Telescope and Instrument Performance Summary (TIPS) 18 July 2002 AGENDA 1. 2. 3. CADC/ECF WFPC2 Associations Status of Pydrizzle Software GSC2 Status and Implementation Plans Next TIPS Meeting: 15 August 2002 Dave Schade Warren Hack Brian McLean STScI TIPS Meeting - 18 July 2002 David Schade Canadian Astronomy Data Centre WFPC2 Science Products Pipeline Developed as a partnership of the Canadian Astronomy Data Centre and the Space Telescope-European Coordination Facility Built on the foundation of the WFPC2 calibration pipeline 1 Canadian Astronomy Data Centre STScI TIPS Meeting - 18 July 2002 Goals of the present pipeline/VO prototype delivery system 1. To provide a science-quality image products in a ready-to-use form 2. To provide science-quality source and object catalogues 3. To provide a basic archive interface to these products 4. To provide a VO prototype interface to these products (in combination with other products) We view production of VO content as part of our VO-targeted work 2 Canadian Astronomy Data Centre STScI TIPS Meeting - 18 July 2002 “A” associations: 1st generation created by ST-ECF and CADC • 3 Jitter information complete for 57% of the assocations Canadian Astronomy Data Centre STScI TIPS Meeting - 18 July 2002 “B” associations: 2nd generation created by CADC and ST-ECF • Cross-correlation used to get dither offsets • Total of 28167 “B”-assocations • Top 6 filters comprise 14977 associations with T(sum)=35.15 million seconds • 4 Exposure times: Average 2347. Seconds, median ~ 900 seconds Canadian Astronomy Data Centre STScI TIPS Meeting - 18 July 2002 “B” associations: 2nd generation created with ST-ECF Number of associations Median exposure time Average exposure time Association exposure time 5 Canadian Astronomy Data Centre STScI TIPS Meeting - 18 July 2002 Number of associations “B” associations: 2nd generation created with ST-ECF Half of the associations Filter name 6 Canadian Astronomy Data Centre STScI TIPS Meeting - 18 July 2002 Producing stacked images and catalogues for WFPC2 Associations Alberto has reviewed the history 7 Dither Patterns Stacking Jitter Cross-Correlation WCS Shift method Drizzle? Combine method (Artificial Skepticism) X-Corr X-Corr took 2.5 years to complete: b-associations Source Catalogues Astrometry Photometry Detection Properties These two steps can be executed in 5 days for the full WFCP2 collection Object Catalogues colors morphology (redshift) redshift) (X-ray,FIR,radio) These will be released fall 2002 Canadian Astronomy Data Centre STScI TIPS Meeting - 18 July 2002 Producing stacked images and catalogues for WFPC2 CNOC1 Images 2d-spectra 1d-spectra Derived parameters Associations Dither Patterns Stacking Jitter Cross-Correlation WCS Shift method Drizzle? Combine method (Artificial Skepticism) Source Catalogues Astrometry Photometry Detection Properties Object Catalogues colors morphology (redshift) redshift) (X-ray,FIR,radio) Other catalogue at different wavelength 8 Canadian Astronomy Data Centre STScI TIPS Meeting - 18 July 2002 Astrometry Corrections Subset of 1680 stacks: 89% have 1 or more USNO2 stars on the mosaic Offset in RA (seconds of arc) Error in the RA offset This is a completely random set of filters: red filters will be better 9 Canadian Astronomy Data Centre STScI TIPS Meeting - 18 July 2002 Things that we need to do 1. Quality Verification: Design and execute a set of data quality tests 2. Documentation: Produce online documentation and a refereed publication describing the project 3. Develop automated maintenance for the system 4. Develop, enhance, extend the VO environment for WFPC2, ACS, other collections 10 Canadian Astronomy Data Centre July TIPS SPACE TELESCOPE SCIENCE INSTITUTE 18 July 2002 Warren Hack PyDrizzle and ACS Pipeline Calibration 1 July TIPS SPACE TELESCOPE SCIENCE INSTITUTE 18 July 2002 Warren Hack Standard ACS Calibrations The standard ACS pipeline calibration software was designed from the STIS pipeline software. This software performs a wide-range of calibration steps, including bias subtraction, dark subtraction, flat-fielding, and even cosmic-ray rejection. ACS observations have some properties which standard pipeline processing performed for STIS or NICMOS could not address; specifically, significant optical distortion. In addition, a 50 pixel wide gap between the chips in the Wide-Field Camera (WFC) would require the use of dithering in order to get data from behind the gap. The tasks in the STSDAS Dither package provide the tools to address both of these issues. 2 July TIPS SPACE TELESCOPE SCIENCE INSTITUTE 18 July 2002 Warren Hack Dither and the Pipeline Drizzle was developed to combine the dithered observations of the Hubble Deep Field into a mosaic for analysis. It can also be used to remove distortion as well. However, there are many problems with getting this software to run in the pipeline. • a large number of parameters need to be determined, as documented in the 164-page HST Dither Handbook • IRAF CL scripts do not support error handling necessary for a pipeline • IRAF scripts tend to be fragile and can be hard to maintain • drizzle only understands how to work on a single chip at a time • drizzle can not properly apply distortion to subarray data at this time A new task was written to control the operation of ‘drizzle’ for use in the calibration pipeline for ACS: PyDrizzle. 3 July TIPS SPACE TELESCOPE SCIENCE INSTITUTE 18 July 2002 Warren Hack What is PyDrizzle? PyDrizzle \Py” driz” zle\, n. 1. A program written in Python to be run under the PyRAF environment that automates the use of the Dither task ‘drizzle’. PyDrizzle automates the use of ‘drizzle’ through the following features: • interprets association tables to determine input images to be combined into a final product. • understands how all the chips in an observation need to be combined into a single image for ACS (and WFPC2) • computes the shifts between exposures from the WCS header keywords • converts distortion coefficients for ACS into a format understood by ‘drizzle’ • only requires one command to run drizzle on all input images • allows single exposures to be drizzled to separate outputs if desired • also controls the use of blot, for use in cosmic-ray rejection 4 5 July TIPS SPACE TELESCOPE SCIENCE INSTITUTE 18 July 2002 Warren Hack PyDrizzle and Association tables ACS observations can be associated in the pipeline for a number of reasons: • CR-SPLIT or REPEAT-OBS data • Dither pattern specified] A simple CR-SPLIT, 2-point dither association table, JNXXAA10T_ASN.FITS: MEMNAME 1st 2nd CR product CR product Dither product MEMTYPE MEMPRSNT JNXXAAB1T EXP-CR1 yes JNXXAAB2T EXP-CR1 yes JNXXAAC1T EXP-CR2 yes JNXXAAC2T EXP-CR2 yes JNXXAA11T PROD-CR1 yes JNXXAA12T PROD-CR2 yes JNXXAA10T PROD-DTH no July TIPS SPACE TELESCOPE SCIENCE INSTITUTE 18 July 2002 Warren Hack PyDrizzle Processing Steps PyDrizzle performs a number of operations in preparation for running drizzle. 1. Determine input image(s) and name of output product 2. Interrogate each input image to determine the detector 3. Read each extension of each input image to extract WCS information 4. Read in distortion coefficients for each observation 5. Build a virtual ‘meta-chip’ which combines all chips from an exposure into a single image after applying distortion coefficients 6. Compare WCS information for each exposure to determine any shifts, scaling, and/or rotation needed to create final combined product 7. Sets up drizzle parameters for each chip based on info from previous step 8. Run drizzle for each chip 9. Combine all three products from drizzle to create a single distortion-corrected, multi-extension FITS image. 6 July TIPS SPACE TELESCOPE SCIENCE INSTITUTE 18 July 2002 Warren Hack PyDrizzle and Exposures Drizzle was only designed to operate on a single group or extension of an image at a time. Thus, it falls on the user to figure out (if at all possible) the shifts, output image size and plate scale for each chip or extension to combine a multi-chip observation into a single combined image. A single distortion-corrected image was desired as the final product for the ACS calibration pipeline, therefore, PyDrizzle needed to know how to combine the chips into a single image. The IDCTAB, distortion coefficients reference table, not only contains the distortion coefficients, but also the absolute position of each chips reference point. This allows PyDrizzle to compute the offsets between the chips. This offset gets recorded in the coefficients file passed to drizzle for each chip. 7 July TIPS SPACE TELESCOPE SCIENCE INSTITUTE 18 July 2002 Warren Hack PyDrizzle and Shifts Image registration can pose serious problems when drizzling images, as slight offsets in pointing can result in multiple images. PyDrizzle addresses this in two ways: • Determination of the shifts by PyDrizzle start with the WCS information read in from the image headers. – HST observations taken as part of a dither-pattern rely on the same guide stars, thereby minimizing pointing errors. – The same assumptions can not be made, however, for mosaics or images taken with different instruments at different epochs. • PyDrizzle can read in delta’s from optional columns in the association table. – These columns provide the offset from the header WCS values necessary to accurately combine the images. – These offsets can be computed using any method desired by the user. 8 July TIPS SPACE TELESCOPE SCIENCE INSTITUTE 18 July 2002 Warren Hack Running PyDrizzle The actual operation of PyDrizzle has been designed to be as simple as possible. The default case only requires the name of the input image or association table as input, information the pipeline has when processing the data. Taking the association table presented earlier as an example, we can run PyDrizzle to create a dither-combined product in just one command. xena> pyraf >>> stsdas >>> analysis >>> dither >>> pydrizzle jnxxaa10t_asn.fits (PyDrizzle messages printed here...) >>> display jnxxaa10t_drz.fits[sci,1] 1 9 July TIPS SPACE TELESCOPE SCIENCE INSTITUTE 18 July 2002 Warren Hack Where it is being used... The ACS calibration pipeline currently uses PyDrizzle for: ♦ geometric distortion correction for single images ♦ dither-combining, and distortion correction for associated data In addition, the Dither Working Group has been providing input into further development of PyDrizzle. Development has begun on: • shift refinement with PyDrizzle • cosmic-ray detection and removal using the dither package algorithms A simple, proof-of-concept Python script has already been written by Anton Koekemoer using PyDrizzle to perform cosmic-ray rejection and dither-combination of ACS and WFPC2 data. 10 DSS-II/GSC-II Project Status Brian McLean CASB/ACDSD CASB Mission Statement CASB is committed to producing and distributing all-sky digital images, deep object catalogues, and software tools to support operations of current and future ground and space based astronomical observatories, and to provide a research and educational resource to the community Catalogs and Surveys Branch Operational Goals DSS : Scan, archive, compress and put on-line, all available Schmidt sky survey plates GSC-II : Build database to create a deep all-sky catalog with positions, proper motions, magnitudes, colors and classifications from all available observational material and published catalogs Mission Support : Provide access and tools to use the DSS and GSC for operational support of telescopes and scientific research July 22, 02 Images/Catalogs for Observation Planning STIS/(COS) Bright Object Protection (integrated with APT) Update HST GSC with better positions NGST near-IR Guide Stars (K<18) GEMINI & VLT GS (tracking & adaptive optics) TIPS Meeting 2 Catalogs and Surveys Branch DSS-II Overview Scan new survey plates from the Palomar and UK Schmidt telescopes STScI/CASB scan archive (8TB raw data) All-sky, minimum 3 bandpasses (J, F, N) 15 µ (1”) sampling, 23040x23040 pixels of 1.2 GB each Older 25 µ scans to be replaced as resources permit Raw FITS images on MOD with 8mm tape backup Compressed images on-line (CD jukebox+NAS RAIDarray) Distributed to Data Centers worldwide DSS retrievals are “most requested’ service by community Photometric and astrometric calibration of all images calibrations provided in image headers July 22, 02 TIPS Meeting Survey Number Plates (7952) POSS-I E 880 POSS-I O 880 Pal-QV 614 POSS-II J 897 POSS-II F 897 POSS-II N 897 SERC-J/EJ 894 SERC-QV 90 PPARC-ER 288 AAO-SES 606 AAO-GR 109 UKSTU-IR 894 Special XX 3 6 Catalogs and Surveys Branch Summary of Plate Processing (June 2002) Survey Epoch Plate/Filter Band Depth Scanned CDROM Process Pal- QV 1983 -85 IIaD+W12 V 19.5 100% 100% 42% 0% SERC -J/EJ 1975 -87 IIIaJ+GG395 BJ 23.0 100% 100% 100% 100% POSS -I E 1950 -58 103aE+red R 20.0 100% 100% 90% 3% POSS -I O 1950 -58 103aO B 21.0 55% 15% 1% 0% POSS- II J 1987 -00 IIIaJ+GG385 22.5 100% 100% 100% 100% POSS -II F 1987 -99 IIIaF+RG610 R 20.8 100% 100% 100% 100% POSS -II N 1987 -01 IV-N +RG9 I 19.5 99% 99% 99% 87% AAO - SES/SERC - ER 1990 -00 IIIaF+OG590 R 22.0 100% 100% 100% 100 % SERC -I 199 0-02 IV -N +RG715 I 19.5 96% 96% 96% 86% July 22, 02 B J TIPS Meeting DB 4 Catalogs and Surveys Branch GSC-II Overview All-sky catalog of positions, proper motions, magnitudes and colors Use all available images : DSS-I/DSS-II images + unpublished (QV,XO) complete to a minimum of V=18 (Goal is plate limited) GSC-II will have multiple observations for ~2 billion objects Used commercial OODb All observed object parameters stored in db, ~3TB final size “Master Index” links all observations and catalogs to individual objects on the sky. Recalibrations can be applied within db Export catalog as binary FITS tables GSC-II project is partially funded by external partners July 22, 02 OATo, GEMINI, ESO, ESA/ST-ECF and ESA/SA Receive prepublication data access for telescope operations and science projects TIPS Meeting 5 Catalogs and Surveys Branch GSC-II Goals Positions Proper Motions Errors due to limited time baseline between observation epochs typically 5-30 mas/year in North and 20-40 mas/year in South Photometry < 0.50”absolute; average across a single plate; < 0.20” relative, over 1/2o field < 0.15”adherence to ICRS reference frame, average over all plates 0.2mag error between 12-18 magnitude Classification: July 22, 02 95% accuracy within two magnitudes of plate limit TIPS Meeting 6 Catalogs and Surveys Branch Overview of Precision Photometry Astrometry Zero pt. error less than <0.04mag Rms errors vary from 0.15mag near sequence to 0.28mag at edges Zero pt. offsets are negligible <0.01” Rms errors vary from 0.15” in plate center to 0.5” at edge Magnitude equation < 0.1” not corrected yet Classification July 22, 02 90-95% to 18th mag Known errors with bright stars – corrected by final release date TIPS Meeting 7 Catalogs and Surveys Branch Catalog Releases PREVIOUS RELEASES GSC 2.0 PLANNED RELEASES delivered 7/99 Sky coverage prioritized for GEMINI SV, HST BOP Two-passbands (J,F), without proper motions Deliverable to GEMINI and ESO/VLT only GSC 2.3 GSC 2.1.0 delivered 8/00 Same as GSC 2.1.0, increased sky coverage Improved Photometric calibration with GSPC 2 Improved Astrometric calibration with Tycho 2 GSC 2.2.0 Same as GSC 2.0, but with available sky coverage Preliminary astrometry, photometry, classification GSC 2.1.1 delivered 3/00 GSC 2.n+ delivered 06/01 Complete sky coverage in 2 passbands Magnitude limited (F<18.5, J<19.5) Initial community release (www, data-centers) estimated March 2003 Adds available XE, XO, QV plates + IR (XI, XN) Recalibration with final astrometric masks, magnitude equation and vignetting function Reclassification with final decision trees Proper motions computed “Maintenance Mode” Inclusion of 2MASS data (HST science planning/NGST) Galaxy photometry Improved global error analysis and removal of systematic errors GSC 2.2.1 July 22, 02 color corrections proper motion corrections delivered 06/01 Complete sky coverage in 2 passbands Plate limited Internal consortium release for Telescope Operations and Science Teams TIPS Meeting 8 Catalogs and Surveys Branch HST Pointing Improved positional accuracy of Guide Stars July 22, 02 More recent epoch of observation More accurate astrometry (reduced systematic errors) Proper motions ICRS reference frame NGSS will select GSC-I or GSC-II based on RPS2 keyword Requires addition of dynamic WCS updates to DSS retrieval with GSC-II astrometry Plan to test GSC-II using selected cycle 12 calibration observations General GO usage for cycle 13 TIPS Meeting 9 Catalogs and Surveys Branch HST Astrometry Future observations using GSC-II will have improved astrometry for aligning with observations at other wavelengths = Better Science Archived observations using GSC-I can be ‘updated’ with GSC-II positions. Can be accomplished either July 22, 02 ‘On-the-fly’ Updated headers in archive Schedule TBD TIPS Meeting 10 Catalogs and Surveys Branch Observation Planning DSS and GSC-II already integrated into APT http services In process of switching DSS from CDROM jukebox to RAIDarray for improved reliability and response. GSC-II Export catalog also on RAIDarray. Bright Object Protection Plan to merge 2MASS data into database July 22, 02 Provide IR data for HST science planning Create GS catalog for NGST pointing TIPS Meeting 11 Catalogs and Surveys Branch Summary DSS approaching completion GSC-II completed next year Worked with APT to integrate DSS and GSC-II Plans already in place for transition of HST pointing from GSC-I to GSC-II Discussions started for implementing improved astrometry of HST images from the archive July 22, 02 TIPS Meeting 12 MEMORANDUM TO: Distribution DATE: July 18, 2002 SUBJECT: Questions and Answers from the 18 July 2002 TIPS Meeting CADC/ECF WFPC2 Associations Presenter – Dave Schade Q: Do the associations span across different visits? Do the association span across different proposals? A: The associations do not span across different proposals, but they do span across visits with the same roll angle. Q: Will the number of associations increase significantly if they span different proposals? A: We do not know, but we expect the number to be small. Q: Are the data currently available publicly? What is the current means to access the data? A: The data do exist but not in a public form. CADC can arrange for immediately access to available data on a case-by-case basis, and we are working with the STScI archive to make the data available publicly. Q: What is the assessment of the quality of the current data? What fraction of the data is being considered as problematic? How do you measure the quality of the data? A: The assessment of data quality spans across the entire reduction process, which includes source detection problems. Data towards the blue side seem to have more problems. Problematic data constitute only a few percent of the entire dataset. An empirical parameter set, which includes filters used, exposure time, etc., was used to provide quantitative measures to assess the quality of the data. Status of PyDrizzle Software Presenter – Warren Hack Q: Does PyDrizzle refine shifts with delta-associations and rotation as well? A: Yes, rotation is part of it. Q: Does PyDrizzle give shifts in pixels? A: In PyDrizzle, shifts are given in RA and Dec. Q: Does OTFR result in PyDrizzle products? A: Yes, but only the default parameters will be used for the process. Q: When should we run PyDrizzle externally beyond the standard pipeline calibration? A: Some examples of situation where one would want to run PyDrizzle externally include deep observations and observations with different dither patterns. 1 Q: Are there plans to implement other techniques, such as cross-correlations, to improve on the shifts? A: We are not clear at this point as to what specific techniques will be incorporated into the current pipeline. We might need to implement a set of different techniques for different situations, or to develop a specific toolsets. The group will continue to investigate the options. Q: Is there a plan to develop a completely automated PyDrizzle pipeline? A: We do have a plan but without a schedule. GSC2 Status and Implementation Plans Presenter – Brian McLean Q: Is there a need to improve on the astrometric calibration for GSC II when other more current surveys, such as UCAC, can provide much better astrometry? A: There are two aspects to be considered. One is the astrometric accuracy for post-observational analysis. The other is the accuracy needed for operational use. GSC II provides better coverage and better positions for the faint end. For example, UCAC will be complete only down to 16th magnitude, whereas GSC II will cover down to 21st magnitude. Q: Will GSC II satisfy NGST requirements? A: Studies have indicated that NGST will require 1 arc-sec accuracy. GSC II will certainly satisfy this requirement. 2