FY 2008 PROPOSED OPERATING BUDGET Background General Operating Fund Revenues Harford Community College receives the majority of its revenues from county, state, and tuition and fee resources to fund the operating budget (Table 1). Other sources account for approximately 3.1 percent of overall budget resources. The general operating fund supports the College’s mission and the state law and its attendant expectations to provide accessible and affordable higher education; it includes all instructional programs and services as well as projects, personnel, and related costs. Table 1 – General Operating Fund Revenues Revenue Tuition and Fees State of Maryland Harford County Other Sub-total - Revenue Transfers In (from Operating Balance) Total - Revenue and Transfers Budget 2006-2007 Preliminary 2007-2008 Change FY06 to FY07 Actual 2004-2005 Actual 2005-2006 $ 10,878,691 7,343,260 12,278,743 772,852 $31,273,546 $ 11,382,566 7,701,612 13,778,743 1,253,459 $34,116,380 $11,317,493 8,121,765 14,778,743 916,978 $35,134,979 $11,600,430 9,708,829 16,278,743 1,266,905 $38,854,907 $282,937 1,587,064 1,500,000 349,927 $3,719,928 850,000 $32,123,546 1,150,000 $35,266,380 750,000 $35,884,979 760,000 $39,614,907 10,000 $3,729,928 % Change FY07 to FY08 2.5% 19.5% 10.1% 38.2% 10.6% 1.3% 10.4% County Funding Harford County has consistently provided the largest portion of operating funds to its community college (Diagram 1). While state funding is projected to increase significantly in FY 2008, the County will continue to be the single largest resource of higher education. The FY 2008 proposed operating budget contains $16,278,743, an increase of $1,500,000, or 10.1 percent, in funding from Harford County. A comparison of the local portion of funding to support community colleges throughout the state indicates that Harford County’s funding level is proportionately larger than the state and metro area averages (Table 2). The budgeted transfer in from fund balance is included in the “Other” category of the data supporting Table 2. Diagram 1 – Operating Budget Distribution of Funding by Source 45.0% 40.0% 35.0% 30.0% Tuition & Fees 25.0% Harford County 20.0% State of Maryland 15.0% Other Income/Transfer 10.0% 5.0% 0.0% 94 95 96 97 98 99 '00 '01 '02 '03 04 05 06 07p 08p Fiscal Year Table 2 – Composition of Operating Funds Community Colleges, Percentage of Unrestricted Revenues FY 2005 Institution State Local Tuition and Fees Metro Area Colleges Anne Arundel Baltimore County Carroll Cecil Frederick Harford Howard 30% 29% 29% 24% 22% 25% 21% 34% 29% 31% 41% 39% 37% 35% 34% 41% 39% 34% 37% 33% 41% 1% 1% 0% 1% 2% 5% 3% Metro Area Composite 26% 35% 37% 2% State 28% 32% 38% 2% Other Source: MHEC, CC Audited Financials FY 2005 inc. state contribution for retirement State Funding During the 2006 Maryland General Assembly, the legislature passed and the Governor signed legislation to increase the Cade Funding Formula from the present 25 percent of the University System of Maryland (USM) full-time equivalent (FTE) student expenditure base to 30 percent by 2013. In addition, the USM received a substantial increase in state funding in FY 2007 that is projected to increase the FY 2008 student FTE expenditure by 14 percent. The continued support of the Cade Formula for funding community colleges by the Governor and the General Assembly will increase state support by 19.5% to $9,708,829 in FY 2008. This 2 figure does not reflect the projected $1.2 million contribution to employee benefits paid by the state for retirement programs, which is budgeted separately through the state. Tuition and Fees Tuition and fees represent the second most significant mechanism for funding college operations. Tuition is generated through credit and noncredit courses. An increase of 2.5% in this revenue source, or $282,937, is projected based on increased enrollment in FY 2008. Tuition was increased in FY 2007 by $2 per credit hour for county residents. No tuition increase is included in this proposal. At $77 per credit hour, Harford will continue to be the second least expensive community college in Maryland in FY 2008. In addition to tuition, there is a ten percent student fee attached to tuition. This equates to $7.70 per credit hour. This consolidated fee generates funds to support student activities, technology, and parking. Other Sources Other revenue sources of $1,266,905 comprise dividends, interest, and building use fees. An increase of $349,927 is included in the FY 2008 budget. This change reflects experience over the past three years and an increase in earnings on balances. No changes in facilities use fees are projected at this time although utilization increases. Transfers The budget includes a transfer from the operating budget fund balance. Transfers represent nonrecurring funds classified as a funding source for the operating budget. When transferred, such funds are allocated to non-recurring costs, such as equipment or capital programs. In FY 2008, $760,000 of the fund balance is allocated within the operating budget to support the capital budget. Expenditures The proposed FY 2008 operating budget totals $39,614,907 (Table 3). This proposal includes compensation requests, costs associated with maintaining current service levels, and additional investments to advance the College mission, which would increase expenditures by $3,729,928, or 10.4 percent, above the FY 2007 budget. Table 3 – General Operating Fund Expenditures Expenditures Instruction Academic Support Student Services Institutional Support Operations/Maintenance of Plant Scholarships Non-mandatory Transfers Total - Expenditures Actual 2004-2005 Actual 2005-2006 $ 12,093,957 4,539,628 2,729,499 5,396,151 3,362,556 683,143 596,600 $29,401,534 $ 13,169,104 5,001,783 3,206,218 5,819,970 3,517,705 740,707 876,207 $32,331,694 3 Budget 2006-2007 $14,099,631 5,301,176 3,289,984 6,717,901 4,027,679 582,108 1,866,500 $35,884,979 Preliminary 2007-2008 $15,965,168 6,203,577 4,256,091 6,742,182 4,258,059 701,472 1,488,358 $39,614,907 Change FY06 to FY07 1,865,537 902,401 966,107 24,281 230,380 119,364 -378,142 $3,729,928 % Change FY07 to FY08 13.2% 17.0% 29.4% 0.4% 5.7% 20.5% -20.3% 10.4% Budget Development Budget managers were asked to examine their FY 2006 actual expenditures and budgeted FY 2007 appropriations and make adjustments between their accounts to meet the programmatic goals and objectives for FY 2008 without increasing the bottom line. This process enabled budget managers to realign funds and reduce several allocations. In addition, a detailed analysis of salary and benefit accounts was performed in conjunction with the College’s implementation of position control within the human resources and financial information system. A structural realignment of funds was undertaken moving allocations from accounts that have been traditionally under-spent to accounts where the funds are more likely to be utilized. The result is that several budget requests are capable of being funded with available resources. Budget managers were asked to submit funding requests in terms of: A. Maintaining current services. These “cost of doing business” changes represent requests intended to maintain current services while addressing enrollment changes, mandates, and inflation. B. Additional investments. These are investments to advance the College mission by enhancing existing services or programs and/or implementing new programs. These investments expand the College’s ability to provide more efficient and effective services. Total new allocations support instructional technology, student development, and upgrade current technology. A salary and benefits group also contributed recommendations to the President for consideration. Several suggestions are addressed in this proposal. For budgetary compliance, expenditures are categorized by function into instruction, academic support, student services, institutional support, operations, and maintenance of plant, transfers, and scholarships. As the operating budget is reviewed, it is helpful to have an understanding of the number of fulltime employees that serve the college. Table 4 does not include part-time and adjunct employees and those positions paid through restricted grants and auxiliary services. Table 4 – Full Time Position by Function of the Operating Budget Position Distribution Operating Budget Instruction Academic Support Student Services Institutional Support Operations/Maint of Plant FY 2007 FY 2008 296.0 307.0 133.0 135.0 51.0 53.0 43.0 46.0 56.0 60.0 13.0 13.0 Change 11.0 2.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 0.0 Diagram 2 – FY 2008 Budget by Function Proposed Operating Budget by Budget Function Oper/Maint of Plant, $4,258,059 10.6% Transfers $701,472 1.7% Scholarships $1,488,358 3.7% Institutional Support $7,035,234 17.5% Instruction, $15,965,168, 40.3% Academic Support $6,203,577 15.4% Student Services, $4,477,788 11.1% Examining the proposed operating budget by object, or account type (Diagram 3), demonstrates the distribution of expenditures. Approximately, 68.3 percent of the budget is assigned to salaries and benefits, which accommodates the Board of Trustees’ guideline to keep such expenditures at no more than 75 percent of the entire budget. If the budgeted contracted services cost for security, housekeeping, and grounds are included in this calculation then the ratio would be 71.8 percent of the operating budget. The College considers the long-term viability of its decisions to add sufficient resources to attract and retain a strong employee base with competitive benefits in the near term. This guideline ensures that resources are provided to support all the vital aspects of successful educational programs, puts student learning at the forefront, and assigns wages above average and often at the top of the ranges for comparable institutions, and provides an array of competitive benefits. Based on the current faculty and staff distribution, the median length of service of full-time employees is 8 years, meaning half were employed prior to November 1998 and half were hired after this date. Diagram 3 – FY 2008 Operating Budget Expenditures Classification Supplies and Materials 4.4% Furniture and Equipment 1.2% Contracted Services 12.9% Transfers 5.1% Other 8.1% Salary and Benefits 68.3% 5 Table 5 – Operating Budget by Function FY2004 BUDGET FUNCTION DESCRIPTION FY2006 ACTUAL FY2007 BUDGET FY2008 BUDGET 10 Instruction - Includes expenditures for all activities that are part of the College's instructional programs. This includes expenditures for credit and noncredit courses, for academic, vocational, technical, transitional, and tutorial instruction. $ 12,209,682 $ 13,169,104 $ 14,099,631 $ 15,965,168 40 Academic Support - Includes expenditures in support of the College's primary mission of instruction and public service. These funds include library services, instructional resources, instructional support services, curriculum development, educational dev $ 4,495,662 $ 5,001,783 $ 5,301,176 $ 6,203,577 50 Student Services - Includes expenditures for enrollment policy and planning, enrollment services (recruitment, outreach, registration, records, financial aid, and student testing), and student development (academic advising, career development, placement, $ 3,398,986 $ 3,206,218 $ 3,289,984 $ 4,256,091 60 Institutional Support - Includes expenditures for the College's administration, planning, legal services, fiscal operations, the remainder of network and computer services, personnel, safety, procurement, media connections, HCN, student identification, AP $ 5,953,101 $ 5,819,970 $ 6,717,901 $ 6,742,182 70 Operation and Maintenance of Plant - Includes expenditures for the operation and maintenance of the physical plant, utilities, property insurance. $ 2,998,767 $ 3,517,705 $ 4,027,679 $ 4,258,059 80 Scholarships and Fellowships - Includes expenditures for College Work Study stipends, institutional scholarships, and tuition waivers. $ 434,500 $ 740,707 $ 582,108 $ 701,472 81 Non-Mandatory Transfers - Includes expenditures for the College's contribution and match to student scholarships, grants, cultural programs, student activities, and various capital projects. $ 137,000 $ 926,800 $ 1,866,500 $ 1,488,358 Highlights of Budget Requests Compensation includes salary/wages, health, and benefits adjustments. This budget contains a three percent salary adjustment for all eligible employees and a step/merit increase pool equivalent to three percent. This would equal a six percent wage package. A three percent increase is included for all eligible part-time employees and adjunct instructors. The cost of these changes is projected to be $1,078,473. Health insurance experience has fluctuated over the past year. The estimated premium increase for FY 2008 is 22 percent for the College. HCC participates in the county health care consortium. An additional $420,000 has been budgeted at this time. During the 2006 Maryland General Assembly, legislation was passed and signed by the Governor to modify the State Retirement System. While the change increases the retirement benefit in the future, employee contributions were raised beginning July 1, 2006. In addition, the College is responsible for the employee portion of the Employees Retirement System. Given current participation levels and actuarial data, an additional $10,000 is budgeted for the retirement benefit. The College does not provide direct post-retirement health benefits for current employees; however, it does allow access to the College’s plan for eligible retirees who purchase their own 6 coverage at the group rate. The College provides a match for 457 contributions, presently $2,500 per eligible employee. This match helps employees plan and fund post-retirement benefits such as health insurance. The budget proposal includes an increase in the employer match of $500 in FY 2008. In addition, the College contribution of $500 for eligible employees is continued to encourage participation and does not require an accompanying employee match. The total increased cost of this benefit based on estimated participation ratios is projected to be $147,200. Professional development has been increased by $300 to $1,500 per employee. Projected cost is estimated at $63,000 given current participation levels. In addition to compensation expenditures, the funding requests for FY 2008 include $538,232 for 11 new positions to support the College mission. The positions include: Dean/Program Administrator for Nursing and Health Care Programs Medical Assistance Faculty Member/Program Coordinator Information Systems Security Faculty Member Student Development Specialist – Technology Support Banner Systems Analyst Student Development Specialist – Athletics Student Development Specialist – Test Center Development Assistant Computer Training Program Assistant Student Development Specialist – Student Activities Administrative Specialist – Continuing Education Additional Investments Part-time/adjunct support for instruction and student support Instruction support equipment and technology Transfers to capital budget programs for support of Aberdeen Hall renovation and expansion, Hays-Heighe House restoration, Telecommunications/PBX replacement, Thomas Run Park stadium field, and utility and infrastructure Utilities, commodity net rate increases (oil, natural gas, electricity) and weather-related usage Increase in housekeeping and security scope of services $398,744 $641,130 $1,160,000 $133,828 $148,000 The proposed operating fund statement and supporting breakdown by function is provided for review. 7 FY 2008 CAPITAL BUDGET AND CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM Background The capital budget and program establishes the schedule of planned expenditures and commitments for FY 2008 and the subsequent nine fiscal years. The capital improvement program (CIP) is intended to meet the College’s needs for additional facility improvements. The CIP is from FY 2008 - FY 2017 and includes planning associated with the Base Realignment and Consolidation (BRAC) efforts. These proposed improvements integrate academic and physical planning on a collegewide basis. The capital budget establishes an itinerary for accomplishing improvements in existing facilities and proposed new infrastructure investments based on the Facilities Master Plan required by the Maryland Higher Education Commission. The College is required to submit the proposed capital budget to the Harford County Government and the State of Maryland for review of funding requests. There are 19 projects included in the proposal of which eight seek funding in FY 2008. The proposed projects for FY 2008 will require $5,600,034. The projects will be funded with $1,791,989 of state funds; $2,648,045 in county funds; and $1,160,000 in College funds. The use of College funds in the FY 2008 proposal includes $250,000 for the Aberdeen Hall renovation and expansion for increased commodities pricing. An additional $100,000 is funded by the College for on-going utility and infrastructure improvements. The College is proposing $200,000 to the Hays-Heighe House renovation and requesting $200,000 from the Harford County Government for this project. The College has also proposed $420,000 for telecommunications improvements with funding split equally between the College and Harford County Government at $210,000 each. Improvements to the athletic fields at Thomas Run Park will include use of artificial turf. This project is proposed for $800,000 that would be funded through $400,000 in College funds and $400,000 in Harford County Government funds. In addition, design funding is requested from Harford County and the State of Maryland for Susquehanna Center. The proposal includes $755,552 of Harford County funding and $1,051,989 of state funding. Site and parking lot improvement funding is requested from the county and state for design and construction. The proposal would include $531,346 of support from Harford County and $740,000 of state funds. The capital budget also includes a request to Harford County for $551,147 in milestone funding for technology refresh and improvements. 8 The projects requested for FY 2008 include: FY 2008 Project Type Technology investment Recreational/wellness support facilities Campus infrastructure Building additions and renovations Total Request $971,147 $800,000 $1,371,346 $2,457,541 $5,600,034 The capital improvement program includes potential future projections through FY 2017. Details of the College’s capital budget proposal are attached. 9 Projected Schedule of Capital Improvement Program 14-Nov-06 JanJulJun Dec 2005 JanJulJun Dec 2006 JanJulJun Dec 2007 Aberdeen Hall Susquehanna Center Milestone Telecom System Athletic Fields Hays-Heighe House Site & Parking Lots Roof Replacements New Building Utility & Infrastructure New Higher Ed Center Parking 10 JanJulJun Dec 2008 JanJulJun Dec 2009 JanJulJun Dec 2010 JanJulJun Dec 2011 JanJulJun Dec 2012 Harford Community College Capital Improvement Program December 12, 2006 Budget Project Title Aberdeen Hall Renovations Total Prior Year Cost Approp. FY 2008 Capital Program FY 2009 14,144,106 12,322,167 250,000 1,571,939 Hays Heighe House Renovations 1,343,890 568,890 400,000 375,000 Milestone & Technology Project 4,866,212 4,315,065 551,147 Telecom System 420,000 1,293,000 493,000 800,000 Site & Parking Lot Improvements 4,271,497 1,925,000 1,271,346 Utility & Related Infrastr. Improvements 3,150,000 1,050,000 100,000 Susquehanna Ctr. Addition/Renovations 25,261,429 1,807,541 1,500,000 New Instructional Building FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2015 1,500,000 892,500 8,925,000 1,338,750 772,800 7,728,000 1,159,200 Parking 8,250,000 8,250,000 353,100 353,100 11,500,000 920,000 9,200,000 1,380,000 Fallston Hall 6,914,400 553,152 5,531,520 829,728 West Campus Infrastructure 3,025,000 300,000 3,000,000 275,000 2,750,000 3,300,000 New Instructional Building 23,668,750 Edgewood Hall 10,407,338 Total -- By Project FY 2017 12,335,609 9,660,000 Water & Sewer FY 2016 2,000,000 11,118,279 Higher Ed & Applied Technology Center III Apprentice Training Center FY 2014 1,075,151 11,156,250 Observatory FY 2013 420,000 Athletic Fields Roof Replacements FY 2010 1,893,500 $1,773,152 $19,625,020 2,840,250 832,587 8,325,870 1,248,881 $21,977,315 $11,166,120 $1,248,881 $144,644,972 $20,834,122 $5,600,034 $15,640,369 $16,000,909 $25,178,000 9,990,211 5,288,975 2,214,797 269,799 1,267,105 490,500 Future Harford County Bonds 51,907,577 5,602,167 433,248 6,326,769 5,407,365 9,895,350 2,319,518 589,261 7,910,008 8,457,891 4,466,448 499,552 State of Maryland Bonds 77,701,705 6,220,000 1,791,989 8,881,301 9,326,439 14,792,150 3,281,533 1,057,891 11,715,012 13,186,389 6,699,672 749,329 5,045,480 3,722,980 1,160,000 162,500 $144,644,972 $20,834,122 $5,600,034 $15,640,369 $16,000,909 $25,178,000 $5,601,050 $1,773,152 $19,625,020 $21,977,315 $11,166,120 $1,248,881 Harford County PayGo Funds $5,601,050 18,935,000 126,000 333,035 Prior Harford County Bonds Other Funds (HCC) Harford County Lease Purchase Funds Total -- By Fund Capital 1 December 12, 2006 Dept and Programs: Harford Community College Project: Aberdeen Hall Renovations and Expansion (9063) Adequacy of Utilities: Electric: S Project Number: New Project Location: Campus Gas: S Sewer: S Water: S Project Description/Justification: This 22,741 GSF facility houses the HCC science programs, including general purpose classrooms, subject-specific science laboratories, and faculty offices. This renovation and expansion will increase capacity through phased construction scheduled for completion by Fall 2009. Most college curricula requires participation in some scientific laboratory experience. To the extent that most scientific technology has undergone vast change, these laboratories must be upgraded for teaching. Mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems will be upgraded for compliance with laboratory and environmental safety standards. Environmental sustainability guidelines will be applied where feasible. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE Cost Elements Engineering/Design Land Acquisition Construction Inspection/Testing Equipment/Furnishings Total Cost FUNDING SCHEDULE R8750 Paygo R7100 Prior Bonds R7000 Future Bonds R7920 State Bonds R6999 Other (HCC) Total Funds Total Cost 858,233 Prior Budget Year Approp. FY 2008 858,233 11,563,934 11,463,934 1,721,939 14,144,106 12,322,167 6,262,381 7,131,725 750,000 5,602,167 6,220,000 500,000 250,000 14,144,106 12,322,167 250,000 FY 2009 FY 2010 Five Year Capital Program FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 100,000 150,000 250,000 1,571,939 1,571,939 660,214 911,725 1,571,939 Capital 2 December 12, 2006 Dept and Programs: Harford Community College Project: Hays Heighe Renovations (9065) Adequacy of Utilities: Electric: S Project Number: New Project Location: Campus Gas: S Sewer: S Water: S Project Description/Justification: This structure, built in 1808, is listed in the National Register of Historic Places and currently houses offices for the Center for the Visual and Performing Arts. Major work is required to preserve the foundation and to upgrade the mechanical systems. Modifications to provide long term structural integrity are also required to continue the building's use as an instructional laboratory and museum space for the building preservation and restoration program. Careful consideration will be given to the delicate balance of historic preservation and modern expectations. Environmental sustainability guidelines will be applied where feasible. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE Cost Elements Engineering/Design Land Acquisition Construction Inspection/Testing Equipment/Furnishings Total Cost FUNDING SCHEDULE R8750 Paygo R7100 Prior Bonds R7000 Future Bonds R7920 State Bonds R6999 Other (HCC) Total Funds Total Cost 142,900 1,025,990 175,000 1,343,890 Prior Budget Year Approp. FY 2008 142,900 425,990 568,890 412,500 FY 2009 400,000 200,000 400,000 175,000 375,000 200,000 212,500 931,390 568,890 200,000 162,500 1,343,890 568,890 400,000 375,000 Capital 3 Five Year Capital Program FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 December 12, 2006 Dept and Programs: Harford Community College Project: Milestone Technology Project (9044) Adequacy of Utilities: Electric: S Project Number: C994113 Project Location: Campus Gas: S Sewer: S Water: S Project Description/Justification: Milestone funds are part of the Strategic Information Technology Plan of Harford County to address current and future technology needs. Continued funding of technology refresh in FY 2008 will enable the college to continue the systematic replacement of hardware and instructional technology in the classroom at all HCC facilities. The FY 2008 project budget includes funding for added bandwidth for the connection to the main campus, Edgewood library classroom AV installations, and upgrade of the network infrastructure at the Higher Education Center. The addition of a mail server appliance will enable the college to deliver secure, scalable messaging infrastructure. An assessment tracking system is included in the project to enable HCC to enhance and expand current tracking and reporting of assessment data and outcomes. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE Cost Elements Engineering/Design Land Acquisition Construction Inspection/Testing Equipment/Furnishings Total Cost FUNDING SCHEDULE R8750 Paygo R7100 Prior Bonds R7000 Future Bonds R7920 State Bonds R6999 Other (HCC) R7157 Lease Purchase Total Funds Total Cost Prior Approp. Budget Year FY 2008 4,866,212 4,866,212 4,315,065 4,315,065 551,147 551,147 4,248,622 3,697,475 551,147 617,590 4,866,212 Five Year Capital Program FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 617,590 4,315,065 551,147 Capital 4 December 12, 2006 Dept and Programs: Harford Community College Project: Telecom PBX Replacement Adequacy of Utilities: Electric: S Project Number: Project Location: Campus Gas: S Sewer: S Water: S Project Description/Justification: The current PBX in use at Harford Community College is over 15 years old, and in need of replacement. Moreover, the number of direct inward dial numbers is no longer sufficient to handle the needs of the College. Work has recently begun to reserve a group of DID numbers for the college to use during the replacement of the PBX. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE Cost Elements Engineering/Design Land Acquisition Construction Inspection/Testing Equipment/Furnishings Total Cost FUNDING SCHEDULE R8750 Paygo R7100 Prior Bonds R7000 Future Bonds R7920 State Bonds R6999 Other (HCC) R7157 Lease Purchase Total Funds Total Cost 0 0 0 0 420,000 420,000 210,000 0 0 0 210,000 0 420,000 Prior Approp. Budget Year FY 2008 0 0 420,000 420,000 0 210,000 0 0 0 210,000 0 420,000 Five Year Capital Program FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 Capital 5 FY 2012 FY 2013 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 December 12, 2006 Dept and Programs: Harford Community College Project: TRP Athletic Fields Adequacy of Utilities: Electric: S Project Number: Project Location: Campus Gas: S Sewer: S Water: S Project Description/Justification: The demand for soccer and lacrosse has grown. A new, multi-purpose field is being added to TRP to meet this need. In addition, the stadium field at TRP will be renovated with artificial turf and lighting in FY 2008. This improvement will substantially increase the college's capacity for utilization of the field which is presently served by a well and water wheel. The renovation will require base work and drainage in addition to the artificial turf. Cost is estimated at $800,000. Lighting is proposed to allow for more use of the field. The estimated $250,000 cost of lighting will be funded through the existing capital project. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE Cost Elements Engineering/Design Land Acquisition Construction Inspection/Testing Equipment/Furnishings Total Cost FUNDING SCHEDULE R8750 Paygo R7100 Prior Bonds R7000 Future Bonds R7920 State Bonds R6999 Other (HCC) Total Funds Total Cost 35,000 0 1,258,000 Prior Budget Year Approp. FY 2008 35,000 0 Five Year Capital Program FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2009 458,000 800,000 0 1,293,000 0 493,000 0 800,000 0 746,500 0 0 0 546,500 0 1,293,000 346,500 400,000 0 FY 2013 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 146,500 493,000 400,000 0 800,000 Capital 6 0 0 0 0 0 December 12, 2006 Dept and Programs: Harford Community College Project: Site and Parking Lot Improvements (9061) Electric: S Project Number: C034111 Project Location: Campus Gas: S Sewer: S Water: S Project Description/Justification: This project addresses improvements and modifications to parking areas, roadways, and sidewalks on the grounds of HCC. In addition, stormwater management and site lighting are associated with this project. This project includes modifications and expansions to the A, J, and T parking lots, and construction of a small lot on the east side of Thomas Run Park. Along with expanded capacity, several roads need to be reconfigured to accommodate the increased traffic generated by enrollment. Several roadways need major repairs. Sidewalks need to be added and most of the asphalt sidewalks need to be replaced with concrete sidewalks. The work will include measures to reduce rainwater run-off and will incorporate controls to recharge groundwater. Prior road and site improvements have been funded in this project. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE Cost Elements Engineering/Design Land Acquisition Construction Inspection/Testing Equipment/Furnishings Total Cost FUNDING SCHEDULE R8750 Paygo R7100 Prior Bonds R7000 Future Bonds R7920 State Bonds R6999 Other (HCC) Total Funds Total Cost 278,695 Prior Budget Year Approp. FY 2008 82,500 196,195 FY 2009 3,992,802 1,842,500 1,075,151 1,075,151 4,271,497 1,925,000 1,271,346 1,075,151 423,098 325,000 98,098 882,661 1,365,738 1,600,000 1,600,000 4,271,497 1,925,000 433,248 740,000 449,413 625,738 1,271,346 1,075,151 Capital 7 Five Year Capital Program FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 FY 2013 December 12, 2006 Dept and Programs: Harford Community College Project: Utility and Infrastructure Improvements (9060) Adequacy of Utilities: Electric: S Project Number: C034109 Project Location: Campus Gas: S Sewer: S Water: S Project Description/Justification: This project provides multi-year funding for continuous upgrades and improvements to the utility and infrastructure systems. In FY 2008, building energy improvements, well distribution system improvements, and septic system improvements are planned. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE Cost Elements Engineering/Design Land Acquisition Construction Inspection/Testing Equipment/Furnishings Total Cost FUNDING SCHEDULE R8750 Paygo R7100 Prior Bonds R7000 Future Bonds R7920 State Bonds R6999 Other (HCC) Total Funds Total Cost 182,000 Prior Approp. Budget Year FY 2008 2,968,000 1,050,000 100,000 1,818,000 3,150,000 1,050,000 100,000 2,000,000 876,076 800,000 FY 2009 Five Year Capital Program FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 182,000 FY 2013 76,076 759,924 1,164,000 350,000 759,924 1,164,000 250,000 100,000 3,150,000 1,050,000 100,000 Capital 8 2,000,000 December 12, 2006 Dept and Programs: Harford Community College Project: Susquehanna Center Addition/ Renovations Adequacy of Utilities: Electric: S Project Number: New Project Location: Campus Gas: S Sewer: S Water: S Project Description/Justification: This project involves the renovation and 18,000 GSF expansion of the Susquehanna Center, which serves physical education, athletics, and health programs. Improvements include: expanded/modernized classrooms, labs and activity rooms; additional space for faculty and staff; modern infrastructure to replace mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems originally installed in 1968. The addition to Susquehanna will house a smaller therapeutic pool, new labs and activity rooms, multi-purpose courts, and a sports practice area. The project also includes enhancements to the stadium field. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE Cost Elements Engineering/Design Land Acquisition Construction Inspection/Testing Equipment/Furnishings Total Cost FUNDING SCHEDULE R8750 Paygo R7100 Prior Bonds R7000 Future Bonds R7920 State Bonds R6999 Other (HCC) Total Funds Total Cost 1,807,541 Prior Approp. Budget Year FY 2008 1,807,541 22,236,558 1,217,330 25,261,429 1,807,541 1,264,396 755,552 9,294,882 14,702,151 25,261,429 FY 2009 Five Year Capital Program FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 11,118,279 11,118,279 11,118,279 1,217,330 12,335,609 FY 2013 508,844 1,051,989 4,647,441 6,470,838 4,647,441 7,179,324 1,807,541 11,118,279 12,335,609 Capital 9 December 12, 2006 Dept and Programs: Harford Community College Project Title: Roof Replacements Adequacy of Utilities: Electric: Project Number: Project Location: Gas: Sewer: Water: Project Description/Justification: The roof systems of the Student Center, Chesapeake Center, and Joppa Hall are all flat built-up modified systems which were not included in previous building renovations. These roofs have undergone partial replacement or resaturation processes to extend their useful life. Given the lifespan of the roofs, this requires planning for a replacement strategy to ensure all roofing systems are kept safe and structurally sound. The projected date for improvements is FY 2009. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE Cost Elements Engineering/Design Land Acquisition Construction Inspection/Testing Equipment/Furnishings Total Cost FUNDING SCHEDULE R8750 Paygo R7100 Prior Bonds R7000 Future Bonds R7920 State Bonds R6999 Other (HCC) Total Funds Total Cost 137,000 0 1,363,000 0 0 1,500,000 Prior Approp. Budget Year FY 2008 FY 2009 137,000 FY 2013 1,363,000 0 0 1,500,000 57,299 0 569,701 873,000 0 1,500,000 Five Year Capital Program FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 57,299 569,701 873,000 0 0 1,500,000 Capital 10 December 12, 2006 Dept and Programs: Harford Community College Project Title: New Academic Building Adequacy of Utilities: Electric: Project Number: Project Location: Campus Gas: Sewer: Water: Project Description/Justification: New math, engineering, & technology building may include a planetarium. The building will be located on the west campus. By FY 2016, HCC will have difficulty accepting new students in the math, engineering, and technology disciplines without a new instructional building. The planetarium would the third in the county and the first for a higher education institution. Projected size of 35,000 GSF. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE Cost Elements Engineering/Design Land Acquisition Construction Inspection/Testing Equipment/Furnishings Total Cost FUNDING SCHEDULE R8750 Paygo R7100 Prior Bonds R7000 Future Bonds R7920 State Bonds R6999 Other (HCC) Total Funds Total Cost 892,500 0 8,925,000 0 1,338,750 11,156,250 Prior Approp. Budget Year FY 2008 Five Year Capital Program FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 892,500 FY 2009 8,925,000 0 0 0 373,065 0 4,290,248 6,492,938 0 11,156,250 FY 2013 8,925,000 1,338,750 1,338,750 519,435 3,730,650 5,194,350 559,598 779,153 892,500 8,925,000 1,338,750 892,500 0 373,065 0 0 Capital 11 0 0 December 12, 2006 Dept and Programs: Harford Community College Project: Higher Education & Applied Technology Bldg III Adequacy of Utilities: Electric: S Project Number: New Project Location: Campus Gas: S Sewer: S Water: S Project Description/Justification: New Higher Education & Applied Technology facility. This HEAT facility would serve expanded upper division undergraduate, graduate and professional certification programs for the regional population. An offcampus location within the county development envelope would be sought to make the facility more easily accessible to population and employment centers. Projected size of 20,000 GSF EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE Cost Elements Engineering/Design Land Acquisition Construction Inspection/Testing Equipment/Furnishings Total Cost FUNDING SCHEDULE R8750 Paygo R7100 Prior Bonds R7000 Future Bonds R7920 State Bonds R6999 Other (HCC) Total Funds Total Cost 772,800 0 7,728,000 0 1,159,200 9,660,000 309,120 0 3,554,880 5,796,000 0 0 9,660,000 Prior Approp. Budget Year FY 2008 0 Five Year Capital Program FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 772,800 FY 2009 FY 2013 7,728,000 0 0 0 772,800 7,728,000 309,120 0 0 Capital 12 0 1,159,200 1,159,200 0 0 0 0 463,680 3,091,200 4,636,800 463,680 695,520 772,800 7,728,000 1,159,200 0 December 12, 2006 Dept and Programs: Harford Community College Project: Parking Expansion Adequacy of Utilities: Electric: S Project Number: New Project Location: Campus Gas: S Sewer: S Water: S Project Description/Justification: Given current and projected enrollments, the capacity of existing parking lots with planned modification are not expected to provide an adequate supply of spaces during peak class periods. A parking feasibility study will be conducted to include consideration of expansion of A lot and T lot and the West Campus. The expansion does include a possible option for a second level of parking for 500 cars at A lot. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE Cost Elements Engineering/Design Land Acquisition Construction Inspection/Testing Equipment/Furnishings Total Cost FUNDING SCHEDULE R8750 Paygo R7100 Prior Bonds R7000 Future Bonds R7920 State Bonds R6999 Other (HCC) Total Funds Total Cost 750,000 0 7,500,000 Prior Approp. Budget Year FY 2008 Five Year Capital Program FY 2010 FY 2011 FY 2012 750,000 FY 2009 0 0 8,250,000 0 0 375,000 0 3,073,500 4,801,500 0 0 8,250,000 0 0 0 0 7,500,000 0 0 8,250,000 FY 2013 0 375,000 0 0 3,073,500 4,801,500 0 0 Capital 13 0 0 8,250,000 0 0 December 12, 2006 Dept and Programs: Harford Community College Project: Observatory Expansion Adequacy of Utilities: Electric: S Project Number: New Project Location: Campus Gas: S Sewer: S Water: S Project Description/Justification: Classroom addition for Observatory for credit and non-credit education in astronomy. The classroom was a desired feature of the 1999 observatory construction project but was not built due to lack of funds. Projected size of 1,000 GSF. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE Cost Elements Engineering/Design Land Acquisition Construction Inspection/Testing Equipment/Furnishings Total Cost FUNDING SCHEDULE R8750 Paygo R7100 Prior Bonds R7000 Future Bonds R7920 State Bonds R6999 Other (HCC) Total Funds Total Cost 32,100 0 321,000 0 0 353,100 Prior Approp. Budget Year FY 2008 0 FY 2009 Capital Program FY 2011 FY 2012 32,100 FY 2010 FY 2013 FY 2014 321,000 0 0 0 141,240 211,860 0 0 0 353,100 0 353,100 0 0 0 0 141,240 211,860 0 Capital 14 0 353,100 December 12, 2006 Dept and Programs: Harford Community College Project: New Apprenticeship Training Center Adequacy of Utilities: Electric: S Project Number: New Project Location: Campus Gas: S Sewer: S Water: S Project Description/Justification: New apprenticeship training center on West Campus, west of Thomas Run Road. This facility on the west side of campus will make the current facility on the east side available for more traditional non-credit education. Projected size of 25,000 GSF. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE Cost Elements Engineering/Design Land Acquisition Construction Inspection/Testing Equipment/Furnishings Total Cost FUNDING SCHEDULE R8750 Paygo R7100 Prior Bonds R7000 Future Bonds R7920 State Bonds R6999 Other (HCC) Total Funds Total Cost 920,000 0 9,200,000 0 1,380,000 11,500,000 Prior Approp. Budget Year FY 2008 0 FY 2009 FY 2010 Capital Program FY 2012 FY 2013 920,000 FY 2011 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 9,200,000 0 0 0 0 4,600,000 6,900,000 0 0 11,500,000 0 Capital 15 0 0 0 0 920,000 9,200,000 1,380,000 1,380,000 368,000 552,000 3,680,000 5,520,000 552,000 828,000 920,000 9,200,000 1,380,000 December 12, 2006 0 0 Dept and Programs: Harford Community College Project: Fallston Hall Renovation Adequacy of Utilities: Electric: S Project Number: New Project Location: Campus Gas: S Sewer: S Water: S Project Description/Justification: Capital renovation of the 24,728 GSF classroom building. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE Cost Elements Engineering/Design Land Acquisition Construction Inspection/Testing Equipment/Furnishings Total Cost FUNDING SCHEDULE R8750 Paygo R7100 Prior Bonds R7000 Future Bonds R7920 State Bonds R6999 Other (HCC) Total Funds Total Cost 553,152 0 5,531,520 0 829,728 6,914,400 0 0 2,765,760 4,148,640 0 0 6,914,400 Prior Approp. Budget Year FY 2008 0 FY 2009 FY 2010 Capital Program FY 2012 FY 2013 553,152 FY 2011 FY 2014 FY 2015 FY 2016 5,531,520 0 0 0 Capital 16 0 0 0 0 553,152 5,531,520 829,728 829,728 221,261 331,891 2,212,608 3,318,912 331,891 497,837 553,152 5,531,520 829,728 0 0 December 12, 2006 Dept and Programs: Harford Community College Project: West Campus Infrastructure Adequacy of Utilities: Electric: S Project Number: New Project Location: Campus Gas: S Sewer: S Water: S Project Description/Justification: This project includes infrastructure improvement to the west campus. This would include thru-access from Thomas Run Road and Prospect Mill Road and necessary stormwater management. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE Cost Elements Engineering/Design Land Acquisition Construction Inspection/Testing Equipment/Furnishings Total Cost FUNDING SCHEDULE R8750 Paygo R7100 Prior Bonds R7000 Future Bonds R7920 State Bonds R6999 Other (HCC) Total Funds Total Cost 250,000 0 2,500,000 0 0 2,750,000 Prior Approp. Budget Year FY 2008 0 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 275,000 Capital Program FY 2012 FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2015 2,750,000 0 0 0 0 1,100,000 1,650,000 0 0 2,750,000 275,000 2,750,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 115,500 0 Capital 17 159,500 1,155,000 1,595,000 275,000 2,750,000 December 12, 2006 Dept and Programs: Harford Community College Project: Connection to Public Water/ Sewer Adequacy of Utilities: Electric: S Project Number: New Project Location: Gas: S Sewer: S Water: S Project Description/Justification: Connection of public water and sewer to main campus and west side property. Suitable areas for septic fields and reserve fields are already limited on the main campus. This project improvement will result in operations cost savings. Project assumes capacity exists at Prospect Mill Road at Wagner Farm Road for college tie-in. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE Cost Elements Engineering/Design Land Acquisition Construction Inspection/Testing Equipment/Furnishings Total Cost FUNDING SCHEDULE R8750 Paygo R7100 Prior Bonds R7000 Future Bonds R7920 State Bonds R6999 Other (HCC) Total Funds Total Cost 250,000 0 2,500,000 0 0 2,750,000 Prior Approp. Budget Year FY 2008 0 FY 2009 FY 2010 Capital Program FY 2012 FY 2013 300,000 FY 2011 FY 2014 FY 2015 3,000,000 0 0 0 0 1,100,000 1,650,000 0 0 2,750,000 0 0 300,000 3,000,000 0 126,000 0 Capital 18 0 0 174,000 1,260,000 1,740,000 300,000 3,000,000 0 December 12, 2006 Dept and Programs: Harford Community College Project: New Math, Engineering, & Tech. Bldg. Adequacy of Utilities: Electric: S Project Number: New Project Location: Campus Gas: S Sewer: S Water: S Project Description/Justification: The FY 2007 computation of space needs projections suggests that over 44,000 GSF in classroom and laboratory space will be necessary by FY 2013 to meet the College's academic needs. A new 22,000 GSF academic building, scheduled as a project in the FY 2012-2014 period, is included in the CIP to partially meet that need. The current future cost is estimated at $10 million. The actual enrollment trend will be monitored, particularly the impact of the base realignment at APG, with appropriate adjustments to be incorporated into the CIP. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE Cost Elements Engineering/Design Land Acquisition Construction Inspection/Testing Equipment/Furnishings Total Cost FUNDING SCHEDULE R8750 Paygo R7100 Prior Bonds R7000 Future Bonds R7920 State Bonds R6999 Other (HCC) Total Funds Total Cost 1,893,500 0 18,935,000 0 2,840,250 23,668,750 0 0 9,467,500 14,201,250 0 0 23,668,750 Prior Approp. Budget Year FY 2008 0 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 Capital Program FY 2013 FY 2014 1,893,500 FY 2012 FY 2015 FY 2016 FY 2017 18,935,000 0 0 0 Capital 19 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,893,500 18,935,000 2,840,250 2,840,250 757,400 1,136,100 7,574,000 11,361,000 1,136,100 1,704,150 1,893,500 18,935,000 2,840,250 December 12, 2006 0 0 Dept and Programs: Harford Community College Project: Edgewood Hall Renovation Adequacy of Utilities: Electric: S Project Number: New Project Location: Campus Gas: S Sewer: S Water: S Project Description/Justification: Capital renovation of the 33,845 GSF classroom building. EXPENDITURE SCHEDULE Cost Elements Engineering/Design Land Acquisition Construction Inspection/Testing Equipment/Furnishings Total Cost FUNDING SCHEDULE R8750 Paygo R7100 Prior Bonds R7000 Future Bonds R7920 State Bonds R6999 Other (HCC) Total Funds Total Cost 832,587 Prior Approp. Budget Year FY 2008 0 FY 2009 FY 2010 FY 2011 Capital Program FY 2013 FY 2014 FY 2012 FY 2015 832,587 8,325,870 1,248,881 10,407,338 FY 2017 FY 2018 8,325,870 0 0 0 0 0 0 333,035 3,829,900 6,244,403 0 0 10,407,338 FY 2016 8,325,870 1,248,881 1,248,881 499,552 3,330,348 4,995,522 499,552 749,329 832,587 8,325,870 1,248,881 832,587 0 333,035 0 0 Capital 20 0 0 0 December 12, 2006 0