INS NEWS HST Instruments: continue to work well and Hubble passed the milestone of its 1,000,000th image with a WFC3/IR Grism observation of HAT-P-7b. On JWST the main piece of news is that TFI will be descoped. It will now feature interferometric imaging through a non-redundant mask aperture, wide field grism spectroscopy, single object grism spectroscopy for exoplanet transits, and broad band imaging. Staff changes: Aparna Maybhate has taken on the role of RIAB Deputy. Luigi Bedin, Sami Niemi and Brian Ferguson have all left STScI. Keith Noll will leave in October. Housing: Bloomberg/Muller moves are almost finished. Our thanks to all concerned. Keswick lease is signed, expect take up occupancy in fall 2012.