Geological Society of America Special Paper 378 2004 Detecting provenance variations and cooling patterns within the western Alpine orogen through 40Ar/ 39Ar geochronology on detrital sediments: The Tertiary Piedmont Basin, northwest Italy B. Carrapa* J. Wijbrans* G. Bertotti* Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Faculteit der Aardwetenschappen, De Boelelaan 1085, 1081HV Amsterdam, The Netherlands ABSTRACT The Tertiary Piedmont Basin is a synorogenic basin located on the internal side of the Western Alps. Because of its key position, the Tertiary Piedmont Basin represents an important record of processes occurring in the Alpine retrowedge for over the last 30 m.y. 40Ar/39Ar geochronology has been applied to detrital white micas as a provenance tool and to derive information on cooling and exhumation patterns within the surrounding orogen. The age distribution in the detritus shows that in the Oligocene the clastic sediments were fed mainly from a southern source area (Ligurian Alps) that widely records high pressure (HP) Alpine metamorphism (40–50 Ma) and, in part, Variscan metamorphism (ca. 320 Ma). From the Miocene, the main source area gradually moved from the south to a western Alpine provenance characterized by strong Late Cretaceous (70 Ma) and Early Cretaceous (120 Ma) signals. This enlargement in the source is likely linked to an evolution of the main paleodrainage system into the basin. From the Serravallian, Variscan ages reappear; this is attributed to the exposure of the Argentera Massif as a new source for the Tertiary Piedmont Basin. The lack of thermal overprinting of the main detrital signals through time suggests that the western Alpine orogen has been regulated by episodic fast cooling and exhumation events followed by periods of slower erosion. Also, detrital 40Ar/39Ar Cretaceous signals in Miocene and Present sediments suggest the presence of real Eoalpine events in the Alps. Keywords: Western Alps, provenance, 40Ar/39Ar geochronology, cooling, exhumation. INTRODUCTION consequence, clastic sediments are the only remaining direct evidence of the original source rocks outcropping at the time of sediment deposition. Therefore, they provide a record of the original setting of mountain belts through time. The Tertiary Piedmont Basin, located within the internal western Alpine Arc (retrowedge; Beaumont et al., 1996) in northwest Italy (Fig. 1), contains up to 4 km of clastic sediments (Fig. 2). The Tertiary Piedmont Basin and the western Alpine arc formed as a result of the Tertiary European-African plate collision (e.g., Platt et al., 1989). The Tertiary Piedmont Synorogenic clastic sediments contained in sedimentary basins preserve a record of the exhumation kinematics of an orogen. Because of erosional and tectonic processes, the original rocks outcropping in the orogen no longer exist. As a *Present address, Carrapa (corresponding author)—Universität Potsdam, Institut für Geowissenschaften, Postfach 601553, 14415 Potsdam, Germany, E-mails: Wijbrans—; Bertotti— Carrapa, B., Wijbrans, J., and Bertotti, G., 2004, Detecting provenance variations and cooling patterns within the western Alpine orogen through 40Ar/39Ar geochronology on detrital sediments: The Tertiary Piedmont Basin, northwest Italy, in Bernet, M., and Spiegel, C., eds., Detrital thermochronology—Provenance analysis, exhumation, and landscape evolution of mountain belts: Boulder, Colorado, Geological Society of America Special Paper 378, p. 000–000. For permission to copy, contact © 2004 Geological Society of America. 69 70 B. Carrapa, J. Wijbrans, and G. Bertotti Figure 1. Geological map of the study area; TPB—Tertiary Piedmont Basin (study area), VG—Voltri Group, LA—Ligurian Alps, AGM—Argentera Massif, DM— Dora Maira, GP—Gran Paradiso, SL—Sesia Lanzo. Basin is well suited for investigation of a substantial part of the complex Alpine orogen because it is one of the main sedimentary basins collecting clastic sediments produced by cooling and exhumation and erosion of the internal Western Alps (including the Ligurian Alps). The Tertiary Piedmont Basin stratigraphy is well preserved, exposed, and documented (e.g., Gnaccolini et al., 1998, and references therein; Fig. 2). These data, together with paleocurrent directions data (Fig. 3A) on the study area, allowed a good sample strategy (Fig. 3B). For the present study, we have applied 40Ar/39Ar geochronology to detrital white micas derived from samples selected from the entire Tertiary Piedmont Basin stratigraphy (Lower Oligocene–Upper Miocene). To extend the covered time interval from the oldest Tertiary Piedmont Basin sediments to the present, we sampled sands from three of the main rivers currently draining the internal side of the southwestern Alps, which are the main sources of Tertiary Piedmont Basin sediments (Fig. 3B). Detrital mineral thermochronology on present-day river sands has been largely applied to different tectonic settings to characterize the present river drainage pattern (e.g., Heller et al., 1992). Dating minerals from present-day river sediments provides new information on the geochronological signal currently recorded at the surface in the southwestern margin of the Dora Massif, the Argentera Massif, and on the Ligurian Alps. The major objective of this work is to obtain new information on: (1) Provenance of the clastic sediments; (2) Cooling patterns due to unroofing of the original source rocks related to past denudation and/or tectonic and erosional processes; and (3) potential information on the timing of HP and ultra-high pressure (UHP) metamorphism in the Western Alps. White micas are well suited for this geochronological approach because of their high K content, their widespread occurrence in different lithologies, and their resistance against mechanical breakdown. Furthermore, the closure temperature of white micas (350–420 °C; e.g., Hames and Bowring, 1994; Kirschner et al., 1996; Kohn et al., 1995; von Blanckenburg et al., 1989) is high enough to avoid substantial overprinting due to short-lived thermal disturbances and sedimentary burial. Also, 40 Ar/39Ar dating of white mica is a well-tested technique that records the time in which the investigated minerals pass through a closure temperature of 350–420 °C (Najman et al., 1997; von Eynatten and Wijbrans, 2002; White et al., 2002). Research in the Himalayas (e.g., Harrison et al., 1993; Najman et al., 2001; White et al., 2002), in the Central Alps (e.g., Bernet et al., 2001; Spiegel et al., 2001; von Eynatten and Wijbrans, 2002), and in western North America (e.g Heller et al., 1992) has demonstrated the potential of the geochronological approach for both provenance and tectonothermal evolution studies. In particular, studies on the Central Alpine sedimentary record and on the exhumation of crystalline rocks from the Alpine orogen have suggested rapid episodic exhumation (e.g., Hurford et al., 1991) followed by a relatively steady state of exhumation (e.g., Bernet et al., 2001; Schlunegger and Willett, 1999). So far, however, little data exist (Carrapa et al., 2003) on the depositional counterpart of the western Alpine erosion. Our data set of over 500 individual white mica analyses is well constrained due to the proximity of the source to the basin and sheds new light on the reconstruction of the thermotectonic evolution of the western Alpine Arc for a time period of over 30 m.y. GEOLOGICAL SETTING The Tertiary Piedmont Basin is located on the boundary between the internal Alpine domain, consisting of deep crustal rocks, and the Apennine domain, constituted mainly by upper Cretaceous–Eocene flysch (Fig. 1). The Tertiary Piedmont Basin is flanked to the south by the Ligurian Alps and to the west and north by Plio-Quaternary sediments, which in turn are bounded Detecting provenance variations and cooling patterns to the west by metamorphic units belonging to the internal western Alpine domain (Fig. 1). The Orogen Surrounding the Tertiary Piedmont Basin The western Alpine arc surrounding the Tertiary Piedmont Basin includes the Ligurian Alps to the south and the Western 71 Alps (sensu stricto) to the west. The western Alpine arc contains HP and UHP rocks that experienced deep burial during the Alpine orogeny and subsequent rapid exhumation, such as the Dora Maira and Gran Paradiso massifs to the west (Hurford et al., 1991; Hurford and Hunziker, 1989; Rubatto and Hermann, 2001) and the Voltri Group to the south (Brouwer, 2000). All these rocks constitute potential sources of sediments for the Tertiary Piedmont Basin. Figure 2. (continued on next page) A: Geological framework of the study area modified after Gnaccolini et al. (1998). 1—Pliocene to Recent deposits; 2—Messinian deposits; 3—Langhian to Tortonian siliciclastic and carbonate shelf to slope deposits; 4—Late Burdigalian to Tortonian mainly turbidite succession (only Burdigalian in the eastern sector of the figure); 5—Late Oligocene to Burdigalian turbidite systems and hemipelagic mudstones; 6—Late Eocene to Early Oligocene deposits: (a) alluvial to coastal conglomerates, shallow marine sandstones and hemipelagic mudstones, (b) slope and base-of-slope, resedimented conglomerates, and (c) mainly turbidites; 7—Late Eocene to Tortonian siliciclastic deposits of the northwestern Apennines–Monferrato–Torino Hill wedge; 8—Alpine and Apennine allochthonous units; 9—depocenter axis of the Plio-Quaternary basins; 10—buried thrust-front of the Torino Hill–Monferrato–northwestern Apennine wedge; 11—buried, southvergent backthrusts of the Monferrato, active from Messinian onward; 12—buried, pre Burdigalian backthrusts of the Western Alps (as inferred from Roure et al., 1990); 13—faults: SV—Sestri-Voltaggio; VVL—Villalvernia-Varzi line; I: Bagnasco–Ceva–Bastia Mondovì transect; II: Millesimo–Monesiglio–Somano transect; III: Dego–Torre Bormida–Alberetto della Torre transect; IV: Spigno Monferrato–Cessole transect; V: Montechiaro d’Acqui; VI: Cavatore; VII: Visone. The square corresponds to the area of the paleocurrent study of Gnaccolini and Rossi (1994). B: Oligo-Miocene depositional sequences (A, B1–B6, C1–C6) in the study area after Gelati et al. (1993). 1—mudstones, locally with thin-bedded turbidites (a); 2—turbidite systems (sand/mud ratio from very high to = 1; locally, conglomerates); 3—resedimented ophiolite breccia; 4—olistolith-bearing pebbly mudstones; 5—shallow-water carbonates; 6—alluvial conglomerates, coastal sandstones, and conglomerates, freshwater mudstones (a); 7—Pre-Cenozoic rocks; 8—sequence boundary; 9—fault. The square inset is mainly based on Cazzola et al. (1981), Cazzola and Sgavetti (1984), and Cazzola and Fornaciari (1990). The ages of the unconformities and sequence boundaries are based on planktonic foraminifers and calcareous nannofossils and correlate with the third order global cycles boundaries of Haq et al. (1988). C: Stratigraphic scheme modified after Gelati (1968). 72 B. Carrapa, J. Wijbrans, and G. Bertotti Figure 2. (continued). The Ligurian Alps The Ligurian Alps bound the Tertiary Piedmont Basin to the south. They consist of a nappe stack (Vanossi et al., 1984), including the following: 1. The meta-ophiolite Voltri Group, which is a remnant of the Piedmont-Ligurian ocean and consists of a cover sequence constituted by metasedimentary rocks (calc-schists, mica schists, quartz schists, and metabasalts) and a basement sequence of Mg-gabbros, Fe-Ti–gabbros, and serpentinites (Messiga, 1984). The Voltri group experienced a complex retrograde metamorphism ranging from peak eclogitic and blueschist facies toward greenschist facies (Cimmino et al., 1981; D’Antonio et al., 1984; Messiga et al., 1989; Messiga and Scambelluri, 1991). Scarse KAr geochronology on white micas from presently outcropping gneisses of the Voltri group give cooling ages of 31–41 Ma (Hunziker et al., 1992; Schamel and Hunziker, 1977; Fig. 4). 40Ar/39Ar dating on white mica from the Beigua serpentinite unit (Voltri Group) gives ages of 45 ± 2 Ma (data cited in Brouwer, 2000). 2. The Montenotte Nappe (Piemontese unit), which is derived from the transitional domain between the ocean and the paleo-European continental margin (Vanossi et al., 1984). This unit experienced HP/low temperature (LT) Alpine metamorphism with a re-equilibration in blueschist facies (Messiga, 1981). No chronological data is available on the age of the metamorphism. 3. The Briançonnais complex, which is derived from thinned paleo-European continental crust and includes the Variscan Crystalline Massifs (e.g., Calizzano–Savona Massifs). These units have been affected by Alpine greenschist facies metamorphism (e.g., Messiga et al., 1992, and references therein). The Variscan Crystalline Massifs are characterized by 40Ar/39Ar ages ca. 380– 240 Ma (Hunziker et al., 1992; Fig. 4). Zircon fission-track ages on the Briançonnais domain yielded ages between 180–125 and 31 Ma (Vance, 1999). The Western Alps The Western Alps consist of different domains including numerous units. In the following, we will consider only those Detecting provenance variations and cooling patterns 73 Alpine units affected by cooling and exhumation during the formation of the Tertiary Piedmont Basin and that therefore constitute a possible source for the Tertiary Piedmont Basin sediments. The Internal Massifs (e.g., Dora Maira, Gran Paradiso; Fig.1) belong to the Penninic units, which represent the European continental basement and form the core of the western Alpine chain. They were affected by Eoalpine HP or UHP metamorphism during Alpine subduction (e.g., Chopin, 1984; Chopin and Monié, 1984; Compagnoni and Lombardo, 1974; Dal Piaz, 1999; Monié and Chopin, 1991; Paquette et al., 1989; Polino et al., 1990; Scaillet et al., 1992) and subsequent exhumation. The timing and mechanism of the HP metamorphism and kinematics of exhumation of the Internal Massifs are still debated (e.g., Brouwer, 2000; Compagnoni et al., 1995; Hurford et al., 1991; Michard et al., 1993; Rubatto et al., 1999; Rubatto and Hermann, 2001; von Blanckenburg et al., 1989). The Dora Maira Massif is mainly characterized by 40Ar/39Ar age ranges of 45–30 Ma, 85–60 Ma, and ≥120 Ma (Monié and Chopin, 1991; Scaillet et al., 1992; Scaillet et al., 1990; Fig. 4). Determination of cooling and relative exhumation kinematics for the UHP rocks of the Dora Maira has not been totally resolved (Gebauer et al., 1997; Hurford et al., 1991; Michard et al., 1993). One important issue in the Western Alps exhumation evolution is the interpretation of ages ~70–120 Ma. Different geochronometers (U-Th-Pb on zircons and monazites, U/Pb on whole rock, and 40Ar/39Ar on white micas) from HP rocks of the Dora Maira record ages ranging between 70–120 Ma (Monié and Chopin, Figure 3. A: Paleocurrent directions modified after Gnaccolini and Rossi (1994); location given in B. B: Enlargement of the study area with location of the analyzed samples. The inset area corresponds to the study on paleocurrent directions of Gnaccolini and Rossi (1994) (Fig. 3A). 74 B. Carrapa, J. Wijbrans, and G. Bertotti Figure 4. Probability distribution diagrams of 40Ar/39Ar ages on white micas (single/total fusion ages) in the Tertiary Piedmont Basin surrounding source areas based on literature data from Stöckhert et al. (1986), Hurford et al. (1991), Hunziker et al. (1992), Scaillet et al. (1992), Ruffet et al. (1997), and Cortiana et al. (1998). For legend, see Figure 1. 1991; Paquette et al., 1989; Scaillet et al., 1992; Scaillet et al., 1990), partially reset by a later Eocene-Oligocene greenschist phase (Chopin and Maluski, 1980; Monié, 1985). A contrasting view is that cooling of the UHP in the Dora Maira massif occurred at 35–38 Ma (Gebauer et al., 1997; Rubatto and Hermann, 2001) while 70–120 Ma 40Ar/39Ar ages are ascribed to incorporation of excess 40Ar (Arnaud and Kelley, 1995; Kelley et al., 1994). The Gran Paradiso massif was affected by HP metamorphism during the Alpine orogeny. Rb-Sr dating on white micas yielded ages ca. 34 Ma (Freeman et al., 1997), while zircon fission-track (ZFT) ages are ca. 30 Ma (Hurford and Hunziker, 1989). Apatite fission-track (AFT) ages are ca. 20 Ma, indicating that the massif was at a few kilometers depth in the early Miocene (Hurford and Hunziker, 1989), possibly constituting a source for Tertiary Piedmont Basin sediments in late Miocene time. A further potential source for the Tertiary Piedmont Basin is the Sesia Lanzo zone and the Argentera Massif. The first belongs to the Austroalpine basement and was part of the Adriatic plate, while the second belongs to the Provençal Delphinois domain. The Sesia Lanzo zone was affected by Paleogene-Neogene exhumation (Hurford et al., 1991). Timing of HP metamorphism in the Sesia Lanzo Zone has been argued to be between 130 Ma (Inger et al., 1996; Oberhänsli et al., 1985; Ruffet et al., 1997; Stöckhert et al., 1986) and 70–40 Ma (Cliff et al., 1998; Cortiana et al., 1998; Rubatto et al., 1999; Fig. 4). A phase of rapid exhumation of the Sesia Lanzo zone occurred during the Oligocene (25–30Ma) Insubric phase (Hurford et al., 1991; Schmid et al., 1989). The Argentera Massif is one of the largest external crystalline massifs of the Western Alps, and it is the most proximal to the Tertiary Piedmont Basin. The Argentera Massif is made of Variscan basement overlain by Upper Carboniferous, Permian, and Triassic series (Menot et al., 1994). The massif was overthrust by the Penninic nappes during the Oligocene and exhumed and eroded in Miocene time (Bigot-Cormier et al., 2000). 40Ar/39Ar dating on the Argentera Massif give Variscan ages (e.g., Monié and Maluski, 1983; Fig. 4) while apatite fission-track ages show that the Massif was at few kilometers from the surface during the Late Miocene–Pliocene (Bigot-Cormier et al., 2000). The Tertiary Piedmont Basin Sedimentation in the Tertiary Piedmont Basin started with a transgression dated as Late Eocene in the east and as Late Oligocene in the west (Fravega et al., 1994; Lorenz, 1984; Vannucci et al., 1997) and continued until Late Miocene (e.g., Gelati and Detecting provenance variations and cooling patterns 75 Formation, Lequio Formation), tabular bodies are formed that can be traced through the whole basin, reaching a thickness of up to 2000 m (Fig. 2B, 2C). This reorganization is also recorded by uniform sandstone composition (Gnaccolini and Rossi, 1994). In particular, rock fragments of Miocene (from the Cortemilia Formation up) sediments mainly comprise quartzite, micashist, orthogneiss, acid metavulcanite, phyllite, carbonatic rock and subordinate metabasic rock, serpentinite, and phyllite, indicating mainly a western Alpine source. Also, a detailed sandstone petrographic study on the Cassinasco Formation by Caprara et al. (1985) shows that sandstones from this formation are very rich in all types of metamorphic lithics and indicates a composite collision orogen source (e.g., Dickinson and Suczek, 1979), which could correspond to the Alpine Penninic nappe. METHODOLOGY Concepts for the Interpretation of Detrital Minerals Ages Figure 5. Sketch showing: A: continuous cooling and exhumation, erosion of the source, and the correspondent geochronological signature produced in the clastic infill; B: rapid cooling and exhumation followed by slower erosion and the correspondent geochronological signature produced in the clastic infill. For both scenarios, nappe stacking took place at a temperature entirely below ~350 °C. Gnaccolini, 1996; Mutti et al., 1995). Sedimentation continued until the Plio-Pleistocene in the surrounding Po Plain. Initially, transitional (fluvial, fan deltas) environments characterized sedimentation with the deposition of a mainly conglomeratic sequence up to 600 m thick, known as the Molare Formation (Fig. 2B, 2C) (e.g., Gnaccolini et al., 1990; Turco et al., 1994). Sediments from the Molare Formation were locally sourced from the Ligurian Alps (Gnaccolini et al., 1990; Barbieri et al., 2003). These sediments pass stratigraphically into the Rocchetta and Monesiglio formations (lower Oligocene pro parte-Aquitanian; Gnaccolini et al., 1998, and references therein). These sediments consist of transitional facies (Rocchetta Formation) and turbiditic sandstones (Monesiglio Formation) in the lower part and by pelagic mudstones in the upper part, for a total of up to 1500 m (Fig. 2B, 2C). They are indicative of the progressive deepening of the Tertiary Piedmont Basin. The Rocchetta Formation in the eastern sector includes a redeposited sandy body known as Cassinelle Sandstones of Rupelian age. Facies characteristics, petrographic data, and paleocurrent directions obtained from the Rocchetta and Monesiglio formations suggest a provenance from both southern sectors, mainly the Briançonnais domain of the Ligurian Alps and the Voltri Group, and western sectors (Gelati et al., 1993; Gnaccolini and Rossi, 1994). From the Miocene, sedimentation became more homogeneous (Gelati et al., 1993) with paleocurrent directions indicating dominant flow to the east (Gnaccolini and Rossi, 1994; Fig. 3A). From the late Burdigalian (Cortemilia Formation) up to the Serravallian-Tortonian (Cassinasco Formation, Murazzano Source rocks, each with characteristic geochronological signals, will result in the contribution of different ages to the basin infill. Potentially, mica 40Ar/39Ar ages from different stratigraphic levels of the Tertiary Piedmont Basin can be interpreted as recording variations in the original source rock cooling ages. Therefore, 40Ar/39Ar age populations reflect the contribution in ages present in the original source area surface at the time of sediment deposition. The major assumption underlying the geochronological approach is that of a short, and therefore negligible, time span between erosion in the belt and deposition of clastic sediments in the correspondent sedimentary basin (Brandon and Vance, 1992; Heller et al., 1992). This assumption is important for the calculation of cooling rates. We argue that this assumption is justified in the case of the Tertiary Piedmont Basin because of the close proximity of the source and basin. In general, two different end member scenarios can be envisaged for the potential Tertiary Piedmont Basin source area cooling and exhumation pattern and related 40Ar/39Ar ages in the Tertiary Piedmont Basin sediments. The first one involves tectonic nappe stacking taking place entirely at temperatures in excess of ~350 ºC. In this case, exhumation of the nappe stack would create a younging of cooling ages in the sediments (detrital ages) due to continuous upward movements of crustal rocks (e.g., Neubauer et al., 1996; Bernet et al., 2001) (Fig. 5A). In the sedimentary record, this would result in a decreasing of detrital ages (age populations or peaks of ages) up-sequence (e.g., “moving peaks” of Brandon and Vance, 1992). However, if cooling and exhumation ceased following an initial pulse of rapid cooling, and erosion was insufficient to unroof deeper crustal levels (recording younger cooling ages), constant cooling ages in the detritus would be detected over a substantial period of time (e.g., “static peaks” of Brandon and Vance, 1992) (Fig. 5B). The second scenario involves tectonic nappe stacking taking place entirely at temperatures less than ~350 ºC. In this case, exhumation and erosion would produce ages recording old 76 B. Carrapa, J. Wijbrans, and G. Bertotti cooling processes while the time of tectonic nappe stacking would not be recorded by the Ar system, because it would have occurred at a temperature lower than the closure temperature (T) of the system (T < ~350 ºC). As we are dealing with the integrated contribution of minerals over a large source area, any combination of the proposed scenarios may occur. Thus, by looking at changes in the main detrital age populations, we can obtain information on different source rock contributions and on different cooling patterns (e.g., Harrison et al., 1993; White et al., 2002; von Eynatten and Wijbrans, 2002). For provenance discrimination, we use variations in main detrital age populations. Analytical Technique 40 Ar/39Ar geochronology has been applied to detrital phengites from over 60 samples from selected stratigraphic units of the Tertiary Piedmont Basin, ranging in age from Oligocene to Tortonian and to present-day river sands, with an average of seven samples for each formation and two samples for each river (Tables A1 and A2). Single fusion was applied on ~10 single crystals (ranging between 250–500 µm in size) for each selected sample, for a total of over 500 individual experiments. Step heating was applied to 10 single grains ranging between 500 and 1000 µm in size, derived from different formations and rivers, to check the internal distribution of radiogenic 40Ar in each sample. Only experiments concordant within 95% confidence intervals (i.e., MSWD < 2.5) have been used to derive plateau ages. The ages obtained on Tertiary Piedmont Basin clastic phengites are interpreted to represent the time of isotopic closure during cooling of the crystalline source through 350–420°C, as temperatures reached during the main metamorphic events of the basement rocks were generally higher than ~500 °C in the whole source area (e.g., Messiga and Scambelluri., 1991; Gebauer, 1999). The 40Ar/39Ar experiments were carried out with the VULKAAN laserprobe at the Isotope Geology Laboratory of the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam, following laser extraction and mass spectrometry methods for the laserprobe described by Wijbrans et al. (1995). The irradiation was carried out in the cadmium-lined CLICIT facility of the TRIGA reactor of the Oregon State University Radiation Center. Irradiation times were 7 h for three different irradiations VU32, VU36, VU41. Correction factors for interferences of Ca and K isotopes were 0.000673 for 39Ar/37Ar, 0.000264 for 36Ar/37Ar, and 0.00086 for 40 Ar/39Ar, respectively. These values were determined using zero age K-feldspar and anorthite glass. After irradiation, a J curve was derived for individual samples by interpolation between five single fusion experiments on every flux monitor. As flux monitor standards for this project, we used Taylor Creek sanidine (for VU32) and DRA (Drachenfels trachite [Wijbrans et al., 1995; Steenbrink et al., 1999]) sanidine (for VU36-41; Steenbrink et al., 1999), with an age of 28.34 ± 0.16 Ma and 25.26 ± 0.14 Ma, respectively. These values are compatible with the set from Renne et al. (1998), based on biotite GA1550 (at a K/Ar age of 98.79 ± 0.69 Ma). In the present study, system blanks were determined after every five unknowns. The unknowns were corrected for the interpolated blanks at the time of analysis of the unknown, and the 2σ error on the blank was further used for the error calculation of the unknown. 40Ar intensities for the analyzed samples were in the order of >100 times the blanks (see Wijbrans et al. [1995] for further details on mass spectrometer sensitivity). The discrimination factor was on average equal to 1.006 (see Kuiper [2003] for further details on discrimination factor calculation). Note that the 2σ errors reported in Table A2 do not include the uncertainties in J and uncertainties related to the age of the standards (the average of J-related errors is in the order of 0.3%). The exclusion of the Jrelated errors in the analytical errors reported in Table A2 enables a better comparison between samples (Foland, 1983). For further details on the calculation of the ages and related errors reported in Table A1, refer to Koppers (2002). Probability distribution diagrams (Sircombe, 1999; Sircombe, 2000) have been used to identify the main populations of detrital ages present in different formations of the Tertiary Piedmont Basin clastic infill and present-day river sands. The probability distribution curves are compiled by summing the Gaussian distribution of each individual measurement, which is defined by the age and its error (e.g., Sircombe, 2000). Some formations (e.g., Rocchetta-Cassinelle, Cortemilia-Paroldo, Murazzano-Cassinasco) have been combined because they are synchronous and contain similar sedimentological patterns (similar depositional environment and/or similar petrographic compositions and paleocurrent directions). As we are using the age probability distribution mainly as an indication of provenance, the major conclusions of this research are independent of any possible 40Ar excess problems in the source rocks. When addressing the question of differential exhumation and cooling of the source rocks, we assess systematic age differences in the mica populations at different stratigraphic levels. Biostratigraphic ages of the formations indicated in the following paragraphs are given using the stratigraphic scheme of Figure 2C and the geological timescale of Berggren et al. (1995). RESULTS Results from Tertiary Piedmont Basin Clastic Minerals The geochronological data set is presented in Figure 6 and Tables A1, A2, and A3. The results will be discussed in order of stratigraphic succession. The Molare Formation (Oligocene, ca. 33.7–23.8 Ma) is characterized mainly by 40Ar/39Ar ages clustering ~38–52 Ma with a strong 320 Ma signal and few ages ca. 99 Ma and 60–75 Ma (Fig. 6). We refer to Barbieri et al. (2003) for further details on this formation. The Rocchetta Formation (Lower Oligocene pro parte-Aquitanian; ca. 30–20.5 Ma) is characterized by a dominant age signal of 40–65 Ma (Fig. 6), which is similar to the main age population also found in the Molare Formation. Some ages ranging between 90 Ma and 150 Ma are present, while the Variscan signal is less pronounced than in the Molare Formation. Step heating analy- Detecting provenance variations and cooling patterns 77 ses on single grains were carried out on four samples from the Rocchetta Formation (Fig. 7). A step heating experiment on D61a produced a discordant age spectrum with a total fusion age of 109.8 ± 1.1 Ma. This spectrum is represented by slightly higher ages at lower temperatures, which might be the result of alteration or excess 40Ar. However, in case of excess 40Ar, a much more disturbed spectrum should be expected (e.g., McDougall and Harrison, 1999). The “plateau-like” region of the spectrum has a weighted mean age of 113.5 ± 7.4 (Fig. 7; Table A3). The analysis on sample D61b gives a plateau age of 108.7 ± 1.0 Ma, suggesting that this signal is undisturbed. The analysis of sample D57 yields a slightly discordant total fusion age of 73.2 ± 3.1 Ma, whereas a plateau age of 51.4 ± 1 Ma was obtained from sample D72, showing that this signal is undisturbed. The Monesiglio Formation (Upper Oligocene–Aquitanian; ca. 28.5–20.5 Ma), laterally interfingering with the Rocchetta Formation toward the east, is characterized mainly by ages ca. 50 Ma. The other ages range between 38 Ma and 150 Ma. Step heating analysis on sample D69 produced a slightly discordant age spectrum (e.g., alteration) with a total fusion age of 51.7 ± 0.5 Ma. The “plateau-like” region of the spectrum has a weighted mean age of 51.6 ± 1.3 Ma (Fig. 7; Table A3). The Cortemilia and Paroldo formations (latest Aquitanian– Langhian; ca. 22–14.8 Ma) display a cluster of ages mainly ranging between 38 and 70 Ma, with a few ages between 100 and 180 Ma. A minor component shows ages in the range 250–300 Ma. The Cassinasco and Murazzano formations (Langhian-Serravallian; ca. 16.4–11.2 Ma) are characterized by an important contribution of ages ca. 70 Ma (Fig. 6), which is distinctive, because it is older than the dominant age population (ca. 50 Ma) detected in general in the previous formations. A minor signal indicating Variscan provenance is present. These formations are further characterized by an important group of ages between 90 and 150 Ma. Step heating analyses on single grains have been carried out on three samples from the Cassinasco Formation. Samples D40 and D50 give a plateau age of 106 ± 1 Ma and 78 ± 1 Ma, respectively (Fig. 8). The third analysis, on sample D65, produced a slightly discordant age spectrum (e.g., alteration) with a total fusion age of 94.4 ± 0.7 Ma. The “plateau-like” region of the spectrum has a weighted mean age of 94.4 ± 0.7 Ma (Fig. 8; Table A3). The Lequio Formation (Serravallian-Tortonian; ca. 14.8–7.12 Ma) displays two major peaks in its detrital mica ages, one at 50 Ma and the other at 70 Ma, and a strong reappearance of Variscan ages. Results from Present-Day River Sands Figure 6. Probability distribution diagrams of 40Ar/39Ar (detrital) ages for the samples (grouped in formations) investigated in this study. N—number of experiments; gray bars—indicative depositional ages. For further details, see Table A2. Three samples (average of 20 grains for each sample) coming from the main rivers draining the present western Alpine Arc (Tanaro, Maira, and Stura Rivers; Fig. 3) have been analyzed using single fusion analyses. Step heating analyses have been performed on a single grain from each river sample. The headwaters of the Tanaro River are in the Ligurian Alps. It drains Triassic and Permian formations belonging to the 78 B. Carrapa, J. Wijbrans, and G. Bertotti Figure 8. Step heating analyses of selected samples from the Cassinasco Formation. For further details, see Tables A1 and A2. Figure 7. Step heating analyses of selected samples from the Rocchetta and Monesiglio formations. For further details, see Table A3. Piemontese and Briançonnais domain and, further to the southwest, the Variscan Crystalline Massifs belonging to the Ligurian Alps. The sample was collected at the entrance of the Tanaro River into the Tertiary Piedmont Basin (Fig. 3A). White mica ages range mainly between 270 and 306 Ma, with only one age of 37 Ma (Fig. 9, Table A2). A step heating analysis performed on sample B16 (Fig. 10) gives a plateau age of 314 ± 3 Ma, suggesting an homogeneous signal. The Stura River drains mainly the Argentera Massif and partly the Briançonnais domain. The main age population detected falls between 204–302 Ma (Fig. 9). A step heating analysis performed on sample B18 gives a plateau age of 306 ± 2 Ma (Fig. 10, Table A2), suggesting a Variscan signal undisturbed by subsequent Alpine overprinting. The Maira River drains the poly-metamorphic HP-UHP units of the southwestern part of the Dora Maira Massif. Detrital mica ages range between 39 Ma and 159 Ma (Fig. 9), with a Detecting provenance variations and cooling patterns 79 Figure 9. Probability distribution diagrams of samples coming from present-day river sands. For further details, see Tables A1 and A2. cluster of ages between 65 and 95 Ma. A step heating analysis performed on sample B14 produced a slightly discordant spectrum with a total fusion age of 75.9 ± 0.6 Ma signal (Fig. 10). The “plateau like” region of the spectrum has a weighted mean age of 76.3 ± 0.7 Ma (Fig. 10). PROVENANCE DISCRIMINATION AND INFERENCES FOR SOURCE AREA EVOLUTION The wide range of ages in the Tertiary Piedmont Basin samples reflects the diverse provenance of the micas from different tectonic units of the surrounding belt. Discrimination between different source areas has been attempted using the main detrital age populations for each formation or group of formations as distinctive of different source area contribution. Oligocene–Early (Middle) Miocene Oligocene-Aquitanian The Molare Formation is the first Tertiary Piedmont Basin clastic infill that lies on the crystalline rocks of the Ligurian Alps, mirroring directly the source area outcropping at time of deposition (Barbieri et al., 2003; Gnaccolini, 1974). Ages range mainly ca. 40–45 Ma, which can be related to the Alpine metamorphic rocks of the Voltri Group and Montenotte Nappe, and ca. 320 Ma, which can be linked to the contribution of detritus from the Variscan Crystalline Massifs present in the Ligurian Alps (Barbieri et al., 2003). Within the Rocchetta and Monesiglio formations, depositional facies change from transitional to marine with the hemipelagic sediments and high to low density turbidity bodies (e.g., Noceto, Mazzurrini, Piantivello; Gelati and Gnaccolini, 1998, and references therein), marking a deepening of the basin. Therefore, more distal sources compared to the Molare Formation can be expected. The presence of a common (ca. 45–50 Ma) age population for the Rocchetta and Monesiglio formations could have different interpretations: (1) a primary contribution from the southern domain (e.g., Voltri Group), which reflects the signal of the crystalline basement that was widely affected by the Eocene Alpine metamorphism; (2) a contribution from western sectors, which also record the same Eocene signal (ca. 45 Ma); (3) a mix of these different sources; or (4) partial reworking of sediments from the underlying formations. The first hypothesis is less likely because in case of a primary southern source, a stronger Variscan signal might have been expected. Ages between 200 and 120 Ma are widely preserved in the western Alpine domain (e.g., Hunziker et al., 1992; Cortiana et al., 1998) but less so in the Ligurian Alps (Vance, 1999). Ages ca. 200 Ma may represent the cooling following the Middle 80 B. Carrapa, J. Wijbrans, and G. Bertotti in comparison to that feeding the Molare Formation. Therefore, the Rocchetta and Monesiglio ages are interpreted to record the first signal of the erosion of western Alpine sectors. Latest Aquitanian–Langhian Facies characteristics, petrographic data, and paleocurrent directions in latest Aquitanian–Langhian sediments (Cortemila and Paroldo formations) suggest a change in sedimentary patterns with provenance mainly from western sectors (Gelati et al., 1993; Gnaccolini and Rossi, 1994). The detrital signal in the Cortemilia and Paroldo formations spans a broad range of ages, which is interpreted to indicate a wide source area (possibly wider than the one feeding the Rocchetta and Monesiglio formations), including mainly western Alpine sectors. The lack of Variscan ages discounts the southern sectors as a possible source area. The main age population (40–50 Ma) could be interpreted partially as a signal coming from the Western Alps, which could potentially also record the Eocene signal or be the result of partial reworking. Other ages, ranging between 50 and 150 Ma, suggest a contribution from the western Alpine domains. Middle–Late Miocene Figure 10. Step heating analyses of selected samples from present river sands. For further details, see Tables A1, A2, A3. Triassic thermal anomaly, which influenced the Southern Alps and the Lombardian Basin and which was possibly related to the intrusion of a magmatic body in the lower crust (Bertotti et al., 1997, and references therein). Ages ca. 85–100 and 65 Ma can potentially be linked to early exhumed oceanic units (e.g., the Sestri-Voltaggio Unit; no geochronological data are available in this particular area). The presence of different ages that can potentially be related to different sources within the same formation (e.g., D57–59, Noceto system: depositonal lobes as in Mutti and Normark, 1987), with paleocurrent directions coming from both southern and western sectors (Fig. 3), suggests mixing of sources within the same formation and possibly within the same sample. The wider range of ages present in the Rocchetta and Monesiglio formations compared to the Molare Formation suggests a wider source area (including both southern and western sectors) This time span is characterized by a change in paleocurrent directions, sandstone composition, and sedimentary facies (Gelati et al., 1993; Gnaccolini and Rossi, 1994). With the Cassinasco and Murazzano formations (Langhian-Serravallian), an important shift in main detrital age population (from 40 to 50 Ma toward 70 Ma) occurs, with a significant cluster of ages at ca. 90–150 Ma. The stronger proportion of 70 Ma ages, which appears to be a dominant age cluster, older than the main age population (ca. 50 Ma), revealed in older formations is not compatible with a simple scenario in which continuous exhumation and erosion of a fixed source takes place (Fig. 5A). An evolution of the paleodrainage system, including more western-northwestern sectors (e.g., Sesia Lanzo), may explain the stronger contribution of the 70 Ma predominant signal. Also, in the currently exposed crystalline units of the Ligurian Alps, there is little evidence for units that have experienced cooling following a ca. 70 Ma event, while evidence for an Eocene cooling after HP metamorphism is widespread in the western Alpine domain (e.g., Cortiana et al., 1998; Hunziker et al., 1992; Ruffet et al., 1995; Agard et al., 2002, and references therein). Therefore, the shift in the main detrital age is interpreted as an evolution in sedimentary pattern and provenance related to an enlargement of the Tertiary Piedmont Basin source area toward more western-northwestern Alpine domains. This enlargement in the main Tertiary Piedmont Basin source area is probably associated with a reorganization of the paleodrainage system. Reorganization of paleodrainage systems has also been recorded for this particular time in the Central and Eastern Alps (Carrapa and Di Giulio, 2001; Spiegel et al., 2001; Frisch et al., 1998), suggesting a regional rearrangement in the erosional pattern of the Alpine chain, probably caused by a period of increased tectonic activity. Detecting provenance variations and cooling patterns The Lequio Formation (Serravallian-Tortonian; 14.8–7.12 Ma) shows a main detrital population ca. 50–70 Ma, which can still be attributed to a western Alpine domain with a strong reappearance of Variscan ages. The Variscan ages are interpreted in this case as a signal coming from the Argentera Massif since petrographic and paleocurrent data (Gnaccolini and Rossi, 1994) do not give any support to the hypothesis of a southern source (Variscan Crystalline Massifs in the Ligurian Alps). This conclusion is well supported by a Late Miocene cooling and exhumation event recorded in the Argentera Massif (Bigot-Cormier et al., 2000). Present The main detrital 40Ar/39Ar age population in the Tanaro River clearly mirrors cooling ages of the Variscan Crystalline Massifs. Ages ranging between 204 and 302 Ma in the Stura River are representative of the Variscan metamorphic event recorded at present in the Argentera Massif. Our data agree with the conclusion reached by Monié and Maluski (1983) that the Alpine peak temperature in the Argentera Massif was <220–250 °C and consequently did not overprint the Variscan signal in white micas. The signal coming from the Tanaro and the Stura Rivers (mainly Variscan ages) could be evidence of either a geochronologically homogeneous source or of a low degree of mixing of the present drainage system. The wide range of ages in the Maira River record the heterogeneity of sources mainly characterized by middle-late Cretaceous ages and possibly also a good degree of mixing of different geochronological domains. Rocks outcropping in the present Maira drainage system provide a signal very similar to the one produced by present-day river sands (Figs. 4 and 9). By combining the age data coming from the three rivers (Fig. 9), we obtain a picture that is remarkably similar to the one observed for the Upper Miocene sediments (Lequio Formation; Fig. 6). This suggests that no major paleodrainage reorganizations occurred at least since the Late Miocene in the western Alpine catchment area. WESTERN ALPINE COOLING EXHUMATION PATTERNS In theory, a continuous pattern of exhumation of a fixed source area, represented by crustal rocks, is recorded by moving peaks up sequence (younging of the main signal) in the sedimentary infill (Brandon and Vance, 1992). Continuous exhumation through time would create a constant resetting of ages due to a steady upward movement of crustal material through the isotherms. Looking at the main detrital age populations of the Tertiary Piedmont Basin sediments (Fig. 6), a lack of moving peaks up sequence is apparent; this is mainly the result of the evolution of the paleodrainage system through time. The same ca. 45–50 Ma signal recorded as the main detrital population in Oligocene to Aquitanian sediments is very similar to outcropping ages in the 81 southern domain at present (Fig. 4). The same is true for 70–120 Ma ages recorded as a strong signal in Langhian-Serravallain sediments and in the present-day sands, which is very similar to 40 Ar/39Ar data on present outcropping rocks of the western Alpine domain (e.g., Cortiana et al., 1998; Ruffet et al., 1997; Scaillet et al., 1992; Stöckhert et al., 1986; Agard et al., 2002; Fig. 4). These lines of evidence are not supported by a continuous exhumation and erosion pattern of a fixed source. This shows that a consistent amount of crustal rocks with indistinguishable 40Ar/39Ar ages has been eroded for a substantial amount of time, suggesting that the Western Alps have been regulated by episodes of fast cooling and exhumation (see also Carrapa et al., 2003). During these episodes, enough crustal material with indistinguishable 40Ar/39Ar isotopic ages was formed and then was eroded over long periods of time and at present still sheds the same signals. Also, Cretaceous ages (i.e., 120 Ma, 70 Ma) in Miocene and Present sediments derived from different western Alpine rocks could be the result of real geological events or the effect of excess 40Ar (Arnaud and Kelley, 1995; Ruffet et al., 1995; Ruffet et al., 1997). Ages ca. 120 Ma have been originally interpreted as the result of cooling following the peak of high pressure metamorphism (Monié and Chopin, 1991; Oberhänsli et al., 1985). Some authors have dismissed a Cretaceous thermal event for the internal Western Alps and consequently interpret this cluster of ages as due to excess 40Ar (e.g., Arnaud and Kelley, 1995; Kelley et al., 1994). Monié and Chopin (1991) have shown that 40Ar/39Ar ages ca. 100–110 Ma in the Dora Maira Massif are representative of a real signal. One of their major arguments was that it was highly unlikely that high pressure phengites from different internal units of the Western Alps (Monte Rosa, Sesia Lanzo, and Dora Maira) could have incorporated equivalent amounts of excess 40Ar leading to the same result. If the signal is geologically meaningful, then these ages could potentially be linked with a mid-Cretaceous metamorphic event (e.g., Cortiana et al., 1998; Monié and Chopin, 1991). Scaillet et al. (1992) show that high Mg-phengites from UHP rocks of the Dora Maira often yield Cretaceous ages, while Fe-phengites yield ages ca. 35–40 Ma. It is thus sometimes unnecessary to involve the presence of excess 40Ar to explain Cretaceous ages. Also, it is very unlikely that different rocks all experienced the same amount of excess 40 Ar leading to the same ages. Furthermore, because of the widespread occurrence of the same cluster of ages recorded by different thermochronometers in the Western Alps (Cortiana et al., 1998; Inger et al., 1996; Vance, 1999) and Central Alps (e.g., Hunziker et al., 1992), we consider the 120–70 Ma signal to be representative of important geological Eoalpine events(see also Carrapa and Wijbrans, 2003). CONCLUSIONS The general trend in the Tertiary Piedmont Basin sediments is that the main isotopic age population found in the oldest sediments (ca. 45–50 Ma) gets older toward younger sediments (ca. 70 Ma). This trend is interpreted as the result of a gradual 82 B. Carrapa, J. Wijbrans, and G. Bertotti Figure 11. Schematic paleoreconstruction of the study area from Oligocene until post Tortonian times. + indicates uplifting area;– indicates subsiding area. Data from this work have been combined with literature data on paleogeography and paleocurrents (Gnaccolini, 1970; Lorenz, 1979; Gelati and Gnaccolini 1982; Fannucci, 1986; Dondi and D’Andrea, 1986; Gnaccolini and Rossi, 1994; Clari et al., 1995; Foeken et al., 2003). Detecting provenance variations and cooling patterns enlargement of the catchment area to include tectonic units with progressively older isotopic ages (Fig. 11). Detrital micas from Oligocene until approximately Aquitanian time sediments in the Tertiary Piedmont Basin show a source area localized in the southern sectors (Ligurian Alps and Voltri Group), which was affected by a major Alpine metamorphic overprint at ca. 40–50 Ma. Since about Aquitanian-Burdigalian time, ages ca. 120–200 Ma and 70 Ma are widely recorded from detrital micas. This indicates a wider and mixed source area with contributions from both the Ligurian Alps and the western Alpine domain. Since the Langhian, the main detrital population shifts from 50 Ma toward 70 Ma, indicating an enlargement of the source area from southern sectors toward more western-northwestern sectors, which are characterized mainly by Eoalpine signals. This reorganization of the Tertiary Piedmont Basin source is likely linked to an evolution of the paleodrainage system most likely related to vertical tectonic movements in the hinterland. This evidence allows us to conclude that from the Early Miocene on, the Tertiary Piedmont Basin starts to record the erosion of 83 the exhumed western Alpine Arc. From Serravallian time, there is evidence of detritus coming from the Argentera Massif, characterized by a Variscan signal. The very similar signal shown by present-day river sands and Upper Miocene sediments suggests that the paleodrainage system did not continue to evolve after Miocene time in this sector of the Alps. Also, our data suggest that regional rapid and episodic Cretaceous and Middle Eocene cooling events in the Western Alps were followed by periods of relatively slow erosion, and later Mesoalpine-Neoalpine metamorphic events did not overprint the main original signals. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This study was supported by the Netherlands Foundation of Scientific Research (NWO). Special thanks to Yani Najman, an anonymous reviewer, and Glen Murrell for their constructive advice in the preparation of the manuscript. This is NSG (Netherlands School for Sedimentary Geology) publication number 2003.05.15. CODE D D D D B B B B B B B B B D D D D D D D D D D D D D D B B B D B D D D D D B B No. Field No. Formation Step H Total F Lab code 42 24-3 Molare X 99M0183+99j0119 60 4,4 Molare X 99M0140+99M0143 67 4,4 Molare X 99M0287 80 54-4 Molare X 99M0144 1 2,2 Molare X 00M0061 21 64-2 Molare X 00M0070 33 108-9 Molare X 00M0085 42 72 Molare X 00M0258+01M0258L 45 83 Molare X 00M0276 47 90 top Molare X 01M0029 40 77 Molare X 00m0257 52 86 Molare X 00M0277+01M0277 36 70-1 Molare X 00M0088 45 16-16 Rocchetta X 99m0148 46 25-4 Rocchetta X 99m0149+99m0186 52 21-21 Rocchetta X 99m0197+0199 57 18-18 Rocchetta X 99m0403 59 18-18 Rocchetta X 99m0185 61 27-6 top Rocchetta Fm.–base Monesiglio Fm. 2X 99m0301, 99m0300 62 27-6 Rocchetta X 99m0155 66 12,12 Rocchetta X 99m0159 71 15-15 Rocchetta X 99m0167 72 10,10 Rocchetta X 99m0299 74 10,10 Rocchetta X 99m0168 77 57-7 Cassinelle Sst. X 99m0175 69 20-20 Monesiglio X 99m0370 70 20-20 Monesiglio X 99m0192+190 7 29-8 Top Monesiglio X 00m0064 10 34-13 Monesiglio X 00m0076 23 76-7 Monesiglio X 00m0079 76 30-9 top Paroldo Marls X 99m0193+195 20 63-1 Paroldo Marls X 00m0078 43 37-2 base Cortemilia X 99m0241 47 38-3 Top Cortemilia X 99m0212 56 61-11 Cortemilia X 99m0246 81 19-19 Cortemilia X 99m0247 48 31-10 base Murazzano X 99m0255 9 32-11 Murazzano Fm. (Cassinasco) X 00m0074 29 87-18 Murazzano X 00m0082 GPS Depositional time (UTM, 32T, EU 1950) Chattian? (Gelati et al., 1993) 423639–491334 Rupelian (section 12, Mutti et al., 1995) 453834–492276 Rupelian (section 12, Mutti et al., 1995) 453834–492276 Rupelian (Gelati et al., 1993) 465800–493815 Rupelian (section 12, Mutti et al., 1995) 453834–492276 Rupelian (Gelati et al., 1993) 461620–492711 Rupelian (Gelati et al., 1993) 477478–494043 Rupelian (Gelati et al., 1993) 448500–491220 Rupelian (Gelati et al., 1993) 455600–492890 Rupelian (Gelati et al., 1993) 445850–493190 Rupelian (Gelati et al., 1993) 442125–491480 Rupelian (Gelati et al., 1993) 446500–493195 Chattian (N2, Gelati et al., 1996) 414965–491319 Lower Oligocene–Aquitanian 445238–493171 Aquitanian (section Ceva, Gelati 1968) 424250–491619 Aquitanian (Mazzurrini body, Gelati and Gnaccolini, 1998) 443750–493646 Chattian (Noceto system, Cazzola and Fornaciari, 1990) 44507–4932356 Chattian (Noceto system, Cazzola and Fornaciari, 1990) 44507–4932356 Aquitanian (Gelati, 1968) 424250–491619 Aquitanian (Gelati, 1968) 424250–491619 Aquitanian (top Mioglia system, Cazzola and Rigazio, 1982) 452159–492792 Lower Oligocene–Aquitanian (Gelati, 1968) 445540–423183 Chattian-Aquitanina (Mioglia system, Cazzola and Rigazio, 1982) 452502–492717 Chattian-Aquitanina (Mioglia system, Mutti et al., 1995) 452502–492717 Rupelian (d’Atri et al., 1997) 465454–493862 Burdigalian (Piantivello body, Gelati and Gnaccolini, 1998) 443360–493583 Burdigalian (Piantivello body, Gelati and Gnaccolini, 1998) 443360–493583 Burdigalian-Langhian (Gelati, 1968) 424170–491830 Aquitanian? (Gelati, 1968) 433929–492018 Chattian (N2, Gelati et al., 1996) 414788–491567 Langhian (Gelati, 1968) 425280–491956 Burdigalian-Langhian (Gelati, 1968) 426400–492110 Aquitanian (Gelati, 1968) 436475–493307 Langhian (Gelati, 1968) 434343–493702 Aquitanian (Gelati, 1968) 458183–494519 Burdigalian (Gelati, 1968) 442307–493503 Langhian (Gelati, 1968) 426250–492180 Langhian-Serravallian (Gelati, 1968) 421529–492661 Serravallian (Gelati, 1968) 427842–493809 (continued) TABLE A1. DETAILED INFORMATION OF THE STUDY SAMPLES 84 B. Carrapa, J. Wijbrans, and G. Bertotti Formation 40 D 46-11 Cassinasco 41 D 46-11 Cassinasco 49 D 45-10 Cassinasco 50 D 47-12 base Cassinasco 51 D 47-12 Cassinasco 54 D 39-4 Cassinasco 55 D 39-4 Cassinasco 64 D 62-12 Cassinasco 65 D 62-12 Cassinasco B 11 42-7 Top Cassinasco B 24 81-12 top Cassinasco-Murazzano base B 27 84-15 Cassinasco B 34 121-7 Serravalle Sandstone (Cassinasco) B 26 82-13 Lequio B 30 89-20 Lequio A 2 80-11 Lequio A 4 83-14 Lequio A 6 Mondovi' Lequio A 5 88-19 Lequio Ps B 13 Maira – A 34 Maira – B 14 Maira – B 15 Tanaro – A 31 Tanaro – B 16 Tanaro – B 17 Stura – A 33 Stura – B 18 Stura – Note: Ps—present-day sands. CODE No. Field No. X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Step H Total F 00M0067 01M0387 00M0089 00M0068 01M0388 01M0044 00M0069 01M0423 01M0039 99m0371 99m0200+202 99m0122+184 99m0373 99m0203+0208 99m0402 99m0210+209 99m0211 99m0404 00m0073 00m0072 00m0081 00m0087 00m0080 00m0083 01M0383 01M0415 01M0368 01M0416 LAB CODE Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Present Serravallian (section type of Gelati 1968) Serravallian (section type of Gelati 1968) Serravallian (section type of Gelati 1968) upper Langhian–lower Serravallian (Gelati, 1968) Langhian-Serravallian (Gelati, 1968) Langhian-Serravallian (Gelati, 1968) Langhian-Serravallian (Gelati, 1968) Langhian-Serravallian (Gelati, 1968) Langhian-Serravallian (Gelati, 1968) Serravallian (Gelati, 1968) Serravallian (Gelati, 1968) Serravallian (Gelati, 1968) Langhian-Serravallian (Gelati, 1968) Serravallian (Gelati, 1968) Tortonian (Gelati, 1968) Serravallian-Tortonian (Gelati, 1968) Serravallian-Tortonian (Gelati, 1968) Serravallian-Tortonian (Gelati, 1968) Serravallian-Tortonian (Gelati, 1968) Depositional time TABLE A1. DETAILED INFORMATION OF THE STUDY SAMPLES (continued) Dronero Dronero Dronero Ceva Ceva Ceva Borgo S. Dalmazzo Borgo S. Dalmazzo Borgo S. Dalmazzo 44403–4948162 44403–4948162 443982–494878 423854–490674 423854–490674 431926–493473 431926–493473 462191–494965 462191–494965 430993–494386 419966–492936 429263–493713 451790–495200 418495–493108 422410–493902 419141–4930859 427669–493806 408000–491670 424127–493865 GPS (UTM, 32T, EU 1950) Detecting provenance variations and cooling patterns 85 86 B. Carrapa, J. Wijbrans, and G. Bertotti 40 Molare 39 TABLE A2. Ar/ Ar ANALYSES OF THE INVESTIGATED SAMPLES 37 38 39 40 Ar(a) Ar(Ca) Ar(Cl) Ar(K) Ar(r) Age 2V Ma 36 40 Ar(%) 108-9 (B33) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J = 0.002408 0.00077 0.00000 0.00239 0.00000 0.00191 0.00058 0.00223 0.00041 0.00026 0.00000 0.00147 0.00029 0.00120 0.00132 0.00074 0.00005 0.00110 0.00062 0.00064 0.00054 0.00045 0.00138 0.00265 0.00243 0.00122 0.00050 0.00115 0.00097 0.00058 0.00094 0.14813 0.25215 0.48403 0.41191 0.03388 0.23183 0.40356 0.21554 0.18020 0.25440 3.48675 3.13148 4.84879 6.69340 0.43804 5.44954 3.70387 2.23130 2.73370 2.46275 99.47 ± 0.95 53.16 ± 0.50 43.00 ± 0.28 69.25 ± 0.35 55.32 ± 2.35 99.33 ± 0.54 39.44 ± 0.65 44.42 ± 0.48 64.73 ± 0.47 41.57 ± 0.33 93.89 81.58 89.55 91.04 85.10 92.61 91.23 91.10 89.35 92.82 54-4 (D80) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J=0.001572 0.00097 0.00367 0.00225 0.00214 0.00328 0.00492 0.00078 0.00592 0.00520 0.00000 0.00234 0.00000 0.00223 0.00000 0.00212 0.00078 0.00100 0.00197 0.00035 0.00000 0.00005 0.00023 0.00002 0.00015 0.00000 0.00000 0.00005 0.00000 0.00014 0.00002 0.10752 0.15023 0.21857 0.23252 0.23364 0.15658 0.24038 0.15601 0.22418 0.22746 2.00720 2.86248 5.15828 4.56705 11.25886 2.59343 4.42829 2.78566 3.86636 4.22014 52.18 ±1.28 53.24 ± 1.01 65.72 ± 0.86 54.86 ± 0.64 131.74 ± 1.16 46.37 ± 1.02 51.50 ± 0.58 49.94 ± 1.15 48.26 ± 0.75 51.87 ± 0.64 87.51 81.17 84.19 95.18 88.00 78.95 87.05 81.61 92.88 97.64 83 (B45) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 J=0.002731 0.00019 0.00000 0.00056 0.00000 0.00183 0.00000 0.00027 0.00170 0.00044 0.00000 0.00076 0.00000 0.00018 0.00071 0.00032 0.00024 0.00024 0.00022 0.00028 0.00025 0.00033 0.19168 0.21093 0.18591 0.10137 0.10768 0.11037 0.08081 1.61768 2.49216 1.53250 0.82470 1.10118 1.73547 0.65787 41.11 ±1.01 57.29 ±0.77 40.16 ±0.90 39.64 ±1.56 49.69 ±0.64 75.85 ±1.17 39.67 ±1.28 96.65 93.79 73.93 91.09 89.47 88.59 92.49 64-2 (B21) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J=0.002799 0.00022 0.00009 0.00036 0.00000 0.00106 0.00010 0.00093 0.00014 0.00024 0.00026 0.00058 0.00240 0.00132 0.00020 0.00106 0.00000 0.00109 0.00034 0.00128 0.00159 0.00029 0.00009 0.00059 0.00084 0.00025 0.00012 0.00081 0.00073 0.00068 0.00155 0.15834 0.18868 0.28414 0.33570 0.13796 0.13227 0.26750 0.33650 0.16936 0.42424 1.17533 1.38712 3.38003 3.24415 1.02817 0.92269 3.86682 3.18388 3.15318 4.16294 37.10 ±0.84 36.75 ±0.65 59.09 ±0.63 48.15 ±0.35 37.25 ±0.86 34.89 ±0.91 71.56 ±0.80 47.16 ±0.45 91.65 ±1.08 48.88 ±0.42 94.80 92.82 91.50 92.17 93.50 84.41 90.81 91.00 90.73 91.65 90 (B47) 2 3 5 6 7 9 10 J=0.002678 0.04557 0.00169 0.00000 0.00271 0.00000 0.00057 0.00000 0.00066 0.00000 0.0011 0.00000 0.00016 0.19015 0.00051 0.00008 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00030 0.00017 0.19861 0.24007 0.16808 0.23407 0.18693 0.11479 0.17385 1.84413 2.06499 1.32738 1.66177 1.46708 1.25148 1.32305 44.31 ±1.65 41.08 ±1.21 37.75 ±1.30 33.98 ±2.25 37.52 ±3.06 51.92 ±3.65 36.40 ±1.99 78.68 72.05 88.73 89.56 81.88 96.26 89.75 (continued) Detecting provenance variations and cooling patterns 40 Molare 87 39 TABLE A2. Ar/ Ar ANALYSES OF THE INVESTIGATED SAMPLES (continued) 37 38 39 40 Ar(a) Ar(Ca) Ar(Cl) Ar(K) Ar(r) Age 2V Ma 36 40 Ar(%) 2-2 (B1) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J=0.003215 0.00066 0.00000 0.00023 0.00010 0.00067 0.00103 0.00466 0.00018 0.00038 0.00048 0.00236 0.00380 0.00201 0.00031 0.00046 0.00080 0.00292 0.00045 0.00000 0.00004 0.00033 0.00032 0.00033 0.00021 0.00005 0.00023 0.00012 0.16856 0.13507 0.65053 0.30100 0.21619 0.46942 0.69248 0.30685 0.42481 1.20014 1.02065 4.82774 3.56421 1.74999 3.53200 5.18755 2.25728 4.63050 40.83 ±0.68 43.30 ±0.72 42.54 ±0.26 67.40 ±0.61 46.35 ±0.64 43.12 ±0.32 42.94 ±0.34 42.17 ±0.39 62.14 ±0.42 85.99 93.84 96.03 72.12 93.90 83.50 89.72 94.32 84.27 4-4 (D60) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J=0.001706 0.03911 0.00386 0.00473 0.00068 0.00324 0.00182 0.00225 0.00307 0.00313 0.00016 0.00111 0.00209 0.00226 0.00267 0.00195 0.00048 0.00057 0.02252 0.00012 0.00011 0.00000 0.00000 0.00015 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.31927 0.15344 0.15559 0.12354 0.28898 0.11441 0.23445 0.31822 0.01891 6.47035 2.93695 2.51505 2.36214 4.86800 2.04062 4.14526 4.62225 0.36736 61.32 ± 4.39 57.97 ± 8.96 49.08 ± 8.86 57.91 ± 11.11 51.11 ± 0.96 54.08 ± 1.65 53.61 ± 0.92 44.16 ± 0.41 58.81 ± 6.43 54.75 ±1.2 35.89 67.73 72.41 78.00 84.03 86.17 86.13 88.92 68.61 D67 J=0.001653 TFA 86 (B52) 1 2 3 4 5 6 J=0.002556 0.00660 0.00757 0.00519 0.00344 0.00118 0.12389 0.00043 0.27901 0.00375 0.17358 0.00342 0.12384 0.00039 0.00028 0.00027 0.00000 0.00000 0.00058 0.09250 0.25660 0.19427 0.04523 0.19450 0.21019 1.05371 2.55979 1.97718 0.30707 1.34596 2.59312 51.78 ± 2.47 45.42 ± 0.61 46.33 ± 1.66 31.04 ± 9.67 31.63 ± 1.66 56.01 ± 2.75 35.08 62.55 84.99 70.91 54.82 71.97 77 (B40) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 J=0.002856 0.00019 0.00000 0.00013 0.00000 0.00025 0.00588 0.00064 0.00171 0.00026 0.00000 0.00053 0.00000 0.00007 0.00017 0.00006 0.00507 0.00012 0.00173 0.00017 0.00053 0.00050 0.00012 0.00037 0.00017 0.00000 0.00051 0.00047 0.09104 0.15551 0.09195 0.20654 0.17751 0.10201 0.05935 0.06963 0.07406 6.02044 10.36692 6.02778 13.36365 11.84916 0.76271 3.91726 4.52877 4.83537 312.10 ±1.77 314.42 ±1.21 309.60 ±2.1 305.90 ±0.89 314.81 ±1.31 38.12 ±0.97 311.56 ±2.4 307.39 ±2.34 308.47 ±2.11 99.08 99.62 98.77 98.61 99.34 82.94 99.49 99.62 99.28 J=0.002803 0.00159 0.00230 0.00070 0.00000 0.00026 0.00046 0.00025 0.00176 0.00030 0.00038 0.00000 0.00000 0.00028 0.00432 0.00087 0.02498 0.00055 0.02422 0.00075 3.22164 0.00017 0.00017 0.00002 0.00072 0.00061 0.00090 0.00099 0.00067 0.00061 0.00057 0.22628 0.22385 0.12872 0.38301 0.14013 0.19676 0.16624 0.11757 0.13672 0.36739 3.19200 4.58688 1.09381 14.20966 9.24694 13.32092 11.06876 1.66105 8.99463 22.35749 69.96 ±0.55 100.75 ±0.67 42.47 ±0.72 178.48 ±0.66 306.18 ±1.59 313.48 ±1.06 308.72 ±2.81 70.07 ±5.34 305.33 ±2.06 291.34 ±2.6 87.16 95.68 93.51 99.49 99.06 100.00 99.27 86.61 98.24 99.02 (continued) 72 (B42) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 88 B. Carrapa, J. Wijbrans, and G. Bertotti 40 Molare 39 TABLE A2. Ar/ Ar ANALYSES OF THE INVESTIGATED SAMPLES (continued) 37 38 39 40 Ar(a) Ar(Ca) Ar(Cl) Ar(K) Ar(r) Age 2V Ma 36 40 Ar(%) 24-3 (D42) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 J=0.001869 0.00723 0.00109 0.00348 0.00010 0.00648 0.00126 0.00949 0.00410 0.00532 0.00584 0.00981 0.00885 0.00155 0.00513 0.00164 0.00555 0.00121 0.00423 0.00063 0.00839 0.00024 0.00000 0.00015 0.00000 0.00010 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.18314 0.13772 0.15039 0.09100 0.39962 0.24440 0.15737 0.10112 0.14297 0.15980 18.53496 14.04012 13.89986 8.00232 42.29852 25.28861 16.38853 10.78740 14.92964 18.14587 312.55 ± 1.98 314.64 ± 2.64 287.47 ± 2.51 274.51 ± 3.77 325.66 ± 1.68 318.96 ± 1.97 320.85 ± 1.77 328.01 ± 3.13 321.64 ± 1.81 347.22 ± 1.96 89.66 93.18 87.88 74.04 96.41 89.71 97.28 95.69 97.66 98.98 B36 J=0.002252 0.00021 0.00000 0.00038 0.00000 0.00013 0.00058 0.00098 0.00166 0.00088 0.00000 0.00023 0.00000 0.00029 0.00059 0.00016 0.00005 0.00039 0.00000 0.00036 0.00059 0.00015 0.00030 0.00048 0.00124 0.00040 0.00015 0.00080 0.00050 0.00031 0.00043 0.02526 0.10552 0.00787 0.21061 0.08001 0.11442 0.18568 0.10812 0.09101 0.07294 0.33070 0.96437 0.07161 1.96925 1.00862 1.45800 2.18513 0.97381 1.75191 1.47083 52.42 ±2.81 36.75 ± 0.67 36.58 ± 5.66 37.59 ± 0.52 50.50 ± 1.07 51.04 ± 0.88 47.19 ± 0.51 36.22 ± 0.76 76.56 ± 0.85 80.12 ± 1.27 84.34 89.57 65.86 87.16 79.52 95.47 96.22 95.42 93.83 93.29 38 39 40 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.03401 0.04303 0.03165 0.09001 0.05566 0.06210 0.07031 0.06639 0.57140 0.53491 0.55752 4.24593 1.06195 1.54303 2.55568 3.09772 55.04 ± 7.78 40.89 ± 5.61 57.67 ± 7.18 150.48 ± 2.51 62.38 ± 2.77 80.83 ± 3.77 117.04 ± 1.29 148.91 ± 1.45 52.58 93.78 96.11 90.73 84.76 96.00 96.97 95.97 0.00024 0.00010 0.00009 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00044 0.00001 0.00001 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00020 0.00011 0.00004 0.34355 0.33466 0.29135 0.22677 0.28963 0.35071 0.46206 0.12361 0.10619 0.12168 0.17724 0.17801 0.38913 0.17202 0.16952 36.86724 6.80874 8.10839 7.29025 4.09609 23.15138 3.18960 2.39191 1.74434 3.68076 2.03207 3.00839 2.69283 2.11834 4.31976 324.44 ± 1.38 66.16 ± 0.48 89.90 ± 0.46 103.46 ± 0.73 46.25 ± 0.64 206.38 ± 1.18 22.72 ± 0.41 62.98 ± 1.38 53.60 ± 1.21 97.51 ± 1.61 37.58 ± 1.14 55.13 ±1.23 22.78 ±0.55 40.33 ±1.14 82.49 ±1.37 99.43 95.44 94.92 96.41 96.19 97.75 93.74 91.70 86.52 92.08 93.20 96.14 95.69 96.85 97.32 (continued) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Rocchetta D45 D46 Bc De Gh Il No 36 Ar(a) 37 Ar(Ca) J=0.001844 0.00174 0.00048 0.00012 0.00000 0.00008 0.00000 0.00147 0.00240 0.00065 0.00269 0.00022 0.00929 0.00027 0.00000 0.00044 0.01662 J=0.001836 0.00072 0.00000 0.00110 0.00000 0.00147 0.00000 0.00092 0.00000 0.00055 0.00000 0.00180 0.00178 0.00072 0.00061 0.00073 0.00036 0.00092 0.00000 0.00107 0.00000 0.00065 0.00663 0.00057 0.00220 0.00059 0.00000 0.00041 0.00000 0.00046 0.00067 Ar(Cl) Ar(K) Ar(r) Age 2V Ma 40 Ar(%) Detecting provenance variations and cooling patterns 40 Rocchetta D52 39 TABLE A2. Ar/ Ar ANALYSES OF THE INVESTIGATED SAMPLES (continued) 37 38 39 40 Ar(a) Ar(Ca) Ar(Cl) Ar(K) Ar(r) Age 2V Ma 36 197ab 197de 197gh 199bc 199ef 199gh 199im 199no 199pq J=0.001774 0.00317 0.00843 0.00077 0.00863 0.00038 0.00149 0.00040 0.00000 0.00069 0.00000 0.00027 0.00000 0.00025 0.00000 0.00047 0.00062 0.00090 0.00093 D57 J=0.00173 D59 df gh mn op qr tu vz J=0.00173 0.00059 0.00000 0.00046 0.00000 0.00115 0.00098 0.00081 0.00000 0.00036 0.00000 0.00010 0.00100 0.00083 0.00222 0.00090 0.00201 0.00038 0.00126 0.00066 0.00555 D61 0.00021 0.00004 0.00000 0.00000 0.00014 0.00000 0.00009 0.00009 0.00007 0.00005 0.00013 0.00005 0.00022 0.00022 0.00005 0.00002 0.00000 0.00008 0.00000 0.12764 0.11714 0.09796 0.12249 0.10031 0.13293 0.10214 0.05797 0.15660 0.25186 0.12956 0.40920 0.19057 0.19985 0.21173 0.37011 0.19990 0.09074 0.27831 D66 2.76609 6.00016 2.13885 2.65719 1.15294 1.84397 1.87681 0.88098 6.64318 68.06 ±1.86 156.91 ±2.05 68.56 ±1.89 68.13 ±1.54 36.42 ±1.74 43.86 ±1.14 57.87 ±1.50 47.99 ±3.45 130.9 ±1.64 TFA 72.69 ±0.67 4.42508 5.13876 12.05328 5.85617 2.97448 2.95362 8.72166 8.54947 2.90255 6.46287 53.65 ± 0.50 118.93 ± 0.98 89.06 ± 0.41 92.81 ± 1.51 45.55 ± 0.65 42.73 ± 1.02 71.6 ± 0.65 127.91 ± 1.08 96.51 ± 2.17 70.58 ± 0.83 TFA TFA 109.77 ± 1.06 108.61 ± 0.85 40 Ar(%) 87.13 96.35 97.00 97.06 96.63 99.94 95.92 97.71 96.26 96.17 97.40 97.26 96.58 97.34 98.73 97.60 97.52 96.66 97.70 J=0.001698 a b D62 89 J=0.001690 0.00074 0.00393 0.00295 0.00652 0.00248 0.00000 0.00048 0.00384 0.00073 0.00000 0.00166 0.00353 0.00100 0.00000 0.00028 0.00277 0.00036 0.00287 0.00007 0.00013 0.00022 0.00004 0.00011 0.00004 0.00003 0.00009 0.00012 0.12016 0.11592 0.21685 0.02310 0.16504 0.31000 0.19379 0.10747 0.02341 2.33856 4.93581 8.21452 0.36439 2.95852 13.82803 5.72020 12.69059 0.51106 58.38 ± 2.11 125.36 ± 2.58 111.95 ± 1.37 47.46 ± 10.41 53.84 ± 0.75 131.12 ± 0.82 87.82 ± 0.66 328.26 ± 2.15 65.36 ± 4.68 91.44 85.00 91.81 71.85 93.17 96.58 95.06 99.34 82.78 J=0.00166 0.00071 0.00083 0.00035 0.00017 0.00046 0.00082 0.00033 0.00024 0.00029 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00010 0.00075 0.00011 0.00000 0.00117 0.00076 0.00030 0.00000 0.00000 0.00015 0.00000 0.00010 0.00011 0.00000 0.00012 0.00009 0.00002 0.00017 0.04506 0.06933 0.02808 0.03940 0.08697 0.00340 0.02182 0.03744 0.05237 0.03879 0.73080 8.31216 0.46379 2.44456 2.65349 0.17823 1.02951 0.71227 0.89784 2.16027 47.93 ± 3.26 327.47 ± 3.57 48.79 ± 3.87 176.85 ± 2.88 89.13 ± 1.52 150.46 ± 11.48 136.04 ± 5.52 56.09 ± 2.34 50.62 ± 2.10 159.53 ± 3.68 77.63 98.78 77.33 96.13 96.86 100.00 97.21 95.69 72.14 96.00 (continued) 90 B. Carrapa, J. Wijbrans, and G. Bertotti 40 Rocchetta D71 39 TABLE A2. Ar/ Ar ANALYSES OF THE INVESTIGATED SAMPLES (continued) 37 38 39 40 Ar(a) Ar(Ca) Ar(Cl) Ar(K) Ar(r) Age 2V Ma 36 J=0.001628 0.00488 0.00000 0.00349 0.00000 0.01692 0.00194 0.00123 0.00000 0.00333 0.00268 0.00126 0.00000 0.02720 0.30870 0.00219 0.00000 0.00411 0.00000 0.00174 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00014 0.00000 0.00005 0.00000 0.00000 0.00006 0.00007 0.00000 0.42917 0.33527 0.38987 0.27295 0.31863 0.42892 1.51318 0.17906 0.37903 0.18811 Ar(%) 7.81591 5.70112 7.75765 3.83528 4.74650 5.52668 23.55381 2.94696 6.10989 2.84659 52.71 ± 0.46 49.26 ± 0.69 57.52 ± 1.12 40.80 ± 0.84 43.23 ± 0.61 37.45 ± 1.10 45.15 ± 1.00 47.70 ± 2.89 46.73 ± 1.34 43.91 ± 2.68 84.41 84.66 60.80 91.34 82.83 93.70 74.55 82.00 83.43 84.72 TFA 51.48 ± 1.04 TFA 55.16 ± 2.48 51.42 ± 1.57 52.85 ± 1.77 50.74 ± 2.90 165.54 ± 7.35 52.61 ± 1.10 73.77 ± 1.37 43.26 ± 1.45 65.87 ± 1.17 88.72 91.02 89.51 93.64 93.86 87.25 92.43 82.01 89.44 D72 J=0.001622 D74 J=0.001609 0.00167 0.00000 0.00178 0.00253 0.00201 0.00199 0.00065 0.00000 0.00206 0.00000 0.00107 0.00157 0.00106 0.00000 0.00117 0.00361 0.00108 0.00389 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00015 0.00000 0.00034 0.00000 0.20076 0.29605 0.27424 0.16019 0.15599 0.11745 0.14775 0.10436 0.11736 3.87398 5.31949 5.06714 2.84000 9.31634 2.16014 3.83256 1.57415 2.71234 J=0.001591 0.00643 0.00000 0.00116 0.00000 0.00159 0.00080 0.00295 0.00000 0.00021 0.00000 0.00023 0.00374 0.00110 0.00312 0.00186 0.00349 0 00045 0 00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00012 0.00025 0.00006 0.00011 0.00008 0.00008 0 00007 0.45155 0.02252 0.21398 0.15895 0.00671 0.00783 0.12994 0.12017 0 16599 7.61627 0.26661 3.70928 3.29189 0.06570 0.11160 3.08067 2.38736 2 19846 D77 40 47.77 ± 0.39 33.66 ± 5.74 49.08 ± 0.51 58.49 ± 1.10 27.87 ± 18.64 40.47 ± 10.17 66.80 ± 0.95 56.14 ± 1.30 37 62 0 69 80.03 43.85 88.74 79.05 51.40 61.79 90.48 81.28 94 31 Detecting provenance variations and cooling patterns 40 Monesiglio 91 39 TABLE A2. Ar/ Ar ANALYSES OF THE INVESTIGATED SAMPLES (continued) 37 38 39 40 Ar(a) Ar(Ca) Ar(Cl) Ar(K) Ar(r) Age 2V Ma 36 Ar(%) D69 J=0.00164 D70 J=0.001634 0.00070 0.00051 0.00179 0.00462 0.00142 0.01403 0.00039 0.00000 0.00077 0.00233 0.00142 0.00082 0.00193 0.00362 0.00102 0.00000 0.00053 0.00000 0.00003 0.00012 0.00012 0.00000 0.00005 0.00000 0.00017 0.00000 0.00013 0.35096 0.19733 0.22648 0.01317 0.13103 0.22606 0.29496 0.29135 0.11893 5.06897 9.23657 6.88137 0.21446 5.53889 4.76486 5.46119 4.04194 3.18736 42.08 ±0.56 133 ±1.32 87.42 ±1.04 47.38 ±17.41 120.5 ±1.68 61.09 ±1.06 53.77 ±0.82 40.44 ±0.52 77.32 ±2.03 98.62 97.30 95.88 76.23 96.83 96.44 97.75 98.67 95.81 J=0.003126 0.00041 0.00050 0.00051 0.00075 0.00033 0.00000 0.00033 0.00053 0.00181 0.00094 0.00014 0.00000 0.00052 0.00000 0.00062 0.00046 0.00001 0.00000 0.00524 0.03995 0.00026 0.00062 0.00115 0.00133 0.00039 0.00026 0.00000 0.00059 0.00000 0.01113 0.31928 0.27863 0.56657 0.42293 0.28101 0.16212 0.03158 0.20097 0.02391 4.27744 3.52550 3.70268 3.78065 3.77504 3.55024 1.15266 0.85868 3.59369 0.37080 39.96818 61.22 ± 0.56 73.43 ± 0.67 37.25 ± 0.39 49.65 ± 0.58 69.88 ± 0.81 39.66 ± 0.88 147.17 ± 3.45 98.13 ± 0.87 85.40 ± 2.01 51.94 ± 0.27 96.71 96.12 97.48 97.46 86.93 96.62 84.88 95.16 98.96 96.26 J=0.003071 0.00031 0.00090 0.00023 0.00015 0.00056 0.00014 0.00196 0.00345 0.00096 0.00114 0.00005 0.00052 0.00323 0.00287 0.00001 0.00000 0.00058 0.00000 0.00097 0.00000 0.00032 0.00074 0.00066 0.00134 0.00130 0.00013 0.00028 0.00000 0.00120 0.00086 0.26298 0.15129 0.13347 0.30706 0.16493 0.00462 0.08169 0.05052 0.14688 0.11091 1.79600 1.34870 1.34241 2.78001 1.91568 0.03239 0.63954 0.53378 1.30843 3.19119 37.45 ± 0.49 48.73 ± 1.11 54.88 ± 1.23 49.48 ± 0.63 63.23 ± 0.78 38.41 ± 10.64 42.86 ± 3.04 57.61 ± 3.73 48.69 ± 1.62 152.76 ± 2.13 95.09 95.24 89.08 82.76 87.08 69.56 40.14 99.34 88.38 91.79 J=0.002755 0.00043 0.00000 0.00014 0.00000 0.00037 0.00000 0.00068 0.00045 0.00017 0.00067 0.00013 0.00005 0.00008 0.00008 0.00018 0.00023 0.00108 0.00039 0.00150 0.00140 0.00065 0.00017 0.00067 0.00060 0.19302 0.06476 0.20511 0.27721 0.08052 0.03805 0.07865 0.08581 2.35066 1.53669 2.60984 4.41082 1.06947 0.48558 0.85280 0.92044 59.53 ± 0.75 114.24 ± 1.69 62.16 ± 0.78 77.40 ± 0.63 64.84 ± 1.22 62.34 ± 2.26 53.10 ± 1.37 52.54 ± 1.04 94.85 97.46 95.94 95.67 95.50 92.55 97.42 94.47 190ab 190cd 192cd 190ef 192eg 190gh 192hi 190lm 192mn B7 B10 B23 TFA 40 51.71 ±0.51 92 B. Carrapa, J. Wijbrans, and G. Bertotti 40 Paroldo D76 193ab 195ab 195cd 195fg 195hi 195no 195pq 195st 175uv B20 Cortemilia D43 D47 39 TABLE A2. Ar/ Ar ANALYSES OF THE INVESTIGATED SAMPLES (continued) 37 38 39 40 Ar(a) Ar(Ca) Ar(Cl) Ar(K) Ar(r) Age 2V Ma 36 40 Ar(%) J=0.001597 0.00196 0.00000 0.00069 0.00000 0.00131 0.00000 0.00056 0.00000 0.00034 0.00033 0.00046 0.00280 0.00090 0.00488 0.00009 0.00038 0.00066 0.00000 0.00005 0.00000 0.00000 0.00003 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00007 0.00004 0.20382 0.11167 0.15480 0.01443 0.07709 0.06776 0.10028 0.05051 0.18646 7.93566 2.85653 4.04510 0.34248 2.21813 2.17695 2.14321 1.17246 10.03146 108.83 ± 1.23 72.23 ± 1.38 73.76 ± 1.23 67.1 ± 13.3 81.08 ±2.36 90.26 ±3.91 60.55 ±2.7 65.67 ±3.76 148.7 ±1.49 94.12 96.28 94.08 99.04 98.88 96.95 92.85 93.39 98.57 J=0.002834 0.00031 0.00053 0.00026 0.00019 0.00021 0.00048 0.00009 0.00018 0.00028 0.00000 0.00009 0.00000 0.00037 0.00000 0.00112 0.00096 0.00068 0.00144 0.00214 0.00039 0.00084 0.11904 0.10678 0.07601 0.00997 0.01432 0.01823 0.08275 0.86962 0.78993 1.06034 0.07543 0.10813 0.28796 1.10382 36.97 ± 0.88 37.43 ± 0.96 69.95 ± 1.37 38.26 ± 9.10 38.21 ± 7.29 79.00 ± 5.34 66.94 ± 1.21 90.52 91.19 94.44 74.44 56.87 91.56 90.89 38 39 40 J=0.001861 0.00020 0.01265 0.00062 0.00717 0.00240 0.00874 0.00025 0.00999 0.00073 0.00914 0.00122 0.00621 0.00020 0.00924 0.00003 0.00000 0.00007 0.01756 0.00000 0.00013 0.00000 0.00007 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00004 0.00005 0.00782 0.18707 0.13244 0.08270 0.07755 0.17614 0.09961 0.00726 0.09435 0.09842 3.35118 7.75815 1.25431 3.50471 3.36993 9.53589 0.08573 1.32626 41.78 ± 14.43 59.16 ± 0.63 186.67 ± 1.05 50.22 ± 1.33 145.69 ± 1.71 63.12 ± 0.56 295.78 ± 1.87 39.23 ± 11.48 46.59 ± 1.18 62.10 94.83 91.64 94.37 94.17 90.37 99.39 90.57 98.41 J=0.001828 0.00062 0.00227 0.00017 0.00061 0.00065 0.00189 0.00023 0.00000 0.00003 0.00000 0.00060 0.00000 0.00015 0.00000 0.00120 0.00645 0.00314 0.00000 0.00008 0.00375 0.00010 0.00004 0.00022 0.00015 0.00006 0.00006 0.00016 0.00009 0.00016 0.00004 0.10519 0.13871 0.21446 0.11885 0.05228 0.11130 0.06984 0.14060 0.13008 0.00402 6.12265 2.49623 3.45724 1.92817 1.34853 2.58222 1.37102 8.19261 2.97166 0.03998 182.41 ± 2.63 58.39 ± 0.70 52.40 ± 0.60 52.73 ± 1.36 83.11 ± 2.37 74.94 ± 1.21 63.61 ± 1.79 182.60 ± 1.60 73.81 ± 1.31 32.50 ± 25.34 97.11 98.00 94.72 96.66 99.39 93.60 96.91 95.85 76.20 62.31 (continued) 36 Ar(a) 37 Ar(Ca) Ar(Cl) Ar(K) Ar(r) Age 2V Ma 40 Ar(%) Detecting provenance variations and cooling patterns 40 Cortemilia D56 D81 Murazzano D48 B9 93 39 TABLE A2. Ar/ Ar ANALYSES OF THE INVESTIGATED SAMPLES (continued) 37 38 39 40 Ar(a) Ar(Ca) Ar(Cl) Ar(K) Ar(r) Age 2V Ma 36 40 Ar(%) J=0.001739 0.00030 0.00000 0.00038 0.00000 0.00013 0.00332 0.00093 0.00000 0.00024 0.00290 0.00038 0.01412 0.00012 0.00987 0.00010 0.00000 0.00016 0.01165 0.00038 0.00498 0.00006 0.00000 0.00005 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00019 0.08945 0.14283 0.00718 0.14432 0.16771 0.00874 0.09659 0.00545 0.16664 0.10225 8.95995 5.97093 0.11389 7.66076 6.51132 0.10131 2.68299 0.09623 3.07933 1.79978 289.69 ± 2.83 126.60 ± 1.26 49.10 ± 15.89 159.28 ± 1.60 117.87 ± 0.83 36.00 ± 10.50 85.11 ± 0.92 54.60 ± 11.66 57.06 ± 0.76 54.39 ± 0.87 99.01 98.16 74.55 96.53 98.93 47.21 98.66 75.67 98.53 94.10 J=0.001565 0.00001 0.00000 0.00047 0.00451 0.00028 0.00000 0.00044 0.00000 0.00012 0.00082 0.00359 0.01538 0.00019 0.01589 0.00036 0.02986 0.00022 0.01898 0.00032 0.02256 0.00064 0.00254 0.00278 0.00929 0.00115 0.03604 0.00000 0.00010 0.00007 0.00000 0.00000 0.00004 0.00007 0.00002 0.00008 0.00020 0.00003 0.00007 0.00006 0.03974 0.08033 0.05417 0.05065 0.06914 0.22468 0.01972 0.04994 0.07171 0.04780 0.09834 0.14245 0.09937 0.63077 4.17747 2.48371 0.80757 9.39602 4.07134 0.75874 2.30631 9.12178 1.58515 2.78768 3.76182 10.08616 44.26 ± 1.51 141.16 ± 1.49 125.03 ± 1.11 44.46 ± 1.73 347.90 ± 2.87 50.45 ± 0.51 105.49 ± 5.15 125.89 ± 3.09 327.51 ± 4.80 91.29 ± 2.64 78.31 ± 1.43 73.06 ± 0.95 265.98 ± 4.46 99.32 96.77 96.80 86.26 99.62 79.35 93.25 95.59 99.30 94.30 93.62 82.06 96.75 36 Ar(a) Ar(Ca) J=0.001821 0.00102 0.00893 0.00101 0.00393 0.00044 0.01544 0.00081 0.00000 0.00016 0.00000 0.00023 0.00000 0.00221 0.00000 0.00127 0.00000 0.00037 0.00633 0.00029 0.01158 0.00018 0.00090 37 38 39 0.00011 0.00007 0.00001 0.00000 0.00004 0.00000 0.00007 0.00001 0.00003 0.00005 0.00004 0.21132 0.09568 0.09710 0.07976 0.14764 0.09301 0.16599 0.09918 0.12614 0.05420 0.03259 7.73155 3.44312 2.93672 1.83752 2.07513 1.07176 3.24008 3.89857 13.66040 1.73843 0.97916 116.36 ± 0.97 114.50 ± 1.73 96.71 ± 1.45 74.15 ± 2.70 45.59 ± 1.36 37.46 ± 2.13 63.01 ± 1.28 124.72 ± 2.28 324.71 ± 1.88 102.41 ± 2.52 96.10 ± 3.92 96.25 92.01 95.74 88.48 97.73 94.05 83.23 91.23 99.21 95.26 94.95 J=0.003089 0.00013 0.00082 0.00073 0.00056 0.00027 0.00034 0.00006 0.00063 0.00032 0.00145 0.00060 0.00081 0.00097 0.00063 0.00044 0.00075 0.00029 0.00000 0.00006 0.00000 0.00028 0.00000 0.00023 0.00025 0.00000 0.00044 0.00193 0.00132 0.00089 0.00032 0.00217 0.00098 0.00095 0.22652 0.41089 0.05148 0.01312 0.26553 0.20445 0.10989 0.07600 0.20004 0.00594 0.11300 1.77568 5.18311 0.61004 0.58978 2.30684 2.62401 2.71549 0.97370 1.36717 0.05043 0.78456 43.16 ± 0.40 68.96 ± 0.29 64.85 ± 2.74 234.51 ± 12.35 47.78 ± 0.72 70.14 ± 1.00 132.71 ± 1.57 70.02 ± 2.16 37.69 ± 1.93 46.70 ± 33.13 38.28 ± 2.09 97.81 95.99 88.43 96.96 96.06 93.65 90.49 88.21 94.13 73.39 90.48 (continued) Ar(Cl) Ar(K) 40 Ar(r) Age 2V Ma 40 Ar(%) 94 B. Carrapa, J. Wijbrans, and G. Bertotti 40 Murazzano B29 39 TABLE A2. Ar/ Ar ANALYSES OF THE INVESTIGATED SAMPLES (continued) 37 38 39 40 Ar(a) Ar(Ca) Ar(Cl) Ar(K) Ar(r) Age 2VMa 36 J=0.002577 0.00044 0.00067 0.00108 0.00092 0.00059 0.00075 0.00073 0.00201 0.00036 0.00047 0.00025 0.00000 0.00039 0.00024 0.00061 0.00000 0.00006 0.00051 0.00115 0.00341 Cassinasco D40 36 Ar(a) 37 Ar(Ca) 0.00053 0.00182 0.00168 0.00109 0.00088 0.00075 0.00051 0.00076 0.00082 0.00037 0.13158 0.17130 0.20913 0.11981 0.11041 0.09706 0.05818 0.12014 0.14348 0.13319 2.07542 4.17635 3.44964 3.32769 2.70065 1.22990 1.55052 1.63738 1.17065 5.28963 38 39 40 Ar(Cl) Ar(K) J=0.001888 D41 200ab 200cd 200fg 200hi 200no 200pq 200st 202bc D49 122 184 Age 2 Ma TFA 105.7 ±1.92 Ar(%) 94.15 92.92 95.20 93.93 96.16 94.42 93.02 90.02 98.40 93.98 40 Ar(%) 39 Ar(%) 10.17 13.23 16.16 9.26 8.53 7.50 4.50 9.28 11.09 10.29 39 Ar(%) J=0.001878 0.00120 0.00130 0.00104 0.00445 0.00067 0.00000 0.00291 0.00000 0.00053 0.00304 0.00062 0.00000 0.00465 0.03999 0.00073 0.00124 0.00011 0.00011 0.00003 0.00000 0.00001 0.00000 0.00022 0.00018 0.38048 0.17019 0.41259 0.57131 0.15647 0.21670 0.70260 0.24561 10.69314 4.77855 4.79422 20.05338 6.13619 2.76107 13.90670 11.44977 92.79 ±0.69 92.71 ±1.02 38.95 ±0.43 115.2 ±0.71 128.2 ±1.73 42.66 ±1.16 65.84 ±1.27 151.4 ±1.11 98.66 95.63 99.26 97.01 97.89 95.77 95.53 98.16 74.55 76.30 97.80 97.14 95.05 15.67 98.48 77.13 J=0.001803 0.00918 0.00000 0.00918 0.00158 0.00918 0.00135 0.00918 0.00000 0.01558 0.00041 0.00126 0.00099 0.00206 0.00085 0.00620 0.00061 0.00164 0.00286 0.00178 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00005 0.00017 0.00018 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.21078 0.27920 0.09199 0.17047 0.01056 0.15295 0.24627 0.28746 0.24125 0.14569 3.46377 14.05690 1.10806 2.21011 0.23810 5.67705 8.51992 11.73730 8.56335 2.83263 52.68 ± 2.10 156.75 ± 1.49 38.76 ± 4.10 41.69 ± 2.54 71.91 ± 43.70 116.87 ± 1.78 109.16 ± 0.95 128.15 ± 0.75 111.91 ± 0.98 62.16 ± 1.76 56.08 83.82 29.00 44.90 4.92 93.83 93.33 86.49 94.65 84.32 27.63 36.59 12.06 22.34 1.38 14.25 22.94 26.77 22.47 13.57 77.71 ± 0.76 TFA 52.43 ±0.49 69.08 ±0.71 71.43 ±1.29 106.5 ±10.5 114.5 ±1.6 74.37 ±2.63 64.62 ±2.15 68.7 ±0.62 73.77 ±2.4 98.79 98.68 98.93 98.52 98.58 94.43 97.55 98.07 92.42 D50 J=0.001793 D51 J=0.001783 0.00056 0.00000 0.00059 0.00042 0.00065 0.00280 0.00073 0.00391 0.00226 0.06519 0.00133 0.05905 0.00149 0.05709 0.00144 0.01706 0.00044 0.01006 203ab 203ce 203fg 203hi 203pq 203st 203uv 208ab 208cd Ar(r) 71.88 ± 1.04 109.93 ± 0.66 75.10 ± 0.59 124.72 ± 1.03 110.27 ± 1.19 57.97 ± 1.67 119.82 ± 2.81 62.28 ± 1.26 37.54 ± 1.10 175.79 ± 1.28 40 0.00015 0.00011 0.00014 0.00023 0.00022 0.00032 0.00042 0.00024 0.00005 0.36421 0.39867 0.23056 0.33995 0.70990 0.40403 0.49672 0.41071 0.05389 6.02308 8.72783 5.22240 11.59065 26.09092 9.53687 10.15882 8.94133 1.26140 75.92 92.40 75.86 80.44 93.20 21.60 96.58 59.34 30.96 (continued) Detecting provenance variations and cooling patterns 40 Cassinasco D54 209b 209cd 209ef 209jl 209no 210bc 210de 210gh 210il D64 39 TABLE A2. Ar/ Ar ANALYSES OF THE INVESTIGATED SAMPLES (continued) 37 38 39 40 Ar(a) Ar(Ca) Ar(Cl) Ar(K) Ar(r) Age 2V Ma 36 J=0.001755 D55 95 40 Ar(%) TFA 94.01 ±0.7 120.54 ±1.81 55.92 ±7.63 84.21 ±0.85 116.11 ±1.18 57.39 ±1.14 88.98 ±0.98 236.19 ±1.39 147.06 ±1.31 87.14 ±0.98 95.91 90.15 96.62 91.60 91.88 96.84 98.03 94.46 92.72 97.76 ± 0.95 152.08 ± 1.10 95.84 ± 0.59 85.22 ± 0.52 70.34 ± 3.51 76.75 ± 5.80 104.83 ± 2.45 79.56 ± 2.19 78.18 ± 43.07 97.47 97.26 96.79 97.12 97.59 94.01 97.06 94.99 88.35 J=0.001747 0.00057 0.00571 0.00096 0.00897 0.00096 0.00856 0.00271 0.01210 0.00028 0.01050 0.00072 0.00000 0.00264 0.00000 0.00261 0.00000 0.00125 0.01584 0.00000 0.00008 0.00000 0.00007 0.00013 0.00000 0.00009 0.00000 0.00000 0.09919 0.02650 0.27605 0.21435 0.10606 0.19157 0.35575 0.20928 0.15479 3.92317 0.47750 7.55033 8.15645 1.96222 5.54382 28.48430 10.17397 4.38469 J=0.001675 0.00056 0.00000 0.00088 0.00000 0.00112 0.00000 0.00088 0.00000 0.00009 0.00000 0.00027 0.00000 0.00043 0.00000 0.00065 0.00000 0.00008 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00032 0.00000 0.00011 0.00001 0.00002 0.00000 0.00000 0.19138 0.17509 0.30675 0.30453 0.04558 0.04860 0.11816 0.13516 0.00672 6.36258 9.19408 9.99170 8.79460 1.08187 1.26108 4.22067 3.63828 0.17773 D65 J=0.001668 B11 J=0.003052 0.00068 0.00000 0.00041 0.00017 0.00066 0.00000 0.00038 0.00000 0.00041 0.00000 0.00029 0.00000 0.00052 0.00020 0.00021 0.00046 0.00024 0.00000 0.00054 0.00054 0.00029 0.00076 0.00055 0.00036 0.00013 0.00029 0.00039 0.00011 0.00005 0.00057 0.38029 0.47620 0.12623 0.14264 0.09471 0.18471 0.11761 0.14548 0.10353 0.15385 4.22907 4.45147 3.55487 1.56721 0.85465 1.65350 2.00304 9.17756 1.19749 1.85755 60.22 ± 0.36 50.75 ± 0.27 148.76 ± 0.97 59.50 ± 0.75 49.01 ± 1.01 48.63 ± 0.58 91.42 ± 1.05 317.66 ± 1.01 62.59 ± 1.07 65.28 ± 0.83 95.44 97.34 94.80 93.27 87.68 95.01 92.83 99.34 94.50 92.04 J=0.002712 0.00077 0.00038 0.00032 0.00000 0.00016 0.00000 0.00039 0.00000 0.00044 0.00037 0.00018 0.00000 0.00018 0.00000 0.00049 0.00000 0.00062 0.00000 0.00064 0.00000 0.00034 0.00000 0.00006 0.00014 0.00044 0.00004 0.00020 0.00114 0.00082 0.00091 0.18185 0.15674 0.08506 0.17311 0.09283 0.09199 0.41221 0.21974 0.18277 0.31646 2.55486 2.09977 0.78331 10.12281 1.77921 0.71223 14.23411 1.74031 3.12162 3.16821 67.46 ± 0.90 64.38 ± 0.73 44.50 ± 1.19 265.56 ± 1.03 91.41 ± 1.16 37.49 ± 0.79 161.50 ± 0.41 38.34 ± 0.56 81.68 ± 0.78 48.33 ± 0.37 91.82 95.68 94.19 98.88 93.13 93.14 99.62 92.37 94.42 94.39 (continued) B24 TFA 94.44 ± 0.69 96 B. Carrapa, J. Wijbrans, and G. Bertotti 40 Cassinasco B27 B34 Lequio B26 B30 39 TABLE A2. Ar/ Ar ANALYSES OF THE INVESTIGATED SAMPLES (continued) 37 38 39 40 Ar(a) Ar(Ca) Ar(Cl) Ar(K) Ar(r) Age 2V Ma 36 40 Ar(%) J=0.002634 0.00026 0.00097 0.00020 0.00037 0.00046 0.00027 0.00061 0.00031 0.00019 0.00074 0.00031 0.00018 0.00041 0.00038 0.00037 0.00048 0.00016 0.00077 0.00376 0.00099 0.00254 0.00089 0.00188 0.00103 0.00210 0.00101 0.00261 0.00080 0.00084 0.00250 0.01820 0.09403 0.23393 0.13414 0.02167 0.23263 0.48812 0.17393 0.16999 0.50528 0.12682 2.04448 3.29560 2.93910 0.19339 2.37194 5.12074 3.89705 1.55097 9.21999 32.82 ± 9.57 100.48 ± 1.78 65.73 ± 0.76 101.22 ± 1.35 41.91 ± 8.00 47.81 ± 0.48 49.18 ± 0.25 103.45 ± 0.54 42.84 ± 0.40 84.69 ± 0.62 62.56 97.22 96.06 94.22 77.94 96.31 97.68 97.30 97.04 89.23 J=0.002361 0.00023 0.00015 0.00024 0.00034 0.00061 0.00022 0.00098 0.00083 0.00019 0.00095 0.00003 0.00000 0.00027 0.00000 0.00034 0.00000 0.00015 0.00000 0.00017 0.00131 0.00022 0.00081 0.00109 0.00121 0.00100 0.00000 0.00028 0.00075 0.00107 0.00102 0.07622 0.18670 0.24472 0.17421 0.17702 0.04397 0.14661 0.17543 0.21101 0.19072 1.18007 4.31110 3.33059 3.62077 2.79856 0.83430 2.20300 4.09649 3.34448 3.04255 64.77 ± 1.65 95.77 ± 0.66 57.06 ± 0.55 86.42 ± 0.94 66.11 ± 0.69 79.07 ± 2.51 62.89 ± 0.73 96.82 ± 0.83 66.28 ± 0.60 66.70 ± 0.66 94.61 98.35 94.84 92.56 98.03 98.89 96.51 97.60 98.66 98.34 38 39 40 J=0.002674 0.00042 0.00025 0.00034 0.00000 0.00019 0.00000 0.00019 0.00029 0.00017 0.00030 0.00013 0.00000 0.00012 0.00000 0.00016 0.00000 0.00017 0.00000 0.00003 0.00000 0.00096 0.00087 0.00058 0.00086 0.00127 0.00104 0.00110 0.00105 0.00089 0.00048 0.21149 0.11740 0.10173 0.21642 0.09677 0.14888 0.15639 0.13109 0.08509 0.05112 3.17208 5.45333 7.00051 14.04228 0.96833 1.21692 9.64211 1.20167 1.02352 3.57944 70.94 ± 0.53 211.22 ± 1.27 304.72 ± 1.55 288.63 ± 1.23 47.64 ± 1.05 39.01 ± 0.76 275.31 ± 1.01 43.69 ± 0.90 57.11 ± 1.45 309.61 ± 3.17 96.22 98.19 99.21 99.59 94.95 96.94 99.64 96.26 95.19 99.75 J=0.002534 0.00066 0.00078 0.00029 0.00023 0.00010 0.00000 0.00011 0.00072 0.00009 0.00006 0.00001 0.00089 0.00101 0.00055 0.00009 0.00099 0.00013 0.00000 0.00042 0.00000 0.00130 0.00069 0.00022 0.00012 0.00056 0.00003 0.00069 0.00039 0.00044 0.00067 0.30676 0.13268 0.04477 0.23841 0.08686 0.12644 0.09900 0.14771 0.23068 0.06847 3.27013 1.12180 1.07362 14.25421 6.05692 9.42874 1.94140 10.06651 15.92031 2.54216 48.09 ± 0.47 38.24 ± 0.52 106.43 ± 1.93 254.50 ± 0.76 293.55 ± 1.54 312.25 ± 1.03 87.49 ± 1.10 287.39 ± 1.84 290.76 ± 0.55 162.21 ± 1.64 94.39 92.83 97.28 99.76 99.58 99.96 86.68 99.75 99.76 95.33 (continued) 36 Ar(a) 37 Ar(Ca) Ar(Cl) Ar(K) Ar(r) Age 2V Ma 40 Ar(%) Detecting provenance variations and cooling patterns 40 Lequio A2 A4 A5 A6 97 39 TABLE A2. Ar/ Ar ANALYSES OF THE INVESTIGATED SAMPLES (continued) 37 38 39 40 Ar(a) Ar(Ca) Ar(Cl) Ar(K) Ar(r) Age 2V Ma 36 40 Ar(%) J=0.001894 0.00075 0.03312 0.00119 0.03149 0.00091 0.03233 0.00109 0.03318 0.00160 0.02648 0.00312 0.00126 0.00033 0.00080 0.00059 0.00000 0.00127 0.00075 0.00046 0.00000 0.00020 0.00015 0.00020 0.00038 0.00059 0.00044 0.00045 0.00006 0.00011 0.00019 0.17065 0.21709 0.16490 0.13319 0.14182 0.20966 0.18840 0.12655 0.21678 0.12004 3.69348 4.09104 2.82484 4.67569 3.63433 7.80716 2.35081 2.49137 3.27260 1.88143 72.48 ± 4.79 63.27 ± 3.82 57.61 ± 4.93 116.13 ± 5.93 85.51 ± 5.88 122.95 ± 1.51 42.14 ± 1.53 66.04 ± 3.96 50.86 ± 2.48 52.78 ± 4.34 94.36 92.10 91.28 93.56 88.51 89.45 96.00 93.42 89.73 93.27 J=0.001892 0.00029 0.00105 0.00028 0.00400 0.00021 0.00351 0.00052 0.00214 0.00036 0.00022 0.00006 0.00000 0.00024 0.00314 0.00001 0.00064 0.00016 0.00052 0.00001 0.00000 0.00001 0.00018 0.00026 0.00012 0.00000 0.00035 0.00000 0.00000 0.00016 0.00051 0.05553 0.06457 0.06035 0.10711 0.06691 0.07782 0.03796 0.00475 0.04992 0.08422 1.20649 6.78426 6.09445 2.15708 1.18909 7.98449 0.92680 0.07099 1.14729 8.64381 72.68 ± 6.56 327.11 ± 6.83 315.42 ± 6.06 67.46 ± 3.77 59.66 ± 5.06 320.06 ± 6.42 81.48 ± 10.73 50.36 ± 82.80 76.78 ± 7.43 320.17 ± 5.15 93.43 98.79 98.97 93.32 91.82 99.78 92.99 96.17 96.04 99.95 J=0.001891 0.00085 0.00000 0.00067 0.00089 0.00074 0.00000 0.00084 0.00000 0.00061 0.00000 0.00024 0.00000 0.00030 0.00000 0.00057 0.00000 0.00072 0.00121 0.00022 0.00535 0.00022 0.00025 0.00032 0.00027 0.00053 0.00015 0.00008 0.00000 0.00015 0.00060 0.11662 0.18403 0.16509 0.16146 0.10538 0.04134 0.00577 0.16197 0.13745 0.09118 2.95591 4.15946 3.25583 3.04381 2.84253 0.89234 0.03726 3.34630 1.89997 8.51274 84.46 ± 2.25 75.50 ± 1.86 66.06 ± 1.61 63.19 ± 1.71 89.75 ± 2.50 72.17 ± 6.14 21.91 ± 41.50 69.14 ± 1.26 46.55 ± 1.78 293.31 ± 3.21 92.18 95.44 93.72 92.49 94.00 92.70 29.38 95.24 89.88 99.24 J=0.001890 0.00111 0.00000 0.00008 0.00310 0.00063 0.00242 0.00043 0.00244 0.00035 0.00543 0.00028 0.00183 0.00151 0.00667 0.00074 0.00087 0.00011 0.00229 0 00027 0 00366 0.00025 0.00000 0.00048 0.00010 0.00000 0.00004 0.00000 0.00033 0.00000 0 00032 0.28128 0.17956 0.20909 0.19090 0.26135 0.11697 0.16865 0.12450 0.10152 0 13407 8.60685 18.38102 3.79445 6.33614 25.61371 4.55877 11.78144 2.78421 9.80241 13 39523 101.43 ± 0.77 319.09 ± 2.08 60.84 ± 1.78 109.76 ± 1.66 306.58 ± 1.18 128.22 ± 2.74 223.73 ± 2.56 74.69 ± 2.19 302.40 ± 3.44 312 06 2 76 96.34 99.88 95.29 98.04 99.59 98.24 96.36 92.67 99.68 99 40 98 B. Carrapa, J. Wijbrans, and G. Bertotti 40 Present sands 39 TABLE A2. Ar/ Ar ANALYSES OF THE INVESTIGATED SAMPLES (continued) 37 38 39 40 Ar(a) Ar(Ca) Ar(Cl) Ar(K) Ar(r) Age 2V Ma 36 40 Ar(%) Tanaro B15 A31 B16 J=0.002958 0.00025 0.00000 0.00015 0.00041 0.00042 0.00115 0.00074 0.00082 0.00013 0.00049 0.00067 0.00198 0.00042 0.00011 0.00045 0.00075 0.00020 0.00086 0.00000 0.00026 0.00009 0.00070 0.00029 0.00000 0.00009 0.00046 0.00055 0.27447 0.21008 0.21213 0.21769 0.17809 0.24664 0.42222 0.29752 0.24714 16.49710 12.82995 13.50218 13.36759 11.09515 14.90981 26.47683 17.85984 1.76190 295.22 ± 1.33 299.59 ± 1.15 311.21 ± 1.34 301.10 ± 1.15 305.14 ± 1.23 296.79 ± 1.16 306.98 ± 0.87 294.87 ± 1.43 37.65 ± 0.68 99.56 99.65 99.08 98.39 99.64 98.69 99.53 99.25 96.72 J=0.001870 0.00000 0.00000 0.00065 0.00289 0.00013 0.00313 0.00031 0.00128 0.00015 0.00030 0.00049 0.00312 0.00029 0.00160 0.00023 0.00556 0.00037 0.00143 0.00081 0.00588 0.00021 0.00000 0.00000 0.00010 0.00000 0.00000 0.00000 0.00038 0.00000 0.00032 0.08279 0.17393 0.10144 0.11995 0.16233 0.19347 0.10937 0.16347 0.08356 0.30906 8.55896 5.98778 9.22355 11.37688 1.73807 16.77586 11.10519 15.59394 8.72244 30.54794 318.86 ± 2.39 112.56 ± 1.36 283.30 ± 3.16 294.57 ± 3.29 35.76 ± 1.47 271.10 ± 2.25 313.64 ± 3.22 296.13 ± 2.25 321.70 ± 4.82 305.97 ± 1.55 100.00 96.87 99.60 99.20 97.54 99.15 99.22 99.57 98.75 99.22 TFA 314.7 ±2.64 J=0.002934 Stura B17 A33 B18 J=0.002910 0.00029 0.00416 0.00094 0.00000 0.00024 0.00000 0.00022 0.00000 0.00028 0.00078 0.00012 0.00035 0.00026 0.00084 0.00010 0.00105 0.00025 0.00048 0.00000 0.00121 0.00107 0.00091 0.00084 0.00000 0.00010 0.00008 0.00181 0.74567 0.64183 0.48989 0.44144 0.42577 0.20521 0.15220 0.45785 0.35343 43.77489 39.15587 30.12441 26.80567 26.06749 12.63738 9.55720 28.69089 21.13772 284.53 ± 0.63 294.82 ± 0.85 296.98 ± 1.41 293.56 ± 0.98 295.79 ± 0.84 297.38 ± 1.55 302.77 ± 1.39 302.20 ± 1.07 289.47 ± 1.34 99.81 99.30 99.76 99.75 99.68 99.72 99.20 99.90 99.65 J=0.001868 0.00015 0.00259 0.00018 0.00008 0.00036 0.00178 0.00052 0.00399 0.00030 0.00449 0.00122 0.00451 0.00013 0.00161 0.00108 0.00000 0.00050 0.00119 0.00070 0.00111 0.00049 0.00035 0.00028 0.00040 0.00035 0.00052 0.00002 0.00000 0.00004 0.00000 0.35855 0.16345 0.32403 0.09496 0.10051 0.21609 0.13643 0.14197 0.13416 0.20369 21.87660 16.17064 32.69575 9.55715 10.66317 21.01410 14.38491 13.96509 13.65997 18.75177 294.86 ± 0.91 305.93 ± 3.12 311.53 ± 1.84 310.80 ± 4.40 326.17 ± 4.50 301.13 ± 2.93 324.34 ± 3.23 304.32 ± 3.34 314.12 ± 3.52 286.28 ± 2.71 99.80 99.66 99.67 98.41 99.17 98.31 99.73 97.76 98.92 98.91 TFA 305.87 ±1.85 J=0.002879 (continued) Detecting provenance variations and cooling patterns 40 Present sands 99 39 TABLE A2. Ar/ Ar ANALYSES OF THE INVESTIGATED SAMPLES (continued) 37 38 39 40 Ar(a) Ar(Ca) Ar(Cl) Ar(K) Ar(r) Age 2V Ma 36 40 Ar(%) Maira B13 A34 J=0.003012 0.00242 0.00078 0.00171 0.00116 0.00158 0.00113 0.00124 0.00001 0.00119 0.00033 0.00104 0.00000 0.00037 0.00001 0.00048 0.00043 0.00124 0.00071 0.00063 0.00071 0.00044 0.00095 0.00113 0.00134 0.00082 0.00062 0.00040 0.00062 0.00116 0.00086 0.74100 0.53839 0.26651 0.21017 0.29666 0.12663 0.26605 0.33386 0.37491 0.26613 11.98409 16.48979 4.23196 3.74044 4.15063 0.93653 3.02743 3.85268 6.85901 6.12037 85.81 ± 0.45 159.19 ± 0.59 84.28 ± 0.79 94.21 ± 0.87 74.47 ± 0.44 39.75 ± 1.35 60.80 ± 0.58 61.64 ± 0.44 96.77 ± 17.96 120.83 ± 0.62 94.37 97.02 90.07 91.07 92.17 75.27 96.46 96.44 94.93 97.05 J=0.001867 0.00088 0.00559 0.00098 0.00459 0.00441 0.00651 0.00104 0.00407 0.00106 0.00497 0.00199 0.00093 0.00351 0.00502 0.00114 0.00454 0.00277 0.00000 0.00060 0.00315 0.00007 0.00029 0.00000 0.00000 0.00058 0.00039 0.00002 0.00005 0.00000 0.00021 0.42525 0.35456 0.43850 0.29468 0.16429 0.21428 0.39586 0.41556 0.42950 0.33274 7.80664 6.16508 9.90354 5.44614 2.70191 5.00788 8.27521 7.94239 8.64451 5.57909 60.80 ± 1.14 57.64 ± 1.21 74.51 ± 1.03 61.20 ± 1.49 54.56 ± 3.12 77.05 ± 0.95 69.07 ± 0.59 63.25 ± 0.49 66.55 ± 0.58 55.61 ± 0.65 96.77 95.52 88.37 94.64 89.59 89.49 88.85 95.94 91.35 96.93 B14 J=0.002985 TFA 75.9 ±0.6 40 39 Note: The Molare data are part of the paper of Barbieri et al. (2003). The values (mols. and %) listed for the Ar/ Ar 36 36 37 37 38 experiments are Ar(a): atmospheric component in Ar; Ar(Ca): calcium-derived Ar; Ar(Cl): chlorine-derived 38 39 39 40 40 component Ar; Ar(K): potassium-derived component in Ar; Ar(r): radiogenic Ar; Age (Ma) with related 2Verrors; 40 37 Ar(%): percentage radiogenic component in Ar. Note that Ar in the experiments was low and indistinguishable from the blank. This could have been the result of sample preparation, which included a leaching step with nitric acid to dissolve the carbonate fraction and enable better mica separation. Time between sample irradiation and the analyses 37 of reported data was never more than 4 months (T1/2 Ar = 35.1 days). D—VU32; B—VU36; A—VU41. TFA—total fusion ages (see Table A3). 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