10 × 10 submatrix C 11 is circulant. We can halve the number of rows and the number of columns of the circulant submatrix C 11 due to the symmetry B2 (x) = B2 (1 − x), to obtain the reduced form (denoted by a ∼ instead of =) 2 Ω11 1 2 1 ∼ B2 4 11 8 5 1 6 1 2 4 8 3 6 1 2 4 23 7 3 6 1 2 11 C 9 7 3 6 1 4 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 0 0 0 0 0 , 2 where we remember that the full matrix Ω11 can be obtained by doubling / 11 vertically and horizontally up to the the 5 × 5 circulant submatrix C double bar. This concludes our simple example. If we express the reordering of indices induced by g as permutations ΠTg and Πg−1 on the rows and columns of the matrix Ωn , then we obtain g −1 y = Ωn ps−1 ⇐⇒ ΠTg y = (ΠTg Ωn Πg−1 ) (ΠTg−1 ps−1 ) = Ωg n ps−1 . Since the initialization of p0 = 1 is unaffected by any permutation, we only need to work with the permuted vector throughout. We just need to make sure that the correct index zs is chosen at the select stage. 214 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan A matrix–vector multiplication with a circulant matrix C m of size m×m, with first column c, can be obtained by C m x = F −1 m diag(F m c) F m x = IFFT(FFT(c).∗ FFT(x)), where F m = [exp(−2πi p q/m)]0≤p,q≤m−1 is the Fourier matrix of size m × m, and 1 [exp(2πi p q/m)]0≤p,q≤m−1 . m Using FFT and IFFT, this matrix–vector multiplication takes O(m log m) operations instead of the usual O(m2 ), and uses O(m) memory. Using permutation together with FFT, the cost for the CBC construction can be reduced to O(n log n smax ) operations, at the expense of O(n) storage. This approach is called the fast CBC construction, and is due to Nuyens and Cools (2006a, 2006b). For composite n, the general idea is that the complete matrix Ωn can be partitioned in blocks which have a circulant or block-circulant structure. We summarize the fast CBC algorithm in the pseudocode below. We stress again that the key point is to use FFT to compute the matrix–vector g product Ωn ps−1 , taking care to select the correct zs under the corresponding permuted set of indices. F −1 m = Pseudocode 3 (Fast CBC: matrix–vector form with permuted matrix) p0 = 1 e20 = 0 for s from 1 to smax do γs g g Ω p compute – use FFT e2s = (1 + γs β)e2s−1 + n n s−1 zs = argminz∈Un e2s (z) select – pick the correct index set e2s = e2s (zs ) g update ps = 1 + γs (Ωn (zs , :) + β) .∗ ps−1 end for 5.6. Fast CBC construction for POD weights Here we explain how the fast CBC construction can be extended to POD (product and order-dependent) weights (see (4.4)), covering order-dependent weights as a special case. For completely general weights γu the cost 2 for evaluating [esh n,s (z)] in (5.12) is prohibitively expensive, whereas for High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way 215 2 POD weights their special structure enables us to compute [esh n,s (z)] using a recursive argument starting from dimension one. We restrict ourselves to the unanchored Sobolev space. (Recall that the CBC algorithm for the anchored Sobolev space minimizes an auxiliary quantity that depends on the auxiliary weights (5.22). The POD form of the original weights is not preserved under the auxiliary weights, thus the strategy to be described here is not applicable to the anchored space setting; see also the remark at the end of Section 5.4 for cases where fast CBC for POD weights can be used.) However, the approach can be generalized to other shift-invariant kernels if B2 is replaced by another function that integrates to zero. With POD weights γu = Γ|u| j∈u| γj , we can write the shift-averaged worst-case error at step s (using again the simplified notation of the previous subsection) as n−1 kzj 1 2 γ j B2 Γ|u| es (zs ) = n n k=0 ∅=u⊆{1:s} 1 = n n−1 s j∈u k=0 =1 u⊆{1:s} |u|= kzj γ j B2 Γ . n (5.29) j∈u 23 1 4 ps, (k) We split the sum over u into two depending on whether s ∈ u, to obtain 0 n−1 s kzj 1 2 es (zs ) = γ j B2 Γ n n k=0 =1 u⊆{1:s−1} |u|= j∈u 23 1 Γ + γ s B2 Γ−1 1 4 ps−1, (k) kzs n 23 u⊆{1:s−1} |u|=−1 41 Ωn (zs ,k) = e2s−1 5 kzj γ j B2 Γ−1 n j∈u 23 s n−1 Γ γs + Ωn (zs , k) ps−1,−1 (k) . n Γ−1 k=0 4 ps−1,−1 (k) (5.30) =1 The computation of (5.30) for all zs ∈ Un can be expressed in matrix– vector form as s Γ γs 2 2 p , es = es−1 1 + Ωn n Γ−1 s−1,−1 =1 216 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan with the update formula ps, = ps−1, + Γ γs Ωn (zs , :).∗ ps−1,−1 Γ−1 for = 1, . . . , s, starting from ps,0 = 1 and ps, = 0 for all s ≥ 1 and > s. We need to store the vectors ps, for = 1, . . . , s, each of length n. These s vectors correspond to the s possible values of |u| for ∅ = u ⊆ {1 : s}. These vectors can be overwritten for dimension s + 1. Thus we require O(n smax ) storage overall. The update cost for dimension s is O(n s) operations. If we permute the rows and columns of the matrix Ωn and use FFT to carry out the matrix–vector multiplication as in the case of product weights, then the search cost for each dimension is O(n log n) operations. The overall cost, combining search and update in all dimensions up to smax , is O(n log n smax + n s2max ) operations. If the weights are of finite order q, that is, Γ = 0 for all > q, then the update cost for every dimension is capped at O(n q) operations, with O(n q) memory requirement, and the overall cost combining search and update in all dimensions up to smax is reduced to O(n log n smax + n q smax ) operations. The reader may question why we did not leave out the factor Γ from the definition of ps, (k) in (5.29). Indeed, the expression (5.30) and the update formula would have been simpler if we had defined ps, (k) that way. The problem is that for certain POD weights we may have Γ growing very quickly with increasing and γj decaying with increasing j: for example, j −2.1 . γu = (|u|!)4/3 j∈u For weights of this kind, the alternative approach would be numerically unstable. The approach we outlined here works with the ratio Γ /Γ−1 , thus avoiding the potential problem of overflow when working with Γ . 5.7. Extensible lattice sequences The CBC construction yields a lattice rule which is extensible in dimension, but not extensible in the number of points. Recall that the formula for obtaining the ith point of an n-point lattice rule with generating vector z is i z . (5.31) ti = n 217 High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way In an extensible lattice sequence we take z to be a vector of b-adic numbers ∞ r r=0 ar b , where ar ∈ {0, 1, . . . , b − 1}, and allow n to increase. In an extensible lattice sequence with base b ≥ 2, the formula (5.31) is changed to ti = {φb (i) z}, (5.32) where φb (·) is the radical inverse function in base b (or the Gray code variant in which the successive indices differ only in one b-ary digit). The formula (5.32) does not require you to know n in advance, and so in practice you can add more points to your lattice rule approximation until you are satisfied with the error. When n = bm for any m ≥ 1, the formulas (5.31) and (5.32) produce the same set of points, only the ordering of the points is different. Therefore, to obtain the points of an extensible lattice rule only at exact powers of the base, one can avoid the radical inverse function and still use the formula (5.31). For example, if we take b = 2 and denote by Lm the lattice point set with 2m points, then we can illustrate the lattice sequence as follows: t0 = 0, t1 = 12 , t2 , t3 , t4 , t5 , t6 , t7 , t8 , t9 , t10 , t11 , t12 , t13 , t14 , t15 , . . . . 1 23 4 1 23 4 1 23 4 1 23 4 1 23 4 1 1 1 1 L0 23 L1 ∆L1 4 ∆L2 23 L2 ∆L3 ∆L4 4 23 4 L3 23 4 L4 The number of points in Lm doubles as we move along the sequence, and the set of additional points ∆Lm = Lm \ Lm−1 is generated by {iz/2m } with i running through all the odd numbers up to 2m − 1. In Table 5.1 we show how the points are ordered under radical inverse and the Gray code variant. Empirical searches for extensible lattice sequences were considered in Hickernell, Hong, L’Ecuyer and Lemieux (2000). Then it was proved by Hickernell and Niederreiter (2003) that good generating vectors exist for extensible lattice sequences, but the proof was non-constructive. Cools, Kuo and Nuyens (2006) constructed embedded lattice rules that are good for n in a large practical range bm1 ≤ n ≤ bm2 . They used a modified CBC algorithm to construct a generating vector z, minimizing as much as possible the search criterion Xm1 ,m2 ,s (z) := max m1 ≤m≤m2 esh bm ,s (z) (m) ) esh bm ,s (z , (m) ) denotes the shifted-averaged worst-case error for the genwhere esh bm ,s (z erating vector obtained by the original CBC construction for bm points, 218 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan Table 5.1. Ordering of lattice points. i Natural order Radical inverse Gray code variant L0 0 0 0 0 ∆L1 1 1/2 = 0.5 (0.1)2 = 0.5 (0.1)2 = 0.5 ∆L2 2 3 1/4 = 0.25 3/4 = 0.75 (0.01)2 = 0.25 (0.11)2 = 0.75 (0.11)2 = 0.75 (0.01)2 = 0.25 ∆L3 4 5 6 7 1/8 = 0.125 3/8 = 0.375 5/8 = 0.625 7/8 = 0.875 (0.001)2 (0.101)2 (0.011)2 (0.111)2 = 0.125 = 0.625 = 0.375 = 0.875 (0.011)2 (0.111)2 (0.101)2 (0.001)2 = 0.375 = 0.875 = 0.625 = 0.125 ∆L4 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 1/16 = 0.0625 3/16 = 0.1875 5/16 = 0.3125 7/16 = 0.4375 9/16 = 0.5625 11/16 = 0.6875 13/16 = 0.8125 15/16 = 0.9375 (0.0001)2 (0.1001)2 (0.0101)2 (0.1101)2 (0.0011)2 (0.1011)2 (0.0111)2 (0.1111)2 = 0.0625 = 0.5625 = 0.3125 = 0.8125 = 0.1875 = 0.6875 = 0.4375 = 0.9375 (0.0011)2 (0.1011)2 (0.1111)2 (0.0111)2 (0.0101)2 (0.1101)2 (0.1001)2 (0.0001)2 = 0.1875 = 0.6875 = 0.9375 = 0.4375 = 0.3125 = 0.8125 = 0.5625 = 0.0625 which is used as the reference error to provide a good normalization. The components of z can take values up to bm2 − 1. Due to many structures in the embedding, the computational cost for the modified CBC algorithm is only a factor of O(m2 ) more than the cost for constructing a lattice rule with a fixed number of points. Figure 5.2 illustrates the embedding structure. Numerically, it is found in Cools et al. (2006) for 210 ≤ n ≤ 220 , s up to 360, and a number of different choices of product weights and orderdependent weights, that the quantity Xm1 ,m2 ,s (z) resulting from the modified CBC construction is at most 1.6, indicating that the embedded lattice rules achieve the near-optimal rate of convergence of lattice rules with a fixed number of points, but with an implied constant up to 1.6 times larger. Dick, Pillichshammer and Waterhouse (2008) introduced a sieve algorithm to obtain extensible lattice sequences. The general principle is to begin with a number of generating vectors that are good for some value of n, drop those vectors that are not good for a larger value of n, and then repeat this process for larger and larger values of n. Some parameters need to be specified beforehand to ensure that the sieve process leaves a non-empty set of generating vectors. Note that this sieve algorithm yields lattice sequences 219 High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way (2) grouping on divisors 32 64 128 8 16 4 2 1 32 64 128 8 (4) symmetric reduction after application of B2 kernel function 16 4 2 1 (1) natural ordering of the indices (3) generator ordering of the indices Figure 5.2. (Image by Dirk Nuyens.) The structure of the matrix Ω128 for the fast CBC construction of lattice rules, illustrating the reordering of indices and the reduction due to symmetry. The matrices Ωn for n = 2m with m < 7 are embedded in Ω128 . that are extensible in n but the algorithm is very expensive to implement. Dick et al. (2008) also introduced a cheaper version called the CBC sieve algorithm, which yields embedded lattice rules that work for a finite set of n and are extensible in s. This theory can also be modified to provide the theoretical justification for the algorithm from Cools et al. (2006). 5.8. Lattice rules in weighted Korobov spaces In the previous subsections we have presented the lattice rule results for weighted anchored or unanchored variants of Sobolev spaces containing functions with square-integrable mixed first derivatives. Analogous results were originally obtained in a different function space setting, the weighted Korobov spaces of periodic functions. We now briefly review the essential ingredients and results for weighted Korobov spaces, with the motive of understanding how one might achieve better than order-one convergence rate for non-periodic integrands. In the Korobov space setting, there is a smoothness parameter α > 1/2. (The parameter α as used here differs by a factor of two from the usage in Sloan and Woźniakowski 2001.) The Korobov space can be viewed as an L2 version of the Korobov class Eα (c) mentioned in Section 5.1. It again contains oneperiodic functions with absolutely convergent Fourier series (5.1) but with 220 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan the inner product now given by f, gs,α,γ = j∈u(h) |hj | γu(h) h∈Zs 2α f-(h) g-(h), with u(h) := {j ∈ {1 : s} : hj = 0}. The reproducing kernel is e2πihj (xj −yj ) γu Ks,α,γ (x, y) = |hj |2α u⊆{1:s} = γu(h) h∈Zs = h∈Zs j∈u hj ∈Z\{0} e2πihj (xj −yj ) |hj |2α j∈u(h) γu(h) e2πih·(x−y) . 2α |h | j j∈u(h) From this last expression it is easy to verify the reproducing property. The parameter α moderates the rate of decay of the Fourier coefficients, and is related to the smoothness of the functions. To illustrate this point, we note that when α is an integer, the norm in one dimension can be written as 1 2 1 (α) 2 1 2 f (t) dt + f (t) dt. f 1,α,γ = (2π)2α γ 0 0 Thus α is precisely the number of available square-integrable derivatives. When α is an integer, we can use the property (5.7) to rewrite the kernel as (2π)2α B2α |xj − yj | , γu (5.33) Ks,α,γ (x, y) = (−1)α+1 (2α)! u⊆{1:s} j∈u where B2α (·) is the Bernoulli polynomial of degree 2α. Our earlier results in the Sobolev space setting were originally obtained by observing that the associated shift-invariant kernel (see (5.11)) is in fact the kernel for a Korobov space with α = 1 but with some redefined weights. It is straightforward to deduce, using Theorem 3.5, that the worst-case error for a rank-one lattice rule in a weighted Korobov space satisfies 1 n n−1 e2n,s (z) = k=0 ∅=u⊆{1:s} γu j∈u h∈Z\{0} For product weights, the expression simplifies to n−1 s 1 1 + γj e2n,s (z) = −1 + n k=0 j=1 h∈Z\{0} e2πihkzj /n . |h|2α e2πihkzj /n , |h|2α High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way 221 which is precisely the formula for Pα when all γj = 1 (see (5.4)), but with α replaced by 2α. The following theorem summarizes the error bound for lattice rules constructed by the CBC algorithm in weighted Korobov space. We remark that the result holds for unshifted lattice rules, but since the reproducing kernel is shift-invariant, the result applies also to shifted lattice rules. The best convergence rate is obtained by taking λ → 1/(2α), which yields close to O(n−α ) convergence. Theorem 5.12 (optimal CBC error bound in Korobov spaces). The generating vector z constructed by the CBC algorithm in Korobov spaces, minimizing e2n,s (z) in each step, satisfies 1/λ 1 2 λ |u| γu (2ζ(2αλ)) en,s (z) ≤ ϕ(n) ∅=u⊆{1:s} for all λ ∈ (1/(2α), 1], where ζ(·) is the Riemann zeta function (5.5) and ϕ(n) is the Euler totient function (5.14). Proof. Using the character property (5.2), we can write 1 γu . e2n,s (z) = 2α j∈u |hj | ∅=u⊆{1:s} hu ∈(Z\{0})|u| hu ·z u ≡0 (mod n) The rest of the proof follows the proof of Theorem 5.8, which is essentially the case α = 1, but with weights scaled by (2π)|u| . The results for Korobov spaces are not often usable in practice because integrands are typically not fully periodic. However, the analysis in Korobov spaces provides the fundamental framework for the lattice rule analysis in Sobolev spaces. There we achieved order-one convergence via shifting: the shift-averaged worst-case error in Sobolev spaces of smoothness one is related to the Korobov space with α = 1. Our aim now is to achieve higher convergence rates for non-periodic functions by linking with the results in Korobov space with α > 1. 5.9. The baker’s transformation Extending Example 3.8 to s dimensions and introducing weights as in Section 4, we obtain the reproducing kernel for the weighted and unanchored Sobolev space of smoothness α: α B2α (|xj − yj |) Br (xj ) Br (yj ) + . (5.34) γu Ks,α,γ (x, y) = (−1)α+1 (2α)! (r!)2 u⊆{1:s} j∈u r=1 222 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan Comparing with (5.33), we see that this kernel has additional terms involving the lower-degree Bernoulli polynomials B1 , . . . , Bα . We already know that in the case of smoothness one (α = 1) the associated shift-invariant kernel does not involve the lower-degree polynomial B1 ; in short, shifting removes B1 . In this subsection we explain how shifting followed by folding removes B2 . The baker’s transformation makes use of the function 2t if t ≤ 12 , φ(t) := 1 − |2t − 1| = 2 − 2t if t > 12 . It is called the baker’s transformation since it emulates how a baker stretches and folds bread dough. In one dimension, if we apply the baker’s transformation to the n points of a left-rectangle rule 0, 1/n, 2/n, . . . , (n − 1)/n, where n is even, then we obtain the points n−2 n−4 2 2 4 , ,..., , 0, , , . . . , 1, n n n n n which are the points for a trapezoidal rule. A rectangle rule has quadrature error O(n−1 ), but a trapezoidal rule has quadrature error O(n−2 ) if the integrand is sufficiently smooth. This is the underlying motivation for considering the baker’s transformation. Its application in the context of QMC is due to Hickernell (2002). In the following, we refer to the process of applying the baker’s transformation as folding and the resulting point set as the folded point set. A shifted and then folded QMC rule takes the form Qφn,s (∆; f ) n−1 = 1 < = f φ ti + ∆ . n i=0 Note that this can also be viewed as applying a shifted lattice rule to a transformed integrand g = f ◦ φ. However, this interpretation is not helpful because the transformed integrand g does not have sufficient smoothness to get higher-order convergence. As in Section 5.2, for a given point set P we let φ(P + ∆) denote the shifted and then folded QMC point set. Then, for a given shift ∆ we have |Is (f ) − Qφn,s (∆; f )| ≤ en,s (φ(P + ∆); H) f H , and for a randomly shifted and folded rule we have E|Is (f ) − Qφn,s (∆; f )|2 ≤ esh,φ n,s (P ; H) f H , High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way where 223 esh,φ n,s (P ; H) := [0,1]s e2n,s (φ(P + ∆); H) d∆. (5.35) Theorem 5.13 (formula for the shift-averaged and folded worstcase error). The shift-averaged and folded worst-case error (5.35) for a QMC point set P in an RKHS Hs (K) satisfies n−1 n−1 1 sh,φ sh,φ 2 [en,s (P ; Hs (K))] = − K(x, y) dx dy + 2 K (ti , tk ), n [0,1]s [0,1]s i=0 k=0 where K sh,φ (x, y) := K(φ{x + ∆}, φ{y + ∆}) d∆ [0,1]s for all x, y ∈ [0, 1]s . (5.36) Proof. Using the definition (5.35) and applying the formula (3.9) for the worst-case error en,s (φ(P + ∆); Hs (K)), we obtain 2 [esh,φ n,s (P ; Hs (K))] n−1 2 = K(x, y) dx dy − K(φ({ti + ∆}), y) d∆ dy n s [0,1]s [0,1]s [0,1]s [0,1] i=0 n−1 n−1 1 + 2 K(φ({ti + ∆}), φ({tk + ∆})) d∆. n [0,1]s i=0 k=0 With a change of variables w = {ti + ∆}, the double integral in the sec ond term becomes [0,1]s [0,1]s K(φ(w), y) dw dy, which is easily seen to equal [0,1]s [0,1]s K(x, y) dx dy. The result then follows from the definition (5.36). We now demonstrate the effect of shifting followed by folding for the case α = 2. To obtain the shifted and folded kernel K sh,φ associated with (5.34), we need to evaluate the following integrals: 1 B1 (φ({x + ∆})) B1 (φ({y + ∆})) d∆, I1 (x, y) := 0 1 B2 (φ({x + ∆})) B2 (φ({y + ∆})) d∆, I2 (x, y) := 0 1 B4 (|φ({x + ∆}) − φ({y + ∆})) d∆. J4 (x, y) := 0 By using the Fourier series expansion (5.6) of the Bernoulli polynomials, 224 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan it can be shown (Hickernell 2002) that = 4 4 < I1 (x, y) = − B4 ({x − y}) + B4 x − y − 12 , 3 3 = 4 4 < I2 (x, y) = − B4 ({x − y}) − B4 x − y − 12 , 3 3 = 32 8 < J4 (x, y) = B4 ({x − y}) − B4 x − y − 12 3 3 = 128 128 < B6 ({x − y}) − B6 x − y − 12 . + 15 15 Since the lowest-degree Bernoulli polynomial in the above expressions is B4 , we conclude that the shifted and folded kernel is related to the kernel of the Korobov space with smoothness parameter α = 2. This indicates that we get a convergence rate close to O(n−2 ). In addition, it can be shown that the CBC construction yields lattice rules achieving a convergence rate close to O(n−2 ), and that the implementation can be done in a fast way for product or POD weights. We omit the details. It is possible to generalize the baker’s transformation to obtain even higher rates of convergence, but there is a seemingly inevitable dependence on s, prohibiting the strategy for practical use in high dimensions. 5.10. Periodization From the results for the Korobov space, we know that lattice rules can yield higher rates of convergence for periodic integrands. This brings us to consider strategies for transforming a non-periodic integrand to a periodic integrand. We now briefly explain one periodization strategy. Let ω : [0, 1] → R be a smooth function, with 1 ω(y) dy = 1. ω(0) = ω(1) = 0, ω(y) > 0 for all y ∈ (0, 1), and 0 Define y ω(u) du. ψ(y) := 0 Then ψ is an increasing function satisfying ψ (y) = ω(y), ψ(0) = 0 and ψ(1) = 1. The periodization transformation is essentially a change of variables x = ψ(y) = (ψ(y1 ), . . . , ψ(ys )) so that f (x) dx = F (y) dy = Is (F ), Is (f ) = [0,1]s [0,1]s High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way with F (y) := f (ψ(y)) s 225 ω(yj ). j=1 The function F is periodic since ω vanishes at the end points. Popular choices of ω include the family of polynomial transformations of Korobov (1963) and the family of trigonometric transformations of Sidi (1993); see also Laurie (1996). For example, the former family is given by 2α α ω(y) = (2α + 1) y (1 − y)α α for a positive integer α. In particular, we have ω (r) (0) = ω (r) (1) for all r ≤ α − 1. With this choice of ω, and if f is sufficiently smooth, the transformed integrand F belongs to the Korobov space with smoothness parameter α, and the lattice rule convergence rate is therefore close to O(n−α ). The problem with the periodization strategy is that the norm of the transformed integrand F can be exponentially large in s, thus is generally only feasible for small to moderate s. As we explained in the previous subsection, the baker’s transformation can also be viewed as a transformation of the integrand. The baker’s transformation makes the end points of the function take the same value by reflection. The periodization strategy, on the other hand, makes the function value and perhaps also some derivatives vanish at the end points. 5.11. Notes Lattice rules date back to the works of number theorists Korobov (1959) and Hlawka (1962). There is an extensive literature up to the late 1990s, which we refer to as the classical results; these are reviewed in detail in the books by Niederreiter (1992a) and Sloan and Joe (1994); see also Hickernell (1998b). The modern consideration of lattice rules can be said to have begun with Sloan and Woźniakowski (2001), who proved the existence of good lattice rules for periodic integrands in weighted Korobov spaces, and via the shift-invariant kernel, they showed that there exist good shifted lattice rules for non-periodic integrands in weighted Sobolev space of smoothness one. Although the results were non-constructive, they demonstrated that lattice rules have a role to play for truly high-dimensional integration as well as for non-periodic integrands. The CBC construction was first considered by Korobov (1959) (see also Korobov 1963), who proved error bounds for Pα of order n−α+δ for any δ > 0 and for arbitrary n. The modern analysis of CBC construction for the lattice rule generating vector began with Sloan and Reztsov (2002) for the classical (unweighted) criterion Pα in the periodic setting. Sloan, 226 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan Kuo and Joe (2002a) then introduced the CBC algorithm to construct a deterministic shift alongside the generating vector for integration in the non-periodic weighted Sobolev spaces. Subsequently, the CBC algorithm for constructing randomly shifted lattice rules in weighted Sobolev spaces (see Algorithm 5.6) was introduced in Sloan, Kuo and Joe (2002b). In these earlier works only O(n−1/2 ) convergence rate was proved. The fact that the CBC algorithm achieves the (optimal) convergence rate close to O(n−α ) in weighted Korobov and close to O(n−1 ) in weighted Sobolev spaces with smoothness one was later proved by Kuo (2003). Extensions of these results from prime n to composite n were given in Kuo and Joe (2002) with convergence rate of O(n−1/2 ), and Dick (2004) with convergence rate close to O(n−1 ). Other considerations include the CBC construction of intermediate-rank lattice rules (Kuo and Joe 2003), and a modified CBC algorithm making use of the prime factorization of n for the purpose of speeding up the construction (Dick and Kuo 2004a, 2004b). All of the above results were originally proved in the setting of product weights. Results for general weights in Korobov spaces were obtained in Dick et al. (2006), and the corresponding results for weighted Sobolev spaces were obtained in Sloan et al. (2004), again via the shift-invariant kernel. The fast CBC construction was first introduced for prime n in Nuyens and Cools (2006a) and later extended to composite n in Nuyens and Cools (2006b). The special case of n being a power of 2 is discussed in Cools et al. (2006). Fast CBC for POD weights was first considered in Kuo, Schwab and Sloan (2011). Some good generating vectors for lattice rules can be downloaded from∼fkuo/lattice/. Implementation of fast CBC constructions for various forms of weights can be obtained from∼dirk.nuyens/fast-cbc/. Extensible lattice sequences were considered in Maize (1980), Korobov (1982), and Hickernell et al. (2000), but the first theoretical result proving that good extensible lattice sequences exist was proved by Hickernell and Niederreiter (2003). Cools et al. (2006) introduced a fast CBC construction for embedded lattice rules, while Dick et al. (2008) analysed a sieve algorithm and also provided the theoretical justification for the algorithm in Cools et al. (2006). An algorithm was introduced in Niederreiter and Pillichshammer (2009) which constructs the lattice rule digit by digit. Hickernell, Kritzer, Kuo and Nuyens (2012) investigated strategies for applying a lattice sequence point by point. Joe (2004) introduced a CBC construction of lattice rules based on an error criterion called R, which is part of an upper bound to the classical star discrepancy. This was later extended to the weighted setting for product weights in Joe (2006), and to composite n in Sinescu and Joe (2008). General weights were considered by Sinescu and Joe (2007) for prime n, and by Sinescu and L’Ecuyer (2011) for composite n. The analysis for general High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way 227 weights presented difficulties. (Recall that the CBC construction for the anchored space with general non-product weights must work with an auxiliary quantity. There is a similar difficulty here.) Thus, instead of working with weighted-R, the last two papers considered a related quantity which / and which forms part of a different upwe shall refer to as weighted-R, per bound to the weighted star discrepancy. This argument holds under a restrictive monotonicity assumption on the weights that γv ≥ γu whenever v ⊆ u. (5.37) / does not require a redefinition of Switching from weighted-R to weighted-R weights. Thus any structure in the weights, such as the POD form, would be preserved. Note, however, that the given POD weights may not satisfy the monotonicity requirement (5.37) needed to allow for this switch from / (We remark that imposing condition (5.37) does weighted-R to weighted-R. not appear to eliminate the need to work with the auxiliary quantity in the anchored space with general non-product weights.) The baker’s transformation (which is called ‘tent transformation’ in ergodic theory) for shifted lattice rules was first introduced by Hickernell (2002) to gain an extra order of convergence for non-periodic integrands, that is, from nearly O(n−1 ) to nearly O(n−2 ). The recent work by Dick et al. (2013) generalizes this strategy to obtain even higher rates of convergence. There is, however, an inevitable dimension dependence. This is similar to the issue with periodization in high dimensions, which was discussed in Kuo, Sloan and Woźniakowski (2007). An interesting discovery by Dick et al. (2013) is that the baker’s transformation can be applied to an unshifted lattice rule, to achieve close to O(n−1 ) convergence for nonperiodic integrands, without the need to use random shifts. This is different from most of the results discussed in this section. Randomly shifted lattice rules for integrands over unbounded domains (including Rs ) were considered in Kuo, Wasilkowski and Waterhouse (2006b) and Kuo et al. (2010a). The strategy is to transform the integrals to the unit cube by a change of variables, using the inverse of the cumulative distribution function of some univariate probability density function. The transformed integrands over the unit cube typically do not belong to the standard Sobolev space setting, and this is why new theory is needed. It is proved that good lattice rules can be constructed by a CBC algorithm in a similar way to the standard theory in Sobolev spaces. Another branch of lattice rule analysis focuses on the trigonometric degree and similar quantities; see for example Cools and Lyness (2001), Lyness and Sørevik (2006), Cools and Nuyens (2008) and the references therein. Recent constructions in terms of trigonometric degrees include the works by Cools, Kuo and Nuyens (2010), Achtsis and Nuyens (2012) and Kämmerer, Kunis and Potts (2012). 228 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan Other search criteria for lattice rules were reviewed in L’Ecuyer and Lemieux (2000), Lemieux and L’Ecuyer (2001) and L’Ecuyer and Munger (2012), while L’Ecuyer, Munger and Tuffin (2010) considered the distribution of the integration error with respect to the random shift. Lattice rules with exponential convergence rates in (modified) weighted Korobov spaces were considered in Dick, Larcher, Pillichshammer and Woźniakowski (2011). Approximation of functions by lattice rules was considered in Li and Hickernell (2003) and Zeng, Leung and Hickernell (2006). CBC constructions of lattice rules for the approximation of functions were analysed in Kuo, Sloan and Woźniakowski (2006a, 2008b) and Kuo, Wasilkowski and Woźniakowski (2009). The choice of weights in relation to the application of lattice rules were considered in Wang and Sloan (2006), Dick (2012) and Kuo et al. (2012). The character property (5.2) is based on the following general algebraic structure: The set ([0, 1)s , ⊕) with addition modulo 1 given by x ⊕ y := {x + y} forms an abelian group, and the set of lattice points Plat = {tk = {kz/n} : 0 ≤ k < n} is a finite subgroup. The set K of functions χh : [0, 1)s → {z ∈ C : |z| = 1}, h ∈ Z, given by χh (x) = e2πih·x , constitute a group homomorphism of the group ([0, 1)s , ⊕) called characters. They themselves form a group via the multiplication χh χk = χh+k which is isomorphic to the group (Zs , +). The character-theoretic dual lattice of the lattice point set Plat is given by the set of characters L⊥ = {χh : h ∈ Zs , χh ({kz/n}) = 1 for all 0 ≤ k < n}, which is a subgroup of the set of characters. This can be used to define ⊥ = K/L⊥ , which can be viewed as the dual group of the quotient group Plat characters of a lattice point set Plat . Since the characters of ([0, 1)s , ⊕) are the basis functions of Fourier series, it is natural to study lattice rules for numerical integration of Fourier series. We will use an analogous algebraic structure in the next section. 6. Digital nets and sequences In the previous section we discussed the modern theory of lattice rules. Many of the ideas there apply also to polynomial lattice rules, or more generally, to nets and sequences. For lattice rules we have seen that Fourier series play an important role. For polynomial lattice rules and nets this role is played by Walsh series, which we introduce in the following subsection. Throughout this section we denote by N0 the set of non-negative integers and N the set of positive integers. High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way 229 6.1. A brief discussion of numerical integration of Walsh series Walsh (1923) introduced a system of functions denoted by {walk : k ∈ N0 }, which is in some way similar to the trigonometric function system {e2πikx : k ∈ Z} that is connected to the well-known Fourier theory. Definition 6.1 (Walsh functions in one dimension). For b ≥ 2 we denote by ωb := e2πi/b the primitive bth root of unity. Let k ∈ N0 with badic expansion k = κ0 + κ1 b + · · · + κr−1 br−1 . The kth b-adic Walsh function walk : R → C, periodic with period one, is defined by κ ξ1 +κ1 ξ2 +···+κr−1 ξr walk (x) := ωb 0 , for x ∈ [0, 1) with b-adic expansion x = ξ1 b−1 + ξ2 b−2 + · · · (unique in the sense that infinitely many of the digits ξi must be different from b − 1). In the literature the function system defined above is often called the generalized Walsh function system and only in the case b = 2 one speaks of Walsh functions. One of the main differences between Walsh functions and the trigonometric functions is that Walsh functions are only piecewise continuous. This is clear, since Walsh functions are step functions as we now show. Let k ∈ N with b-adic expansion k = κ0 + κ1 b + · · · + κr−1 br−1 . Let J = [a/br , (a + 1)/br ), with integers r ≥ 1 and 0 ≤ a < br , be a so-called elementary b-adic interval of order r. Let a have b-adic expansion of the form a = α0 + α1 b + · · · + αr−1 br−1 . Then any x ∈ J has b-adic expansion x = αr−1 b−1 + αr−2 b−2 + · · · + α0 b−r + ξr+1 b−(r+1) + · · · for some digits 0 ≤ ξi ≤ b − 1 for i ≥ r + 1, and hence κ αr−1 +κ1 αr−2 +···+κr−1 α0 walk (x) = ωb 0 = walk (a/br ). We summarize this result in the following proposition. Proposition 6.2 (Walsh functions are step functions). Let k ∈ N satisfy br−1 ≤ k < br for some r ∈ N. Then the kth Walsh function walk is constant on elementary b-adic intervals of order r of the form [a/br , (a + 1)/br ) with value walk (a/br ). Further, wal0 ≡ 1. Now we generalize the definition of Walsh functions to higher dimensions. Definition 6.3 (Walsh functions in s dimensions). For dimension s ≥ 2, and k1 , . . . , ks ∈ N0 we define the s-dimensional b-adic Walsh function walk1 ,...,ks : Rs → C by walk1 ,...,ks (x1 , . . . , xs ) := s j=1 walkj (xj ). 230 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan For vectors k = (k1 , . . . , ks ) ∈ Ns0 and x = (x1 , . . . , xs ) ∈ [0, 1)s we write, with some abuse of notation, walk (x) := walk1 ,...,ks (x1 , . . . , xs ). The system {walk : k ∈ Ns0 } is called the s-dimensional b-adic Walsh function system. Since any s-dimensional Walsh function is a product of one-dimensional Walsh functions, it is clear that s-dimensional Walsh functions are step functions too. Let P = {t0 , t1 , . . . , tbm −1 } be a digital (t, m, s)-net constructed over Zb as introduced in Section 2.6. The set P is an additive group whose dual group of characters is given by the Walsh functions in the same base b, that is, we have the following character property: bm −1 1 if C1k1 + · · · + Csks = 0, 1 (6.1) wal (t ) = i k bm 0 otherwise, i=0 where for a vector k ∈ N0 with b-adic expansion k = κ0 + κ1 b + · · · + κm−1 bm−1 we write k = (κ0 , κ1 , . . . , κm−1 ) . This leads to a similar result to Theorems 5.1 and 5.2 for lattice rules. Theorem 6.4 (integration error for digital net). Assume we are given a Walsh series f-(k)walk (x), f (x) = k∈Ns0 where the Walsh coefficients f-(k) are given by f (x)walk (x) dx. f (k) = [0,1]s The integration error of approximating the integral of f using a QMC rule Qbm ,s based on a digital net with bm points is given by f-(k), Qbm ,s (f ) − Is (f ) = k∈D\{0} where D := {k ∈ Ns0 : C1 k1 + · · · + Csks = 0}. (6.2) is the dual net associated with the digital net. Proof. We have b −1 b −1 1 1 f (t ) − f (x)dx = walk (ti ) − f-(0), f (k) i bm bm [0,1]s s m i=0 m k∈N0 i=0 The result then follows immediately from the character property (6.1). High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way 231 We consider now the case where the Walsh coefficients f-(k) decay with a certain rate. For k ∈ N0 let 0 if k = 0, µ1 (k) := (6.3) a if k = κ0 + · · · + κa−1 ba−1 , κa−1 = 0. (Later in Section 6.6 we generalize the function µ1 to µα .) For vectors k = (k1 , . . . , ks ) ∈ Ns0 let µ1 (k) := µ1 (k1 ) + · · · + µ1 (ks ). Let < = Eϑ,s (c) := f : [0, 1]s → R : |f-(k)| ≤ c b−ϑµ1 (k) for all k ∈ Ns0 , for some ϑ > 1 and c > 0. Then we obtain b−ϑµ1 (k) |Qbm ,s (f ) − Is (f )| ≤ c for all f ∈ Eϑ,s (c). k∈D\{0} The quantity Tϑ := b−ϑµ1 (k) , ϑ > 1, (6.4) k∈D\{0} depends only on the function class Eϑ,s (1) and the digital net and can be understood as the ‘worst-case error’ for this function class. Thus, for the function class Eϑ,s (1) one aims at finding digital nets for which Tϑ is small. Thus the quantity Tϑ plays a similar role to the quantity Pα for lattice rules (see (5.3)). We briefly describe the connection between the quantity Tϑ and the quality parameter t of the digital net. Lemma 2.14 implies that if k ∈ D \ {0}, then µ1 (k) > m − t. If the digital net is a strict (t, m, s)-net, then there exists a k ∈ D \{0} such that µ1 (k) = m−t+1. Thus, the largest summand in (6.4) is of the form b−ϑ(m−t+1) . On the other hand it can also be shown that the quantity Tϑ is dominated by its largest term, that is, there is a constant c̃ > 0 such that (m − t)s−1 . bϑ(m−t+1) Thus digital nets for which m − t is large yield a small value of Tϑ and are therefore useful for numerical integration of Walsh series. Tϑ ≤ c̃ 6.2. Digitally shift-averaged worst-case error In this subsection we discuss the general strategy for the error analysis of randomly digitally shifted QMC rules not specific to digital nets (similar to Section 5.2), and then focus on digital nets in the next subsection. 232 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan For any QMC point set P = {t0 , . . . , tn−1 } and any digital shift ∆ ∈ [0, 1]s , let P ⊕ ∆ = {ti ⊕ ∆ : i = 0, 1, . . . , n − 1} denote the digitally shifted QMC point set, and let Qn,s (⊕∆; f ) denote the corresponding digitally shifted QMC rule, where ⊕ denotes digit-wise addition modulo b already defined in Section 2.9. Then, for any integrand f belonging to some normed space H, it follows from the definition of the worst-case error that |Is (f ) − Qn,s (⊕∆, f )| ≤ en,s (P ⊕ ∆; H) f H . We consider the root-mean-square error E |Is (f ) − Qn,s (⊕∆, f )|2 ≤ edsh n,s (P ; H) f H , where the expectation E is taken over the random digital shift ∆ which is uniformly distributed over [0, 1]s , and where the quantity dsh e2n,s (P ⊕ ∆; H) d∆ (6.5) en,s (P ; H) := [0,1]s is referred to as the digitally shift-averaged worst-case error. The digitally shift-averaged worst-case error (5.8) will be used as our quality measure for randomly digitally shifted QMC rules. The averaging argument guarantees the existence of at least one digital shift ∆ for which en,s (P ⊕ ∆; H) ≤ edsh n,s (P ; H). Analogously to Theorem 5.3, the following theorem gives an explicit formula for the digitally shift-averaged worst-case error when the function space is an RKHS. Theorem 6.5 (formula for the digitally shift-averaged worst-case error). The digitally shift-averaged worst-case error (6.5) for a QMC point set P in an RKHS Hs (K) satisfies n−1 n−1 1 dsh dsh 2 K(x, y) dx dy + 2 K (ti , tk ), [en,s (P ; Hs (K))] = − n [0,1]s [0,1]s i=0 k=0 where K dsh (x, y) := [0,1]s K(x ⊕ ∆, y ⊕ ∆) d∆ for all x, y ∈ [0, 1]s . (6.6) The proof follows along the same lines as the proof of Theorem 5.3. The function K dsh defined by (6.6) is actually a reproducing kernel with the digitally shift-invariant property K dsh (x, y) = K dsh (x ⊕ ∆, y ⊕ ∆) for all x, y, ∆ ∈ [0, 1]s , High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way 233 or equivalently, K dsh (x, y) = K dsh (x y, 0) for all x, y ∈ [0, 1]s , where denotes digit-wise subtraction modulo b already defined in Section 2.9. As in Section 5.2, it can be verified that the digitally shift-averaged worst-case error edsh n,s (P ; Hs (K)) is precisely the worst-case error of the QMC point set P in the RKHS with K dsh as the reproducing kernel, that is, e2n,s (P ⊕ ∆; Hs (K)) d∆ = e2n,s (P ; Hs (K dsh )). [0,1]s This important connection provides a powerful tool for analysing randomly digitally shifted QMC rules. We refer to the kernel K dsh as the digital shift-invariant kernel associated with K. 6.3. Randomly digitally shifted digital nets in weighted Sobolev spaces The digital shift-invariant kernel K dsh in the previous subsection has Walsh series expansion dsh (k)wal (x y) K K dsh (x, y) = k k∈Ns0 dsh (k) ≥ 0. If K is the unanchored Sobolev space, for some coefficients K then it can be shown that the Walsh coefficients of the digital shift-invariant kernel satisfy s −2µ1 (k) dsh υb (kj ), |K (k)| = b j=1 for some function υb (k) (see (6.9) below). This leads to an expression of the digitally shift-averaged worst-case error for the unanchored Sobolev space using a QMC rule based on a digital net. Theorem 6.6 (digitally shift-averaged worst-case error for digital nets). The digitally shift-averaged worst-case error for a digital net P in the weighted unanchored Sobolev space H(Ks,γ ) satisfies 2 γu b−2µ1 (ku ) υb (kj ), (6.7) [edsh bm ,s (P ; H(Ks,γ ))] = ∅=u⊆{1:s} where Du∗ = ku ∈ N|u| : ku ∈Du∗ j∈u > Cjkj ≡ 0 , (6.8) 1 1 1 , υb (k) := − 2 sin2 (κa−1 π/b) 3 (6.9) j∈u and 234 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan where k = κa−1 ba−1 + κa−2 ba−2 + · · · + κ0 with κa−1 ∈ {1, 2, . . . , b − 1}. In particular, if b = 2 we have κa−1 = 1 and υb (k) is a constant independent of k. For the weighted anchored Sobolev space H(Ks,γ ) with anchor c we have 2 −2µ1 (kv ) (P ; H(K ))] = γ / b υb (kj ), (6.10) [edsh m s,γ s,v b ,s kv ∈Dv∗ ∅=v⊆{1:s} j∈v where υb (k) is defined as in (6.9) and γ /s,v are the auxiliary weights defined in (5.22). Note that (6.7) and (6.10) are essentially weighted versions of the quantity Tϑ in (6.4), with some additional factors υb (k) and a change of weights for the anchored Sobolev space. The proof of Theorem 6.6 is somewhat intricate and was shown by Dick and Pillichshammer (2005) for the unanchored Sobolev space and by Dick, Kuo, Pillichshammer and Sloan (2005) for the anchored Sobolev space. Instead of giving the proof, we provide an example to show how the decay rate of the Walsh coefficients is connected to the smoothness of the integrand. Example 6.7. To illustrate how to prove a bound on the decay rate of the Walsh coefficients we consider the simplest possible example. Let f : [0, 1] → R be absolutely continuous with 1 f (t)1[x,1] (t) dt. f (x) = f (1) − 0 In this example let b = 2, and let k = 2a−1 + κa−2 2a−2 + · · · + κ0 ∈ N, for some a ≥ 1. Then walk (x) ∈ {−1, 1} for all x ∈ [0, 1). Note that walk changes sign on intervals of the form [2−a+1 , (+1)2−a+1 ) for 0 ≤ < 2a−1 , i.e., it has the opposite sign on the interval [2−a+1 , 2−a+1 +2−a ) compared to the interval [2−a+1 + 2−a , ( + 1)2−a+1 ). Thus 2a−1 1 −1 2−a+1 +2−a f (x)walk (x) dx ≤ |f (x) − f (x + 2−a )| dx |f-(k)| = −a+1 0 ≤ 2 =0 1−2−a |f (x) − f (x + 2−a )| dx 0 1 ≤ 0 −a 1−2−a |f (t)| 0 1 ≤2 |f (t)| dt < k 0 Thus for any k ∈ N0 we have |f-(k)| ≤ 1[x,x+2−a ) (t) dx dt 1 f H , max(1, k) −1 1 0 |f (t)| dt 2 1/2 . High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way 235 where · H denotes the norm in the unanchored Sobolev space. This can be generalized to arbitrary base b and dimensions s > 1. In particular, if K : [0, 1]2 → R is the reproducing kernel for the unanchored Sobolev space, then K has Walsh coefficients K(k, ) which satisfy |K(k, )| ≤ Cb−µ1 (k)−µ1 () . For the corresponding digital shift-invariant kernel defined by (6.6), it can dsh (k) = K(k, k). We therefore obtain be shown that K dsh (k)| = |K(k, k)| ≤ Cb−2µ1 (k) . |K 6.4. CBC construction of polynomial lattice rules Analogous to lattice rules, no optimal explicit construction of polynomial lattice rules is known beyond dimension 2. On the other hand, a CBC approach is also possible for polynomial lattice rules. An essential ingredient of the CBC algorithm is an easily computable quality criterion. We now show that the digitally shift-averaged worst-case error (6.7) can be computed efficiently. Lemma 6.8. The digitally shift-averaged worst-case error for a digital net P = {t0 , . . . , tbm −1 } in the weighted unanchored Sobolev space H(Ks,γ ) satisfies b −1 1 = m b m 2 [edsh bm ,s (P ; H(Ks,γ ))] γu i=0 ∅=u⊆{1:s} with φb (t) := 6−1 − 6−1 τa0 (b−τa0 ) ba0 +1 φb (ti,j ), (6.11) j∈u if 0 < t < 1, if t = 0, where, for t ∈ (0, 1) with b-adic expansion t = τ1 b−1 + τ2 b−2 + · · · (unique in the sense that infinitely many τr are different from b − 1), a0 = −logb t is the smallest positive integer such that τ1 = τ2 = · · · = τa0 −1 = 0 and τa0 = 0. Proof. We can write from (6.7) that 2 [edsh bm ,s (P ; H(Ks,γ )))] = −m γu b ∅=u⊆{1:s} −m =b m −1 b m −1 b b−2µ1 (ku ) i=0 ku ∈N|u| i=0 ∅=u⊆{1:s} γu ∞ j∈u k=1 υb (kj )walkj (ti,j ) j∈u b−2µ1 (k) υb (k)walk (ti,j ). (6.12) 236 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan To simplify the proof we only consider the case b = 2 in the following. Then υb (k) = 1/3 for all k ∈ N. Let ω2 = e2πi/2 = −1. Then we have a −1 2 walk (t) = −2µ1 (k) 2 1 κ ω2 r−1 τr r=1 κr−1 =0 k=2a−1 Thus ∞ a−1 a−1 2 = − 2a−1 0 walk (t) = ∞ 2 a=1 k=1 = −2a a 0 −1 1 κ ω2 a−1 τa κa−1 =1 if τ1 = τ2 = · · · = τa = 0, if τ1 = τ2 = · · · = τa−1 = 0, τa = 0, otherwise. a −1 2 walk (t) k=2a−1 2−2a 2a−1 − 2−2a0 2a0 −1 = 2−1 − 2−a0 (1 + 2−1 ). a=1 For t = 0 we have ∞ 2−2µ1 (k) walk (0) = k=1 ∞ a=1 1 2−2a 2a−1 = . 2 The result now follows from (6.12). The expression (6.11) can be easily evaluated by a computer. Thus we can use the following CBC algorithm to construct polynomial lattice rules. In the following we write 2 dsh 2 dsh 2 [edsh bm ,s (P ; H(Ks,γ ))] = [ebm ,s (q)] = [ebm ,s (q1 , . . . , qs )] if the digital net is a polynomial lattice rule with generating vector q = (q1 , . . . , qs ) ∈ (G∗b,m )s , where G∗b,m = {q ∈ Zb [x] \ {0} : deg(q) < m}. Algorithm 6.9 (CBC construction). Given: m, smax , and weights γu . (1) Set q1 = 1. 2 (2) For s = 2, 3, . . . , smax , choose qs in G∗b,m to minimize [edsh bm ,s (q1 , . . . , qs )] . The next theorem states that the CBC algorithm yields a convergence rate close to O(b−m ). Theorem 6.10 (optimal CBC error bound). The generating vector q constructed by the CBC algorithm, minimizing the shift-averaged worst-case error for the unanchored Sobolev space edsh bm ,s (q) in each step, satisfies 1/λ 1 2 [edsh γuλ (ρb (λ))|u| bm ,s (q)] ≤ bm − 1 ∅=u⊆{1:s} High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way for any 1/2 < λ ≤ 1, where 1 3λ (22λ − 2) ρb (λ) := (b − 1)(4b2 − 9)λ 54λ (b2λ − b) 237 for b = 2, for b > 2. Proof. Since the algorithm constructs the polynomial lattice rule inductively with respect to the dimension, the proof also uses induction. The argument follows along the same lines as for the lattice rule case. To simplify the proof we only consider b = 2 in the following. In this case υ2 (k) = 1/3 for all k ∈ N in (6.7). First note that we have for 1/2 < λ ≤ 1 that ∞ 2−2λµ1 (k) = ∞ 2−2λa 2a−1 = a=1 k=1 1 −2 22λ and ∞ k=1 2m |k −2λµ1 (k) 2 = ∞ −2λµ1 (bm ) 2 = =1 ∞ 2−2λm 2−2λµ1 () = 2−2λm =1 1 . −2 22λ For a polynomial lattice rule with generating vector (q1 , . . . , qs ) and modulus p, the set Du∗ in (6.8) is given by > Du∗ = ku ∈ N|u| : trm (kj )qj ≡ 0 (mod p) , j∈u where for kj = κj,0 + κj,1 2 + · · · ∈ N0 we set trm (kj ) = κj,0 + κj,1 x + · · · + κj,m−1 xm−1 . In dimension one we have 2 −1 [edsh 2m ,s (q1 )] = γ{1} 3 ∞ 2−2µ1 (k) k=1 2m |k = 2−2m γ{1} 3−1 ∞ 2−2µ1 () = 3−1 2−2m−1 γ{1} . =1 Thus the result holds for dimension one. Suppose, for some 1 ≤ d < s, we have (q1 , . . . , qd ) ∈ (G∗2,m )d and 2 [edsh 2m ,d (q1 , . . . , qd )] ≤ 1 m 2 −1 ∅=u⊆{1:d} γuλ 1 3λ (22λ − 2) |u| 1/λ , (6.13) 238 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan for all 1/2 < λ ≤ 1. Now we consider (q1 , . . . , qd , qd+1 ). We have 2 [edsh 2m ,d+1 (q1 , . . . , qd , qd+1 )] = γu 3−|u| 2−2µ1 (ku ) + ∅=u⊆{1:d} ku ∈Du∗ γu 3−|u| ku ∈Du∗ {d+1}⊆u⊆{1:d+1} 2 = [edsh 2m ,d (q1 , . . . , qd )] + θ(qd+1 ), (6.14) where θ(qd+1 ) = 2−2µ1 (ku ) γu {d+1}⊆u⊆{1:d+1} b−2µ1 (ku ) . ku ∈Du∗ According to the algorithm, qd+1 is chosen such that the mean-square 2 worst-case error [edsh 2m ,d+1 (q1 , . . . , qd , qd+1 )] is minimized. Since the only dependency on qd+1 is in θ(qd+1 ), we have θ(qd+1 ) ≤ θ(q) for all q ∈ G∗2,m , which implies that for any 1/2 < λ ≤ 1 we have θ(qd+1 )λ ≤ θ(q)λ for all q ∈ G∗2,m . This leads to 1/λ 1 θ(q)λ . θ(qd+1 ) ≤ 2m − 1 ∗ q∈G2,m We obtain a bound on θ(qd+1 ) through this last inequality. For λ satisfying 1/2 < λ ≤ 1 it follows from Jensen’s inequality that γuλ 3−λ|u| 2−2λµ1 (ku ) . θ(q)λ ≤ {d+1}⊆u⊆{1:d+1} ku ∈Du∗ The condition ku ∈ Du∗ is equivalent to the equation trm (k1 )q1 + · · · + trm (kd )qd ≡ −trm (kd+1 )q (mod p). If kd+1 is a multiple of 2m , then trm (kd+1 ) = 0 and the corresponding term in the sum is independent of q. If kd+1 is not a multiple of 2m , then trm (kd+1 ) can be any polynomial in G∗2,m . Moreover, since q = 0 and p is irreducible, trm (kd+1 )q is never a multiple of p. By averaging over all q ∈ G∗2,m , with the above discussion in mind, we obtain 1 θ(q)λ 2m − 1 ∗ q∈G2,m ≤ ∞ 2−2λµ1 (kd+1 ) kd+1 =1 2m |kd+1 + ∅=u⊆{1:d} ∞ 2−2λµ1 (kd+1 ) 2m − 1 kd+1 =1 2m kd+1 λ γu∪{d+1} 3−λ(|u|+1) ∅=u⊆{1:d} 2−2λµ1 (ku ) ku ∈N|u| trm (ku )·q u ≡0 (mod p) λ γu∪{d+1} 3−λ(|u|+1) 2−2λµ1 (ku ) ku ∈N|u| trm (ku )·q u ≡0 (mod p) High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way ≤ 2−2λm + ≤ = 1 3λ(|u|+1) (22λ − 2) ∅=u⊆{1:d} 1 − 2−2λm 1 2m − 1 3λ(|u|+1) (22λ − 2) 1 1 2m − 1 3λ(|u|+1) (22λ − 2) 1 2m − 1 {d+1}⊆u⊆{1:d+1} Thus we conclude that 1 θ(qd+1 ) ≤ m 2 −1 λ γu∪{d+1} ∅=u⊆{1:d} 1 3λ (22λ − 2) 2−2λµ1 (ku ) ku ∈N|u| trm (ku )·q u ≡0 (mod p) λ γu∪{d+1} ∅=u⊆{1:d} γuλ 2−2λµ1 (ku ) ku ∈N|u| trm (ku )·q u ≡0 (mod p) λ γu∪{d+1} 239 |u| ku ∈N|u| . 2−2λµ1 (ku ) γuλ {d+1}⊆u⊆{1:d+1} 1 |u| 1/λ 3λ (22λ − 2) which, together with (6.13) and (6.14), yields 2λ 2λ [edsh = [edsh + θ(qd+1 )λ 2m ,d+1 (q1 , . . . , qd , qd+1 )] bm ,d (q1 , . . . , qd )] |u| 1 1 λ ≤ m γu . 2 −1 3λ (22λ − 2) ∅=u⊆{1:d+1} Hence the result follows by induction. The choice of qd at each step is independent of λ and therefore the error bound holds for all values of λ ∈ (1/2, 1]. The optimal convergence rate close to O(b−m ) is obtained with λ → 1/2. 6.5. Fast CBC construction of polynomial lattice rules In the previous subsection we showed how to construct, for a given modulus p, a generating vector q which yields a polynomial lattice rule that achieves a small integration error using a CBC algorithm. We have seen in Section 5.5 that FFT can be used to reduce the construction cost of the CBC construction of lattice rules. We now show that the same technique can be used for polynomial lattice rules by outlining the key differences from lattice rules. For product weights, it is possible to construct, for a given polynomial p with deg(p) = m, an s-dimensional generating vector q in O(s m bm ) operations, compared to O(s2 b2m ) operations for a naive implementation of the CBC algorithm. Let b be a prime. Throughout this subsection we consider the polynomial p ∈ Zb [x] with deg(p) = m to be irreducible. We restrict ourselves to 240 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan product weights γu = j∈u γj , for a sequence of positive real numbers γj . The extension to POD weights can be done as in the lattice rule case: see Section 5.6. Using Algorithm 6.9 we construct, component by component, a generating vector q = (q1 , . . . , qs ) ∈ (G∗b,m )s such that for all 1 ≤ d ≤ s the quantity 2 e2d (qd ) := [edsh bm ,d (q1 , . . . , qd−1 , qd )] is minimized with respect to qd for fixed q1 , . . . , qd−1 . Assume that q1 , . . . , qd−1 are already constructed. Then we have to find q ∈ G∗b,m which minimizes d−1 j=1 (1 + γj φb (0)) 2 dsh 2 ed (q) = [ebm ,d−1 (q1 , . . . , qd−1 )] + γd φb (0) bm m b −1 q(x)i(x) γd , + m ηd−1 (i)φb υm b p(x) i=1 where we used Theorem 2.21, separated out the i = 0 term and introduced the column vector η d−1 = ηd−1 (1), . . . , ηd−1 (bm − 1) , where ηd−1 (i) = d−1 (1 + γj φb (ti,j )), i = 1, . . . , bm − 1. j=1 Note that the vector η d−1 remains fixed for fixed d regardless of the choice m of polynomial q. We set η 0 = (1, . . . , 1) ∈ Rb −1 . The vector η d−1 can be computed as part of the CBC algorithm with the update formula ηd−1 (i) = ηd−2 (i)(1 + γd−1 φb (ti,d−1 )). For short we write ω := φb ◦ υm from now on. We define the (bm − 1) × m (b − 1) matrix q(x)i(x) Ωp := ω . q=1,...,bm −1 p(x) m i=1,...,b −1 Further, let e2d = (e2d (1), . . . , e2d (bm − 1)) be the column vector collecting the quantities e2d (q) and let 1 be the (bm − 1)-dimensional column vector whose components are all 1. Then we have d γd j=1 (1 + γj φb (0)) 1 + m Ωp η d−1 . e2d = e2d−1 + m b b 2 As we are only interested in which q minimizes ed (q), but not the value of e2d (q) itself, we only need to compute Ωp η d−1 . The entries of the matrix Ωp are of the form ω q(x)i(x) , where the product p(x) of the non-zero polynomials q and i has to be evaluated in the field Zb [x]/(p), and thus modulo p. Since the multiplicative group of every finite field is cyclic, we can find a primitive element g which generates all elements of the multiplicative group (Zb [x]/(p))∗ (= (Zb [x]/(p)) \ {0}). That is, there High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way 241 is a g ∈ (Zb [x]/(p))∗ such that (Zb [x]/(p))∗ = {g 0 , g 1 , g 2 , . . . , g b −1 }. Thus, we can write the product of any non-zero polynomials q, i ∈ Zb [x]/(p) as a power of the polynomial g. Nuyens and Cools (2006a, 2006b) then suggest permuting the rows of Ωp by the positive powers of the primitive polynomial g and the columns by the negative powers of the same primitive polynomial. This procedure is often called Rader transform, since it goes back to an idea of Rader (1968). We now describe the Rader transform in detail. Let g(x) be a primitive element in (Zb [x]/(p))∗ . We define a (bm − 1) × (bm − 1) matrix Π(g) = (πk, (g))1≤k,<bm , where 1 if k(x) ≡ g(x) (mod p(x)), πk, (g) = 0 otherwise. m Here k(x) denotes the polynomial which is associated with the integer k. Since g is a primitive element it follows that each row and each column of Π(g) has exactly one entry, which is 1, and the remaining entries are 0. Further, Π(g)Π(g) = I, the identity matrix. In fact, the matrix Π(g) is a permutation matrix. That is, for any (bm − 1) × (bm − 1) matrix C, Π(g)C just changes the order of the rows of C and CΠ(g) only changes the order of the columns of C. Let C = (ck, )1≤k,<bm and C = (Π(g)) Ωp Π(g −1 ). Then ck, = m −1 b u,v=1 u(x)v(x) g(x)k g(x)− −1 πv, (g ) = ω . πu,k (g)ω p(x) p(x) g(x)r . cr = ω p(x) Let Observe that cr = cr for all r, r ∈ Z with r ≡ r (mod bm − 1), since m g(x)b −1 = 1. Then we have ck, = ck− , and therefore C is circulant (cf. Section 5.5). Note that the circulant matrix C is fully determined by its first column c = (c0 , c1 , c2 , . . . , cbm −2 ) . Such matrices have a similarity transform which n−1 be has the Fourier matrix as its eigenvectors. For n ∈ N, let Fn := (fk, )k,=0 −k 2πi/n . Note the Fourier matrix of order n given by fk, = ωn , where ωn = e that Fn is symmetric and n1 Fn F n = I, the identity matrix. Furthermore, let diag(a1 , . . . , an ) be the n × n diagonal matrix A = (Ai,j )ni,j=1 with Ai,i = ai for 1 ≤ i ≤ n and Ai,j = 0 for i = j. Then we have (cf. Section 5.5) Ωp = bm 1 Π(g)F bm −1 DFbm −1 Π(g −1 ) , −1 242 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan where Π(g), Π(g −1 ) are permutation matrices, Fbm −1 is a Fourier matrix, F bm −1 its complex conjugate, and D is the diagonal matrix D = diag(F bm −1 c). m For any vector x = (x1 , . . . , xbm −1 ) ∈ (Cb −1 ) , the matrix–vector multiplications Π(g)x, Dx, and Π(g −1 ) x can be done in O(bm ) operations (in fact, in the implementation of the algorithm the permutations using Π(g) and Π(g −1 ) can be avoided altogether: see Section 5.5). Further, Fbm −1 x and F bm −1 x can be computed in O(mbm ) operations using the fast Fourier transform. Therefore a fast CBC algorithm requires only O(s m bm ) operations by using O(bm ) memory space. This is a significant speed-up compared to a straightforward implementation. Only through this reduction of the construction cost does the CBC algorithm become applicable for the generation of polynomial lattice point sets with reasonably large cardinality. 6.6. Integration of smooth functions It is well understood that the convergence rate for numerical integration depends on the smoothness of the integrand. In the following we consider the weighted unanchored Sobolev space of smoothness α > 1, H(Ks,γ,α ), already encountered in Section 5.9; see also Example 3.8 for the one-dimensional case. The reproducing kernel is given by (5.34), and the inner product is γu−1 f, gs,γ,α = u⊆{1:s} v⊆u r v ∈{1:α−1}|v| ∂ |rv |1 +α|u\v| f dxv dx{1:s}\u ∂x(0,r,α) [0,1]|u\v| [0,1]|{1:s}\u| [0,1]|v| ∂ |rv |1 +α|u\v| g dxv dx{1:s}\u dxu\v , × ∂x(0,r,α) [0,1]|{1:s}\u| [0,1]|v| where |r v |1 := j∈v |rj |, and ∂ |rv |1 +α|u\v| f ∂x(0,r,α) stands for the partial derivatives of f of order rj for j ∈ v, of order α for j ∈ u \ v and order 0 otherwise, where r v = (rj )j∈v . Let the corresponding norm be denoted by f s,γ,α = f, f s,γ,α . For functions in H(Ks,γ,α ) it is known that a convergence rate of order n−α+δ for any δ > 0 can be achieved with a suitable algorithm. In the previous subsections we have used the decay of the Walsh coefficients for functions in H(Ks,γ,1 ) to show a convergence rate of order n−1+δ . To generalize this approach to higher order we need to investigate how the High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way 243 Walsh coefficients of smooth functions decay. Since the proof is involved we describe the main idea, leaving out technical details. To simplify the notation we restrict ourselves to base b = 2. Let k ∈ N be given by k = 2a1 −1 + 2a2 −1 + · · · + 2aν −1 for a1 > a2 > · · · > aν > 0. We define for α ≥ 2 an integer a1 + a2 + · · · + amin{α,ν} if k ∈ N, µα (k) := 0 if k = 0. This generalizes the definition of µ1 (k) given by (6.3). Note that the Walsh functions in base b = 2 only take on the values 1 or −1. Thus in the following we write walk instead of walk . x Let f ∈ H(Ks,γ,α ) and Jk (x) := 0 walk (t) dt. Then 1 1 1 f (x)walk (x) dx = f (x)Jk (x) x=0 − f (x)Jk (x) dx f-(k) = 0 0 1 f (x)Jk (x) dx, (6.15) =− 0 1 walk (x) dx = 0. We would now like to relate the Walsh coefficient f-(k) to some Walsh coefficient of f . This is done by using the Walsh series expansion of Jk . Let k := k − 2a1 −1 , and hence 0 ≤ k < 2a1 −1 . Then it can be shown that ∞ Jk (x) = 2−a1 −1 walk (x) − 2−c wal2a1 +c−1 +k (x) . as 0 c=1 Substituting this into (6.15), we obtain approximately 1 −a1 f (x)walk (x) dx = −2−a1 f- (k ). f (k) ≈ −2 0 In fact we obtain an infinite sum on the right-hand side, but the main term is the first one: the remaining terms can be bounded by a suitable expression. The above step can be repeated. To do so, let k := k − 2a2 −1 , k := k − 2a3 −1 and so on, where k (ν) = 0 and k (τ ) = 0 for τ ≥ ν. We can repeat the last step τ times until either f (τ ) is no longer differentiable, or k (τ ) = 0, that is, we can repeat it min(α, ν) times. Hence f-(k) ≈ 2−a1 f- (k (1) ) ≈ 2−a1 −a2 f? (k (2) ) .. . ≈ 2−a1 −···−amin(α,ν) f-(min(α,ν)) (k (min(α,ν)) ). 244 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan Taking the absolute value and using some estimation we obtain |f-(k)| 2−a1 −···−amin(α,ν) |f-(min(α,ν)) (k (min(α,ν)) )| −µα (k) ≤2 |f-(min(α,ν)) (k (min(α,ν)) )| ≤ 2−µα (k) f (min(α,ν)) (x) dx, 1 0 where we used -(min(α,ν)) |f (k (min(α,ν)) 1 (min(α,ν)) )| = f (x)walk(min(α,ν)) (x) dx 0 1 (min(α,ν)) f (x)|walk(min(α,ν)) (x)| dx ≤ 0 1 (min(α,ν)) f (x) dx. = 0 Thus if f is α-times differentiable, we obtain |f-(k)| Cf 2−µα (k) , where Cf > 0 is a constant which depends only on f and α. By some modification of the above approach it can be shown that the constant Cf can be replaced by a constant which depends only on α (but not on f ) and the norm of f , that is, we have |f-(k)| ≤ Cα f 1,(1),α 2−µα (k) . The same holds for dimension s > 1 and integer base b > 2, where the constant additionally depends on s and b, that is, |f-(k)| ≤ Cα,b,s f s,1,α b−µα (k) , where µα (k) = µα (k1 ) + · · · + µα (ks ) for k = (k1 , . . . , ks ) and 1 is the set of weights which are 1 for each projection. For some values of b, this constant Cα,b,s goes to 0 exponentially as s increases. We can now begin to investigate numerical integration of functions in H(Ks,γ,α ) using digital nets. From Theorem 6.4 we conclude that the integration error for a digital net P = {t0 , . . . , tbm −1 } satisfies m −1 b 1 f (x) dx − m f (ti ) ≤ Cα,b,s f s,1,α b−µα (k) , b s [0,1] i=0 k∈D\{0} where D is the dual net defined by (6.2). The last inequality separates the contribution of the function from the contribution of the QMC rule, that is, f s,1,α depends only on the function f but not on the digital net, whereas k∈D\{0} b−µα (k) depends only on the generating matrices of the digital net and not on the function itself (only on the smoothness of f , i.e., it is the same for all functions that have High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way 245 smoothness α). Therefore, when considering the integration error we can now focus on the term k∈D\{0} b−µα (k) . It is possible to also introduce weights in the approach above. A precise result for the unanchored weighted Sobolev space H(Ks,γ,α ) for α > 1 is the following. Theorem 6.11. The square worst-case error for multivariate integration in the weighted unanchored Sobolev space H(Ks,γ,α ) of smoothness α > 1 using a QMC rule based on a digital net P can be bounded by 2 γu (Dα,b )|u| b−µα (ku ) , [e(P, H(Ks,γ,α ))]2 ≤ ku ∈Du∗ ∅=u⊆{1:s} where Du∗ is defined by (6.8) and where α 2 (τ −2)+ 1 1 −τ (2 sin(π/b)) b−(τ −ν) 1+ + Dα,b = max 1≤ν≤α b b(b + 1) τ =ν 2α−2 1 1 −2α −2(α−ν) . +2 1+ + (2 sin(π/b)) b b b(b + 1) Baldeaux and Dick (2009) investigated the value of the constant Dα,b and showed that for b = 2 and 3 and 2 ≤ α ≤ 8 the constant Dα,b < 1. Theorem 6.11 holds for any digital net, that is, any point set obtained via the digital construction scheme as described in Section 2.6, including the higher-order digital nets to be introduced in the next subsection. 6.7. Higher-order digital nets The aim is now to find digital nets, that is, generating matrices C1 , . . . , Cs ∈ such that Zw×m b b−µα (k) = O(n−α (log n)αs ), k∈D\{0} where the number of cubature points is n = bm . Note that we now use generating matrices with w rows, and we usually choose w ≈ αm as explained below. Roughly speaking, the sum k∈D\{0} b−µα (k) is dominated by its largest term. To find this largest term, define µ∗α (C1 , . . . , Cs ) = min µα (k). k∈D\{0} The dependence on the generating matrices C1 , . . . , Cs on the right-hand side of the above D = D(C1 , . . . , Cs ). The equation is via the dual net ∗ largest term in k∈D\{0} b−µα (k) is then b−µα (C1 ,...,Cs ) . 246 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan In order to achieve a convergence of almost n−α = b−αm we must have −µ that the largest term in k∈D\{0} b α (k) is also of this order, that is, we must have µ∗α (C1 , . . . , Cs ) ≈ αm (or say µ∗α (C1 , . . . , Cs ) > αm − t for some constant t independent of m). That this condition is also sufficient is quite technical and was shown in Dick (2008, Lemma 5.2). which We can use some analogy to find matrices C1 , . . . , Cs ∈ Zw×m b ∗ achieve µα (C1 , . . . , Cs ) ≈ αm. Let Cj = (cj,1 , . . . , cj,w ) , that is, cj, ∈ Zm b is the th row of Cj . Then the matrices C1 , . . . , Cs generate a classical digital (t, m, s)-net if, for all i1 , . . . , is ≥ 0 with i1 + · · · + is ≤ m − t, the vectors c1,1 , . . . , c1,i1 , . . . , cs,1 , . . . , cs,is are linearly independent over Zb . Now assume C1 , . . . , Cs generate a classical digital (t, m, s)-net and that we are given a k ∈ Ns0 \ {0} with µ1 (k) ≤ m − t. Let ij = µ1 (kj ) for j = 1, . . . , s, then C1k1 + · · · + Csks is a linear combination of the vectors c1,1 , . . . , c1,i1 , . . . , cs,1 , . . . , cs,is . As k = 0 and i1 + · · · + is ≤ m − t, which implies that c1,1 , . . . , c1,i1 , . . . , cs,1 , . . . , cs,is are linearly independent, it fol/ D. This shows that lows that C1k1 + · · · + Csks = 0 ∈ Zm b . Thus k ∈ if C1 , . . . , Cs generate a classical digital (t, m, s)-net and k ∈ D \ {0}, then µ1 (k) > m − t. This is precisely the type of result described above which we also want to have for α > 1. We now want to generalize this linear independence condition to α > 1, that is, we want to have that if k ∈ Ns0 \ {0} with µα (k) ≤ αm − t, then the generating matrices should have linearly independent rows such that aj,1 −1 + C1k1 + · · · + Csks = 0 ∈ Zm b . Let k = (k1 , . . . , ks ), where kj = κj,1 b aj,νj −1 , with aj,1 > · · · > aj,νj > 0 and 0 < κj,1 , . . . , κj,νj < b. First · · ·+κj,νj b note that if w < αm − t, then k = (bw , 0, . . . , 0) ∈ D, but µα (k) = w + 1 ≤ αm − t. In order to avoid this problem we may choose w = αm. Hence we may now assume that aj,1 ≤ w = αm for j = 1, . . . , s, as otherwise µα (k) > αm already and no independence condition on the generating matrices is required in this case. Now C1k1 + · · · + Csks is a linear combination of the rows c1,a1,1 , . . . , c1,a1,ν1 , . . . , cs,as,1 , . . . , cs,as,νs . Thus, if these rows are linearly independent, then C1k1 + · · · + Csks = 0 ∈ Zm b , and therefore k ∈ / D. are such that for all choices of aj,1 > Therefore, if C1 , . . . , Cs ∈ Zαm×m b · · · > aj,νj > 0 for j = 1, . . . , s, with a1,1 + · · · + a1,min(α,ν1 ) + · · · + as,1 + · · · + as,min(α,νs ) ≤ αm − t, High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way 247 the rows c1,a1,1 , . . . , c1,a1,ν1 , . . . , cs,as,1 , . . . , cs,as,νs are linearly independent, then k ∈ D \ {0} implies that µα (k) > αm − t. (Note that we also include the case where some νj = 0, in which case we just set aj,1 + · · · + aj,min(α,νj ) = 0.) We can now formally define such digital nets for which the generating matrices satisfy such a property. The following definition is a special case of Dick (2008, Definition 4.3). Definition 6.12 (digital (t, α, m, s)-nets). Let m, α ≥ 1, and 0 ≤ t ≤ αm be natural numbers. Let Zb be the finite field of prime order b and let with Cj = (c c C1 , . . . , Cs ∈ Zαm×m j,1 , . . . , j,αm ) . If for all 0 < aj,νj < · · · < b aj,1 , where 0 ≤ νj for all j = 1, . . . , s, with s min(ν j ,α) j=1 aj, ≤ αm − t, =1 the vectors c1,a1,ν1 , . . . , c1,a1,1 , . . . , cs,as,νs , . . . , cs,as,1 are linearly independent over Zb , then the digital net with generating matrices C1 , . . . , Cs is called a digital (t, α, m, s)-net over Zb . The need for a more general definition in Dick (2008) arises as we assume therein that the smoothness α of the integrand is not known, so one cannot choose w = αm in this case. We have the following result. Theorem 6.13 (worst-case error bound for digital (t, α, m, s)-nets). Let α ≥ 2 be an integer, and let b ≥ 2 be a prime number. Then the worstcase error of multivariate integration in the weighted unanchored Sobolev space H(Ks,γ,α ) of smoothness α > 1, using a QMC rule with a digital (t, α, m, s)-net P over Zb as cubature points, is bounded by 1 2 γu (D|u|,α,b )2 (αm − t + α + 2)2|u|α , e(P, H(Ks,γ,α )) ≤ b−(αm−t) ∅=u⊆{1:s} = (Dα,b ) where D|u|,α,b |u| 2 b|u|α (b−1 + (1 − b1/α−1 )−|u|α ). We conclude from this theorem that a digital (t, α, m, s)-net used as cubature points in a QMC rule will yield a convergence of the integration error of order n−α (log n)αs for integrands with f s,γ,α < ∞. The remaining question now is: Do digital (t, α, m, s)-nets exist for all given α, s ≥ 1 and some fixed t (which may depend on α and s but not on m) for all m ∈ N? An affirmative answer to this question will be given in the next subsection. 248 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan 6.8. Construction of higher-order digital nets We now present explicit constructions of digital (t, α, m, s)-nets. Central to this method is the digit interlacing function. Definition 6.14 (digit interlacing function). function with interlacing factor α ∈ N is given by The digit interlacing Dα : [0, 1)α → [0, 1) ∞ α ξr,a b−r−(a−1)α , (x1 , . . . , xα ) → a=1 r=1 b−1 +ξ where xr = ξr,1 r,2 for vectors by setting b−2 +· · · for 1 ≤ r ≤ α. We also define this function Dα : [0, 1)αs → [0, 1)s (x1 , . . . , xαs ) → (Dα (x1 , . . . , xα ), . . . , Dα (x(s−1)α+1 , . . . , xsα )). Example 6.15 (construction of higher-order digital nets using point sets). Let t0 , t1 , . . . , tbm −1 ∈ [0, 1)sα be a digital (t , m, sα)-net in base b. Then the point set Dα (t0 ), Dα (t1 ), . . . , Dα (tbm −1 ) is a digital (t, α, m, s)-net in base b, where t is given by Theorem 6.17. Higher-order digital sequences can be constructed in an analogous way. To analyse the properties of higher-order digital nets, it is more convenient to describe the above construction using the generating matrices rather than the point set. Example 6.16 (construction of higher-order digital nets using generating matrices). Let C1 , . . . , Csα be the generating matrices of a digital c cj, are (t , m, sα)-net. Let Cj = (c j,1 , . . . , j,m ) for j = 1, . . . , sα; that is, (α) the row vectors of Cj . Now let the matrix Cj be made of the first rows of the matrices C(j−1)α+1 , . . . , Cjα , then the second rows of C(j−1)α+1 , . . . , Cjα , (α) and so on. The matrix Cj is then an αm × m matrix, that is, (α) Cj = (cj,1 , . . . , cj,αm ) , (α) (α) where (α) cj, = cu,v , with = (v − j)α + u, 1 ≤ v ≤ m, and (j − 1)α < u ≤ jα for = 1, . . . , αm (α) (α) and j = 1, . . . , s. Then the matrices C1 , . . . , Cs are the generating matrices of a digital (t, α, m, s)-net over Zb , where t is given by Theorem 6.17. High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way 249 As we will see later, the choice of the underlying (t , m, sα)-net has a direct impact on the bound on the t-value of the digital (t, α, m, s)-net. To give the idea why this construction works we may consider the case s = 1. Let α > 1. To simplify the notation we drop the j (which denotes the coordinate) from the notation for a moment. Let C (α) be constructed from a classical digital (t , m, α)-net with generating matrices C1 , . . . , Cα as described above. Let αm ≥ a1 > a2 > · · · > aν ≥ 1. Then we need (α) (α) to consider the row vectors ca1 , . . . , caν . Now by the construction above, (α) the vector ca1 may stem from any of the generating matrices C1 , . . . , Cα . (α) Without loss of generality assume that ca1 stems from C1 , i.e., it is the (α) i1 th row of C1 , where i1 = a1 /α. Next consider ca2 . This row vector may (α) again stem from any of the matrices C1 , . . . , Cα . If ca2 also stems from C1 , then a2 /α < i1 . If not, we may assume without loss of generality that it stems from C2 . Indeed, it will be the i2 th row of C2 , where i2 = a2 /α. We continue in this fashion and define numbers i3 , i4 , . . . , i , where 1 ≤ ≤ α. Further, we set i+1 = · · · = iα = 0. Then by the (t , m, α)-net (α) (α) property of C1 , . . . , Cα , it follows that ca1 , . . . , caν are linearly independent provided that i1 + · · · + iα ≤ m − t . Hence, if we choose t such that a1 + · · · + amin(α,ν) ≤ αm − t implies that i1 + · · · + iα ≤ m − t for all admissible choices of a1 , . . . , aν , then the digital (t, α, m, 1)-net property of C (α) follows. Note that i1 = a1 /α and i ≤ a /α for = 2, . . . , α. Thus i1 + · · · + iα ≤ a1 /α + · · · + aα /α ≤ (a1 + · · · + aα + α(α − 1))/α a1 + · · · + aα + α − 1 ≤ m − t/α + α − 1. = α Thus, if we choose t such that m − t/α + α − 1 ≤ m − t , then the result follows. Simple algebra then shows that t = αt + α(α − 1) will suffice. A more general and improved result is given in the following. Theorem 6.17. Let α ≥ 1 be a natural number and let C1 , . . . , Csα be the generating matrices of a digital (t , m, sα)-net over the finite field Zb of (α) (α) prime order b. Let C1 , . . . , Cs be defined as in Example 6.16. Then the (α) (α) matrices C1 , . . . , Cs are the generating matrices of a digital (t, α, m, s)net over Zb with A @ s(α − 1) . t = α min m, t + 2 250 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan This shows that digital (t, α, m, s)-nets can be explicitly constructed for all α, m, s ≥ 1 with t bounded independently of m. Indeed, the dependence of t on α and s is also known from Dick and Baldeaux (2009): namely, there are constants c, C > 0 independent of α and s such that cα2 s ≤ t ≤ Cα2 s. Using Theorem 6.17 we therefore obtain explicit constructions of higherorder quasi-Monte Carlo rules which satisfy Theorem 6.13. 6.9. Geometric properties of higher-order digital nets Figures 6.1–6.4 illustrate the properties of a digital (2, 2, 4, 2)-net in base 2. Figure 6.2 shows a partition of the square for which each union of the shaded rectangles contains exactly two points. Figures 6.3 and 6.4 show that also other partitions of the unit square are possible where each union of shaded rectangles contains the ‘fair’ number of points. Many other partitions of the square are possible where the point set always contains the fair number of points in each union of rectangles (see Dick and Baldeaux 2009), but there are too many to show all of them here. Even in the simple case considered here there are 12 partitions possible, for each of which the point set is fair: this is quite remarkable since the point set itself has only 16 points (we exclude all those partitions for which the fairness would follow already from some other partition, otherwise there would be 34 of them). In the classical case we have 4 such partitions, all of which are shown in Figure 6.1. (The partitions from the classical case are included in the generalized case; so out of the 12 partitions 4 are shown in Figure 6.1, one is shown in Figure 6.2, one is shown in Figure 6.4 and one is indicated in Figure 6.3.) The subsets of [0, 1)s which form a partition, each having a fair number of points, are of the form J(aν , dν ) b−1 s B dj,n dj,1 dj,n dj,1 1 + · · · + αm , + · · · + αm + αm , = b b b b b j=1 dj, =0 ∈{1,...,αm}\{aj,1 ,...,aj,νj } s ν j where b ≥ 2 is the base and where j=1 =1 aj, ≤ αm − t. For j = 1, . . . , s we again assume 1 ≤ aj,νj < · · · < aj,1 ≤ αm for νj > 0 and {aj,1 , . . . , aj,νj } = ∅ for νj = 0. Further, we also use the following notation: ν = (ν1 , . . . , νs ), |ν |1 = s νj , j=1 aν = (a1,1 , . . . , a1,ν1 , . . . , as,1 , . . . , as,νs ), < =|ν | dν ∈ 0, . . . , b − 1 1 , dν = (d1,i1,1 , . . . , d1,i1,ν1 , . . . , ds,is,1 , . . . , ds,is,νs ), 251 High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Figure 6.1. Higher-order Sobol points: these 16 points are from a Sobol point set in dimension four with interlacing factor two (which yields a two-dimensional point set). • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Figure 6.2. Higher-order Sobol points: the shaded area in each square contains exactly two points. where the components aj, and dj, , = 1, . . . , νj , do not appear in the vectors aν and dν for νj = 0. Figures 6.1–6.4 give only a few examples of unions of intervals for which each subset of the partition contains the right number of points. As the subsets J(aν , dν ) for fixed ν and aν (with dν running through all possibilities) form a partition of [0, 1)s , it is clear that the right number of points in J(aν , dν ) has to be bm Vol(J(aν , dν )). For example, the digital net in Figure 6.2 has 16 points and the partition consists of 8 different subsets J(aν , dν ), hence each J(aν , dν ) contains exactly 16/8 = 2 points. (In general, the volume of J(aν , dν ) is given by b−|ν |1 : see Dick and Baldeaux 2009.) 252 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Figure 6.3. Higher-order Sobol points: the shaded area contains exactly two points. • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Figure 6.4. Higher-order Sobol points: the shaded area contains exactly half of the points. 6.10. Scrambled digital nets and sequences We now discuss properties of Owen’s scrambling algorithm, which was introduced in Section 2.10. First we show that a point x scrambled using Owen’s algorithm is uniformly distributed in [0, 1)s . Proposition 6.18. Let x ∈ [0, 1)s and let Π be a uniformly and i.i.d. set of permutations. Then Π(x) is uniformly distributed in [0, 1)s , that is, for any Lebesgue-measurable set G ⊆ [0, 1)s , the probability that Π(x) ∈ G, denoted by P[Π(x) ∈ G], satisfies P[Π(x) ∈ G] = λs (G), where λs denotes the s-dimensional Lebesgue measure. Proof. We follow Owen (1995, Proof of Proposition 2) in our exposition. We use the notation from above and set y := Π(x). Consider the case s = 1 first and let a a+1 E = , b b be an elementary interval where ≥ 0 and 0 ≤ a < b . A technical problem which can arise in the proof below is when y is of the form y1 = y1,1 b−1 + · · · + y1, b− + (b − 1)b−−1 + (b − 1)b−−1 + · · · , since then we have y1 = y1,1 b−1 + · · · + (y1, + 1)b− . We show that this only happens with probability 0. High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way 253 The probability that there are u ≥ j0 ≥ 1 such that y1,j0 = y1,j0 +1 = · · · = y1,u = b − 1 is given by ((b − 1)!)−(u−j0 ) . Hence the probability that y1,j0 = y1,j0 +1 = · · · = b − 1, that is, all digits of y1 are b − 1 from some index j0 onwards, is 0. Let ab− = a1 b−1 + a2 b−2 + · · · + a b− . Then y1 ∈ E if and only if y1 = a1 , y2 = a2 , . . . , y = a . Using (2.8), this is equivalent to π1,x1,1 ,...,x1,k−1 (x1,k ) = ak , for 1 ≤ k ≤ . (6.16) For each 1 ≤ k ≤ , the probability that (6.16) holds is b−1 . Hence the probability that y1 ∈ E is b− . The result therefore holds for all elementary intervals of [0, 1). We now extend the result to the general case. First notice that the result also holds for all subintervals [ub− , vb− ), where ≥ 0 and 0 ≤ u < v ≤ b− . The endpoints of these intervals are dense in [0, 1). A corollary of Chung (1974, p. 28) extends the result P[y1 ∈ B] = λ1 (B) to all Borel-measurable subsets B ⊆ [0, 1). The equality P[y1 ∈ B] = λ1 (B) extends to Lebesguemeasurable sets B since subsets of sets of measure zero have probability zero of containing y1 . Consider now s > 1. Let B1 , . . . , Bs be measurable subsets of [0, 1). Because the components y1 , . . . , ys of y are independent, it follows that P[yi ∈ Bi , 1 ≤ i ≤ s] = s λ1 (Bi ). (6.17) i=1 Finally, λs is the unique measure on [0, 1)s which satisfies (6.17). Consider a (t, m, s)-net in base b consisting of points t0 , . . . , tbm −1 , where ti = (ti,1 , . . . , ti,s ) and ti,j = ti,j,1 b−1 + ti,j,2 b−2 + · · · . We shall denote the scrambled points by y 0 , . . . , y bm −1 , where y i = (yi,1 , . . . , yi,s ) and yi,j = yi,j,1 b−1 + yi,j,2 b−2 + · · · . Specifically, the scrambled points are given by yi,j,k = πj,ti,j,1 ,...,ti,j,k−1 (ti,j,k ), for 0 ≤ i < bm , 1 ≤ j ≤ s, and k ≥ 1. Similarly, if (t0 , t1 , . . . ) is a (t, s)-sequence, then the scrambled sequence will be denoted by (y 0 , y 1 , . . . ), where, using the same notation as above, again yi,j,k = πj,ti,j,1 ,...,ti,j,k−1 (ti,j,k ), for all i ≥ 0, 1 ≤ j ≤ s, and k ≥ 1. n−1 We consider now the expected value of n1 i=0 f (y i ). For any measurable function f we have 5 0 n−1 n−1 1 1 f (y i ) = E[f (y i )] = f (y)dy, E n n [0,1]s i=0 i=0 since each point y i is uniformly distributed in [0, 1)s and hence E[f (y i )] = f (y)dy for 0 ≤ i < n. [0,1]s 254 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan In other words, this means that a scrambled point set (note that the above applies even if the underlying point set t0 , . . . , tn−1 is not a digital net) used in a QMC rule yields an unbiased estimator. The second important property of the randomization algorithm we require is that the (t, m, s)-net structure of the points t0 , . . . , tbm −1 is retained after applying the scrambling algorithm. For some technical reason this does not quite hold, but it holds with probability one, which is still sufficient. The following proposition was first shown by Owen (1995). Proposition 6.19. If t0 , . . . , tbm −1 form a (t, m, s)-net in base b, then y 0 , . . . , y bm −1 is a (t, m, s)-net in base b with probability one. If t0 , t1 , . . . are obtained from a (t, s)-sequence, then the scrambled points y 0 , y 1 , . . . form a (t, s)-sequence with probability one. Proof. The probability that, for some 0 ≤ i < bm , 1 ≤ j ≤ s, and ∈ N, all yi,j,k = b − 1 for all k ≥ is 0. Equivalently, with probability one, infinitely many digits in the b-adic expansion of yi,j are different from b−1. Therefore, the probability that yi,j has infinitely many digits in the b-adic expansion of yi,j are different from b − 1 for all 0 ≤ i < bm and 1 ≤ j ≤ s is 0, since the union of a finite number of zero probability events has probability zero. Hence this holds for each component of each point of a (t, m, s)-net. For a (t, s)-sequence the same applies, since a countable union of probability zero events itself has probability zero. Hence this also holds for each component of each point of a (t, s)-sequence. Therefore we may, in the following, assume that infinitely many digits in the b-adic expansion of yi,j differ from b − 1 for all i ∈ N0 and 1 ≤ j ≤ s. Assume we are given an elementary interval J= s [aj b−dj , (aj + 1)b−dj ), j=1 where 0 ≤ aj < bdj , dj ∈ N0 , and d1 + · · · + ds ≤ m − t. Let aj b−dj = aj,1 b−1 + aj,2 b−2 + · · · + aj,dj b−dj . Then y i ∈ J if and only if yi,j,k = aj,k for all 1 ≤ k ≤ dj and all −1 1 ≤ j ≤ s. Further, yi,j,k = aj,k if and only if xi,j,k = πj,t (aj,k ). i,j,1 ,...,ti,j,k−1 −1 (aj,k ). Then y i ∈ J if and only if Let aj,k = πj,t i,j,1 ,...,ti,j,k−1 ti ∈ J = s [aj b−dj , (aj + 1)b−dj ), j=1 where aj b−dj = aj,1 b−1 + · · · + aj,dj b−dj . As the points t0 , . . . , tbm −1 form a (t, m, s)-net, it follows that there are exactly bm−t points of this net in J and hence there are exactly bm−t points of y 0 , . . . , y bm −1 in J. Thus y 0 , . . . , y bm −1 form a (t, m, s)-net with probability one. 255 High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way For a (t, s)-sequence t0 , t1 , . . . for all k ∈ N0 and m ≥ t the point set consisting of tkbm , . . . , tkbm +bm −1 forms a (t, m, s)-net which is again a (t, m, s)-net after scrambling with probability one. Since the union of countably many zero probability events has probability zero, the result for (t, s)-sequences follows as well. 6.11. Error analysis of scrambled digital nets In this subsection we study upper bounds on the variance of scrambled digital nets. To explain the result for scrambled digital nets, we introduce the so-called nested ANOVA decomposition. Theorem 6.20 (nested ANOVA decomposition). Consider a function f ∈ L2 ([0, 1]) with Walsh series expansion f (x) ∼ ∞ f-(k)walk (x), (6.18) k=0 where f-(k) = Define β0 := 1 0 1 f (x)walk (x) dx. 0 f (y) dy, and for ≥ 1, β (x) := −1 b f-(k)walk (x) and σ2 (f ) := Var[β ]. k=b−1 Then we have the nested ANOVA decomposition of f Var[f ] = ∞ σ2 (f ). =1 Notice that we do not necessarily have equality in (6.18), since the function f is only assumed to be in L2 ([0, 1]) (and hence may for example be changed arbitrarily on a set of measure zero without changing f-(k) for any k ≥ 0). Proof. −1 b k=0 Consider the b -term approximation of f given by f-(k)walk (x) = −1 b 1 k=0 0 1 f (y)walk (x y) dy = f (y)D (x y) dy, 0 where D is the Walsh–Dirichlet kernel given by −1 b b if z ∈ [0, b− ), walk (z) = D (z) = 0 otherwise. k=0 256 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan Hence we have −1 b f-(k)walk (x) = b k=0 f (y) dy, yb =xb where the integration is over all y such that yb = xb , that is, the first digits of x and y coincide. Therefore, for ≥ 1 we have f (y) dy − b−1 f (y) dy. β (x) = b yb =xb yb−1 =xb−1 (Owen 1997b defined this function using Haar wavelets.) Notice that β is constant on intervals of the form [ub− , (u + 1)b− ), so β (x) = β (b xb− ). Then, because of the orthogonality of the Walsh functions we obtain σ2 (f ) and also 1 = |β (x)| dx = 2 0 −1 b |f-(k)|2 k=b−1 1 β (x)β (x)dx = 0, for = . 0 Since f ∈ L2 ([0, 1]) and the Walsh function system is complete, we can use Plancherel’s identity to obtain 1 ∞ ∞ |f (y) − E(f )|2 dy = |f-(k)|2 = σ2 (f ). Var[f ] = 0 k=1 =1 Therefore we have obtained a decomposition of the variance of f in terms of the variances of β . ∞ - 2 Notice that ∞ k=1 |f (k)| = Var k=0 f (k)walk . Hence, as a by-product, we obtain that for any f ∈ L2 ([0, 1]), the variance of f and the variance of its Walsh series coincide, that is, 5 0∞ f-(k)walk . Var[f ] = Var k=0 For functions f : [0, 1]s → R the nested ANOVA decomposition can be applied component-wise. Let f ∈ L2 ([0, 1]s ) have the following Walsh series expansion: f-(k)walk (x) =: S(x, f ). f (x) ∼ k∈Ns0 High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way 257 Let = (1 , . . . , s ) ∈ Ns0 and L = {k = (k1 , . . . , ks ) ∈ Ns0 : bj −1 ≤ kj < bj for 1 ≤ j ≤ s}. Then let β (x) = f-(k)walk (x) k∈L and σ2 (f ) := Var[β ] = [0,1]s |β (x)|2 dx = |f-(k)|2 . k∈L Ns0 \ {0} let For = (1 , . . . , s ) ∈ n−1 s b 1 1 1 1 −1 , − G = 2 −1 N b − 1 b j ti,j =b j ti ,j b − 1 b j ti,j =b j ti ,j i,i =0 j=1 where ti = (ti,1 , . . . , ti,s ) for 0 ≤ i ≤ n − 1 and where 1A=B is 1 if A = B and 0 otherwise. If k ∈ L , then n−1 1 E walk (y i y i ) = G , 2 n i,i =0 since the coordinates are randomized independently from each other. Owen (1997b) called the numbers Γ := nG gain coefficients, since, as we see below, they determine how much one gains compared to the classical Monte Carlo algorithm. We now estimate the variance of the estimator - n,s (f ) = 1 f (y i ) Q n n−1 (6.19) i=0 for integrands f ∈ L2 ([0, 1]s ) when the points y 0 , . . . , y n−1 are obtained by applying Owen’s scrambling to a (digital) (t, m, s)-net over Zb . (To - n,s rather emphasize that (6.19) is a random variable, we use the notation Q than Qn,s .) For the following results see Owen (1997a, 1997b, 1998). Theorem 6.21 (variance of the integral estimator using scrambled - n,s (f ) be given by (6.19). Let the point nets). Let f ∈ L2 ([0, 1]s ) and Q s set {y 0 , . . . , y n−1 } ⊆ [0, 1) be obtained by applying Owen’s scrambling algorithm to the point set {t0 , . . . , tn−1 } ⊆ [0, 1)s . Then the variance of the - n,s (f ) is given by estimator Q - n,s (f )] = 1 Γ σ2 (f ). Var[Q n s ∈N0 \{0} 258 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan Theorem 6.22 (a bound on the variance in terms of gain coeffi- n,s (f ) be given by (6.19). Let the points cients). Let f ∈ L2 ([0, 1]s ) and Q {t0 , . . . , tbm −1 } be a digital (t, m, s)-net over Zb . Then s −m+t b + 1 σ2 (f ). Var[Qn,s (f )] ≤ b b−1 s ∈N0 ||1 >m−t 2 - n,s (f )] = 1 s For MC one obtains a variance Var[Q ∈N0 \{0} σ (f ). Hence n the gain of scrambled digital nets lies in the fact that we only sum over σ2 (f ) for which ||1 > m−t, although one incurs a penalty factor of bt ((b+1)/(b− 1))s using scrambled digital (t, m, s)-nets. Notice that the gain coefficients Γ are 0 for ∈ Ns0 with ||1 ≤ m − t and Γ = bt ((b + 1)/(b − 1))s for ∈ Ns0 with ||1 > m − t. - n,s (f )] for a scrambled (0, m, s)-net is Theorem 6.22 shows that Var[Q always at most by a factor of ((b + 1)/(b − 1))s larger than the variance for a plain MC algorithm (see also Owen (1997a, Theorem 1), who shows that the gain coefficients are always bounded by e in this case). Further, for scrambled (t, m, s)-nets we have s m t b+1 σ2 (f ) → 0 as m → ∞. b Var[Qn,s (f )] = b b−1 s ∈N0 ||1 >m−t - n,s (f )] Hence, scrambled (t, m, s)-nets outperform MC with respect to Var[Q 2 asymptotically, as for MC we have nVar[Qn,s (f )] = ∈Ns \{0} σ (f ) for all 0 n ∈ N. If the integrand f has smoothness 0 < α ≤ 1, then one can show that |σ (f )| ≤ Cf b−αµ1 () . Scrambled (t, m, s)-nets can take advantage now, since Γ = 0 for all ∈ Ns0 with µ1 () ≤ m − t and Γ is bounded otherwise. Thus, asymptotically one obtains an improved rate of convergence in this case. If the integrand is only in L2 ([0, 1]s ), then one still gets the MC rate of convergence of n−1/2 . Definition 6.23 (generalized Vitali variation). We define the generalized variation in the sense of Vitali of order 0 < α ≤ 1 by 1/2 ∆(f, J) 2 (s) Vol(J) , Vα (f ) = sup Vol(J)α P J∈P where the supremum is extended over all partitions P of [0, 1]s into subintervals and Vol(J) denotes the volume of the subinterval J. High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way 259 For α = 1 and if the partial derivatives of f are continuous on [0, 1]s , we also have the formula 2 1/2 ∂sf (s) (x) dx . V1 (f ) = [0,1]s ∂x1 · · · ∂xs Indeed we have ∂sf ∂sf (x)dx = Vol(J) (ζ J ) |∆(f, J)| = ∂x1 · · · ∂xs J ∂x1 · · · ∂xs for some ζ J ∈ J, which follows by applying the mean value theorem to the inequality ∂sf ∂sf −1 (x) ≤ Vol(J) (x)dx min x∈J ∂x1 · · · ∂xs J ∂x1 · · · ∂xs s ∂ f (x). ≤ max x∈J ∂x1 · · · ∂xs Therefore we have 2 sf ∆(f, J) 2 ∂ = Vol(J) Vol(J) (ζ J ) , Vol(J) ∂x1 · · · ∂xs J∈P J∈P 2 sf dx, and thus which is just a Riemann sum for the integral [0,1]s ∂x1∂···∂x s the equality follows. So far we have not taken into account projections to lower-dimensional faces. Definition 6.24 (generalized Hardy and Krause variation). For ∅ = (|u|) u ⊆ {1 : s}, let Vα (fu ; u) be the generalized Vitali variation with coefficient 0 < α ≤ 1 of the |u|-dimensional function f (x)dx{1:s}\u . fu (xu ) = For u = ∅ we have f∅ = Then [0,1]s−|u| (|∅|) [0,1]s Vα (f ) = f (x)dx{1:s} and we define Vα 2 Vα(|u|) (fu ; u) (f∅ ; ∅) = |f∅ |. 1/2 u⊆{1:s} is called the generalized Hardy and Krause variation of f on [0, 1]s . A function f for which Vα (f ) < ∞ is said to be of finite variation of order α. Theorem 6.25 (a bound on the variance in terms of variation). Let f : [0, 1]s → R have bounded variation Vα (f ) < ∞ of order 0 < α ≤ 1. 260 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan - n,s (f )] using a randomly scrambled Then the variance of the estimator Var[Q digital (t, m, s)-net over Zb is bounded by (2α−1)+ s b2s m − t + s 2 −(1+2α)(m−t) (b − 1) , Var[Qn,s (f )] ≤ Vα (f )b s−1 b2α (b − 1)s where again (2α − 1)+ = max(2α − 1, 0). 6.12. Simplifications of the scrambling scheme: affine matrix scrambling The scrambling algorithm as introduced by Owen requires one to generate and store all the necessary permutations used for the scrambling scheme. Since the number of permutations needed is very large, this is not practical, and therefore simplifications of this algorithm have been found for which the main result still holds. One version of such a simplified scrambling is the following: Let xj = xj,1 b−1 + xj,2 b−2 + · · · denote the base b expansion of the jth coordinate of x = (x1 , . . . , xs ) ∈ [0, 1)s . Let y ∈ [0, 1)s denote the point which is obtained after scrambling x. Assume that the jth coordinate has base b expansion yj = yj,1 b−1 + yj,2 b−2 + · · · . To obtain a simplified scrambling, choose mj,k, , σj,k ∈ Zb for 1 ≤ < k and mj,k,k ∈ Zb \ {0} for 1 ≤ j ≤ s independently and uniformly distributed over their ranges. Then we set yj,k = k mj,k, xj, + σj,k (mod b) for 1 ≤ j ≤ s. =1 This can also be written in matrix form. Set Mj = (mj,k, )k, , where mj,k, = 0 for > k and σj = (σj,k ) k . Note that Mj is a lower triangular matrix. Further, let xj = (xj,1 , xj,2 , . . .) and yj = (yj,1 , yj,2 , . . .) . Then we have yj = Mxj + σ . This method reduces the number of permutations significantly while still preserving the main properties of Owen’s scrambling. This scrambling scheme is called affine matrix scrambling. The results for Owen’s scrambling presented above still hold for the affine matrix scrambling. 6.13. Higher-order scrambling We have seen that scrambling can improve the convergence rate of the variance to n−3/2+δ , for any δ > 0, for instance for functions whose generalized variation is bounded. Since there are higher-order nets which yield deterministic QMC rules with convergence rates of n−α+δ for arbitrary δ > 0 for functions with smoothness α ≥ 1, the question also arises of how to generalize Owen’s scrambling and its simplifications to achieve higher-order convergence. We briefly describe this in the following. High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way 261 Let t0 , . . . , tbm −1 ∈ [0, 1)ds be a randomly scrambled digital (t, m, ds) net over the finite field Zb of prime order b (here scrambling can mean Owen’s original scrambling or any of the simplifications for which the same results hold as for Owen’s scrambling). Then one simply uses the sample points y i = Dα (xi ) ∈ [0, 1)s for 0 ≤ i < bm , where Dα is the digit interlacing function of order α ≥ 1. The integral is then estimated using b −1 1 f (y n ). Qn,s (f ) = m b m n=0 This method again yields an unbiased estimator, that is, - n,s (f )) = f (x)dx. E(Q [0,1]s If the integrand has square-integrable partial mixed derivatives up to order - n,s (f ) satisfies α ≥ 1 in each variable, then the variance of Q - n,s (f )] = O(n−2 min(d,α)−1+δ ) Var[Q for any δ > 0, where n = bm is the number of sample points. 6.14. Notes Section 6.1 is taken partly from Dick and Pillichshammer (2010). Sections 6.4 and 6.5 are adapted from Dick and Pillichshammer (2010, Chapter 10). Section 6.6 is based on Dick and Baldeaux (2009). Sections 6.7 and 6.8 are based on Dick (2009b). Sections 6.10 and 6.11 are based on Dick and Pillichshammer (2010, Chapter13). The monographs by Niederreiter (1992a) and by Dick and Pillichshammer (2010) give a comprehensive introduction to (digital) nets and (digital) sequences, discrepancy theory and QMC rules based on such point sets and sequences. More references can be found therein. Walsh functions were introduced by Walsh (1923); see also Chrestenson (1955) and Fine (1949). For information on Walsh functions in the context of QMC integration, see Dick and Pillichshammer (2010). Numerical integration of Walsh series using QMC rules based on digital nets was studied, for instance, by Larcher and Traunfellner (1994) and Larcher, Schmid and Wolf (1994, 1996b), whereas numerical integration in Haar wavelet spaces was studied by Sobol (1969) and Heinrich, Hickernell and Yue (2004). Numerical integration in anchored and unanchored Sobolev spaces using QMC rules based on digital nets was first studied by Dick and Pillichshammer (2005). 262 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan Polynomial lattice rules have been introduced by Niederreiter (1992b). Shift nets are a subclass of digital nets which were introduced by Schmid (1996) and further studied by Pillichshammer (2002). The so-called Salzburg tables provide a table of digital nets found by computer search with small t-value. These computations are described by Hansen, Mullen and Niederreiter (1993), Larcher, Lauß, Niederreiter and Schmid (1996a) and Schmid (2000). An improvement of the method for computing the t-value of digital nets has been studied in Pirsic and Schmid (2001). A table with many of the currently best known t-values for (t, m, s)-nets and (t, s)-sequences for many values of m and s can be found at The CBC construction of polynomial lattice rules was introduced by Dick et al. (2005) for anchored and unanchored Sobolev spaces and by Dick, Kritzer, Leobacher and Pillichshammer (2007a) for the weighted stardiscrepancy. The case where the modulus is not necessarily irreducible was considered by Kritzer and Pillichshammer (2007). The fast CBC algorithm was introduced by Nuyens and Cools (2006a) using FFT methods for the construction of classical lattice point sets. Due to the similarities between ordinary and polynomial lattice point sets it turned out that their methods can also be carried over to the polynomial case: see Nuyens and Cools (2006b). Implementations of the fast algorithm using Matlab can be found in Nuyens and Cools (2006c). Cyclic nets are another subclass of digital nets of size bm which were introduced by Niederreiter (2004). Hyperplane nets are a subclass of digital nets of size bms which were introduced by Pirsic, Dick, Pillichshammer (2006). The discrepancy of cyclic and hyperplane nets was considered in Pillichshammer and Pirsic (2009). Extensible polynomial lattice rules were studied by Niederreiter (2003) and a construction algorithm was introduced by Dick (2007b). Extensible hyperplane nets were studied by Pirsic and Pillichshammer (2011). Constructions of (digital) nets and (digital) sequences based on existing constructions are called propagation rules: see Dick and Pillichshammer (2010, Chapter 9) for a summary. The basic construction principle of higher-order digital nets and sequences appeared first in Dick (2007a) and was slightly modified in Dick (2008). A bound on the decay of the Walsh coefficients has been studied in more detail in Dick (2009a). Theorem 6.17 is a special case of Dick (2008, Theorem 4.11), with an improvement for some cases from Dick and Baldeaux (2009) (a proof of this result can be found in Dick and Baldeaux 2009, Dick 2007a and Dick and Kritzer 2010). The CBC construction of higherorder polynomial lattice rules was studied by Baldeaux, Dick, Greslehner and Pillichshammer (2011) and Baldeaux et al. (2012). A CBC construction of higher-order scrambled polynomial lattice rules was studied by Goda and Dick (2013). Propagation rules for higher-order digital nets were studied by Dick and Kritzer (2010). Tractability of higher-order polynomial High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way 263 lattice rules was studied by Dick and Pillichshammer (2007) and the existence of higher-order polynomial lattice rules with small t-value was studied by Dick, Kritzer, Pillichshammer and Schmid (2007b). Recently Matsumoto, Saito and Matoba (2013) and Matsumoto and Yoshiki (2013) constructed QMC rules which achieve higher-order convergence for function classes of very high smoothness. Scrambling was introduced by Owen (1995) and further studied in Owen (1997a, 1997b). Scrambled Niederreiter and Xing sequences were studied by Owen (1998). The mean-square discrepancy of scrambled nets was studied by Hickernell and Yue (2000), whereas integration and approximation using scrambled nets were studied by Yue and Hickernell (2001). The gain coefficients of digital nets were further investigated by Yue and Hickernell (2002). Strong tractability of scrambled Niederreiter sequences was studied by Yue and Hickernell (2005), whereas strong tractability in Banach spaces was studied by Yue and Hickernell (2006). Of particular interest in the context of scrambled nets is also the result by Loh (2003), who shows that a - n,s (f ) for which the cubature central limit theorem holds for the estimate Q points are based on a scrambled (0, m, s)-net. This allows one to obtain an - n,s (f ). approximate confidence interval from the variance estimates of Q Simplifications of Owen’s scrambling algorithm were studied by Hickernell (1996b), Matoušek (1998b) and Tezuka and Faure (2003). In particular, the affine matrix scrambling is from Matoušek (1998b) and is implemented in Matlab. Higher-order scrambling has been studied in Dick (2011a). A construction of randomly scrambled polynomial lattice rules which have a better dependence on the dimension has been studied in Baldeaux and Dick (2011) for functions of smoothness at most 1. 7. Infinite-dimensional integration In this section we consider briefly numerical integration for problems with an infinite number of dimensions. We do not try to be definitive, because the subject is developing and changing rapidly. Rather, we introduce some themes likely to be of continuing importance. We concentrate here on ‘anchored’ function spaces, because anchoring is a natural idea for functions that depend on an infinite number of variables. The section concludes with a brief discussion of an application that is driving much recent interest in infinite-dimensional problems. 7.1. The infinite-dimensional problem The problem is to integrate real-valued functions f that have a countably infinite number of variables, f (x1 , x2 , . . .), 264 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan with each component lying on the unit interval, xj ∈ [0, 1], j ∈ N. Equivalently we write f (x) with ∞ N [0, 1]. x = (xj )j∈N ∈ [0, 1] := j=1 To avoid formal problems associated with functions of an infinite number of variables, we choose an ‘anchor’ c ∈ [0, 1], and in our algorithms only allow function evaluation when at most a finite number of components of x have values different from the anchor value c. Often c = 0 is the most natural choice for the anchor, but in some applications it is better to take the midpoint c = 1/2 as anchor. The components xj that have the value c are considered to be ‘inactive variables’ for the particular function evaluation, in contrast to the ‘active variables’ xj = c. If the set of active variables is xu , we write the value of f as f (xu ; c). In this section we shall assume that f (xu ; c) is a continuous function of xu on [0, 1]|u| for every finite subset u of the natural numbers. The infinitedimensional integral may now be defined by f (x{1:s} ; c) dx{1:s} . (7.1) I∞ (f ) := lim s→∞ [0,1]s In Section 7.4 we shall introduce a reproducing kernel Hilbert space setting that ensures that this limit exists, and ensures also that f (x) is well defined for all x ∈ [0, 1]N . For the present, however, we concentrate on algorithms and costs. Our algorithms for approximating this infinite-dimensional integral all have the form n−1 (i) wi f (tui ; c), (7.2) Q(f ) = i=0 where wi ∈ R, ui is a finite subset of N, and tui ∈ [0, 1]|ui | . Three kinds of algorithms have been studied in the literature, which we introduce in the following subsection. (i) 7.2. Three kinds of algorithms In this subsection we describe single-level (or fixed-dimension), multi-level and changing-dimension algorithms. Example 7.1 (single-level algorithm). The single-level (SL) or fixeddimension algorithm approximates the infinite-dimensional integral by an s-dimensional QMC rule, n−1 1 (i) f (t{1:s} ; c), (7.3) QSL (f ) := n i=0 in which the active variables are the leading variables x1 , x2 , . . . , xs . High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way 265 Example 7.2 (multi-level algorithm). A different kind of algorithm comes from adopting a multi-level (ML) approach (Heinrich 1998, Giles 2008). We define an infinite sequence of dimensions 0 = s0 < s1 < s2 < · · · < ∞, and write the function as a collapsing sum, f (x) = ∞ f (x{1:s } ; c) − f (x{1:s−1 } ; c) + f (c), =1 and similarly write the integral (7.1) also as a collapsing sum, I∞ (f ) = ∞ Is (f ) − Is−1 (f ) + f (c), =1 with I0 (f ) = f (c), and Is (f ) := [0,1]s f (x{1:s } ; c) dx{1:s } . We then approximate the collapsing sum up to level L > 0 by the cubature formula L ML Qn , (ψ (f ) − ψ−1 (f )) + f (c), (7.4) Q (f ) := =1 where ψ (f ) := f (x{1:s } ; c), and Qn , (ψ (f ) − ψ−1 (f )) = n −1+ , 1 (i) (i) f (t{1:s } ; c) − f (t{1:s−1 } ; c) , n i=0 and where (i) t{1:s } ∈ [0, 1]s , and (i) t{1:s−1 } contains the first s−1 components (i) of t{1:s } . For n = 0 we assume that Qn , (ψ (f ) − ψ−1 (f )) = 0. The idea of an ML scheme is that the successive terms in the collapsing sum for the integral should be smaller and smaller, and hence can be well approximated by a smaller number of points n as increases, leaving only relatively lowdimensional integrals needing a large number of points. We assumed in (7.4) that the cubature rules Qn , are QMC rules, but other choices are clearly possible. Roughly speaking, ML algorithms are of particular advantage if for a particular f the important subsets u involve only a small number of leading variables (that is, in the language of Caflisch et al. 1997, if the ‘truncation dimension’ is small). Example 7.3 (changing-dimension algorithm). A third kind of algorithm is the changing-dimension (CD) algorithm (Kuo, Sloan, Wasilkowski and Woźniakowski 2010c). In this approach a different cubature rule is 266 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan applied to each term fu of the so-called ‘anchored’ decomposition of f . The anchored decomposition has the form fu , (7.5) f= |u|<∞ where for a finite set u the function fu depends only on the set xu of active variables xj , j ∈ u, and vanishes if any of those active variables has the value c. The anchored decomposition has appeared under many different guises: see for example Sobol (1969), Li, Schoendorf, Ho and Rabitz (2004) and Griebel (2006). The terms in the anchored decomposition may be defined recursively by fv (xv ), (7.6) fu (xu ) = f (xu ; c) − v⊂u where the sum is over the strict subsets of u. An explicit formula for fu in terms of f is given by (−1)|u|−|v| f (xv ; c), (7.7) fu (xu ) = v⊆u where now the sum is over all subsets of u. The formula is established, for example, in Theorem 1 of Kuo, Sloan, Wasilkowski and Woźniakowski (2010b). The CD algorithms then take the form Qnu ,u (fu ), (7.8) QCD (f ) := |u|<∞ where, for a finite subset u, Qnu ,u (fu ) = nu −1 1 (i) fu (tu ), nu i=0 with tu ∈ [0, 1]|u| , and we use the convention that Qnu ,u (fu ) vanishes if nu = 0. Thus in the CD algorithm a different cubature rule is applied to each component of the anchored decomposition. We assumed for simplicity that the cubature rule Qnu ,u is a QMC rule, but other choices are clearly possible. Roughly speaking, this algorithm has a significant advantage if for a particular f the important subsets u all have small cardinality (that is, in the language of Caflisch et al. 1997, if the ‘superposition dimension’ is small). (i) 7.3. Cost models and the choice of algorithms In earlier sections we implicitly assumed that the cost of a single function evaluation is always the same, since in assessing cost we only counted the number of function evaluations. Now that the number of variables is High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way 267 unbounded, it seems reasonable to allow the cost of evaluating f (xu ; c) to depend on the set u. We consider two different cost models. • Model A: the cost depends on the highest index of the active variables costA (u) = $(max u). • Model B: the cost depends on the number of active variables costB (u) = $(|u|). Here the ‘dollar’ function $ : N0 → R+ is assumed to be positive and nondecreasing. For example, $(k) = [max(1, k)]σ for some σ > 0. We note that Model A is a simplification of a model introduced in Creutzig, Dereich, Müller-Gronbach and Ritter (2009) and Model B was introduced in Kuo et al. (2010c). Whereas in previous sections we assumed that the cost of an algorithm is simply the number of function evaluations, we now assume that the cost of the algorithm given by (7.2) is n−1 costX (ui ), X ∈ {A, B}. (7.9) costX (Q) := i=0 The aim now is to approximate the integral with accuracy ε > 0 by an algorithm with small cost (rather than a small number of function evaluations). The costs of the SL and ML algorithms under both cost models are, respectively, L SL ML n $(s ) + $(s−1 ) , costX (Q ) = n $(s) and costX (Q ) = =1 while the cost of the CD algorithm under each cost model is nu $(max v) ≤ nu $(max u) 2|u| , costA (QCD ) = v⊆u |u|<∞ costB (Q CD )= |u|<∞ nu v⊆u |u|<∞ $(|v|) ≤ nu $(|u|) 2|u| , |u|<∞ where the sum over v appears due to the need to compute fu using (7.7). One cost model may be more appropriate than the other, depending on the integrand for the application at hand. The choice of algorithm should therefore also depend on the cost model for the given application. 7.4. A reproducing kernel Hilbert space setting Now we restrict the function class further. Just as in the finite-dimensional case, we restrict our considerations to functions that lie in a certain reproducing Hilbert space (RKHS), because it is then possible to compute worst-case errors, and to study tractability of the integration problem. 268 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan Let η : [0, 1]2 → R be a reproducing kernel on the interval [0, 1] such that there exists a c ∈ [0, 1] with η(c, c) = 0. Examples of reproducing kernels satisfying this condition are min(x, y) (see (4.1) with c = 0) or 1 − max(x, y) (see (4.1) with c = 1). Let the RKHS be denoted by H(η), the inner product by ·, · and the corresponding norm by · . Assume that M := sup |η(x, x)| < ∞. x∈[0,1] Then, since |η(x, y)| = |η(·, x), η(·, y)| ≤ η(·, x)η(·, y) = η(x, x)η(y, y) (7.10) for all x, y ∈ [0, 1], we have |η(x, c)| ≤ M η(c, c) = 0.Thus η(x, c) = 0, for all x ∈ [0, 1], (7.11) and we have f (c) = f, η(·, c) = f, 0 = 0, for all f ∈ H(η). Thus all functions f ∈ H(η) vanish at c, in particular, the only constant function in H(η) is f ≡ 0. This implies that the space of constant functions H(1), defined by the kernel 1, is orthogonal to H(η). Moreover, the kernel 1 + η defines an RKHS which is the direct sum of constant functions and functions in H(η). This implies that the space of constant functions H(1), defined by the kernel 1, is orthogonal to H(η) in the space H(1 + η). To define the infinite-dimensional RKHS, for each set u ⊂ N with |u| < ∞ let γu be a non-negative real number, and for points x, y ∈ [0, 1]N let η(xj , yj ) and Kγ (x, y) := γu Ku (xu , y u ), (7.12) Ku (xu , y u ) := |u|<∞ j∈u where again the empty product is defined to be 1. In the following we assume that γu M |u| < ∞. (7.13) |u|<∞ Condition (7.13) ensures that the series expression for Kγ (x, y) converges absolutely and uniformly, since from (7.10) we have |η(x, y)| ≤ M . The kernel Ku defines an RKHS H(Ku ) on [0, 1]|u| , and the kernel Kγ defines an RKHS H(Kγ ) on [0, 1]N . The inner products in H(Kγ ) and H(Ku ) will be denoted by ·, ·γ and ·, ·u respectively, and the corresponding norms by · γ and · u . Note that a condition significantly weaker than (7.13) would be sufficient to define infinite-dimensional integration, but to avoid some technicalities we shall be content with (7.13). In particular, our assumptions imply that function evaluation is continuous at every point x ∈ [0, 1]N . The High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way 269 idea for weakening the conditions is to impose conditions such that infinitedimensional integration and function evaluation at finite-dimensional projections are continuous linear functionals. See the work by Gnewuch, Mayer and Ritter (2013) for even weaker conditions. A function f ∈ H(Kγ ) can be decomposed into a sum of functions fu ∈ H(Ku ) by setting (7.14) fu (xu ) := f, γu Ku (·, xu )γ , which implies fu (xu ) = f, γu Ku (·, xu )γ = f, γu Ku (·, xu ) |u|<∞ |u|<∞ |u|<∞ = f (x). γ (7.15) f is orthogonal in H(K ), since H(η) The decomposition f = γ |u|<∞ u is orthogonal to the space of constant functions and for u = v either there exists j ∈ u, j ∈ / v or there exists j ∈ v, j ∈ / u, implying that Ku (·, xu ), Kv (·, y v )γ = 0 and hence by (7.14) we have fu , Kv (·, y v )γ = 0. By orthogonality, the norm in H(Kγ ) is related to the norm of the projections by the formula fu 2γ = γu−1 fu 2u . f 2γ = |u|<∞ |u|<∞ We now study integration of functions defined on H(Kγ ). Let 1 Ku (y u , xu ) dxu = η(yj , xj ) dxj , hu (y u ) := [0,1]u| j∈u and h(y) := 0 γu hu (y u ). |u|<∞ From (7.13) we conclude that this series converges absolutely and uniformly. The functions hu are orthogonal in H(Kγ ) (since hu ∈ H(Ku )), from which it follows that γu2 hu 2γ = γu2 γu−1 hu 2u (7.16) h2γ = |u|<∞ = γu2 γu−1 |u|<∞ = |u|<∞ γu j∈u |u|<∞ [0,1]|u| 1 1 [0,1]|u| Ku (·, x), Ku (·, y)u dx dy η(xj , yj ) dxj dyj < 0 0 γu M |u| < ∞, |u|<∞ and thus h ∈ H(Kγ ). Note that this decomposition of h differs from the 270 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan decomposition (7.15) (which holds for all functions in H(Kγ )) by a scaling factor γu for each term hu . For f ∈ H(Kγ ) it follows from (7.1) and (7.12) that f (x) dx = lim f (x{1:s} ; c) dx s→∞ [0,1]s [0,1]N f, = lim γu Ku (xu , ·) dx s→∞ [0,1]s γ u⊆{1:s} γu hu = lim f, s→∞ γ u⊆{1:s} = f, hγ . (7.17) Since I∞ = hγ < ∞, it follows that I∞ is a bounded linear functional on H(Kγ ). 7.5. Error analysis in RKHS The analysis of the worst-case error is based on the orthogonal decomposition in the space H(Kγ ). The representer (see (3.11)) of the integration error is given by Kγ (y, x) dy − Q(Kγ (·, x)), ξ(x) = [0,1]N where, in general, Q is a cubature algorithm of the form (7.2) which is applied to the first variable of Kγ (later we will consider only the SL, ML, CD algorithms). As explained in Section 3.3, the worst-case integration error is given by e(Q; H(Kγ )) = ξγ . (In this subsection we use the notation e(Q; H(Kγ )) instead of e(P ; H(Kγ )) as in Section 3.3, since we now allow unequal cubature weights in the algorithm.) Analogously to (7.16), we can obtain an orthogonal decomposition of the worst-case error γu2 ξu 2γ e2 (Q; H(Kγ )) = ξ2γ = = |u|<∞ γu ξu 2u = |u|<∞ γu e2 (Qu ; H(Ku )), |u|<∞ where e(Qu ; H(Ku )) is the worst-case error in the space H(Ku ) using the cubature rule n−1 (i) wi fu (tui ∩u ; c). Qu (f ) = i=0 High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way 271 The relationship between f and its projection fu is given by (7.6) and (7.7). Note that if for u = ∅ there does not exist at least one 0 ≤ i < n such that u ⊆ ui , then Qu (f ) = 0 since fu (tv ; c) = 0 for v ⊆ u and v = u. This orthogonal decomposition of the worst-case error is an essential tool in analysing the integration error. We consider now the orthogonal decompositions of the worst-case error for the SL, ML and CD algorithms in more detail. For the SL algorithm we obtain e2 (QSL ; H(Kγ )) = γu e2 (Qu ; H(Ku )) + u⊆{1:s} |u|<∞ u⊆{1:s} = e2 (QSL ; H(Ks,γ )) + γu e2 (0; H(Ku )) γu m|u| , |u|<∞ u⊆{1:s} where e2 (0; H(Ku )) is the squared initial error (see (3.10)) |u| 2 e (0; H(Ku )) = m , 1 1 m := 0 η(x, y) dx dy ≤ M, 0 and e2 (QSL ; H(Ks,γ )) is the squared worst-case error of the cubature rule for the finite-dimensional weighted space H(Ks,γ ) with reproducing kernel Ks,γ (x, y) = γu Ku (xu , y u ), x, y ∈ [0, 1]s . u⊆{1:s} We can then apply any estimate for e2 (QSL ; H(Ks,γ )) based on lattice rules or digital nets from the previous sections. We can also use general cubature rules other than QMC rules. The ML algorithm approximates each level using a cubature rule with n points. To bound the ML cubature error, note that from (7.15) we have f (x{1:s } ; c) − f (x{1:s−1 } ; c) = fu (xu ) − u⊆{1:s } fu (xu ). u⊆{1:s−1 } Thus the error for the ML algorithm satisfies e2 (QML ; H(Kγ )) = L =1 u⊆{1:s } u{1:s−1 } γu e2 (QML u ; H(Ku )) + |u|<∞ u⊆{1:sL } γu e2 (0; H(Ku )) 272 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan = L e2 (Qn , ; H(Ks ,γ − Ks−1 ,γ )) + L γu m|u| |u|<∞ u⊆{1:sL } =1 ≤ e2 (Qn , ; H(Ks ,γ )) + γu m|u| . |u|<∞ u⊆{1:sL } =1 We then apply previous results for e2 (Qn , ; H(Ks ,γ − Ks−1 ,γ )) or simply e2 (Qn , ; H(Ks ,γ )). For the CD algorithm we have e2 (QCD ; H(Kγ )) = γu e2 (Qnu ,u ; H(Ku )) |u|<∞ = γu e2 (Qnu ,u ; H(Ku )) + |u|<∞ nu >0 γu m|u| . |u|<∞ nu =0 Again, we then apply known estimates for e2 (Qnu ,u ; H(Ku )). The idea now is to choose the number of cubature points (n for SL, n for ML, nu for CD) and the dimensions or sets of variables (s for SL, s for ML, active sets u for CD), such that the error is small for a given cost, or conversely, the cost is small for a given required level of accuracy. One needs to balance the error obtained by truncating the infinite-dimensional integral against the integration error. This leads to a constrained optimization problem which in some cases can be solved using the technique of Lagrange multipliers. For a given application, one would also need to determine suitable weights γu so that the integrand not only belongs to the RKHS setting but also has small norm · γ . 7.6. An infinite-dimensional application Do infinite-dimensional problems arise in practice? A class of infinite-dimensional problems arises from partial differential equations with random fields as coefficients, with one problem being the flow of a liquid (oil or water) through a porous medium (such as rock). For a given pressure gradient, the rate of flow at a particular location depends on the local ‘permeability’ of the medium, which can vary rapidly from point to point. Engineers studying the overall flow properties then have two choices: either to model the true permeability as a rapidly varying function over the region, or (as is often done in practice) to model the permeability as a ‘random field’ whose general characteristics match those of the physical problem. A random field over a two- or three-dimensional region may require a countably infinite number of independent random variables for its complete description, hence High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way 273 the infinite-dimensionality of the problem. Such problems are presently tackled by a variety of methods, beginning with Norbert Wiener’s ‘polynomial chaos’, and continuing to ‘generalized polynomial chaos’, ‘stochastic Galerkin’, and ‘stochastic collocation’ methods. In all those methods the probabilistic aspect of the problem is parametrized by a continuous variable x with a large (possibly infinite) number of components. The solution is approximated by truncation to a manageable number of components of x, and an approximate solution depending on both the truncated x and the physical variables is then sought in a finite-dimensional function space. All such methods face great challenges when the effective dimension is large (where the effective dimension may be loosely defined as the number of components of x needed to obtain a reliable approximation). For hard problems of this type MC or QMC methods may be the engineer’s only choice (Ghanem and Spanos 1991). In a recent paper (Kuo et al. 2012) a QMC method (randomly shifted lattice rule) was applied to a simple (but infinite-dimensional) model of a partial differential equation with a random coefficient, using the methodology of Section 5, after truncation to a finite dimension s. An interesting feature of this work was the appearance for the first time of POD (product and order-dependent) weights (see (4.4)), obtained by minimizing a certain upper bound on the error of some functional (for example, the overall effective permeability) of the solution. An ML version of the same problem was studied in Kuo, Schwab and Sloan (2013), using an ML scheme more complicated than that above, in that a different spatial discretization was employed at each level . 7.7. Notes Early studies of numerical integration for infinite-dimensional problems (and ML methods) include the following: Wasilkowski and Woźniakowski (1995) considered Feynman–Kac path integration, Wasilkowski and Woźniakowski (1996) considered path integration, Heinrich (1998) studied ML in the context of integral equations, Heinrich and Sindambiwe (1999) studied ML in the context of parametric integration, Hickernell and Wang (2002) studied QMC algorithms for infinite-dimensional integration. Giles (2008) considered ML MC schemes for stochastic partial differential equations. Creutzig et al. (2009) introduced the variable subspace sampling model (which generalizes cost model A) and obtained optimality results for ML algorithms for this model, which apply in particular to infinite-dimensional integration of stochastic differential equations. Infinite-dimensional integration using randomized MC algorithms in a hierarchy of finite-dimensional subspaces was studied by Hickernell, Müller-Gronbach, Niu and Ritter (2010). Niu, Hickernell, Müller-Gronbach and Ritter (2011) studied 274 J. Dick, F. Y. Kuo and I. H. Sloan deterministic ML algorithms. Niu and Hickernell (2009) studied MC simulation of infinite-dimensional stochastic integrals arising in financial applications. The CD algorithm combined with QMC methods was introduced in Kuo et al. (2010c). The above results for ML and CD algorithms were improved by Gnewuch (2012b). Plaskota and Wasilkowski (2011) considered the CD algorithm combined with Smolyak algorithms and studied tractability in the worst-case and randomized setting. Higher-order convergence using higher-order polynomial lattice rules in infinite-dimensional anchored spaces was studied by Dick and Gnewuch (2013). Baldeaux (2012) and Baldeaux and Gnewuch (2013) studied randomly scrambled polynomial lattice rules for infinite-dimensional integration, the latter in unanchored Sobolev spaces. Lower bounds were considered by Gnewuch (2013). A probabilistic ML algorithm which yields an unbiased estimator was introduced by Rhee and Glynn (2012). The mathematics of random fields is well described in the book by Adler (1981). For engineering applications of the MC method to problems of porous flow: see for instance Ghanem and Spanos (1991). The ML MC approach has recently been developed for elliptic problems with random input data in Barth, Schwab and Zollinger (2011), Charrier, Scheichl and Teckentrup (2011), Cliffe, Giles, Scheichl and Teckentrup (2011), Schwab and Gittelson (2011) and Teckentrup, Scheichl, Giles and Ullmann (2012). Application of QMC methods to these PDE problems has been considered in Graham et al. (2011), Kuo et al. (2012, 2013) and Graham et al. (2013). 8. Concluding remarks In this survey we have tried to capture key concepts and methods in the rapidly developing field of high-dimensional numerical integration. We have concentrated on equal-weight rules, not because they will always be the best rules for a particular problem (indeed, in low dimensions we know that this is certainly not the case), but because they can be used in practice for very high-dimensional problems. We have not covered sparse grid methods, reviewed in a previous Acta Numerica article by Bungartz and Griebel (2004), which also provide a well-understood approach to integration in moderately high dimensions, and which are especially attractive for the related topic of approximation of functions. In this rapidly developing subject it is almost certain that future research will give a different emphasis to the material covered in this survey, but we think it likely that topics such as reproducing kernels, weighted function spaces, component-by-component constructions, and discrepancy in all its forms, will continue to play starring roles in the science of high-dimensional numerical integration. High-dimensional integration: The quasi-Monte Carlo way 275 Acknowledgements We gratefully acknowledge the the support of the Australian Research Council. J. Dick is supported by an Australian Research Council QEII Fellowship. We have received valuable comments and corrections from Johann Brauchart, Michael Gnewuch, Mario Hefter, Hernan Leovey, Sebastian Mayer, Harald Niederreiter, Dirk Nuyens, Steffen Omland, Art Owen, Klaus Ritter, Grzegorz Wasilkowski, Markus Weimar, and Henryk Woźniakowski. REFERENCES N. Achtsis and D. 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