Telescope and Instrument Performance Summary (TIPS) 21 March 2002 AGENDA 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Hubble Division Perspective SM3B/SMOV3B Update ACS Update NCS/NICMOS Update STIS Update FGS/Pointing Update Rodger Doxsey Carl Biagetti Guido de Marchi Larry Petro Paul Goudfrooij Ed Nelan Next TIPS Meeting: 4 April 2002 TIPS 21Mar02 Carl Biagetti/NISD SMOV3B SMOV3B PROGRESS As of 20 March SMOV3B TIPS 21Mar02 Carl Biagetti J?SLAF8 ./K_p,0..0*.4800_,k,*CQR PCJC?QC8 .7K_p,0..0*.38.1_,k,*CQR QK1`glqr_jj_rgmlqugrfnpgmpgrgcq Gr_jgaqglbga_rcqQKMTtcpgdga_rgml_argtgrgcq, /, 0, 1, 2, 3, 5, Pc_argmlUfccj&PU?' Qmj_p?pp_wGGG_lbBgmbc@mvcq NmucpAmlrpmjSlgr&NAS' ?AQ LAQ-CQK-P_bg_rmp-ANJ KJG@_wq3$4 Lmrglqr_jjcb 4,Ewpmq 5,KJG@_wq5$6 Page 2 SMOV3B TIPS 21Mar02 Carl Biagetti SMOV3b PLAN • MEASURE/MONITOR NEW SPACECRAFT BEHAVIOR • POINTING, THERMAL, POWER • RECOMMISSION EXISTING SIs • STIS, WFPC2 • COMMISSION NEW SIs • ACS • Science/EROs in early April • REVIVE NICMOS • VIA NCS COOLDOWN • Science/EROs in mid/late April Page 3 TIPS 21Mar02 Carl Biagetti SMOV3B SMOV3b PLAN THROUGH MARCH Mar 3, '02 F Task Name S S M T W Mar 10, '02 T F S S M T W Mar 17, '02 T F S S M T W Mar 24, '02 T F S S M T W M T F S 3/27 WFPC2 SCIENCE ENABLE SM3B MISSION BRIGHT EARTH AVOIDANCE (BEA) HST RELEASE 3/9 HST RELEASE 3/9 (PCS1) FHST FOV TEST STIS NOISE TEST (POST-BASELINE) (PCS2) GYRO BIAS DETERMINATION (PCS3) ATTITUDE INITIALIZATION (PCS4) FHST/FHST ALIGNMENT 9002 ACS02 - ACS LOAD & DUMP ON-BOARD 8949 (WFPC2/1) WFPC2 PROTECT DECON 8957 STIS01 STIS CCD FUNCTIONAL 8994 (FGS01) GUIDE STAR ACQ (FGS 1&3) 8999 (FGS06) PRE-NCS JITTER TEST 9003 ACS03 - ACS SCIENCE DATA BUFFER C 9006 ACS06 - ACS CCD TEMP SET POINT DE 8958 STIS02A 8959 STIS03 PRE-NCS IMAGE QUALITY STIS MAMA DARK vs. TEMP 8963 STIS 7 CCD BIAS IMAGES 8964 STIS08 CCD DARKS 8968 (PCS08) VEH DISTURB TEST (ACS FW & 9005 ACS05 - ACS CCD FUNCTIONAL 8961 STIS05 FIRST END-BEA TEST 8960 STIS04A PRE-NCS JITTER TEST FGS/FHST HV OFF NCS FILL PROCEDURE 8967V1 NCS01 START NCS CPL STIS MAMA HV RESTRICTION 8967 NCS01 NCS ACTIVATION & NICMOS COO 8968 VDT visits 31-33 8947 ACS05 ACS DAILY TEST 8961 STIS05 SECOND END-BEA TEST 8945 NCIMOS10 - NICMOS TEMP STABILITY 8958 STIS02B POST-NCS IMAGE QUAL CHK 3/22 BEA COMPLETE 8968 VEHICLE DIST'B'CE TEST (+V3) 8968 VEHICLE DIST'B'CE TEST (-V1) 3/22 3/22 9013 ACS13 - ACS COARSE ALIGNMENT STIS CCD SCIENCE ENABLE 3/22 8950 (WFPC2/2) WFPC2 UVMON, COOL-DOWN 8952 (WFPC2/5) WFPC2 FLAT FIELD CALIBRA 8951 (WFPC2/4) WFPC2 LYMAN ALPHA CHEC NICMOS "HOT" ATTITUDE 8960 STIS04B POST-NCS JITTER TEST 8944 NICMOS01 FW TESTS 1-7 Page 4 S SMOV3B TIPS 21Mar02 Carl Biagetti SMOV - so far BEA completes today ACS – on schedule and nominal STIS – on schedule & nominal 2nd end bea test removed WFPC2 – on schedule & nominal (in PROTECT DECON) 23MAR - Cooldown and UV monitor to begin NICMOS – Nominal Cooling down NCS fails first two start-up attempts => 2 day delay Cooldown rate is uncertain as of (20mar) FGS – Nominal BEA science Page 5 TIPS 21Mar02 Carl Biagetti SMOV3B MAJOR SMOV MILESTONES (UPDATED AS OF 20 MARCH) Release NICMOS Cooldown 09 March 18-27 (tbd) March (NOMINAL 10-DAY COOLDOWN) STIS Basic GO Science 22 March (No MAMA during initial NICMOS cooldown) WFPC2 Cooldown 22 March WFPC2 GO Science 26 March ACS ALIGN 22 March – 7 April ACS EROs 08-11 April “ “ “ ACS Basic GO Science (CCD) 11 April “ “ “ NICMOS Filter Wheel Test 28 March – 04 April NICMOS Alignment (PAM adjust) 05 April – 12 April “ “ “ NICMOS EROs 20-24 April “ “ “ NICMOS Basic GO Science 20 April (without fine aperture locations) SMOV Complete 27 July (ACS/NIC coronographs enabled) (may be accelerated 2-3 days) (may be delayed ~ 1 week) Page 6 Installation of the ACS Guido De Marchi - ESA/STScI - ACS Group • The ACS was installed on board the HST on the 6th of March replacing the ageing FOC • No problems encountered by astronauts during installation • Aliveness test proved that the camera can boot properly • Functional test run soon after to verify ability to provide science grade data Guido De Marchi – TIPS meeting – 21.3.2002 ACS functional test • After switch on, both CCD cooled rapidly to -67 C • Both filter wheels moved properly to position • A set of bias and dark frames was taken for both CCD with several combinations of amplifiers and lamps • The ACS IDT and ACS group at STScI analysed the data simultaneously but independently: same results! Guido De Marchi – TIPS meeting – 21.3.2002 ACS functional test: bias frames • Read noise found to be at nominal values: WFC: ~5 e- rms; HRC: ~4 e- rms • Fourier analysis reveals no correlated noise • Large number of cosmic ray hits seen in bias frames, non uniformly distributed (gradient). Reason: long read out time! One might benefit from CR-SPLIT for exposures shorter than a few minutes [Sirianni] • Cosmic ray events show no tails (i.e. no deferred charge) thus proving good CTE [Riess] Guido De Marchi – TIPS meeting – 21.3.2002 ACS functional test: flat frames • No cosmetic degradation apparent (WFC, HRC), no new large dust particles nor shifting of existing ones [Riess] • Illumination levels consistently higher (~20%) than on the ground for all lamps. Could be due to higher operating temperature in vacuum. Planned internal flat fields will need shorter exposure times [Hartig] • Shadow cast by coronographic finger suggests a shift occurred during flight. Similar shifts seen when moving the camera on the ground [Hartig] • Cycle HRC/SBC fold mirror to ensure nominal position Guido De Marchi – TIPS meeting – 21.3.2002 ACS SMOV programme • On-board memory tested for bit flips during SAA passages: only 8 bits flipped in 6x34 million bytes [De Marchi] • Both CCD (WFC, HRC) cooled rapidly to operating temperatures and remain stable there (–77 C, –80 C) [Cox] • GSFC/Ball are reviewing the thermal models for opportunity to further lower operating temperatures • Dark rate stable to within +/-1 at ~7.5 e-/px/hr, well below specifications (< 25 e-/px/hr) [Sirianni, Mutchler, Cox] Guido De Marchi – TIPS meeting – 21.3.2002 ACS SMOV programme: WFC bias • After CCD activation, bias level gracefully decays and stabilises at ~20 e- down after a few hours [Pavlovsky] • Level of WFC amplifier B shows larger scatter, with variations of up to ~ +/- 10 e-, but RN still 5 e- [Sirianni] • This is not a problem because the offset (i.e. the difference between the bias level in the image and in the physical overscan) is constant to within +/- 0.3 e- [Sirianni] • Correct bias level can be determined from overscan Guido De Marchi – TIPS meeting – 21.3.2002 NICMOS Cooling System Status Larry Petro March 21, 2002 Summary ❖ Successfully installed during SM3b (3/7 & 8) ❖ NCS is operating nominally ❖ Startup anomalies encountered ❖ NICMOS cooldown and NCS performance monitoring underway March 21, 2002 TIPS 2/8 Commissioning activities ❖ NCC circulator loop neon fill (3/16 05:03) ❖ CPL startup begun (3/16 07:53) ❖ NCC circulator started (3/16 23:13) ❖ NCC compressor & turboalternator started (3/17 00:12) ➤ NCC safed (3/17 07:25) ❖ Restart of NCC failed (3/18 18:16) ❖ Successful start following warmup (3/19 00:23) March 21, 2002 TIPS 3/8 Turboalternator anomalies March 17, 2002 ~10% speed reductions TA lowspeed safemode entry N. Jedrich March 21, 2002 TIPS 4/8 Restarts 3/18 & 3/19 B. Fafaul 3000 ❖ 2500 2000 (67)MNCOIFRQ (69)MNCORSPD ❖ (71)MNTBASPD 1500 (74)MNTBALDI (54)MNTBAIPR (53)MNCOINPR (72)MNCOINOI 1000 Similar failures in ground test Retry is standard procedure B. Fafaul 500 3000 0 150 160 170 180 190 Compressor starts, but turboalternator fails to spin 200 2500 2000 (67)MNCOIFRQ (69)MNCORSPD (71)MNTBASPD 1500 (74)MNTBALDI (54)MNTBAIPR (53)MNCOINPR (72)MNCOINOI 1000 500 Both turbines start 0 150 March 21, 2002 TIPS 160 170 180 190 200 5/8 NCS cooldown ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ Rate ~1/2 expected in first 60 hr Turboalternator inlet now 139 K vs 84 K expected Cooling at 9 K/day End surging in 5 more days at this rate at this rate L. Bergeron March 21, 2002 TIPS 6/8 NICMOS cooldown ❖ ❖ ❖ ❖ NICMOS outlet 187 K vs 125 K expected after 60 hr Cooling at 16 K/day 7 days to reach operating temperature at this rate Detectors ~190 K L. Bergeron March 21, 2002 TIPS 7/8 NCS Status ❖ Cryovalve heater operating nominally ➤ ➤ ➤ ❖ ❖ No leakage past o-rings No change in Aft Shroud pressure during NCS operation (holding at ~1×10-6 torr) Heater power cycle is nominal (40- 50 %) Jitter during surging less than 7 mas Cooling rate less than anticipated during first 60 hours of cooldown ➤ March 21, 2002 Approaching expected rate TIPS 8/8 STIS Status: Results from SM3B/SMOV3B Paul Goudfrooij & Jeff Valenti Mar 21, 2001 TIPS STIS (In-Bay) Noise Tests Purpose: Monitor shuttle noise environment; support ACS noise tests Test Sequence: 8 pairs of CCD bias frames (all 4 amps, unbinned and binned 2x2) MAMA electronics noise test with high voltage off, lowered threshold Measurements before and after HST capture and after HST release Results: Read Noise (electrons) Amp Gain Binning Test 1 Test 2 SMOV Nominal D 1 None 5.8 5.6 5.5 5.2-5.9 D 1 2x2 4.8 5.0 5.0 4.6-5.3 (Side-2 pattern noise (15-18 kHz) contributes 1.2 electrons to read noise) SMOV3B Activity Flow for STIS Mar 13 Before SMOV3B CCD Biases During SMOV3B New Flux Standards Daily CCD Functional Image Quality Image Quality Mar 12 Mar 14 NCC On Mar 24 Mar 16-18 Jitter Test MAMA Dark vs. Temp Mar 13 Jitter Test No Yes Begin CCD Science Mar 29 MAMA Mar 28 Mar 15 MAMA Darks Mar 22 Mar 14 (only 1) Contingency Plan OK? Jitter Test End of BEA Test After SMOV3B CCD Darks Mar 13 CCD Daily OK? No Mar 29 Leave Yes BEA Contamination Monitor (6) Weekly Mar 31 Begin MAMA Science 2/Week Mar 29 End-of-BEA (Bright Earth Avoidance) Test Purpose: Test for contamination that might cause polymerization if illuminated by solar UV radiation, thereby significantly affecting FUV throughput. Test Sequence: G140L spectra of WD2126+734 before and after SM3B (∆t = 0.55 yr) Results: Fractional Change (%) Calculate fractional change in net count rate vs. wavelength No Significant Contamination Change after Time & Temp Correction Raw Change in Count Rate Wavelength (Å) Fractional change in sensitivity is –0.3 ± 0.8% MAMA Dark Rate vs. Temperature Purpose: Verify nominal performance of MAMA detectors Test Sequence: Measure MAMA dark rate at beginning and end of two SAA-free periods Results: FUV-MAMA Side 1 Side 2 SMOV MAMA Dark Rate Nominal NUV-MAMA Image Quality Test Purpose: Check STIS focus before and after NCC turn-on Results: Phase retrieval by John Krist –2.1 µm defocus after breathing correction Within realm of breathing model accuracy Pre-NCC turn-on Focus is Nominal MEMORANDUM TO: Distribution DATE: March 21, 2002 SUBJECT: Questions and Answers from 21 March 2002 TIPS Meeting HD Perspective Presenter – Rodger Doxsey No questions. SM3b/SMOV3b Update Presenter – Carl Biagetti Q: Would the NICMOS cool-down schedule slip affect the ERO release plan? A: Yes. The original plan was to have a single press release together with ACS, but now we might have to delay the release of ACS results or have 2 separate press releases. The decision will be made tomorrow. ACS Update Presenter – Guido De Marchi Q: What is the timescale for the ACS/WFC Amplifier B Bias level decay? A: The timescale is about 24 hours. Q: When investigating the possibility of achieving a lower temperature for ACS, will the engineers also look at the implications to the entire system and how it will affect the aft shroud temperature? A: Yes, the engineers will look into how the entire system will be impacted by a change in the operating temperature for ACS. Q: What is the turnaround time for the data to get to us? A: The data takes a few hours to get to the ground and about 40 minutes to go through OPUS. Q: When will the ACS GTO program start? A: The bulk of the program will begin when ACS is properly aligned with FGS, possibly by mid April. Basic science observations, however, will start a bit before then. NICMOS/NCS Update Presenter – Larry Petro Q: Is the gradual speed decline of the turbo alternator anticipated? A: The speed decline is anticipated since the fluid density increases with decreasing temperature. This is normal. 1 Q: The actual and the model cool-down rates were plotted against time. Would a plot of the cool-down rates versus temperature provide better comparisons? A: We have not done that comparison yet, and it will be next. Q: Could the slower than expected cool-down rate simply mean that the cool-down model used was wrong? A: We may have more parasitic heat loss in the system. Q: Given the longer than expected cool-down rate, does it mean that NICMOS and the entire system have to be on all the time? A: The current plan is to keep NICMOS cool at all times. Q: What is the warmest temperature that NICMOS can operate at? A: At this point we do not have detailed calculations yet, but the cooler (around 82 – 83 K) the better. The team will need to establish not the temperature requirements but the critical requirements for scientific performance at operational temperature above our current expectation. Q: Can we manually speed up the cooling process? A: The cooling system is at maximum performance right now, and there is nothing we can do to speed up the cooling process at this point. STIS Update Presenter – Paul Goudfrooij Q: What is the current temperature range for the MAMAs? A: It is not clear at this point. From looking at the dark frames, the temperature seems to be the same as before the servicing mission. We will need to wait for a few weeks, until all other systems are up, before we can get a better read on the MAMA temperatures. FGS/Pointing Update Presenter – Ed Nelan Comment: The small-amplitude periodic jitters could be due to the new solar arrays or they could be from heating and cooling from the other parts of the spacecraft. 2