Detection of Line-shaped Tracks in Images with DADD STScI

Detection of Line-shaped
Tracks in Images with
Peter R. McCullough
Jul 21, 2011
How fast we are progressing…
2007, First Map of an Alien World, SST press
release for Nature article of Knutson et al.
2009, Alien Maps of an Ocean-bearing World,
ApJ title of Cowan et al.
2011, Observational Evidence of Sentient Life
on an Earth-like Planet, TIPS alternative title
of McCullough
How fast we are progressing…
2007, First Map of an Alien World, SST press
release for Nature article of Knutson et al.
2009, Alien Maps of an Ocean-bearing World,
ApJ title of Cowan et al.
2011, Observational Evidence of Sentient Life
on an Earth-like Planet, McCullough (this work)
DADD = Doubling Accumulation Drift Detection
DADD brought to you by …
Jill Tarter, JHU seminar 2004-2005
Richard Stauduhar (1940-2010), mathematician for
the SETI Institute and U.C. Berkeley Space
Sciences Lab, private communication 2005.
Cullers & Deans 1992, unpublished*, cited by
Backus, P. R. 1993, The NASA SETI Microwave Observing
project Targeted Search, in Third Decennial US-USSR
Conference on SETI, ASP Conference Series, Vo. 47, p. 323.
* thanks to Jill Lagerstrom (and the authors) for
obtaining a scanned copy of this unpublished report.
Line-shaped streaks (from bright lights on Earth)
appear in ~30% of HST WFC3 observations of the
dark-side of Earth, (taken for flat fields, to be
described in a future TIPS). DADD automates
flagging of pixels within streaks.
DADD = Doubling Accumulation Drift Detection
Requirement of slow drift: |slope| > 1
Mathematical operations:
Brute force: ~2NM2
DADD: ~2 NM log2 M
DADD accumulates pairwise like the FFT ;
DADD reuses sums of pixels common to
multiple lines across the 2-D array.
To apply DADD to 2-D imagery, we analyze
the image successively four times with
rotations of 0º, 90º, 180º, and 270º in order to
detect trails of arbitrary slope and origin.
M Times
M spectra, each with N channels
N Frequencies
DADD = Doubling Accumulation Drift Detection
00 00
00 11
01 12
01 23
0000 0000
0000 1111
0011 1122
0011 2233
0112 2334
0112 3445
0123 3456
0123 4567
continuous functions:
all steps = 0 or 1 channel
constant derivatives
M Times
N Frequencies
DADD is sensitive
DADD is sensitive, quick,
Execution time per track identified
= 0.7 seconds per megapixel
= 2.8 s for 2048x2048
DADD is sensitive, quick, and stands alone
Execution time per track identified
= 0.7 seconds per megapixel
= 2.8 s for 2048x2048
C code operating on 16-bit FITS 2-D images,
with an IDL wrapper to facilitate preprocessing and post-processing analysis.
(WFC3 ISR coming soon)
Summary: DADD can be used for detection of …
1. SETI signals, e.g. weak, drifting narrowband CW
signal in time series of RF spectra
2. Streaks across dark-Earth flat-fields (as illustrated)
3. Cosmic ray trails*
4. Asteroid or satellite trails*
5. Bleeding (overexposed PSF) trails* ^
6. Slitless grism spectra* ^
* DADD is less sensitive to shorter line segments.
^ DADD is probably overkill where orientation of trails is
fixed and known a priori.