Towards Creation of a JWST Astrometric Reference Field: Calibration of HST/ACS

Towards Creation of a JWST
Astrometric Reference Field:
Calibration of HST/ACS
Absolute Scale and Rotation
van der Marel
Jay Anderson, Colin Cox, Vera Kozhurina-Platais, Matt Lallo, Ed Nelan
Astrometric Calibration
2 Translations (x, y)
JWST: Guide stars + Target acquisitions
2 Skew terms (scale and rotation)
Higher-order distortions
6 linear
JWST: Observations of Astrometric Reference Field
JWST Astrometric Reference Field
Self-calibration of astrometry using JWST
observations not feasible
Requires observations at multiple ORIENTs (interval
of months)
Observatory characteristics might change between
such observations (WFS&C every 2 weeks)
Alternative: observe astrometric reference field
In JWST Continuous Viewing Zone
Adequate stellar density
Low proper motions
Cloud (LMC)
JWST Astrometric Requirements
Mission Requirement (MR-120)
After calibration, the field distortion uncertainty … shall
not exceed 5 mas, 1-sigma per axis
Motivation: need to prepare NIRSpec observations
based on NIRCam images
Accurate higher-order distortion correction
 LMC field observed with HST/ACS mid 2006 (Diaz-Miller et al.)
Calibration to same relative scale
Desire: also accurate absolute scale + rotation
Use of coordinates from other observatories
Accurate calibration of focal plane orientation of
instruments (w.r.t. star trackers)
 Calibrate absolute scale and rotation of HST/ACS (this talk)
HST/ACS Astrometric Calibration
2 Translations
Not relevant here
Desired accuracy ~ 5 x 10-5
(corresponds to 5 mas
over 1-2 arcmin FOV)
2 Skew terms
Higher-order distortions
Previously calibrated by Anderson
No known time-dependence
Calibration of HST/ACS
scale and rotation
Observations of a field with good
astrometry  M35 (HST/FGS calibration field)
Good relative astrometry (< 1 mas)
Good proper motions (< 0.2 mas/yr)
Poor absolute astrometry
Build M35 catalog with good absolute astrometry
Observe M35 stars in this catalog with HST/ACS
Building an M35 Catalog
Start with M35 FGS catalog in V2-V3 HST focal
plane (92 stars with proper motions from FGS
Science Team)
Cross-identify these stars with USNO UCAC2
Match stars using linear transformations
RMS 21 mas per coordinate
Fractional scale uncertainty 0.6 x 10-5
Rotation uncertainty 0.6 x 10-5
HST/ACS observations of M35
10 stars
V magnitude = 8 - 13
WFC , F658N
4 dither positions
2 sec exposures
Dec 2006
Measure positions and correct for higher-order
distortions using Anderson software
(x,y) on Distortion-Corrected Frame (DCF)
Scale and Rotation of DCF
Match stars using linear transformations with
FGS/UCAC2 Catalog
RMS < 2 mas per coordinate
Fractional scale uncertainty 0.6 x 10-5
Rotation uncertainty 0.6 x 10-5
Some subtle corrections required
Differential velocity aberration affects scale
Sky looks distorted when projected on a plane
Orientation at ACS/WFC is not the same as at the V1 axis
Final results
s = 0.0497248 arcsec/pixel
b = 177.7612 degrees
Time Variation of HST/ACS
Linear Distortion Terms
5 years of repeated
47 Tuc imaging
(Anderson 2007)
Scale quite stable
Rotation shows ~0.003
deg non-repeatability
Skew varies linearly
with time
Confirmed by M35 data
Checks Performed to Assess
Systematic Errors
Consistency between UCAC2 to GSC2
Residual skew terms between catalogs
Influence of CTE on ACS results
Consistency between different ACS filters
Consistency with past calibrations and
Multidrizzle output
Consistency with results implied by analysis of
telescope slews (POSTARGs)
Final Result
Formalism to correct any ACS/WFC
dataset to absolute coordinates (modulo
translations) with [accuracy in units of 10-5]
Known Scale to 1.1 (random) and 0.6 (syst)
Known Rotation to 4.8 (random) and 3.9 (syst)
No residual skew to 0.3 (random) and 1.3 (syst)
Should be sufficient for JWST purposes