Lake Sampling - Site Documentation Form 1 USDA Forest Service National Protocols for Air Pollution Sensitive Waters Basic Site Information Forest Name: Wilderness Name (if applicable): Stream Name (USGS): Stream Name (Local): Site Name: Site ID: Date of Visit: Visit: Initial Subsequent Field Team Leader: Affiliation: Phone: Email: Access: Vehicle Short Hike (< 1 hr) Long Hike (> 1 hr) Overnight Hike Travel Directions to Lake Sampling Site and Access Information: Sample Site Location: Lake Inlet Lake Outlet Lake Shoreline Lake Index Site (mid-lake) Describe location of sample collection site: Site Verification, GPS Information Lake Verified: Yes No Site has been verified by (check all that apply): GPS Local Contact Signs Vegetation Roads Topo Map Photos Other GPS Information Latitude (DD) ___ ___ . ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ GPS Accuracy: ft. m Datum: Longitude (DD) -___ ___ ___ . ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ Elevation: ft. m Lake Assessment Shoreline Character (use % classes below) Hydrologic Lake Type ________% Forest/Shrub ________% Open Herbaceous ________% Wetland ________% Barren (beach/rock) Emergent/Floating Coverage (% lake area): 0-25 25-50 50-75 >75 ________% Agriculture Submergent Coverage (% lake area): 0-25 25-50 50-75 >75 ________% Developed Density: ________% Shoreline Mod (dock, riprap) Reservoir (dams) # of Inlets:________ # of Outlets________ Drainage (outlets present) Seepage (no outlets observed) Artificial Outlet Dams: Augmented Natural Macrophyte Observation (aquatic plants large enough to be seen without magnification) Sparse Moderate Dense Macrophyte Species (if known) Lake Trophic State (estimate amount of biomass in lake) Rare (< 5%) Moderate (25-75%) Oligotrophic (little or none) Mesotrophic (intermediate) Sparse (5-25%) Extensive (> 75%) Eutrophic (large amount) Hypereutrophic (extreme) Watershed Assessment What percent of the watershed area contributing to the lake is? ________% Hardwoods Primary lithology type: Note additional significant lithology types: ________% Conifers ________% Mixed Forest ________% Exposed Rock What is the watershed area contributing to the lake? ________% Herbaceous/Shrubs What is the watershed aspect (degrees)? __________o ________% Tallus What is the average slope of the watershed? __________% ________% Total What is the stream order of the sample site (use NHD dataset)? _____________ ha ac __________ Lake Form 1 - V1.2 - March 2011 Lake Sampling - Site Documentation Form 2 USDA Forest Service National Protocols for Air Pollution Sensitive Waters Stream Name (Local): Date of Visit: Site Name: Site ID: Establish Lake Level Reference Point No If there is not an established "Reference Point": establish a monument either by affixing a permanent marker (if allowed) or identifying a landmark (e.g., bathtub ring, rock What type of monument/landmark is used to mark the reference point? formation/outcrop). Describe and document the location with measurements and photos, and include in the lake sketch. Is reference point permanently monumented? Yes Lk. Level at time of establishment (dist. from ref point):_________ Units:______ Description and Sketch of Lake and Sample Location Photo Log Photo ID/File Name Date Description of Photo Additional Notes Lake Form 2 - V1.2 - March 2011 Lake Sampling - Sample Record Form 3 USDA Forest Service National Protocols for Air Pollution Sensitive Waters Basic Site Information Forest Name: Wilderness Name (if applicable): Stream Name (USGS): Stream Name (Local): Site Name: Site ID: Date of Visit: Arrival Time (24hr): Standard Daylight Saving Field Team Leader: Affiliation: Phone: Email: Are there any suggested revisions to the Site Documentation Forms 1 and 2 (select the area of revision below)? GPS Information Stream Description Site Description Access/Travel Information Describe suggested revision: Water Samples and Replicates Time Sampled Sample ID Sample Depth (ft, m) Sample Depth Zone (e.g., epi, hyp, surface) Sample Type (reg, rep ,blank) Bottle Type (plastic, glass, syringe) # of Bottles or Syringes Bar Code Collection Location (explain any deviation from targeted sampling location): General Observations Time Obtained (24 hr) O Air Temperature: O Water Temperature (at sample location) O C F C O F Instrument Used: What is the weather condition on the day of sampling? Clear Partly Cloudy Overcast Hail Light Rain Occasional Rain Persistent Rain Snow or Sleet What was the weather for the 3 days prior to day of sampling? Generally Dry Occasional Rain/Snow Generally Wet Very Wet Lake Level Change (dist. from ref point): Observed Discharge Level (lake flow at outlet): Zero Change No Flow Change is +/-__________ Low Flow Normal Flow Units:________ High Flow Flood Additional Notes Lake Form 3 - V1.2 - March 2011 lake Sampling - Sample Record Form 4 USDA Forest Service National Protocols for Air Pollution Sensitive Waters Stream Name (Local): Date of Visit: Site Name: Site ID: Transparency Data Depth Disappeared__________ Secchi Disk Depth Measurements Clear to Bottom? Yes ft. No m Depth Reappeared__________ ft. m Notes: Depth/Temperature Profile Method:_____________________________________________ Index Location? Depth Instrument Make/Model:________________________________________________ No If No explain: Yes Temp DO Total Profile Depth_________ PH Cond Turb Depth 1 11 2 12 3 13 4 14 5 15 6 16 7 17 8 18 9 19 10 Temp DO PH ft Cond m Turb 20 O Profile Water Temp Units: O C DO units: F % mg/L Conductivity corrected to 25˚C: Yes No Turb = NTU On Site Water Data (optional) Time Obtained (24 hr) Parameter Value Equipment (make/model) Method/Reference (EPS/SM/USGS) uS/cm Conductivity 0 Corrected to 25 C? Yes No pH Turbidity ____________________NTU mg/l Dissolved Oxygen %DO Water Temperature O O C F Other Photo Log Photo ID/File Name Date Description of Photo Lake Form 4 - V1.2 March 2011