Name of Faculty Member
Name of Student
Please respond to the following questions regarding me and return this form directly to the
International and Intercultural Center (IIC) in FO 345 or send to judeen.schulte@alverno.edu.
Thank you!
A. Academic Ability
1. Student grasps and articulates the main concepts developed in your course:
 Always
 Usually
 Sometimes
 Rarely
 Never
2. Student grasps the course concepts and abilities easily on her own:
 Always
 Usually
 Sometimes
 Rarely
 Never
3. Student employs appropriate analytical frameworks for the material in your course:
 Always
 Usually
 Sometimes
 Rarely
 Never
4. Student demonstrates mastery of course content and abilities:
 Always
 Usually
 Sometimes
 Rarely
 Never
B. Communication Abilities
1. Student demonstrates the ability to write clearly and effectively at a level appropriate to
your course:
 Always
 Usually
 Sometimes
 Rarely
 Never
2. Student demonstrates the ability to speak clearly and effectively at a level appropriate to
your course:
 Always
 Usually
 Sometimes
 Rarely
 Never
3. Student interacts effectively in academic contexts with her peers on an individual basis:
 Always
 Usually
 Sometimes
 Rarely
 Never
4. Student interacts effectively in academic contexts with her peers in groups:
 Always
 Usually
 Sometimes
 Rarely
 Never
5. Student reads and comprehends the material in your class without difficulty:
 Always
 Usually
 Sometimes
 Rarely
 Never
C. Work Habits
1. Attendance:
 Regular
 Sporadic
2. Punctuality:
 Always
 Usually
 Rarely
3. Timely and professional work habits:
 Always
 Usually
 Sometimes
 Rarely
4. Student communicates professionally and in a timely manner about matters of
importance to course progress.
 Always
 Usually
 Sometimes
 Rarely
5. Student takes initiative to make up missing or late work:
 Always
 Usually
 Sometimes
 Rarely
6. Student keeps appointments and follows through on her obligations:
 Always
 Usually
 Sometimes
 Rarely
D. Personal Characteristics
1. Student shows respect for other views and opinions:
 Always
 Usually
 Sometimes
 Rarely
 I can’t say
 Rarely
 I can’t say
2. Student interacts well with faculty and staff:
 Always
 Usually
 Sometimes
3. Student adapts well to different teaching and learning styles:
 Always
 Usually
 Rarely
 I can’t say
 Sometimes
 Rarely
 I can’t say
 Sometimes
 Rarely
 I can’t say
 Sometimes
4. Student adapts to new social situations:
 Always
 Usually
5. Student handles feedback well:
 Always
 Usually
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6. Student has a realistic sense of her own strengths and weaknesses:
 Always
 Usually
 Sometimes
 Rarely
 I can’t say
E. Summary
1. Based on your experience with this student, would you predict success for her in an
international culture? (Comments may be made in Section F.)
 Yes
 Probably
 Maybe
 Probably Not
2. Based on your experience with this student, would you predict success for her in an
international university? (Comments may be made in Section F.)
 Yes
 Probably
 Maybe
 Probably Not
3. Assume you are working on an important project for the college. It is your responsibility
to make sure the work is done promptly and professionally. There is a budget for a
student worker to assist you. This student worker will have to function independently,
handle details accurately, and interact with a variety of faculty and staff.
How would you feel if the student assigned to be your assistant was the student who
has applied to study abroad?
 Delighted
 Confident
 Uneasy
 Anxious
 Would Ask Someone Else
F. Additional Comments - please add any general comments about the applicant’s academic or
personal characteristics that you think will be helpful to the IIC staff in their decision-making.
We value your insight and sharing of your personal knowledge of the student. (continue on
separate sheet if needed):
__________________________________________________________________ __________
Faculty Signature
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