Hubble Operations Dept. Cycle 11 Phase II: GO Programs Submitted Not submitted; granted extensions Not submitted; delinquent GO Orbits Percent SNAP orbits Programs SNAP Targets 148 2835 86% 11 1456 10 419 13% 2 202 6 38 1.1% 0 0 TIPS: 2002-02-21 1 of 4 Cycle 12 Proto-Schedule: CP input due: CP issued: Phase I proposals due: TAC meets: Notification to proposers: Phase II programs due: Start of Cycle 12: July 10, 2002 October 15, 2002 January 24, 2003 March 24-29, 2003 April 4, 2003 May 16, 2003 August 1, 2003 TIPS: 2002-02-21 2 of 4 Servicing Mission 3B: Summary Nominal science SMS constructed for week of launch (02056). It includes transition visits (configure SIs to nominal SMS boundary states, slew to rendezvous attitude, and provide command load breaks for intercept). • Transition visits once per day, ~6 hours after launch time. • Must be at rendezvous attitude no later than 7 hours after launch. • Science continues if launch delayed. Intercept SMS also created to maintain rendezvous attitude (i.e., all science removed after rendezvous time). Intercept SMS applies to one launch day only. TIPS: 2002-02-21 3 of 4 Transition If launch occurs, intercept to science SMS needed. Science SMS interrupted and intercept SMS starts to stay at the rendezvous attitude for an extended time. The intercept time occurs within the transition visit so that the FOT has 5 to 7 hours after launch to uplink the new command loads. This timing requires delivery of intercept SMS before launch. Launch Delays If launch delayed, intercept does not occur and science SMS continues. New intercept SMS generated for next launch opportunity. There are four intercept opportunities in the 02056 calendar: Thursday through Sunday. If launch is delayed into the following week (02063), we handle it as above. The 02063 SMS is built anyway so that it is available on time. TIPS: 2002-02-21 4 of 4