Detection of Line-shaped Tracks in Images with DADD STScI Peter R. McCullough Jul 21, 2011 1 How fast we are progressing… 2007, First Map of an Alien World, SST press release for Nature article of Knutson et al. 2009, Alien Maps of an Ocean-bearing World, ApJ title of Cowan et al. 2011, Observational Evidence of Sentient Life on an Earth-like Planet, TIPS alternative title of McCullough 2/11 How fast we are progressing… 2007, First Map of an Alien World, SST press release for Nature article of Knutson et al. 2009, Alien Maps of an Ocean-bearing World, ApJ title of Cowan et al. 2011, Observational Evidence of Sentient Life on an Earth-like Planet, McCullough (this work) 3/11 DADD = Doubling Accumulation Drift Detection DADD brought to you by … Jill Tarter, JHU seminar 2004-2005 Richard Stauduhar (1940-2010), mathematician for the SETI Institute and U.C. Berkeley Space Sciences Lab, private communication 2005. Cullers & Deans 1992, unpublished*, cited by Backus, P. R. 1993, The NASA SETI Microwave Observing project Targeted Search, in Third Decennial US-USSR Conference on SETI, ASP Conference Series, Vo. 47, p. 323., * thanks to Jill Lagerstrom (and the authors) for obtaining a scanned copy of this unpublished report. 4/11 Line-shaped streaks (from bright lights on Earth) appear in ~30% of HST WFC3 observations of the dark-side of Earth, (taken for flat fields, to be described in a future TIPS). DADD automates flagging of pixels within streaks. 5/11 DADD = Doubling Accumulation Drift Detection Requirement of slow drift: |slope| > 1 Mathematical operations: Brute force: ~2NM2 DADD: ~2 NM log2 M DADD accumulates pairwise like the FFT ; DADD reuses sums of pixels common to multiple lines across the 2-D array. To apply DADD to 2-D imagery, we analyze the image successively four times with rotations of 0º, 90º, 180º, and 270º in order to detect trails of arbitrary slope and origin. M Times M spectra, each with N channels N Frequencies 6/11 DADD = Doubling Accumulation Drift Detection 00 00 00 11 01 12 01 23 0000 0000 0000 1111 0011 1122 0011 2233 0112 2334 0112 3445 0123 3456 0123 4567 continuous functions: all steps = 0 or 1 channel 0001 0111 constant derivatives M Times 00 01 N Frequencies 7/11 DADD is sensitive 8/11 DADD is sensitive, quick, Execution time per track identified = 0.7 seconds per megapixel = 2.8 s for 2048x2048 9/11 DADD is sensitive, quick, and stands alone Execution time per track identified = 0.7 seconds per megapixel = 2.8 s for 2048x2048 C code operating on 16-bit FITS 2-D images, with an IDL wrapper to facilitate preprocessing and post-processing analysis. (WFC3 ISR coming soon) 10/11 Summary: DADD can be used for detection of … 1. SETI signals, e.g. weak, drifting narrowband CW signal in time series of RF spectra 2. Streaks across dark-Earth flat-fields (as illustrated) 3. Cosmic ray trails* 4. Asteroid or satellite trails* 5. Bleeding (overexposed PSF) trails* ^ 6. Slitless grism spectra* ^ * DADD is less sensitive to shorter line segments. ^ DADD is probably overkill where orientation of trails is fixed and known a priori. 11/11