113 A) Vertical scale greatly exaggerated Explanation Stream alluvium Upper basin fill (confining unit) Lower basin fill (fine grained) Lower basin fill (coarse grained) Pre-Basin & Range sediments Bedrock 5 to 16 miles Fault B) Unit Lower basin fill Pre-Basin and Range Sediments Bedrock of the mountains Mudstone and evaporite deposits (8-26 km) DESCRIPTION OF PRINCIPAL HYDROGEOLOGIC UNITS Lithology Stream sediments Unconsolidated alluvial deposits along major streams and washes; boulders and gravel to lacustrine clay; typically well sorted sandy gravel Upper basin fill 2000 feet (610 m) Looking North Unconsolidated to moderately consolidated alluvial deposits. Grades from coarse- to fine-grained toward basin centers; includes basin center silts and clays, also lake and basalt flows in a few basins Weakly to highly consolidated gravel, sand, silt, and clay with interbedded to massive evaporites and volcanic rocks in some areas Weakly to highly consolidated fanglomerate and alluvial deposits found on the perimeter of most basins. In some places grades into the fine-grained facies near major basin faults; underlies the finegrained facies in extensive areas of many basins Basin-center fine-grained facies, weakly to moderately consolidated silt and clay, generally 55 to 80% fine sediments, few evaporites Basin-center fine-grained facies, moderately consolidated silt and clay, greater than 80% Fine-grained sediments, gypsiferous in many Places, with interbedded or massive evaporites and volcanics in a few basins Moderately to highly consolidated fanglomerate and alluvial deposits and interbedded volcanics that are structurally disturbed. Range in composition from silt, clay, limestone to gravel and conglomerates, includes some interbedded volcanics Range in Thickness (in feet) 0 - <300 (0 - <91 m) <100-1000 (<30 - 305 m) 0-1000 (0 - 305 m) Range in hydrologic properties Only locally saturated Hydraulic conductivity 30-1000 ft/day Specific yield 15-25 percent Hydraulic conductivity 1-100 ft/day Specific yield 3-25 percent Hydraulic conductivity 1-50 ft/day Storage coefficient 10 -1 to 10-5 1000-5000 (305-1524 m) <1000 (<305 m) <1000-15000 (<305-4572 m) Hydraulic Conductivity 1-13 ft/day Storage coefficient 10-1 to 6 x 10-5 Igneous, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks FIGURE 19. Generalized cross section (A) and descriptions (B) of the principal hydrogeologic units of the southeast basins of Arizona and New Mexico. Modified from Figures 7 and 21 of Anderson et al. (1992)