PUBLICATIONS Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth RESEARCH ARTICLE 10.1002/2014JB011244 Key Points: • Map of surface rupture scarp and measurements of surface deformation • Rupture segment linkage and growth • Rupture kinematics are inferred from the observed rupture branching pattern Correspondence to: M. Suter, Citation: Suter, M. (2015), Rupture of the Pitáycachi Fault in the 1887 Mw 7.5 Sonora, Mexico earthquake (southern Basin-and-Range Province): Rupture kinematics and epicenter inferred from rupture branching patterns, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 120, 617–641, doi:10.1002/2014JB011244. Received 3 MAY 2014 Accepted 16 DEC 2014 Accepted article online 19 DEC 2014 Published online 26 JAN 2015 Rupture of the Pitáycachi Fault in the 1887 Mw 7.5 Sonora, Mexico earthquake (southern Basin-and-Range Province): Rupture kinematics and epicenter inferred from rupture branching patterns Max Suter1 1 Instituto de Geología, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México Estación Regional del Noroeste, Hermosillo, Sonora, Mexico Abstract During the 3 May 1887 Mw 7.5 Sonora earthquake (surface rupture end-to-end length: 101.8 km), an array of three north-south striking Basin-and-Range Province faults (from north to south Pitáycachi, Teras, and Otates) slipped sequentially along the western margin of the Sierra Madre Occidental Plateau. This detailed field survey of the 1887 earthquake rupture zone along the Pitáycachi fault includes mapping the rupture scarp and measurements of surface deformation. The surface rupture has an endpoint-to-endpoint length of ≥41.0 km, dips ~70°W, and is characterized by normal left-lateral extension. The maximum surface offset is 487 cm and the mean offset 260 cm. The rupture trace shows a complex pattern of second-order segmentation. However, this segmentation is not expressed in the 1887 along-rupture surface offset profile, which indicates that the secondary segments are linked at depth into a single coherent fault surface. The Pitáycachi surface rupture shows a well-developed bipolar branching pattern suggesting that the rupture originated in its central part, where the polarity of the rupture bifurcations changes. Most likely the rupture first propagated bilaterally along the Pitáycachi fault. The southern rupture front likely jumped across a step over to the Teras fault and from there across a major relay zone to the Otates fault. Branching probably resulted from the lateral propagation of the rupture after breaching the seismogenic part of the crust, given that the much shorter ruptures of the Otates and Teras segments did not develop branches. 1. Introduction North-south striking, west dipping Basin-and-Range Province normal faults and associated half-grabens are located along the >300 km long western edge of the Sierra Madre Occidental Plateau in northeastern Sonora, Mexico. On 3 May 1887, the largest historical earthquake of the southern Basin-and-Range tectonic-physiographic province occurred within this discontinuous fault array and produced the world’s longest recorded normal fault surface rupture in historic time [dePolo et al., 1991; Yeats et al., 1997]. Field observations indicate that three first-order range-bounding normal faults (from north to south: Pitáycachi, Teras, and Otates; Figure 1) ruptured in this 1887 Sonoran earthquake [Suter and Contreras, 2002]. These are the only Basin-and-Range Province faults in Mexico with known historical coseismic surface rupture. The rupture has a ~70°W dipping plane of movement, a maximum displacement (net slip) of 5.2 m, and is composed (from north to south) of the Pitáycachi, Teras, and Otates rupture segments (Figures 1 and 2 and Table 1). Including two isolated minor segments to the north of the Pitáycachi segment, the cumulative 1887 rupture trace is 86.7 km long, and the distance between the rupture trace tips is 101.8 km. Empirical scaling relations between surface rupture length and moment magnitude for normal faults [Wells and Coppersmith, 1994] estimate a magnitude Mw of 7.5 ± 0.3 for this earthquake. In this paper, I present a detailed structural analysis of the 1887 earthquake surface rupture along the Pitáycachi fault. Earlier papers dealt with the structure of the 1887 surface rupture along the Teras [Suter, 2008a] and Otates [Suter, 2008b] faults. This study is based on geological mapping (Figure 3) and structural and morphological field measurements. I also summarize here the trace, rupture parameter values, and surface offset profile for the entire 1887 rupture along all three faults. Knowledge of the rupture geometry, slip distribution, and fault zone properties is necessary to understand the process of earthquake rupture [e.g., Shaw, 2006; Scholz, 2007] and required to assess the regional seismic ground-shaking hazard [e.g., International Atomic Energy Agency, 2010; U. S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission, 2012]. Furthermore, the amount of slip expected at a given site on the Pitáycachi fault is required to estimate the local SUTER ©2014. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved. 617 Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 10.1002/2014JB011244 Figure 1. Shaded relief map of northeastern Sonora and northwestern Chihuahua (Mexico) and the adjacent U.S. border region showing in red the 1887 rupture trace (barbs on hanging wall; P, Pitáycachi segment; T, Teras segment; O, Otates segment) and in black the traces of interpreted Basin-and-Range Province faults. SB, San Bernardino Basin; AB, Arizpe Basin; RB, El Rodeo Basin. GC, Guadalupe Canyon fault; LE, Los Embudos fault; LC, La Cabellera fault. Black rectangles: region covered by Figure 3. The lower hemisphere equal-area stereoplots represent mean slickenline orientations measured on the rupture surface and earthquake focal mechanisms (P quadrants shaded in grey; parameters in Table 4). Tectonic-physiographic provinces marked on the location map are SM, Sierra Madre Occidental; SB, southern Basin-and-Range; GP, Great Plains; RG, Rio Grande rift; CP, Colorado Plateau; CB, central Basin-and-Range; and BC, Baja California. surface fault displacement hazard [e.g., La Pointe et al., 2002; Youngs et al., 2003; Wesnousky, 2008; Boncio et al., 2012]. The 1887 surface rupture along the Pitáycachi fault is an excellent natural laboratory for making structural and morphological field observations because the rupture scarp is still well exposed in this arid environment (Figure 4). Here I use detailed new data to explore several topics related to coseismic rupture dynamics: First, the Teras and Otates rupture segments measure between 18 and 20 km, a typical length for normal fault segments [Jackson, 2002], and are structurally simple (Figure 1 and Table 1). The Pitáycachi surface rupture segment, on the other hand, is ≥41 km long and structurally complex (Figure 3). What explains the structural complexity of this rupture segment? Second, what is the slip history of the Pitáycachi fault? Did previous ruptures have similar along-strike variations of coseismic slip? Are the 1887 rupture dimensions characteristic SUTER ©2014. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved. 618 Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 10.1002/2014JB011244 Figure 2. Historic 1887 photograph by Camillus S. Fly of the 1887 earthquake rupture in a stand of ocotillo (Fouquieria splendens) between Arroyo Pitáycachi and Cañón de los Embudos, most likely at 109.135° longitude west/31.088° latitude north (site 124 in Figure 3). The view is from the northwest. The scarp is subvertical, composed of alluvial gravel cemented by caliche, and its height is estimated here as 4.7 m. The two persons are standing in a fissure that developed along the scarp. The ground surface is not rotated toward the scarp, which suggests a simple planar near-surface geometry of the rupture. for ruptures along this fault? Third, the 1887 rupture along the Pitáycachi fault exhibits a bipolar branching pattern. Can we infer from this observation the rupture kinematics of this preinstrumental earthquake, such as the location of the epicenter and the direction of rupture propagation or even make inferences about slip partitioning and the physics of the rupturing process? 2. Tectonic Setting The Pitáycachi fault is part of the fault network consisting of north-south striking, mostly west dipping subparallel Basin-and-Range Province normal faults that delimit the western edge of the Sierra Madre Occidental Plateau in northeastern Sonora, Mexico (Figure 1) and also deform the western parts of the Boot Heel (Peloncillo and Animas Mountains) and Mogollon-Datil (Mule and Mogollon Mountains) volcanic fields farther north, in southeastern Arizona and southwestern New Mexico [Machette et al., 1986; Mack, 2004]. Compared to the Rio Grande rift, adjacent in the northeast (Figure 1), this region has lower heat flow and a thicker, less extended crust [Keller et al., 1990; Baldridge et al., 1995; Keller, 2004]. The region near the 1887 surface rupture has been extended along subvertical faults by ~10% [Suter, 2008b]. This extension initiated circa 25 Ma (late Oligocene), synchronous with the formation of the Rio Grande rift [Chapin and Cather, 1994], as indicated by the age of basalt flows intercalated with the lowermost fill of nearby extensional basins [McDowell et al., 1997; Paz Moreno et al., 2003; González-León et al., 2010], which are mostly half-grabens. Extension was associated with 1.0 to 1.5° of clockwise vertical-axis rotation of the Colorado Plateau (Figure 1), relative to the stable craton, from late Oligocene to at least the late Miocene [Chapin and Cather, 1994]. Late Oligocene to early Miocene deposits form the bulk of the basin fills. For example, subsidence of the Arizpe Basin (Figure 1), located ~100 km southwest of the Pitáycachi fault, occurred mostly between 25 Ma and 21 Ma, at a rate of ~0.5 mm/a. Similarly, the subsidence of the El Rodeo Basin (Figure 1), located ~100 km southwest of the Otates fault, occurred between 25 Ma and 18 Ma [González-León et al., 2010]. There is no clear understanding of the Plio-Quaternary tectonic development within the Basin-and-Range Province of northeastern Sonora. The focal depth of well-recorded microearthquakes in the region of the 1887 earthquake rupture, located from local and regional body wave arrival times of several seismic networks [Natali and Sbar, 1982; Castro et al., 2010], indicate that the seismogenic thickness of the crust is 10 to 15 km. Coulomb stress modeling suggests that the microearthquakes are concentrated where the 1887 rupture caused an increase in static shear SUTER ©2014. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved. 619 SUTER — — 0.06 0.08 0.06 — a Average repeat time of 1887 sized ruptures. b Arithmetic mean. c Based on integration of regression function. d During the Quaternary based on Bull and Pearthree e Víbora-North Víbora-South Pitáycachi Teras Otates Entire Rupture [1988]. Since no slickensides were observed on the free face of the Teras rupture segment, the average dip measured on the Teras fault plane is given as a proxy. — — d 100–200 15–26 30–42 — — — 2.77 1.27 1.89 2.11 — — 5.16 2.08 2.70 5.16 b 0.46 0.49 4.87 1.84 2.50 4.87 — — 70 e 62 68 69 0.8 2.1 41.0 20.0 18.2 101.8 Segment 109.149 109.173 109.159 109.212 109.184 109.149 31.270 31.242 31.194 30.810 30.516 31.270 109.151 109.168 109.180 109.259 109.168 109.168 31.263 31.223 30.825 30.635 30.352 30.352 15.6 13.3 2.0 12.0 5.8 0.1 0.39 b 0.43 c 2.60 c 1.12 c 1.75 1.97 Average Slip (m) Maximum Surface Offset (m) Average Dip (°W) Strike (deg) Latitude (°N) Longitude (°W) Latitude (°N) Longitude (°W) Length (km) Southern Endpoint Northern Endpoint Table 1. Structural Parameters of the 1887 Sonora Earthquake Surface Rupture Average Surface Offset (m) Maximum Slip (m) Recurrence a Interval (kyr) Long-Term Slip Rate (mm/yr) Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 10.1002/2014JB011244 stress in the surrounding crust [Suter and Contreras, 2002]. These microearthquakes have been interpreted as aftershocks of the 3 May 1887 Mw 7.5 main shock [Castro et al., 2010]. The long aftershock duration can be explained by the unusually large magnitude of the main shock and by the low slip rates and long main shock recurrence times of the faults that ruptured in 1887 (Table 1). Geodynamic models by Li et al. [2007] show that the strain energy released by a large intraplate earthquake will migrate to the surrounding region and may dominate the local strain energy budget for thousands of years following the main shock, in contrast to interplate seismic zones, where strain energy is dominated by tectonic loading [Stein and Liu, 2009]. Significant east-west extension with a strain rate of 1.06 ± 0.2 × 10 9 yr 1 has been documented from GPS measurements over a recent 4 year period in the southernmost part of the Rio Grande rift along latitude 32.5°N [Berglund et al., 2012]. Assuming a linear strain distribution, this corresponds to an extensional deformation rate of ~0.12 mm/yr per 100 km of east-west distance. Slip vectors from earthquake focal mechanisms [Suter and Contreras, 2002] and slickenlines on the exposed 1887 rupture surface along the Otates fault [Suter, 2008b] also indicate east-west orientation of maximum horizontal extension, which, on a regional scale, can also be inferred from borehole breakouts recorded farther east, in Chihuahua [Suter, 1987, 1991]. 3. Stratigraphy The Pitáycachi fault separates a major horst in its footwall to the east from the San Bernardino Basin in its hanging wall to the west (Figures 1, 3, and 4). Lithostratigraphic units exposed in the footwall of the Pitáycachi fault include Permian carbonates, Mesozoic sediments (Glance Conglomerate, La Morita Formation, and Mural limestone), a Laramide (Late Cretaceous to Eocene) granite stock and related dikes, Oligocene volcanic rocks of the Sierra Madre Occidental, and Pleistocene to Recent piedmont alluvial fan deposits and terrace fill deposits (Figure 3). Lithostratigraphic units exposed in the hanging wall of the fault (San Bernardino Basin) include a conglomerate probably belonging to the late Oligocene to early Miocene Báucarit Formation, Pliocene to Recent axial-fluvial deposits, relict piedmont alluvial fan deposits, terrace fill deposits, and Pleistocene basalts of the Gerónimo volcanic field [Kempton and Dungan, 1989]. The lithology and age of the subsurface basin fill is as yet unknown. Its thickness proximal to the Pitáycachi fault is estimated as ~3000 m by Sumner [1977] based on gravimetric measurements and modeling. ©2014. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved. 620 Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 10.1002/2014JB011244 Figure 3. Geologic map showing in red the rupture trace of the 1887 earthquake along the Pitáycachi fault. Red star is the estimated location of the 1887 epicenter. Open areas are unmapped. Projection: Universal Transverse Mercator (zone: 12 N, datum: NAD1927-Mexico). The dashed line marks the road connecting Morelos with Agua Prieta and Bavispe, and the dotted lines are drainages. The Pliocene to early Pleistocene (2 Ma–750 ka) deposits include siltstone, sandstone, and conglomerate and are typical of braided streams [Biggs et al., 1999]. These deposits crop out in either extremities of the basin, west of Mesa La Víbora in the north and in the Morelos region in the south, but are covered by piedmont alluvial fan deposits near the center of the basin (Figure 3). The extent of the axial-fluvial deposits northeast of Morelos (Figure 3) suggests that the upper (eastern) part of the Bavispe River had drained into the San Bernardino Basin prior to Pleistocene headward erosion and stream capture by the lower (western) part of the Bavispe River (Figures 1 and 3). The maximum thickness of the piedmont alluvial fan deposits derived from the footwall of the Pitáycachi fault is 200–300 m. The typical inclination of the well-preserved relict fan surfaces is 0.7–1.0° (Figure 3). The large relict alluvial fan surfaces of Mesa La Víbora and north of Arroyo Los Embudos (Figure 3) are estimated by Bull and Pearthree [1988] and Pearthree et al. [1990] to be of early to middle Pleistocene (1.5 Ma–125 ka) age based on soil profile characteristics. The constructional surfaces of these piedmont alluvial fans as well as the ones of late Pleistocene (125–10 ka) infill terraces along some tributaries of the San Bernardino River, ~20–50 m above the modern flood plain, are SUTER ©2014. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved. 621 Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 10.1002/2014JB011244 Figure 4. Surface rupture (low white ribbon) along the central part of the Pitáycachi rupture segment, seen from the WNW. The scarp height is approximately 4 m. Background: ignimbrites of the Sierra Mare Occidental; middle ground (foothills of the Sierra Madre): Cretaceous Mural limestone; foreground: alluvial fan deposits of the San Bernardino valley. Photograph taken in 1999 by the author. displaced by the 1887 earthquake surface rupture (Figure 3). These constructional surfaces are excellent geomorphic markers; their ages provide constraints on the fault activity. The terraces along Arroyo Los Embudos are estimated to be of middle to late Pleistocene (750–10 ka) age by Pearthree et al. [1990]. Chronologically better constrained surfaces of broadly equivalent infill terraces along the Casas Grandes River valley in northwestern Chihuahua formed at 14 ka [Nordt, 2003] and along the Rio Grande valley in the Albuquerque region at ~47–40 ka (late Pleistocene) [Cole et al., 2007]. 4. Structural Configuration of the Pitáycachi Fault The west dipping Pitáycachi normal fault bounds the San Bernardino Basin in the east (Figures 1 and 3). The mountain ranges in the footwall (Figure 4) have elevations >2000 m above sea level (asl); the highest location, prominent Cerro Pitáycachi, reaches ~2280 m asl. The footwall is more back eroded and embayed than the footwalls of the Teras and Otates faults, which form pronounced linear fault escarpments. For that reason, the trace of the Pitáycachi fault is morphologically less conspicuous, and there are only a few outcrops of the fault plane. The fault trace is only well defined where the 1887 rupture displaces Pleistocene alluvial fan and terrace fill deposits against bedrock (Figure 3), which places a lower limit of 31 km on the length of the Pitáycachi fault. Farther north, the fault plane is concealed beneath these Pleistocene surficial deposits and its structure and exact location remain uncertain. However, the fault is likely to extend at least as far as the 1887 rupture, which is at least 41.0 km but possibly up to 50.2 km long (see below). The maximum throw of the Pitáycachi fault (~4000 m) can be estimated by adding the relief of Cerro Pitáycachi above the alluvial fan surface (1080 m) to the thickness of the San Bernardino Basin fill proximal to the fault, estimated as ~3000 m by Sumner [1977] based on gravimetric measurements and modeling. The fault strikes approximately north-south, and its average dip at the surface is 72°W (mean from measurements at eight outcrops; Figure 3). An identical dip can be inferred from the composite focal mechanisms of microearthquakes located west of the Pitáycachi fault trace (Figure 1) [Natali and Sbar, 1982], which suggests that the fault has a constant steep dip down to midcrustal levels. The footwall of the Pitáycachi fault is characterized by two previously unreported WNW-ESE striking major normal faults, which both influenced the segmentation of the 1887 earthquake rupture, as documented below. Normal faults of the same orientation also exist in the footwall of the Otates fault, and one of them coincides with the southern end of the 1887 rupture (Figure 1) [Suter, 2008b]. The Los Embudos fault is the northern of these two major cross faults and crops out on the south side of the valley drained by Arroyo Los Embudos (Figure 3). The fault is >12 km long (Figure 1), strikes between east-west and N60°W, exhibits >900 m of down-to-the-north throw, and juxtaposes felsic volcanic rocks against basalt. The scarp of the Los Embudos fault is much less embayed than that of the Pitáycachi fault. However, the fault is SUTER ©2014. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved. 622 Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 10.1002/2014JB011244 onlapped in the west by alluvial fan deposits (Figure 3), which precludes fault activity after the middle Pleistocene. A transverse intrabasin high or basement ridge, inferred in this part of the San Bernardino Basin by Sumner [1977] from gravity measurements, is likely to correspond to the footwall of the Los Embudos fault beneath the basin fill. The La Cabellera fault is the southern of the two major cross faults and bounds the Sierra La Cabellera mountain range (Figures 1 and 3). Most of the fault trace is buried beneath alluvial fan deposits, implying that the fault has been inactive at least since the middle Pleistocene. Farther east, beyond Figure 3, in the valley of Arroyo El Púlpito (Figure S2 in the supporting information in Suter [2008b]), the fault dips 58°S and juxtaposes volcanic bedrock against conglomerate of the late Oligocene to early Miocene Báucarit Formation. The La Cabellera fault strikes N60°W and has a throw >1250 m, inferred from the relief between the top of the felsic volcanic rocks at the Bavispe River (Figure 3) and the erosional surface of the same stratigraphic unit in the Sierra La Cabellera. Both the Los Embudos and the La Cabellera faults have the same order-of-magnitude length and throw as the north-south striking Basin-and-Range Province normal faults of the study area (Figure 1) and were active after deposition of the Oligocene mafic lava flows. Alternating activity between the two normal fault systems would require permutations of the horizontal principal stresses, which suggests that these are of similar magnitudes. Alternatively, the two systems may have been active concurrently. The Guadalupe Canyon fault, an east-west striking normal fault like the Los Embudos fault, is located 16 km north of the Los Embudos fault, in southernmost Arizona (Figure 1) and forms 10 to 20 m high scarps on the remnants of Pliocene to early Pleistocene alluvial fans [Machette et al., 1986]. Slip along the nearly orthogonal Pitáycachi and Guadalupe Canyon normal faults during Pleistocene time suggests that intermittent permutations of the least and intermediate tectonic principal stresses have extended into the Pleistocene. The San Bernardino Basin is a half-graben bound on its eastern margin by west dipping normal faults. Reconnaissance mapping along the road that leads from Colonia Morelos (Figure 3) in northwestern direction to kilometerpost 47 of the highway connecting Agua Prieta with Fronteras (Figure 1) indicates that there is no major conjugate normal fault on the west side of the basin. The stratigraphic sequence at the western basin margin consists of basal felsic volcanic rocks overlain by a poorly stratified tilted conglomerate without basalt components, probably belonging to the late Oligocene to early Miocene Báucarit Formation. This conglomerate is overlain (in this sequence) by basalt, lake deposits, and relict alluvial fan deposits. Because it pinches out toward the west, the conglomerate probably represents syntectonic basin fill related to early activity of the Pitáycachi fault. The width of the San Bernardino half-graben, between this conglomerate and the trace of the Pitáycachi fault, is 16 km. The maximum width of half-graben structures is thought to broadly correlate with the seismogenic thickness of the crust [Scholz and Contreras, 1998; Jackson, 2002], which can be inferred from the focal depth of aftershocks. The thickness of the seismogenic layer estimated from the 16 km width of the San Bernardino half-graben is in broad agreement with the 10 to 15 km focal depth of the recorded microseismicity [Natali and Sbar, 1982; Castro et al., 2010]. The geologic slip rate of the Pitáycachi fault can be estimated from the Pliocene to early Pleistocene (2 Ma–750 ka) braided-stream deposits southeast of Arroyo La Cabellera (Figure 3), which are vertically displaced by up to 60 m, indicating a slip rate in the range between 0.03 and 0.08 mm/yr. These values are comparable to the geologic slip rates of the Teras and Otates faults (0.06 and 0.08 mm/yr, respectively, Table 1) inferred from their structural geometry (average dip and throw of the limit between the Oligocene felsic and mafic volcanic rock units, which are mappable across the fault) and the assumption that the regional extension initiated ~25 Ma ago [Suter and Contreras, 2002]. The more recent geologic slip rate of the Pitáycachi fault since Quaternary time, on the other hand, has been only 0.02 mm/yr based on the estimated age of soils formed on alluvial surfaces displaced by the fault [Bull and Pearthree, 1988; Pearthree et al., 1990]. This rate is at the very lowest end of the normal fault slip rates documented across the Great Basin and the southern Basin-and-Range Province, which range over four orders of magnitude [McCalpin, 1995; dePolo and Anderson, 2000]. 5. The 1887 Earthquake Rupture Along the Pitáycachi Fault Here I provide a detailed account of the surface rupture of the 1887 earthquake along the Pitáycachi fault based on field observations. The 125 year old down-to-the-west rupture scarp is still well exposed (Figure 4). I mapped the scarp and surrounding geology (Figure 3) on 1:50,000 scale stereographic black-and-white aerial SUTER ©2014. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved. 623 Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 10.1002/2014JB011244 photographs supplied by Instituto Nacional de Estadística, Geografía e Informática. The 1887 rupture coincides with the base of a compound rupture scarp. Exceptions are some secondary rupture strands and where the rupture crosses the late Pleistocene infill terraces of some tributaries of the San Bernardino River. Figure 5. Parameters used to characterize the 1887 surface rupture scarp (modified from Bucknam and Anderson [1979] and McCalpin [2009]). The scarp width, scarp height, and the height of the free face were determined with a level and tape measure at 96 sites along the Pitáycachi fault (Figure 3 and Table 2). The surface offset was calculated from these measurements, whereas the amount of dip slip was obtained from the surface offset and the dip of the rupture plane. The length of the surface rupture along the Pitáycachi fault is 41.0 km (from endpoint to endpoint of mapped scarp; Figure 3 and Table 1). This is a minimum value, since surface rupture was observed by both Goodfellow [1888] and Aguilera [1888] farther south, on the northern bank of the Bavispe River (Figure 3), which adds another 1.2 km to the length of this rupture segment. Moreover, according to Goodfellow [1887, 1888], the rupture continues south for another 8 km beyond the Bavispe River, which I have not been able to confirm. This would bring the length of the Pitáycachi rupture segment up to 50.2 km. 5.1. Rupture Scarp Morphology and Scarp-Bounding Fissure The 1887 rupture scarp along the Pitáycachi fault was studied at 96 sites (including seven sites on the Víbora segments), marked with reference numbers in Figure 3, where I measured the scarp width, scarp height, and the preserved height of the free face (Figure 5 and Table 2). I also noted at each site the material exposed in the footwall and, in the case of alluvial fan deposits, the clast size, and whether the material was cemented or not. The alluvial fan gravel displaced by the surface rupture is coarse and poorly stratified (Figure 2). Where the footwall exposes bedrock, the scarp head (Figure 5) is commonly covered by bedrock colluvium, which facilitates measurement of the scarp height and width. The surface offset (vertical separation of the inclined ground surface) was calculated from the scarp height and the slope angle of the ground surface above and below the scarp (Figure 5). Scarp heights measure up to 595 cm, and surface offsets reach up to 487 cm (Table 2). Estimates for surface offset remain constant at any location along the fault trace, whereas the scarp width and height increase as the scarp crest erodes back and the scarp broadens with time. However, this increase does not cause major differences between scarp height and surface offset (Table 2), since the original surface slopes are low. This contrasts with the situation along the Otates rupture segment, where the surface offset deviates significantly from the scarp height because of the steep, up to 31° inclined colluvial slopes adjacent to the 1887 rupture [Suter, 2008b]. Aguilera [1888] reports 1887 rupture scarp inclinations of 75 to 90° along the Pitáycachi fault, whereas the scarp inclinations in uncemented material (Table 2) are now ≤32° (angle of repose). Fault scarp segments steeper than the angle of repose (free faces, Figure 5) still exist at 42 of the 96 observation sites (Table 2); they are best preserved where the rock debris is cemented. According to both Aguilera [1888] and Goodfellow [1888], a continuous fissure (Figure 2) formed along the base of the entire rupture scarp along the Pitáycachi fault. Based on my field observations the fissure is only preserved at sites 72 and 73 in Figure 3, in the southern part of the Pitáycachi rupture segment. In contrast, this basal fissure is still visible at many sites along the Teras and Otates segments [Suter, 2008a, 2008b]. This suggests that the downslope debris flow across the rupture scarp of the Pitáycachi segment is diffusive and has resulted in fissure filling. In contrast, the debris flow across the 1887 free SUTER ©2014. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved. 624 Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 10.1002/2014JB011244 a Table 2. Scarp Measurements Along the Surface Rupture of the Pitáycachi Fault Site Longitude (°W) Latitude (°N) 179 178 104 103A 103 101 102 89 88 87 86 85 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 109 110 113 112 111 114 115 100 116 117 108 118 107 106 105 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 127 128 129 130 131 132 133 134 135 136 137 139 142 143 146 145 109.149 109.150 109.172 109.171 109.170 109.169 109.168 109.157 109.155 109.150 109.145 109.143 109.140 109.140 109.138 109.136 109.135 109.136 109.134 109.133 109.128 109.121 109.122 109.138 109.138 109.136 109.138 109.136 109.125 109.130 109.129 109.128 109.133 109.130 109.130 109.130 109.129 109.131 109.130 109.134 109.135 109.135 109.135 109.137 109.141 109.144 109.152 109.154 109.155 109.158 109.160 109.162 109.161 109.161 109.162 109.166 109.164 109.163 109.164 31.269 31.266 31.237 31.234 31.230 31.226 31.223 31.193 31.192 31.190 31.185 31.181 31.175 31.173 31.171 31.167 31.165 31.163 31.156 31.153 31.146 31.148 31.146 31.150 31.144 31.142 31.139 31.135 31.136 31.131 31.131 31.132 31.129 31.125 31.118 31.112 31.101 31.099 31.098 31.095 31.092 31.088 31.081 31.076 31.066 31.056 31.048 31.045 31.038 31.035 31.030 31.022 31.015 31.012 31.005 30.990 30.986 30.983 30.979 SUTER Cumulative Distance (km) b b c c c c c 0 0.3 1.0 1.6 2.0 2.8 3.0 3.4 3.6 4.0 4.2 5.0 5.4 6.2 d d e e e e e 7.4 e e 8.0 d 8.6 9.4 10.2 11.2 d 11.4 11.9 12.2 12.6 13.6 14.1 15.0 16.3 17.2 17.7 18.2 18.6 19.2 20.1 20.9 21.2 22.0 23.7 24.2 e 25.0 Elevation (m) Scarp Height (cm) Scarp Width (cm) Scarp Slope (deg) Free Face (cm) Surface Slope (deg) Surface Offset (cm) 1250 1245 1200 1200 1195 1100 1185 1180 1185 1190 1195 1195 1165 1155 1180 1200 1205 1200 1200 1200 1205 1250 1240 1185 1185 1190 1190 1195 1235 1215 1220 1225 1205 1215 1200 1195 1195 1185 1190 1180 1180 1180 1190 1180 1175 1165 1185 1175 1210 1210 1215 1215 1205 1210 1220 1190 1190 1200 1195 60 65 40 50 55 50 50 55 125 160 220 180 215 205 325 250 170 235 255 220 120 65 120 130 240 215 195 285 90 175 105 125 110 550 400 355 210 85 310 175 295 470 415 405 360 405 430 595 215 335 340 355 515 375 360 395 530 130 255 930 940 450 450 450 375 430 210 465 465 1250 1255 460 580 690 570 460 460 605 720 450 400 460 870 460 450 295 520 310 450 270 450 450 1145 900 800 400 450 750 500 670 840 735 710 795 900 670 1,085 500 820 900 980 970 650 770 700 1060 500 700 3.7 4.0 5.1 6.3 7.0 7.6 6.6 14.7 15.0 19.0 10.0 8.2 25.1 19.5 25.2 23.7 20.3 27.1 22.9 17.0 14.9 9.2 14.6 8.5 27.6 25.5 33.5 28.7 16.2 21.3 21.3 15.5 13.7 25.7 24.0 23.9 27.7 10.7 22.5 19.3 23.8 29.2 29.5 29.7 24.4 24.2 32.7 28.7 23.3 22.2 20.7 19.9 28.0 30.0 25.1 29.4 26.6 14.6 20.0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 80 50 100 0 0 100 80 0 100 0 30 0 0 0 100 0 100 100 0 0 0 0 0 100 0 100 90 0 100 60 200 200 ? ? 100 0 180 200 150 100 0 0 180 150 0 200 300 0 0 1.7 1.4 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 0.8 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.7 0.7 2.1 2.9 2.9 3.3 4.6 3.3 3.3 3.8 3.8 1.6 1.9 1.9 1.9 1.9 5.7 2.3 2.3 1.9 2.3 7.6 7.6 3.3 3.8 1.1 2.9 2.5 2.9 2.9 3.8 2.9 2.3 5.7 5.7 5.7 4.6 3.8 5.7 5.7 6.0 3.8 4.6 4.6 5.7 5.7 3.8 31 46 34 44 49 45 44 58 119 152 199 159 210 198 300 222 147 209 207 179 94 38 89 105 225 200 185 268 59 157 94 110 92 397 280 309 183 76 273 158 273 442 366 370 328 315 363 487 175 280 250 257 404 332 298 339 424 80 208 ©2014. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved. 625 Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 10.1002/2014JB011244 Table 2. (continued) Site Longitude (°W) Latitude (°N) 144 148 147 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 159 158 157 168 156 163 164 165 166 167 224 177 176 175 174 173 171 172 170 169 73 72 71 70 69 68 74 109.164 109.163 109.175 109.160 109.157 109.155 109.157 109.159 109.158 109.159 109.158 109.157 109.157 109.166 109.155 109.151 109.143 109.142 109.148 109.148 109.156 109.155 109.147 109.146 109.148 109.153 109.154 109.157 109.156 109.162 109.166 109.168 109.169 109.170 109.173 109.174 109.175 30.976 30.973 30.973 30.969 30.964 30.958 30.952 30.946 30.943 30.935 30.930 30.920 30.917 30.914 30.913 30.909 30.901 30.898 30.891 30.890 30.886 30.879 30.879 30.875 30.870 30.862 30.860 30.857 30.854 30.853 30.849 30.847 30.845 30.842 30.839 30.839 30.834 Cumulative Distance (km) 25.35 25.8 d 26.3 26.8 27.6 28.5 29.0 29.4 30.2 30.9 31.9 32.2 d 32.8 33.4 34.6 35.0 35.6 35.75 d d 36.9 37.2 38.0 38.8 e e 39.8 40.4 41.0 41.4 41.6 41.8 42.2 42.3 42.8 a The sites are listed from north to south and b Víbora-North segment. c Víbora-South segment. d Independent secondary rupture segment. e Elevation (m) Scarp Height (cm) Scarp Width (cm) Scarp Slope (deg) Free Face (cm) Surface Slope (deg) Surface Offset (cm) 1185 1185 1145 1195 1195 1180 1200 1160 1140 1120 1130 1150 1130 1105 1060 1010 1080 1080 1050 1040 1000 1020 1060 1070 1030 1020 1010 1000 1040 1000 1010 1005 1020 1020 980 980 970 240 330 55 390 270 410 425 480 365 335 285 435 270 50 200 215 210 330 55 175 115 100 170 275 360 330 140 170 230 300 235 220 165 200 160 220 185 1000 630 400 640 0 840 650 730 1,260 750 860 870 720 380 480 550 300 520 300 500 540 300 400 900 710 650 350 470 440 680 285 120 380 220 180 450 450 13.5 27.6 7.8 31.4 90.0 26.0 33.2 33.3 16.2 24.1 18.3 26.6 20.6 7.5 22.6 21.4 35.0 32.4 10.4 19.3 12.0 18.4 23.0 17.0 26.9 26.9 21.8 19.9 27.6 23.8 39.5 61.4 23.5 42.3 41.6 26.1 22.3 50 190 0 160 270 0 70 50 0 220 0 0 0 0 80 0 140 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 50 50 0 120 180 0 160 125 60 0 2.5 7.6 2.3 11.3 7.6 5.7 11.3 11.3 5.7 7.6 7.6 11.3 7.6 1.9 5.7 2.3 5.7 11.3 3.8 5.7 1.9 5.7 5.7 7.6 7.6 7.6 5.7 5.7 5.7 7.6 7.6 5.7 2.0 7.6 5.7 5.7 5.7 196 246 39 262 270 326 295 334 239 235 170 261 174 37 152 193 180 226 35 125 115 70 130 155 265 243 105 123 186 209 197 208 178 171 142 175 140 marked in Figure 3. Secondary rupture segment branching off main rupture. face of the Teras and Otates segments is nondiffusive and seems to be controlled by the growth of small rills into the scarp. Fault scarp-bounding fissures have been observed in other earthquake surface rupture studies [e.g., Kurushin et al., 1997; Fenton and Bommer, 2006]. The existence of the fissure suggests that the rupture formed near the surface as a mode I fracture (tension gash, tensile or opening mode). However, the vertical surface displacement and slickenline striations observed within the plane of movement (documented below) clearly indicate the rupture to be of mode II (in-plane shear). The fissure may have resulted from shaking-induced ground failure. It also may have opened as a tension gash, within the tip zone of the shear rupture, before the shear rupture broke through the surface [Klinger et al., 2005], a combination of modes I and II or mixed mode fracturing [Broek, 1986]. On the other hand, I have not observed any rotation of the ground surface toward the scarp (Figure 2), which could have explained the formation of the fissure by a curved geometry of the underlying fault [Xiao and Suppe, 1992]. SUTER ©2014. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved. 626 Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 10.1002/2014JB011244 5.2. Coseismic Surface Offset I measured surface offsets at 89 locations along the Pitáycachi fault (Table 2; vertical separation of the ground surface in Figure 5). Of these measurements, 71 were made on the main rupture scarp (Figure 6a) and 18 were made on rupture branches and secondary ruptures. On the main rupture scarp, the maximum vertical surface offset is 487 cm at site 131 (Figure 3), and the arithmetic mean is 232 cm. The distribution shows two local minima (arrows in Figure 6a) that are located where the slip is more distributed and partitioned onto several branches or secondary ruptures (Figure 3). If surface offset measurements on branches and secondary ruptures are projected onto the main rupture (Figure 6b), these local minima are not observed, there is less scatter, and the mean surface offset is higher (251 cm). In these aggregate vertical surface offsets, I added the measurements (Table 2) of sites 98 and 113; 99, 112, and 110; 100 and 115; 108, 117, and 116; 121 and 120; 144 and 147; 157 and 168; 166 and 224; 167 and 224; and 176 and 177. A quadratic best fit to these aggregate vertical ground surface offsets (Figure 6b) indicates an average of Figure 6. (a) Surface offsets calculated for 71 scarp measurement sites 260 cm. This value corresponds to along the primary 1887 rupture scarp of the Pitáycachi segment. The the area below the regression curve mean surface offset is 232 cm. The maximum offset (487 cm) is located near the center of the segment. The dashed line is a quadratic best fit. The divided by the difference between the overall distribution is symmetric. Two local minima, indicated by arrows, limits of integration, which is the are located where the slip is partitioned onto several branches or distance between the northernmost secondary ruptures (Figure 3 and Table 2). The star marks the estimated and southernmost measurement sites. location of the 1887 epicenter. (b) If offset measurements on 11 branches The average value of the regression and secondary ruptures are added to offsets along the primary rupture trace (see text for details), local slip deficits are not apparent, the value of function (260 cm) is greater than the the regression curve increases slightly, and the mean surface offset arithmetic mean of the individual increases to 251 cm. Integrating the area below the regression curve leads surface offsets (251 cm) because more to a still higher and probably more representative mean surface offset of measurements were taken at either 260 cm. The star marks the estimated location of the 1887 epicenter. end of the surface rupture (Figure 6a), where the surface offsets taper off. The average value of the regression is therefore likely to be more representative of average offset than the mean of the individual surface offsets and was for that reason included in Table 1. The ground surface offset distribution is symmetric, suggesting a uniform stress drop and homogeneous lithologic and remote stress conditions [Bürgmann et al., 1994], which is also supported independently by the low dispersion in the orientation of the slip vectors measured on the 1887 rupture surface (Figure 7). The maximum ground surface offset is located in the center of the segment (Figure 6) and close to where the SUTER ©2014. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved. 627 Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 10.1002/2014JB011244 rupture initiation is inferred from the rupture branching pattern (see discussion below). This is in agreement with observations elsewhere (e.g., 1999 Mw 7.1 Hector Mine, California earthquake) [Treiman et al., 2002] that earthquake ruptures nucleate in or close to regions of large slip, near the major asperity that they will eventually break [Manighetti et al., 2005]. The ground surface offset distribution can be used to obtain the coseismic slip distribution. The 1887 rupture plane dip is used to transform from vertical surface offset measurements (y) to dip slip (s) (Figure 5). Based on the 70° average dip of the 1887 rupture plane and the mean ground surface offset obtained from integrating the area below the regression function (Figure 6b, 260 cm), I calculate a maximum dip slip of 5.16 m and a mean of 2.77 m for the 1887 earthquake on the Pitáycachi fault (Table 1). This maximum approaches the maximum historical dip slip documented for an earthquake surface rupture in the Basin-and-Range Province, which was 5.8 m during the 1915 Mw 7.1 Pleasant Valley, Nevada earthquake [Wallace, 1984]. Figure 7. (a) Lower hemisphere equal-area stereoplot showing the 18 fault planes and slickenline striations measured on the Pitáycachi segment of the 1887 free face (Table 3). The small open circle and arrow on each great circle fault measurement represent the orientation of each slickenline and the sense-of-slip direction on the hanging wall block. The slickenlines generally indicate east-west extensional dip slip with a minor left-lateral component. P (shortening) and T (extension) kinematic axes for each measurement are represented by closed and open circles, respectively. Average P and T kinematic axes (black squares) and corresponding great circles suggesting earthquake focal mechanism nodal planes (P quadrants shaded in grey) are based on a Bingham Distribution model [Fisher et al., 1987]. The corresponding average parameters are listed in Table 4. The figure was generated with the program FaultKin 5, version 5.2, by R. W. Allmendinger. (b) Same data and projection as in Figure 7a. The tectonic stress tensor (orientations and relative magnitudes of the principal stresses) was modeled from these directional slip data based on an inversion algorithm by Angelier [1990]. The dynamics of this fault population is characterized by an ENE-WSW orientation of the minimum horizontal stress. See text for further explanations. SUTER ©2014. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved. The ground surface offset distribution can be used as a proxy for the coseismic slip distribution at depth. In many case studies, such as the 1992 Mw 7.3 Landers earthquake [Wald and Heaton, 1994] or the 2002 Mw 7.9 Denali fault, Alaska earthquake [Haeussler et al., 2004], the surface rupture measurements are consistent with the subsurface slip distribution inferred from the inversion of seismic or geodetic data. In the case of the preinstrumental 1887 Sonora earthquake, the envelope formed by the largest surface offsets at nonconsecutive measuring points (Figure 6b) probably best represents the overall slip distribution at depth. 5.3. Directional Data of Coseismic Slip and Tectonic Stress Tensor At seven sites, 18 coseismic fault plane and slickenline measurements were made along the Pitáycachi segment of the 1887 surface rupture (Table 3 and Figure 7a). Overall, the slickenline striations indicate extensional dip slip with a minor left-lateral 628 Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 10.1002/2014JB011244 a Table 3. Slickenlines Measured on the Rupture Plane of the Pitáycachi Segment Site Longitude (°W) Latitude (°N) Elevation (m) Strike (deg) Dip (°W) Rake (deg) Lithology 126 109.136 31.080 1190 109.159 109.161 31.034 31.009 1220 1210 141 143 109.167 109.164 30.991 30.986 1190 1190 152A 109.157 30.951 1195 153 109.159 30.946 1160 63 62 64 68 77 82 86 74 78 77 68 66 75 64 65 60 62 64 90 114 88 85 70 90 102 90 90 84 80 75 74 86 83 75 70 69 limestone 206 138 188 197 195 181 168 166 165 188 201 201 203 206 206 187 188 206 207 222 dike caliche granite granite rhyolite rhyolite Type of Motion N N-RL N N-LL N-LL N N-RL N N N-LL N-LL N-LL N-LL N-LL N-LL N-LL N-LL N-LL a The sites are listed from north to south and marked in Figure 3; the slickenlines are graphed in Figure 7. N: normal; N-RL: normal right-lateral; N-LL: normal left-lateral. displacement component. The fault plane dips between 60° and 86°W (mean: 70°W). At several sites, the measurements indicate a minor component of left-lateral strike slip but only at two sites a minor component of right-lateral strike slip (Table 3). There is no obvious correlation of these outcrop-scale minor horizontal components of motion with map-scale geometric irregularities of the rupture trace such as bends or en echelon arrays. However, the results of a kinematic analysis of these directional slip data (Table 4 and Figure 7a) correlate with the composite focal mechanisms for well-located microearthquakes by Natali and Sbar [1982], which suggest dip slip with a right-lateral strike-slip component near the northern tip and normal dip slip near the southern tip of the Pitáycachi rupture segment (Table 4 and Figure 1). Furthermore, the focal mechanism obtained by Wallace and Pearthree [1989] for the 25 May 1989 M 4.2 earthquake (Table 4 and Figure 1), which probably had its source on the northern part of the Teras fault [Suter, 2008a], also suggests dip slip with a minor left-lateral strike-slip component on the 65°W dipping nodal plane [Suter and Contreras, 2002, Figure 2]; slip vector measurements on the Teras fault plane (Table 4) [Suter, 2008a], a proxy for the 1887 slip vector on the Teras rupture segment, are practically identical to the slip vector of the 25 May 1989 M 4.2 earthquake. Moreover, coseismic slickenlines measured on the Otates segment of the 1887 surface rupture [Suter, 2008b] indicate extensional dip slip without major lateral displacement (Figure 1). The tectonic stress tensor (orientations and relative magnitudes of the principal stresses) was modeled from the measurements of coseismic slickenlines on the Pitáycachi segment of the 1887 surface rupture. Based on a striation inversion algorithm by Angelier [1990], the dynamics of this slickenline population is characterized by an ENE-WSW orientation of the minimum horizontal stress (Figure 7b). The plunge of the maximum principal stress S1 is nearly vertical, whereas the plunges of the intermediate principal stress S2 and the least principal stress S3 are horizontal and nearly horizontal, respectively. The resulting stress ratio ϕ (0.39) indicates that S2 is closer in magnitude to S3 than to S1. This low ϕ value may explain the intermittent permutations of the horizontal principal stresses inferred from the Quaternary extension on the nearly orthogonal Pitáycachi and Guadalupe canyon normal faults (Figure 1). Summarizing these observations, the 1887 rupture is characterized at the surface and at focal depth by extensional dip slip on 55° to 72°W dipping faults and additionally by a minor left-lateral strike-slip component on the Teras and Pitáycachi segments (Table 4 and Figure 1). A likely explanation for these minor horizontal slip components are subtle differences in strike of the three rupture segments (Figure 1), since the regional extension is oriented ENE-WSW (Figure 7b). The Otates segment, exhibiting pure dip slip, strikes slightly west of north, whereas the Pitáycachi and Teras segments, exhibiting each minor left-lateral slip, strike either north-south or slightly east of north. SUTER ©2014. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved. 629 SUTER N-RL N-LL N N-LL N-LL N 158 88 90 58 82 94 70 69 72 65 55 68 148 193 215 216 204 170 31.178 c 31.013 30.872 30.823 c 30.670 c 30.437 109.177 c 109.162 109.240 109.389 c 109.250 c 109.164 1 2 3 4 5 6 a Pitáycachi Pitáycachi d Pitáycachi e Teras f Teras Otates b The references are listed from north to south and marked in Figure 1, where the parameters are also graphed. N: normal; N-RL: normal right-lateral; N-LL: normal left-lateral. CFM: composite focal mechanism; S: slickenlines; FM: focal mechanism. b Near northern end of Pitáycachi surface rupture segment. c Midpoint on the rupture trace between outermost slickenline measurement sites. d Near southern end of Pitáycachi surface rupture segment. e Focal mechanism for the 25 May 1989 M 4.2 earthquake, which possibly had its source on the Teras fault. f Slickenlines measured on the Teras fault plane are given here as a proxy, since no slickenlines were observed on the 1887 free face of the Teras rupture segment. Natali and Sbar [1982] This paper Natali and Sbar [1982] Wallace and Pearthree [1989] Suter [2008a] Suter [2008b] CFM S CFM FM S S 0 24 27 14 8 23 100 281 305 284 283 264 30 66 63 57 75 67 10 109 125 170 160 71 Plunge (deg) Plunge (deg) Trend (deg) Type of Motion Rake (deg) Dip (°W) Strike (deg) Latitude (°N) Longitude (°W) Rupture Segment Reference Table 4. Slip Parameters on the 1887 Rupture Segments From Slickenlines and Focal Mechanisms a P Axis Trend (deg) T Axis Type of Measurement Source Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 10.1002/2014JB011244 5.4. Structure of the Surface Rupture and Its Segmentation Here I describe the surface rupture zone of the Pitáycachi segment from north to south. In its northern part, the rupture trace passes entirely within piedmont alluvial fan and terrace fill deposits, whereas in its southern part, the trace passes along the range front and separates mostly bedrock from piedmont deposits (Figure 3). The rupture shows a well-developed bipolar branching pattern consisting of at least six north facing bifurcations in the northern part of the segment and two south facing bifurcations in its southern part (Figure 3). Furthermore, on a map scale, the rupture trace shows a complex pattern of second-order segmentation internal to the Pitáycachi segment (Figure 3): South of Arroyo Pitáycachi, two segments with an across-strike separation of 2.0 km are linked by an en echelon scarp array; where the surface rupture traverses the La Cabellera cross fault, it is characterized by a relay zone with multiple strands; and in its southernmost part, the surface rupture is composed of an en echelon array (Figure 3). The width of the rupture zone is typically narrow (1–5 m) but can be wider (up to 2 km) near the bifurcations and links between second-order segments. No secondary hanging wall deformation such as antithetic scarps or back-tilted strata, commonly associated with normal fault surface ruptures [McCalpin, 2009], was observed along the 1887 rupture trace. 5.4.1. Víbora Segments Two short segments, Víbora-South and Víbora-North, exist to the north of the Pitáycachi rupture segment (Figure 3 and Table 1). Both are located on Mesa La Víbora, a large planar Pleistocene relict alluvial fan surface, northwest of Cajón Bonito. The fault scarps are easily detectable on aerial photographs and satellite imagery because of being associated with a strip of denser vegetation along them. Along a third such feature, located west of the Víbora segments (near western edge of Figure 3), the 1887 surface offset was so small that it was not discrete enough to be measured 125 years later. Víbora-North strikes N16°E, has a length of 820 m, and a maximum surface offset of 46 cm (Table 1). Similarly, Víbora-South strikes N13°W, has a length of 2070 m, and a maximum surface offset of 49 cm (Table 1). It does not continue into the Pleistocene deposits of the Cajón Bonito drainage. 5.4.2. Pitáycachi Segment The northernmost part of the Pitáycachi segment (north of site 97, Figure 3) is characterized by a counterclockwise 20° bend of the rupture trace from north to north-northwest. At its northern end ©2014. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved. 630 Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 10.1002/2014JB011244 Figure 8. (left and right) Map (location outlined in Figure 3) and vertical aerial photograph showing detail of surface rupture branching pattern and related slip partitioning in the northern part of the Pitáycachi segment, south of Cañón de los Embudos. The 1887 fault scarps are expressed by a dark line of denser vegetation. The measured surface offsets (values in Figure 8 (left), shown in meters) are a proxy for the near-surface slip along the rupture. See text for discussion. (north of site 86), the southwest dipping rupture bends an additional 44° and terminates against the projected trace of the WNW-ESE striking, NNE dipping Los Embudos cross fault, which crops out east of the rupture trace, in the footwall of the Pitáycachi fault (Figures 1 and 3). It is likely that the Los Embudos fault acted as a structural barrier and arrested the northward propagating 1887 rupture, as the along-rupture surface offset decays abruptly toward the northern endpoint, at only 8.6 km distance from 4 m high scarps at site 107 (Figures 3, 6, and 8 and Table 2). A major branching pattern, composed of two or more bifurcations, is located between sites 97 and 107 (Figures 3 and 8). These bifurcations open to the north, suggesting that the rupture propagated toward the north along this stretch of the fault trace. The individual branches formed on either side of the main rupture, displace previously undeformed alluvial fan deposits, and are characterized by dense vegetation bands on aerial photographs (Figure 8). The mapped length of the longest branch is 3.0 km. A fracture mechanics interpretation of this branching pattern, based on its comparison with the results of analog experiments, is given below. Notable map-scale rupture trace characteristics south of site 107 are (from north to south) a shear lens between sites 106 and 107, another north facing rupture bifurcation south of Arroyo La Cueva (sites 120 and 121, Figure 3), and a major west bend of the trace south of this branching point. The northernmost outcrop where the rupture sheared alluvial fan deposits against bedrock is located north of site 125. Site 126 yielded the northernmost structural measurements on the rupture surface, which dips there 63°; slip was normal, without any measurable horizontal component (Table 3). Two more north facing rupture bifurcations were mapped directly north of Arroyo Pitáycachi (between sites 127 and 128); two branches, 300–400 m long, splay off the main rupture on either side at angles between 20 and 40° (Figure 3). Directly south of Arroyo Pitáycachi, a left-stepping en echelon rupture pattern, composed of six map-scale 1887 rupture segments (Figure 9), bridges the boundary between two regional scale, approximately north-south striking normal fault segments with an across-strike separation of 2.0 km (Figure 3). This regional-scale, 2 km wide right step over should have left-lateral motion, whereas the smaller, left step overs of the en echelon array, each <100 m wide, should have right-lateral motion across each of these small zones. The only slickenlines measured on the surface rupture within the en echelon array, at site 206, indicate a minor left-lateral strike-slip component (Table 3). SUTER ©2014. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved. 631 Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 10.1002/2014JB011244 Figure 9. (left) Uninterpreted and (right) interpreted vertical aerial photograph showing the 1887 rupture trace (white lines) south of Arroyo Pitáycachi, which forms a left-stepping en echelon array composed of six segments. Also note the north facing rupture bifurcation in the lower part of the figure. On the uninterpreted photograph in Figure 9 (left), the 1887 rupture scarp segments are expressed by a dark line caused by a strip of denser vegetation. These features are best seen looking at the rupture from the northwest. The location of this photograph is outlined in Figure 3. Notwithstanding the oblique orientation of the overall slip vector within this relay zone, the largest vertical 1887 rupture surface offset (487 cm) was measured within this en echelon array, at site 131. The fact that the along-strike surface offset is not tapering toward the relay zone but increases to the maximum observed offset strongly suggests that the two regional-scale north-south striking fault segments form a single through-going structure at depth and that the en echelon segments are branches of this upwardly bifurcating fault. The southernmost north facing branching pattern was mapped at the southern end of this en echelon array (Figure 9), between sites 134 and 135. In contrast, the two branching patterns following farther south open to the south (Figure 3); the northern one of them being located only 5 km farther south, near site 146. There, the eastern, NNW-SSE striking branch of the 1887 surface rupture is only 300 m long, even though most of the cumulative throw prior to 1887 is taken up by this bedrock-bounding normal fault (Figure 3). The western, approximately north-south striking rupture strand, on the other hand, is much longer and offsets alluvium. South of Arroyo El Salis, the surface rupture passes for about 5 km along the mountain front, is oriented north-south, and separates bedrock from alluvial fan deposits (Figures 3 and 10). Here secondary ruptures, too small to show in Figure 3, are visible south of site 157 on a vintage oblique aerial photograph (right foreground in Figure 10); they could be either R1 Riedel shears or south facing rupture branches or both. A more detailed inspection of the outcrop did not clarify this ambiguity; there is local fracture cleavage and tectonic breccia but very minor displacement and no observable slickenlines. Coseismic Riedel shear structures are typically related to strike-slip movement [Tchalenko and Ambraseys, 1970; Haeussler et al., 2004; Lin and Nishikawa, 2011]. If the observed secondary ruptures are R1 Riedel shears, they indicate a component of left-lateral horizontal strike-slip motion within the rupture zone. This interpretation is supported on a map scale by the major right-stepping en echelon array of surface rupture segments between Arroyo de la Cabellera and the Bavispe River (Figure 3), which also indicates a component of horizontal left-lateral motion. Near Arroyo La Cabellera, the rupture trace gradually changes to a more NW strike, parallel to the strike of the La Cabellera cross fault and comes to an end within alluvium, in the projected continuation of that fault (Figure 3). The 1887 rupture was arrested by this major WNW-ESE striking cross fault, which bounds the Sierra SUTER ©2014. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved. 632 Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 10.1002/2014JB011244 La Cabellera mountain range and has a throw >1250 m. This structural configuration is very similar to the one at the northern termination of the 1887 rupture at the Los Embudos fault. Across the La Cabellera fault, the surface rupture is characterized by a right step over with an across-strike separation of 0.6 km (Figure 3). Accordingly, the southernmost part of the Pitáycachi surface rupture, between the La Cabellera cross fault and the Bavispe River (Figure 3), could be considered a separate segment. However, the profile of aggregate surface offsets (Figure 6b) does not show a significant trough at the latitude of this cross fault. Figure 10. Looking north along the 1887 rupture scarp (white arrows) in the central part of the Pitáycachi segment (modified from DuBois and Smith [1980, Figure 4A]; photograph taken by Pete Kresan). The rupture separates bedrock in the footwall from piedmont alluvium in the hanging wall. In the foreground, the surface offset is 261 cm at site 158 and 174 cm at site 157 (Figure 3 and Table 2). Note the south facing rupture bifurcation in the right foreground marked by an arrow. A, piedmont alluvium; R, rhyolite (Cerro Pitáycachi); Mo, La Morita Formation (east dipping siliciclastic rocks); G, granite; D, dike within La Morita Formation (mapped in Figure 3). The distance between the foreground and Cerro Pitáycachi is ~20 km. South of site 166, the surface rupture strikes north-south and crosses a ~3 km wide relatively young and broad drainage where the upper part of the Bavispe River likely previously flowed into the San Bernardino Basin. The Pliocene to early Pleistocene (2 Ma–750 ka) braided-stream deposits are displaced by the fault and dip east in its footwall (Figure 3). Here the topographic relief of the compound fault scarp measures at most 60 m (Figure 11). Farther south, the 1887 surface rupture separates the fill of the San Bernardino Basin from bedrock as cumulative throw increases (Figure 3). The southernmost part of the Pitáycachi surface rupture segment shows a south facing bifurcation near site 171 and forms a map-scale right-stepping en echelon array, composed of five segments, between site 173 and the Bavispe River. The relay ramps between most of the segments are breached, which is expressed by sudden bends in the continuous fault trace (Figures 3 and 11). The en echelon pattern indicates a minor left-lateral strike-slip component within this relay zone, which is compatible with the relative sense of motion expected in a right step over between adjacent normal fault segments. 6. Structural Interaction Between the Pitáycachi and Teras Rupture Segments According to the historic observations by Goodfellow [1887], the Pitáycachi and Teras rupture segments (Figure 1) overlap. Based on his rupture map, the southern end of the Pitáycachi segment continues across the Bavispe River into the Sierra Pilares de Teras for at least 8 km. The same rupture configuration is shown on the map by Aguilera [1888]. Facsimilar reproductions of these historic surface rupture maps by Goodfellow [1887] and Aguilera [1888] can be found in Suter [2006]. According to Goodfellow [1888], the scarp heights along the Pitáycachi rupture segment in the Sierra Pilares de Teras are ~0.9 m and do not exceed 1.5 m. Both Goodfellow [1888] and Aguilera [1888] noticed the scarp height attenuate to near zero, approaching either side of the Bavispe River Valley. Goodfellow [1888] observed local reverse faulting, 3.2 km south of the river. At his southernmost observation point, 8 km south of the river, the scarp height was ≤30 cm and the rupture branched. Because the rupture passes in the Sierra Pilares de Teras within volcanic rocks and is not expressed SUTER ©2014. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved. 633 Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 10.1002/2014JB011244 Figure 11. Historic 1887 photograph by Camillus S. Fly of the 1887 earthquake rupture in alluvial gravel east of Arroyo La Cabellera. The view is toward the south-southeast from 109.187° longitude west/30.874° latitude north, ~150 m south of site 175 (Figure 3). The height of the surface rupture scarp in the foreground is ~3 m and measures 3.6 m at site 174. The two hills in the background are located in the footwall of the Pitáycachi fault and composed of Tertiary basalt. The arrow points to an east-west oriented portion of the rupture scarp, between measurement sites 169 and 170 (Figure 3), which connects the segments of a breached relay ramp. This caption corrects the location and description of the same photograph in Suter [2006, Figure 7]. by a compound rupture scarp, I have not been able to confirm Goodfellow’s observations. A photograph by C. S. Fly [Suter, 2006, Figure 10] documents the 1887 rupture trace directly south of the river, where it separates Tertiary volcanic rocks from scree. Based on my observations, a right step over separates the Pitáycachi and Teras segments of the 1887 earthquake surface rupture across the Bavispe River near Colonia Morelos (Figures 1 and 3) [Suter, 2008a]. The across-strike separation measures 2.5 km. This step over coincides with a minimum in the vertical 1887 surface offset distribution (Figure 12). Within ~10 km of this first-order step over, both the Pitáycachi and Teras rupture segments are characterized by several second-order right-stepping en echelon step overs indicating a distributed left-lateral component of motion across this transfer zone. This array of the rupture trace makes the existence of the Pitáycachi segment south of the Bavispe River reported by Goodfellow [1887] questionable. Alternatively, the segment described by Goodfellow [1887] south of the river could be an independent rupture segment or a northward bifurcating branch of the Teras rupture segment. The local minimum in the vertical surface offset profile (Figure 12) suggests that Pitáycachi and Teras are independent rupture segments that do not merge at depth [Suter and Contreras, 2002]. No map-scale cross fault exists in the Tertiary volcanic rocks east of the step over (Figure 3). However, this step over is located at the southern axial termination of the San Bernardino Basin and in the projected western continuation of the southern margin of the Llanos de Carretas Basin (Figure 1), which is possibly fault bound. This suggests the existence of an east-west striking cross fault in the basement, beneath the Tertiary volcanic rocks, in the step over region of the 1887 rupture between the Pitáycachi and Teras segments. 7. Coseismic Surface Offset Profile and Segmentation of Entire 1887 Rupture I aggregated the vertical surface offsets along the Pitáycachi segment with the ones along the Víbora-North, Víbora-South, Teras, and Otates segments into a single profile (Figure 12). Disregarding the two minor Víbora rupture segments, the rupture was arrested in the north as well in the south at major cross faults (Figures 1 and 12), and the surface offset profile tapers rapidly toward these faults. The segmented structure of the surface rupture is noticeable from the surface offset distribution as well as the rupture trace geometry. Such segmented ruptures are typical for large (Mw > 7.0) historical earthquakes of the Basin-and-Range SUTER ©2014. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved. 634 Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 10.1002/2014JB011244 Figure 12. Fault trace map (top part of figure, with north to the left) and surface offset scatter diagram of the entire 1887 earthquake rupture. The star marks the estimated location of the 1887 epicenter. Province, such as the 1915 Pleasant Valley, Nevada; 1954 Fairview Peak, Nevada; or 1959 Hebgen Lake, Montana, earthquakes [Doser and Smith, 1989; dePolo et al., 1991; Zhang et al., 1999]. Similarly, the Santa Rita fault zone, located along the southeastern margin of the Tucson Basin in southeastern Arizona, is a late Pleistocene example of a segmented Basin-and-Range Province fault rupture with an estimated recurrence time of 100 ka and an estimated magnitude up to 7.3, which is based on the fault length of 58 km and scarp heights up to 7 m [Pearthree and Calvo, 1987]. The boundary between the Pitáycachi and Teras segments is defined by a 2.5 km wide right step over and a local minimum in the surface offset profile. The boundary between the Teras and Otates segments is not noticeable from the profile but is defined by a 15 km long gap in the rupture trace (Figures 1 and 12). The offset distributions of both the Teras and Otates segments are asymmetric, with the maximum being located toward the neighboring rupture segment. This suggests that the Teras and Otates segments could be part of a single continuous 1887 rupture that stepped across the structurally complex basement ridge between them [Suter, 2008a, 2008b]. However, this suggestion is not supported by field observations. The maximum surface offset for the entire 1887 rupture measures 4.87 m and the weighted average offset for the entire rupture is 1.97 m (Table 1). The ratio between the maximum and average offsets and the overall shape of the 1887 surface offset profile (Figure 12) are comparable to the ones of historical normal faulting earthquakes in the western U.S., where the maximum slip typically is more than twice the mean and occurs SUTER ©2014. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved. 635 Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth Slip-to-Length Ratios of Individual Rupture Segments 6 5 Slip (m) 4 3 2 10.1002/2014JB011244 along a limited extent of the rupture. Displacements within 20% of the maximum characterize only about 5% of the rupture length [Hecker et al., 2010]. In the case of the 1887 Sonora earthquake, the ratio between the maximum and average offsets for the entire rupture is 2.5, and surface offsets within 20% of the maximum (3.9 m) extend over 18% (18.2 km) of the rupture length. 1 8. Scaling Relation Between Rupture Length and Slip 0 0 10 20 30 40 The average and maximum slip-to-length ratios along the four major rupture Figure 13. Scatter diagram showing the rupture length-to-slip ratios segments, Otates, Teras, Pitáycachi, and of the major individual 1887 rupture segments (from Table 1) and Víbora-South (Table 1) both broadly related linear regressions. Open circles: maximum slip; closed circles: define a linear relationship (Figure 13). For mean slip; solid line: mean slip-to-length regression; dashed line: the Víbora-South segment, its average maximum slip-to-length regression. and maximum surface offset values were taken as proxies for lacking slip values. 5 The slope of the mean slip-to-length regression curve, 5.9 × 10 , is similar to the 6.5 × 10 5 value obtained for a larger set of intraplate earthquake rupture parameters by Scholz [2002, Figure 4.11] and the 8 × 10 5 value obtained by Ferrill et al. [2008] for a fault zone that slipped in the 1992 Landers earthquake. Rupture Length (km) In both regression models, the coefficient of determination (r2 in Figure 13) is close to one, which indicates that independent of the length of the rupture segments, the individual slip-to-length ratios are fairly constant. These constant ratios support the interpretation that Teras and Otates are separate rupture segments and not a continuous segment as could be inferred from their along-strike surface offset distributions (Figure 12). Since the slip-to-length ratios of the individual rupture segments are practically identical, it can be inferred that the 1887 rupture segments are self-similar; their slip scales linearly with their length (Figure 13), which is in agreement with fracture mechanics models of faulting such as the Dugdale-Barenblatt and the Critical Fault Tip Taper models [Cowie and Scholz, 1992]. Furthermore, since the maximum slip-to-length ratio is a strain that corresponds to the static stress drop [Scholz, 2007], it can be inferred that all the 1887 rupture segments experienced a similar static stress drop. 9. Pleistocene Ruptures of the Pitáycachi Fault In the northern part of the Pitáycachi segment, the 1887 rupture coincides with the base of a compound scarp that displaces piedmont alluvial fan surfaces vertically up to 73 m (Figure 14). These surfaces are estimated by Bull and Pearthree [1988] and Pearthree et al. [1990] to be of early to middle Pleistocene (1.5 Ma–125 ka) age based on soil profile characteristics. Several topographic profiles of the displaced footwall fan surface (Figure 14a) were constructed with an Abney level with clinometer and a telescopic leveling rod (see Figure 3 for profile traces). The northernmost profile (D) is located on Mesa La Víbora, two profiles (A and B) are located between Arroyo Los Embudos and Arroyo La Cueva, and the southernmost profile (C) directly south of Arroyo Pitáycachi. No other vertically displaced piedmont alluvial fan surfaces could be observed in the footwall of the fault system farther south along the Pitáycachi fault (with a possible exception east of La Cabellera ranch). No alluvial fan deposits are observed in the footwall of the Teras or the Otates fault [Suter, 2008a, 2008b]. I plot the along-strike offset of the Pleistocene alluvial surface together with the 1887 along-strike surface offsets (Figure 14b). These offset profiles are broadly proportional, indicating that events that postdate the deposition of the Pleistocene surface, approximately 10 all together, had slip distributions similar to 1887. This suggests that the 1887 rupture dimensions are characteristic for ruptures along the Pitáycachi fault. SUTER ©2014. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved. 636 Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 10.1002/2014JB011244 10. Inferred Rupture Nucleation and Rupture Path Whereas the source and kinematics of recent earthquakes have been modeled by inverting seismic and geodetic observations, the epicenter and rupture propagation of this preinstrumental earthquake are inferred here from surface structural observations such as rupture branching and the slip distribution. As described above, the rupture shows a well-developed bipolar branching pattern consisting of at least six north facing bifurcations in the northern part of the segment and two south facing bifurcations in its southern part (Figure 3). Branching probably resulted from the lateral propagation of the rupture, given that the much shorter ruptures of the Otates and Teras segments did not develop branches. Since the rupture length (≥41 km) is much longer than the rupture width (~15 km), the rupture propagated only in horizontal direction after having breached the entire brittle thickness of the crust, allowing for branching. In analog experiments of branching ruptures, the bifurcations are consistently in the direction of rupture Figure 14. (a) Topographic scarp profiles (traces marked in Figure 3) propagation [Bahat, 1982; Sharon et al., showing the displacement of a Pleistocene alluvial fan surface by the 1995; Sharon and Fineberg, 1999; Pitáycachi (profiles A–C) and Víbora-South (profile D) faults. For each Bouchbinder et al., 2010]. The polarity of profile, the origin of the reference system is at the 1887 rupture trace. the bifurcations can therefore be taken (b) Along-strike offsets of the 1887 surface rupture (black circles) and of Pleistocene alluvial fan surface (black diamonds). The displacement of the as an indicator of the direction of fan surface increases toward the center of the Pitáycachi rupture segment rupture propagation, and the changes and is broadly proportional to the 1887 surface offset. in polarity may indicate where the rupture initiated. This suggests that the rupture of the Pitáycachi segment originated in its central part, where the polarity of the rupture bifurcations changes (Figure 3). To locate the epicenter of the 1887 main shock, the point on the rupture trace centered between the innermost branches of opposed polarity was extrapolated to a depth of 15 km (base of the seismogenic crust) with the 80° dip of the rupture measured nearby. In this way, the epicenter was located at 109.190° longitude west/31.005° latitude north (Figure 3); the maximum horizontal uncertainty of the epicenter location in north-south direction is 5 km. The point of rupture nucleation is, probably coincidentally, nearly at the midpoint between the surface rupture trace extremities. The largest branching pattern, composed of two or more bifurcations, is located south of site 97 (Figures 3 and 8). The individual branches formed on either side of the main rupture, and all the bifurcations open to the north. Based on the polarity of its branching pattern, the rupture is inferred to have propagated here from south to north. The rupture front separated the ground surface vertically by 4 m at site 107 before becoming unstable and distributing into several branches. Most of the branches die out after a relatively short distance. Most of the slip is taken up by the 3 km long western branch. The through-going major SUTER ©2014. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved. 637 Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 10.1002/2014JB011244 rupture has a low surface offset where it passes parallel to and east of this western branch but gains again more offset farther north, beyond the tips of the other branches (Figure 8). Similar branching patterns have been observed in millimeter-scale analog experiments of the dynamic growth of mode I fractures (tension gash, tensile or opening mode) in brittle materials such as Plexiglas [Sharon et al., 1995]. A dynamic instability occurs as the speed of a crack increases beyond a critical value (typically 0.4 times the speed of Raleigh waves), at which a crack will change its topology as it sprouts short-lived side branches. As in the observed branching pattern of the 1887 rupture (Figures 3 and 8), the experimental branches, in general, do not appear as a single side branch but in bunches that progressively become more complex as the mean crack velocity increases [Sharon et al., 1995]. Because a rupture is driven by the energy flux to its tip, the formation of a new branch decreases the amount of energy flowing into the main rupture, thereby reducing its velocity [Broek, 1986]. Conversely, the death of a branch causes the main rupture to accelerate, as more energy is available to drive it. This results in fluctuations in the velocity of the rupture front, with a timescale characteristic of a branch lifetime [Sharon and Fineberg, 1999]. Our observations in conjunction with these millimeter-scale experimental results suggest that the properties of branching instabilities are length scale independent and that the measured surface offsets (and implicitly slip) within the documented 1887 branching pattern (Figure 8) correlate with the fluctuations in rupture velocity. Based on the branching pattern, the rupture first propagated bilaterally along the Pitáycachi fault, from where the southern rupture front first cascaded across a 2.5 km wide step over to the Teras fault and then across a structurally complex basement ridge to the Otates fault. The postulated rupture path is in agreement with the intensity distribution of this earthquake [Aguilera, 1888; Sbar and DuBois, 1984], which indicates a strong rupture directivity effect toward the south. Studies of the historical seismicity [Suter, 2001] and recent microseismicity [Castro et al., 2010] of this region indicate that the area of aftershock activity has increased southward with time along the same fault system. This may also be related to the southward direction of the 1887 rupture propagation and the related rupture directivity effect. 11. Conclusions In the 3 May 1887 Sonoran earthquake (surface rupture end-to-end length: 101.8 km; Mw: 7.5 ± 0.3) an array of three major north-south striking half-graben bounding Basin-and-Range Province faults (from north to south Pitáycachi, Teras, and Otates) ruptured sequentially along the western margin of the Sierra Madre Occidental Plateau. Based on fault slickenline measurements and focal mechanisms of microseismicity attributed to related aftershocks, the 1887 rupture is characterized at the surface and at midcrustal level by extensional dip slip on these 65–70°W dipping faults and additionally by a minor left-lateral strike-slip component on the Teras and Pitáycachi segments, which can be explained by the slightly oblique orientation of these faults with respect to the ENE-WSW regional extension. The rupture was arrested in the north as well as in the south at major cross faults, and the surface offset profile tapers rapidly where the 1887 rupture approaches these preexisting cross faults. The 1887 surface rupture segments have a consistent maximum slip-to-rupture length ratio, which indicates that the defined rupture segments are self-similar and experienced a similar static stress drop. With a length of ≥41 km, the Pitáycachi segment, analyzed in detail in this paper, is a composite of second-order fault segments internal to the Pitáycachi segment, which are mostly bridged by en echelon rupture scarp arrays. This second-order segmentation is not detectable as local minima in the 1887 along-rupture surface offset profile, which indicates that the segments form a single through-going structure at depth, and the en echelon segments are branches of this upwardly bifurcating fault. Based on surface deformation, maximum slip along the Pitáycachi fault in the 1887 earthquake was 516 cm and the average slip was 277 cm. The maximum comes close to the maximum observed dip slip of a historic earthquake surface rupture in the Basin-and-Range Province, which was 5.8 m during the 1915 Mw 7.1 Pleasant Valley, Nevada, earthquake. The 1887 slip distribution for the Pitáycachi fault is symmetric, suggesting a uniform stress drop and homogeneous lithologic and remote stress conditions, which is also supported independently by the low dispersion in the orientation of the 1887 slip vectors measured on the surface rupture. The 1887 along-strike surface offsets are broadly proportional to the 1 order-of-magnitude larger along-strike offsets of a distinct Pleistocene alluvial fan surface, which suggests that the 1887 rupture dimensions may be characteristic for ruptures along the Pitáycachi fault. SUTER ©2014. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved. 638 Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 10.1002/2014JB011244 The Pitáycachi surface rupture shows a well-developed bipolar branching pattern, which permits inferences about slip partitioning, the rupture path, and the physics of the rupturing process. The branching pattern consists of at least six north facing bifurcations in the northern part of the segment and two south facing bifurcations in its southern part. Branching probably resulted from the lateral propagation of the rupture due to the length of the fault, given that the much shorter ruptures of the Otates and Teras segments did not develop branches. This branching pattern indicates that the 1887 rupture nucleated in the central part of this segment, where the polarity of the rupture bifurcations changes, and propagated bilaterally. To locate the epicenter of the 1887 main shock, a point on the rupture trace, centered between the innermost branches of opposed polarity, was extrapolated to a depth of 15 km with the 80° dip of the rupture measured nearby. Based on this technique, the epicenter is estimated to be at 109.190° longitude west/31.005° latitude north. Our observations in conjunction with the results of millimeter-scale analog experiments [Sharon et al., 1995] suggest that the properties of branching instabilities are length scale independent and that the measured surface offsets (and implicitly slip) within the documented 1887 branching pattern correlate with the fluctuations in rupture velocity. Acknowledgments All data necessary to understand, evaluate, replicate, and build upon the reported research are contained within the paper. This project was made possible in part by financial and logistic support from Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) and Consejo Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología (CONACYT, grant G33102-T). The historical photographs of the surface rupture by Camillus S. Fly are courtesy of the Karl V. Steinbrugge Collection, National Information Service for Earthquake Engineering, University of California, Berkeley. I am thankful to Phil Pearthree, an anonymous reviewer, and especially Scott E. K. Bennett for their detailed and constructive evaluations of the manuscript. My participation in an excursion to the Pitáycachi fault in 1990, organized by Phil Pearthree and William Bull during a Cordilleran Section meeting of the Geological Society of America, fomented my interest in the structure of the 1887 surface rupture. More recently, my understanding of the 1887 rupture benefited from discussions with several colleagues at the Swiss Nuclear Regulatory Commission (ENSI) and at the 2013 Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station Seismic Hazard Evaluation workshop. SUTER References Aguilera, J. G. (1888), Estudio de los fenómenos séismicos del 3 de mayo de 1887, Ann. Minis. Fomento de la República Mexicana, 10, 5–56. Angelier, J. (1990), Inversion of field data in fault tectonics to obtain the regional stress. III: A new rapid direct inversion method by analytical means, Geophys. J. Int., 103, 363–376. Bahat, D. 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