How to Integrate a Polynomial over a Sphere Author(s): Gerald B. Folland Source: The American Mathematical Monthly, Vol. 108, No. 5 (May, 2001), pp. 446-448 Published by: Mathematical Association of America Stable URL: Accessed: 03-06-2015 16:13 UTC REFERENCES Linked references are available on JSTOR for this article: You may need to log in to JSTOR to access the linked references. Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at info/about/policies/terms.jsp JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and facilitate new forms of scholarship. For more information about JSTOR, please contact Mathematical Association of America is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to The American Mathematical Monthly. This content downloaded from on Wed, 03 Jun 2015 16:13:03 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions REFERENCE 1. I. Panakis,Plane Trigonometry,(in Greek) Vol. II, privatepublication,Athens, 1973. 81 PatmouStreet,Athens, 11144, Greece Florida Atlantic University,Boca Raton, FL 33431 How to Integrate A Polynomial Over A Sphere Gerald B. Folland Severalrecent articlesin the MONTHLY ([1], [2], [4]) have involvedfindingthe area of n-dimensionalballs or spheres or integratingpolynomialsover such sets. None of these articles,however,makesuse of the most elegantand painlessmethod for performingsuch calculations,which is to reversethe usual trick for computing 2 flOe dx. Thereis nothingnew in this idea. It was shownto me in 1971 by V. Bargmannand E. Nelson,andI includedit as an exercisein my book [3], whose firsteditionappeared in 1984.But the evidencesuggeststhatit is not as universallyknownas it shouldbe. First,some notation:For x = (xi, ... xn) E Rn, we set Ix = (X2+ * + x2)1/2, and we denote the sphereand ball of radiusr aboutthe origin in Rnby Sn(r) and Bn(r), respectively: , Sn(r)= {x E Rn: lxl = r}, Bn(r)= {x E Rn: lxI < r}. We also set Sn = Sn(1), Bn = Bn(l). Any nonzerox E Rn can be writtenuniquelyin "polarcoordinates": x = rx', x where r = lxI and x' =-E Sn. lxl Let a denotethe (n - l)-dimensional surfacemeasureon Sn;thenthe formulafor integrationin polarcoordinatesis f f(x)dx = f(rx') rn-1dr da(x'). f (1) (A briefderivationis sketchedin Remark2.) Ourobjectis to computefS P du where P is a polynomial,andfor this it sufficesto considerthe case whereP is a monomial, P(X) 446 ? = X = xx22. 2 .. n (al, aXn E {O,1 2,...}) (2) THE MATHEMATICALASSOCIATION OF AMERICA [Monthly 108 This content downloaded from on Wed, 03 Jun 2015 16:13:03 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions The answeris expressedin termsof the gammafunction, (t) = J e-s stl ds = 2 J dr. r2t1e-r2 The relevantvaluesof t are integersor half-integers;we recall that F(k) = (k - 1)! and F(k + 2) = (k - 2) when k is an integer. ) *** Theorem. Let P be given by (2), and let f3j = 2 (aj + 1). Then if some aj is odd, I 0 2FP(j)F(/2)...P(/On) +/32+ *-+ P) = ]Pd Jr(V1 if all aj areeven. Proof. If some aj is odd,.the integralvanishesby symmetry.Assume thatall oj are even, andconsiderthe integral I= P(x)e-x12 dx. j Evaluationof I in Cartesiancoordinatesgives 0, o n n I=H]I } xi e- dxj = ,00 2, On the other hand, since P(rx') = e-xj dxj = F(/1) xJ ral+ +nnP(x'), ( ..) .(rfn). (3) evaluationin polar coordinates gives p 00 P(rx')e f rrn- dr da(x') raul+ +aUn+n-1 er2 + + PO) r(/1 2 dr P (x') du c(x') p (x') d c(x'). (4) s Comparisonof (3) and(4) yields the desiredresult. U Theintegralof a polynomialP overa ball is nowreadilyobtainedby takingf (x) = P(x)x (x) in (1), where x is the characteristicfunctionof the ball. Namely,if P is givenby (2), R P(x) dx ] Bn(R) = rul+ +Un+n-l dr JOl In particular,for the case P +fn+n rRol Pda = + + n+ n / P d. 1, we have: Corollary. The (n - 1)-dimensional area of Sn is 2wTn/2/r (n/2), and the n-dimensional volume of Bn is 2r n2/n2 (n/2). May 2001] NOTIES This content downloaded from on Wed, 03 Jun 2015 16:13:03 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions 447 Remark 1. The samecalculationsyield the integralof IxiI1"... Ix n over a sphere nonnegativerealnumbers.Thisgeneralizationwas or a ball whenthe aj's arearbitrary also consideredin [2]. Remark2. Here is a sketchof the constructionof the surfacemeasurea and the proofof (1). The startingpointis the fact thatdilationby a factorof r > 0 multiplies if c is the volumeof Bn(1), then n-dimensionalvolumesby a factorof r . In particular, the volumeof Bn(r) is cr . It follows thatthe volumeof a sphericalshell of radiusr andinfinitesimalthicknessdr is d(crn) = ncr n-1 dr. On the otherhand,this volume is the productof the thicknessdr andthe surfaceareaof the sphereSn(r), so thatarea must be ncr-1. The samereasoningappliesto a sectorratherthana whole ball. Thatis, considera subsetU of Sn= Sn(1) andthe correspondingsectorQ?u(r)of Bn(r), Qu(r) = {sx': 0 < s < r, x' E U} . Then if curn is the volume of Qu (r), the surface area of U must be (d/dr) (curn)lr1 = ncU. We are therefore led to define surface measure a on Snby a (U) = n *vol(Qu (1)). of the radianmeasureof an angle thatis used (Forn = 2, this is the characterization in the standardgeometricproofthatlim,0 (sin x)/x = 1.) Finally,if we take U to be an infinitesimalbit of Snwith measureda, we see thatthe volumeof the infinitesimal box {sx' r <s < r + dr, x' E U} is rn-1 dr da, from which (1) follows. To see these calculationsfully clothedin rigorousmeasuretheory,the readermay consult [3, Theorem2.49], where (1) is proved for Lebesgue integrablefunctions on Rn. A moreelementarytreatmentof the case of continuousfunctionscan be found in [2]. REFERENCES 1. L. Badger, Generatingthe measure of n-balls, this MONTHLY 107 (2000) 256-258. 2. J. A. Baker, Integrationover spheres and the divergence theorem for balls, this MONTHLY 104 (1997) 36-47. 3. G. B. Folland, Real Analysis (2nd ed.), John Wiley, New York, 1999. 4. 0. Hijab, The volume of the unit ball in Cn, this MONTHLY 107 (2000) 259. Universityof Washington,Seattle, WA98195-4350 448 ( THE MATHEMATICAL ASSOCIATION OF AMERICA [Monthly 108 This content downloaded from on Wed, 03 Jun 2015 16:13:03 UTC All use subject to JSTOR Terms and Conditions